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The activity of crude NADH-nitrate reductase of cucumber leaveswas not linearly related to its concentration. The enzyme fractionand crude inhibitors could be roughly separated by saturationwith (NH42SO4. Inhibition of NR activity was not prevented bytreatment of crude inhibitors with insoluble PVP, BSA and PMSF,which is serinespecific protease inhibitor. However, the inhibitionwas reduced by increasing concentrations of NADH. Crude inhibitorsshowed NADH oxidation activities when measured with or withoutelectron acceptors. Crude enzyme preparation from cucumber leavescultured with nitrate could form nitrite when only NADH wasadded. Furthermore, NADH-oxidizing activities in crude inhibitorswere fractionated into one main and one minor activity whenassayed without an electron acceptor. DCIP accelerated onlythe main NADH oxidation activity. With NR, the minor activityproduced stronger inhibition than the main one. This stronginhibition of NR activity was found to be due to the acceleratedNADH oxidation by the association of enzyme with the minor-activityfraction. The results indicate that the NR activity in cucumberleaves may be regulated by the level of NADH, but the natureof the acceleration of NADH oxidation due to association isnot known. 1 Pressent address: Institute for Agricultural and BiologicalSciences, Okayama University, Kurashiki, Japan. Please addressrequest of riprints to H. M. 2 Present address: National Research Institute of Brewing, Kitaku,Tokyo, Japan. (Received November 9, 1978; )  相似文献   

In order to clarify the relationship between chill-induced disturbance in photosynthetic, respiratory electron transport and the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS), leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence quenching, respiration, and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were investigated in chloroplasts and mitochondria of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) leaves subjected to a chill (8 °C) for 4 d. Chilling decreased net photosynthetic rate (P N) and quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 (ΦPS2), but increased the ratio of ΦPS2 to the quantum efficiency of CO2 fixation (ΦCO2) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in cucumber leaves. While chilling inhibited the activity of cytochrome respiration pathway, it induced an increase of alternative respiration pathway activity and the reduction level of Q-pool. Chilling also significantly increased O2 production rate, H2O2 content, and SOD and APX activities in chloroplasts and mitochondria. There was a more significant increase in SOD and APX activities in chloroplasts than in mitochondria with the increase of membrane-bound Fe-SOD and tAPX in chloroplasts being more significant than other isoenzymes. Taken together, chilling inhibited P N and cytochrome respiratory pathway but enhanced the photosynthetic electron flux to O2 and over-reduction of respiratory electron transport chain, resulting in ROS accumulation in cucumber leaves. Meanwhile, chilling resulted in an enhancement of the protective mechanisms such as thermal dissipation, alternative respiratory pathway, and ROS-scavenging mechanisms (SODs and APXs) in chloroplasts and mitochondria.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of yeast invertase isoenzymes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Homogenates from yeast cells contain 1% or less of sedimentable invertase activity. Sedimentability is equally low in homogenates from cells repressed or derepressed with regard to invertase secretion. Intracellularly, the mannanprotein form of invertase is largely localized in vacuoles whereas the small isoenzyme is largely present in the soluble cell fraction. These findings indicate that vesicles are not involved in the secretion of invertase. A soluble mode of invertase secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied changes in biochemical and physiological status, level of oxidative damage, and antioxidant enzyme activities in detached leaves of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Pyunggangnaebyungsamchuk) that were exposed to a low temperature (4°C). Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) declined during the chilling treatment, but was slowly restored after the tissues were returned to 25°C. Likewise, the fluorescence quenching coefficient and relative water content decreased during the stress period, but then increased during recovery. In contrast, we detected a significant rise in protein and hydrogen peroxide contents in the chilled leaves, as well as higher activities for superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, peroxidase, and glutathione reductase. However, the level of catalase decreased not only during chilling but also after 24 h of recovery. These results indicate that exposure to low temperatures acts as an oxidative stress. Moreover, we propose that a regulating mechanism exists in the detached cucumber leaves and contains an antioxidant defense system that induces active oxygen species, thereby alleviating the effects of chilling stress within 12 h.  相似文献   

Leaves deep in canopies can suddenly be exposed to increased irradiances following e.g. gap formation in forests or pruning in crops. Studies on the acclimation of photosynthesis to increased irradiance have mainly focused on the changes in photosynthetic capacity (Amax), although actual irradiance often remains below saturating level. We investigated the effect of changes in irradiance on the photosynthesis irradiance response and on nitrogen allocation in fully grown leaves of Cucumis sativus. Leaves that fully developed under low (50 µmol m?2 s?1) or moderate (200 µmol m?2 s?1) irradiance were subsequently exposed to, respectively, moderate (LM‐leaves) or low (ML‐leaves) irradiance or kept at constant irradiance level (LL‐ and MM‐leaves). Acclimation of photosynthesis occurred within 7 days with final Amax highest in MM‐leaves, lowest in LL‐leaves and intermediate in ML‐ and LM‐leaves, whereas full acclimation of thylakoid processes underlying photosystem II (PSII) efficiency and non‐photochemical quenching occurred in ML‐ and LM‐leaves. Dark respiration correlated with irradiance level, but not with Amax. Light‐limited quantum efficiency was similar in all leaves. The increase in photosynthesis at moderate irradiance in LM‐leaves was primarily driven by nitrogen import, and nitrogen remained allocated in a similar ratio to Rubisco and bioenergetics, while allocation to light harvesting relatively decreased. A contrary response of nitrogen was associated with the decrease in photosynthesis in ML‐leaves. Net assimilation of LM‐leaves under moderate irradiance remained lower than in MM‐leaves, revealing the importance of photosynthetic acclimation during the leaf developmental phase for crop productivity in scenarios with realistic, moderate fluctuations in irradiance that leaves can be exposed to.  相似文献   

Summary Biuret assay, gel electrophoresis and immunochemistry were used to study concentrations, forms and activities of proteins of uredospores of Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici, in healthy wheat leaves, wheat leaves that had been inoculated with incompatible races of stem rust and leaves which had become rusted.The soluble proteins of primary leaves increased by 25–117% following infection by compatible races of stem rust. There was a corresponding decrease of proteins in uninfected younger leaves. Infection by an incompatible strain of rust led to a temporary 29% increase in soluble proteins.Immunoelectrophoresis and gel electrophoresis of infected leaves showed the presence in them of the forms of malate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, catalase and -amylase characteristic of the rust fungus. In the infected leaves, the activity of certain bands of host glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and catalase changed with the development of the pathogen; the malate dehydrogenase and -amylase of the host were unaffected. In leaves inoculated with an incompatible race there were no obvious changes of any of these enzymes.  相似文献   

The effect of powdery mildew ( Blumeria graminis ) infection of wheat leaves on solute transport and invertase activity of the host tissue has been examined. Sugars (glucose, sucrose, maltose) and amino acids (glutamine, histidine) were taken up by leaf pieces, and radioactivity was transferred to the fungal mycelium. Infection had a marked effect on sugar uptake, particularly for glucose which was taken up into infected tissue at considerably higher rates than into uninfected tissues. In contrast, amino acid uptake rates into infected tissues were lower when compared with those into uninfected tissue. The increase in glucose uptake could be correlated with a change in sugar transporter gene expression as a wheat homologue of the monosaccharide carrier AtSTP4 was shown to increase in infected tissue. Efflux analysis showed a higher leakage of preloaded glucose from infected leaves in comparison with uninfected tissue and transfer to the mycelium was greater for glucose than for the other solutes measured. All types of invertase, measured enzymatically, showed an increase in infected tissue, with the highest proportional increase observed for cell-wall invertase. A partial-length complementary DNA, TaINV2 , was isolated for a putative cell-wall invertase; expression studies indicated that levels for this or related sequences increased substantially 3 days after infection.  相似文献   

The introduction of nitrite ions into the bathing medium of broken spinach chloroplasts causes changes in the properties of these organelles which depend on the concentration of nitrite and the time of exposure. In the presence of 1 mM nitrite, there is an inhibition of the rate of oxygen evolution and an increase in fluorescence emission which suggests a site for nitrite inhibition between the two photosystems. When 5 mM nitrite is present for times longer than 10 minutes, there is a decrease in the PS2 partial reaction rate as indicated by the oxygen burst, an increase in the PS1 partial reaction rate, a decrease in fluorescence emission and an increase in the fluorescence emitted at 729 nm compared with that at 693 nm observed at – 176°C. These changes are consistent with an increase in the proportion of absorbed light energy reaching PS1 caused by prolonged exposure to a sufficient concentration of nitrite ions in the light.  相似文献   

Leaf tissue from Ricinus communis possesses cell wall and soluble invertases. These activities may be distinguished on the basis of their optimum pH and Km and the action of various inhibitors. Ca 84% of the soluble invertase was found in vacuolar preparations.  相似文献   

We studied the guaiacol peroxidase activity, isoenzyme pattern and metal content in the needles of 2-year-old spruce grown on soils supplemented with cadmium concentrations from 1 to 21 mg kg(-1). Following exposure to cadmium, an initial increase and subsequent decrease in the activity of the soluble fraction was observed. A parallel change of their isoenzyme pattern occurred. An increase of the cell wall-bound peroxidase activity under prolonged metal treatment was evident. The results obtained show that peroxidase activity and isoenzyme pattern could be used to evaluate the capacity of one part of the defense system in spruce seedlings to withstand metal stress.  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies on the processes involved in photosynthetic acclimation after a sudden change in light regime are scarce, particularly for trees. We tested (i) the ability of photosynthetic acclimation in the foliage of walnut trees growing outdoors after low‐to‐high and high‐to‐low light transfers made early or late in the vegetation cycle, and (ii) the relative importance of changes in total leaf nitrogen versus changes in the partitioning of leaf nitrogen between the different photosynthetic functions during a 2 month period after transfer. Changes in maximum carboxylation rate, light‐saturated electron transport rate, respiration rate, total leaf nitrogen, ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and total chlorophylls were surveyed before and after the change in light regime. Respiration rate acclimated fully within 1 week of transfer, and full acclimation was observed 1 month after transfer for the amount of Rubisco. In contrast, total nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity acclimated only partially during the 2 month period. Changes in photosynthetic capacity were driven by changes in both total leaf nitrogen and leaf nitrogen partitioning. The extent of acclimation also depended strongly on leaf age at the time of the change in light regime.  相似文献   

Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were inoculated with either one of the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton or Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch, and grown for 16 weeks in a growth chamber along with non-ECM controls. Five enzymes involved with the assimilation of nitrogen or the synthesis of amino acids were measured in the 3 jack pine root systems as well as in the pure fungal cultures. Pisolithus tinctorius in pure culture had no detectable activity of nitrate reductase (NR. EC, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH. EC, glutamate decarboxylase (GDCO. EC or glutamate oxoglutarate aminotransferase (GOGAT, EC but did have some glutamine synthetase (GS, EC activity. Laccaria bicolor in pure culture had no NR activity, small levels of GDCO activity, and high GS, GDH and GOGAT activity. The high levels of enzymatic activity present in L. bicolor indicate that it may play a greater role in the nitrogen metabolism of its host plant than P. tinctorius. ECM infection clearly altered the enzymatic activity in jack pine roots but the nature of these changes depended on the fungal associate. Non-ECM root systems had higher specific activities than ECM root systems for NR, GS, GDH and GDCO but GOGAT activites were the same for both the ECM and non-ECM roots. Root systems infected with L. bicolor had significantly greater NR and GDCO activity than those infected with P. tinctorius. Differences in the GS activity of the two fungi in pure culture corresponded to the GS activity of jack pine roots in symbiotic association with these fungi. While the free amino acid profiles in roots were significantly affected by ECM infection, the profile of free amino acids exported to the stem was the same for all treatments. High asparagine and low glutamine in roots infected with P. tinctorius indicates that asparagine synthetase (EC x.x.x.x) activity should be higher within this symbiotic association than in the L. bicolor association or in the non-mycorrhizal roots.  相似文献   

The effects of Cu, Cd, and Pb toxicity on photosynthesis in cucumber leaves (Cucumis sativus L.) were studied by the measurements of gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters, and Chl content. Concentrations of metals in sequence of 20 μM Cu, 20 and 50 μM Cd, and 1 000 μM Pb decreased the plant dry mass to 50–60 % after 10 d of treatment whereas 50 μM of Cu decreased it to 30 %. The content of Cd in leaves of plants treated with 50 μM Cd was three times higher than the contents of Cu and Pb after plant treatment with 50 μM Cu or 1 000 μM Pb. Hence Cd was transported to leaves much better than Cu and Pb. Nevertheless, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance in leaves treated with 50 μM Cu or Cd were similarly reduced. Thus, Cu was more toxic than Cd and Pb for photosynthesis in cucumber leaves. None of the investigated metals decreased internal CO2 concentrations. Also the effect of metals on potential efficiency of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm) was negligible. The metal dependent reduction of PS2 quantum efficiency (ΦPS2) after plant adaptation in actinic irradiation was more noticeable. This could imply that reduced demand for ATP and NADPH in a dark phase of photosynthesis caused a down-regulation of PS2 photochemistry. Furthermore, in leaves of metal-treated plants the decrease in water percentage as well as lower contents of Chl and Fe were observed. Thus photosynthesis is not the main limiting factor for cucumber growth under Cu, Cd, or Pb stress.  相似文献   

The effects of Cu, Cd, and Pb toxicity on photosynthesis in cucumber leaves (Cucumis sativus L.) were studied by the measurements of gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters, and Chl content. Concentrations of metals in sequence of 20 M Cu, 20 and 50 M Cd, and 1 000 M Pb decreased the plant dry mass to 50–60 % after 10 d of treatment whereas 50 M of Cu decreased it to 30 %. The content of Cd in leaves of plants treated with 50 M Cd was three times higher than the contents of Cu and Pb after plant treatment with 50 M Cu or 1 000 M Pb. Hence Cd was transported to leaves much better than Cu and Pb. Nevertheless, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance in leaves treated with 50 M Cu or Cd were similarly reduced. Thus, Cu was more toxic than Cd and Pb for photosynthesis in cucumber leaves. None of the investigated metals decreased internal CO2 concentrations. Also the effect of metals on potential efficiency of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm) was negligible. The metal dependent reduction of PS2 quantum efficiency (PS2) after plant adaptation in actinic irradiation was more noticeable. This could imply that reduced demand for ATP and NADPH in a dark phase of photosynthesis caused a down-regulation of PS2 photochemistry. Furthermore, in leaves of metal-treated plants the decrease in water percentage as well as lower contents of Chl and Fe were observed. Thus photosynthesis is not the main limiting factor for cucumber growth under Cu, Cd, or Pb stress.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

The intracellular invertase ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae is mainly found in a soluble form (91–95%), while only minor amounts are found bound to the internal (4–8%) and plasma membranes (less than 1%). In the processes of derepression or repression, inhibition of RNA or protein synthesis, or in the presence of 2-deoxy-d-glucose, the levels of the membrane-bound and external activities are modified in a way in which their relation is clear, while the soluble enzyme does not change at all. These results, together with the fact that the membrane-bound and the external enzymes are glycoproteins, suggest a precursor-product relationship between the enzymic forms.  相似文献   

Seeds of Hibiscus esculentum were analyzed for growth, in terms of fresh and dry weights, cell size, water content, reducing and non-reducing sugars and acid invertase activity. On the basis of growth analysis seed development is divided into four distinct phases of a) cell division, d) cell elongation, c) dry matter accumulation and, d) maturation. A close parallel with water content and cell size was observed. A peak level of reducing sugars was observed during the rapid elongation growth. The role of invertase in hydrolyzing sugars and its regulation of sink development is discussed.  相似文献   

Repressed cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, subjected to inhibition of both RNA and protein synthesis, showed a pattern of membrane-bound and cytosol acid phosphatase to the external enzyme which seemed to be linked through a precursor-product relationship.Gel exclusion chromatography did not indicate clear differences between the isoenzymes. Moreover, centrifugation experiments in CsCl and precipitation with concanavalin A suggested that there were no acid phosphatase molecules devoid of carbohydrate. Membrane-bound invertase displayed a molecular weight and a carbohydrate to protein ratio smaller than those of the exocellular enzyme. The values of molecular weight and buoyant density of the membrane-bound enzyme were closer to those found for the cytosol invertase. The stability of the level of the soluble invertase detected in the cytoplasm under derepression conditions, or after RNA or protein synthesis inhibition was found to be only apparent and represented the result of an equilibrium between synthesis and degradation.  相似文献   

Under the influence of 1 hour myocardial ischemia activity of rabbit heart mitochondrial isoenzyme AK2 increased by 40%, but the activity of matrix isoenzyme AK3 decreased by 77%. No changes were found both in total adenylate kinase activity, and cytosolic isoenzyme AK1. The reasons of these alterations are not sufficiently clear. Apparently, they are related with functioning conditions of these isoenzymes in ischemic tissue.  相似文献   

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