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In maximally activated skinned fibers, the rate of tension redevelopment (ktr) following a rapid release and restretch is determined by the maximal rate of cross-bridge cycling. During submaximal Ca2+ activations, however, ktr regulation varies with thin filament dynamics. Thus, decreasing the rate of Ca2+ dissociation from TnC produces a higher ktr value at a given tension level (P), especially in the [Ca2+] range that yields less than 50% of maximal tension (Po). In this study, native rabbit TnC was replaced with chicken recombinant TnC, either wild-type (rTnC) or mutant (NHdel), with decreased Ca2+ affinity and an increased Ca2+ dissociation rate (koff). Despite marked differences in Ca2+ sensitivity (>0.5 DeltapCa50), fibers reconstituted with either of the recombinant proteins exhibited similar ktr versus tension profiles, with ktr low (1-2 s-1) and constant up to approximately 50% Po, then rising sharply to a maximum (16 +/- 0.8 s-1) in fully activated fibers. This behavior is predicted by a four-state model based on coupling between cross-bridge cycling and thin filament regulation, where Ca2+ directly affects only individual thin filament regulatory units. These data and model simulations confirm that the range of ktr values obtained with varying Ca2+ can be regulated by a rate-limiting thin filament process.  相似文献   

Previous studies on skinned muscle fibers have demonstrated a direct effect of elevated levels of H+ ion to depress force production; however, the molecular basis for this effect is presently unknown. Here, whole troponin complexes were removed from skinned single fiber preparations of rat slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles, and the effect of H+ ions on the resultant Ca2+-insensitive force was examined. The effect of H+ ions to depress force was found to be virtually identical in untreated control fibers activated in the presence of Ca2+ and in fibers activated in the absence of Ca2+ by troponin removal. Thus, the effect of H+ ions to depress force occurs at a step in activation beyond the disinhibition of the thin filament by Ca2+, probably involving reductions in the number of attached cross-bridges or in the force per attachment.  相似文献   

Chemically skinned anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) preparations were prepared by treatment with the nonionic detergents saponin and Triton X-100. Both maximum peak tension and rate of contraction were found to be greater in saponin-treated ABRM than in ABRM treated with Triton X-100. Active tension was initiated at a concentration of free Ca2+ above 0.1 microM, and maximum tension development was found at a [Ca2+] = approximately 32 microM. During exposure of the muscle preparation to optimal Ca2+ concentration, a high and almost constant tension level was sustained. The force recovery was high after a quick release during this period indicating the presence of an "active" state rather than a "catch" state. Actually, a state equivalent to the catch state in the living ABRM could not be induced, if the Ca2+ concentration was above 0.1 microM. Variations in the ionic strength in the range of 0.07--0.28 M had no influence on active state and only slightly affected the maximum tension developed. The influence of Mg2+ on the Ca2+-activated tension was examined by studying the tension-pCa relation at two concentrations of free Mg2+ (0.43 and 4.0 mM). The tension-pCa relation was found to be S-shaped with tension increasing steeply over approximately 1 pCa unit, indicating the existence of cooperativity between Ca2+ sites. Increasing the free concentration of Mg2+ shifted the tension-pCa relation to lower pCa as in striated muscles, demonstrating a decreasing Ca2+ sensitivity with increasing Mg2+. At [Mg2+] = 4.0 mM the half-maximum tension was found at [Ca2+] = 0.43 microM, decreasing to 0.20 microM at [Mg2+] = 0.43 mM. At both Mg2+ concentrations studied, plots of log Prel/(1--Prel) vs. log [Ca2+] were nonlinear with a shape indicating a rather complicated model for cooperativity, probably involving four sites for Ca2+. These Ca2+--Mg2+ interactions are most probably taking place at the myosin head itself because troponin is absent in this myosin-regulated muscle.  相似文献   

The influence of Ca2+ on isometric force kinetics was studied in skinned rat ventricular trabeculae by measuring the kinetics of force redevelopment after a transient decrease in force. Two protocols were employed to rapidly detach cycling myosin cross-bridges: a large-amplitude muscle length ramp followed by a restretch back to the original length or a 4% segment length step. During the recovery of force, the length of the central region of the muscle was controlled by using a segment marker technique and software feedback control. Tension redevelopment was fit by a rising exponential governed by the rate constant ktr for the ramp/restretch protocol and kstep for the step protocol. ktr and kstep averaged 7.06 s-1 and 15.7 s-1, respectively, at 15 degrees C; neither ktr nor kstep increased with the level of Ca2+ activation. Similar results were found at submaximum Ca2+ levels when sarcomere length control by laser diffraction was used. The lack of activation dependence of ktr contrasts with results from fast skeletal fibers, in which ktr varies 10-fold from low to high activation levels, and suggests that Ca2+ does not modulate the kinetics of cross-bridge attachment or detachment in mammalian cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

Changes in [Mg2+] in a millimolar range have a significant inverse effect on the Ca2+- (or Sr2+)activated tension generation of skeletal muscle fibers. Single frog (Rana pipiens) semitendinosus muscle fibers were "skinned" (sarcolemma removed) and contracted isometrically in bathing solutions of varying [Ca2+] or [Sr2+] and [Mg2+] but a constant pH, [MgATP2-], [K+], [CP2-], [CPK], and ionic strength. Ca2+- (or Sr2+- )activated steady-state tensions were recorded for three [Mg2+]'s: 5 X 10(-5)M, 1 X 10(-3) M, and 2 X 10(-3) M; and these tensions were expressed as the percentages of maximum tension generation of the fibers for the same [Mg2+]. Maximum tension was not affected by [Mg2+] within Ca2+-activating or Sr2+-activating sets of solutions; however, the submaximum Ca2+-(or Sr2+)activated tension is strongly affected in an inverse fashion by increasing [Mg2+]. Mg2+ behaves as a competitive inhibitor of Ca2+ and also affects the degree of cooperativity in the system. At [Mg2+] = 5 X 10(-5)M the shape of tension versus [Ca2+] (or [Sr2+]) curve showed evidence of cooperativity of Ca2+ (or Sr2+) binding or activation of the contractile system. As [Mg2+] increased, the apparent affinity for Ca2+ or Sr2+ and cooperativity of the contractile system declined. The effect on cooperativity suggests that as [Mg2+] decreases a threshold for Ca2+ activation appears.  相似文献   

Both ADP production and tension have been measured in segments of chemically skinned fibers contracting at different Ca2+ concentrations. Full mechanical activation occurred between pCa 7.00 and pCa 6.50. The total ATPase was due to both actomyosin and non-actomyosin ATPase. Actomyosin ATPase was observed at pCa 7.09 without accompanying tension. The Ca2+ dependence of tension was steeper than actomyosin ATPase. This finding implies some rate constants of the mechano-chemical cycle are Ca2+ dependent. Non-actomyosin ATPase was measured in fibers stretched beyond overlap of the thick and thin filaments. Sarcoplasmic reticulum was isolated and sarcoplasmic reticulum activity was measured in vitro under the same conditions as the single-fiber experiments. Non-actomyosin ATPase in the single fibers was found to be small compared to maximally activated actomyosin ATPase but larger than the ATPase that could be attributed to sarcoplasmic reticulum activity.  相似文献   

Isometric force and 45Ca efflux from the sarcoplasmic reticulum were measured at 19 degrees C in frog skeletal muscle fibers skinned by microdissection. After Ca2+ loading, application of the ionophores monensin, an Na+(K+)/H+ exchanger, or gramicidin D, an H+ greater than K+ greater than Na+ channel-former, evoked rapid force development and stimulated release of approximately 30% of the accumulated 45Ca within 1 min, whereas CCCP (carbonyl cyanide pyruvate p-trichloromethoxyphenylhydrazone), a protonophore, and valinomycin, a neutral, K+-specific ionophore, did not. When monensin was present in all bathing solutions, i.e., before and during Ca2+ loading, subsequent application failed to elicit force development and to stimulate 45Ca efflux. 5 min pretreatment of the skinned fibers with 50 microM digitoxin, a permeant glycoside that specifically inhibits the Na+,K+ pump, inhibited monensin and gramicidin D stimulation of 45Ca efflux; similar pretreatment with 100 microM ouabain, an impermeant glycoside, was ineffective. Monensin stimulation of 45Ca efflux was abolished by brief pretreatment with 5 mM EGTA, which chelates myofilament-space calcium. These results suggest that: monensin and gramicidin D stimulate Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum that is mediated by depolarization of the transverse tubules, which seal off after sarcolemma removal and form closed compartments; a transverse tubule membrane potential (myofilament space-negative) is maintained and/or established by the operation of the Na+,K+ pump in the transverse tubule membranes and is sensitive to the permeant inhibitor digitoxin; the transverse tubule-mediated stimulation of 45Ca efflux appears to be entirely Ca2+ dependent.  相似文献   

The correlation of acto-myosin ATPase rate with tension redevelopment kinetics (k(tr)) was determined during Ca(+2)-activated contractions of demembranated rabbit psoas muscle fibers; the ATPase rate was either increased or decreased relative to control by substitution of ATP (5.0 mM) with 2-deoxy-ATP (dATP) (5.0 mM) or by lowering [ATP] to 0.5 mM, respectively. The activation dependence of k(tr) and unloaded shortening velocity (Vu) was measured with each substrate. With 5.0 mM ATP, Vu depended linearly on tension (P), whereas k(tr) exhibited a nonlinear dependence on P, being relatively independent of P at submaximum levels and rising steeply at P > 0.6-0.7 of maximum tension (Po). With dATP, Vu was 25% greater than control at Po and was elevated at all P > 0.15Po, whereas Po was unchanged. Furthermore, the Ca(+2) sensitivity of both k(tr) and P increased, such that the dependence of k(tr) on P was not significantly different from control, despite an elevation of Vu and maximal k(tr). In contrast, lowering [ATP] caused a slight (8%) elevation of Po, no change in the Ca(+2) sensitivity of P, and a decrease in Vu at all P. Moreover, k(tr) was decreased relative to control at P > 0.75Po, but was elevated at P < 0.75Po. These data demonstrate that the cross-bridge cycling rate dominates k(tr) at maximum but not submaximum levels of Ca(2+) activation.  相似文献   

The action of ryanodine upon sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ handling is controversial with evidence for both activation and inhibition of SR Ca2+ release. In this study, the role of the intraluminal SR Ca2+ load was probed as a potential regulator of ryanodine-mediated effects upon SR Ca2+ release. Through dual-wavelength spectroscopy of Ca2+:antipyrylazo III difference absorbance, the intraluminal Ca2+ dependence of ryanodine and Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from skeletal SR vesicles was examined. Ryanodine addition after initiation of Ca2+ uptake (a) increased the intraluminal Ca2+ sensitivity of CICR and (b) stimulated spontaneous Ca2+ release with a delayed onset. These ryanodine effects were inversely proportional to the intraluminal Ca2+ load. Ryanodine also inhibited subsequent CICR after reaccumulation of Ca2+ released from the initial CICR. These results provide evidence that ryanodine inhibits transitions between low and high affinity Ca2+ binding states of an intraluminal Ca2+ compartment, possibly calsequestrin. Conformational transitions of calsequestrin may be reciprocally coupled to transitions between open and closed states of the Ca2+ release channel.  相似文献   

Chemically skinned fibers from guinea pig taenia caecum were prepared by saponin treatment to study the smooth muscle contractile system in a state as close to the living state as posible. The skinned fibers showed tension development with an increase of Ca2+ in the solution, the threshold tension occurring as 5 X 10(-7) M Ca2+. The maximal tension induced with 10(-4) M Ca2+ was as large and rapid as the potassium-induced contracture in the intact fibers. The slope of the pCa tension curve was less steep than that of skeletal muscle fibers and shifted in the direction of lower pCa with an increase of MgATP. The presence of greater than 1 mM Mg2+ was required for Ca2+-induced contraction in the skinned fibers as well as for the activation of ATPase and superprecipitation in smooth muscle myosin B. Mg2+ above 2 mM caused a slow tension development by itself in the absence of Ca2+. Such a Mg2+-induced tension showed a linear relation to concentrations up to 8 mM in the presence of MgATP. Increase of MgATP concentration revealed a monophasic response without inhibition of Ca2+-induced tension development, unlike the biphasic response in striated muscle. When MgATP was removed from the relaxing solution, the tension developed slowly and slightly, even though the Mg2+ concentrations was fixed at 2 mM. These results suggest a substantial difference in the mode of actin-myosin interaction between smooth and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Calpain treatment of rabbit skinned muscle fibers resulted in proteolysis of junctional foot protein or Ca2+ release channel of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Electrophoretic and immunoblot analyses indicate that calpain cleaves off approximately 130 kDa peptide from the N-terminus. After such treatment, Ca2+ capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum remained normal and both Ca2+ and adenine nucleotide dependence of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release mechanism were retained. However, the Ca2+-activated Ca2+ release rate was increased by two fold after the proteolysis. The results suggest the presence of functional domains in the junctional foot protein, and the N-terminus domain controls the activity of the Ca2+ channel without changing Ca2+ and nucleotide sensitivities.  相似文献   

This study presents evidence for a close relationship betweenthe oxidation state of the skeletal muscleCa2+ release channel (RyR1) andits ability to bind calmodulin (CaM). CaM enhances the activity of RyR1in low Ca2+ and inhibits itsactivity in high Ca2+. Oxidation,which activates the channel, blocks the binding of 125I-labeled CaM at bothmicromolar and nanomolar Ca2+concentrations. Conversely, bound CaM slows oxidation-induced cross-linking between subunits of the RyR1 tetramer. Alkylation ofhyperreactive sulfhydryls (<3% of the total sulfhydryls) on RyR1with N-ethylmaleimide completelyblocks oxidant-induced intersubunit cross-linking and inhibitsCa2+-free125I-CaM but notCa2+/125I-CaMbinding. These studies suggest that1) the sites on RyR1 for bindingapocalmodulin have features distinct from those of theCa2+/CaM site,2) oxidation may alter the activityof RyR1 in part by altering its interaction with CaM, and3) CaM may protect RyR1 fromoxidative modifications during periods of oxidative stress.


The study of Ca2+ sparks has led to extensive new information regarding the gating of the Ca2+ release channels underlying these events in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle cells, as well as the possible roles of these local Ca2+ release events in muscle function. Here we review basic procedures for studying Ca2+sparks in skeletal muscle, primarily from frog, as well as the basic results concerning the properties of these events, their pattern and frequency of occurrence during fiber depolarization and the mechanisms underlying their termination. Finally, we also consider the contribution of different ryanodine receptor (RyR) isoforms to Ca2+ sparks and the number of RyR Ca2+ release channels that may contribute to the generation of a Ca2+ spark. Over the decade since their discovery, Ca2+ sparks have provided a wealth of information concerning the function of Ca2+ release channels within their intracellular environment.  相似文献   

Binding of Ca2+ to the troponin C (TnC) subunit of troponin is necessary for tension development in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Tension was measured in skinned fibers from rabbit skeletal muscle at various [Ca2+] before and after partial substitution of skeletal TnC with cardiac TnC. Following substitution, the tension-pCa relationship was altered in a manner consistent with the differences in the number of low-affinity Ca2+-binding sites on the two types of TnC and their affinities for Ca2+. The alterations in the tension-pCa relationship were for the most part reversed by reextraction of cardiac TnC and readdition of skeletal TnC into the fiber segments. These findings indicate that the type of TnC present plays an important role in determining the Ca2+ dependence of tension development in striated muscle.  相似文献   

Ca2+ dependence of stimulated 45Ca efflux in skinned muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Stimulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca release by Mg reduction of caffeine was studied in situ, to characterize further the Ca2+ dependence observed previously with stimulation by Cl ion. 45Ca efflux and isometric force were measured simultaneously at 19 degrees C in frog skeletal muscle fibers skinned by microdissection; EGTA was added to chelate myofilament space Ca either before or after the stimulus. Both Mg2+ reduction (20 or 110 microM to 4 microM) and caffeine (5 mM) induced large force responses and 45Ca release, which were inhibited by pretreatment with 5 mM EGTA. In the case of Mg reduction, residual efflux stimulation was undetectable, and 45Ca efflux in EGTA at 4 microM Mg2+ was not significantly increased. Residual caffeine stimulation at 20 microM Mg2+ was substantial and was reduced further in increased EGTA (10 mM); at 600 microM Mg2+, residual stimulation in 5 mM EGTA was undetectable. Caffeine appears to initiate a small Ca2+-insensitive efflux that produces a large Ca2+-dependent efflux. Additional experiments suggested that caffeine also inhibited influx. The results suggest that stimulated efflux is mediated mainly or entirely by a channel controlled by an intrinsic Ca2+ receptor, which responds to local [Ca2+] in or near the channel. Receptor affinity for Ca2+ probably is influenced by Mg2+, but inhibition is weak unless local [Ca2+] is very low.  相似文献   

The effects of Pi onsarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ regulation were studied inmechanically skinned rat skeletal muscle fibers. Brief application ofcaffeine was used to assess the SR Ca2+ content, andchanges in concentration of Ca2+([Ca2+]) within the cytosol were detected withfura 2 fluorescence. Introduction of Pi (1-40 mM)induced a concentration-dependent Ca2+ efflux from the SR.In solutions lacking creatine phosphate (CP), the amplitude of thePi-induced Ca2+ transient approximatelydoubled. A similar potentiation of Pi-induced Ca2+ release occurred after inhibition of creatine kinase(CK) with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene. In the presence of ruthenium red or ryanodine, caffeine-induced Ca2+ release was almostabolished, whereas Pi-induced Ca2+ release wasunaffected. However, introduction of the SR Ca2+ ATPaseinhibitor cyclopiazonic acid effectively abolishedPi-induced Ca2+ release. These data suggestthat Pi induces Ca2+ release from the SR byreversal of the SR Ca2+ pump but not via the SRCa2+ channel under these conditions. If this occurs inintact skeletal muscle during fatigue, activation of a Ca2+efflux pathway by Pi may contribute to the reporteddecrease in net Ca2+ uptake and increase in resting[Ca2+].


C-protein, a substantial component of muscle thick filaments, has been postulated to have various functions, based mainly on results from biochemical studies. In the present study, effects on Ca(2+)-activated tension due to partial removal of C-protein were investigated in skinned single myocytes from rat ventricle and rabbit psoas muscle. Isometric tension was measured at pCa values of 7.0 to 4.5: (a) in untreated myocytes, (b) in the same myocytes after partial extraction of C-protein, and (c) in some myocytes, after readdition of C-protein. The solution for extracting C-protein contained 10 mM EDTA, 31 mM Na2HPO2, 124 mM NaH2PO4, pH 5.9 (Offer et al., 1973; Hartzell and Glass, 1984). In addition, the extracting solution contained 0.2 mg/ml troponin and, for skeletal muscle, 0.2 mg/ml myosin light chain-2 in order to minimize loss of these proteins during the extraction procedure. Between 60 and 70% of endogenous C-protein was extracted from cardiac myocytes by a 1-h soak in extracting solution at 20-23 degrees C; a similar amount was extracted from psoas fibers during a 3-h soak at 25 degrees C. For both cardiac myocytes and skeletal muscle fibers, partial extraction of C-protein resulted in increased active tension at submaximal concentrations of Ca2+, but had little effect upon maximum tension. C-protein extraction also reduced the slope of the tension-pCa relationships, suggesting that the cooperativity of Ca2+ activation of tension was decreased. Readdition of C-protein to previously extracted myocytes resulted in recovery of both tension and slope to near their control values. The effects on tension did not appear to be due to disruption of cooperative activation of the thin filament, since C-protein extraction from cardiac myocytes that were 40-60% troponin-C (TnC) deficient produced effects similar to those observed in cells that were TnC replete. Measurements of the tension-pCa relationship in skeletal muscle fibers were also made at a sarcomere length of 3.5 microns which, because of the distribution of C-protein on the thick filament, should eliminate any interaction between C-protein and actin. The effects of C-protein extraction were similar at long and short sarcomere lengths. These data are consistent with a model in which C-protein modulates the range of movement of myosin, such that the probability of myosin binding to actin is increased after its extraction.  相似文献   

Ca2+ sparks are localized intracellular Ca2+ release events from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells that result from synchronized opening of ryanodine receptors (RyR). In mammalian skeletal muscle, RyR1 is the predominant isoform present in adult skeletal fibers, while some RyR3 is expressed during development. Functional studies have revealed a differential role for RyR1 and RyR3 in the overall Ca2+ signaling in skeletal muscle, but the contribution of these two isoforms to Ca2+ sparks in adult mammalian skeletal muscle has not been fully examined. When enzyme-disassociated, individual adult skeletal muscle fibers are exposed to an osmotic shock, the resting fiber converts from a quiescent to a highly active Ca2+ release state where Ca2+ sparks appear proximal to the sarcolemmal membrane. These osmotic shock-induced Ca2+ sparks occur in ryr3(-/-) muscle with a spatial distribution similar to that seen in wild type muscle. Kinetic analysis reveals that systemic ablation of RyR3 results in significant changes to the initiation, duration and amplitude of individual Ca2+ sparks in muscle fibers. These changes may reflect the adaptation of the muscle Ca2+ signaling or contractile machinery due to the loss of RyR3 expression in distal tissues, as biochemical assays identify significant changes in expression of myosin heavy chain protein in ryr3(-/-) muscle.  相似文献   

Fiber isometric tension redevelopment rate (kTR) was measured during submaximal and maximal activations in glycerinated fibers from rabbit psoas muscle. In fibers either containing endogenous skeletal troponin C (sTnC) or reconstituted with either purified cardiac troponin C (cTnC) or sTnC, graded activation was achieved by varying [Ca2+]. Some fibers were first partially, then fully, reconstituted with a modified form of cTnC (aTnC) that enables active force generation and shortening in the absence of Ca2+. kTR was derived from the half-time of tension redevelopment. In control fibers with endogenous sTnC, kTR increased nonlinearly with [Ca2+], and maximal kTR was 15.3 +/- 3.6 s-1 (mean +/- SD; n = 26 determinations on 25 fibers) at pCa 4.0. During submaximal activations by Ca2+, kTR in cTnC reconstituted fibers was approximately threefold faster than control, despite the lower (60%) maximum Ca(2+)-activated force after reconstitution. To obtain submaximal force with aTnC, eight fibers were treated to fully extract endogenous sTnC, then reconstituted with a mixture of a TnC and cTnC (aTnC:cTnC molar ratio 1:8.5). A second extraction selectively removed cTnC. In such fibers containing aTnC only, neither force nor kTR was affected by changes in [Ca2+]. Force was 22 +/- 7% of maximum control (mean +/- SD; n = 15) at pCa 9.2 vs. 24 +/- 8% (mean +/- SD; n = 8) at pCa 4.0, whereas kTR was 98 +/- 14% of maximum control (mean +/- SD; n = 15) at pCa 9.2 vs. 96 +/- 15% (mean +/- SD; n = 8) at pCa 4.0.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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