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We investigated the evolution of transmembrane (TM) topology by detecting partial sequence repeats in TM protein sequences and analyzing them in detail. A total of 377 sequences that seem to have evolved by internal gene duplication events were found among 38,124 predicted TM protein sequences (except for single-spannings) from 87 prokaryotic genomes. Various types of internal duplication patterns were identified in these sequences. The majority of them are diploid-type (including quasi-diploid-type) duplication in which a primordial protein sequence was duplicated internally to become an extant TM protein with twice as many TM segments as the primordial one, and the remaining ones are partial duplications including triploid-type. The diploid-type repeats are recognized in many 8-tms, 10-tms and 12-tms TM protein sequences, suggesting the diploid-type duplication was a principle mechanism in the evolutionary development of these types of TM proteins. The "positive-inside" rule is satisfied in whole sequences of both 10-tms and 8-tms TM proteins and in both halves of 10-tms proteins while not necessarily in the second half of 8-tms proteins, providing fit examples of "internal divergent topology evolution" likely occurred after a diploid-type internal duplication event. From analyzing the partial duplication patterns, several evolutionary pathways were recognized for 6-tms TM proteins, i.e. from primordial 2-tms, 3-tms and 4-tms TM proteins to extant 6-tms proteins. Similarly, the duplication pattern analysis revealed plausible evolution scenarios that 7-tms TM proteins have arisen from 3-tms, 4-tms and 5-tms TM protein precursors via partial internal gene duplications.  相似文献   

Limited experimental data may be very useful to discriminate between membrane topology models of membrane proteins derived from different methods. A membrane topology screening method is proposed by which the cellular disposition of three positions in a membrane protein are determined, the N- and the C-termini and a position in the middle of the protein. The method involves amplification of the encoding genes or gene fragments by PCR, rapid cloning in dedicated vectors by ligation independent cloning, and determination of the cellular disposition of the three sites using conventional techniques. The N-terminus was determined by labeling with a fluorescent probe, the central position and the C-terminus by the reporter fusion technique using alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) and green fluorescence protein (GFP) as reporters. The method was evaluated using 16 transporter proteins of known function from four different structural classes. For 13 proteins a complete set of three localizations was obtained. The experimental data was used to discriminate between membrane topology models predicted by TMHMM, a widely used predictor using the amino acid sequence as input and by MemGen that uses hydropathy profile alignment and known 3D structures or existing models. It follows that in those cases where the models from the two methods were similar, the models were consistent with the experimental data. In those cases where the models differed, the MemGen model agreed with the experimental data. Three more recent predictors, MEMSAT3, OCTOPUS and TOPCONS showed a significantly higher consistency with the experimental data than observed with TMHMM.  相似文献   

Strategies for prokaryotic expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
High-level heterologous expression of integral membrane proteins at full-length is a useful tool for their structural and functional characterization. Here, systems that have previously been used for efficient bacterial expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins are reviewed and novel vectors consisting of a modular fusion moiety based on nuclease A from Staphylococcus aureus are presented.  相似文献   

Most plant phylogenetic inference has used DNA sequence data from the plastid genome. This genome represents a single genealogical sample with no recombination among genes, potentially limiting the resolution of evolutionary relationships in some contexts. In contrast, nuclear DNA is inherently more difficult to employ for phylogeny reconstruction because major mutational events in the genome, including polyploidization, gene duplication, and gene extinction can result in homologous gene copies that are difficult to identify as orthologs or paralogs. Gene tree parsimony (GTP) can be used to infer the rooted species tree by fitting gene genealogies to species trees while simultaneously minimizing the estimated number of duplications needed to reconcile conflicts among them. Here, we use GTP for five nuclear gene families and a previously published plastid data set to reconstruct the phylogenetic backbone of the aquatic plant family Pontederiaceae. Plastid-based phylogenetic studies strongly supported extensive paraphyly of Eichhornia (one of the four major genera) but also depicted considerable ambiguity concerning the true root placement for the family. Our results indicate that species trees inferred from the nuclear genes (alone and in combination with the plastid data) are highly congruent with gene trees inferred from plastid data alone. Consideration of optimal and suboptimal gene tree reconciliations place the root of the family at (or near) a branch leading to the rare and locally restricted E. meyeri. We also explore methods to incorporate uncertainty in individual gene trees during reconciliation by considering their individual bootstrap profiles and relate inferred excesses of gene duplication events on individual branches to whole-genome duplication events inferred for the same branches. Our study improves understanding of the phylogenetic history of Pontederiaceae and also demonstrates the utility of GTP for phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

Little is known about the quality control of proteins upon integration in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. Here, we demonstrate that YidC and FtsH are adjacent to a nascent, truncated membrane protein using in vitro photo cross-linking. YidC plays a critical but poorly understood role in the biogenesis of E. coli inner membrane proteins (IMPs). FtsH functions as a membrane chaperone and protease. Furthermore, we show that FtsH and its modulator proteins HflK and HflC copurify with tagged YidC and, vice versa, that YidC copurifies with tagged FtsH. These results suggest that FtsH and YidC have a linked role in the quality control of IMPs.  相似文献   

Evolution of the MIP family of integral membrane transport proteins   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Six integral membrane proteins of bacterial, animal, and plant origin, which are believed to function in solute transport, share sequence identity and are grouped together as members of the MIP family. These include the Escherichia coli glycerol facilitator, the major intrinsic protein from bovine lens fibre junction membranes, a plant tonoplast membrane protein, a soybean protein from the peribacteroid membrane, and a Drosophila neurogenic protein. These proteins, each of which appears to consist of six transmembrane helical segments per subunit, apparently arose by internal duplication of a three-transmembrane segment. Phylogenetic‘trees’interrelating these proteins and segments are presented.  相似文献   

Xu J  Ji C  Wang L  Cao Y  Dai J  Ye X  Zeng L  Dai J  Wu Q  Xie Y  Mao Y 《Molecular biology reports》2003,30(1):47-52
We report here cloning and characterization of a novel human gene, termed C5orf12, which is a putative membrane protein belonging to the TMS_TDE family. The cDNA encodes 42 animo acid with a putative molecular weight of about 47 KDa. Secondary structure prediction showed that C5orf12 contained 10 putative transmembrane helices, which has high identity with other family members. We performed RT-PCR to examine its expression pattern. The result showed that C5orf12 was highly expressed in placenta, skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, testis and peripheral leukocyte while expressed weakly in heart and liver. C5orf12 has high identity with the rat TPO1, so we speculate that C5orf12 may also have a role in the brain development.  相似文献   



The anoctamin family of transmembrane proteins are found in all eukaryotes and consists of 10 members in vertebrates. Ano1 and ano2 were observed to have Ca2+ activated Cl- channel activity. Recent findings however have revealed that ano6, and ano7 can also produce chloride currents, although with different properties. In contrast, ano9 and ano10 suppress baseline Cl- conductance when co-expressed with ano1 thus suggesting that different anoctamins can interfere with each other. In order to elucidate intrinsic functional diversity, and underlying evolutionary mechanism among anoctamins, we performed comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of anoctamin gene family.  相似文献   

Gene duplication plays important roles in organismal evolution, because duplicate genes provide raw materials for the evolution of mechanisms controlling physiological and/or morphological novelties. Gene duplication can occur via several mechanisms, including segmental duplication, tandem duplication and retroposition. Although segmental and tandem duplications have been found to be important for the expansion of a number of multigene families, the contribution of retroposition is not clear. Here we show that plant SKP1 genes have evolved by multiple duplication events from a single ancestral copy in the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of eudicots and monocots, resulting in 19 ASK (Arabidopsis SKP1-like) and 28 OSK (Oryza SKP1-like) genes. The estimated birth rates are more than ten times the average rate of gene duplication, and are even higher than that of other rapidly duplicating plant genes, such as type I MADS box genes, R genes, and genes encoding receptor-like kinases. Further analyses suggest that a relatively large proportion of the duplication events may be explained by tandem duplication, but few, if any, are likely to be due to segmental duplication. In addition, by mapping the gain/loss of a specific intron on gene phylogenies, and by searching for the features that characterize retrogenes/retrosequences, we show that retroposition is an important mechanism for expansion of the plant SKP1 gene family. Specifically, we propose that two and three ancient retroposition events occurred in lineages leading to Arabidopsis and rice, respectively, followed by repeated tandem duplications and chromosome rearrangements. Our study represents a thorough investigation showing that retroposition can play an important role in the evolution of a plant gene family whose members do not encode mobile elements.  相似文献   

Knipple DC  Rosenfield CL  Nielsen R  You KM  Jeong SE 《Genetics》2002,162(4):1737-1752
Lepidopteran insects use sex pheromones derived from fatty acids in their species-specific mate recognition system. Desaturases play a particularly prominent role in the generation of structural diversity in lepidopteran pheromone biosynthesis as a result of the diverse enzymatic properties they have evolved. These enzymes are homologous to the integral membrane desaturases, which play a primary role in cold adaptation in eukaryotic cells. In this investigation, we screened for desaturase-encoding sequences in pheromone glands of adult females of eight lepidopteran species. We found, on average, six unique desaturase-encoding sequences in moth pheromone glands, the same number as is found in the genome database of the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, vs. only one to three in other characterized eukaryotic genomes. The latter observation suggests the expansion of this gene family in insects before the divergence of lepidopteran and dipteran lineages. We present the inferred homology relationships among these sequences, analyze nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates for evidence of positive selection, identify sequence and structural correlates of three lineages containing characterized enzymatically distinct desaturases, and discuss the evolution of this sequence family in insects.  相似文献   

Earlier, we identified mutations in the first transmembrane segment (TMS1) of UapA, a uric acid-xanthine transporter in Aspergillus nidulans, that affect its turnover and subcellular localization. Here, we use one of these mutations (H86D) and a novel mutation (I74D) as well as genetic suppressors of them, to show that TMS1 is a key domain for proper folding, trafficking and turnover. Kinetic analysis of mutants further revealed that partial misfolding and deficient trafficking of UapA does not affect its affinity for xanthine transport, but reduces that of uric acid and confers a degree of promiscuity towards the binding of other purines. This result strengthens the idea that subtle interactions among domains not directly involved in substrate binding refine the selectivity of UapA. Characterization of second-site suppressors of H86D revealed a genetic interaction of TMS1 with TMS3, the latter segment shown for the first time to be important for UapA function. Systematic mutational analysis of polar and conserved residues in TMS3 showed that Ser154 is crucial for UapA transport activity. Our results are in agreement with a topological model of UapA built on the recently published structure of UraA, a bacterial homolog of UapA.  相似文献   

Chloroplastic membrane proteins can be targeted to any of three distinct membrane systems, i.e., the outer envelope membrane (OEM), inner envelope membrane (IEM), and thylakoid membrane. This complex structure of chloroplasts adds significantly to the challenge of studying protein targeting to various membrane sub-compartments within a chloroplast. In this investigation, we examined the role played by the transmembrane domain (TMD) in directing membrane proteins to either the IEM or thylakoid membrane. Using the IEM protein, Arc6 (Accumulation and Replication of Chloroplasts 6), we exchanged the stop-transfer TMD of Arc6 with various TMDs derived from different IEM and thylakoid membrane proteins and monitored the subcellular localization of these Arc6-hybrid proteins. We showed that when the Arc6 TMD was replaced with a TMD derived from various thylakoid membrane proteins, these Arc6(thylTMD) hybrid proteins could be directed to the thylakoid membrane rather than to the IEM. Conversely, when the TMD of the thylakoid membrane proteins, STN8 (State Transition protein kinase 8) or Plsp1 (Plastidic type I signal peptidase 1), was replaced with the stop-transfer TMD of Arc6, STN8 and Plsp1 were halted at the IEM. From our investigation, we conclude that the TMD plays a critical role in targeting integral membrane proteins to either the IEM or thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Determining the atomic resolution structures of membrane proteins is of particular interest in contemporary structural biology. Helical membrane proteins constitute one-third of the expressed proteins encoded in a genome, many drugs have membrane-bound proteins as their receptors, and mutations in membrane proteins result in human diseases. Although integral membrane proteins provide daunting technical challenges for all methods of protein structure determination, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can be an extremely versatile and powerful method for determining their structures and characterizing their dynamics, in lipid environments that closely mimic the cell membranes. Once milligram amounts of isotopically labeled protein are expressed and purified, micelle samples can be prepared for solution NMR analysis, and lipid bilayer samples can be prepared for solid-state NMR analysis. The two approaches are complementary and can provide detailed structural and dynamic information. This paper describes the steps for membrane protein structure determination using solution and solid-state NMR. The methods for protein expression and purification, sample preparation and NMR experiments are described and illustrated with examples from the FXYD proteins, a family of regulatory subunits of the Na,K-ATPase.  相似文献   

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