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We studied structure and ultrastructure of the subepidermal connective tissue (SEC) of the integument of three cephalopods (Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris and Loligo pealii). In all species, three distinct regions of the SEC were recognised: (a) an outer zone (OZ) that included the dermal-epidermal junction, and consisted of a thin layer of connective tissue containing muscles, (b) an extensive middle zone (MZ) containing a compact network of collagen fibres and numerous cells, (c) an inner zone (IZ) of loose connective tissue that merged with muscular fascia. This arrangement differs from that in bivalves and gastropods and recalls vertebrate integument. The dermal-epidermal junction of cephalopods differed from that of bivalves, gastropods and mammals in that the epidermal cells did not possess hemidesmosomes, and their intermediate filaments terminated directly in the plasmamembrane. The thick (120-500 nm) basal membrane (BM) had a superficial zone containing a regular array of granules; a lamina densa composed of a compact network of small filaments and granules; and an IZ distinguished by expansions of granular material protruding into underlying structures. Collagen fibres contained fibroblast-derived cytoplasmic thread, running through their centres and were surrounded by granular material that joins them to adjacent fibres. The collagen fibrils were of medium diameter (30-80 nm) had the typical ultrastructure of fibrillar collagens, and were surrounded by abundant interfibrillar material. The hypodermis was loose, with a network of small bundles of collagen fibrils. Cephalopod integument appears to represent a major evolutionary step distinguishing this class of molluscs.  相似文献   

We studied the ultrastructure of the subepidermal connective tissue (SEC) in different zones of the integument in terrestrial, marine and freshwater gastropods (eight species). In all cases, the SEC was a layer of loose connective tissue between the basal membrane (BM) of the epidermis and the connective tissue of the deeper muscle layers. It was of monotonous structure and not differentiated into layers such as are found in mammalian dermis. The extracellular matrix (ECM) consisted of a network of collagen fibrils of variable diameter, with abundant anchoring devices and proteoglycans. In six species, variables quantities of haemocyanin were present within haemocoelic sinuses present in the SEC. The thickness and density of the BM varied from species to species, as well as within species in the various zones of integument. The ultrastructure of the lamina densa (LD) was indistinguishable from that of BM in bivalves and similar to that in mammals, although basotubules and double pegs were absent. An irregularly spaced lamina lucida was usually present and was often shot thorough with filaments and small protrusions of the LD that connected with epithelial plasma membrane or with hemidesmosomes. A lamina fibroreticularis was not present. LD protrusions characterize the connection between BM and the ECM of SEC. In the terrestrial gastropods, a spongy matrix with ultrastructure closely similar to LD occupied large tracts of the SEC. In the mantle region of Arion rufus, the integumental SEC contained large cavities filled with spherical concretions, probably representing rudiments of a shell. In the mantle where the integument contained abundant muscle fibres, the BM was thick and directly connected to the ECM of the SEC which consisted of compact laminae of collagen fibrils with abundant anchoring devices. Along the edge of the foot of Patella ulyssiponensis, the SEC contained a layer of paramyosinic muscle fibres adhering to the epidermis. No differences or gradations in integumental SEC structure could be related to the phylogenetic position of the species examined.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the subepidermal connective tissue (SEC) in different areas of the integument of the bivalves Callista chione, Pecten jacobaeus, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Ostrea edulis was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The main organisation of the SEC was broadly similar in all species: the SEC was connected to the epidermis by a basement membrane and merged directly with the deeper connective tissue surrounding muscles. The SEC was not differentiated into layers like the papillary and reticular dermis of mammals, however, the architecture, thickness and shape of the basement membrane varied from species to species, as well as within species (in the foot, central or marginal zones of the mantle). The ultrastructure of the lamina densa was broadly similar to that in mammals: although basotubules and double pegs were absent, proteoglycans and rod-like units homologous to 'double tracks' were always abundant. A zone similar to the lamina lucida was irregularly present and was shot thorough with small protrusions of the lamina densa that connected with the epithelial hemidesmosomes or focal adhesions. Nevertheless zones were observed where the lamina densa fuse directly to the epithelial plasmamembrane. This variability of connection may be related to the various types of epidermal cell. A lamina fibroreticularis was not recognized since anchoring fibrils and microfibrils were not present; lamina densa protrusions into the extracellular matrix (ECM) of SEC characterize the connection between basement membrane and SEC. Collagen fibrils were small and of constant diameter and were never organised into fibres. Anchoring devices - similar to the anchoring plaques of mammalian dermis - were abundant and scattered between SEC collagen fibrils. The orange-pink pigmentation of C. chione seems due to electron-dense granules embedded within the connective ECM.  相似文献   

Cell junctions and the cytoskeleton of integumental epidermal cells from six bivalves, four gastropods, and two cephalopods were studied by transmission electron microscopy. In all species examined, the junctions in supporting cells presented the following similar pattern: an apical-lateral adhesion belt (occluding junctions were not observed); (b) a lateral complex of septate junctions and smooth septate junctions, with interdigitations between adjacent cells while the gap junctions were not constantly present, and a basal complex with hemidesmosomes, focal contacts, and sometimes basolateral adherent junctions. Desmosomes were never observed. Microfilamentous and microgranular material were present throughout the cells, as bundles of microfilaments within microvilli and the terminal web, within interdigitations, and as cytoplasmic plaques forming part of the adherent junctions, hemidesmosomes, and focal contacts. Bundles of intermediate filaments that originated from basal hemidesmosomes were located close to and oriented parallel with the lateral plasma membrane and terminated within the terminal web. In cells of Aplysia depilans, intermediate filaments converged apically to terminate in hemidesmosome-like structures at the bases of the microvilli. In the cephalopods, hemidesmosomes were never observed and intermediate filaments made direct contact with the basal cell membrane. Some functional interpretations and hypotheses were also discussed.  相似文献   

The uterosacral ligaments are an important part of the pelvic support system. The objective of this study was to compare the expression of collagen type I and collagen type III in the uterosacral ligament biopsies from women with and without pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The uterosacral ligament biopsies were obtained from women with POP (n = 29) and non-POP subjects (n = 35). Immunohistochemistry for collagen type I and collagen type III was performed on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded sections. The two groups were matched for age, body mass index, parity and postmenopausal status. The expression of collagen type I (p < 0.001) and collagen type III (p < 0.0001) differed between women with POP and non-POP subjects. There was decreased expression of collagen type I and increased expression of collagen type III in uterosacral ligaments of women with POP compared with non-POP subjects. This difference indicates a possible relationship between POP and the immunohistochemical expression of collagen type I and collagen type III in uterosacral ligaments.  相似文献   

Effects of capsaicin (CAP) on membrane properties and action potentials (AP) were studied (30-300 microM, at 22 degrees C, pH 7.4) in Helix and Aplysia neurons. CAP (100-300 microM) depolarized the cell membrane and increased the slope resistance. The neuronal firing increased and/or the spike threshold decreased. CAP differentially affected the APs generated in A- and B-cells in Helix or S- and F-cells in Aplysia. Plateau-like prolongation of the APs with a concomitant increase of the hump duration was observed in A-cells, while a significant prolongation of the spike duration was at 90% repolarization time in B-cells. The electrophysiological changes proved to be similar when CAP acted in homologous Helix and Aplysia neurons, but were less pronounced in the latter animal. CAP decreased the rate of rise and the rate of fall of the APs and shortened the action potential duration (APD) in Na-free (TEA) solution. CAP-induced events were dose-dependent and reversible.  相似文献   

1. Mapping studies of the Achatina identifiable neuron types sensitive to the following 6 molluscan peptides were examined under current-clamp.2. These were Ser-Mytilus inhibitory peptide (Ser-MIP), catch-relaxing peptide (CARP), oxytocin, small cardioactive peptideb (SCPb), α-bag cell peptide (α-BCP) and egg-laying hormone (ELH).3. These peptides at 10−3 M (3 × 10−4 M for ELH), with 0.5% Fast Green, were applied locally to the neuron to be tested by pneumatic pressure ejection (2 kg/cm2 and 400 msec in duration).4. Ser-MIP showed the inhibitory (hyperpolarizing) effects on the majority of neuron types tested.5. CARP also produced inhibition of the 3 neuron types out of 16 types tested.6. Oxytocin had an excitatory effect on two neuron types.7. SCPb showed excitatory effects on 4 neuron types: the membrane conductance of 1 neuron type, d-RPeAN, measured under voltage-clamp was reduced by the peptide.8. α-BCP showed no effect.9. ELH produced slight inhibition of the 2 neuron types.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical study of human pterygium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study has been to evaluate the immunohistochemical characteristics of human pterygial tissues in order to ascertain the possible contribution of an immunological mechanism in the pathogenesis of pterygium and to investigate the presence in the pterygial tissues of some melanoma-associated antigens, in order to evaluate if there may be a small possibility of correlation of the two diseases. Human biopsy specimens of pterygium were obtained by surgery for pterygium excision. Tissue segments were fixed and processed for paraffin embedding. Microtome sections were treated for the immunohistochemical demonstration of IgA, IgM, IgG, CD3, CD20, CD68, HLA-DR, Protein S100, HMB45, and Melan A using the avidin-biotin peroxidase method or the streptavidin biotin-alkaline phosphatase method. The findings suggest that all the effector components of the mucosal immune system are present in the human pterygium and, among the most sensitive markers for melanoma, only S100 shows immunoreactivity. An immunopathogenetic mechanism seems to be responsible for the pathogenesis of pterygium, perhaps being caused by pre-existing conjunctivitis or microtrauma in combination with the patient's predisposition. No correlation between pterygium and melanoma was found.  相似文献   

Variability in molluscan hemocytes: a flow cytometric study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reported variability in numbers and relative proportions of hemocytes in marine bivalves may be related to environmental conditions and laboratory method differences. An automated identification assay, flow cytometry, removes much laboratory bias, but its usefulness is limited because the putative cell types in delineated subpopulations have never been confirmed. The present study was designed to: (1) confirm the identity of oyster hemocyte subpopulations described by flow cytometry, and (2) use flow cytometry in an experimental analysis of potential causes of variation. Light-scatter flow cytometry consistently differentiated three subpopulations in oysters from two mid-Atlantic (USA) sites. Cell sorting and microscopy identified them as granular, small granular, and agranular (hyalinocytes and apparently degranulated) hemocytes. Subpopulation proportions estimated by microscopy and by flow cytometry were significantly correlated (r(2) = 0.27 to 0.50). In a 4-week laboratory experiment, neither temperature (12 vs. 22 degrees C) nor food (fed vs. not fed) had a statistically significant effect on total or differential counts, or on hemocyte viability. Most of the variability was attributable to individual differences and was very similar to that reported for vertebrates. We hypothesize that variability in molluscan hemocytes may be more immediately linked to individual metabolic condition than to ambient changes.  相似文献   

Scale neogenesis following excision of pieces of skin of various sizes and shapes has been studied in several squamate species. In small wounds, neogenesis does not occur, the wound region contracts, and increased areas of hinge differentiation are seen. In large wounds, the time taken for neogenesis to occur, and the size, shape, distribution, and number of the reformed units, are variable. We confirm previous reports that neogenesis accompanies a renewal phase of the shedding cycle, and suggests that this is because both types of morphogenesis require germinal stability. All types of trauma thus far studied show the initial formation of a hyperplastic wound epithelium with the histological characteristics of a normal α-layer: such tissues are the basis for physiological barrier functions. The mechanical functions of the skin can be fairly adequately restored even by abnormal neogenic scales. The observed variability in the process of scale neogenesis, and the final form of the individual units, are argued to be the result of mechanical factors impinging on the differentiating tissues.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical methods were used for the detection of the amyloid P component in the microfibrils of two regions: the zonule of the eye and the connective tissue of the foot pad in 20- to 50-gm mice. Following fixation by immersion in 4% formaldehyde, the eyes and foot pads were embedded in paraffin, and sections were immunostained for light microscopy by using antiamyloid P component antiserum followed by peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure. For electron microscopy, formaldehyde-fixed tissues were immunostained for the amyloid P component with protein A-gold by using either thin Lowicryl sections or frozen sections which were then embedded in Epon for thin sectioning. In the zonule of the eye, the light microscope showed that zonular fibers were strongly immunostained for the amyloid P component; there was also weak staining of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium at the distal end of the fibers and of the zonular lamella at their proximal end. The electron microscope revealed clear-cut immunolabeling of the microfibrils making up zonular fibers as well as of individual microfibrils. In the foot pad, the light microscope detected a weak diffuse staining of connective tissue, whereas the electron microscope showed immunolabeling restricted to microfibrils. It was concluded that the amyloid P component was present in, or associated with, microfibrils. Purified amyloid P component was prepared and examined in the electron microscope after either negative staining or routine processing. After negative staining, it appeared as flat pentagonal units, frequently associated into columns. After routine processing, the units looked like cross sections of microfibrillar tubules. The dimensions of the units matched those of the hypothetical segments of the tubules. It was concluded that this tubule consisted of a column of amyloid P units. The cohesion of the units within the column was likely to be reinforced by the bands present at the surface of microfibrils.  相似文献   

The effects of capsaicin (CAP) on membrane ionic currents of identified and non-identified neurons were investigated by use of the single electrode clamp (SEC). CAP (300 microM, 22 degrees C, pH 7.4) caused a 25-50% reduction of the inward current and a 50-80% reduction of the outward current in normal or Na-free (Tris) solution. The Na current (INa) was moderately decreased (about 10%) in LPa2 neuron, but a 50% reduction of the peak Ca current (ICa) was observed. The action of CAP on ICa varied from cell to cell but an enhanced inactivation of the fast calcium current was found in all neurons studied. CAP (150 microM, 10 min) highly attenuated the long-lasting component of the inward current in LPa2 recorded in Na-free (TEA) Ba solutions. CAP attenuated the fast outward current (IA) and voltage-dependent outward current (IK) in 100 and 300 microM concentrations for the half blocking dose (ID50) in LPa2 neuron, respectively. CAP decreased the slow outward tail currents but hardly influenced the leakage current (IL). We suggest that the acute action of CAP coupled with a series of events in the neuronal membrane can modify the conductance via electrically excitable calcium, potassium and sodium channels differentially.  相似文献   

Analogs of the molluscan neuropeptide FMRFamide were tested on four different molluscan muscle preparations which show qualitatively different responses to the peptide; the structure-activity relations are basically similar, but not identical. The C-terminal amide and the Arg3 residue are critical for FMRFamide-like activity on all four preparations. In contrast, analogs extended at the N-terminal or with conservative substitutions for the Phe1 or Met2 residue are approximately equipotent to FMRFamide. These structural requirements parallel those for the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide of gastrin.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of burster neuron R15 from the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia is presented. This is an improvement over earlier models in that the bursting mechanism is more accurately represented. The improved model allows for simulated application of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which has been reported to have profound effects on the voltage waveform produced by R15. Computational analysis indicates that the serotonin-induced modulation of the waveform can be explained in terms of competition between stationary, bursting, and beating attractors. Analysis also indicates that, as a result of this competition, serotonin increases the sensitivity of the neuron to synaptic perturbations. This may have important consequences with regard to water balance in the Aplysia, particularly during egg laying.  相似文献   

Hemocyanin transports oxygen in the hemolymph of many molluscs and arthropods and is therefore a central physiological factor in these animals. Molluscan hemocyanin molecules are oligomers composed of many protein subunits that in turn encompass subsets of distinct functional units. The structure and evolution of molluscan hemocyanin have been studied for decades, but it required the recent progress in DNA sequencing, X-ray crystallography and 3D electron microscopy to produce a detailed view of their structure and evolution. The basic quaternary structure is a cylindrical decamer 35 nm in diameter, consisting of wall and collar (typically at one end of the cylinder). Depending on the animal species, decamers, didecamers and multidecamers occur in the hemolymph. Whereas the wall architecture of the decamer seems to be invariant, four different types of collar have been identified in different molluscan taxa. Correspondingly, there exist four subunit types that differ in their collar functional units and range from 350 to 550 kDa. Thus, molluscan hemocyanin subunits are among the largest polypeptides in nature. In this report, recent 3D reconstructions are used to explain and visualize the different functional units, subunits and quaternary structures of molluscan hemocyanins. Moreover, on the basis of DNA analyses and structural considerations, their possible evolution is traced. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

The New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae) and the pulmonate Physella acuta (Physidae) have invaded freshwaters in many parts of the world and become established. They co-exist in many streams, lakes and ponds in New Zealand, often at high densities. In the present study the effects of intraspecific- and interspecific interactions between the two species on growth and reproductive output were examined in laboratory mesocosms. In 30-day experiments, growth of Potamopyrgus antipodarum was lower in high density treatments than controls providing evidence for competition at higher densities of both snail species. No competitive effect was obtained for Physella acuta when controls were compared with high-density treatments, but growth was reduced at high densities of conspecifics. Numbers of juveniles released by Potamopyrgus antipodarum in 40 day trials declined at high snail densities and were lowest at high densities of conspecifics. Egg production by Physella acuta was also reduced at high snail densities. However, when the two species were kept together at equal densities (total snail density twice that of controls), egg production by Physella acuta was significantly higher than in all other treatments, suggesting facilitation by the congenor. Lastly, in a 10-day experiment, Physella acuta grew faster in water conditioned by Potamopyrgus antipodarum than in Physa-conditioned water, whereas Potamopyrgus antipodarum showed no growth response to Physella-conditioned water. Overall, our results indicate that growth and reproductive output of both snail species are influenced more by the density of conspecifics than the presence and density of the other species. The successful co-existence of the two species in New Zealand freshwaters therefore may be a reflection, at least in part, of few competitive interactions between them.  相似文献   

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