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赵翔  韩宝达  李立新 《遗传》2012,34(4):11-22
大多数细胞内都包含靶向不同细胞器的各种运输囊泡,其运输机制在进化上是高度保守的。Sec1/Munc-18(SM)蛋白在膜泡运输中起着重要的调控作用,它能够与SNARE(Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factorattachment protein receptor)蛋白结合,共同在细胞内各个膜融合发生部位发挥重要作用。SM蛋白和SNARE复合体中的Syntaxin蛋白结合,调节SNARE复合体的装配,并与SNARE协同作用促进整个膜融合过程。文章对SM蛋白在结构和功能分析方面的最新研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

神经酰胺转运蛋白(ceramide transfer protein,CERT)是介导神经酰胺(ceramide)非囊泡转运的载体.它包括3个功能区域: PH、FFAT和START.PH和FFAT分别发挥高尔基体和内质网的靶向作用,羧基端的START主要用于与神经酰胺结合.CERT的转运受多种因素的调节,依赖于PKD和PP2Cε诱导的丝氨酸重复区域(SR)的磷酸化和去磷酸化,氧化应激刺激的CERT三聚体形成,以及PI4KⅢβ催化的高尔基体接头PI4P的生成等.CERT功能障碍会导致细胞易受氧化应激的损害.本文拟从CERT的结构、作用及其调节机制3方面进行综述,揭示CERT的研究进展.  相似文献   

神经递质释放对维持生物体正常的生命活动有着重要的意义,它是由囊泡运输介导完成的.神经元细胞中囊泡运输涉及许多蛋白质间的相互作用,共同调控这一复杂的过程,可溶性小分子蛋白Complexin(Cpx)在这一过程中起着重要的作用,它同时具有抑制囊泡自发发放和促进囊泡诱发发放的功能.本文综合国内外近20年的研究,着重介绍了Cpx蛋白各部分结构域的功能,及其与一些囊泡分泌相关蛋白,如SNARE复合体、Synaptotagmin(Syt),间的相互作用机制及其最新进展.  相似文献   

胞吐作用是真核生物最基本的细胞活动之一,广泛参与了有机体内的多种生理过程.Exocyst复合体介导的分泌囊泡在质膜的定向栓系以及SNARE(soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor)蛋白介导的分泌囊泡与质膜的融合过程是胞吐...  相似文献   

细胞内的囊泡运输是生命活动中一个极其复杂的动态生物学过程,参与各种植物发育过程和对环境的响应,包括植物组织细胞特异性和防御响应。该文从蛋白质分选、分泌蛋白的合成和囊泡运输的特异性对植物囊泡运输与植物的先天性免疫的关系进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

细胞内的囊泡运输是生命活动中一个极其复杂的动态生物学过程,参与各种植物发育过程和对环境的响应,包括植物组织细胞特异性和防御响应。该文从蛋白质分选、分泌蛋白的合成和囊泡运输的特异性对植物囊泡运输与植物的先天性免疫的关系进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

胞浆囊泡转运的包被复合体与蛋白分拣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在胞浆囊泡转运体系中囊泡包被复合体对于蛋白的分拣与定向转运有重要意义。目前较明确的囊泡包被复合体有:笼形蛋白被复合体,COPⅠ、COPⅡ,囊泡相关肌球蛋白。这些复合体各有其特定识别序列,彼此分工又相互协同,维持着转运系统的协调有序。  相似文献   

真核细胞中囊泡膜与靶膜的融合是囊泡运输的关键环节,由进化保守的SNARE(soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor)蛋白家族介导完成。SNARE蛋白可被分为定位于囊泡的R-SNARE(v-SNARE)和定位于靶膜的Q-SNARE(t-SNARE)两大类。R-SNARE与QSNARE的特异性配对形成“SNARE复合物”,该复合物可介导囊泡膜与靶膜融合。与酵母和动物相比,植物R-SNARE基因在进化过程中经历了大量扩增,推测其与植物细胞特有的胞内转运途径有关。该文综述了R-SNARE参与植物发育和胁迫响应的研究进展,结合其亚细胞定位信息探讨了不同RSNARE的作用靶位和调控特点,并对该领域研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

囊泡启动是细胞调节性分泌中非常关键的一个步骤,囊泡启动后才具备与膜融合的能力.囊泡的启动过程需要SNARE复合体的形成和许多其它蛋白如Muncl3、RIM、CAPS等的参与,但不同类型的分泌囊泡其关键的启动因子并不相同.本文主要从分泌囊泡的启动过程和不同囊泡所特异的启动因子着手,综述了囊泡转运过程中启动步骤的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

细胞囊泡的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了细胞囊泡出芽、运输、融合的分子机制,并就最新进展进行了综述.以对这个领域有一初步认识。  相似文献   

高等植物细胞含有复杂的内膜系统,通过其特有的膜泡运输机制来完成细胞内和细胞间的物质交流。膜泡运输主要包括运输囊泡的出芽、定向移动、拴留和膜融合4个过程。这4个过程受到许多因子的调控,如Coat、SM、Tether、SNARE和Rab蛋白等,其中SNARE因子在膜融合过程中发挥重要功能。SNARE因子是小分子跨膜蛋白,分为定位于运输囊泡上的v-SNARE和定位于靶位膜上的t-SNARE,两类SNARE结合形成SNARE复合体,促进膜融合的发生。SNARE蛋白在调控植物体生长发育以及对外界环境响应等生理过程中起重要作用。该文对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)SNARE因子的最新细胞内定位和功能分析等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

拟南芥SNARE因子在膜泡运输中的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金红敏  李立新 《植物学报》2010,45(4):479-491
高等植物细胞含有复杂的内膜系统, 通过其特有的膜泡运输机制来完成细胞内和细胞间的物质交流。膜泡运输主要包括运输囊泡的出芽、定向移动、拴留和膜融合4个过程。这4个过程受到许多因子的调控, 如Coat、SM、Tether、SNARE和Rab蛋白等, 其中SNARE因子在膜融合过程中发挥重要功能。SNARE因子是小分子跨膜蛋白, 分为定位于运输囊泡上的v-SNARE和定位于靶位膜上的t-SNARE, 两类SNARE结合形成SNARE复合体, 促进膜融合的发生。SNARE蛋白在调控植物体生长发育以及对外界环境响应等生理过程中起重要作用。该文对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)SNARE因子的最新细胞内定位和功能分析等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

The crucial roles of Sec1/Munc18 (SM)‐like proteins in membrane fusion have been evidenced in genetic and biochemical studies. SM proteins interact directly with SNAREs and contribute to SNARE pairing by a yet unclear mechanism. Here, we show that the SM protein, Sly1, interacts directly with the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) tethering complex. The Sly1–COG interaction is mediated by the Cog4 subunit, which also interacts with Syntaxin 5 through a different binding site. We provide evidence that disruption of Cog4–Sly1 interaction impairs pairing of SNAREs involved in intra‐Golgi transport thereby markedly attenuating Golgi‐to‐ER retrograde transport. These results highlight the mechanism by which SM proteins link tethering to SNAREpin assembly.  相似文献   

大多数细胞包含许多种转运到不同目的地的囊泡.尽管存在许多特定的转运途径,根本的分子原则非常相似并在进化中保守.有充足的证据表明,膜融合除需要SNARE蛋白家族的参与外,也需要Sec1/Munc18(SM)蛋白;但是与SNARE蛋白功能的一致清楚相反,不同的实验系统得到的不同研究数据,使人们对于不同的SM蛋白的确切作用、作用位点和它们与SNARE蛋白的作用方式持不同观点.不同的SM蛋白与SNARE蛋白存在三种不同的作用模式.最近的研究确定,Munc18-1直接促进融合,并且它可能以所有三种模式与SNARE蛋白相互作用.本文综述了该领域的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were generated by immunizing mice with chick brain synaptic membranes and screening for immunoprecipitation of solubilized conotoxin GVIA receptors (N-type calcium channels). Antibodies against two synaptic proteins (p35--syntaxin 1 and p58--synaptotagmin) were produced and used to purify and characterize a ternary complex containing N-type channels associated with these two proteins. These results provided the first evidence for a specific interaction between presynaptic calcium channels and SNARE proteins involved in synaptic vesicle docking and calcium-dependent exocytosis. Immunoprecipitation experiments supported the conclusion that syntaxin 1/SNAP-25/VAMP/synaptotagmin I or II complexes associate with N-type, P/Q-type, but not L-type calcium channels from rat brain nerve terminals. Immunofluorescent confocal microscopy at the frog neuromuscular junction was consistent with the co-localization of syntaxin 1, SNAP-25, and calcium channels, all of which are predominantly expressed at active zones of the presynaptic plasma membrane facing post-synaptic folds rich in acetylcholine receptors. The interaction of proteins implicated in calcium-dependent exocytosis with presynaptic calcium channels may locate the sensor(s) that trigger vesicle fusion within a microdomain of calcium entry.  相似文献   

Discs large 1 (Dlg1) is a modular scaffolding protein implicated in the control of cell polarity through assembly of specific multiprotein complexes, including receptors, ion channels and signaling proteins, at specialized zones of the plasma membrane. Recent data have shown that in addition to these well‐known interaction partners, Dlg1 may also recruit components of the vesicle trafficking machinery either to the plasma membrane or to transport vesicles. Here, we discuss Dlg1 function in vesicle formation, targeting, tethering and fusion, in both the exocytotic and endocytotic pathways. These pathways contribute to cell functions as major and diverse as glutamatergic activity in the neurons, membrane homeostasis in Schwann cell myelination, insulin stimulation of glucose transport in adipocytes, or endothelial secretion of the hemostatic protein, von Willebrand factor (VWF).  相似文献   

CAPS (aka CADPS) is required for optimal vesicle exocytosis in neurons and endocrine cells where it functions to prime the exocytic machinery for Ca2+-triggered fusion. Fusion is mediated by trans complexes of the SNARE proteins VAMP-2, syntaxin-1, and SNAP-25 that bridge vesicle and plasma membrane. CAPS promotes SNARE complex formation on liposomes, but the SNARE binding properties of CAPS are unknown. The current work revealed that CAPS exhibits high affinity binding to syntaxin-1 and SNAP-25 and moderate affinity binding to VAMP-2. CAPS binding is specific for a subset of exocytic SNARE protein isoforms and requires membrane integration of the SNARE proteins. SNARE protein binding by CAPS is novel and mediated by interactions with the SNARE motifs in the three proteins. The C-terminal site for CAPS binding on syntaxin-1 does not overlap the Munc18-1 binding site and both proteins can co-reside on membrane-integrated syntaxin-1. As expected for a C-terminal binding site on syntaxin-1, CAPS stimulates SNARE-dependent liposome fusion with N-terminal truncated syntaxin-1 but exhibits impaired activity with C-terminal syntaxin-1 mutants. Overall the results suggest that SNARE complex formation promoted by CAPS may be mediated by direct interactions of CAPS with each of the three SNARE proteins required for vesicle exocytosis.  相似文献   

核糖体失活蛋白是一类可使真核细胞核糖体失活而抑制蛋白质合成的植物毒蛋白。它广泛存在于植物界,具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、免疫调节、骨髓净化等多种生物活性。本文就核糖体失活蛋白在植物中的分类、分布和性质、功能特性、在生物医学中应用及其应用前景等作简要全面的阐述。  相似文献   

Acinar cell zymogen granules (ZG) express 2 isoforms of the vesicle-associated membrane protein family (VAMP2 and -8) thought to regulate exocytosis. Expression of tetanus toxin to cleave VAMP2 in VAMP8 knock-out (−/−) acini confirmed that VAMP2 and -8 are the primary VAMPs for regulated exocytosis, each contributing ∼50% of the response. Analysis of VAMP8−/− acini indicated that although stimulated secretion was significantly reduced, a compensatory increase in constitutive secretion maintained total secretion equivalent to wild type (WT). Using a perifusion system to follow secretion over time revealed VAMP2 mediates an early rapid phase peaking and falling within 2–3 min, whereas VAMP8 controls a second prolonged phase that peaks at 4 min and slowly declines over 20 min to support the protracted secretory response. VAMP8−/− acini show increased expression of the endosomal proteins Ti-VAMP7 (2-fold) and Rab11a (4-fold) and their redistribution from endosomes to ZGs. Expression of GDP-trapped Rab11a-S25N inhibited secretion exclusively from the VAMP8 but not the VAMP2 pathway. VAMP8−/− acini also showed a >90% decrease in the early endosomal proteins Rab5/D52/EEA1, which control anterograde trafficking in the constitutive-like secretory pathway. In WT acini, short term (14–16 h) culture also results in a >90% decrease in Rab5/D52/EEA1 and a complete loss of the VAMP8 pathway, whereas VAMP2-secretion remains intact. Remarkably, rescue of Rab5/D52/EEA1 expression restored the VAMP8 pathway. Expressed D52 shows extensive colocalization with Rab11a and VAMP8 and partially copurifies with ZG fractions. These results indicate that robust trafficking within the constitutive-like secretory pathway is required for VAMP8- but not VAMP2-mediated ZG exocytosis.  相似文献   

SNAREs constitute the core machinery of intracellular membrane fusion, but vesicular SNAREs localize to specific compartments via largely unknown mechanisms. Here, we identified an interaction between VAMP7 and SNAP-47 using a proteomics approach. We found that SNAP-47 mainly localized to cytoplasm, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and ERGIC and could also shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. SNAP-47 preferentially interacted with the trans-Golgi network VAMP4 and post-Golgi VAMP7 and -8. SNAP-47 also interacted with ER and Golgi syntaxin 5 and with syntaxin 1 in the absence of Munc18a, when syntaxin 1 is retained in the ER. A C-terminally truncated SNAP-47 was impaired in interaction with VAMPs and affected their subcellular distribution. SNAP-47 silencing further shifted the subcellular localization of VAMP4 from the Golgi apparatus to the ER. WT and mutant SNAP-47 overexpression impaired VAMP7 exocytic activity. We conclude that SNAP-47 plays a role in the proper localization and function of a subset of VAMPs likely via regulation of their transport through the early secretory pathway.  相似文献   

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