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Carotenoid difference spectra were recorded of chromatophores of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides energized with low light intensities versus chromatophores under dark conditions. The amplitudes of the peaks and troughs were dependent on the light intensities and the duration of illumination, but the shape of the difference spectra remained constant. Sharp isosbestic points were found at 515, 500, 481, 465, and 452 mm. When potassium-valinomycin-induced diffusion potentials (inside negative) were imposed on the chromatophores “mirror images” of the light-induced difference spectra were recorded with the same isosbestic points and the same positions but different relative amplitudes of the peaks and troughs. The results are explained in terms of changes in the shape of the vibrational splittings of the carotenoid main electronic transition. This could be the result of changes in the fluidity of the environment of the carotenoids upon energization of the membrane. Prolonged periods of illumination with low or high light intensities resulted in irreversible changes of the difference spectra. Short periods of illumination with high light intensities resulted in reversible elevations of the baseline and red shifts of peaks, troughs, and baseline crossings.  相似文献   

1. The light-induced pH change of chromatophore suspensions from Rhodospirillum rubrum was stimulated significantly and similarly by KCl, NaCl, LiCl, RbCl, CsCl, MgCl2, MnCl2, and CaCl2. In the dark, the pH of chromatophore suspensions decreased immediately and markedly on adding these salts. 2. The light-induced pH change stimulated by KCl plus valinomycin was inhibited by LiCl and NaCl, but not by RbCl. 3. The optimum pH values for light-induced pH change and photosynthetic ATP formation were around 5 and 8, respectively. The amount of chromatophore-bound ubiquinone-10 reduced in the light was independent of pH from 5 to 9. At pH 8, the number of protons incorporated into chromatophores in the light was one-half of the number of ubiquinone-10 molecules reduced in the light. 4. Among several pH indicators tested, bromothymol blue (BTB) and neutral red (NR) showed absorbance changes on illumination of chromatophores. Although the pH change indicated by the absorbance change was opposite to the light-induced pH change of the medium, the effect of KCl on the absorbance changes of BTB and NR, and the effect of valinomycin on that of NR, but not on that of BTB, were similar to those on the light-induced pH change. 5. The light-induced absorbance change of BTB was significantly inhibited by NR, whereas that of NR was hardly influenced by BTB. 6. Oligomycin stimulated the light-induced absorbance change of BTB under either non-phosphorylating or phosphorylating conditions. On the other hand, that of NR under phosphorylating conditions was 50% of that under non-phosphorylating conditions, and was increased by oligomycin.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound cytochrome of the B-type in Chromatium chromatophores,cytochrome b560, was reduced both by flash light activationand continuous illumination in the presence of antimycin atcontrolled ambient redox potentials. The light-minus-dark differencespectra had peaks at 560 and 430 nm, and troughs at 445 and415 nm. The reduction was observed in the ambient redox potentialfrom 400 to about 200 mV. However, below 200 mV, a re-reductionof photooxidized C-type cytochrome superimposed the reductionof cytochrome b560 In the absence of antimycin, the reductionwas not observed, suggesting that the reoxidation of cytochromeb560 was faster than the reduction. Dark titrations at various pH values showed that Em7 of thecytochrome b560 was about 40 mV and the Em value was pH-dependent(–60 mV/pH) from pH 6 to 9. Cytochrome b560 had a pK ataround pH 9. The content and some properties of cytochrome b560 were similarin chromatophores from either photoautotrophically or photoheterotrophicallygrown cells. The possibility of involvement of cytochrome b560 in the photosyntheticelectron transfer is discussed. (Received April 19, 1980; )  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on light-induced changes of the restingpotential in Chara under various conditions. In the dark-adaptedcells, a slow increase in resting potential, by about 60 mv,appeared in a solution containing 0.5 mM KCl, 0.2 mM NaCl and0.5 mM CaCl2. On the contrary, a rapid decrease preceded bya small, sharp rise in potential was produced when the cellsbecame adapted to light. On the first illumination, the cellmembrane resistance decreased in dark-adapted cells, but a slightincrease was observed every time on subsequent illuminations.No parallel relation was found between the time course of thechanges of resistance and the potential difference. During severalilluminations, as well as during the short dark periods betweenthem, cells lost their sensitivity to change in a potassiumconcentration. The time courses of photosynthetic oxygen evolutionwere not in accordance with those of changes in the potential.However, 10µM 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l, l-dimethylureareversibly abolished both the oxygen evolution and the changesin potential. An enhancement of the photoelectric response wasobserved when bicarbonate ions were added in the external solution.On the other hand, the oxygen evolution was not affected bythe bicarbonate ions. On the basis of these observations itwas assumed that some assimilation products of photosynthesiswere responsible for the photoelectric response. (Received February 13, 1968; )  相似文献   

Light-induced changes in membrane potential in Spirogyra   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spirogyra cells exhibited changes in membrane potential whenthey were exposed to light. Cells made chloroplast-free didnot show any light-induced potential change (LPC) upon illuminationwith white light and also monochromatic red (680 nm) and farred (720 nm) light. LPC was observed when the cell containedonly a small fragment of chloroplast, whether the cell had anucleus or not. The magnitude of LPC depended on the amountof chloroplast in the cell. DCMU at 10–5 M, CCCP at 10–5 M and DNP at 10–4M at pH 5.5 suppressed LPC, while CCCP at 1–5 ? 10–6M, NH4Cl at 5 ? 10–2 M and DNP at 10–4 M at pH 7.0stimulated LPC. PMS at 10–4 M stimulated LPC and couldinduce LPC which was completely inhibited by DCMU. These factssuggest that LPC is related to noncyclic and cyclic electronflows. The influences of light and dark conditions and various metabolicinhibitors (DCMU, DNP, CCCP, NH4Cl) on ATP level have been investigated.No significant difference in the ATP level was observed betweencells in the light and dark. DNP at 10–4 M (pH 5.5) andCCCP at 5 ? 10–6 M decreased the ATP level significantly,while DCMU and NH4Cl only slightly. Good correlation was notfound between the total ATP level and LPC in Spirogyra. LPC occurred even when the external medium contained only asingle salt such as KCl, NaCl or CaSO4. LPC was also recorded in chloroplasts in situ and in vitro.The mode of LPC of chloroplasts was quite different from thatof the cell. On illumination, the chloroplast potential changedvery rapidly and transiently in the positive direction thenrecovered spontaneously to almost the original potential level. Possible causes of LPC are discussed in relation to the electrogenicion pump. 1 Present address: Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received November 9, 1977; )  相似文献   

Time courses of light-induced absorption changes of carotenoid(spheroidene) in chromatophores of the photosynthetic bacterium,Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, consisting of an 8–10 nm-shiftin the carotenoid absorption spectrum towards the longer wavelength,were investigated. The whole time course of absorption changecan be expressed as the sum of two first order reactions; arapid change accomplished in several msec after the onset ofillumination with actinic light (800–900 nm) and a slowchange extending over the whole period (200 msec). The rapidchange required a high light intensity, whereas the slow changewas saturated at relatively low light intensity (ca. 5xl03 erg/cm2sec). Electron transport inhibitors (HOQNO, piericidin A and o-phenanthroline)and Cl-CCP, at concentrations uncoupling photophosphorylation(10M), inhibited slow change but did not affect rapidchange. The rapid change was inhibited by higher concentrationsof Cl-CCP (10–4 M) and by o-phenanthroline in the concomitantpresence of an uncoupling concentration of Cl-CCP. The rapidand slow changes have midpoint potentials of 440 and 420 mv,respectively; as calculated from absorption changes in the presenceof ferri- and ferrocyanide mixtures. Relationships between absorptionspectrum changes and other reactions in the chromatophores wereanalyzed. Slow absorption change is closely related to the highenergy intermediate, or state, of photophosphorylation. Rapidabsorption change, with a midpoint potential of 440 mv, is relatedto the electron flow mediated by P870; although it does notdirectly reflect the state of P870, itself. 1 This article is the second of a series published under thesame title in this journal, volume 11 (1970) p. 519–530. 2 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Toho University, Narashino City, Chiba 275, Japan. (Received October 30, 1970; )  相似文献   

Delayed fluorescence from bacteriochlorophyll in Chromatium vinosum chromatophores was studied at room temperature and under intermittent illuminations. The decay of delayed fluorescence was constituted of two components; a fast component decayed with a half time of about 8 ms, a slow one decayed in parallel with the reduction of photooxidized bacteriochlorophyll (P+) with a half time of 100-200 ms. The biphasic decay of delayed fluorescence indicated that a rapid equilibrium was established between the primary electron acceptor and the secondary acceptor. In the presence of o-phenanthroline, the time course of the decay of delayed fluorescence was identical with that of the reduction of P+ in reaction center-rich subchromatophore particles, although they did not necessarily coincide with each other in "intact" chromatophores. The intensity of the slow component was increased and the decay was accelerated at basic pH values. Reagents that dissipate the proton gradient across the chromatophore membranes such as carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and nigericin accelerated the decay of the slow component. These effects are probably resulting from changes in internal pH of chromatophore vesicles. Reagents that dissipate the membrane potential such as CCCP and valinomycin decreased the intensity.  相似文献   

Light-induced electrical potential changes and motility in desmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motility of the desmid Cosmarium cucumis depends on light: switching the light on induces a large fraction of previously immotile cells to start moving, and switching it off causes many motile cells to stop. Turning light on or off causes light-induced electrical potential changes which can be measured with internal microelectrodes. The electrical gradient within the cell is not correlated with the light gradient. Consequently, the cell cannot obtain information concerning the spatial distribution of the incident light, e.g. for phototactic orientation. However, light-induced potential changes could serve as signals for photokinesis, since switching the light on causes a transient increase and switching the light off a transient decrease in the electrical potential of the front half as compared to the rear half or the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Polarographic studies on oxidation-reduction components bound with chromatophores from Rhodospirillum rubrum were carried out at 24 degrees. 1. Using a carbon-paste electrode as the working electrode, polarographic waves characteristic of oxidation-reduction components were observed in the presence, but not in the absence of Triton X-100; these waves were therefore measured in the presence of the detergent. 2. At least two kinds of oxidation-reduction components were detectable, having different half-wave potentials (E1/2); at pH 7, one had an E1/2 value of +275 mV (POC+275) and the other had a value of +60 mV (POC+60). 3. POC+275 was reduced by succinate and by NADH. Both reductions were almost completely inhibited by antimycin A, which hardly affected the reductions of ubiquinone-10 by succinate and by NADH. Most POC+275 molecules were not reduced by the substrates when quinones were extracted from the chromatophores, and the reductions were mostly restored when ubiquinone-10 was re-added. This indicates that POC+275 is functional between ubiquinone-10 and cytochrome c2 in the electron transport system. 4. POC+60 was reduced by succinate, but hardly at all by NADH. The reduction of POC+60 was not influenced either by the addition of antimycin A or by the extraction of quinones. This suggests that POC+60 is functional in the process from succinate dehydrogenase [EC] to ubiquinone-10 in the electron transport system. 5. Of the POC+275 reducible by dithionite, approximately 70% could be reduced in the absence of Triton X-100, provided that the potential of the working electrode immersed in chromatophore suspensions was set at potentials of 0 mV or lower and that the electrochemical reaction was carried out at pH 7.5. When the potential of the electrode was set at +50 mV (the same as the E1/2 value of ubiquinone-10 bound with chromatophores), and the suspension was allowed to stand for various lengths in the presence of the detergent, it was found that approximately half of the electrochemically reducible POC+275 was rapidly reduced, followed by a slow reduction. The discrepancy in the oxidation-reduction equilibrium on the basis of the E1/2 values of ubiquinone-10 and POC+275 is discussed.  相似文献   

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