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Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the olfactory epithelium of the nose transduce chemical odorant stimuli into electrical signals. These signals are then sent to the OSNs'' target structure in the brain, the main olfactory bulb (OB), which performs the initial stages of sensory processing in olfaction. The projection of OSNs to the OB is highly organized in a chemospatial map, whereby axon terminals from OSNs expressing the same odorant receptor (OR) coalesce into individual spherical structures known as glomeruli. This nose-to-brain map of odorant identity is built from late embryonic development to early postnatal life, through a complex combination of genetically encoded, OR-dependent and activity-dependent mechanisms. It must then be actively maintained throughout adulthood as OSNs experience turnover due to external insult and ongoing neurogenesis. Our review describes and discusses these two distinct and crucial processes in olfaction, focusing on the known mechanisms that first establish and then maintain chemospatial order in the mammalian OSN-to-OB projection.  相似文献   

昆虫气味结合蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫主要依赖其复杂且灵敏的化学感受系统来识别并区分外界环境中的各种化学信号。嗅觉是负责嗅觉信号传导的感官方式,能够引起昆虫觅食、产卵、交配和躲避天敌等对生存和繁殖至关重要的行为反应。在嗅觉感知过程中,气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins, OBPs)最先与外界脂溶性化学物质相互作用,并将其转运至化学受体神经元上,激活树突膜表面分布的嗅觉受体(olfactory receptors, ORs),是嗅觉系统正常运行的必需蛋白。近年来,随着高通量测序和分子生物学技术的快速发展,越来越多的昆虫OBPs相继得以鉴定并开展功能研究。昆虫OBPs是一类可溶性的小分子蛋白,一般由6个α-螺旋构成一个稳定、紧密的疏水性结合腔,其构象变化因昆虫种类和配体结构不同而有所差异。OBPs的分布不受限于嗅觉器官,还在口器、足、中肠、腺体等非嗅觉组织中表达,具有嗅觉识别、味觉感受、营养物质转运、信息素合成与释放、组织发育与分化等生理功能。OBPs行使以上功能的共同特性为结合和溶解包括信息素组分、普通气味分子和非挥发性物质等的疏水性小分子物质。昆虫OBPs的稳定性和多功能性暗示其可广泛应用于...  相似文献   

Mammals deploy a large array of odorant receptors (ORs) to detect and distinguish a vast number of odorant molecules. ORs vary widely in the type of odorant structures recognized and in the breadth of molecular receptive range (MRR), with some ORs recognizing a small group of closely related molecules and other ORs recognizing a wide range of structures. While closely related ORs have been shown to have similar MRRs, the functional relationships among less closely related ORs are unclear. We screened a small group of ORs with a diverse odorant panel to identify a new odorant‐OR pairing (unsaturated aldehydes and MOR263‐3). We then extensively screened MOR263‐3 and a series of additional MORs related to MOR263‐3 in various ways. MORs related by phylogenetic analysis (several other members of the MOR263 subfamily) had MRRs that overlapped with the MRR of MOR263‐3, even with amino acid identity as low as 48% (MOR263‐2). MOR171‐17, predicted to be functionally related to MOR263‐3 by an alternative bioinformatic analysis, but with only 39% amino acid identity, had a distinct odorant specificity. Our results support the use of phylogenetic analysis to predict functional relationships among ORs with relatively low amino acid identity.


Phylogenetic analysis groups mammalian odorant receptors into two broad classes and numerous subfamilies. These subfamilies are proposed to reflect functional organization. Testing this idea requires an assay allowing detailed functional characterization of odorant receptors. Here we show that a variety of Class I and Class II mouse odorant receptors can be functionally expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Receptor constructs included the N-terminal 20 residues of human rhodopsin and were co-expressed with Galphaolf and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator to allow electrophysiological measurement of receptor responses. For most mouse odorant receptors tested, these conditions were sufficient for functional expression. Co-expression of accessory proteins was required to allow functional surface expression of some mouse odorant receptors. We used this assay to examine the receptive ranges of all members of the mouse odorant receptor 42 (MOR42) subfamily. MOR42-1 responded to dicarboxylic acids, preferring a 10-12 carbon chain length. MOR42-2 responded to monocarboxylic acids (7-10 carbons). MOR42-3 responded to dicarboxylic acids (8-10 carbons) and monocarboxylic acids (10-12 carbons). Thus, the receptive range of each receptor was unique. However, overlap between the individual receptive ranges suggests that the members of this subfamily form one contiguous subfamily receptive range, suggesting that odorant receptor subfamilies do constitute functional units.  相似文献   

This article provides characterization of the electrical response to odorants in the Drosophila antenna and provides physiological evidence that a second organ, the maxillary palp, also has olfactory function in Drosophila. The acj6 mutation, previously isolated by virtue of defective olfactory behavior, affects olfactory physiology in the maxillary palp as well as in the antenna. Interestingly, abnormal chemosensory jump 6 (acj6) reduces response in the maxillary palp to all odorants tested except benzaldehyde (odor of almond), as if response to benzaldehyde is mediated through a different type of odorant pathway from the other odorants. In other experiments, different parts of the antenna are shown to differ with respect to odorant sensitivity. Evidence is also provided that antennal response to odorants varies with age, and that odorants differ in their age dependence. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(8):1523-1534.e4
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The ability of mammals to identify and distinguish among many thousands of different odorants suggests a combinatorial use of odorant receptors, with each receptor detecting multiple odorants and each odorant interacting with multiple receptors. Numerous receptors may be devoted to the sampling of particularly important regions of odor space. In this study, we explore the similarities and differences in the molecular receptive ranges of four mouse odorant receptors (MOR23-1, MOR31-4, MOR32-11 and MOR40-4), which have previously been identified as receptors for aliphatic carboxylic acids. Each receptor was expressed in Xenopus oocytes, along with Gαolf and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator to allow electrophysiological assay of receptor responses. We find that even though these receptors are relatively unrelated, there is extensive overlap among their receptive ranges. That is, these receptors sample a similar region of odor space. However, the receptive range of each receptor is unique. Thus, these receptors contribute to the depth of coverage of this small region of odor space. Such a group of receptors with overlapping, but distinct receptive ranges, may participate in making fine distinctions among complex mixtures of closely related odorant compounds.  相似文献   

Enormous advances have been made in the recent years in regard to the mechanisms and neural circuits by which odors are sensed and perceived. Part of this understanding has been gained from parallel studies in insects and rodents that show striking similarity in the mechanisms they use to sense, encode, and perceive odors. In this review, we provide a short introduction to the functioning of olfactory systems from transduction of odorant stimuli into electrical signals in sensory neurons to the anatomical and functional organization of the networks involved in neural representation of odors in the central nervous system. We make emphasis on the functional and anatomical architecture of the first synaptic relay of the olfactory circuit, the olfactory bulb in vertebrates and the antennal lobe in insects. We discuss how the exquisite and conserved architecture of this structure is established and how different odors are encoded in mosaic activity patterns. Finally, we discuss the validity of methods used to compare activation patterns in relation to perceptual similarity.


L Buck  R Axel 《Cell》1991,65(1):175-187
The mammalian olfactory system can recognize and discriminate a large number of different odorant molecules. The detection of chemically distinct odorants presumably results from the association of odorous ligands with specific receptors on olfactory sensory neurons. To address the problem of olfactory perception at a molecular level, we have cloned and characterized 18 different members of an extremely large multigene family that encodes seven transmembrane domain proteins whose expression is restricted to the olfactory epithelium. The members of this novel gene family are likely to encode a diverse family of odorant receptors.  相似文献   

昆虫气味受体研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
嗅觉在昆虫的多种行为中发挥关键作用。气味分子与嗅觉神经元树突上气味受体的结合,参与了昆虫嗅觉识别的初始过程。昆虫的嗅觉神经元表达两类气味受体: 一是传统气味受体,该类受体同源性较低,在少部分嗅觉神经元中表达; 二是Or83b家族受体,该类受体不感受气味,在不同昆虫间较为保守且在大多数嗅觉神经元中表达。目前,对于单个传统气味受体的气味分子配体特异性所知甚少; 对于Or83b家族受体,一般认为其可能具有将传统气味受体运送至嗅觉神经元树突膜上的功能。此外,有一些实验证据不支持昆虫气味受体为G蛋白偶联受体的观点。  相似文献   

This study compared the contribution of the Ca2+‐activated Cl? conductance to the electroolfactogram (EOG) evoked by different odorant classes between the marine Cabinza grunt Isacia conceptionis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. The Ca2+‐activated Cl? channel blocker niflumic acid significantly diminished odorant responses in O. mykiss, but had no effect on the EOG in I. conceptionis, supporting the notion that Ca2+‐activated Cl? channels may not operate as odorant transduction current amplifiers in this marine teleost.  相似文献   

Insects have co-opted a unique family of seven transmembrane proteins for odour sensing. Odorant receptors are believed to have evolved from gustatory receptors somewhere at the base of the Hexapoda and have expanded substantially to become the dominant class of odour recognition elements within the Insecta. These odorant receptors comprise an obligate co-receptor, Orco, and one of a family of highly divergent odorant “tuning” receptors. The two subunits are thought to come together at some as-yet unknown stoichiometry to form a functional complex that is capable of both ionotropic and metabotropic signalling. While there are still no 3D structures for these proteins, site-directed mutagenesis, resonance energy transfer, and structural modelling efforts, all mainly on Drosophila odorant receptors, are beginning to inform hypotheses of their structures and how such complexes function in odour detection. Some of the loops, especially the second extracellular loop that has been suggested to form a lid over the binding pocket, and the extracellular regions of some transmembrane helices, especially the third and to a less extent the sixth and seventh, have been implicated in ligand recognition in tuning receptors. The possible interaction between Orco and tuning receptor subunits through the final intracellular loop and the adjacent transmembrane helices is thought to be important for transducing ligand binding into receptor activation. Potential phosphorylation sites and a calmodulin binding site in the second intracellular loop of Orco are also thought to be involved in regulating channel gating. A number of new methods have recently been developed to express and purify insect odorant receptor subunits in recombinant expression systems. These approaches are enabling high throughput screening of receptors for agonists and antagonists in cell-based formats, as well as producing protein for the application of biophysical methods to resolve the 3D structure of the subunits and their complexes.  相似文献   


The galanin receptor family comprises of three members, GalR1, GalR2 and GalR3, all belonging to the G-protein-couple receptor superfamily. All three receptors bind the peptide hormone galanin, but show distinctly different binding properties to other molecules and effects on intracellular signaling. To gain insight on the molecular basis of receptor subtype specificity, we have generated a three-dimensional model for each of the galanin receptors based on its homologs in the same family. We found significant differences in the organization of the binding pockets among the three types of receptors, which might be the key for specific molecular recognition of ligands. Through docking of fragments of the galanin peptide and a number of ligands, we investigated the involvement of transmembrane and loop residues in ligand interaction.  相似文献   

We cloned three putative odorant receptor (OR) genes from the zebrafish to use as in situ hybridization probes to follow the temporal patterns of neurons expressing OR genes through a developmental progression from embryo (12 h postfertilization) to adult. The identification of these genes is supported by sequence homology to previously reported ORs and by the morphology and location of labeled cells in in situ hybridization experiments. Cells expressing OR mRNA were first observed in the olfactory placodes between 31 and 38 h after fertilization (fish reared at 26°C). Initially, only single cells were observed to hybridize the probe; the number of labeled cells increased throughout the remainder of embryogenesis and through postembryonic growth and morphogenesis of the olfactory organ. At all ages, the positively hybridizing cells were scattered throughout the olfactory epithelium but not in the nonsensory epithelium of the olfactory organ. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The amygdala and the sense of smell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Girgis 《Acta anatomica》1969,72(4):502-519

Volatile chemicals mediate a great range of intra- and interspecific signalling and information in insects. Olfaction has been widely investigated mostly in Neoptera while the knowledge of this sense in most basal insects such as Paleoptera (Odonata and Ephemeroptera) is still poor. In the present study we show the results of an electrophysiological screening on two model species, Libellula depressa (Libellulidae) and Ischnura elegans (Coenagrionidae), representatives of the two Odonata suborders Anisoptera and Zygoptera, with the aim to deep the knowledge on the sense of smell of this insect order. The antennal olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) of these two species responded to the same 22 compounds (out of 48 chemicals belonging to different functional groups) encompassing mostly amines, carboxylic acids or aldehydes and belonging to green leaf volatiles, vertebrate related volatiles and volatiles emitted by standing waters bacteria. The properties of Odonata OSNs are very similar to those of ionotropic receptors (IRs) expressing OSNs in other insects.  相似文献   

We have simulated an odor ligand's dynamic behavior in the binding region of an olfactory receptor (OR). Our short timescale computational studies (up to 200 ps) have helped identify unprecedented postdocking ligand behavior of ligands. From in vacuo molecular dynamics simulations of interactions between models of rat OR I7 and 10 aldehyde ligands, we have identified a dissociative pathway along which the ligand exits and enters the OR-binding pocket--a transit event. The ligand's transit through the receptor's binding region may mark the beginning of a signal transduction cascade leading to odor recognition. We have graphically traced the rotameric changes in key OR amino acid side chains during the transit. Our results have helped substantiate or refute previously held notions of amino acid contribution to ligand stability in the binding pocket. Our observations of ligand activity when compared to those of experimental (electroolfactogram response) OR-activation studies provide a view to predicting the stability of ligands in the binding pocket as a precursor to OR activation by the ligand.  相似文献   

Sheng Guo  Junhyong Kim 《Proteins》2010,78(2):381-399
To gain insight into the molecular mechanism of odorant receptors (ORs) in Drosophila species, we developed a Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) model that predicts experimentally measured electrophysiological activities between 24 D. melanogaster ORs and 108 odorants. Although the model is limited by the tested odorants,analyzing the model allowed dissection of specific topological and chemical properties necessary for an odorant to elicit excitatory or inhibitory receptor response. Linear odorants with five to eight nonhydrogen atoms at the main chain and hydrogen‐bond acceptor and/or hydrogen‐bond donor at its ends were found to stimulate strong excitatory response. A comparative sequence analysis of 90 ORs in 15 orthologous groups identified 15 putative specificity‐determining residues (SDRs) and 15 globally conserved residues that we postulate as functionally key residues. Mapping to a model of secondary structure resulted in 14 out of 30 key residues locating to the transmembrane (TM) domains. Twelve residues, including six SDRs and six conserved residues, are located at the extracellular halves of the TM domains. Combining the evidence from the QSAR modeling and the comparative sequence analysis, we hypothesize that the Drosophila ORs accept odorants into a binding pocket located on the extracellular halves of its TM domains. The QSAR modeling suggests that the binding pocket is around 15 Å in depth and about 6 Å in width. Twelve mainly polar or charged key residues, both SDRs and conserved, are located inthis pocket and postulated to distinguish docked odorants via primarily geometry fitting and hydrogen‐bond interaction. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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