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The synaptonemal complex (SC) in the beetleBlaps cribrosa contains a highly organized central element (CE), two flanking lateral elements (LEs), and a number of regularly spaced transverse filaments (TFs) crossing the central region. The CE is built like a ladder with two longitudinal components running in parallel and a number of regularly spaced transverse CE components, briding the two longitudinal components. The CE is multi-layered with the ladders of the individual layers more or less in register. Essentially every TF originates in one of the LEs, crosses the CE through a transverse CE component and reaches the opposite LE; every transverse CE component in a given layer corresponds to one, and only one, TF. In a CE layer, short irregular pillars form the junctions between the transverse and longitudinal CE components. Adjacent pillars are connected to each other by fine fibrous bridges: the two pillars in the same transverse CE component are linked, and so are the pillars along each longitudinal component, and also more occasionally adjacent pillars in separate CE layers. It is proposed that a TF with the two associated short pillars represents the structural unit in the central region. The ordered structure of the CE is accomplished by linking adjacent pillars to each other into the well-defined three-dimensional organization of the CE.  相似文献   

Demonstration of the synaptonemal complex for light microscopy has until now been based on staining with silver. After fixation at pH 9-10 it is also possible to visualize synaptonemal complexes with several nonspecific protein stains such as Coomassie brilliant blue, Giemsa, fast green, light green and Stains All. Although staining with silver gives the best contrast between synaptonemal complexes and the background, the other dyes have a number of advantages, such as more even staining, easy extractability, and lower cost than silver.  相似文献   

Using the silver staining technique, in somatic and meiotic chromosomes of the Armenian hamster (Cricetulus migratorius), it is possible to stain synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in early spermatocytes. There are five pairs of autosomes (Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8) which have terminally located NORs. Synaptonemal complexes and accessory structures present in the sex chromosomes within the sex vesicle can be easily observed using light microscopy.  相似文献   

Benjamin C. Lu 《Chromosoma》1993,102(7):464-472
A protocol was developed to spread the synaptonemal complex (SC) of the fungus Neurospora crassa. It involves direct mechanical breakage of meiotic cells before spreading. This technique makes it possible to examine the SC of the same nucleus with both light and electron microscopy. This protocol is potentially applicable for other Pyrenomycetes. The SCs were examined at zygotene, pachytene and diplotene. The central elements and the recombination nodules (RN) were well revealed by silver staining. Ten to 13 RNs were counted at pachytene. The total genomic SC length varied with the stage. This whole mount electron microscopy of the SC is particularly useful for studying chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex isolated from the spermatocyte nuclei by exhaustive hydrolysis of the latter by DNase II contains tightly associated DNA sequences (SCAR DNA). Here we studied the compositional properties of a cloned family of SCAR DNA of golden hamster, namely we performed the localization of 27 SCAR DNA clones on compositionally fractionated genomic DNA from golden hamster. We observed that sequences of the SCAR DNA family are mainly localized in the GC-poor isochore families L1 and L2, that showed 63% hybridization signals. This means that 37% of signals is referred to the GC-rich isochores, indicating the presence of SCAR DNA overall the genome, even if each isochore family presents differences in density and sequence type. Moreover, the SCAR DNA sequences containing regions of homology with LINE/SINE repeats were observed in all the isochore families. The compositional localization of SCAR DNA is in agreement with the hypothesis that SC and SCAR DNA participate in the chromatin organization during the meiosis prophase I, which should result in the attachment of chromatin loops to lateral elements of SC along the whole length of the latter.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the synaptonemal complex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
M J Moses 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:41-Suppl:51

Protein-protein interactions in the synaptonemal complex.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
In mammalian systems, an approximately M(r) 30,000 Cor1 protein has been identified as a major component of the meiotic prophase chromosome cores, and a M(r) 125,000 Syn1 protein is present between homologue cores where they are synapsed and form the synaptonemal complex (SC). Immunolocalization of these proteins during meiosis suggests possible homo- and heterotypic interactions between the two as well as possible interactions with yet unrecognized proteins. We used the two-hybrid system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to detect possible protein-protein associations. Segments of hamsters Cor1 and Syn1 proteins were tested in various combinations for homo- and heterotypic interactions. In the cause of Cor1, homotypic interactions involve regions capable of coiled-coil formation, observation confirmed by in vitro affinity coprecipitation experiments. The two-hybrid assay detects no interaction of Cor1 protein with central and C-terminal fragments of Syn1 protein and no homotypic interactions involving these fragments of Syn1. Hamster Cor1 and Syn1 proteins both associate with the human ubiquitin-conjugation enzyme Hsubc9 as well as with the hamster Ubc9 homologue. The interactions between SC proteins and the Ubc9 protein may be significant for SC disassembly, which coincides with the repulsion of homologs by late prophase I, and also for the termination of sister centromere cohesiveness at anaphase II.  相似文献   

Surface spreads of pachytene spermatocyte nuclei from two cats were used to construct a synaptonemal complex karyotype for the cat. It was possible to recognise the 18 autosomal synaptonemal complexes by reference to a published light microscopic banded somatic karyotype. Some variation from the somatic karyotype was noted, presumably as a result of differential contraction during prophase I. The X and Y chromosome axes were joined by a synaptonemal complex in many of the nuclei, but the structure of the unpaired portion of the X axis was quite variable. In some nuclei it was highly contracted, while in others it was extended and often was split into two or more axes. In most nuclei the autosomal synaptonemal complexes had numerous axial twists.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the sequential analysis of male meiosis using hydroxyurea (HU). HU produces a gap in the spermatogenic line. The front of surviving cells behind the gap was examined day by day using silverstained whole mount spreads on glass slides. With this method it was possible to study the development and behaviour of the synaptonemal complex (SC) in mouse spermatocytes by the light microscope. At zygotene no unpaired axial elements could be seen. Unpaired axial elements were found to be specific for the diplotene stage. The axes of the XY pair could be recognized from late zygotene up to diplotene.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex (SC) spreads from bird oocytes and spermatocytes show the complete chromosome complement and can be observed at the light microscope using immunostaining of the proteins that compose the lateral elements. To investigate the use of avian SC spreads as substrates for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in combination with immunostaining, we applied two single-copy sequences to chicken oocyte spreads. Signals for both target sequences were consistently observed on the short arm of bivalent 1 in a large number of nuclei. Based on previous data about the size of chromosome 1 and from measurements on probed SC spreads, an estimate of the physical distance in Mb between each sequence and the telomere was calculated. The crossover frequencies along SC 1 obtained by immunolocalization of MLH1 foci during pachytene were used to calculate the distances in cM to the target sequences and to compare this cytogenetic SC map with the consensus linkage map for GGA1. The combination of SC-FISH and immunostaining could be generally applied to obtain high-resolution mapping of single-copy sequences in birds and, coupled with MLH1 crossover maps, it could be a reliable approach to obtain genetic distances between markers to test the genetic linkage maps generated from molecular markers.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the changes of the synaptonemal complex at the end of pachytene and in diplotene are reported. The synaptonemal complex disintegrates in diplotene by progressive disjoining of the lateral arms. The structures of the pairing space disappear. A residual piece of the synaptonemal complex is interpreted as a transitional stage of the process of disintegration. The lateral arms form single threads which disappear at the end of diplotene. No doubleness of the lateral arms can be detected, except a splitting in 3–4 laminae in the region near the fixation points at the nuclear envelope. The lateral arms do not separate in subunits at the end of the meiotic prophase. Chiasmata can not be recognized.
Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen über die Veränderungen des synaptonemalen Komplexes am Ende des Pachytäus und im Diplotän werden mitgeteilt. Im Diplotän löst sich der synaptonemale Komplex durch fortschreitende Trennung der lateralen Arme. Die Strukturen des Paarungs-Raumes verschwinden. Ein Rest des synaptonemalen Komplexes wird als Übergangsstadium im Laufe des Desintegrations-Prozesses gedeutet. Die lateralen Arme bilden Einzelstränge, die am Ende des Diplotäns verschwinden. Eine Verdopplung des lateralen Armes kann nicht entdeckt werden; lediglich in der Nähe des Fixationspunktes an der Nuclearmembran findet sich eine Aufspaltung in 3–4 Lamellen. Am Ende der meiotischen Prophase trenne sich demnach die lateralen Arme nicht in Untereinheiten. Chiasmata sind nicht erkennbar.

This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

In spermatocytes of Helix aspersa, the structure of the synaptonemal complexes undergoes changes in the course of the pachytene, the lateral elements being transformed into wide bands of lesser density than the chromatin. By using the uranyl-EDTA-lead sequence, which preferentially stains RNA, the lateral elements can be made to appear positive in the early pachytene while the corresponding areas, which become wider and more diffuse, are positive during late pachytene. — Apparently, the lateral elements do not persist in the diplotene and remnants of the central element can occasionally be observed. Using the uranyl-EDTA-lead method reveals some positively stained material surrounding the chromatin, mostly granular in appearance, which is observed in late pachytene and attains its maximum amount during diplotene. Several aspects of these observations are here discussed.  相似文献   

The progression of first meiotic prophase and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation in female rats, Rattus norvegicus S.D., is described through the analysis of the different stages of the first meiotic prophase, and confirms the high synchrony of the process in this species. Leptotene is a stage of very short duration and since pairing of the homologues begins very early, only a leptotene-zygotene stage can be distinguished. The progression of pairing during zygotene is asynchronous. The morphology of the SCs is similar to that described in other species. During diplotene and before desintegration of the lateral elements, desynapsis takes place.In some oocytes a double or even multiple nature of lateral elements was seen. Associations between SCs and nucleoli or nucleolar filaments are frequent. The presence of fragmented SCs can be interpreted as a technical artifact.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural and cytochemical analysis of the attachment sites of the synaptonemal complex to the nuclear envelope in rat spermatocytes is presented. The association is formed by the ends of the lateral elements in the form of a plate associated with the inner membrane, as well as by formations of fibrillar character found in the perinuclear space and in the cytoplasm adjacent to the outer membrane. By means of uranyl-EDTA-lead staining, both the area of association between the lateral elements and the fibrillar formations can be strongly stained, while the same areas appear unstained when the tissue has been previously treated with RNase. Staining with alcoholic PTA also produces a strong staining effect at the level of the attachment plates of the lateral elements, and very weak staining of the perinuclear space and of the formations in the adjacent cytoplasm. On the basis of this analysis of both the associations of autosomes and of the XY pair, we suggest that this associating structure consists partly of RNA and partly proteins, presumably histones.  相似文献   

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