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Monotritylation of O-acetyl derivatives of D-xylopyranose and D-xylofuranose with trityl chloride in acetonitrile-pyridine gave the tri-O-acetyl derivatives of 1-,2-, 3-, and 5-O-trityl-D-xylofuranose and of 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-O-trityl-D-xylopyranose which were required for the identification of the various monotrityl derivatives obtained in the tritylation at 50° of D-xylose with trityl chloride in pyridine or hexamethylphosphoric triamide-silver acetate.  相似文献   

The responsabilities of the professionals are numerous and various. As an exemple, we discuss the french law (29 july 1994) about the practice of reproductive biology. There are three levels of responsabilities:
  • ? civil liability concern the damage to somebody, the means, information, confidentiality.
  • ? penal code concern the integrity of somebody, the safety of the staff and of the patients.
  • ? administrative.
  • All the professionals must be aware of the legislation and the penalties they might incur.  相似文献   

    Seminal liquefaction corresponds to a proteolysis of glycoproteins and could also result in a lysis of linked glycans involving glycosidases. It is well known that α-1-4 glucosidase is a real epipidymal marker. The aim of this study is to point out new markers among the glycosidases and especially β-D-mannosidase, α-L-fucosidase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase. There is no correlation between the three enzymatic activities and the sperm count. Moreover in case of azoospermia enzymatic activities were always present. The variations observed are both quantitative (β-MAN activity is significantly decreased) and qualitative (modifications of the relative proportions of the different enzymatic forms) according to the etiology of azoospermia.  相似文献   

    The identification of dietary habits is increasingly seen as a fundamental aspect for studying the ancient human populations. Accordingly, several projects aiming to identify Paleolithic individuals’ dietary patterns were developed to analyze the organic component of bone tissue and identify isotopic markers to reconstruct the food typology. Bone fragments from six individuals were selected for carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis. The interpretation of human isotopic data was framed through a dataset of twenty-one Italian Paleolithic individuals. The isotopic data generated for the Paleolithic individuals agree with the information already provided by the archaeological record concerning the Italian hunter and gatherer communities. Their subsistence economy was essentially grounded upon the exploitation of high protein foods, either from terrestrial fauna resources or inland lacustrine or riverine species.  相似文献   

    Résumé L'auteur a déterminé les relations taxonomiques existant entre 65 souches de lactobacilles isolés du vin et 4 souches de collection, à l'aide de l'analyse adansonienne. Sept phénons 80 et deux phénons 72 sont décrits: ces deux derniers correspondent aux sous genres Streptobacterium et Betabacterium. Deux phénons 80 sont assimilables aux espèces Lactobacillus casei et Lactobacillus plantarum. Les autres phénons comportant plus d'une souche ne correspondent à aucune espèce décrite.Ce travail montre que l'on peut mettre en évidence les caractères phénétiques les plus représentatifs pour les regrouper ensuite dans une clé d'identification et que l'on peut juger de la valeur taxonomique d'un caractère d'intérêt pratique.
    Numerical taxonomy of lactobacilli isolated from wines
    Summary The author has established the taxonomic relationships between 65 strains of lactobacilli isolated from wines and 4 named cultures, by means of adansonian analysis. Seven 80 phenons and two 72 phenons are described. The latter correspond to the subgenera Streptobacterium and Betabacterium. Two 80 phenons answer to the species L. casei and L. plantarum. The others 80 phenons of more than a strain do not correspond to any known species.This study shows that we can isolate the most representative phenetic characters and gather them again in an identification key and that we can appreciate the taxonomic value of a practical character.

    Summary The archipelago opposite Senj (Croatian Coast) is very exposed to the Bora hurricanes accompanied by air dryness, salt spray, and periodic coast icing. Therefore the xerohalophytic flora of this area is very interesting. Four new taxa from there are described:Astragalus glacialis n. spec. subsp.glacialis s. s. and subsp.uraganicus n. subsp.,Allium horvatii n. spec., andPinus nigra Arn. subsp.croatica n. subsp., a stenoendemic relict near extinction on the isle of Prvi.  相似文献   

    The Messinian coral reefs of Oranie (western Algeria) often contain determinable remnants of decapods (carapaces, chelae). Six species are mentioned, all of them for the first time from the Upper Miocene of Algeria. Further, a new species (Lachnopodus murdjadjensis) is proposed. This decapod association seems to be a characteristic reefdwelling one. Its affinities are discussed.  相似文献   

    Résumé Le virus de la densonucléose est thermorésistant. Il n'est pas inactivé après traitement avec des solvants de lipides. Aucun pouvoir hémagglutinant n'a été mis en évidence avec des érythrocytes d'espèces variées. Ces propriétés sont comparées à celles desParvovirus.
    Summary The densonucleosis virus is thermoresistant. It is not inactivated after treatment with lipid solvents. Attempts to demonstrate hemagglutination of DNV, using different erythrocytes, were unsuccessful. These properties are compared to those of Parvoviruses.

    Résumé Les observations photoniques et ultramicroscopiques concernant les Blastodinium, parasites de Copépodes, étudiés à tous les stades de leur développement intra-intestinal nous ont apporté les résultats suivants:Le Trophocyte subit de profondes transformations nucléaires avant de commencer à se diviser (éndettement nucléolaire et passage des grains ribonucléoprotéiques dans le cytoplasme); les sphères archoplasmiques liées aux noyaux se divisent avant eux et apportent leur contribution dans les synthèses membranaires; la division nucléaire est une pleuromitose simple, sans cinétochores et sans centrioles: on peut observer tous les stades définis de, la mitose, exceptée l'interphase; la métaphase est très difficile à saisir, surtout dans les espèces à mitoses accélérées. Les faisceaux de microtubules contenus dans les plasmodendrites qui perforent les noyaux toujours en mitoses au cours de la sporogenèse, ne sont jamais en contact avec les chromosomes; nous avons entrevu leur rôle dans la cyclose hyaloplasmique. Durant les phénomènes sporogenétiques, un cycle régulier de condensation chromosomique s'effectue, sans perte de DNA. Dans les stades peu condensés, l'arrangement fibrillaire des chromosomes est inorganisé, puis ceux-ci montrent un agencement en séries d'arceaux réguliers qui disparaît dans les stades les plus condensés.L'enveloppe nucléaire joue un rôle prépondérant dans la traction, l'orientation et la ségrégation du matériel chromosomique. Nous avons recherché également une série d'explications concernant le déterminisme des phénomènes de condensation chromatique.Dans cet exemple précis, noyaux et phénomènes mitotiques démontrent parfaitement cette situation intermédiaire des Dinoflagellés, entre Bactéries et Eucaryotes.
    Nuclear structures of Blastodinium Chatton (parasitic dinoflagellates)Division and chromatic Condensation
    The mitotic mechanism in Blastodinium Chatton has been studied by photonic and electronic microscopy. Divisions of the archoplasmic spheres precede that of the nuclei and their movements are interconnected. Stages of mitosis follow one another without interphase; they are telescoped, which makes the study of the chromosome cycle more difficult. Progressive condensation of nuclei and chromosomes takes place in the various sporogenetic layers within the same parasite. Cytophotometric measurements show that there is no loss of DNA during successive mitosis. The nuclear envelope plays an important part in the traction, orientation and segregation of the chromosomes. The cytoplasmic invagination which perforate the nuclei contain considerable masses of microtubules whose role in the activation of the hyaloplasmic cyclosis and membranous synthesis is suggested.—In longitudinal section, the chromosomes show a fibrillar arrangement in regular arches in the non-condensed stages and irregular arches in more condensed stages, with a lesser diameter.—The type of nuclear division is a very simple pleuromitosis without kinetochores and centrioles; the role of the nuclear envelope in the chromosomal mechanism appears to be preponderant.

    The Upper Paleolithic burials currently known in Italy represent a rich and important group which constitutes the major part of the European sample. Among these burials, those attributed to the Gravettian are concentrated in two regions, Liguria and Puglia. Epigravettian burials were found in most parts of the peninsula and in Sicily. Grave goods are often very rich, especially in Gravettian burials. With regard to the anthropological characteristics of the buried, research has focused mainly on postcranial skeleton and on the information it can give us about weight, stature and somatic proportions. Among the Gravettians, Ligurian males reach the highest stature. The average height decreases from Gravettian to Epigravettian, as already observed in the European sample.  相似文献   

    《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):499-515
    The important collection of Crustacea assembled by dˈOrbigny during his voyage of exploration in South America (1826–1834) was studied by Henri Milne Edwards and Hippolyte Lucas (1842–1844) in their contribution to the natural history of the Voyage en Amérique méridionale. In the present paper, this material, mainly crabs, deposited in the dry collection of the ‘Muséum national dˈhistoire naturelle’, Paris, is reviewed. The authors of the described taxa and their dates of publication are specified, lectotypes are designated, and a list of the currently valid taxa is provided.  相似文献   

    Zusammenfassung Die Ultrastruktur des Zentralkörpers wurde beiTriton, Pleurodeles, Maus, Ratte undHühnchen elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. In allen Fällen stellt sich dieser Körper als Hohlzylinder mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 150 m und einer Länge von 300–500 m dar. Seine Wandung, die stark osmiophil ist, besteht aus etwa 9 Röhrchen, die untereinander und zur Achse des Zylinders parallel angeordnet sind. Der Zentralkörper liegt entweder am Spindelpol von Mitosen oder in der Nähe der Nuclearmembran und des Golgiapparates im Cytoplasma von ruhenden Zellen.Die an normalen Gewebe beobachtete Ultrastruktur des Zentralkörpers wurde ebenso in verschiedenen Krebsgeweben und in Zellen, die der Wirkung von Colchicin oder Natrium-Kakodylat ausgesetzt waren, nachgewiesen.Die Spindelfasern erscheinen als kleine Kanäle mit einem Durchmesser von 20 m; sie sind bei einer großen Mehrzahl von Mitosen, die der Wirkung von Mitosegiften ausgesetzt waren, nicht nachweisbar.Die Ultrastruktur des Zentralkörpers entspricht derjenigen des Basalkörperchens des Flimmerepithels und des proximalen Zentralkörpers der Spermatozoen.Der Zentralkörper erscheint als ein hochdifferenziertes Organ, dessen Ultrastruktur, je nach den verschiedenen Anforderungen der Zellentwicklung, die Synthese von Faserproteinen möglich macht.  相似文献   

    Treatment of 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-d-ribo- and xylo-hexofuranos-3-uloses with (difluoromethylene)triphenylphosphorane and (chlorofluoromethylene)-triphenylphosphorane gave unsaturated, ramified halogeno sugars in good yield. Treatment of the chlorofluoromethylene derivatives with lithium aluminum hydride gave stereospecifically the corresponding fluoromethylene derivatives with inversion of configuration at the double bond. The configuration was determined by 1h- and 19F-n.m.r. spectrometry.  相似文献   

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