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The performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae MBG3964, a strain able to tolerate >18% v/v ethanol, was compared to leading industrial ethanol strain, Fermentis Ethanol Red, under high gravity corn mash fermentation conditions. Compared to the industrial ethanol strain, MBG3964 gave increased alcohol yield (140 g L−1 vs. 126 g L−1), lower residual sugar (4 g L−1 vs. 32 g L−1), and lower glycerol (11 g L−1 vs. 12 g L−1). After 72 h fermentation, MBG3964 showed about 40% viability, whereas the control yeast was only about 3% viable. Based on modelling, the higher ethanol tolerant yeast could increase the profitability of a corn-ethanol plant and help it remain viable through higher production, lower unit heating requirements and extra throughput. A typical 50 M gal y−1 dry mill ethanol plant that sells dried distiller’s grain could potentially increase its profit by nearly $US3.4 M y−1 due solely to the extra yield, and potentially another $US4.1 M y−1 if extra throughput is possible.  相似文献   

Process oscillation characterized by long oscillation period and large oscillation amplitude was observed in continuous ethanol fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae under very high gravity conditions. Metabolic flux analysis was applied to the fermentation system, and the results indicated that carbon flux distributions at the metabolic notes oscillated, correspondingly, and the root reason for the process oscillation was the intracellular metabolism of yeast cells. Cell cycle analysis with the flow cytometry showed that no cell-cycle-dependent synchronization of the daughter and mother cells occurred within the duration of the oscillation, and thus different mechanism existed compared with the oscillation observed in the continuous culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and triggered by the synchronization of the daughter and mother cells under specific conditions. Furthermore, the overall metabolic activity of the yeast cells was examined, which was found not exactly out of phase but lag behind ethanol concentration that accumulated within the fermentation system and its inhibition on the yeast cells as well, which supported the mechanistic speculation for the process oscillation: the lag response of yeast cells to ethanol inhibition.  相似文献   

Due to the environmental concerns and the increasing price of oil, bioethanol was already produced in large amount in Brazil and China from sugarcane juice and molasses. In order to make this process competitive, we have investigated the suitability of immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain AS2.1190 on sugarcane pieces for production of ethanol. Electron microscopy clearly showed that cell immobilization resulted in firm adsorption of the yeast cells within subsurface cavities, capillary flow through the vessels of the vascular bundle structure, and attachment of the yeast to the surface of the sugarcane pieces. Repeated batch fermentations using sugarcane supported-biocatalyst were successfully carried out for at least ten times without any significant loss in ethanol production from sugarcane juice and molasses. The number of cells attached to the support increased during the fermentation process, and fewer yeast cells leaked into fermentation broth. Ethanol concentrations (about 89.73–77.13 g/l in average value), and ethanol productivities (about 59.53–62.79 g/l d in average value) were high and stable, and residual sugar concentrations were low in all fermentations (0.34–3.60 g/l) with conversions ranging from 97.67–99.80%, showing efficiency (90.11–94.28%) and operational stability of the biocatalyst for ethanol fermentation. The results of this study concerning the use of sugarcane as yeast supports could be promising for industrial fermentations. L. Liang and Y. Zhang have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

微生物发酵过程是细胞新陈代谢进行物质转化的过程,为了提高目标产物的转化率,需要对微生物发酵动态特性进行实时分析,以便实时优化发酵过程。拉曼光谱(Raman spectroscopy)量化测试作为一种有应用前景的在线过程分析技术,可以在避免微生物污染的条件下,实现精准监测,进而用于优化控制微生物发酵过程。【目的】以运动发酵单胞菌(Zymomonas mobilis)为例,建立微生物发酵过程中葡萄糖、木糖、乙醇和乳酸浓度拉曼光谱预测模型,并进行准确性验证。【方法】采用浸入式在线拉曼探头,收集运动发酵单胞菌发酵过程中多个组分的拉曼光谱,采用偏最小二乘法对光谱信号进行预处理和多元数据分析,结合离线色谱分析数据,对拉曼光谱进行建模分析和浓度预测。【结果】针对运动发酵单胞菌,首先实现拉曼分析仪对单一产品乙醇发酵过程的精准检测,其次基于多元变量分析,建立葡萄糖、乙醇和乳酸浓度变化的预测模型,实现对发酵过程中各成分浓度变化的准确有效分析。【结论】成功建立了一种评价资源微生物尤其是工业菌株发酵液多种组分的拉曼光谱分析方法。该方法为运动发酵单胞菌等工业菌株利用多组分底物工业化生产不同产物的实时检测,以及其他微生物尤其工业菌株的选育和过程优化提供了新方法。  相似文献   

Ethanol production from sweet sorghum juice by Saccharomyces cerevisiae NP01 was investigated under very high gravity (VHG) fermentation and various carbon adjuncts and nitrogen sources. When sucrose was used as an adjunct, the sweet sorghum juice containing total sugar of 280 g l−1, 3 g yeast extract l−1 and 5 g peptone l−1 gave the maximum ethanol production efficiency with concentration, productivity and yield of 120.68 ± 0.54 g l−1, 2.01 ± 0.01 g l−1 h−1 and 0.51 ± 0.00 g g−1, respectively. When sugarcane molasses was used as an adjunct, the juice under the same conditions gave the maximum ethanol concentration, productivity and yield with the values of 109.34 ± 0.78 g l−1, 1.52 ± 0.01 g l−1 h−1 and 0.45 ± 0.01 g g−1, respectively. In addition, ammonium sulphate was not suitable for use as a nitrogen supplement in the sweet sorghum juice for ethanol production since it caused the reduction in ethanol concentration and yield for approximately 14% when compared to those of the unsupplemented juices.  相似文献   

在一套由搅拌罐和管式反应器串联而成的组合式反应系统中,利用酿酒酵母进行连续发酵生产高浓度乙醇。后续管式反应器内通过装填聚氨酯颗粒和木块对酵母细胞进行吸附固定化,在乙醇抑制造成细胞活性大幅降低的情况下,通过大幅提高细胞浓度保证发酵效率,在稀释速率0.02h-1和280g/L葡萄糖的条件下,系统的终点乙醇浓度为15.4 % (v/v)。研究表明在一定稀释速率之下,应该通过增加反应器的级数来降低稀释速率,以达到提高终点乙醇浓度,如简单地降低进料速率则可能增加整个系统所受的乙醇抑制,对提高终点乙醇浓度效果不显著。  相似文献   

Chipped tobacco stalks were subjected to steam pretreatment at 205 °C for either 5 or 10 min before enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucose (15.4–17.1 g/l) and xylose (4.5–5.0 g/l) were the most abundant monosaccharides in the hydrolysates. Mannose, galactose and arabinose were also detected. The hydrolysate produced by pretreatment for 10 min contained higher levels of all sugars than the 5 min-pretreated hydrolysate. The amounts of inhibitory compounds found in the hydrolysates were relatively low and increased with increasing pretreatment time. The hydrolysates were fermented with baker's yeast. Ethanol yield, maximum volumetric productivity and specific productivity were used as criteria of fermentability of the hydrolysates. The fermentation of the hydrolysates was only slightly inhibited compared to reference solutions having a similar composition of fermentable sugars. The ethanol yield in the hydrolysates was 0.38–0.39 g/g of initial fermentable sugars, whereas it was 0.42 g/g in the reference. The biomass yield was twofold lower in the hydrolysates than in the reference. The fermentation inhibition caused by the tobacco stalk hydrolysates was less than that caused by sugarcane bagasse hydrolysates obtained under the same hydrolysis conditions.  相似文献   

A major challenge associated with the fermentation of lignocellulose-derived hydrolysates is improved ethanol production in the presence of fermentation inhibitors, such as acetic and formic acids. Enhancement of transaldolase (TAL) and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) activities through metabolic engineering successfully conferred resistance to weak acids in a recombinant xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Moreover, hybridization of the metabolically engineered yeast strain improved ethanol production from xylose in the presence of both 30 mM acetate and 20 mM formate. Batch fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysate containing a mixture of glucose, fructose and xylose as carbon sources, as well as the fermentation inhibitors, acetate and formate, was performed for five cycles without any loss of fermentation capacity. Long-term stability of ethanol production in the fermentation phase was not only attributed to the coexpression of TAL and FDH genes, but also the hybridization of haploid strains.  相似文献   

Zymomonas mobilis produces more than three times as many colony-forming units when grown in the presence of a combination of protein and lipid medium supplements than in unsupplemented cultures. The specific ethanol production rate is twice as fast, and the percent yield is higher (92% vs 82%), in supplemented than in unsupplemented broth. In addition, there is a change in the phospholipid composition of cells grown in the presence of supplements. Both materials are required for enhancement of fermentation and growth.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Mg2+, glycine, yeast extract, biotin, acetaldehyde and peptone were optimized by a uniform design process for ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using non-linear step-wise regression analysis, a predictive mathematical model was established. Concentrations of Mg2+ and peptone were identified as the critical factors: 50 mM Mg2+ and 1.5% (w/v) peptone in the medium increased the final ethanol titre from 14.2% (v/v) to 17% (v/v) in 48 h.  相似文献   

Bioethanol production from xylose is important for utilization of lignocellulosic biomass as raw materials. The research on yeast conversion of xylose to ethanol has been intensively studied especially for genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the last 20 years. S. cerevisiae, which is a very safe microorganism that plays a traditional and major role in industrial bioethanol production, has several advantages due to its high ethanol productivity, as well as its high ethanol and inhibitor tolerance. However, this yeast cannot ferment xylose, which is the dominant pentose sugar in hydrolysates of lignocellulosic biomass. A number of different strategies have been applied to engineer yeasts capable of efficiently producing ethanol from xylose, including the introduction of initial xylose metabolism and xylose transport, changing the intracellular redox balance, and overexpression of xylulokinase and pentose phosphate pathways. In this review, recent progress with regard to these studies is discussed, focusing particularly on xylose-fermenting strains of S. cerevisiae. Recent studies using several promising approaches such as host strain selection and adaptation to obtain further improved xylose-utilizing S. cerevisiae are also addressed.  相似文献   

Summary Insertion of the transposable element Ty at the ADH4 locus results in increased levels of a new alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The DNA sequence of this locus has been determined. It contains a long open reading frame which is not homologous to the other ADH isozymes that have been characterized in S. cerevisiae nor does it show obvious homology to Drosophila ADH. The hypothetical ADH does, however, show strong homology to the sequence of an iron-activated ADH from the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. Thus ADH4 appears to encode an ADH structural gene which, along with the Zymomonas enzyme, may define a new family of alcohol dehydrogenases.Now The Plant Cell Research Institute, Inc., 6560 Trinity Court, Dublin, CA 94568, USA  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum juice supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate was used as a substrate for ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae TISTR 5048. In batch fermentation, kinetic parameters for ethanol production depended on initial cell and sugar concentrations. The optimum initial cell and sugar concentrations in the batch fermentation were 1 × 108 cells ml−1 and 24 °Bx respectively. At these conditions, ethanol concentration produced (P), yield (Y ps) and productivity (Q p ) were 100 g l−1, 0.42 g g−1 and 1.67 g l−1 h−1 respectively. In fed-batch fermentation, the optimum substrate feeding strategy for ethanol production at the initial sugar concentration of 24 °Bx was one-time substrate feeding, where P, Y ps and Q p were 120 g l−1, 0.48 g g−1 and 1.11 g l−1 h−1 respectively. These findings suggest that fed-batch fermentation improves the efficiency of ethanol production in terms of ethanol concentration and product yield.  相似文献   

Summary A simple and efficient method of conversion of wheat starch B to ethanol was investigated. Employing a two-stage enzymatic saccharification process, 95% of the wheat starch was converted to fermentable sugars in 40 h. From 140 g/l total sugars in the feed solution, 63.6 g/l ethanol was produced continuously with a residence time of 3.3 h in a continuous dynamic immobilized biocatalyst bioreactor by immobilized cells ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. The advantages and the application of this bioreactor to continuous alcoholic fermentation of industrial substrates are presented.  相似文献   

One of the defining features of the fermentation process used in the production of bioethanol from sugarcane feedstock is the dynamic nature of the yeast population. Minisatellite molecular markers are particularly useful for monitoring yeast communities because they produce polymorphic PCR products that typically display wide size variations. We compared the coding sequences derived from the genome of the sugarcane bioethanol strain JAY270/PE-2 to those of the reference Saccharomyces cerevisiae laboratory strain S288c, and searched for genes containing insertion or deletion polymorphisms larger than 24 bp. We then designed oligonucleotide primers flanking nine of these sites, and used them to amplify differentially sized PCR products. We analyzed the banding patterns in the most widely adopted sugarcane bioethanol strains and in several indigenous yeast contaminants, and found that our marker set had very good discriminatory power. Subsequently, these markers were used to successfully monitor the yeast cell populations in six sugarcane bioethanol distilleries. Additionally, we showed that most of the markers described here are also polymorphic among strains unrelated to bioethanol production, suggesting that they may be applied universally in S. cerevisiae. Because the relatively large polymorphisms are detectable in conventional agarose gels, our method is well suited to modestly equipped on-site laboratories at bioethanol distilleries, therefore providing both cost and time savings.  相似文献   

以1株能够直接利用菊糖产乙醇的酿酒酵母L610为出发菌株,对其利用菊糖生产乙醇的发酵条件进行了一系列研究。结果表明,L610最适乙醇发酵温度为37℃,且40℃高温发酵对其产乙醇能力无显著影响;L610对酸性发酵环境有良好的耐受性,当发酵液p H值降至3.5时,其糖醇转化率及乙醇产量仍保持较高水平;以0.025~0.10 vvm的通气量通气12 h有利于L610发酵菊糖产乙醇;L610对350 g/L的高浓度菊糖有良好的转化率,乙醇浓度和生产强度分别达到129 g/L和1.35 g/(L·h);当直接以300 g/L菊芋粗粉为唯一底物进行发酵时,L610发酵产乙醇浓度达到89.6 g/L,为理论产量的78.1%。本研究所取得的成果为酿酒酵母一步法发酵菊芋生产乙醇的工业化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Yao L  Wang T  Wang H 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(19):9199-9205
The feasibility of using soy skim, a co-product of the aqueous processing of soybeans, in ethanol production from corn was evaluated. Specific growth rates were compared when Saccharomyces cerevisiae was grown in soy skim and peptone-yeast extract media supplemented with glucose. Such soy skim was proved to be a good nitrogen source for yeast growth. Next, fermentation of dry-ground corn to ethanol using soy skim as the media was simulated on 1.5-L scale. Replacing water with soy skim increased the initial ethanol production rates by 4-32% while final ethanol yield was about 39 g/100 g dry corn, similar to the result when water was used. Solid and protein contents in the finished beer increased with the addition of soy skim. Thus, replacing water in corn-ethanol fermentation with soy skim is feasible, and may improve the economics of both aqueous soybean processing and corn ethanol fermentation.  相似文献   

The quantitative effects of temperature, pH and time of fermentation were investigated on simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of ethanol from sago starch with glucoamylase (AMG) and Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 using a Box–Wilson central composite design protocol. The SSF process was studied using free enzyme and free cells and it was found that with sago starch, maximum ethanol concentration of 70.68 g/l was obtained using a starch concentration of 140 g/l, which represents an ethanol yield of 97.08%. The optimum conditions for the above yield were found to be a temperature of 36.74 °C, pH of 5.02 and time of fermentation of 17 h. Thus by using the central composite design, it is possible to determine the accurate values of the fermentation parameters where maximum production of ethanol occurs.  相似文献   

The ethanologenic bacterium Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 is of special interest because it has a high ethanol yield. This is made possible by the two alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) present in Z. mobilis ZM4 (zmADHs), which shift the equilibrium of the reaction toward the synthesis of ethanol. They are metal-dependent enzymes: zinc for zmADH1 and iron for zmADH2. However, zmADH2 is inactivated by oxygen, thus implicating zmADH2 as the component of the cytosolic respiratory system in Z. mobilis. Here, we show crystal structures of zmADH2 in the form of an apo-enzyme and an NAD+-cofactor complex. The overall folding of the monomeric structure is very similar to those of other functionally related ADHs with structural variations around the probable substrate and NAD+ cofactor binding region. A dimeric structure is formed by the limited interactions between the two subunits with the bound NAD+ at the cleft formed along the domain interface. The catalytic iron ion binds near to the nicotinamide ring of NAD+, which is likely to restrict and locate the ethanol to the active site together with the oxidized Cys residue and several nonpolar bulky residues. The structures of the zmADH2 from the proficient ethanologenic bacterium Z. mobilis, with and without NAD+ cofactor, and modeling ethanol in the active site imply that there is a typical metal-dependent catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

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