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Brycon nattereri (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Characidae), a threatened South American freshwater fish, occurs in the Paraná, Tocantins and São Francisco river basins in central Brazil. It is a middle-sized (up to 50 cm SL), omnivorous species, which occurs in swift, clear-water rivers with well-preserved riparian vegetation. Main threats to the species are water pollution, dam building, and deforestation.  相似文献   


A new species of haemogregarine was found in the fish Barbus sharpeyi (Cyprinidae): Haemogregarina majeedi n. sp. which is broadly oval to reniform and with a large, subterminal nucleus. It was found with one to two schizonts within the erythrocytes and erythroblasts which were shorter and broader than normal. This is the third haemogregarine described from fishes in Iraq.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Cucullanus angeli n. sp., is described from specimens recovered from the intestine of Vieja intermedia (Günther, 1862) from the Lacantun River, State of Chiapas, Mexico. It is characterized largely by having an unusual distinct unpaired median papilla present on anterior cloacal lip in the male and the situation of phasmids (close to eighth pair of papillae); it is further characterized by equal spicules (length 175-475 microm), distribution of caudal papillae, a preanal sucker surrounded by first and second pair of papillae, and conical tail in both sexes, ending in small terminal digitiform process (being more conspicuous in the female).  相似文献   

《Comptes rendus biologies》2019,342(9-10):323-329
A new species of natricid snakes, Trachischium apteii sp. nov. is described from the northeastern Indian State of Arunachal Pradesh. The new species differs from its congeners in the following suite of characters: dorsal scales in 15:15:15 rows, SVL 293–299 mm, higher ventral count 143–150, very faint dorsal longitudinal lines, absence of yellow patch on the neck and the belly being pale yellow. Preliminary discussion on the phylogenetic position of the members of the genus Trachischium is presented. This discovery of a new snake species advocates the need for dedicated surveys to document biodiversity across Arunachal Pradesh and the neighbouring States of northeastern India.  相似文献   

1964年夏,于海南岛海口市野生动物购销部得龟1只,经鉴定为凹甲陆龟Testudo impressa(Gün-ther)。 背甲长212毫米,背甲宽151毫米,壳高89毫米。 国外分布于泰国、缅甸、越南、马来半岛等山区。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterize the embryogenesis and larval development of matrinchã (Brycon orthotaenia), through the analysis of egg and larval morphology. Fertilized eggs had a mean diameter of 1.17 mm, with yolk occupying most of the egg (1.06 mm). Embryogenesis lasted for 15 hr at an average temperature of 27°C. At hatching, yolk-sac larvae measured 3.67 mm in mean standard length (SL). Pre-flexion, flexion and post-flexion larva had 5.01, 8.24 and 11.88 mm mean SL, respectively, with significant increases observed particularly in head length, head height, and eye diameter. The yolk persisted in the yolk-sac and pre-flexion stages (5.96 mm SL). The mouth opening could first be observed 13 hr after hatching, and cannibalism was observed 29 hr after hatching in pre-flexion larvae after absorption of the yolk sac; in such cases, the larvae had already developed teeth and a complete digestive tract. For an endangered species such as matrinchã, early life history studies are important because they provide researchers with a better understanding of critical stages of development and thus enhance captive management by rearing and restocking of the species.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that an antibody against neuron-specific enolase (NSE) selectively labels Müller cells (MCs) in the anuran retina (Wilhelm et al. 1992). In the present study the light- and electron-microscopic morphology of MCs and their distribution were described in the retina of the toad, Bufo marinus, using the above antibody. The somata of MCs were located in the proximal part of the inner nuclear layer and were interconnected with each other by their processes. The MCs were uniformly distributed across the retina with an average density of 1500 cells/mm2. Processes of MCs encircled the somata of photoreceptor cells isolating them from each other by glial sheath, except for those of the double cones. Some of the photoreceptor pedicles remained free of glial sheath. Electron-microscopic observations confirmed that MC processes provide an extensive scaffolding across the neural retina. At the outer border of the ganglion cell layer these processes formed a non-continuous sheath. The MC processes traversed through the ganglion cell layer and spread beneath it between the neuronal somata and the underlying optic axons. These processes formed a continuous inner limiting membrane separating the optic fibre layer from the vitreous tissue. Neither astrocytic nor oligodendrocytic elements were found in the optic fibre layer. The significance of the uniform MC distribution and the functional implications of the observed pattern of MC scaffolding are discussed.  相似文献   

In viviparous fish, as is illustrated by the example of the pipefish Syngnathus acusimilis (Syngnathidae), unlike fish that spawn their eggs into the environment, there are virtually no differences between populations in meristic characters, which are formed during the embryonic and larval development. The absence of these differences is due to the stability of conditions, specifically temperature, during the egg incubation in the parental organism. The insignificant differences in the external morphology of the pipefish can also be associated with the presence of the bony plates that completely cover the fish body. The peculiarities of the structure and reproductive biology are not conducive to the ecological and geographical intraspecific differentiation of this fish.  相似文献   

Paeonocanthus antarcticensis (Hewitt, 1965) is redescribed based on four specimens recovered from a deep-sea smelt, Bathylagus antarcticus Günther, collected in the Antarctic Ocean (65 degrees S, 139 degrees 59.6'E). Studies on the morphological variations of these four specimens plus comparison with the three documented specimens yielded that the sphyriid reported as P. antarcticensis from the goiter blacksmelt, Bathylagus euryops Goode & Bean, taken in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean is a different species. It is renamed Paeonocanthus hogansi n. sp.  相似文献   

Abstract Cartilage tissues from the proboscis of skate (Raja porasa Günther) were used to initiate primary cultures of cartilage cells. Aseptically dissected cartilage tissues were immersed in MEM medium free of fetal bovine serum (FBS), pH 7.6, and minced into small pieces (1 mm3 on average). After hydrolysis with collagenase II, hyaluronidase, and trypsin for 2 hours at room temperature, the acquired cartilage cells were rinsed twice with 20% FBS-supplemented MEM medium and then inoculated into 25-cm3 cell culture flasks, and incubated at 24°C. The primary cultures were initiated successfully, and the cartilage cells grew gradually into a confluent monolayer at day 10. Effects of growth factors were also tested in this study, and it was found that 20 ng/ml of basic fibroblast growth factor and 100 ng/ml of insulin-like growth factor II together had the most prominent stimulating effect on the growth and division of cartilage cells in the series of concentration combinations employed. The induced cartilage cells cultured formed a confluent monolayer at day 7.  相似文献   

棘腹蛙(Rana boulengeri Günther)早期胚胎发育与分期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了湘西地区棘腹蛙(R.boulengeriG.)的早期胚胎发育与分期.用人工诱导排卵、人工授精的方法获得受精卵,在控制水温为(23±0.5)℃下发育,棘腹蛙的胚胎发育从人工授精开始到蝌蚪的鳃盖完全闭合需要261h;以胚胎形态变化和主要生理特征的出现为基础,该蛙早期胚胎发育可分为25个时期.棘腹蛙发育过程中的形态特征和其它无尾两栖类相似,但在某些方面也呈现出与适应山地溪流环境有关的一些特点.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Although Cymbacephalus staigeri (Castelnau 1875) has been regarded as a valid species, several authors have suggested that it may be a junior synonym of Cymbacephalus...  相似文献   

Dams and weirs strongly affect or interrupt the longitudinal connectivity of rivers, by limiting the movements of several fish species while altering and fragmenting habitats. Fishways, especially pool-type fishways, are used to diminish this impact by enabling fish to negotiate barriers. The aim of this work is to study the behaviour of a small-sized resident cyprinid fish, the Iberian chub—Squalius pyrenaicus (Günther, 1868)—within a prototype of a pool-type fishway, equipped with both surface notches and bottom orifices, and experiencing two different flow regimes, plunging and streaming. Results show that the fish tended to be more successful in their upstream movements under streaming flow and that, for this regime, the surface notch was the preferred route for upstream movements. Flow velocity patterns corroborated the results, showing that the plunging flow regime may have driven fish downstream, while the streaming flow regime may have attracted fish upstream. The plunging flow also prevented access of this surface-oriented species to the surface notch, effectively reducing the area available for transport. Thus, the streaming flow regime can be a sound option for this and other small-sized species, as it enhances fish movements through the fishway.  相似文献   

Neotropical rivers are home to the largest assemblage of freshwater fishes, but little is known about the phylogeny of these fishes at the species level using multi-locus molecular markers. Here, we present a phylogeny for all known species of the genus Satanoperca, a widespread group of Neotropical cichlid fishes, based on analysis of six unlinked genetic loci. To test nominal and proposed species limits for this group, we surveyed mtDNA sequence variation among 320 individuals representing all know species. Most nominal species were supported by this approach but we determined that populations in the Xingu, Tapajós, and Araguaia+Paraná Rivers are likely undescribed species, while S. jurupari and S. mapiritensis did not show clear genetic distinction. To infer a phylogeny of these putative species, we conducted maximum likelihood and Bayesian non-clock and relaxed clock analyses of concatenated data from three genes (one mitochondrial, two nuclear). We also used a multi-species coalescent model to estimate a species tree from six unlinked loci (one mitochondrial, five nuclear). The topologies obtained were congruent with other results, but showed only minimal to moderate support for some nodes, suggesting that more loci will be needed to satisfactorily estimate the distribution of coalescent histories within Satanoperca. We determined that this variation results from topological discordance among separate gene trees, likely due to differential sorting of ancestral polymorphisms.  相似文献   

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