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Some studies have reported increased apoptosis in CD8(+) T cells from aged mice. We previously demonstrated diminished virus-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in aged mice in comparison to young mice. The present study investigated the role of apoptosis in age-related influenza virus-specific CD8(+) CTL deficiency. Splenocytes from influenza-primed aged and young mice were stimulated in vitro with virus. The CD8(+) T cell/total lymphocyte ratios correlated with CTL activity and were significantly decreased and increased in aged and young mice, respectively. Fas, FasL, TNF-alpha and TNFR-p55 expression, measured by flow cytometry, ELISA and/or RT-PCR, were significantly elevated in aged mice. Apoptotic CD8(+) T cells (Annexin V binding) were also elevated in aged mice. IL-12 treatment increased CD8(+) CTL activity and IFN-gamma production but did not affect apoptosis. Thus, apoptosis may contribute to reduced influenza virus-specific CD8(+) T cell frequency, CTL deficiency and increased influenza disease in aging.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the state of T cell-mediated immunity in B cell-deficient (B(-/-)) mice infected with two strains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus known to differ markedly in their capacity to persist. In B(-/-) C57BL mice infected with the more persisting virus, virus-specific CD8(+) T cells are initially generated that are qualitatively similar to those in wild-type mice. However, although cell numbers are well sustained over time, the capacity to produce cytokines is rapidly impaired. In similarly infected B(-/-) BALB/c mice, virus-specific CD8(+) T cells are completely deleted, indicating that host genotype influences the severity of the T cell defect. In B(-/-) C57BL mice infected with the less persisting virus, CD8(+) T cell dysfunction was not as pronounced, although it was clearly present. Most importantly, the appearance of dysfunctional CD8(+) T cells clearly precedes recrudescence of detectable virus, indicating that the T cell defect is not simply a secondary event due to virus buildup resulting from the failure of B(-/-) mice to produce neutralizing Abs. In contrast with CD8(+) T cells, which initially respond almost as in wild-type mice, the priming of virus-specific CD4(+) T cells was markedly impaired in B(-/-) mice infected with either virus strain. Thus, our results indicate that B cells play an important role in antiviral immunity not only as Ab producers, but also in promoting an optimal and sustained T cell response. The T cell defects are likely to contribute to the chronic course of viral infection in B(-/-) mice.  相似文献   

Ag-experienced or memory T cells have increased reactivity to recall Ag, and can be distinguished from naive T cells by altered expression of surface markers such as CD44. Memory T cells have a high turnover rate, and CD8(+) memory T cells proliferate upon viral infection, in the presence of IFN-alphabeta and/or IL-15. In this study, we extend these findings by showing that activated NKT cells and superantigen-activated T cells induce extensive bystander proliferation of both CD8(+) and CD4(+) memory T cells. Moreover, proliferation of memory T cells can be induced by an IFN-alphabeta-independent, but IFN-gamma- or IL-12-dependent pathway. In these conditions of bystander activation, proliferating memory (CD44(high)) T cells do not derive from activation of naive (CD44(low)) T cells, but rather from bona fide memory CD44(high) T cells. Together, these data demonstrate that distinct pathways can induce bystander proliferation of memory T cells.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells can express NK-associated receptors (NKRs) that may regulate their cytolytic function. We have characterized the expression of several NKRs on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients and compared them to age-matched healthy donors. The analysis performed includes HLA class I specific receptors (KIRs, LILRB1 and CD94/NKG2) and other NK receptors like CD57, CD56 and CD16. Melanoma patients showed a higher variability in the expression of NKRs on circulating CD8+ T cells than age-matched healthy donors. NKR expression on CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients showed a significant increase of KIR2DL2/L3/S2 (mAb gl183), CD244, CD57, CD56 and CD16. We have also found an increase of CD8+ CD28 CD27 T cells in melanoma patients. This subset represents terminally differentiated effector cells expressing CD244 and high levels of perforin. The expression of NKRs was also mainly restricted to this T cell subset. Altogether, circulating CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients display a distinct phenotype characterized by downregulation of costimulatory molecules and higher expression of NKRs. We suggest that the increased expression of NKRs on T cells may contribute to the final outcome of the immune response against melanoma both stimulating or inhibiting activation and differentiation to effector cells. Blocking inhibitory receptor function and enhancing activating receptors may represent new strategies with therapeutic potential against melanoma.  相似文献   

Preferential survival of CD8 T and NK cells expressing high levels of CD94   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Qa-1(b)/Qdm tetramer binds to CD94/NKG2 receptors expressed at high levels on approximately 50% of murine NK cells. Although very few CD8 T cells from naive mice express CD94/NKG2 receptors, approximately 50% of CD8 T cells taken from mice undergoing a secondary response against Listeria monocytogenes (LM) are CD94(high) and bind the tetramer. Although CD94(int) NK cells do not bind the tetramer, CD94(int) CD8 T cells do, and this binding is dependent on the CD8 coreceptor. We found that the extent of apoptosis in CD8 T and NK cells was inversely related to the expression of CD94, with lower levels of apoptosis seen in CD94(high) cells after 1-3 days of culture. The difference in CD8 T cell survival was evident as early as 6 h after culture and persisted until nearly all the CD94(neg/int) cells were apoptotic by 48 h. In contrast, expression of inhibitory Ly-49A,G2,C/I molecules was associated with higher levels of apoptosis. Cross-linking CD94/NKG2 receptors on CD8 T cells from a mouse undergoing an LM infection further reduced the percentage of apoptotic cells on the CD94-expressing populations, while cross-linking Ly-49I had no effect on CD8 T cells expressing Ly-49I. Cross-linking CD3 on CD8 T cells from a mouse undergoing a secondary LM infection increases the extent of apoptosis, but this is prevented by cross-linking CD94/NKG2 receptors at the same time. Similar results were observed with NK cells in that the CD94(high) population displayed less apoptosis than CD94(int) cells after 1-3 days in culture. Therefore, the expression of CD94/NKG2 is correlated with a lower level of apoptosis and may play an important role in the maintenance of CD8 T and NK cells.  相似文献   

We studied the role of NK cells in regulating human CD8+ T cell effector function against mononuclear phagocytes infected with the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Depletion of NK cells from PBMC of healthy tuberculin reactors reduced the frequency of M. tuberculosis-responsive CD8+IFN-gamma+ cells and decreased their capacity to lyse M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes. The frequency of CD8+ IFN-gamma+ cells was restored by soluble factors produced by activated NK cells and was dependent on IFN-gamma, IL-15, and IL-18. M. tuberculosis-activated NK cells produced IFN-gamma, activated NK cells stimulated infected monocytes to produce IL-15 and IL-18, and production of IL-15 and IL-18 were inhibited by anti-IFN-gamma. These findings suggest that NK cells maintain the frequency of M. tuberculosis-responsive CD8+IFN-gamma+ T cells by producing IFN-gamma, which elicits secretion of IL-15 and IL-18 by monocytes. These monokines in turn favor expansion of Tc1 CD8+ T cells. The capacity of NK cells to prime CD8+ T cells to lyse M. tuberculosis-infected target cells required cell-cell contact between NK cells and infected monocytes and depended on interactions between the CD40 ligand on NK cells and CD40 on infected monocytes. NK cells link the innate and the adaptive immune responses by optimizing the capacity of CD8+ T cells to produce IFN-gamma and to lyse infected cells, functions that are critical for protective immunity against M. tuberculosis and other intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

The CD8(+) T cell compartment of human CMV-seropositive individuals characteristically contains a high proportion of cells that express NK cell receptors (NKRs) which may contribute to the surveillance of virus-infected cells. To test whether this enhanced expression is a direct and immediate result of CMV infection, we used DNA microarrays to analyze putative changes in the RNA expression level of 39 NKRs in CMV-specific CD8(+) T cells of renal transplant recipients experiencing primary CMV infection. Already in the acute phase of infection 29 NKRs were induced, of which 19 remained high 1 year after cessation of viral replication. Activating and inhibitory NKRs were induced to a similar extent. Detailed longitudinal flow cytometric analyses confirmed NKR changes at the protein level. Strikingly, a strong induction of CD94 on CD3(+) T cells was observed with surface expression of activating CD94(dim) NKG2C dimers appearing before inhibitory CD94(bright) NKG2A ones. After the acute phase of infection, the balance between inhibitory and activating receptors did not change. Thus, CMV infection induces a rapid and lasting change in the expression of NKRs on human CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that CD8(+) T cells express natural killer cell receptors that constrain the range and magnitude of their activities. For virus-specific CD8(+) T cells, upregulation of these receptors serves to control infection, while concurrently minimizing bystander pathology. Dysregulated expression of these receptors, however, may foster the establishment of persistent virus infection.  相似文献   

NK cells express several families of receptors that play central roles in target cell recognition. These NK cell receptors are also expressed by certain memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells, and in some cases are up-regulated in T cells responding to viral infection. To determine how the profile of NK receptor expression changes in murine CD8(+) T cells as they respond to intracellular pathogens, we used class I tetramer reagents to directly examine Ag-specific T cells during lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and Listeria monocytogenes infections. We found that the majority of pathogen-specific CD8(+) T cells initiated expression of the inhibitory CD94/NKG2A heterodimer, the KLRG1 receptor, and a novel murine NK cell marker (10D7); conversely, very few Ag-specific T cells expressed Ly49 family members. The up-regulation of these receptors was independent of IL-15 and persisted long after clearance of the pathogen. The expression of CD94/NKG2A was rapidly initiated in naive CD8(+) T cells responding to peptide Ags in vitro and on many of the naive T cells that proliferate when transferred into lymphopenic (Rag-1(-/-)) hosts. Thus, CD94/NKG2A expression is a common consequence of CD8(+) T cell activation. Binding of the CD94/NKG2A receptor by its ligand (Qa-1(b)) did not significantly inhibit CD8(+) T cell effector functions. However, expression of CD94 and NKG2A transgenes partially inhibited early events of T cell activation. These subtle effects suggest that CD94/NKG2A-mediated inhibition of T cells may be limited to particular circumstances or may synergize with other receptors that are similarly up-regulated.  相似文献   

Progression of spontaneous autoimmune diabetes is associated with development of a disease-countering negative-feedback regulatory loop that involves differentiation of low-avidity autoreactive CD8(+) cells into memory-like autoregulatory T cells. Such T cells blunt diabetes progression by suppressing the presentation of both cognate and noncognate Ags to pathogenic high-avidity autoreactive CD8(+) T cells in the pancreas-draining lymph nodes. In this study, we show that development of autoregulatory CD8(+) T cell memory is CD4(+) T cell dependent. Transgenic (TG) NOD mice expressing a low-affinity autoreactive TCR were completely resistant to autoimmune diabetes, even after systemic treatment of the mice with agonistic anti-CD40 or anti-4-1BB mAbs or autoantigen-pulsed dendritic cells, strategies that dramatically accelerate diabetes development in TG NOD mice expressing a higher affinity TCR for the same autoantigenic specificity. Furthermore, whereas abrogation of RAG-2 expression, hence endogenous CD4(+) T cell and B cell development, decelerated disease progression in high-affinity TCR-TG NOD mice, it converted the low-affinity TCR into a pathogenic one. In agreement with these data, polyclonal CD4(+) T cells from prediabetic NOD mice promoted disease in high-affinity TCR-TG NOD.Rag2(-/-) mice, but inhibited it in low-affinity TCR-TG NOD.Rag2(-/-) mice. Thus, in chronic autoimmune responses, CD4(+) Th cells contribute to both promoting and suppressing pathogenic autoimmunity.  相似文献   

A long-standing paradox in cellular immunology has been the conditional requirement for CD4(+) Th cells in priming of CD8(+) CTL responses. We propose a new dynamic model of CD4(+) Th cells in priming of Th-dependent CD8(+) CTL responses. We demonstrate that OT II CD4(+) T cells activated by OVA-pulsed dendritic cells (DC(OVA)) are Th1 phenotype. They acquire the immune synapse-composed MHC II/OVAII peptide complexes and costimulatory molecules (CD54 and CD80) as well as the bystander MHC class I/OVAI peptide complexes from the DC(OVA) by DC(OVA) stimulation and thus also the potential to act themselves as APCs. These CD4(+) Th-APCs stimulate naive OT I CD8(+) T cell proliferation through signal 1 (MHC I/OVAI/TCR) and signal 2 (e.g., CD54/LFA-1 and CD80/CD28) interactions and IL-2 help. In vivo, they stimulate CD8(+) T cell proliferation and differentiation into CTLs and induce effective OVA-specific antitumor immunity. Taken together, this study demonstrates that CD4(+) Th cells carrying acquired DC Ag-presenting machinery can, by themselves, efficiently stimulate CTL responses. These results have substantial implications for research in antitumor and other aspects of immunity.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses in H2(b) mice are characterized by reproducible hierarchies. Compensation by the D(b)PB1-F2(62) epitope is apparent following infection with a variant H3N2 virus engineered to disrupt the prominent D(b)NP(366) and D(b)PA(224) epitopes (a double knockout or DKO). Analysis with a "triple" knockout (TKO) virus, which also compromises D(b)PB1-F2(62), did not reveal further compensation to the known residual, minor, and predicted epitopes. However, infection with this deletion mutant apparently switched protective immunity to an alternative Ab-mediated pathway. As expected, TKO virus clearance was significantly delayed in Ab-deficient MHC class II(-/-) and Ig(-/-) mice, which were much more susceptible following primary, intranasal infection with the TKO, but not DKO, virus. CD8+ T cell compensation was detected in DKO, but not TKO, infection of Ig-deficient mice, suggestive of cooperation among CD8+ T cell responses. However, after priming with a TKO H1N1 mutant, MHC II(-/-) mice survived secondary intranasal exposure to the comparable H3N2 TKO virus. Such prime/challenge experiments with the DKO and TKO viruses allowed the emergence of two previously unknown epitopes. The contrast between the absence of compensatory effect following primary exposure and the substantial clonal expansion after secondary challenge suggests that the key factor limiting the visibility of these "hidden" epitopes may be very low naive T cell precursor frequencies. Overall, these findings suggest that vaccine approaches using virus vectors to deliver an Ag may be optimized by disrupting key peptides in the normal CD8+ T cell response associated with common HLA types.  相似文献   

T cytotoxic-1 CD8+ T cells are effector cells against pneumocystis in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Host defenses are profoundly compromised in HIV-infected hosts due to progressive depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes. A hallmark of HIV infection is Pneumocystis carinii (PC) pneumonia. Recently, CD8+ T cells, which are recruited to the lung in large numbers in response to PC infection, have been associated with some level of host defense as well as contributing to lung injury in BALB/c mice. In this study, we show that CD8+ T cells that have a T cytotoxic-1 response to PC in BALB/c mice, as determined by secretion of IFN-gamma, have in vitro killing activity against PC and effect clearance of the organism in adoptive transfer studies. Moreover, non-T cytotoxic-1 CD8+ T cells lacked in vitro effector activity and contributed to lung injury upon adoptive transfer. This dichotomous response in CD8+ T cell response may in part explain the clinical heterogeneity in the severity of PC pneumonia.  相似文献   

Interleukin-15 (IL-15) in vitro treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals specifically enhances the function and survival of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells, while in vivo IL-15 treatment of mice preferentially expands memory CD8+ T cells. In this study, we investigated the in vivo effect of IL-15 treatment in 9 SIVmac251-infected cynomolgus macaques (low dose of IL-15, 10 microg/kg of body weight, n = 3; high dose of IL-15, 100 microg/kg, n = 3; control [saline], n = 3; dose administered twice weekly for 4 weeks). IL-15 treatment induced a nearly threefold increase in peripheral blood CD8+CD3- NK cells. Furthermore, CD8+ T-cell numbers increased more than twofold, mainly due to an increase in the CD45RA-CD62L- and CD45RA+CD62L- effector memory CD8+ T cells. Expression of Ki-67 in the CD8+ T cells indicated expansion of CD8+ T cells and not redistribution. IL-15 did not affect CD4+ T-cell, B-cell, and CD14+ macrophage numbers. No statistically significant differences in changes from baseline in the viral load were observed when control-, low-dose-, and high-dose-treated animals were compared. No clinical adverse effects were observed in any of the animals studied. The selective expansion of effector memory CD8+ T cells and NK cells by IL-15 further supports IL-15's possible therapeutic use in viral infections such as HIV infection.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that IFN-gamma may influence both the expansion and the trafficking of virus-specific CD8+ CTL, though the effects are not necessarily consistent for different models of viral and bacterial disease. Influenza A virus infection of mice deficient for IFN-gamma (IFN-gamma(-/-)) or deficient for the IFN-gamma receptor 1 (IFNGR1(-/-)) was, when compared with the wild-type (WT) B6 controls, associated with increased Ag-specific CD8+ T cell counts in the spleen and mediastinal lymph nodes. At the same time, fewer of these CTL effectors were found in the bronchoalveolar lavage population recovered from the IFN-gamma(-/-) mice. Comparable effects were observed for WT mice treated with a neutralizing IFN-gamma-specific mAb. Transfer of WT memory Thy1.1(+) CD8+ populations into Thy1.2+ B6 IFN-gamma(-/-) or IFNGR1(-/-) mice followed by intranasal virus challenge demonstrated both that IFN-gamma produced by the host was important for the regulation of Ag-specific CTL numbers and that IFN-gamma was likely to act directly on the T cells themselves. In addition, the prevalence of CTLs undergoing apoptosis in spleen was lower when measured directly ex vivo for IFN-gamma(-/-) vs WT B6 mice. The present analysis is the first comprehensive demonstration that IFN-gamma signaling can differentially regulate both Ag-specific CTL homeostasis in secondary lymphoid organs and trafficking to a site of virus-induced pathology.  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that CD8(+) T cells are critical for containment of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) viremia and that rapid and profound depletion of CD4(+) T cells occurs in the intestinal tract of acutely infected macaques. To determine the impact of SIV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses on the magnitude of the CD4(+) T-cell depletion, we investigated the effect of CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion during primary SIV infection on CD4(+) T-cell subsets and function in peripheral blood, lymph nodes, and intestinal tissues. In peripheral blood, CD8(+) lymphocyte-depletion changed the dynamics of CD4(+) T-cell loss, resulting in a more pronounced loss 2 weeks after infection, followed by a temporal rebound approximately 2 months after infection, when absolute numbers of CD4(+) T cells were restored to baseline levels. These CD4(+) T cells showed a markedly skewed phenotype, however, as there were decreased levels of memory cells in CD8(+) lymphocyte-depleted macaques compared to controls. In intestinal tissues and lymph nodes, we observed a significantly higher loss of CCR5(+) CD45RA(-) CD4(+) T cells in CD8(+) lymphocyte-depleted macaques than in controls, suggesting that these SIV-targeted CD4(+) T cells were eliminated more efficiently in CD8(+) lymphocyte-depleted animals. Also, CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion significantly affected the ability to generate SIV Gag-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses and neutralizing antibodies. These results reemphasize that SIV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses are absolutely critical to initiate at least partial control of SIV infection.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45 is differentially required for the development and function of B, T, and NK cells, with mice partially deficient for CD45 having a significant inhibition of T cell, but not NK or B cell, development. CD45-mediated signaling has also been implicated in the development of intrathymic, but not extrathymic, intestinal intraepithelial T lymphocytes (iIELs) in the CD45ex6(-/-) mouse. As NK1.1(+) CD3(+) (NK-T) cells can also develop through extrathymic pathways, we have investigated the role of CD45 in NK-T cell development. In mice with a complete absence of CD45 expression (CD45ex9(-/-)) the NK-T cell population was maintained in the iIEL compartment, but not in the spleen. Functionally, CD45-deficient NK-T cells were unable to secrete IL-4 in response to TCR-mediated signals, a phenotype similar to that of CD45-deficient iIELs, in which in vitro cytokine production was dramatically reduced. Using the CD45ex9(-/-) mouse strain, we have also demonstrated that only one distinct population of NK-T cells (CD8(+)) appears to develop normally in the absence of CD45. Interestingly, although an increase in cytotoxic NK cells is seen in the absence of CD45, these NK calls are functionally unable to secrete IFN-gamma. In the absence of CD45, a significant population of extrathymically derived CD8alphaalpha(+) iIELs is also maintained. These results demonstrate that in contrast to conventional T cells, CD45 is not required during the development of CD8(+) NK-T cells, NK cells, or CD8alphaalpha(+) iIELs, but is essential for TCR-mediated function and cytokine production.  相似文献   

Using transgenic mice that express a constitutively active version of STAT5b, we demonstrate that STAT5 plays a key role in governing B cell development and T cell homeostasis. STAT5 activation leads to a 10-fold increase in pro-B, but not pro-T, cells. Conversely, STAT5 signaling promotes the expansion of mature alphabeta T cells (6-fold increase) and gammadelta and NK T cells (3- to 4-fold increase), but not of mature B cells. In addition, STAT5 activation has dramatically divergent effects on CD8(+) vs CD4(+) T cells, leading to the selective expansion of CD8(+) memory-like T cells and CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. These results establish that activation of STAT5 is the primary mechanism underlying both IL-7/IL-15-dependent homeostatic proliferation of naive and memory CD8(+) T cells and IL-2-dependent development of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

Syngenic C57BL/6 mice (H-2(b)) vaccinated with mitomycin C-treated L12R4 T lymphoma cells develop protective immunity toward the MHC class II-negative tumor cells. In the present study, we characterize the nature, mode of function, and specificity of the effector cells in this immunity. These cells are TCR-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes with effector function in vitro as well as in vivo upon transfer to naive mice. They produce high levels of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, but little or no IL-4. By means of TCRbeta-negative variant L12R4 cells, P3.3, and TCR-Vbeta2 cDNA-transfected and TCR-Vbeta2-expressing P3.3 lymphoma cells, we found that a significant part of the effector T cells are specific for the Vbeta12 region. The growth inhibition of L12R4 cells in vitro was inhibited by anti-H-2, anti-K(b), and anti-D(b) mAb. Furthermore, vaccination with Vbeta12 peptide p67-78, which binds to both K(b) and D(b) MHC class I molecules, induces partial protection against L12R4 T lymphoma cells. Thus, self-reactive TCR-Vbeta-specific, K(b)-, or D(b)-restricted CD8(+) T cells mediate inhibition of T cell lymphoma growth in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

NK cells have been phenotypically defined by the expression of specific markers such as NK1.1, DX5, and asialo-GM1 (ASGM1). In addition to NK cells, a small population of CD3+ T cells has been shown to express these markers, and a unique subpopulation of NK1. 1+CD3+ T cells that expresses an invariant TCR has been named "NKT cells." Here, we describe NK marker expression on a broad spectrum of MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted T cells that are induced after acute viral infection. From 5 to >500 days post lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, more than 90% of virus-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells coexpress one or more of these three prototypical NK markers. Furthermore, in vivo depletion of NK cells with anti-ASGM1 Ab resulted in the removal of 90% of virus-specific CD8+ T cells and 50-80% of virus-specific CD4+ T cells. This indicates that studies using in vivo depletion to determine the role of NK cells in immune defense could potentially be misinterpreted because of the unintended depletion of Ag-specific T cells. These results demonstrate that NK Ags are widely expressed on the majority of virus-specific T cells and indicate that the NK and T cell lineages may not be as distinct as previously believed. Moreover, the current nomenclature defining NKT cells will require comprehensive modification to include Ag-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells that express prototypical NK Ags.  相似文献   

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