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Insulin from an elasmobranch, the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) has been purified to near homogeneity by means of acid-ethanol extraction and salt precipitation. The amino acid sequences of the performic-acid-oxidised A and B chains have been determined and exhibit some unusual features. The A chain contains a total of 22 amino acids; only the insulin from coypu (a member of the Rodentia suborder, Hystricomorpha), has previously been reported to contain an extension past the A21 asparagine. The B10 histidine, which is involved in the formation of the insulin hexamers in higher vertebrates through the co-ordination of zinc, is present in this elasmobranch insulin. Several substitutions relative to bovine insulin occur in the proposed receptor binding region (A5Gln leads to His, B21Glu leads to Pro, B22Arg leads to Lys, B25Phe leads to Tyr). In spite of these substitutions, the maximal response in the rat epididymal fat cell assay is the same for bovine and dogfish insulins; the concentration required to produce the half-maximal response is, however, approximately threefold greater for dogfish insulin than that of bovine insulin. The use of interactive computer graphics model-building predicts that the dogfish insulin can attain a three-dimensional structure very similar to that of bovine insulin; circular dichroic spectra are presented which support the model-building studies.  相似文献   

Judy Tasse 《Zoo biology》1986,5(1):27-43
The maternal and paternal behavior of Kerodon rupestris was examined. Quantitative differences between fathers and mothers and between mothers raising young with fathers present and with fathers absent were assessed. Growth rates of young raised by paired females and by lone females were compared. The male provides direct paternal care to the young by engaging in allogrooming, sniffing, and huddling. There is no significant difference between the sexes in the amount of contact promoting behavior given to the offspring, nor are the sexes significantly different in the amount of exploratory sniffing of the offspring. When the male is absent, the female spends a greater amount of time in contact with the young. Young raised by lone females gained significantly more weight than young raised by paired females. The suggestion that indirect paternal care acts to reduce female aggression to the young and relieve the energy expenditure burden of the female is discussed. The results indicate that social experience is gained at the expense of physical nurturing when the male is present.  相似文献   

Crystal and solution structure studies on insulins of different sequences and of widely different receptor binding affinities are reported. Bovine insulin, studied as a control, has a circular dichroism spectrum which is dependent both on protein concentration and zinc concentration. The spectrum appears to be related to the level of association of the insulin molecules. This implies that when using circular dichroism to compare solution structures of insulin derivatives or species variants one must make the comparison at equivalent levels of association and not merely at the same concentration. Changes in circular dichroism are related to the known crystal structure of zinc insulin hexamers. The chinchilla insulin spectrum shows a reduced zinc dependence in low-salt conditions which correlates with the inability to form crystals in similar conditions. This is attributed to an amino acid substitution at position B4. Crystals are obtained in high-salt conditions and X-ray diffraction patterns show these to be isomorphous with bovine 4Zn insulin crystals. Guinea pig insulin failed to crystallise under conditions which are normally conducive to the formation of crystals of zinc insulin hexamers and the circular dichroism showed no zinc dependence. This is consistent with a monomeric structure. The significance of the association behaviour of chinchilla and guinea pig insulins may be in the storage of the hormone in vivo. Whereas the monomeric form of chinchilla insulin has a structure closely related to bovine insulin, the circular dichroism indicates a gross structural difference for guinea pig insulin. This may be similar to that in des-A21, des-B30-insulin, as both lack the Arg-B22--Asn-A21 carboxylate ion pair. The similarity of structure of chinchilla and bovine insulins is reflected in their receptor binding whereas the low receptor binding of guinea pig insulin probably results from the changes in its conformation rather than an alteration in residues of a receptor binding region.  相似文献   

Rhinovirus antisera have been prepared for rhinoviruses (RV) 7,9,26,32,67 and 87 in guinea pigs and in degus. Titers achieved were either similar in the 2 animals (RV7) somewhat higher in the degu (RV9 and RV32) or clearly higher in the degu (RV26, RV67 and RV87). Specificity of the antisera was similar in both animals. In special instances where it is difficult to prepare high-titered rhinovirus antisera in the guinea pig, the degu offers an attractive alternative source.  相似文献   

Helothermine, a protein from the venom of the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum horridum), was found to inhibit [3H]ryanodine binding to cardiac and skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum, to block cardiac and skeletal ryanodine receptor channels incorporated into planar bilayers, and to block Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release triggered by photolysis of nitr-5 in saponin-permeabilized trabeculae from rat ventricle. Cloning of the helothermine cDNA revealed that the protein is composed of 223 amino acids with a molecular mass of 25,376 daltons, and apparently is stabilized by eight disulfide bridges. The peptide sequence showed significant homology with a family of cysteine-rich secretory proteins found in the male genital tract and in salivary glands. The interaction of helothermine and ryanodine receptors should serve to define functional domains within the channel structure involved in the control of Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Karyotypes and G band patterns of Thryonomys gregorianus, Pedetes capensis and Hystrix cristata from Kenya are reported. Both Thryonomys and Pedetes have a diploid number of 40 but differ in the overall pattern of their karyotypes and by the presence of a marker chromosome in Thryonomys. The marker chromosome unites Thryonomys with the ctenodactylids. The karyotype of Hystrix cristata , with a diploid number of 60, bears some resemblance to the African bathyergids and Petromus but none to the erethizontids. The African hystricomorph-hystricognath rodents, with the exception of Pedetes , bear more resemblance to the South American caviomorphs than to any other group of rodents.  相似文献   

A knowledge-based three-dimensional model of an anti-insulin antibody, 125, was constructed using the structures of conserved residues found in other known crystallographic immunoglobulins. Molecular modeling and mechanics were done with the 125 amino acid sequences using QUANTA and CHARMm on a Silicon Graphics 4D70GT workstation. A minimal model was made by scaffolding using crystallography coordinates of the antibody HyHEL-5, because it had the highest amino acid sequence homology with 125 (84% light chain, 65% heavy chain). The three hypervariable loop turns that are longer in 125 than in HyHEL-5 (L1, L3, and H3) were modeled separately and incorporated into the HyHEL-5 structure; then other amino acid substitutions were made and torsions optimized. The 125 model maintains all the structural attributes of an antibody and the structures conserved in known antibodies. Although there are many polar amino acids (especially serines) in this site, the overall van der Waals surface shape is determined by positions of aromatic side chains. Based on this model, it is suggested that hydrogen bonding may be key in the interaction between the human insulin A chain loop antigenic epitope and 125.  相似文献   

Data available in literature are generalized for the amino acid sequence of three fibrinogen chains, their homology and a possibility for their common precursor to exist. The primary structure of resistant products of fibrinogen splitting by plasmin, compactness of their space organization and mutual arrangement in the intact molecule are described. The relation between the primary structure of fibrinogen and its high specificity as a thrombin substrate is traced. Evidence is considered concerning localization of active molecule centres to provide spontaneous polymerization of fibrin.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization technology was used to identify differentially expressed genes in spleens of chickens that had been treated with the synthetic immune modifier S-28463. One induced chicken gene encoded a protein with about 35% sequence identity to human interleukin-6 (IL-6). It consists of 241 amino acids including a putative N-terminal signal peptide of 47 residues. Bacterially expressed chicken IL-6 (ChIL-6) carrying a histidine tag in place of the signal peptide was biologically active: it induced proliferation of the IL-6-dependent murine hybridoma cell line 7TD1. The concentration of ChIL-6 required for half-maximal proliferative response was approximately 60 pg.mL-1. When injected intravenously into adult chickens, purified recombinant ChIL-6 induced an increase in serum corticosterone levels. Supernatants of chicken LMH and monkey COS-7 cells transiently transfected with a ChIL-6 expression construct induced proliferation of 7TD1 cells, demonstrating that recombinant ChIL-6 from eukaryotic cells is also active.  相似文献   

Primary structure and biological activity of a novel human neurotrophic factor   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
During development, each tissue receives and maintains a number of specific neuronal projections that are adequate to sustain its function. The mechanism by which this intricate process occurs is not well understood, but it has been proposed that diffusible neurotrophic factors derived from the target tissue may be involved. Here we describe the identification of a novel human protein that is important for the growth, differentiation, and survival of primary sympathetic and placode-derived sensory neurons. This polypeptide, designated neuronotrophin-3, has a broad tissue distribution and is structurally related to both nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Its unique range of trophic and differentiation-inducing activities suggests that it is likely to play a wide role in defining the fate and function of nerve cells during development.  相似文献   

The peptide N-Ac-dehydro-Phe-L-Val-OH (C16H20N2O4) was synthesized by the usual workup procedure. The peptide crystallizes from its solution in acetonitrile at 4 degrees in hexagonal space group P6(5) with a = b = 11.874(2)A, c = 21.856(9) A, V = 2668(1) A3, Z = 6, dm = 1.151(3) g cm-3, dc = 1.136(4) g cm-3, CuK alpha = 1.5418 A, mu = 0.641 mm-1, F(000) = 972, T = 293 K. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by least-squares procedure to an R value of 0.074 for 1922 observed reflections. In the dehydro-residue, the C1 alpha-C1 beta distance is 1.35(1) A while the bond angle C1 alpha-C1 beta-C1 gamma is 131.2(9) degrees. The backbone torsion angles are: omega 0 = 172(1) degrees, phi 1 = -60(2) degrees, psi 1 = -31(2) degrees, omega 1 = -179(1) degrees, phi 2 = 59(2) degrees. These values suggest that the peptide tends to adopt an alternating right-handed and left-handed helical conformation. The side chain torsion angles are: chi 1(1) = -6(2) degrees, chi 1(2.1) = -1(2) degrees, chi 1(2.2) = -178(2) degrees, chi 2(1.1) = 63(2) degrees and chi 2(1.2) = -173(1) degrees. These values show that the side chain of dehydro-Phe is planar whereas the valyl side chain adopts a sterically most preferred conformation. The molecules, linked by intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces, are arranged in helices along the c-axis. The helices are held side-by-side by van der Waals contacts.  相似文献   

Neolambertellin (4), a novel biosynthetic congener of lambertellol and lambertellin, was isolated. The structure was confirmed by successful preparation from lambertellol A, which involves a rearrangement of spiro-butenolide moiety.  相似文献   

The peptide N-Ac-dehydro-Phe-L-Val-L-Val-OCH3 (C22H31N3O5) was synthesized by the usual workup procedure and finally by coupling the N-Ac-dehydro-Phe-L-Val-OH to valine methyl ester. It was crystallized from its solution in acetonitrile-water mixture at 4 degrees C. The crystals belong to the space group P1 with a = 8.900(3) A, b = 11.135(2) A, c = 12.918(2) A, alpha = 90.36(1) degrees, beta = 110.14(3) 14(3) degrees, V = 1207.7(6) A, 3Z = 2, dm = 1.156(5) Mgm-3, dc = 1.148(5) Mgm-3. The structure was determined by direct methods using SHELXS86. The structure was refined by full-matrix least-squares procedure to an R value of 0.077 for 3916 observed reflections. The molecular dimensions and conformations of the two crystallographically independent molecules are in good agreement. In the dehydro residues, the average C alpha-C beta distance is 1.31(2) A whereas the bond angle C alpha-C beta-C gamma is 132(1) degrees. The average backbone torsion angles are omega 0 = 169(1) degrees, phi 1 = -40(1) degree, psi 1 = -50(1) degree, omega 1 = -177(1) degree, phi 2 = 54(1) degree, psi 2 = 46(1) degree, omega 2 = -174(1) degree, phi 3 = 103(1) degree, psi T3 = -139(1) degree, and theta T3 = -176(1) degree. The acetyl group is in the trans conformation, while the backbone adopts a right-handed and left-handed helical conformation alternatingly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Primary structure of a putative receptor for a ligand of the insulin family   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Nucleotide sequence analysis of human and guinea pig genomic DNA encoding a new member of the insulin receptor (IR) family revealed that the predicted primary structure of this IR-related protein is as similar to the IR and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I receptor as the IR and IGF-IR are to each other. The conservation of this IR-related sequence among mammals and with the IR and IGF-IR suggests that this IR-related protein is a novel receptor for insulin, IGF-I, IGF-II, or an as yet unidentified peptide hormone or growth factor belonging to the insulin family.  相似文献   

HCO-Met-Leu-Ain-OMe (2), an analog of the chemotactic peptide HCO-Met-Leu-Phe-OH, containing the conformationally blocked residue of the 2-aminoindane-2-carboxylic acid (Ain) has been synthesized and its crystal and molecular conformation has been determined. Crystals of 2 are monoclinic, space group P2(1), with a = 15.059(7), b = 18.548(7), c = 9.600(4) A; beta = 85.04(3) degrees. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.069 for 2813 independent reflections with I greater than 2.5 sigma (I). Two independent molecules A and B have been found in the asymmetric unit of the crystal of 2. Their conformation can be described as extended at the Met and Leu residues, but folded at the C-terminal Ain residue. The helical folding is left- and right-handed in the A and B molecule, respectively. The crystal packing is characterized by ribbons of intermolecular hydrogen bonded molecules extended along the c direction. The constrained analog 2 is highly active in the superoxide production, thus indicating that a stabilization of a helical folding at the C-terminal region of chemotactic tripeptides maintains the activity. The orientation of the aromatic ring, with respect to its adjacent backbone atoms, does not seem critical for the activity.  相似文献   

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