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Fluctuations in temporal and spatial abundance are remarkable features of all animal populations. Regional synchrony of local population dynamics has been verified in several studies. This study investigated the existence of coherent patterns in temporal fluctuations of the principal testate amoebae population abundance in plankton from the upper Paraná river floodplain in Brazil. Testate amoebae sampling was carried out every three months, from February 2000 to November 2002, and twice in 2003. Sampling occurred in 12 environments associated with three different rivers. Samples were obtained at the subsurface of the pelagic region, using a motorized pump and a 68 μm mesh plankton net. Ninety–three testate amoebae species from eight families were identified. The families Difflugiidae, Arcellidae, and Centropyxidae had the greatest number of species. Arcella conica, A. discoides, A. vulgaris, Centropyxis aculeata, C. ecornis, Difflugia gramen, D. pseudogramen and Cucurbitella dentata were the most abundant species, and they were chosen for spatial synchrony analysis. No coherent pattern of abundance fluctuation was found, in any of the floodplain environments studied. Nevertheless, when analyzing only the channels, spatial synchrony was observed to Centropyxis ecornis. Mantel tests showed that the synchrony level, as identified by Spearman and Pearson correlations, was not correlated to geographic distance between environments. We conclude that regional factors in the Upper Paraná River floodplain are not the main determinants of the population dynamics of testate amoebae. The high floodplain heterogeneity seems determine a great relevance of local factors. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - In this study we examine the influence of environmental variability on the α and β diversity of testate amoeba assemblages from plankton samples. The samples were...  相似文献   

Testate amoebae assemblages were investigated in the peat deposits of the floodplain terrace swamp located in the southern taiga subzone of Western Siberia. It was revealed that tests of amoebae were well preserved in the minerotrophic peat. Variations in the structure of assemblages show that these bioindicators are sensitive to changes in the environment. The dynamics of the water table depth in the swamp within an 8500-year period was determined according to the analysis of testate amoebae. It reflects the fluctuations of climate humidity during the Holocene.  相似文献   

We evaluated fish assemblage diet and trophic structure in five lakes (Patos, Zé do Paco, Fechada, Ressaco do Pau Véio and das Garças), connected or not with the river. Trophic structure analysis was based on the species whose number of sampled digestive tracts was greater or equal to 10 and ordinated according to a detrended correspondence analysis. We identified seven trophic guilds with the following representatives: (1) Detritivorous–ileophagous: Cyphocharax modestus, Prochilodus lineatus, Steindachnerina insculpta and Loricariichthys platymetopon; (2) Herbivorous: Schizodon borellii and Leporinus lacustris; (3) Benthophagous: Iheringichthys labrosus, Satanoperca pappaterra and Trachydoras paraguayensis; (4) Insectivorous: Astyanax altiparanae, Moenkhausia intermedia and Parauchenipterus galeatus; (5) Piscivorous: Hoplias cf. malabaricus and Serrasalmus marginatus; (6) Carnivorous–carcinophagous: Pimelodus maculatus and (7) Insectivorous–lepidophagous: Roeboides paranensis. The detritivorous–ileophagous guild was the predominant one in the five lakes.  相似文献   

嘉陵江浮游生物群落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示嘉陵江梯级水库浮游生物群落结构特征,按枯水期和丰水期对嘉陵江12个梯级水库24个样点进行浮游生物的野外采集,分析其群落结构的物种组成,并采用Shannon-wiener指数、Margalef指数和Pielou均匀度指数进行分析.结果表明:嘉陵江四川段浮游植物共8门42科95属171种,浮游动物的组成共有4纲9目21科30属62种;浮游动物优势种类有21种.浮游生物评价结果表明梯级库区水质处于中度污染状态.  相似文献   

The common soil testate amoeba, Cyclopyxis kahli, is capable of building a complete organic shell when grown in culture in the absence of agglutinate material. Such shells are morphologically similar to agglutinate shells except in the structure and diameter of the aperture. Chemical analysis of organic shells suggests that the main inorganic elements present are calcium and iron. Comparisons are made with similar analyses of organic shells from other agglutinate species. This is the first report of a significant change in shell architecture due to agglutinate material.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of synchronic fluctuation patterns in cladoceran populations of the Upper Paraná River floodplain. The following hypothesis were tested: (i) the populations of a given species present the same fluctuation pattern in abundance for different environments and (ii) synchrony is higher when we consider subsets of neighboring environments or those belonging to the same category (e.g., lagoons, rivers). Samplings were performed every three months from February 2000 to November 2002 at 11 sites. To evaluate spatial synchrony, the intraclass correlation coefficient was used. The results showed no significant correlation for the most abundant species, meaning that fluctuation patterns of planktonic cladocerans were asynchronous. Asynchrony indicated that the influence of floods and regional climatic factors was not strong enough to synchronize the populations, suggesting that local factors were more important than regional effects in determining zooplankton abundance patterns. The implications of these results are that the observations from a single environment cannot be extrapolated to other environments in a manner that would allow its use as a sentinel site. This means that a monitoring program for floodplain systems, or at least for the Paraná River floodplain, has to comprise greater spatial extents. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We studied the structure and population dynamics of zooplankton assemblages in the water bodies (eu‐, para‐, plesiopotamal and conjunctive water bodies) of a temperate floodplain during flood events. Here we report differences in the species composition of these water bodies in the two stages of flood pulses: rising vs. receding. During the receding period the proportion of larger and tychoplanktonic species increased. Similarity among zooplankton assemblages of these floodplain water bodies increased during the rising and decreased during the receding period. Species richness, diversity and population density values of zooplankton assemblages increased during the receding period in all types of water bodies except the eupotamal. The guild ratio of rotifer assemblages showed characteristic, but somewhat ambiguous changes. We conclude that the hydrological regime affects the structure and dynamics of zooplankton assemblages on the floodplain. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The length‐weight relationship (LWR) was evaluated in six fish species occurring in the Rio Morato, which is located in the east state of Paraná, Brazil, in well‐preserved areas of Atlantic Forest. The fishes were collected every 2 months from November/2016 to October/2017 and the fishing equipment used was consisted of dragnets, mesh sieves and gillnets. The specimens were weighed and measured in the laboratory. The mean growth coefficients obtained ranged from 2.5 to 3.2, confirming the range describe in the literature.  相似文献   

Testate (shell‐building) amoebae, such as the Arcellinida (Amoebozoa), are useful bioindicators for climate change. Though past work has relied on morphological analyses to characterize Arcellinida diversity, genetic analyses revealed the presence of multiple cryptic species underlying morphospecies. Here, we design and deploy Arcellinida‐specific primers for the SSU‐rDNA gene to assess the community composition on the molecular level in a pilot study of two samplings from a New England fen: (1) 36‐cm horizontal transects and vertical cores; and (2) 26‐m horizontal transects fractioned into four size classes (2–10, 10–35, 35–100, and 100–300 μm). Analyses of these data show the following: (1) a considerable genetic diversity within Arcellinida, much of which comes from morphospecies lacking sequences on GenBank; (2) communities characterized by DNA (i.e. active + quiescent) are distinct from those characterized by RNA (i.e. active, indicator of biomass); (3) active communities on the surface tend to be more similar to one another than to core communities, despite considerable heterogeneity; and (4) analyses of communities fractioned by size find some lineages (OTUs) that are abundant in disjunct size categories, suggesting the possibility of life‐history stages. Together, these data demonstrate the potential of these primers to elucidate the diversity of Arcellinida communities in diverse habitats.  相似文献   

Testate amoebae (Protozoa) were studied in spring, summer, and fall from the same microhabitats in a small Sphagnum-dominated peatland in southern Ontario, Canada. A total of 32 sampling stations were established in two wetland plant communities, 19 in an open Ericaceae low-shrub community and 13 in a closed Picea mariana and Larix laricina swamp community. Sphagnum was collected in each station for analysis of testate amoebae and measurement of soil water content parameters and water table depth in May, August, and October 2001. pH and dissolved oxygen of the groundwater under the Sphagnum were measured also. A total of 52 taxa including the rotifer, Habrotrocha angusticollis, were identified. Soil water content and water table variables emerged as the primary factors separating testate amoebae between the open bog/fen community and swamp community. Testate amoebae in the open bog/fen community showed a clear separation between the May sampling period and the August and October sampling periods. Sampling stations in May had much higher water table and were wetter than those in August and October. Conversely, testate amoebae in the swamp community did not show a clear difference between sampling periods. Soil moisture and water tables appear to be more constant in the swamp communities. Biological factors or other microscale environmental factors may need to be considered to explain seasonal changes in testate amoebae. A greater understanding of relationships between testate amoebae and microenvironmental factors is necessary to track seasonality in testate amoebae distributions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When grown in culture, the soil testate amoeba Phryganella acropodia constructs a shell with or without mineral grains, but of identical morphology. The availability of organic shells, from these cultures, allows for detailed examination of the formation of organic building units in the cytoplasm and their subsequent use as a network in the shell matrix. Organic building units are initially formed as spherical membrane bound vesicles at the margins of dictyosomes, but mature in the cytoplasm by incorporating additional material, some have an electron dense core. These units remain pliable until they are moulded into the shell matrix. Another series of vesicles indistinguishable during initial formation from the organic building units, when mature contain a mass of small elements. This material is discharged at the same time as the building units and is thought to be the binding cement. Inorganic chemical elements appear to be incorporated within the inner lining of the matrix and the alveoli of the organic building units; manganese being preferentially absorbed under culture conditions.  相似文献   

Zooplankton in two river‐lake systems of the Paraná River (Argentina) floodplain were studied during ordinary hydrological situations as well as during an extreme flood (El Niño event) over a period of more than 20 years. The studied lakes were selected because of their position at opposite ends of a surface connectivity gradient. Los Matadores Lake, with high connectivity, has a direct connection to the river via a short channel that is active during a large part of the year. At the other extreme, the low connectivity El Tigre Lake has an indirect connection to the river through a swampy area that is only active for short periods. During ordinary hydrologic periods, zooplankton abundance and species richness appear to be controlled by the degree of connectivity of the lakes. Abundance was higher in El Tigre, which is isolated for longer periods and consequently has a longer water‐residence time. Contrary to expectations, species richness was also higher in this lake, a result that was surprising because water bodies with low conectivity/disturbance are predicted to have a lower biodiversity. This unexpected outcome reflects the nature of the connecting route, which crosses a long and complex swampy ecotone. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Ecological integrity has become a primary objective in monitoring programs of surface waters according to the European Water Framework Directive. For this reason we propose a scheme for assessing the ecological integrity of a major transboundary river, the Aoos‐Vjose (Greece‐Albania), by analysing the effects of physicochemical, hydromorphological and habitat structure variables on benthic macroinvertebrates. Benthos and water samples were obtained from 17 sites, during high and low flow season. Physical habitat structure was determined using the River Habitat Survey method. In all but one of the surveyed habitats no anthropogenic change was evident. Macrobenthos assemblages were mainly influenced by seasonality and river section, whereas the water quality index was negatively correlated to habitat modification. Consequently, a large part of the river is considered of high ecological integrity and as such it may be used as baseline information for the management of other major rivers in the eastern Mediterranean basin. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Biogeographical history and current ecological interactions have usually been addressed separately to explain the spatial distribution of patterns of biodiversity. In this study, we evaluated the integrated effects of biogeographical and environmental factors in structuring the diurnal amphibian anuran assemblages of the upper Madeira River, southwestern Amazonia. We used a sampling design involving 98 standardized units, distributed across seven locations covering both banks of the river's course in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. We conducted searches for frogs in three campaigns between February 2010 and February 2011, aiming to: (1) evaluate the effect of the Madeira River as a biogeographic barrier at the species‐assemblage level, and (2) test the influence of seven environmental variables (vegetation structure, vegetation cover, soil nutrients, soil structure, slope, elevation, and distance from the river bank) on the spatial structure of the frog assemblages, separately on each riverbank. Thirteen species of diurnal frogs were recorded, six of which were restricted to one of the river margins. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated a significant effect of the river as a barrier. Multiple regression analyses suggested that the environmental variables structuring frog assemblages differ on either side of the river. We found that both historical elements (on a regional scale) and environmental factors (at a local scale) shaped the occurrence and distribution of frog species in the study area.  相似文献   

The community structure of the macrobenthic fauna (>0.5 mm) ofPotamogeton andMyriophyllum beds of the upper reaches of Canal de Mira (0.5–2) and of macrofauna density (369, 240 ind m–2).Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, Corophium multisetosum andLimnodrilus hoffmeisteri are dominant species in the study area. The community of station 1 includes an important set of taxa usually associated to freshwater habitats (oligochaetes, leeches and insect larvae) whilst in station 3 typically estuarine species (Cyathura carinata, Leptocheirus pilosus, Nereis diversicolor, Streblospio shrubsolii) occur. A succession of peak densities of different taxonomic groups during the year indicates seasonal variation in the community structure. The faunal assemblage of the study area is compared with similar ones in NE Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to report the presence of a three non‐native hybrid long‐whiskered catfishes (family Pimelodidae) in the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Genetic analyses demonstrated that the three presumptive hybrids were a result of the crossbreeding of Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (central Amazonas River basin and Lower Paraná River) and Leiarius marmoratus (Amazonas, Essequibo and Orinoco rivers), producing a hybrid commonly known in Brazil as cachandiá. The potential threat to biodiversity, due to possible genetic contamination, competition and predation of wild stocks, of such artificially produced hybrid fishes is discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Eugliphida) species diversity in plankton, macrophytes and aquatic sediment samples from a shallow lake of the Upper Paraná River floodplain. Samples were carried out from April 2007 to March 2008. We recorded 89 taxa, belonging to 10 families. Eighty-two taxa were found in the aquatic sediment, 71 in the macrophytes and 53 in the plankton. Highest values of alpha diversity were observed in the aquatic sediment. Although the plankton had the highest number of accidental species, accessory and constant species were also observed in this habitat. Most of the species classified as constant for the plankton belonged to the genus Arcella. Most of the constant species in the macrophytes and aquatic sediment belonged to the genus Difflugia. This study supports the idea that the presence of these protists in the plankton should not be attributed only to stochastic processes because (i) the species diversity recorded in this habitat was remarkably high in relation to the total biodiversity of the lake, and (ii) we also recorded frequent and constant species in the plankton.  相似文献   

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