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Summary Marked effects of genotype on wheat anther culture response have been observed. Genetic factors have been recognised to be one of the major contributors to in vitro responses of cultured wheat tissues. In wheat anther culture, embryo induction, plant regeneration and albina/green ratio have been determined to be heritable traits. Using Chinese Spring (CS) monosomic 1D, single chromosome substitution lines of chromosome 5B or chromosome arm 5BL from Chinese Spring into six varieties, and F1 hybrids heterozygous for the 1B chromosome structure (1BL-1BS/1BL-1RS), the anther culture response was studied: genes on CS1D chromosome and 5BL chromosome arm increases the embryo frequency; gene(s) involved in regeneration ability are located on the 1RS chromosome arm; a gene increasing albina frequency is located on Chinese Spring 5B chromosome. Our results support the fact that without gametic selection, a differential development occurred from the particular classes of microspores carrying genes for higher regeneration ability. Moreover, in some crosses, a few genes with major effects were involved in determination of anther culture response.  相似文献   

Summary Anthers of two maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, DBTS (P1) and B73 (P2), their F1, F2 and first backcross generations — F1 x DBTS (B1), and F1 x B73 (B2) — were float cultured in YP medium to study the inheritance of corn anther culturability using generation mean analysis. Significant effects of generation were observed for the three traits measured: anther response (%), frequency of embryos (%) and anther productivity. Variation among the generations was similar for anther response and frequency of embryos: no significant differences were found among the P1, F1, F2 and B1 means, but the means of P2 and B2 were significantly lower than those of the other generations. For anther productivity, the F2 generation tended to have a slightly higher tendency for multiple embryo formation. A simple additive-dominance model was adequate in explaining the inheritance of anther response and frequency of embryos, but digenic epistasis (additive x dominance) was involved in the inheritance of anther productivity. Additive genetic variance was higher than non-additive genetic variance for all the traits; however, only environmental variance was significant. Narrow-sense heritability estimates were 65% and 75% for anther response and frequency of embryos, respectively. Significant inter-plant variation was observed within generations, even for the inbred line DBTS, but isozymic analysis involving five enzyme loci did not reveal any genotypic variability within the inbred lines DBTS and B73.  相似文献   

Summary Response frequencies in maize (Zea mays L.) anthers cultured in vitro were examined in a diallel set of crosses among four commercial inbred lines. Significant differences among the genotypes were observed, with the crosses H99xFR16 and Pa91xFR16 displaying the highest responses. General (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability mean squares were calculated and determined to be highly significant. GCA effects among the parental lines were highest for FR16 and lowest for LH38. Nongenotypic, plant-toplant differences were also found to make a significant contribution to the overall variation observed. The results from this study indicate that parents which give rise to highly responsive hybrids can be identified and that genetic improvement is possible through selection.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of employing different sugars in wheat anther culture has been investigated using four Spring wheat cultivars. The most responsive cultivar, Orofen, gave a three to four-fold increase in embryo yield when maltose was used in place of sucrose, with 50 embryos being produced for every 100 anthers cultured. Measurement of sugar concentrations in the culture media indicated that sucrose was more rapidly hydrolysed than maltose. However, neither the osmotic potential of the medium nor the concentration of glucose appeared to be critical factors in determining embryo yield.  相似文献   

Two pathways of plant regeneration in wheat anther culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anthers of 10 Polish winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were used for the induction of androgenesis and plant regeneration. The highest rate of callus induction (9.1%) and green plant production (0.8%) was obtained with the cultivar Apollo that was chosen for histological analysis. The first androgenic division was symmetrical and occurred after 3 weeks of culture. Further divisions of newly formed cells gave rise to multicellular structures which followed two developmental pathways: callus production or direct embryo formation. Plant regeneration was observed in both pathways. Chromosome counting of plantlets regenerated showed that haploid metaphases 2n=3x=21 were the most frequent.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of the ability to respond in wheat anther culture was studied from 6×2 reciprocal crosses between six varieties with high and two varieties with low capacity for green plant formation and their parents, replicated in two environments. Effects of genotypes dominated embryo formation and percentages of green plants, accounting for 78.4% and 85.4% of total variation, respectively, while smaller genetic effects were indicated for regeneration. Nuclear genes could explain almost all the genotype effects in this material. Embryo formation showed heterosis over high parent for 5 of the 12 hybrids, while percentages of green plants from the hybrids were intermediate to the parents. General Combining Ability (GCA) could explain 78.8% of the variation for embryo formation among the hybrids, whereas differences in percentage of green plants were dominated by Specific Combining Ability (SCA), accounting for 67.9% of hybrid variation. A positive correlation (r=0.81**) was observed between the genetic capacity for regeneration and green plant formation. Analysis of covariance indicated that effects causing GCA for green plant formation were mainly responsible for this correlation. A regression model with two parallel lines divided the six parent lines with high green plant formation into three groups with respect to their reactions with the two testers. The results are discussed with regard to possible involvement of two sets of nuclear genes affecting the percentage of green plants obtained in wheat anther culture: one set consisting of mainly additive effects affecting green plant percentage through an initial effect on regeneration ability, and another set of two or a few more major genes with dominance or epistatic effects uncorrelated with regeneration.  相似文献   

 Two cycles of androgenetic in vitro doubled haploid (DH) plant production and intermating were implemented in an experimental synthetic population of maize. In vitro traits, including androgenetic embryo production, the regeneration potential and the frequency of spontaneous chromosome doubling, were studied. The success of the regenerated plants to self pollinate was also observed. Impressive genetic progress is reported for all the steps of the androgenetic process including seed set. Differential genetic progress is recorded according to the trait measured. Using a set of Mendelian and molecular markers that mapped to the different maize chromosomes, we were able to characterize the variation in the genetic variability in the population. Progress in the in vitro response was not found to be associated with any noticeable decline in global genetic variability. In addition, the QTL chromosomic regions tested, which were involved in androgenetic response, were not found to be subjected to a strong variation during the breeding experiment. Some phenotypical and morphological traits were also evaluated, and these showed that there was no depreciation effect in the agronomic value of the population. DH plant production and intermating the regenerated plants may be considered for the introduction and use of androgenesis in material which responds poorly. Received: 3 October 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary The response of anther culture to culture temperature was studied in detail using many varieties, F1 hybrids and pollen-derived lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum) as materials. The suitable culture temperature for inducing pollen callus (or embryoids) in wheat anther culture ranged from 26 °C to 30 °C, varying with genotypes. But for the great majority of wheat genotypes the suitable culture temperatures lay between 28 °C and 30°C. The most significant genotypic variation in the response to culture temperature was observed in the comparison between the culture at 33 °C for eight days followed by culture at 25 °C (or 26 °C) and the continuous culture at 25 °C (or 26 °C). This genotypic variation in the response to culture temperature is a heritable character which may be controlled by multiple genes. The effect of culture at 30 °C for eight days followed by culture at 26 °C was similar to, or in some cases, better than that of continuous culture at 28 °C, and the effect of culture at 32 °C for eight days followed by culture at 28 °C was similar to that of continuous culture at 30 °C. In the range from 26 °C to 32 °C, the overwhelming majority of pollen calli emerged before the 40th day after anther inoculation, and the higher the culture temperature, the earlier and more concentrated the emerging period of the pollen callus. The pollen callus obtained at high temperatures above 28 °C should be transferred in time onto the regeneration medium at 25°–27°C to induce shoots.  相似文献   

Bombardment of intact anthers of commercial barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties resulted in 0.5–1.0% of transformed microspores of which 20–40% continued in androgenic development (0.2% of all bombarded microspores). Using a system based on bombardment of anthers is therefore likely to be more technically efficient than the use of a microspore isolation, transformation and regeneration system. Bombardment of anthers has a number of technical and scientific advantages over existing systems for gene transfer and can be considered as a alternative method to existing methods for genetic transformation in barley.  相似文献   

Summary Five haploid plants of wheat were used for anther culture. Embryos were formed and six plants were regenerated. Of these, two were haploid (n=3x=21) and two diploid (2n=6x=42). The two diploids derived from the anthers of the same haploid wheat plant gave seeds, but the fertility was reduced in one of them showing, abnormalities at meiosis.  相似文献   

Anther culture has been developed in the winter wheat cultivar Florida to achieve accelerated production and identification of homozygous transgenic lines. With untransformed, seed-derived plants to develop the culture system, it was shown that cold pre-treatment of spikes excised from donor plants and addition of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid together with either kinetin or 6-benzylaminopurine in the callus induction medium improves the anther culture response. The procedure developed allowed production of fertile homozygous lines within 8–9 months, which includes an 8-week vernalisation period. With transgenic wheat plants produced by particle bombardment as donors, we show that the system can be used to produce homozygous transgenics, requiring one generation cycle. Both T0 tissue culture-derived plants and their T1 seed-derived descendents serve as suitable donors. We show that an anther culture response comparable to that of untransformed, seed-derived plants can be achieved with T0 tissue culture-derived plants. PCR and Southern molecular analyses of anther culture-derived transgenics show that the transgenes are stably inherited; there are no perturbations at the chromosomal level around the sites of transgene integration as a result of in vitro chromosome manipulation during anther culture.  相似文献   

Effects of light regimes on anther culture response in bread wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This experiment was initiated to further test the effects of light regimes during callus induction and plant regeneration on anther culture response of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Spring wheat cultivars 'Edwall' and 'WA 7176' with high callus induction from anther culture but low green plant production were used. Different gro-lux light and dark regimes during callus induction, and gro-lux light and fluorescent light regimes during plant regeneration were used. Callus induction decreased significantly at relatively high light intensity (315 μmol m−2 s−1) applied at any period of culture when compared to continuous dark. Light regimes used continuously and from the 15th to the last day of callus induction also had a significant negative effect on plant regeneration compared to continuous dark and light application in the first half of callus induction. During plant regeneration, '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' significantly increased plant regeneration compared to both 'gro-lux' and 'fluorescent light' regimes. Light regimes during both callus induction and plant regeneration and their interaction effects were found to be highly significant on green plant proportion and green plant yield. 'Continuous light' application during callus induction increased green plant proportion more than other applications in contrast to its negative effect on plant regeneration. During plant regeneration, '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' had the higher green plant proportion compared to only 'fluorescent light' and only 'gro-lux light'. The highest green plant yields were obtained from '15 day dark + 7 day gro-lux light' during plant regeneration in combination with either 'continuous dark' or 'continuous light' regimes during callus induction. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Plastid DNA (ptDNA) in albino rice plants regenerated from pollen by anther culture was investigated by Southern blotting. Of the 20 albino plants investigated, 7 contained ptDNA that had suffered large-scale deletion. The size and location of the deletions differed among the plants. In all cases about 30 kbp of the region containing the PstI-2 fragment (15.7 kbp) had been retained. The deleted ptDNA molecules were retained in calluses derived from the roots of each albino plant.  相似文献   

Summary Eight inbred lines of Brussels sprouts and ten F1 hybrids derived from them were tested for their response to anther culture. From 5–19 plants per genotype were tested, and each plant was tested on 3–6 separate occasions. Results from the inbred lines were broadly similar to those from the F1 hybrids, despite the inbreds producing fewer buds and having a higher frequency of anther deformities. The maximum embryo yield from an inbred line was 215 embryos per 100 anthers, and from a hybrid was 275. From estimation of the variance components it was calculated that, for both inbreds and hybrids, about half the total variation was genetic whereas variation due to plants within genotypes and to occasions within plants were each about 13% of the total. The narrow sense heritability of responsiveness to anther culture (estimated by the proportion of variation between inbred lines which was genetic) was 0.48, and there was partial dominance for this character. In three cases the hybrid outyielded the better inbred, and this heterosis may well be due to dispersed dominant genes.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments on wheat anther culture in liquid media either synthetic or with potato extract show that it is possible to obtain as many embryos as when using solid potato extract medium. In liquid media young embryos or 14-day old induced anthers can differentiate green plants for regeneration. Glutamine is effective in culturing anthers and can replace potato extract in the medium.  相似文献   

Ten soft white spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) F1 hybrids were grown under three temperature regimes, and anthers were cultured at two plating densities to investigate the effect of plant growth conditions, plating density, and genotype on embryo induction and plant regeneration. Anthers from plants grown at high temperature (25 °/18 °C) or from plants transferred from low (15 °/12 °C) to high temperature generally produced more embryos and green shoots, with a lower frequency of albinos, than did anthers from plants grown at low temperature. However, plating densities of 10 versus 20 anthers per milliliter, had little effect on anther response. Four of the five hybrids with `Fielder' as the female parent produced more embryos and green shoots than did hybrids with `AC Reed' as the female parent. Received: 12 July 1996 / Revision received: 1 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 April 1997  相似文献   

Anther culture and maize hybridization are two frequently used techniques for doubled haploid production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Information on the field performance of lines derived from these techniques is limited. This study was conducted to compare the performance of F4:6 lines obtained by single-seed descent with lines obtained by anther culture and maize (Zea mays L.) pollination from the same cross of spring wheat, ’Chris’/MN 7529. Thirty-three lines derived from each of those techniques were evaluated in six environments for grain yield, protein content, test weight, heading date, kernel weight and plant height. Mean performance of the single-seed descent lines exceeded performance of the anther culture lines for grain yield, kernel weight and plant height with no apparent differences for grain protein content, test weight and heading date. No differences between trait means for the single-seed descent and maize pollination lines were found except for plant height. The best 5 lines from each method for grain yield, protein content and test weight were similar in performance except that the protein content was higher for the maize pollination lines than for the single-seed descent lines. Acceptable levels of agronomic performance could be found among lines from each method. Wide acceptance of the doubled haploid technique for pure line production in breeding programs may, however, be limited by the often poor efficiency of doubled haploid line production, resulting in smaller population sizes for selection of desirable traits in comparison to the single-seed descent method. Received: 31 July 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

以龙花84-106、藤系138和雪光为杂交亲本,育成了适宜寒地稻区种植的集优质、抗病、丰产于一体的水稻新品种龙粳10号.结果表明,在品种选育中,合理选择亲本材料,采用花药离体培养技术与常规技术相结合,并加强稳定材料的特性鉴定是行之有效的措施.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of immature embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to respond in cell culture was examined in crosses between the Wichita monosomic series and a highly regenerable line, ND7532. Segregation in disomic controls and 13 monosomic families showed a good fit to a monogenic ratio indicating a qualitative mode of inheritance. Segregation in the cross involving monosomic 2D showed a high frequency of regeneration (93.6%) and high callus growth rate (1.87 g/90 days) indicating that 2D is a critical chromosome. Modifying genes may be located on other chromosomes. Substitution of chromosomes from a low regenerable cultivar Vona further indicated that the group 2 chromosomes, in particular chromosome 2D, possess genetic factors promoting callus growth and regeneration.  相似文献   

L. George  P. S. Rao 《Protoplasma》1979,100(1):13-19
Summary Anther culture ofPhysalis minima L. (2 n=48) was successful and embryos and plantlets could be obtained 5–6 weeks after culture. MS medium containing CM was essential for pollen division. 16.7% of the cultured anthers produced plantlets. All the pollen plantlets were triploid (3 n=72). Regeneration of multiple shoot buds was obtained from cultured leaf and stem expiants of pollen plantlets.  相似文献   

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