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The transportation off-shore of the littoral pycnogonid Nymphon gracile during the winter months is facilitated by the ebb tide swimming of this otherwise benthic animal. The energy cost of migration has been estimated from measurements of oxygen consumption and drag forces acting on the different segments of the leg during swimming. The swimming patterns of N. gracile both under constant conditions and in response to tidal pressure cycles are considered in relation to the animals' energy reserves.  相似文献   

There is little information concerning the reproductive biology of the Pycnogonida. Information obtained by the authors concerning the female reproductive system of British pycnogonids is discussed and evaluated.
Oögenesis and vitellogenesis are similar to the processes described in some annelids and crustaceans. Vitellogenesis contrasts with the process in insects where the majority of the yolk is produced extra-oöcytically and is transported to the developing oocyte, whereas in the Pycnogonida the majority of the yolk is produced intra-öocytically with only a small extra-oocyte contribution. This represents a fairly primitive arthropodan type of vitellogenesis.
The reproductive cycles of several British pycnogonid species have been studied by regular sampling at different localities over long periods of time. This has provided information on population dynamics, particularly life-span, migratory movements and fecundity.
Although similarities exist between species there are also marked differences in that some species produce only a single new generation each year, whereas in others the presence of a second population of mature ova in the same year may enable the production of a second brood, if conditions are favourable.  相似文献   

Domestic ruminant selectivity induces floristic changes in pasturelands, risking sustainability and limiting the subsequent availability of susceptible plant species. Development of preferences for species of lower nutritional quality may help to overcome those problems. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that early experience of sheep with a low-quality food (LQF) in a nutritional enriched context increases preference for LQF in adulthood. We predicted a higher proportional consumption of LQF in experienced lambs (EL) than in inexperienced lambs (IL) in choice situations involving LQF and alternative foods. Additionally, we determined intake of LQF by EL and IL at different levels of high-quality food (HQF) availability. From 60 to 210 days of age, EL were fed in separated feed bunks mature oat hay (LQF) simultaneously with sunflower meal (SM) and corn grain (CG), whereas IL were fed alfalfa hay (HQF) simultaneously with SM and CG. After exposure, EL and IL were offered LQF in free choice situations involving alternative foods, and also at five levels of HQF availability (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% of ad libitum intake). Proportional consumption of LQF was lower or similar in EL than IL. Intake of LQF was also lower or similar in EL than IL at all levels of HQF availability, except when the LQF was the only food available. Our results did not support the hypothesis that early experience with a LQF in a nutritional enriched context increases preference for LQF in adulthood. On the contrary, experience with LQF diminished subsequent preference for LQF in adulthood. It is proposed that, in the conditions of our study, continuous comparison between the LQF and the high-quality supplements (CG and SM) during the early exposure period lead to devaluation of LQF by EL through a simultaneous negative contrast effect.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of novelty in food selection by fishes, goldfish were trained by feeding them on red or green food pellets. Individual fish and fish in shoals of two, three, and five were then given a choice between equal numbers of familiar pellets and novel (yellow) pellets. In experimental groups, the yellow pellets were soaked in 15% quinine hydrochloride to make them unpalatable. Fish were next presented with equal numbers of familiar and a second novel pellet. It was expected that fish would generalize from their experience with the unpalatable pellets and demonstrate avoidance to sampling a second novel food item. However, as groups, neither controls nor experimentals were reluctant to sample the second novel pellets. Also, fish did not eat significantly more familiar than novel pellets when both were palatable. A third set of experiments examined food preference transitivity in which each pellet type was presented alone and in three pair-wise combinations to individual fish. Although red and yellow pellets were preferred over green, they were preferred equally, indicating an absence of transitivity in pellet choice and, perhaps, a “preference” for a mixture of red and yellow pellets.  相似文献   

The pycnogonids (or sea spiders) are an enigmatic group of arthropods, classified in recent phylogenies as a sister-group of either euchelicerates (horseshoe crabs and arachnids), or all other extant arthropods. Because of their bizarre morpho-anatomy, homologies with other arthropod taxa have been difficult to assess. We review the main morphology-based hypotheses of correspondence between anterior segments of pycnogonids, arachnids and mandibulates. In an attempt to provide new relevant data to these controversial issues, we performed a PCR survey of Hox genes in two pycnogonid species, Endeis spinosa and Nymphon gracile, from which we could recover nine and six Hox genes, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses allowed to identify their orthology relationships. The Deformed gene from E. spinosa and the abdominal-A gene from N. gracile exhibit unusual sequence divergence in their homeodomains, which, in the latter case, may be correlated with the extreme reduction of the posterior region in pycnogonids. Expression patterns of two Hox genes (labial and Deformed) in the E. spinosa protonymphon larva are discussed. The anterior boundaries of their expression domains favour homology between sea spider chelifores, euchelicerates chelicerae and mandibulate (first) antennae, in contradistinction with previously proposed alternative schemes such as the protocerebral identity of sea spider chelifores or the absence of a deutocerebrum in chelicerates. In addition, while anatomical and embryological evidences suggest the possibility that the ovigers of sea spiders could be a duplicated pair of pedipalps, the Hox data support them as modified anterior walking legs, consistent with the classical views.Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.Guest editors Jean Deutsch and Gerhard Scholtz  相似文献   

We examined the effect of two avocadofurans, 2-(pentadecyl)furan and 2-(heptadecyl)furan, from avocado idioblast oil cells on maturation and larval feeding behavior of a generalist insect herbivore, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Experiments were conducted using two larval sizes: early-stadium larvae refer to those larvae from experiments initiated with neonates while late-stadium larvae refer to those larvae from experiments initiated with third instars. In order to use selected sublethal doses for developmental and behavioral studies on early- and late-stadium larvae, log-dose probit lines were determined using diet incorporation bioassays. Both avocadofurans had similar toxicities to early-stadium larvae [LC50=2.2 and 1.9 moles/g of diet for 2-(pentadecyl)furan and 2-(heptadecyl)furan, respectively] and late-stadium larvae (LC50=3.0 and 3.4 moles/g of diet, respectively). In diet bioassays extending from egg hatch to adult emergence, the avocadofurans significantly prolonged larval developmental times and reduced S. exigua pupal weights. In 7 d no-choice bioassays initiated with cohorts of newly-molted third instars, the avocadofurans significantly reduced larval weights at various sublethal concentrations (below LC50 values). To test larval feeding deterrence effects of these avocadofurans, choice tests were conducted using early and older instar larvae. A significantly higher proportion of early-stadium larvae preferred control diet over diet treated with either avocadofuran at several sublethal concentrations. Similarly, choice tests with late-stadium larvae showed greater proportions of larvae on control diet than treated diet even at concentrations below the LC50. Moreover, late-stadium larvae consumed significantly more of the control diet than the treated diet. Thus, the avocadofurans may act as feeding deterrents as well as toxicants in plant protection against non-adapted insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Habitat preference of juveniles ofLates angustifrons andLates mariae, endemic fish species in Lake Tanganyika, was investigated in the field and in the laboratory. Both species settle on the grass bed after the post-larval pelagic phase.L. angustifrons preferred the short grass bed composed ofVallismeria sp., whileL. mariae preferred the tall grass bed composed ofPotamogeton schweinfurthii. L. angustifrons always rested near the root, keeping a position parallel to the bottom; dark cross bands on the body may be advantageous as camouflage in the short grass bed. On the other hand,L. mariae always stayed in mid-water, keeping a head-down position parallel to a leaf or stem of grass; such posture and longitudinal stripes on the body may be advantageous as camouflage in the tall grass bed. Both species were more active at night, and fed mainly on atyid shrimps.Lates angustifrons shifted its main food from shrimps to fish with growth, as was suggested inL. mariae. Difference in the habitat preference may play an important role in their coexistence.  相似文献   

The Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae), is an oligophagous insect that accepts leaves of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, as food but exhibits distinct preferences among varieties. It is believed that the basis for discrimination between the resistant PI 229358 and the susceptible cv. Williams is chemical. By the ablation of chemosensilla on antennae, maxillary palpi, labial palpi, and foretarsi, followed with leaf disc preference tests, we found antennal and maxillary palp chemosensilla to be almost entirely responsible for Mexican bean beetles' discrimination between foliage of the resistant and susceptible genotypes. All appendages, and the epipharynx, were observed by scanning electron microscopy and, except for foretarsi, were found to bear several types of presumably olfactory and gustatory sensilla, which are figured and described. Since behavioral observations show that olfaction is usually sufficient to cause rejection of PI 229358, we conclude that olfactory sensilla mainly on antennae and maxillary palpi are critical in food discrimination in this system.
Résumé E. varivestis Mulsant, insecte oligophage, accepte les feuilles de Glycine max (L.) Merrill (soja) comme aliment, mais présente des préférences marquées parmi les variétés. On considère que l'origine de la discrimination entre le cultivar sensible Williams et PI 229358 résistant, est chimique. Des expériences de choix avec des rondelles de feuilles, après ablation des sensilles chimiques des antennes et des palpes maxillaires et labiaux, et des tarses antérieurs, ont montré que les sensilles chimiques étaient presque entièrement responsables de la discrimination entre les feuillages de génotypes résistant et sensible. Tous les appendices ont été observés au microscope à balayage, et, à l'exception des tarses antérieurs, ils portaient plusieurs types de sensilles gustatives et olfactives, qui ont été représentées et décrites. Puisque les observations comportementales montrent que l'olfaction est normalement suffisante pour provoquer le rejet de PI 229358, nous concluons que les sensilles olfactives des antennes et des palpes maxillaires jouent un rôle crucial dans le choix de l'aliment.

The objective of this work was to study the effect of early weaning on alimentary preference for the macronutrients protein, carbohydrate and fat in adult rats. Male Wistar rat pups were weaned by separation from the mother at 15 (D15) or 30 (D30) days old. Body weight and food intake were measured every 30 days until pups were 150 days old. At 110 days of age, the alimentary preference was evaluated for 1 h on 3 consecutive days. At 120 days of age, the palatable diet test was conducted during 3 consecutive 24-h periods. Body weight and food intake were not altered, but early weaning in rats induced an alimentary preference to fat and hyperphagia of a palatable diet. In conclusion, early weaning, although did not modify body weight or basal food intake, promoted an increased preference for palatable and fatty foods. This demonstrates that early weaning is not capable of promoting perceptible alterations of alimentary behavior under normal laboratory conditions. However, in the presence of a stimulating factor such as a choice of nutrients or a palatable diet, a possible latent effect on dietary preferences may become apparent. Over the long term, this preference for foods with high caloric density can lead to obesity and metabolic perturbations.  相似文献   


Summary We tested Buchsbaum's hypothesis that food palatability in geese is determined by a hierarchy of feeding cues among which deterrent secondary metabolites (mostly phenols) have a primary role (Buchsbaum et al. 1984). In preference tests, greater snow goose feeding was slightly depressed when grass was sprayed with ferulic acid but not when grass was sprayed with p-coumaric and tannic acids. Extracts of Timothy grass, red clover or alfalfa sprayed on grass also failed to depress goose feeding. In a multifactor experiment, phenol and protein content and height of grass were manipulated simultaneously. When ferulic acid was sprayed, protein and phenol content interacted in determining goose feeding preferences; protein content had no effect in the absence of phenol but did have an effect when phenol was added. When tannic acid was used in a similar experiment, results were inconclusive because of a significant and complex interaction between protein content and height of grass. Our results generally failed to support Buchsbaum's hypothesis that phenol content of plants has a primary role in determining food preference in geese. Protein content of plants seemed to be a more important factor.  相似文献   

The external structure, i.e. number and distribution of sensillae on male and female antennae of 12 species of grasshoppers belonging to Pamphaginae, Catantopinae, Oedipodinae and Gomphocerinae in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Five major types of antennal sensillae were detected - trichoid, long basiconic, short basiconic, slender and short basiconic, and coeloconic sensillae. Total number of antennal sensillae varied among different sexes, subfamilies, feeding groups, life forms and eco-forms. Males showed significantly more sensillae than females, due to presence of more short basiconic and coeloconic sensillae. Species under Catantopinae showed more long basiconic sensillae than the others. The Oedipodinae had the highest number of slender and short basiconic sensillae and coeloconic sensillae, followed by Catantopinae and Gomphocerinae; while Pamphaginae had the fewest. The total number of sensillae showed the same trend for these two types amongst the subfamilies as well, species which prefer habits on the ground possessed fewer antennal sensillae than species which prefer to stay on plants. The maximal number of antennal sensillae were observed in hygrophytous species,Chorthippus albomarginatus, in the 12 grasshopper species investigated, although the data is not statistically significant. The general trend which emerged was that species feeding on grass possessed more antennal sensillae, particularly coeloconic sensillae, compared to other feeding group species.  相似文献   

Prey preference of a predator is commonly used in models to analyze the timely issue of the relation among food web structure, diversity and stability. Given the variety of these terms in ecological literature, this work shows that domains of stability and species coexistence in food webs can be significantly altered by the chosen structure of predator's prey preference and environmental heterogeneity. Such results may bear upon issues in applied ecology, e.g., species conservation, biological control. More generally, they may serve as a caution with respect to the robustness of some results of food web theory.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the hand preferences exhibited by 33 black lemurs during routine feeding. Individual animals displayed hand preferences that were consistent across observations separated by as much as seven months. Within this population, 20 were left hand preferent, 12 right preferent, and 1 was ambidextrous. Correlational analysis of age and percentage left hand use indicated an inverse relationship in which younger animals tended towards the preferential use of the left hand and older animals the preferential use of the right hand. Similar analysis found no relationship between either sex and hand preference or familial relationship and hand preference. The skewed distribution of age in this sample renders tentative conclusions regarding age-related variations in hand preference. It is suggested that if the hand preferences of the black lemur are not age-related, then this species may be characterized as having a bias towards the preferential use of the left hand for food reaching.  相似文献   

Feeding responses of the generalist herbivore, Littorina littorea (L.), to the perceived taste of macroalgae were assessed with respect to the effects of recent dietary intake and to overlapping versus nonoverlapping distributions of winkles and algae. The extent of grazing on artificial substrates impregnated with crude algal extracts was used as a measure of rate of response to the odour of preferred algae, and of feeding preference among less preferred algae, in a variety of designs. Adult L. littorea collected from a site where a range of algae were present showed preference among extracts of fucoids, whereas adults from a nearby site showed no such preference. Juvenile L. littorea of two weight cohorts collected from the former site responded faster to Porphyra umbilicalis extract-containing substrate than similar-sized animals from the latter site. Juveniles, fed either Porphyra, Ulva lactuca, or starved for two weeks in the laboratory, responded similarly to Ulva versus Porphyra extracts in a dose-dependent manner across a range of concentrations, although the Porphyra-maintained group consumed more of each, and the starved group less over seven days. Juveniles maintained on a mixed diet of Ulva and Porphyra consumed more Porphyra extract and less Ulva extract over the same period. These results are discussed in relation to the possible role of ingestive conditioning and previous dietary history in determining the occurrence and extent of chemically-mediated feeding preference in L. littorea.  相似文献   

Prudic KL  Oliver JC  Bowers MD 《Oecologia》2005,143(4):578-587
This study examined the effects of increased leaf nitrogen in natural host-plants (Plantago spp.) on female oviposition preference, larval performance, and larval chemical defense of the butterfly Junonia coenia. Increased availability of soil nutrients caused the host-plant’s foliar nitrogen to increase and its chemical defense to decrease. Larval performance did not correlate with increases in foliar nitrogen. Larval growth rate and survival were equivalent across host-plant treatments. However, larvae raised on fertilized host-plants showed concomitant decreases in chemical defense as compared to larvae reared on unfertilized host-plants. Since most butterfly larvae cannot move long distances during their first few instars and are forced to feed upon the plant on which they hatched, J. coenia larval chemical defense is determined, in large part, by female oviposition choice. Female butterflies preferred host-plants with high nitrogen over host-plants with low nitrogen; however, this preference was also mediated by plant chemical defense. Female butterflies preferred more chemically defended host-plants when foliar nitrogen was equivalent between host-plants. J. coenia larvae experience intense predation in the field, especially when larvae are not chemically well defended. Any qualitative or quantitative variation in plant allelochemical defense has fitness consequences on these larvae. Thus, these results indicate that females may be making sub-optimal oviposition decisions under a nutrient-enriched regime, when predators are present. Given the recent increase in fertilizer application and nitrogen deposition on the terrestrial landscape, these interactions between female preference, larval performance, and larval chemical defense may result in long-term changes in population dynamics and persistence of specialist insects.  相似文献   

Hand preference has been investigated in New World primates but the data obtained thus far are controversial. In this study we investigated hand preference in common marmosets,Callithrix jacchus, during the execution of a reaching for food task. We used 46 adult common marmoset males (n=27) and females (n=19) from the Universidade of Rio Grande do Norte colony, both wild and captive-born. To test the hand preference we used a device measuring 10 cm2, with a central hole 1 cm in diameter, to force the animal to use only one hand to reach for food on a food dish located underneath. Each animal was tested 5 times and had to make a maximum of 20 successful attempts per session. A total of 100 successful attempts per animal and 4,600 successful attempts for all animals were recorded during the experiment. Latency and duration of the sessions were measured and we found preference for the use of one of the hands in common marmoset individuals, i.e. 45 of total of 46 animals used significantly more the right or the left hand when performing the task. However no bias at the population level was found. Females born in captivity presented an increase in the duration of latency for the first successful attempt and in the total duration of the test sessions. These findings might be indicating differences associated with a natural tendency for females to be more selective and to spend more time exploring alimentary sources. Additionally, captive-born females may have a constrain in developing cognitive abilities regarding foraging since they have food available during most part of the time.  相似文献   

The physiological factors responsible for behavioral regulation of water balance by differential feeding in Schistocerca gregaria were investigated. Locusts given the option to regulate their water intake by feeding on high-water content (wet) food or low-water content (dry) food had values for percent body water and hemolymph volumes intermediate between those for locusts given either food exclusively. Locusts given wet food only prior to no-choice tests had relatively small meals and long latencies to feed on wet food and large meals and short latencies to feed on dry food. Increasing volume by adding 75 l normal saline did not alter meal size on either food, while locusts given dry food prior to testing had the opposite behavior. Increasing hemolymph concentration led to smaller meals on both wet and dry food, but diluting the hemolymph by an equal volume of distilled water resulted in larger meals on dry food and smaller meals on wet food. Removing an equal volume of hemolymph had no effect, but combining hemolymph removal with increased osmotic pressure reduced the meal size on dry food and increased meal size on wet food.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les bases physiologiques de la régulation comportementale de l'équilibre hydrique par alimentation différentielle chez S. gregaria. Les teneurs en eau (pourcentage du poids du corps) et les volumes d'hémolymphe des criquets ayant eu la possibilité de moduler leur apport en eau en conssommant des aliments à forte teneur en eau (frais) ou à faible teneur (secs), étaient intermédiaires entre ceux des criquets ayant l'un ou l'autre exclusivement. Les criquets, ayant uniquement des aliments frais avant des expériences sans choix, ont présenté des temps de latence prolongés et des repas relativement brefs sur aliments frais, et des temps de latence brefs et des repas abondants sur aliments secs; les résultats ont été inversés quand l'alimentation préalable était sur nourriture sèche.Ces résultats sont partiellement simulés par des altérations du volume et de la pression osmotique de l'hémolymphe. L'augmentation de la concentration de l'hémolymphe entraîne des repas moins abondants sur aliments frais et secs, vraisemblablement par suite de signaux de satiété. L'augmentation du volume en ajoutant 75 l de solution physiologique n'a pas modifié la taille du repas sur les deux types d'aliments, mais la dilution de l'hémolymphe par un volume égal d'eau distillée a induit des repas plus importants sur aliment sec, et plus petit sur aliment frais. Une augmentation de volume plus importante, de 150 l, réduisait la taille du repas sur aliment frais, mais pas sur aliment sec. Le prélèvement d'environ 75 l d'hémolymphe a été sans effet; mais, combiné avec l'augmentation de la pression osmotique, il a réduit la taille du repas sur aliment sec (comme l'augmentation de la pression osmotique seule), mais a augmenté la taille du repas sur aliment frais. Ce dernier résultat est semblable à ceux obtenus lors des études du déterminisme de l'abreuvement. La discussion porte sur la relation entre le contrôle de l'absorption de l'eau et des aliments.

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