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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of presynchronization with or without the detection of estrus on first service pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) and on Ovsynch outcome in lactating dairy cows. A total of 511 cows were divided randomly but unevenly into 3 treatment groups at 44 to 50 days in milk (DIM). Ovsynch was started at the same time (69 to 75 DIM) in all three groups. Cows in the Ovsynch group (CON, N = 126) received no presynchronization before Ovsynch, and all cows were bred by timed AI (TAI). Cows in the presynchronization with estrus detection (PED) and the presynchronization with only TAI (PTAI) groups received two doses of prostaglandin F (PGF) 14 days apart, starting at 44 to 50 DIM. Ovsynch was initiated 11 days after the second PGF treatment. Cows in the PED group (N = 267) received AI if estrus was detected after either PGF injection. Cows that were not determined to be in estrus after PGF injection received Ovsynch and TAI. Cows in the PTAI group (N = 118) were not inseminated to estrus, with all cows receiving TAI after Ovsynch. The ovulatory response to the first GnRH injection administered as part of Ovsynch differed (P = 0.002) among treatment groups (83.1% in PTAI, 72.6% in PED, and 62.7% in CON). However, the ovulatory response to the second injection of GnRH during Ovsynch did not differ among treatment groups. Of the 267 PED cows, a total of 132 (49.4%) exhibited estrus and were inseminated. The P/AI at the 31-day pregnancy diagnosis was similar between the cows in the PED group with AI after estrus detection (37.9%; 50/132) and those bred with TAI (34.1%; 46/135). The P/AI in the CON group (46.8%; 59/126) was greater (P < 0.05) than that in the PED group (36.0%; 96/267). In addition, the P/AI in the CON group was greater (P = 0.04) than that in the PED cows receiving TAI (34.1%; 46/135) but less than that in the PED cows bred to estrus (37.9%; 50/132) (P = 0.16). At the 31-day pregnancy diagnosis, the cows in the PTAI group had greater P/AI (55.9%; 66/118) than both those in the PED group (P < 0.01; either estrus or TAI) and those in the CON group (P = 0.08). Thus, presynchronization with PGF (PTAI) increased the ovulatory response to Ovsynch and improved P/AI in dairy cows. Interestingly, the breeding of cows to estrus during presynchronization reduced fertility to the TAI and overall fertility, including cows bred to estrus and TAI. These results indicate that maximal fertility is obtained when all cows receive TAI after the presynchronization protocol.  相似文献   

Objectives of this study were to determine the influence of timing of first clinical mastitis case occurrence on lactational and reproductive performance in high producing lactating dairy cows during the first 320 days in milk (DIM). Holstein cows, 1001, from two commercial dairy farms in California were retrospectively divided into four treatment groups according to timing of first clinical mastitis case caused by environmental pathogens: control with no recorded clinical cases of mastitis (C; n=501); first clinical mastitis prior to first postpartum AI (MG1; n=250); first clinical mastitis between first postpartum AI and pregnancy diagnosis (MG2; n=147); and first clinical mastitis after diagnosed pregnant (MG3; n=103). Clinical cases of mastitis were identified at every milking by the herd personnel based on abnormal milk or swelling of the mammary gland. A fore sample of milk was aseptically collected from every clinical case for microbiological culture. Mastitis decreased yields of milk, 3.5% fat-corrected milk, and milk components, but the effect was only observed for MG1 and MG2. Cows in the control group had lower linear somatic cell count (SCC) score throughout the lactation. Culling was increased by mastitis, and cows in the mastitis groups left the study earlier than controls. Conception rate at first postpartum AI and pregnancy rate at the end of the study were both decreased by mastitis prior to or after first AI, and MG1 and MG2 cows had extended days open. Furthermore, cows experiencing mastitis during lactation had a higher incidence of abortions. The negative effects of mastitis on reproduction were observed regardless of clinical case being caused by either Gram positive or negative bacteria. Mastitis either prior to or after first postpartum AI impairs lactation performance, increases culling, and decreases reproductive efficiency in high producing Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a novel presynchronization method, using Ovsynch prior to the Ovsynch-timed AI protocol (Double-Ovsynch) compared to Presynch-Ovsynch. Lactating Holstein (n=337) cows, were assigned to two treatment groups: (1) Presynch (n=180), two injections of PGF 14 d apart, followed by the Ovsynch-timed AI protocol 12 d later; (2) Double-Ovsynch (n=157), received GnRH, PGF 7 d later, and GnRH 3 d later, followed by the Ovsynch-timed AI protocol 7 d later. All cows received the same Ovsynch-timed AI protocol: GnRH (G1) at 68+/-3 DIM (mean+/-SEM), PGF 7 d later, GnRH (G2) 56h after PGF, and AI 16 to 20h later. Pregnancy was diagnosed 39-45 d after timed AI. Double-Ovsynch increased the pregnancies per AI (P/AI) compared to Presynch-Ovsynch (49.7% vs 41.7%, P=0.03). Surprisingly, Double-Ovsynch increased P/AI only in primiparous (65.2% vs 45.2%; P=0.02) and not multiparous (37.5% vs 39.3%) cows. In a subset of 87 cows, ovarian ultrasonography and progesterone (P4) measurements were performed at G1 and 7 d later. Double-Ovsynch decreased the percentage of cows with low P4 (<1ng/mL) at G1 (9.4% vs 33.3%) and increased the percentage of cows with high P4 (> or =3ng/mL) at PGF (78.1% vs 52.3%). Thus, presynchronization of cows with Double-Ovsynch increased fertility in primiparous cows compared to a standard Presynch protocol, perhaps due to induction of ovulation in non-cycling cows and improved synchronization of cycling cows. Future studies are needed, with a larger number of cows, to further test the hypothesis of higher fertility with Double-Ovsynch, and to elucidate the physiological mechanisms that underlie apparent changes in fertility with this protocol.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the pattern of re-insemination, pregnancy outcomes to re-insemination in estrus and at fixed time, and economic outcomes of lactating Holstein cows submitted to three resynchronization protocols. Cows were enrolled in the Experiment at 32 ± 3 d after pre-enrollment Artificial Insemination (AI), 7 d before pregnancy diagnosis, and randomly assigned to three resynchronization protocols. All cows diagnosed not pregnant at 39 ± 3 d after pre-enrollment AI were submitted to the Cosynch72 (Day 0 GnRH, Day 7 prostaglandin F, and Day 10 GnRH and fixed time AI). Cows assigned to the control treatment received no further treatment, cows assigned to the GGPG treatment received a GnRH injection on Day −7, and cows assigned to the CIDR treatment received a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert containing 1.38 g of progesterone from Days 0-7. Cows observed in estrus were re-inseminated on the same day. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 39 ± 3 and 67 ± 3 d after re-insemination. Costs of the resynchronization protocols were calculated for individual cows enrolled in the study and pregnancies generated were given a value of $275. The GGPG treatment resulted in the slowest (P ≤ 0.06) rate of re-insemination. Overall pregnancy per AI (P/AI) at 39 ± 3 (P = 0.50) and 67 ± 3 (P = 0.49) d after re-insemination were not affected by treatment. Although cost of the control protocol was (P < 0.01) the smallest, return per cow resynchronized was (P < 0.01) greater for GGPG and CIDR protocols. We concluded that presynchronizing the estrous cycle of cows with GnRH or treating cows with a CIDR insert during resynchronization altered the pattern of re-insemination and improved the economic return of resynchronized cows.  相似文献   

Lactating Holstein cows were utilized over two replicate periods (July and September, 1990) to examine the effect of summer heat stress on follicular growth and steroidogenesis. On day of synchronized ovulations, cows were assigned to shade (n=11) or no shade (n=12) management systems. Follicular development was monitored daily by ultrasonography until ovariectomy on Day 8 post estrus. At time of ovariectomy, dominant and second largest follicles were dissected from the ovary. Aromatase activity and steroid concentrations in dominant and subordinate follicles were measured. Acute heat stress had no effects on patterns of growth of first wave dominant and subordinate follicles between Days 1 and 7 of the cycle. Compared with shaded cows, the heat stressed cows did not have suppression of medium size (6 to 9 mm) follicles between Days 5 and 7. A treatment x follicle interaction was detected (P<0.01) for follicular diameter and fluid volume at Day 8. Dominant follicles in shade were bigger (16.4>14.5 mm) and contained more fluid (1.9>1.1 ml) than dominant follicles in no shade. Conversely, subordinate follicles in no shade were bigger (10.1>7.9 mm) and contained more fluid (0.4>0.2 ml) than subordinate follicles in shade. Concentrations of estradiol in plasma and follicular fluid were higher (P<0.01) in July than in September. Heat stress appears to alter the efficiency of follicular selection and dominance, and to have adverse effects on the quality of ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

Over a period of 1 year, three consecutive groups, each consisting of 12 postpartum Holstein cows aged from 3 to 9 years, were observed continually for 80 days. Animals were housed in a windowless free stall environment under husbandry and nutrition practices similar to those employed in commercial dairy units. A time lapse videorecorder, and two low light intensity television cameras were used to monitor behavioural activities of the cows. The stall was continuously illuminated with an intensity of 32 lux at the eye level of a standing cow. Each day the entire videotape was viewed and the number of mounts, the feeding, drinking, resting and walking activities of each cow were recorded.The distribution of mounts showed evidence of circadian rhythm with the highest frequency occurring during the nocturnal period. The total number of mounts and mounting/mounted ratios per estrus varied among individuals and were affected by estrus synchronisation. The number of mounts per cow increased from an average 11.2 with one cow in estrus to 52.6 with three cows in estrus at the same time. The sequence of postpartum estrus indicated a gradual increase both in mounted and mounting activities and mounting/mounted ratios. The data indicate that on the average, more mounted cows were in estrus (90%) than mounting ones (79%). The length of mounting between cows in synchronized estrus lasted on the average longer (7.4±0.41 sec) than between nonsynchronized cows with only one estrous partner (4.6±1.12 sec). Detected duration of true estrus was 7.5, 7.8 and 10.1 h in one, two and three cow estral groups respectively. Behavioural symptoms of the estrus onset also differed among individuals and revealed a dependency on social factors.Estrus stage caused changes in the proportional composition of daily activities. A comparison with 4 pre- and post estral days showed a high increase of walking time at the cost of both resting time and time spent at the feeder. The frequency distribution of agonistic interactions was approximately doubled during the estrous period while the distribution of instigator/victim ratios reached the highest value (1.44) one day before estrus and the lowest value (0.60) on the first post estrus day. The most frequent physical contact in agonistic interactions was in the head to head position which accounted for 64% of all fights. The head-neck position was second (16%), followed by the head-shoulder (9%), head-flank (6%), head-rear (3%) and head-side (2%). Further analysis of agonistic interactions revealed detectable motivation in about 25% of all fights. The number of mounts per estrus indicated a positive relationship to the rank of the victimizing. The mounting/mounted ratio was positively related to instigation order and negatively to age.  相似文献   

Whereas neutrophils are the main phagocytic leukocytes, monocytes and macrophages are actively involved in immunomodulation after infection. Recent studies have demonstrated that neutrophil function is impaired by the state of negative energy balance around parturition, and that cows that develop uterine disease have a greater degree of negative energy balance than healthy cows. The objectives of this study were to compare monocyte gene expression and protein secretion of selected cytokines from calving to 42 d after calving in Holstein cows that did or did not develop uterine disease. Real time quantitative RT-PCR (Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10) and ELISA (TNFα, IL-1β and IL-8) were used to evaluate cytokine response following in vitro stimulation of blood-derived monocytes with irradiated E. coli. Relative to unstimulated cells, E. coli-stimulated monocytes from cows with metritis had lower gene expression of key pro-inflammatory cytokines than healthy cows from calving to 14 d after calving (TNFα at 0, 7, and 14 d after calving, IL-1β and IL-6 at 7 and 14 d after calving; P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between groups for expression of IL-8 or the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. This was due, in part, to higher gene expression in unstimulated monocytes (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10) in early lactation from cows with metritis. Expression of mRNA in stimulated cells (relative to housekeeping genes) was lower for TNFα (7 and 14 d postpartum) and for IL-10 (7 and 14 d postpartum) in cows with metritis. Concentration of TNFα was lower in the culture medium of E. coli-stimulated monocytes from cows with metritis than healthy cows at calving and 7 and 21 d after calving (P < 0.05). Circulating cytokine concentrations were not different between groups for IL-8 and were below the limits of detection for TNFα and IL-1β. Cytokine gene expression and production were similar between healthy cows and cows that developed endometritis, diagnosed cytologically at 42 d after calving. We concluded that altered levels of expression and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines postpartum could contribute to impaired inflammatory response and predispose cows to development of metritis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum in high-producing dairy cows in commercial dairy farms under subtropical conditions. The cows were kept in a free-stall or tie-stall barn. Milk samples were collected from cows twice weekly, and progesterone in the skim milk was assayed by double-antibody ELISA. Cows were examined rectally and vaginoscopically at 2-week intervals after calving. Body condition score (BCS) and body weights were taken before and after calving. A cow was considered to have resumed ovarian cyclicity on the day of ovulation if followed by regular ovarian cycles. Thirty seven percent (n=20/54) of the cows had normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity (resumption within 45 days after calving), and 63% (n=34/54) had delayed resumption (resumption did not occur until >45 days after calving). Delayed resumption Type I (one or more ovarian cycles with luteal phase >20 days, i.e. prolonged luteal phase; 31.5%) and delayed resumption Type II (first ovulation did not occur until > or =45 days after calving, i.e. delayed first ovulation; 24.1%) were the most common types of delayed resumptions. Almost half (46.3%) of the cows did not resume their ovarian cyclicity until >65 days postpartum. Cows with delayed resumption Type I had a higher incidence of abnormal cervico-vaginal discharge (64.7%) and incomplete uterine involution (94.1%) compared to cows with normal resumption (P<0.01). The BCS of cows with delayed resumption Type II were lower than those of normal resumption cows at 5 weeks and later in the postpartum period (P<0.05). Approximately two-thirds of high-producing cows had delayed resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum. Prolonged luteal phase and delayed first ovulation were two important ovarian dysfunctions that delayed postpartum resumption of cyclicity in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine progesterone concentration (P4) from days 4 to 28 relative to presumptive estrus necessary for maintenance of pregnancy in lactating Holstein cows. Cows were assigned to the low P4 (LowP4, n = 28) or control (n = 153) treatments. All cows were presynchronized with two injections of PGF (14 d apart) and an ovulation synchronization protocol (11 d later; GnRH on day −10, PGF on day −3; and GnRH on day 0 = presumptive estrus). Cows in the Low P4 treatment received 2 injections of prostaglandin F on days 4 and 5 (day 0 = presumptive estrus) and a new CIDR insert on day 5 that was replaced every 7 d until day 28. Blood was sampled on days −9, −2, 0, 4, 7,14, 21, and 28. Ovaries were examined with ultrasound on days −9, −3, and 7 and cows bearing a corpus luteum ≥20 mm on day 7 received an embryo. On days 0, 4 and 7 P4 did not differ (P ≥ 0.27) but control cows had greater (P < 0.01) P4 on days 14, 21, and 28. Progesterone concentration fold change from day 0 to 7 was not (P = 0.14) affected by treatment, but P4 concentration fold change from day 7 to 14 was (P < 0.01) greater for control cows compared with LowP4 cows. No LowP4 cows became pregnant after embryo transfer, whereas 35.7, 25.5, and 21.4% of control cows were pregnant on day 28, 42, and 63, respectively. Progesterone concentration fold changes from day 0 to 7 (P = 0.03) and from day 7 to 14 (P = 0.05) were associated with pregnancy outcomes on day 63. Among cows that were pregnant on day 63, the minimum P4 concentration fold changes from day 0 to 7 and from day 7 to 14 were 2.71 and 1.48, respectively. Interestingly, cows with P4 concentration <5 ng/mL on day 14 were (P = 0.01) and tended to be (P = 0.07) more likely to lose pregnancy from day 28 to 42 and from day 28 and 63, respectively. Faster rise in P4 concentration during the metestrus and early diestrus are associated with pregnancy establishment following embryo transfer, which suggests that early rise in P4 concentration has an indirect effect on embryo development through modulation of uterine environment and secretion of histotroph. Furthermore, the positive effects of early rise in P4 concentration appear to go beyond the phase of maternal recognition of pregnancy through adhesion and placentation stages.  相似文献   

Experiments tested whether supplemental antioxidants improved fertility. To test effects of beta-carotene, cows in a hot environment were injected with prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) and were given 3 injections, i.m., of 800 mg beta-carotene or saline at Days -6 and -3 before the anticipated date of insemination and at insemination (n = 37-41 inseminated cows/group). There was no effect of beta-carotene on the proportion of cows detected in estrus following PGF2 alpha, timing of estrus after PGF2 alpha injection or pregnancy rate in inseminated cows. In a second trial, cows in a temperate climate received intramuscular injections of vitamin E (500 mg) and selenium (50 mg) at 30 d post partum (n = 97) or were untreated controls (n = 89). Treatment did not affect interval from calving to first insemination or the proportion of cows pregnant at first service, but it increased the pregnancy rate at second service (69.8 vs 52.1%; P = 0.07) and reduced services per conception (1.7 vs 2.0; P < 0.05) and interval from calving to conception (84.6 vs 98.1; P < 0.05). Thus, injection of vitamin E and selenium increased fertility in cattle that did not become pregnant at first service.  相似文献   

Eighteen multiparous lactating grazing Holstein cows, 9 ruminally cannulated, average 136.1 ± 14.6 days in milk, were randomly assigned to three treatments consisting of water containing different levels of total dissolved solids (TDS; mg/l): Treatment 1 = 1,000; Treatment 2 = 5,000 and Treatment 3 = 10,000, at the Experimental Dairy Unit at Rafaela Experimental Station (31°11′S latitude) during summer 2005. Animals were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three 28-day experimental periods, with 3 weeks for water adaptation and 1 week for measurements. Feed and water intake, milk production and composition, body weight and condition score and rumen parameters were evaluated. No treatment effects were observed in any of the variables evaluated, with the exception of water intake, which was higher for animals receiving 10,000 mg/l TDS in the drinking water (189 l/day vs. 106 and 122 l/day for cows receiving water with 1,000 and 5,000 mg/l TDS, respectively). Water intake was significantly higher for animals in treatment 10,000 (P < 0.05). It was concluded that the rumen presents a surprising buffer capacity and that consideration of TDS alone is insufficient to characterize drinking water quality.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the effects of timing of the induction of ovulation in superstimulated lactating Holstein donor cows that were fixed-time artificially inseminated. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the effects of the timing of progesterone (P4) device removal (Experiment 1) or the addition of a second norgestomet implant (Experiment 2) during superstimulation. In Experiment 1, 12 cows were allocated to one of four treatment groups with the timing of P4 device removal (24 or 36 h) and pLH treatment (48 or 60 h), after the first PGF as main factors, in a Latin Square (cross-over) design. There was an interaction (P = 0.03) between time of P4 device removal and time of pLH treatment. Mean (± SEM) numbers of transferable embryos were higher when the P4 device was removed at 36 h and pLH was administered at 60 h after the first PGF (P36LH60 =6.3 ± 1.4) compared to other treatments (P24LH60 =3.7 ± 1.1; P24LH48 =2.4 ± 0.8; or P36LH48 =2.2 ± 0.7). In Experiment 2, 40 cows were randomly allocated into one of four treatments with the number of norgestomet implants (one or two) and the time of induction of ovulation with GnRH relative to the first PGF (48 vs. 60 h) as main effects. The mean number of transferable embryos was higher (P = 0.02) when GnRH was administered at 60 h (4.2 ± 1.3) compared to at 48 h (2.7 ± 0.8), and the number of freezable embryos was increased (P = 0.01) in cows receiving two (3.0 ± 1.0) rather than one norgestomet implant (1.5 ± 0.5). In summary, embryo production in lactating Holstein cows was increased when the ovulatory stimulus (pLH or GnRH) was given 60 h after the first PGF, particularly when the P4 device was removed 36 h after the first PGF and when two norgestomet ear implants were used during the superstimulation protocol.  相似文献   

At the dairy research farm Karkendamm, the individual roughage intake was measured since 1 September 2005 using a computerised scale system to estimate daily energy balances as the difference between energy intake and calculated energy requirements for lactation and maintenance. Data of 289 heifers with observations between the 11th and 180th day of lactation over a period of 487 days were analysed. Average energy-corrected milk yield, feed intake, live weight and energy balance were 31.8kg, 20.6kg, 584 kg and 13.6 MJ NEL (net energy lactation), respectively, per day. Fixed and random regression models were used to estimate repeatabilities, correlations between cow effects and genetic parameters. The resulting genetic correlations in different lactation stages demonstrate that feed intake and energy balance at the beginning and the middle of lactation are genetically different traits. Heritability of feed intake is low with h2=0.06 during the first days after parturition and increases in the middle of lactation, whereas the energy balance shows the highest heritability with h2=0.34 in the first 30 days of lactation. Genetic correlations between energy balance and feed intake and milk yield, respectively, illustrate that energy balance depends more on feed intake than on milk yield. Genetic correlation between body condition score and energy balance decreases rapidly within the first 100 days of lactation. Hence, to avoid negative effects on health and reproduction as consequences of strong energy deficits at the beginning of lactation, the energy balance itself should be measured and used as a selection criterion in this lactation stage. Since the number of animals is rather small for a genetic analysis, the genetic parameters have to be evaluated on a more comprehensive dataset.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to compare: (1) conception rates (in early postpartum Japanese Black beef cows) to timed-artificial insemination (timed-AI) among Ovsynch and Ovsynch plus CIDR protocols, and a protocol that used estradiol benzoate (EB) in lieu of the first GnRH of the Ovsynch plus CIDR; and (2) the effects of these protocols on blood concentrations of ovarian steroids. Cows in the control group (Ovsynch; n=35) underwent a standard Ovsynch protocol (GnRH analogue on Day 0, PGF(2 alpha) analogue on Day 7 and GnRH analogue on Day 9), with timed-AI on Day 10, approximately 20 h after the second GnRH treatment. Cows in the Ovsynch+CIDR group (n=31) received a standard Ovsynch protocol plus a CIDR for 7 days (starting on Day 0). Cows in the third treatment group (EB+CIDR+GnRH; n=41) received 2mg of EB on Day 0 in lieu of the first GnRH treatment, followed by the same treatment as in the Ovsynch+CIDR protocol. The conception rate tended to be greater in the Ovsynch+CIDR group (67.7%, P<0.15) and was greater in the EB+CIDR+GnRH (73.2%, P<0.05) and CIDR-combined (both CIDR-treated groups were combined) groups (70.8%, P<0.05) than in the Ovsynch group (48.6%). Plasma progesterone concentrations were higher on Day 7 (P<0.01) and lower on Days 14, 17 and 21 (P<0.001) in the CIDR-combined group than in the Ovsynch group. Plasma estradiol-17beta concentrations were higher on Day 7 in the Ovsynch group of non-pregnant cows than in the CIDR-combined group of non-pregnant cows and in an all-combined group (all treatment groups combined) of pregnant cows (P<0.01). Furthermore, estradiol-17beta concentrations were lower on Day 9 in the Ovsynch and CIDR-combined groups of non-pregnant cows than in the all-combined group of pregnant cows (P<0.05). In conclusion, both protocols using CIDR improved conception rates following timed-AI in early postpartum suckled Japanese Black beef cows relative to the Ovsynch protocol. Treatment with a CIDR may prevent early maturation of follicles observed in non-pregnant cows treated with the Ovsynch protocol, by maintaining elevated blood progesterone concentrations until PGF(2 alpha) treatment.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was that supplementation during the late prepartum period will differentially affect reproductive and productive variables according to parity. Primiparous (n=22) and multiparous (n=22) pregnant autumn calving Holstein cows were stratified in two groups according to parity (primiparous or multiparous) and within each group were randomly assigned to two treatments: (a) low supplemented (LS) or (b) high supplemented (HS) prepartum diet. The LS group was offered 5.2 kg/cow/day (DM basis) of wheat silage, and the HS group 4.7 kg cow/day (DM basis)/of corn silage and 3.6 kg (DM basis) of wheat bran+12 g of urea. Both groups grazed on natural pastures. After calving, all cows received the same diet. The experimental period was from 3 weeks before calving to 7 weeks postpartum (PP); body condition score (BCS) and blood samples for hormonal analyses were obtained weekly and ovarian ultrasonography was conducted three times per week. The loss in BCS around calving was less pronounced in HS cows, but only multiparous supplemented cows maintained BCS throughout the study. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) increased during the prepartum period in the LS but not in the HS cows, with peak values occurring on day 14 PP in all groups. During the remainder of the experiment NEFA was greater in LS than in HS cows. Prepartum treatment did not affect the proportion of cows that had ovulations from the first dominant follicle postpartum, but decreased the interval to first ovulation in multiparous cows (22.9 compared with 38.2 days; P<0.05). This was associated with greater plasma IGF-I concentrations at the time the dominant follicle of the first follicular wave reached its maximum diameter (8.0 compared with 3.6 nmol/L; P<0.05). However, prepartum treatment had no effect on onset of ovarian activity in primiparous cows. Supplementation had no effect on milk production or milk protein percentage but increased milk fat percentage. We conclude that feeding a high-supplemented prepartum diet to multiparous cows allowed them to maintain BCS around calving, and this was associated with greater concentrations of IGF-I and an earlier onset of estrous cycles after calving.  相似文献   

High protein diets, which lead to excess production of nonprotein nitrogen such as ammonia and urea, have been associated with reduced fertility in dairy cows. In this study we test the hypothesis that diets containing high levels of quickly degradable urea nitrogen (QDN) compromise embryo development. Lactating dairy cows were fed mixed silage and concentrates twice daily. At 60 days postpartum, a synchronized estrus was induced and the cows were subsequently superovulated and inseminated using a standard protocol. On Day 7 after insemination, the uteri were flushed and embryos retrieved. At the start of treatment, cows were randomly allocated into three nutritional groups: control (CONT, n = 8), long (L-) QDN (n = 8) and short (S-) QDN (n = 9). The L-QDN cows were fed a supplement of urea from 10 days before insemination, and the S-QDN cows were fed the supplement from insemination until embryo collection. Both L- and S-QDN diets produced significant increases in plasma ammonia and urea 3 h post-feeding. The S-QDN but not the L-QDN diet was associated with a significant reduction in embryo yield. Embryo quality was also significantly reduced in the S-QDN cows. This study indicates that there is no deleterious effect on the yield and quality of embryos recovered 7 days after breeding when QDN feeding is initiated during the previous midluteal phase. However, introduction of a similar diet 10 days later, at the time of insemination, was deleterious. We suggest that QDN is toxic to embryos but cows can adjust within 10 days.  相似文献   

The endometrium regulates the inflammatory response after infection by production and release of cytokines and chemokines. The objective was to compare gene expression of important pro-inflammatory (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines, and the main neutrophil chemokine (IL-8), from calving to Week 7 after calving, in cows that developed endometritis and healthy control cows. Uterine biopsies were obtained at calving and at Weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7. Endometritis was evaluated at Week 5 by uterine lavage and cytology; cows with ≥ 10% neutrophils were considered to have endometritis. Real-time RT-PCR threshold values (Ct) were used to calculate the fold difference in gene expression, using the 2−ddCt method, normalized to GAPDH and calibrated to the average dCt for all cows at calving. Serum IL-8 concentrations were measured with ELISA. The analysis included 28 cows (11 had endometritis) for the PCR data and 44 cows (20 had endometritis) for ELISA. Expression of the TNFα gene in uterine tissue was decreased in cows with endometritis compared to control cows at calving (P = 0.09) and at Week 1 (P = 0.05). Iterleukin-1β gene expression tended to be decreased (P = 0.08) in cows with endometritis compared to control cows at Week 1, but tended to be increased (P ≤ 0.10) at Weeks 5 and 7. Cows with endometritis had increased (P < 0.05) IL-6 gene expression at calving and at Week 7 compared to control cows. Interleukin-8 gene expression was increased (P = 0.03) in endometritic cows compared to control cows at Week 7. Uterine disease was not significantly associated with IL-10 gene expression. A lower local level of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the endometrium soon after calving might impair activation of inflammation and clearance of bacteria, and lead to development of endometritis.  相似文献   

Clone library of bacterial 16S rRNA gene was constructed to evaluate the bacterial diversity and community structure of uterus samples obtained from three postpartum healthy cows and three metritic cows on days 10 and 40. Sequences were assigned to five major groups (Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Tenericutes) and to an uncultured group. On day 10, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Fusobacteria were the dominant group both in healthy and metritic cows. On day 40, the major sequences were affiliated with Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Tenericutes, and Proteobacteria. Tenericutes (Ureaplasma diversum) were revealed only from healthy cows, while Proteobacteria (Histophilus somni) were found only from metritic cows. Quantitative PCR revealed that metritic cows on day 10 showed higher value of total bacteria, Bacteroidetes, Peptostreptococcus, and Fusobacterium compared with healthy cows, while only a higher value of Fusobacterium spp. was observed from the metritic cows on day 40 compared with that from healthy cows (P?<?0.05). Our data indicates that great difference in the uterine bacterial community in both phyla level and species level exists between healthy and metritic postpartum cows, and dynamic changes in bacterial community occur over time.  相似文献   

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