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The structure of the synthetic deoxyoctamer d(GGIGCTCC) has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques to a resolution of 1.7A. The sequence crystallises in space group P6(1), with unit cell dimensions a = b = 45.07, c = 45.49A. The refinement converged with a crystallographic residual R = 0.14 and the location of 81 solvent molecules. The octamer forms an A-DNA duplex with 6 Watson-Crick (G.C) base pairs and 2 inosine-thymine (I.T) pairs. Refinement of the structure shows it to be essentially isomorphous with that reported for d(GGGGCTCC) with the mispairs adopting a "wobble" conformation. Conformational parameters and base stacking interactions are compared to those for the native duplex d(GGGGCCCC) and other similar sequences. A rationale for the apparent increased crystal packing efficiency and lattice stability of the I.T octamer is given.  相似文献   

G . T base-pairs in a DNA helix: the crystal structure of d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The synthetic deoxyoctanucleotide d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C) crystallizes as an A-type DNA double helix containing two adjacent G . T base-pair mismatches. The structure has been refined to an R-factor of 14% at 2.1 A resolution with 104 solvent molecules located. The two G . T mismatches adopt the "wobble" form of base-pairing. The mismatched bases are linked by a network of water molecules interacting with the exposed functional groups in both the major and minor grooves. The presence of two mispaired bases in the octamer has surprisingly little effect on the global structure of the helix or the backbone and glycosidic torsional angles. Base stacking around the mismatch is perturbed, but the central G-T step shows particularly good base overlap, which may contribute to the relatively high stability of this oligomer.  相似文献   

The synthetic dodecanucleotide d(CGCAAATTGGCG) has been analysed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques and the structure refined to R = 0.16 and 2.25 A resolution, with the location of 94 solvent molecules. The sequence crystallizes as a full turn of a B-DNA helix with ten Watson-Crick base-pairs and two adenine-guanine mispairs. The analysis clearly shows that the mismatches are of the form A(anti).G(syn). Thermal denaturation studies indicate that the stability of the duplex is strongly pH dependent, with a maximum at pH 5.0, suggesting that the base-pair is stabilized by protonation. Three different arrangements have been observed for base-pairs between guanine and adenine and it is likely that A.G mismatch conformation is strongly influenced by dipole-dipole interactions with adjacent base-pairs.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the RNA octamer, 5'-GGCGUGCC-3' has been determined from x-ray diffraction data to 1.5 angstroms resolution. In the crystal, this oligonucleotide forms five self-complementary double-helices in the asymmetric unit. Tandem 5'GU/3'UG basepairs comprise an internal loop in the middle of each duplex. The NMR structure of this octameric RNA sequence is also known, allowing comparison of the variation among the five crystallographic duplexes and the solution structure. The G.U pairs in the five duplexes of the crystal form two direct hydrogen bonds and are stabilized by water molecules that bridge between the base of guanine (N2) and the sugar (O2') of uracil. This contrasts with the NMR structure in which only one direct hydrogen bond is observed for the G.U pairs. The reduced stability of the r(CGUG)2 motif relative to the r(GGUC)2 motif may be explained by the lack of stacking of the uracil bases between the Watson-Crick and G.U pairs as observed in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

Improved free energies for G.C base-pairs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thermodynamic parameters of helix formation are reported for seven oligoribonucleotides containing only G.C pairs. These data are used with the nearest-neighbor model to calculate enthalpies and free energies of base-pair formation for G.C pairs. For helix initiation, the free energy change at 37 degrees C, delta G(0)37, is +3.9 kcal/mol; for helix propagation, the delta G(0)37 values are -2.3, -3.2 and -3.3 kcal/mol for C-G, G-G and G-C neighbors, respectively.  相似文献   

The cloverleaf stem segments of the suppressor gene of bacteriophage T4 tRNA(Gln) contain ten G.C and ten A.U base-pairs. To gain a better appreciation of the G.C base-pair requirement, we isolated multiple mutants of this suppressor gene in which base-pairs of G.C were replaced by A.U. One active suppressor gene contained only A.U base-pairs on the anticodon stem, indicating that G.C base-pairs in this region of tRNA(Gln) are not essential for function. In contrast, replacement was not possible at two base-pairs on the D stem and at one base-pair on the T stem.  相似文献   

Solution structure of an oncogenic DNA duplex containing a G.A mismatch   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The DNA duplex 5'-d(GCCACAAGCTC).d(GAGCTGGTGGC), which contains a central G.A mismatch has been studied by one and two-dimensional NMR techniques. The duplex corresponds to the sequence 29-39 of the K-ras gene. The mismatch position is that of the first base of the Gly12 codon, a hot spot for mutations. The observed NOEs of the nonexchangeable protons show that both of the bases of the mismatched pair are intrahelical over a wide range of pH. However, the structure of the G.A mispair and the conformation of the central part of the duplex change with pH. This structural change shows a pK of 6.0. At low pH, the G.A bases are base paired with hydrogen bonds between the keto group of the G residue and the amino group of the A residue and, secondly, between the N7 of the G and a proton on N1 of A. This causes the G residue to adopt a syn conformation. On raising the pH, the N1-H proton of the protonated A residue is removed, and the base pair rearranges. In the neutral G.A base pair both residues adopt an anti conformation, and the mismatch is stabilized by hydrogen bonds. Our results on the exchangeable and A(H2) protons of the mismatched pair indicate a shift from a classical face-to-face two hydrogen-bonded structure to a slipped structure stabilized by bifurcated hydrogen bonds. This may be a particular characteristics of this oncogenic sequence in which the G.A error is poorly repaired.  相似文献   

The refined crystal structure of deoxyhemoglobin S (Padlan, E. A., and Love, W. E. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 8272-8279) was used to analyze in detail the molecular interactions between hemoglobin tetramers in the crystal. The analysis confirms the close similarity and also the nonequivalence of the molecular interactions involving the two independent tetramers in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. The residue at the site of the hemoglobin S mutation, beta 6, is intimately involved in the lateral contacts between adjacent molecules. The molecular contacts in the crystals of deoxyhemoglobin S, deoxyhemoglobin A, and deoxyhemoglobin F were compared; some contacts involve the same regions of the molecule although the details of the interactions are very different. The effect of introducing an R state tetramer into the deoxyhemoglobin S strands was investigated using the known structure of carbon monoxyhemoglobin A. It was found that substituting a molecule of carbon monoxyhemoglobin A for one of the deoxyhemoglobin S tetramers results in extensive molecular interpenetration.  相似文献   

A 4 ns molecular dynamics simulation of an RNA duplex (r-GGACUUCGGUCC)(2 )in solution with Na+ and Cl- as counterions was performed. The X-ray structure of this duplex includes two water-mediated uracil-cytosine pairs. In contrast to the other base-pairs in the duplex the water-mediated pairs switch between different conformations. One conformation corresponds to the geometry of the water-mediated UC pairs in the duplex X-ray structure with water acting both as hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor. Another conformation is close to that of a water-mediated UC base-pair found in the X-ray structure of the 23 S rRNA sarcin/ricin domain. In this case the oxygen of the water molecule is linked to two-base donor sites. For a very short time also a direct UC base-pair and a further conformation that is similar to the one found in the RNA duplex structure but exhibits an increased H3(U)...N3(C) distance is observed. Water molecules with unusually long residence times are involved in the water-mediated conformations. These results indicate that the dynamic behaviour of the water-mediated UC base-pairs differs from that of the duplex Watson-Crick and non-canonical guanine-uracil pairs with two or three direct hydrogen bonds. The conformational variability and increased flexibility has to be taken into account when considering these base-pairs as RNA building blocks and as recognition motifs.  相似文献   

Refined 1.8 A crystal structure of the lambda repressor-operator complex.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The crystal structure of the lambda repressor-operator complex has been refined to an R-factor of 18.9% at 1.8 A resolution. This refinement, using data collected at low temperature, has revealed the structure of the N-terminal arm and shows that the interactions of repressor with the two halves of the pseudo-symmetric operator site are significantly different. The two halves of the complex are most similar near the outer edge of the operator site (in a region where the lambda and 434 repressors make similar contacts), but they become increasingly different toward the center of the operator. There are striking differences near the center of the site where it appears that the arm makes significant contacts to only one half of the DNA site. This suggested a new way of aligning the operator sites in phage lambda. The high resolution structure confirms many of the previously noted features of the complex, but also reveals a number of new protein-DNA contacts. It also gives a better view of the extensive H-bonding networks that couple contacts made by different residues and different regions of the protein, and reveals important new details about the helix-turn-helix (HTH) region, and the positions of many water molecules in the complex.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the fully oxidized form of ascorbate oxidase (EC from Zucchini has been refined at 1.90 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution, using an energy-restrained least-squares refinement procedure. The refined model, which includes 8764 protein atoms, 9 copper atoms and 970 solvent molecules, has a crystallographic R-factor of 20.3% for 85,252 reflections between 8 and 1.90 A resolution. The root-mean-square deviation in bond lengths and bond angles from ideal values is 0.011 A and 2.99 degrees, respectively. The subunits of 552 residues (70,000 Mr) are arranged as tetramers with D2 symmetry. One of the dyads is realized by the crystallographic axis parallel to the c-axis giving one dimer in the asymmetric unit. The dimer related about this crystallographic axis is suggested as the dimer present in solution. Asn92 is the attachment site for one of the two N-linked sugar moieties, which has defined electron density for the N-linked N-acetyl-glucosamine ring. Each subunit is built up by three domains arranged sequentially on the polypeptide chain and tightly associated in space. The folding of all three domains is of a similar beta-barrel type and related to plastocyanin and azurin. An analysis of intra- and intertetramer hydrogen bond and van der Waals interactions is presented. Each subunit has four copper atoms bound as mononuclear and trinuclear species. The mononuclear copper has two histidine, a cysteine and a methionine ligand and represents the type-1 copper. It is located in domain 3. The bond lengths of the type-1 copper centre are comparable to the values for oxidized plastocyanin. The trinuclear cluster has eight histidine ligands symmetrically supplied from domain 1 and 3. It may be subdivided into a pair of copper atoms with histidine ligands whose ligating N-atoms (5 NE2 atoms and one ND1 atom) are arranged trigonal prismatic. The pair is the putative type-3 copper. The remaining copper has two histidine ligands and is the putative spectroscopic type-2 copper. Two oxygen atoms are bound to the trinuclear species as OH- or O2- and bridging the putative type-3 copper pair and as OH- or H2O bound to the putative type-2 copper trans to the copper pair. The bond lengths within the trinuclear copper site are similar to comparable binuclear model compounds. The putative binding site for the reducing substrate is close to the type-1 copper.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Refined crystal structure of dogfish M4 apo-lactate dehydrogenase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The crystal structure of M4 apo-lactate dehydrogenase from the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthius) was initially refined by a constrained-restrained, and subsequently restrained, least-squares technique. The final structure contained 286 water molecules and two sulfate ions per subunit and gave an R-factor of 0.202 for difraction data between 8.0 and 2.0 A resolution. The upper limit for the co-ordinate accuracy of the atoms was estimated to be 0.25 A. The elements of secondary structure of the refined protein have not changed from those described previously, except for the appearance of a one-and-a-half turn 3(10) helix immediately after beta J. There is also a short segment of 3(10) helix between beta C and beta D in the part of the chain that connects the two beta alpha beta alpha beta units of the six-stranded parallel sheet (residues Tyr83 to Ala87). Examination of the interactions among the different elements of secondary structure by means of a surface accessibility algorithm supports the four structural clusters in the subunit. The first of the two sulfate ions is in the active site and occupies a cavity near the essential His195. Its nearest protein ligands are Arg171, Asp168 and Asn140. The second sulfate ion is located near the P-axis subunit interface. It is liganded by His188 and Arg173. These two residues are conserved in bacterial lactate dehydrogenase and form part of the fructose 1,6-bisphosphate effector binding site. Two other data sets in which one (collected at pH 7.8) or both (collected at pH 6.0) sulfate ions were replaced by citrate ions were also analyzed. Five cycles of refinement with respect to the pH 6.0 data (25 to 2.8 A resolution) resulted in an R value of 0.191. Only water molecules occupy the subunit boundary anion binding site at pH 7.8. The amino acid sequence was found to be in poor agreement with (2Fobs-Fcalc) electron density maps for the peptide between residues 207 and 211. The original sequence WNALKE was replaced by NVASIK. The essential His195 is hydrogen bonded to Asp168 on one side and Asn140 on the other. The latter residue is part of a turn that contains the only cis peptide bond of the structure at Pro141. The "flexible loop" (residues 97 to 123), which folds down over the active center in ternary complexes of the enzyme with substrate and coenzyme, has a well-defined structure. Analysis of the environment of Tyr237 suggests how its chemical modification inhibits the enzyme.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of phosphorylase b-heptulose 2-phosphate complex with oligosaccharide and AMP bound has been refined by molecular dynamics and crystallographic least-squares with the program XPLOR. Shifts in atomic positions of up to 4 A from the native enzyme structure were correctly determined by the program without manual intervention. The final crystallographic R value for data between 8 and 2.86 A resolution is 0.201, and the overall root-mean-square difference between the native and complexed structure is 0.58 A for all protein atoms. The results confirm the previous observation that there is a direct hydrogen bond between the phosphate of heptulose 2-phosphate and the pyridoxal phosphate 5'-phosphate group. The close proximity of the two phosphates is stabilized by an arginine residue, Arg569, which shifts from a site buried in the protein to a position where it can make contact with the product phosphate. There is a mutual interchange in position between the arginine and an acidic group, Asp283. These movements represent the first stage of the allosteric response which converts the catalytic site from a low to a high-affinity binding site. Communication of these changes to other sites is prevented in the crystal by the lattice forces, which also form the subunit interface. The constellation of groups in the phosphorylase transition state analogue complex provides a structural basis for understanding the catalytic mechanism in which the cofactor pyridoxal phosphate 5'-phosphate group functions as a general acid to promote attack by the substrate phosphate on the glycosidic bond when the reaction proceeds in the direction of glycogen degradation. In the direction of glycogen synthesis, stereoelectronic effects contribute to the cleavage of the C-1-O-1 bond. In both reactions the substrate phosphate plays a key role in transition state stabilization. The details of the oligosaccharide, maltoheptaose, interactions with the enzyme at the glycogen storage site are also described.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a self-complementary RNA duplex r(GGGCGCUCC)2with non-adjacent G*U and U*G wobble pairs separated by four Watson-Crick base pairs has been determined to 2.5 A resolution. Crystals belong to the space group R3; a = 33.09 A,alpha = 87.30 degrees with a pseudodyad related duplex in the asymmetric unit. The structure was refined to a final Rworkof 17.5% and Rfreeof 24.0%. The duplexes stack head-to-tail forming infinite columns with virtually no twist at the junction steps. The 3'-terminal cytosine nucleosides are disordered and there are no electron densities, but the 3' penultimate phosphates are observed. As expected, the wobble pairs are displaced with guanine towards the minor groove and uracil towards the major groove. The largest twist angles (37.70 and 40.57 degrees ) are at steps G1*C17/G2*U16 and U7*G11/C8*G10, while the smallest twist angles (28.24 and 27.27 degrees ) are at G2*U16/G3*C15 and C6*G12/U7*G11 and conform to the pseudo-dyad symmetry of the duplex. The molecule has two unequal kinks (17 and 11 degrees ) at the wobble sites and a third kink at the central G5 site which may be attributed to trans alpha (O5'-P), trans gamma (C4'-C5') backbone conformations. The 2'-hydroxyl groups in the minor groove form inter-column hydrogen bonding, either directly or through water molecules.  相似文献   

Methylation of the exocyclic amino group of guanine is a relatively common modification in rRNA and tRNA. Single methylation (N2-methylguanosine, m2G) is the second most frequently encountered nucleoside analog in Escherichia coli rRNAs. The most prominent case of dual methylation (N2,N2-dimethylguanosine, m22G) is found in the majority of eukaryotic tRNAs at base pair m22G26:A44. The latter modification eliminates the ability of the N2 function to donate in hydrogen bonds and alters its pairing behavior, notably vis-à-vis C. Perhaps a less obvious consequence of the N2,N2-dimethyl modification is its role in controlling the pairing modes between G and A. We have determined the crystal structure of a 13-mer RNA duplex with central tandem m22G:A pairs. In the structure both pairs adopt an imino-hydrogen bonded, pseudo-Watson–Crick conformation. Thus, the sheared conformation frequently seen in tandem G:A pairs is avoided due to a potential steric clash between an N2-methyl group and the major groove edge of A. Additionally, for a series of G:A containing self-complementary RNAs we investigated how methylation affects competitive hairpin versus duplex formation based on UV melting profile analysis.  相似文献   

Refined crystal structure of carboxypeptidase A at 1.54 A resolution   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The crystal structure of bovine carboxypeptidase A (Cox) has been refined at 1.54 A resolution using the restrained least-squares algorithm of Hendrickson & Konnert (1981). The crystallographic R factor (formula; see text) for structure factors calculated from the final model is 0.190. Bond lengths and bond angles in the carboxypeptidase A model have root-mean-square deviations from ideal values of 0.025 A and 3.6 degrees, respectively. Four examples of a reverse turn like structure (the "Asx" turn) requiring an aspartic acid or asparagine residue are observed in this structure. The Asx turn has the same number of atoms as a reverse turn, but only one peptide bond, and the hydrogen bond that closes the turn is between the Asx side-chain CO group and a main-chain NH group. The distributions of CO-N and NH-O hydrogen bond angles in the alpha-helices and beta-sheet structures of carboxypeptidase A are centered about 156 degrees. A total of 192 water molecules per molecule of enzyme are included in the final model. Unlike the hydrogen bonding geometry observed in the secondary structure of the enzyme, the CO-O(wat) hydrogen bond angle is distributed about 131 degrees, indicating the role of the lone pair electrons of the carbonyl oxygen in the hydrogen bond interaction. Twenty four solvent molecules are observed buried within the protein. Several of these waters are organized into hydrogen-bonded chains containing up to five waters. The average temperature factor for atoms in carboxypeptidase A is 8 A2, and varies from 5 A2 in the center of the protein, to over 30 A2 at the surface.  相似文献   

Repair of thymine.guanine (T.G) and uracil.guanine (U.G) mismatched base-pairs in bacteriophage M13mp18 replicative form (RF) DNA was compared upon transfection into repair-proficient or repair-deficient Escherichia coli strains. Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to prepare covalently closed circular heteroduplexes that contained the mismatched base-pair at a restriction recognition site. The heteroduplexes were unmethylated at dam (5'-GATC-3') sites to avoid methylation-directed biasing of repair. In an E. coli host containing uracil-DNA glycosylase (ung+), about 97% of the transfecting U.G-containing heteroduplexes had the U residue excised by the uracil-excision repair system. With the analogous T.G mispair, mismatch repair operated on almost all of the transfecting heteroduplexes and removed the T residue in about 75% of them when the mismatched T was on the minus strand of the RF DNA. Similar preferential excision of the minus-strand's mismatched base was observed whether the heteroduplex RF DNA molecules had only one or both strands unmethylated at dcm (5'-CC(A/T)GG-3') sites and whether the RF DNA was prepared by primer extension in vitro or by reannealing mutant and non-mutant DNA strands. Also, the extent and directionality of repair was the same at a U.G mispair in ung- host cells as at the analogous T.G mispair in ung- or ung+ cells. Only in a mismatch repair-deficient (mutH-) host was the plus strand of the transfecting M13mp18 heteroduplex DNA preferentially repaired. It is suggested that the plus strand nick made by the M13-encoded gene II protein might be employed by a mutH- host to initiate repair on that strand.  相似文献   

Villin 14T is the amino terminal actin monomer binding domain from the actin-severing and bundling protein villin. Its structure has been determined in solution using heteronuclear multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Markus MA, Nakayama T, Matsudaira P, Wagner G. 1994. Solution structure of villin 14T, a domain conserved among actin-severing proteins. Protein Science 3:70-81). An additional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectroscopy data set, acquired using improved gradient techniques, and further detailed analysis of existing data sets, produced an additional 601 NOE restraints for structure calculations. The overall fold does not change significantly with the additional NOE restraints but the definition of the structure is improved, as judged by smaller deviations among an ensemble of calculated structures that adequately satisfy the NMR restraints. Some of the side chains, especially those in the hydrophobic core of the domain, are much more defined. This improvement in the detail of the solution structure of villin 14T makes it interesting to compare the structure with the crystal structure of gelsolin segment 1, which shares 58% sequence identity with villin 14T, in an effort to gain insight into villin 14T's weaker affinity for actin monomers. Villin 14T has smaller side chains at several positions that make hydrophobic contacts with actin in the context of gelsolin segment 1. The structure is also compared with the structure of the related actin-severing domain, severin domain 2.  相似文献   

A 50-base Guide strand was synthesized that consisted of a central 10-base probe sequence flanked by two tracts of 20 adenine residues. Target sequences of 10 bases containing up to three mismatches were prepared and hybridized to the Guide strand in 1 M KCl. The transport of these constructs through single alpha-hemolysin pores was analysed by measuring the current blockade as a function of time. Complementary dsDNA takes significantly longer (840 +/- 60 micro s) to pass through the pore than a sequence of the same length containing a single (590 +/- 45 micro s) and a double (270 +/- 50 micro s) mismatch. Constructs involving three mismatches were indistinguishable from Guide ssDNA transport (120 +/- 30 micro s). The results suggest that dsDNA must unzip as it is transported through the nanopore. Duplexes containing mismatches unzip more quickly and can be distinguished from those with perfect complementarity.  相似文献   

The base analogue N4-methoxycytosine (mo4C) is ambivalent in its hydrogen-bonding potential, since it forms stable base-pairs with both adenine and guanine in oligomer duplexes. To investigate the base-pair geometry, the structure of d(CGCGmo4CG) has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The d(CGCGmo4CG)2 crystallized in a left-handed double helical structure (Z-type). Refinement using 2559 reflections between 10 and 1.7 A converged with a final R = 0.181 (Rw = 0.130) including 68 solvent molecules. The orthorhombic crystals are in the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 18.17 A, b = 30.36 A, c = 43.93 A. The mo4C.G base-pair is of the wobble type, with mo4C in the imino form, and the methoxy group in the syn configuration.  相似文献   

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