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Although it is well known that the pyridine nucleotides NAD and NADP function inside the cell to regulate intracellular signaling processes, recent evidence from animal studies suggests that NAD(P) also functions in the extracellular compartment (ECC). Extracellular NAD(P) [eNAD(P)] can either directly bind to plasma membrane receptors or be metabolized by ecto-enzymes to produce cyclic ADP-ribose and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate, and/or may ADP-ribosylate cell-surface receptors, resulting in activation of transmembrane signaling. In this study, we report that, in plants, exogenous NAD(P) induces the expression of pathogenesis-related ( PR ) genes and resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola ES4326. Chelation of Ca2+ by EGTA significantly inhibits the induction of PR genes by exogenous NAD(P), suggesting that exogenous NAD(P) may induce PR genes through a pathway that involves Ca2+ signaling. We show that exogenous application of NAD(P) causes accumulation of the defense signal molecule salicylic acid (SA), and induces both SA/NPR1-dependent and -independent PR gene expression and disease resistance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NAD(P) leaks into the plant ECC after mechanical wounding and pathogen infection, and that the amount of NAD(P) leaking into the ECC after P. syringae pv. tobacco DC3000/ avrRpt2 infection is sufficient for induction of both PR gene expression and disease resistance. We propose that NAD(P) leakage from cells losing membrane integrity upon environmental stress may function as an elicitor to activate plant defense responses. Our data provide evidence that eNAD(P) functions in plant signaling, and illustrate the potential importance of eNAD(P) in plant innate immunity.  相似文献   

拟南芥NPR1基因的克隆与表达载体的构建   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
NPR1基因为植物抗病基因表达和系统获得性抗性中的一个关键基因。该文以DNA PCR扩增的方法,从拟南芥基因组DNA中克隆出NPR1基因,通过序列分析,所克隆的 NPR1 基因与报道的基因序列完全一致。将其构建成植物表达载体,为今后植物抗病基因工程的开展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, the GH3-like gene family consists of 19 members, several of which have been shown to adenylate the plant hormones jasmonic acid, indole acetic acid and salicylic acid (SA). In some cases, this adenylation has been shown to catalyze hormone conjugation to amino acids. Here we report molecular characterization of the GH3-LIKE DEFENSE GENE 1 (GDG1), a member of the GH3-like gene family, and show that GDG1 is an important component of SA-mediated defense against the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Expression of GDG1 is induced earlier and to a higher level in response to avirulent pathogens compared to virulent pathogens. gdg1 null mutants are compromised in several pathogen defense responses, including activation of defense genes and resistance against virulent and avirulent bacterial pathogens. Accumulation of free and glucoside-conjugated SA (SAG) in response to pathogen infection is compromised in gdg1 mutants. All defense-related phenotypes of gdg1 can be rescued by external application of SA, suggesting that gdg1 mutants are defective in the SA-mediated defense pathway(s) and that GDG1 functions upstream of SA. Our results suggest that GDG1 contributes to both basal and resistance gene-mediated inducible defenses against P. syringae (and possibly other pathogens) by playing a critical role in regulating the levels of pathogen-inducible SA. GDG1 is allelic to the PBS3 (avrPphB susceptible) gene.  相似文献   

LSD1 was defined as a negative regulator of plant cell death and basal disease resistance based on its null mutant phenotypes. We addressed the relationship between lsd1-mediated runaway cell death and signaling components required for systemic acquired resistance (SAR), namely salicylic acid (SA) accumulation and NIM1/NPR1. We present two important findings. First, SA accumulation and NIM1/NPR1 are required for lsd1-mediated runaway cell death following pathogen infection or application of chemicals that mimic SA action. This implies that lsd1-dependent cell death occurs 'downstream' of the accumulation of SA. As SA application triggers runaway cell death in lsd1 but not wild-type plants, we infer that LSD1 negatively regulates an SA-dependent signal leading to cell death. Thus SA is both a trigger and a required mediator of lsd1 runaway cell death. Second, neither SA accumulation nor NIM1/NPR1 function is required for the basal resistance operating in lsd1. Therefore LSD1 negatively regulates a basal defense pathway that can act upstream or independently of both NIM1/NPR1 function and SA accumulation following avirulent or virulent pathogen challenge. Our data, together with results from other studies, point to the existence of an SA-dependent 'signal potentiation loop' controlling HR. Continued escalation of signaling in the absence of LSD1 leads to runaway cell death. We propose that LSD1 is a key negative regulator of this signal potentiation.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis-related proteins of group 1 (PR-1) are strongly induced in plants by pathogen attack, exposure of the plants to (acetyl)salicylic acid (ASA, SA), and by developmental cues. Functional analysis of the PR-1a promoter identified a region of 139 bp (from -691 to -553) mediating expression of the GUS reporter gene in response to ASA. Inspection of this region revealed two TGACG elements reminiscent of activation sequence-1 (as-1). Recently, as-1 has been reported to be responsive to SA in the context of the CaMV 35S RNA promoter. To address the question of whether the as-1-like sequence may be of functional significance for the expression of the PR-1a gene, gel shift assays were performed with TGA1a, a protein been shown to interact with as-1 in vitro. TGA1a was found to bind to the PR-1a as-1-like sequence with similar specificity and affinity as to as-1. Furthermore, mutations were introduced in the as-1-like sequence in the context of the inducible 906 bp PR-1a promoter which are impaired in binding TGA1a in vitro. Significantly reduced levels of GUS reporter gene activity were obtained with the mutant promoter regions as compared to the wild-type PR-1a promoter in response to all stimuli in transgenic tobacco plants. Yet, mutation of the as-1-like sequence did not abolish induction of reporter gene expression. Taken together, these results suggest that the level of expression of the tobacco PR-1a gene is controlled by an as-1-like sequence motif in the PR-1a upstream region, possibly interacting with a factor related to TGA1a.  相似文献   

A role for salicylic acid and NPR1 in regulating cell growth in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salicylic acid (SA) plays a key role in activating defenses and cell death during plant-pathogen interactions. In response to some pathogens, SA also limits the extent of cell death, indicating that it acts positively or negatively depending on the host-pathogen interaction. In addition, we previously showed that SA affects cell growth in the Arabidopsis defense-related mutants accelerated cell death 6-1 (acd6-1) and aberrant growth and death 2 (agd2). Using acd6-1, agd2 and two other defense-related mutants, lesion simulating disease 6 (lsd6), suppressor of SA-insensitivity (ssi1), we show here in detail that SA regulates cell growth by specifically affecting cell enlargement, endoreduplication and/or cell division. We find that SA can act either positively or negatively to regulate cell growth depending on the context in which signaling occurs. Additionally, Nonexpressor of PR 1 (NPR1), a key SA signaling protein important for regulating defenses and cell death, also acts to promote cell division and/or suppress endoreduplication during leaf development. We propose that SA interacts with multiple receptors or signaling pathways to control cellular alterations during normal development, pathogen attack and/or stress situations. We suggest that SA and NPR1 play broader roles in cell fate control than has previously been understood.  相似文献   

Plants recognize many pathogens through the action of a diverse family of proteins called disease resistance (R) genes. The Arabidopsis R gene RPM1 encodes resistance to specific Pseudomonas syringae strains. We describe an RPM1-interacting protein that is an ortholog of TIP49a, previously shown to interact with the TATA binding protein (TBP) complex and to modulate c-myc- and beta-catenin-mediated signaling in animals. Reduction of Arabidopsis TIP49a (AtTIP49a) mRNA levels results in measurable increases of two R-dependent responses without constitutively activating defense responses, suggesting that AtTIP49a can act as a negative regulator of at least some R functions. Further, AtTIP49a is essential for both sporophyte and female gametophyte viability. Thus, regulators of R function overlap with essential modulators of plant development.  相似文献   

In tobacco and other Solanaceae species, the tobacco N gene confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and leads to induction of standard defense and resistance responses. Here, we report the use of N-transgenic tomato to identify a fast-neutron mutant, sun1-1 (suppressor of N), that is defective in N-mediated resistance. Induction of salicylic acid (SA) and expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes, each signatures of systemic acquired resistance, are both dramatically suppressed in sun1-1 plants after TMV treatment compared to wild-type plants. Application of exogenous SA restores PR gene expression, indicating that SUN1 acts upstream of SA. Upon challenge with additional pathogens, we found that the sun1-1 mutation impairs resistance mediated by certain resistance (R) genes, (Bs4, I, and Ve), but not others (Mi-1). In addition, sun1-1 plants exhibit enhanced susceptibility to TMV, as well as to virulent pathogens. sun1-1 has been identified as an EDS1 homolog present on chromosome 6 of tomato. The discovery of enhanced susceptibility in the sun1-1 (Le_eds1-1) mutant plant, which contrasts to reports in Nicotiana benthamiana using virus-induced gene silencing, provides evidence that the intersection of R gene-mediated pathways with general resistance pathways is conserved in a Solanaceous species. In tomato, EDS1 is important for mediating resistance to a broad range of pathogens (viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens), yet shows specificity in the class of R genes that it affects (TIR-NBS-LRR as opposed to CC-NBS-LRR). In addition, a requirement for EDS1 for Ve-mediated resistance in tomato exposes that the receptor-like R gene class may also require EDS1.  相似文献   

A novel Arabidopsis mutant has been identified with constitutive expression of GST1-GUS using plants with a pathogen-responsive reporter transgene containing the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) coding region driven by the GST1 promoter. The recessive mutant, called agd2 (aberrant growth and death2), has salicylic acid (SA)-dependent increased resistance to virulent and avirulent strains of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, elevated SA levels, a low level of spontaneous cell death, callose deposition, and enlarged cells in leaves. The enhanced resistance of agd2 to virulent P. syringae requires the SA signaling component NONEXPRESSOR OF PR1 (NPR1). However, agd2 renders the resistance response to P. syringae carrying avrRpt2 NPR1-independent. Thus agd2 affects both an SA- and NPR1-dependent general defense pathway and an SA-dependent, NPR1-independent pathway that is active during the recognition of avirulent P. syringae. agd2 plants also fail to show a hypersensitive cell death response (HR) unless NPR1 is removed. This novel function for NPR1 is also apparent in otherwise wild-type plants: npr1 mutants show a stronger HR, while NPR1-overproducing plants show a weaker HR when infected with P. syringae carrying the avrRpm1 gene. Spontaneous cell death in agd2 is partially suppressed by npr1, indicating that NPR1 can suppress or enhance cell death depending on the cellular context. agd2 plants depleted of SA show a dramatic exacerbation of the cell-growth phenotype and increased callose deposition, suggesting a role for SA in regulating growth and this cell-wall modification. AGD2 may function in cell death and/or growth control as well as the defense response, similarly to what has been described in animals for the functions of NFkappaB.  相似文献   

Genes involved in the mechanisms of plant responses to salt stress may be used as biotechnological tools for the genetic improvement of salt tolerance in crop plants. This would help alleviate the increasing problem of salinization of lands cultivated under irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions. We have isolated a novel halotolerance gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, A. thaliana Li-tolerant lipase 1 (AtLTL1), on the basis of the phenotype of tolerance to LiCl conferred by its expression in yeast. AtLTL1 encodes a putative lipase of the GDSL-motif family, which includes bacterial and a very large number of plant proteins. In Arabidopsis, AtLTL1 expression is rapidly induced by LiCl or NaCl, but not by other abiotic stresses. Overexpression of AtLTL1 increases salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, compared to non-transformed controls, allowing germination of seeds in the presence of toxic concentrations of LiCl and NaCl, and stimulating vegetative growth, flowering and seed set in the presence of NaCl. These results clearly point to a role of AtLTL1 in the mechanisms of salt tolerance. In addition, we show that AtLTL1 expression is also activated, although only transiently, by salicylic acid (SA), suggesting that the lipase could also be involved in defence reactions against pathogens.  相似文献   

Three Botrytis-susceptible mutants bos2, bos3, and bos4 which define independent and novel genetic loci required for Arabidopsis resistance to Botrytis cinerea were isolated. The bos2 mutant is susceptible to B. cinerea but retains wild-type levels of resistance to other pathogens tested, indicative of a defect in a response pathway more specific to B. cinerea. The bos3 and bos4 mutants also show increased susceptibility to Alternaria brassicicola, another necrotrophic pathogen, suggesting a broader role for these loci in resistance. bos4 shows the broadest range of effects on resistance, being more susceptible to avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Interestingly, bos3 is more resistant than wild-type plants to virulent strains of the biotrophic pathogen Peronospora parasitica and the bacterial pathogen P. syringae pv. tomato. The Pathogenesis Related gene 1 (PR-1), a molecular marker of the salicylic acid (SA)-dependent resistance pathway, shows a wild-type pattern of expression in bos2, while in bos3 this gene was expressed at elevated levels, both constitutively and in response to pathogen challenge. In bos4 plants, PR-1 expression was reduced compared with wild type in response to B. cinerea and SA. In bos3, the mutant most susceptible to B. cinerea and with the highest expression of PR-1, removal of SA resulted in reduced PR-1 expression but no change to the B. cinerea response. Expression of the plant defensin gene PDF1-2 was generally lower in bos mutants compared with wild-type plants, with a particularly strong reduction in bos3. Production of the phytoalexin camalexin is another well-characterized plant defense response. The bos2 and bos4 mutants accumulate reduced levels of camalexin whereas bos3 accumulates significantly higher levels of camalexin than wild-type plants in response to B. cinerea. The BOS2, BOS3, and BOS4 loci may affect camalexin levels and responsiveness to ethylene and jasmonate. The three new mutants appear to mediate disease responses through mechanisms independent of the previously described BOS1 gene. Based on the differences in the phenotypes of the bos mutants, it appears that they affect different points in defense response pathways.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a ubiquitous gram-positive bacterium that can cause superficial to serious systemic infections in animals and humans. Here we report the development of a plant infection model to study the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Three global regulatory mutants, RN6911 (agr-), ALC 488 (sarA-) ALC 842 (sarA-/agr-) and an alpha-toxin mutant defective in biofilm formation (DU1090) which are attenuated in animal pathogenesis, were also attenuated in their ability to infect plants, suggesting that these regulators that mediate synthesis of virulence factors essential for animal pathogenesis are also required for plant pathogenesis. Further, using Arabidopsis plants altered in defense responses such as the transgenic lines NahG [defective in salicylic acid (SA) accumulation], and 35S-LOX2- (defective in jasmonic acid production and hyper-accumulator of SA), and mutants ics1 (depleted in SA accumulation), and npr1-1 (non-expressor of pathogenesis-related protein) we show that resistance of Arabidopsis to typical plant pathogens and the animal pathogen S. aureus is conserved and is mediated by SA. The data presented here suggest that Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to S. aureus is mediated either by a direct effect of SA on the pathogen, specifically one that affects the attachment/aggregate formation on the root surface and reduces the pathogen's virulence, or by SA-dependent, NPR1-independent host responses.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 can protect plants from heat stress (HS); however, the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we used a set of Arabidopsis mutants such as salicylic acid (SA) signaling mutants nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (npr1-1 and npr1-5) and heat-shock proteins (HSPs) mutants (hsp21 and hsp70-1) to understand the requirement of SA signaling and HSPs in elevated CO2-induced HS tolerance. Under ambient CO2 (380 µmol mol−1) conditions, HS (42°C, 24 h) drastically decreased maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) in all studied plant groups. Enrichment of CO2 (800 µmol mol−1) with HS remarkably increased the Fv/Fm value in all plant groups except hsp70-1, indicating that NPR1-dependent SA signaling is not involved in the elevated CO2-induced HS tolerance. These results also suggest an essentiality of HSP70-1, but not HSP21 in elevated CO2-induced HS mitigation.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is an inducible defense mechanism that is activated throughout the plant, subsequent to localized inoculation with a pathogen. The establishment of SAR requires translocation of an unknown signal from the pathogen-inoculated leaf to the distal organs, where salicylic acid-dependent defenses are activated. We demonstrate here that petiole exudates (PeXs) collected from Arabidopsis leaves inoculated with an avirulent (Avr) Pseudomonas syringae strain promote resistance when applied to Arabidopsis, tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum ) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum ). Arabidopsis FATTY ACID DESATURASE7 ( FAD7 ), SUPPRESSOR OF FATTY ACID DESATURASE DEFICIENCY1 ( SFD1 ) and SFD2 genes are required for accumulation of the SAR-inducing activity. In contrast to Avr PeX from wild-type plants, Avr PeXs from fad7 , sfd1 and sfd2 mutants were unable to activate SAR when applied to wild-type plants. However, the SAR-inducing activity was reconstituted by mixing Avr PeXs collected from fad7 and sfd1 with Avr PeX from the SAR-deficient dir1 mutant. Since FAD7 , SFD1 and SFD2 are involved in plastid glycerolipid biosynthesis and SAR is also compromised in the Arabidopsis monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase1 mutant we suggest that a plastid glycerolipid-dependent factor is required in Avr PeX along with the DIR1- encoded lipid transfer protein for long-distance signaling in SAR. FAD7 -synthesized lipids provide fatty acids for synthesis of jasmonic acid (JA). However, co-infiltration of JA and methylJA with Avr PeX from fad7 and sfd1 did not reconstitute the SAR-inducing activity. In addition, JA did not co-purify with the SAR-inducing activity confirming that JA is not the mobile signal in SAR.  相似文献   

Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) induces in the field the decline and death of citrus varieties grafted on sour orange (SO) rootstock, which has forced the use of alternative decline‐tolerant rootstocks in affected countries, despite the highly desirable agronomic features of the SO rootstock. Declining citrus plants display phloem necrosis below the bud union. In addition, SO is minimally susceptible to CTV compared with other citrus varieties, suggesting partial resistance of SO to CTV. Here, by silencing different citrus genes with a Citrus leaf blotch virus‐based vector, we have examined the implication of the RNA silencing and salicylic acid (SA) defence pathways in the resistance of SO to CTV. Silencing of the genes RDR1, NPR1 and DCL2/DCL4, associated with these defence pathways, enhanced virus spread and accumulation in SO plants in comparison with non‐silenced controls, whereas silencing of the genes NPR3/NPR4, associated with the hypersensitive response, produced a slight decrease in CTV accumulation and reduced stunting of SO grafted on CTV‐infected rough lemon plants. We also found that the CTV RNA silencing suppressors p20 and p23 also suppress the SA signalling defence, with the suppressor activity being higher in the most virulent isolates.  相似文献   

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