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By means of macromicroscopy and microscopy myeloarchitectonics of morphologically and functionally different somatic and visceral nerves (branches: mandibular nerve, cervical spinal nerves, inferior laryngeal nerve, hepatic plexus) have been studied in 11 age groups. During the prenatal period of ontogenesis asynchronism of myelogenesis is stated in various muscle branches of the nerves, dependent on formation of function in corresponding muscles and muscle groups. As demonstrate investigations on peculiarities of myelogenesis course in the somatic and visceral nerves studied, during the period of pre- and postnatal ontogenesis, its dynamics embraces three stages of myelogenesis, determined by G. B. Stovichek for visceral nerves: productive myelogenesis, stages of stabilization and involution. The stage of productive myelogenesis in the somatic nerves studied lasts up to the end of the adolescent period. Two phases are determined in it: the first lasts up to 2-3 years; the second--up to the end of the adolescent period and is characterized with a complete formation of the myelin fibers spectrum. In the visceral nerves studied increase of general amount of myelin fibers and their differentiation are completed simultaneously during the adolescent age. The stabilization stage of myeloarchitectonics of the nerves studied corresponds to the mature age (I and II periods) and the involution stage--to the elderly (and old) age.  相似文献   

Synapse-like structures occurring in regenerating crayfish peripheral nerves are characterized by aggregates of small (250 to 600 A) electron lucent vesicles adjacent to a thickened "presynaptic" membrane. Such synaptoid profiles are seen opposite other axons, glial processes or extracellular fibrous material. Junctions with cellular elements do not show "postsynaptic" specializations. These complexes are compared to axo-glial synapses in the developing spinal cord and to synaptoid configurations observed by others in vertebrate and invertebrate neurosecretory systems.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopy of the dermis of the 9-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, reveals an intimate relationship of mast cells to peripheral nerves. Mast cells are routinely found in the dermis in close proximity to nerves, and mast cells are also present within the perineurial cell sheath in the endoneurial space proper. These cells contain electron opaque granules and exhibit numerous surface folds as is characteristic of other species. The degranulation of the mast cells by injection of 0.5% aqueous trypan blue reveals sequential exocytosis of granules, similar to that described for the rat. Degranulation occurs in most dermal and endoneurial mast cells following a single intradermal injection of trypan blue. A small number of mast cells partially degranulate and a few exhibit no degranulation, suggesting a heterogeneous population. It is also noted that mitochondrial morphology differs in degranulating cells, in that they become swollen and vacuolated. The results of this study are discussed in light of previous results reported for other species, mainly at the light microscope level.Supported by institutional grant from the L.S.U. School of DentistryThe author thanks Ivis Insua and Angela Pepin for their technical and secretarial assistance and Garbis Kerimian for his photographic work  相似文献   

Regeneration of the rat peripheral nerve in the lumen of implanted aorta was examined over 4 months. The nerve invaded the vessel with its entire trunk and went out of the distal vessel to the adjacent muscles. Inflammatory infiltrations were observed only outside the implant. Only insignificant number of inflammatory elements were inside the lumen. These conditions favored good regeneration of the nerve without forming a neuroma at the end of the cut nerve. The regenerating myelinized fibers formed spiral-like or bush-like terminals on muscle fibers. The model of directed regeneration of the peripheral nerves in the vascular lumen holds promise for rapid and accurate reinnervation of tissues and organs.  相似文献   

While damaged peripheral nerves demonstrate some potential to regenerate, complete functional recovery remains infrequent, owing to a functional loss of supportive Schwann cells distal to the injury. An emerging solution to improve upon this intrinsic regenerative capacity is to supplement injured nerves with stem cells derived from various tissues. While many of these strategies have proven successful in animal models, few studies have examined the behavior of transplanted stem cells in vivo, including whether they survive and differentiate. In previous work, we demonstrated that cells derived from neonatal rodent dermis (skin-derived precursor cells, or SKPs) could improve regenerative parameters when transplanted distal to both acute and chronic nerve injuries in Lewis rats. The aim of this work was to track the fate of these cells in various nerve injury paradigms and determine the response of these cells to a known glial growth factor. Here, we report that SKPs survive, respond to local cues, differentiate into myelinating Schwann cells, and avoid complete clearance by the host's immune defenses for a minimum of 10 weeks. Moreover, the ultimate fate of SKPs in vivo depends on the nerve environment into which they are injected and can be modified by inclusion of heregulin-1β.  相似文献   

Effects of graded compression on nerve function were analyzed in order to evaluate the relative importance of pressure level and duration of compression for functional deterioration. The pressure was applied by means of a small inflatable cuff. The effects of two pressure levels, i.e., 80 mm Hg applied for 2 hr or 400 mm Hg applied for 15 min, were studied in rabbit tibial nerves. The lower pressure tested, which is known to induce ischemia of the compressed nerve segment, also causes some degree of mechanical deformation of the nerve trunk, which leads to incomplete recovery following pressure release. The duration of compression is of importance for the degree of nerve injury even at the higher pressure level tested.  相似文献   

Various nerves of 6 representative species of mammals (including the human) were studied by the comparative association of the selective staining methods of light microscopy with the ultrastructural observation after tannic acid-glutaraldehyde fixation, which provided a reliable means of characterizing the different elastic system fibers. Although mature elastic fibers are not present in nerves, elastic-related fibers are frequently observed: oxytalan fibers are found mainly in the endoneurium, whereas elaunin fibers predominate in the epineurium. These fibers are longitudinally disposed, in a parallel orientation to the axons. The fact that these findings were consistently observed in the nerves of all species studied argues strongly in favor of the existence of a uniform structural pattern of distribution of elastic system fibers in nerves as a general phenomenon in mammals.  相似文献   

Microtubule (MT) number, axonal area, and MT density were examined in unmyelinated axons of rat cervical vagus nerve. Study of nerve regions proximal (1-5 mm) and distal (35-40 mm) to the nodosum ganglion in controls (incubation at 37 degrees C for 1 h) showed that the number of MT per axon is significantly less in distal than in proximal nerve regions. Cooling (incubation at 0 degree C for 1 h) caused a significant reduction in the number of MT per axon in both nerve regions. The unmyelinated axons from both nerve regions showed a comparable reduction in MT number by cooling, indicating that axonal MT stability to cold was not significantly different between these two nerve regions. In these nerves no detectable changes were found in cross-axonal area of unmyelinated axons between distal and proximal nerve regions. In another experimental series, in distal nerve regions (35-40 mm from the nodosum ganglion) the number of MT was not further reduced in nerves incubated at 0 degree C by increasing the incubation time. Similar results were obtained from colchicine treated nerves (incubation at 37 degrees C, with 10 mM colchicine for 1 and 2 h). Distal nerve regions (35-40 mm from the nodosum ganglion) showed a similar reduction in the number of MT per axon when nerves were incubated at 0 degree C or with colchicine, suggesting that this drug, as well as cold, may be affecting a similar population of axonal MT, i.e., MT susceptible to anti-MT agents. These results indicate that approximately one-half of the axonal MT are stable to cold as well as to colchicine in rat unmyelinated axons.  相似文献   

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