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本文记述的是在云南禄丰石灰坝古猿化石产地与古猿共生的一种中国兔猴化石。这类化石以下颌骨和牙齿较纤细,牙齿的颊侧齿带较发育,牙齿狭长,齿尖锐利和臼齿咬合面的三角凹较大,下次小尖向后延伸而使下内尖和下次小尖之间有较大间隔;上臼齿的颊舌径较小等特征区别于中国兔猴厚齿种(Sinoadapis carnosus Wu and Pan.)根据以上的形态特征,作者把它订为中国兔猴一新种:中国兔猴石灰坝种Sinoadapis shihuibaensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

本文记述的是在云南禄丰腊玛古猿化石产地发现的原猴类化石,分类上归于兔猴科。鉴于它的形态特征,作者把它订为一新属新种(Sinoadapis carnosus gen. et sp. nov.),这是迄今已知兔猴科最晚的记录。这一发现对兔猴类的进化及探讨腊玛古猿的生活环境具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

兔、犬、猴硬脊膜外腔及椎管内置管法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硬脊膜外腔及椎管内用药是目前临床镇痛和麻醉药物的常用施药途径,在镇痛麻醉药物临床前研究中需要对动物施以硬脊膜外与椎管内置管手术以便进行药效与毒性研究。本研究建立一种实用于兔,犬,猴等较大动物的硬脊膜外及蛛网膜下腔的短期(数天)和长期(数月)置管方法。该方法结合临床穿刺和造影术定位,并根据动物的不同种类和差异进行适配和改进。上述置管法应用于虎纹镇痛肽(HWAP-I)的临床前药效和毒理研究,经200多例次兔,犬和猴动物实验证明,这是一种定位准确稳定可靠的置管法。  相似文献   

格沙头期的窃果猴类(carpolestid)孟氏苏崩猴(Subengius mengi)属于亚洲已知最早的近兔猴形类(plesiadapiform)。苏崩猴的新标本澄清了该类群的牙齿解剖结构。孟氏苏崩猴的齿列比以前认为的要原始得多,下齿列的齿式2.1.3.3,p4低冠,具有3个主尖,但不似Elphidotarsius的相应主尖那样完全并生,P3的舌侧缘更窄,结构更简单,m1不具有高度扩展的下前尖和下后尖。苏崩猴P3的独特结构以及对Elphidotarsius sp.,cf.E.florencae的P3解剖特征的重新研究表明,过去对窃果猴科P3的某些齿尖的同源性的解释是错误的。在详细的特征分析基础上,重新建立了窃果猴类及其近亲的系统发育关系。崩班期(Bumbanian)的同时猴(Chronolestes simul)被重新认定是窃果猴科最基部的成员。孟氏苏崩猴以及崩班期的另一个种旭日多脊食果猴(Carpocristes oriens)也是窃果猴类相对靠基部的成员,但这些亚洲窃果猴类之间似乎都没有特殊的相互关系。虽然北美和亚洲的窃果猴类均延续到古新世-始新世界线附近,但它们在两个大陆之间的扩散似乎仅限于古新世的较早期。  相似文献   

斯氏黄河猴(哺乳动物纲,灵长目)较完整下颌骨的发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新发现的下颌骨说明斯氏黄河猴下齿式为 2?, 1,3, 3。 p2为双根齿,其前后有短的齿隙;p3具有低小的后跟;p4未臼齿化,无下前尖,有初始的下后尖,在较大的跟盆上,有明显的下次尖和很小的下内尖?; m1下前尖小,有些前后收缩(与Rencunius zhowi比较),m3下次小尖不如正模发育。下颌骨联合部倾斜,不愈合。黄河猴的下臼齿在形态上与西瓦兔猴亚科和原始类人猿──渐新猿亚科有许多共同点,但上臼齿形态差异显著。黄河猴类可能出自亚洲的cercamoniine形的兔猴形灵长类。  相似文献   

用兔抗人α-心房利钠多肽(atrial natriure-tic peptide,ANP)血清和PAP免疫组织化学方法,观察到恒河猴脾白髓和肾髓质上皮细胞中存在ANP样免疫活性物质,其棕色颗粒,主要分布于细胞核周质内。猴脾提取物经Seph-adex G-15分离,可得到具有降压、利尿、利钠的组分,这些活性多肽的结构和功能需待进一步研究。  相似文献   

人类甲型肝炎动物模型(狨猴)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道以不同剂量的不同HAV毒株,经静脉和胃肠道分别接种普通狨猴和白须狨猴后,其血清ALT、AsT和LDH活性均见升高。对酶活性比接种前增加,大于十3SD值的6只狨猴作肝活组织检查,见有与急性病毒肝炎相一致的组织病理变化。此外,用免疫电镜法检出狨猴粪便中HAV颗粒,狨猴接种HAV后36天,血清IgM类和总抗HAV抗体均阳转。上述结果提示,普通狨猴有可能作为研究甲型肝炎的理想动物模型。  相似文献   

越南仰鼻猴被重新发现刘诗峰(西北大学生物系西安710069)关键词越南仰鼻猴,重新发现,数量分布越南仰鼻猴(RhinopithecusavunculusDollman,19l2)又名东京仰鼻猴或越南金丝猴。与我国特产的3种金丝猴同属,为金丝猴属(Rh...  相似文献   

目的建立人工繁殖恒河猴婴猴生长发育指标的标准数据库。方法随机对90只人工饲养繁殖的恒河猴(从100d至1周岁)进行体重、身长、尾长、前肢长、后肢长发育指标测定。结果测定后的数据,经统计学分析和绘制生长曲线图,发现人工饲养条件下的恒河猴(1周岁前),其生长发育指标基本均匀一致,只有个别出现发育迟缓或发育不良现象。随时间推移,雄性生长速度要快于雌性。结论所建立的恒河猴婴猴正常生长发育生理指标,为提高人工饲养繁育恒河猴技术和不断改善恒河猴营养与发育健康提供了科学数据。  相似文献   

目的观察人工饲养条件下实验恒河猴肠道病理改变,探讨实验猴肠道疾病分布规律和病理改变特点,丰富实验猴自发病变基本研究资料。方法对1998-2008年云南地区饲养的自然死亡的155只恒河猴(年龄2-20岁)的肠道进行病理检查,按年龄分为幼年组、成年组、老年组,并对观察结果进行统计学分析。结果155例恒河猴中58例检出肠道病变,有慢性肠炎、急性肠炎、黏膜充血水肿、出血、糜烂、溃疡、穿孔、寄生虫共8种主要病变,出现率最高的为急性肠炎(20.00%)。实验猴不同年龄组肠道病变类型分布基本相同,肠道病变率随年龄增长而增高,不同年龄组间统计学分析差异无显著性。结论人工饲养条件下死亡实验猴肠道病变检出率较高,急性肠炎是实验猴的主要致死原因之一,实验猴肠道病理改变随年龄增长而病变加重。对实验猴饲养和研究时,应重视肠道病变因素,尤其是急性肠炎。死亡实验猴肠道病变研究对实验猴的质量控制和相关动物实验有重要指导价值。  相似文献   

The paper deals with a new form ofSinoadapis from the Lufeng hominoid Locality, assigned toSinoadapis shihuibaensis sp. nov. Holotype PA 882 A fragment of right mandible with C,−M3. Other materials. PA 903 A fragment of left maxilla with P3−M3. PA 959 Left lower tooth row with I1−P2, P4. PA 902 Right upper tooth row with C′−P3. PA 964 An isolated left I1. PA 907 An isolated right I3. PA 972 An isolated right M3.  相似文献   

目的:了解鹤岗市中小学生性健康教育现状,为进一步开展青春期性健康教育提供依据。方法:分层随机整群抽取鹤岗市1735名中小学生进行无记名问卷调查。结果:被调查的学生已具备一定的青春期性知识,但其知晓率仍偏低;性知识获取途径以社会媒体为主。大多数被调查者性生理发育状况良好,对青少年中发生的恋爱行为持宽容和理解的态度,而对婚前性行为持谨慎和保守态度。结论:今后应加大对性健康教育的宣传和投入,加强对中小学生的性道德教育。  相似文献   

Sexual arousal is an emotional/motivational state that can be triggered by internal and external stimuli and that can be inferred from central (including verbal), peripheral (including genital), and behavioral (including action tendencies and motor preparation) responses. This article, while focusing on sexual arousal in men, provides a conceptual analysis of this construct, reviews models of sexual arousal, and discusses the usefulness of perspectives derived from motivation and emotion research in improving our understanding of its determinants and behavioral correlates. In this, it considers the role of genital feedback in men's subjective sexual arousal and the connections between sexual arousal and sexual desire. Future research and definitions may increasingly focus on its central integrative functions (as opposed to its input and output characteristics). Yet, the study of sexual arousal can be expected to continue to benefit from the measurement of its genital, verbal, and behavioral components. Instances of discordance between response components suggest that they are, at least in part, under the control of different mechanisms, and it is proposed that a better understanding of sexual arousal will prove contingent on a better understanding of such mechanisms and the conditions under which they converge and diverge.  相似文献   

Primate sexual swellings as coevolved signal systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many female catarrhine primates possess visually conspicuous organs that apparently function to increase the sexual interest of adult male conspecifics around the time the female is ovulating—i.e. sexual swellings. The hypothesized functional benefits for both sexes of these sexual swellings are reviewed (honest signaling; paternity confusion; paternity confidence and paternal investment; protection; incitement of precopulatory male-male competition; and postcopulatory sexual selection), as well as an additional hypothesis that has not yet been applied to this problem (sensory exploitation). Currently available evidence is presented that supports or fails to support each of these hypotheses. Predictions associated with broad groupings of these hypotheses, which could be tested in noninvasive field studies, are then presented. Ecological circumstances are discussed that could have led to differential mating success among female primates, and hence to sexual selection on females and directional evolution of sexual swellings. It is concluded that the available evidence does not support the paternity confidence-paternal investment hypothesis; that the paternity confusion hypothesis lacks empirical support, but could still be viable; and that insufficient data exists at present to rigorously test the other hypotheses. The ecological factors that may have led to differential reproductive success among females as a function of mating frequency or mate choice likewise require further empirical investigation.  相似文献   

Most men have a category-specific pattern of genital and subjective sexual arousal, responding much more strongly to erotic stimuli depicting their preferred sex than to erotic stimuli depicting their nonpreferred sex. In contrast, women tend to have a less specific arousal pattern. To better understand this sex difference, we used neuroimaging to explore its neural correlates. Heterosexual and homosexual women viewed erotic photographs of either men or women. Evoked neural activity was monitored via fMRI and compared with responses to the same stimuli in heterosexual and homosexual men. Overall, a network of limbic (as well as the anterior cingulate) and visual processing regions showed significantly less category-specific activity in women than men. This was primarily driven by weaker overall activations to preferred-sex stimuli in women, though there was also some evidence of stronger limbic activations to nonpreferred-sex stimuli in women. Primary results were similar for heterosexual and homosexual participants. Women did show some evidence of category-specific responses in the visual processing regions, although even in these regions they exhibited less differential activity than men. In the anterior cingulate, a region with high concentrations of sex-hormone receptors, subjective and neural category specificity measures correlated positively for women but negatively for men, suggesting a possible sex difference in the role of the anterior cingulate. Overall, results suggest that men tend to show more differentiated neural responses than do women to erotic photographs of one sex compared to the other sex, though women may not be entirely indifferent to which sex is depicted.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Puberty and Adolescence”.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(6):700-707
Background: The etiology of prostate cancer (PCa) is poorly understood. Sexual activity and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are among factors under scrutiny, with controversial findings to date. Methods: We examined the association between the number and gender of sexual partners, STIs and PCa risk in the context of PROtEuS, a population-based case–control study set amongst the mainly French-speaking population in Montreal, Canada. The study included 1590 histologically-confirmed PCa cases diagnosed in a Montreal French hospital between 2005 and 2009, and 1618 population controls ascertained from the French electoral list, Montreal residents, frequency-matched to cases by age. In-person interviews elicited information on sociodemographic, lifestyle and environmental factors. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) between sexually related factors and PCa risk, adjusting for age, ancestry, family history of PCa, and PCa screening history. Results: Subjects with more than 20 sexual partners in their lifetime had a decreased risk of PCa (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.61–1.00) as did subjects who specifically had more than 20 female sexual partners (OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.56–0.94). By contrast, having had several male sexual partners appeared to confer some excess in risk of PCa. No association emerged for history of STIs and PCa but STIs prevalence was low. Conclusion: Our findings are in support of a role for the number of sexual partners in PCa development. The gender of sexual partners should be taken into account in future studies investigating this association.  相似文献   

The Japanese filefish Paramonacanthus japonicus has extreme sexual dimorphism in its overall shape, even though its mating system is monogamy with biparental care. This sexual dimorphism is mainly due to the development of secondary sexual traits in males. Males become more slender in body with elevated soft dorsal and anal fins as they mature. We examined the function of such male secondary sexual traits by field research and fluid-dynamic analysis. Underwater observations showed that movement rate and steady swimming speed of males were higher than those of females. Male and female P. japonicus showed similar feeding habits and egg-tending behavior, although males attacked potential egg predators more frequently. A wind-tunnel experiment using the air bearing and spring system showed that the drag coefficient of males was significantly lower than that of females, indicating a lower male hydrodynamic drag performance. Also, male elevated soft dorsal and anal fins are considered to give rise to higher thrust performance in monacanthids. Thus, these results suggest that male secondary sexual traits are hydrodynamic devices for enhancing swimming performance that seem to be actually functional under natural conditions. We discuss the evolution of such conspicuous male sexual traits in P. japonicus. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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