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Natural killer (NK) cells play important roles in controlling tumor cells and against a range of infectious organisms. Recent studies of mouse NK cell surface receptors, which may be involved in the specificity of NK cells, have shown that many of these molecules are encoded by theLy49andLy55(Nkrp1) multigene families that map to distal mouse chromosome 6. Also mapping to this NK cell gene complex (NKC) is the resistance locus,Cmv1,which is involved in genetically determined resistance to murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV). The aim of this study was to localizeCmv1more precisely in relation to other NKC loci by generating a high-resolution genetic map of the region. We have analyzed 1250 backcross mice comprising panels of 700 (BALB/c × C57BL/6J)F1× BALB/c and 550 (A/J × C57BL/6J)F1× A/J progeny. A total of 25 polymorphic genes or microsatellite markers were analyzed over a region of 10 map units fromD6Mit134toD6Mit59.TheCmv1phenotypes of mice recombinant in this interval were tested by infection with MCMV. The results obtained indicate that the functionally important NKC region is a tightly linked cluster of loci spanning at least 0.4 map units. Furthermore,Cmv1maps distal to, but very closely linked to, theLy49multigene family (<0.2 map units), suggesting that MCMV resistance may be conferred by MHC class I-specific NK cell receptors.  相似文献   

Y. Chen  DMJ. Duhl    G. S. Barsh 《Genetics》1996,144(1):265-277
The mouse agouti protein is a paracrine signaling molecule that causes yellow pigment synthesis. A pale ventral coloration distinguishes the light-bellied agouti (A(w)) from the agouti (A) allele, and is caused by expression of ventral-specific mRNA isoforms with a unique 5' untranslated exon. Molecular cloning demonstrates this ventral-specific exon lies within a 3.1-kb element that is duplicated in the opposite orientation 15-kb upstream to produce an interrupted palindrome and that similarity between the duplicated elements has been maintained by gene conversion. Orientation of the palindrome is reversed in A compared to A(w), which suggests that mutation from one allele to the other is caused by intrachromosomal homologous recombination mediated by sequences within the duplicated elements. Analysis of 15 inbred strains of laboratory and wild-derived mice with Southern hybridization probes and closely linked microsatellite markers suggests six haplotype groups: one typical for most strains that carry A(w) (129/SvJ, LP/J, CE/J, CAST/Ei), one typical for most strains that carry A (Balb/cJ, CBA/J, FVB/N, PERA/Rk, RBB/Dn); and four that are atypical (MOLC/Rk, MOLG/Dn, PERA/Ei, PERC/Ei, SPRET/Ei, RBA/Dn). Our results suggest a model for molecular evolution of the agouti locus in which homologous recombination can produce a reversible switch in allelic identity.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(11):3597-3604.e3
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T. Ashfield  N. T. Keen  R. I. Buzzell    R. W. Innes 《Genetics》1995,141(4):1597-1604
RPG1 and RPM1 are disease resistance genes in soybean and Arabidopsis, respectively, that confer resistance to Pseudomonas syringae strains expressing the avirulence gene avrB. RPM1 has recently been demonstrated to have a second specificity, also conferring resistance to P. syringae strains expressing avrRpm1. Here we show that alleles, or closely linked genes, exist at the RPG1 locus in soybean that are specific for either avrB or avrRpm1 and thus can distinguish between these two avirulence genes.  相似文献   

T. J. Lynch  J. Brickner  K. J. Nakano    E. Orias 《Genetics》1995,141(4):1315-1325
We have used the PCR-based randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method to efficiently identify and map DNA polymorphisms in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. The polymorphisms segregate as Mendelian genetic markers. A targeted screen, using DNA from pooled meiotic segregants, yielded the polymorphisms most closely linked to the mat locus. A total of 10 polymorphisms linked to the mat-Pmr segment of the left arm of micronuclear chromosome 2 have been identified. This constitutes the largest linkage group described in T. thermophila. We also provide here the first crude estimate of the frequency of meiotic recombination in the mat region, 20 kb/cM. This frequency is much higher than that observed in most other eukaryotes. Special features of Tetrahymena genetics enhanced the power of the RAPD method: the ability to obtain in a single step meiotic segregants that are whole-genome homozygotes and the availability of nullisomic strains permitting quick deletion mapping of polymorphisms to micronuclear chromosomes or chromosome segments. The RAPD method appears to provide a practical and relatively inexpensive approach to the construction of a high-resolution map of the Tetrahymena genome.  相似文献   

The nervous (nr) mutant mouse displays two gross recessive traits: both an exaggeration of juvenile hyperactivity and a pronounced ataxia become apparent during the third and fourth postnatal weeks. Using an intersubspecific intercross, we have established a high-resolution map of a segment of mouse Chromosome 8 that places thenrlocus in a genomic segment defined byD8Rck1on the centromeric end andD8Mit3on the telomeric end. This map position places thenrlocus within the BALB/cGr congenic region of the C3HeB/FeJ-nrstrain, confirming the accuracy of our study. We used this map position to identify and evaluate three genes—ankyrin 1, cortexin, and farnesyltransferase—as candidates for thenrgene. These three genes were eliminated from consideration but allowed us to establish the conservation of synteny between the region containing thenrlocus and a segment of the short arm of human chromosome 8 (8p21–p11.2). Finally, the incomplete penetrance of thenrphenotype led us to perform a screen for modifier loci, and we present evidence that such a nervous modifier locus may exist on mouse Chromosome 5.  相似文献   

Mutations in the mouse dreher (dr) gene cause skeletal defects, hyperactivity, abnormal gait, deafness, white belly spotting, and hypoplasia of Müllerian duct derivatives. To map dr to high resolution, we utilized two crosses. Initially, we analyzed an intersubspecific intercross to construct a detailed genetic map of simple sequence length polymorphism markers within a 6.3-cM region surrounding the dr locus. Subsequently, we analyzed a second intersubspecific intercross segregating for the dr(6J) allele, which positioned dr within a 0.13-cM region between Rxrg and D1Mit370. A physical contig of BAC clones spanning the dr critical region was constructed, and eight potential dr candidate genes were excluded by genetic or physical mapping. Together these results lay the foundation for positional cloning of the dr gene.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a leading cause of heart failure and the most frequent indication for heart transplantation in young patients. Probably >25% of DCM cases are of familial etiology. We report here genetic localization in a three-generation German family with 12 affected individuals with autosomal dominant familial DCM characterized by ventricular dilatation, impaired systolic function, and conduction disease. After exclusion of known DCM loci, we performed a whole-genome screen and detected linkage of DCM to chromosome 2q14-q22. Investigation of only affected individuals defines a 24-cM interval between markers D2S2224 and D2S2324; when unaffected individuals are also included, the critical region decreases to 11 cM between markers D2S2224 and D2S112, with a peak LOD score of 3.73 at recombination fraction 0 at D2S2339. The identification of an additional locus for familial autosomal dominant DCM underlines the genetic heterogeneity and may assist in the elucidation of the causes of this disease.  相似文献   

Mo-10, a homeo box-containing sequence in the Hox-1 complex of genes referred to as Hox-1.5, was found to be polymorphic in inbred and wild mice, and a strain distribution of three allelic forms of Hox-1.5 are reported. The position of Hox-1.5 was mapped in backcross experiments to within 1 cM of the hypodactyly locus on chromosome 6. This identifies the Hd mutation as a useful model for the examination of homeo box expression during mammalian development.  相似文献   

We previously described a locus on chromosome (Chr) 17 of the mouse that is critical for normal testis development. This locus was designated "T-associated sex reversal" (Tas) because it segregated with the dominant brachyury allele hairpin tail (Thp) and caused gonads of C57BL/6J XY, Thp/+ individuals to develop as ovaries or ovotestes rather than as testes. To clarify the inheritance of Tas, we investigated the effects of T-Orleans (TOrl), another brachyury mutation, on gonad development. We found that gonads of C57BL/6J XY, Thp/+ and TOrl/+ mice develop ovarian tissue if the Y chromosome is derived from the AKR/J inbred strain, whereas normal testicular development occurs in the presence of a Y chromosome derived from the C57BL/6J inbred strain. From these observations we conclude that: (1) Tas is located in a region on Chr 17 common to the deletions associated with Thp, and TOrl, and (2) the Y-linked testis determining gene, Tdy, carried by the AKR/J inbred strain differs from that of the C57BL/6J inbred strain. We suggest that in mammals Tdy is not the sole testis determinant because autosomal loci must be genetically compatible with Tdy for normal testicular development.  相似文献   

Loren C. Skow 《Genetics》1978,90(4):713-724
Electrophoretic and activity variants for a testosterone-induced esteroprotease have been discovered in submaxillary glands from inbred strains of mice. The enzyme is tentatively designated tamase (TAM-1) and the variant genetic locus is Tam-1. The alleles Tam-1a and Tam-1b determine electrophoretically distinct zones of tamase activity, while Tam-1c produces no detectable enzyme activity. Data from recombinant inbred strains and B6AF1 x B6 and B6D2F1 x B6 backcrosses established linkage of Tam-1 to glucose phosphate isomerase (Gpi-1), pink-eyed dilution (p) and β-hemoglobin (Hbb) on chromosome 7. The gene order is Gpi-1—Tam-1—p—Hbb. Analysis of congenic resistant strains indicates that Tam-1 is closely linked to the minor histocompatibility locus, H-4. TAM-1 was not cross-reactive with antisera to mouse nerve growth factor, submaxillary renin, or tamases A and D.  相似文献   

TheWntgene family consists of at least 15 structurally related genes that encode secreted extracellular signaling factors. Wnt proteins function in a range of critical developmental processes in both vertebrates and invertebrates and are implicated in regulation of cell growth and differentiation in certain adult mammalian tissues, including the mammary gland. We have isolated a number of WNT sequences from human genomic DNA, two of which, designated WNT14 and WNT15, represent novel members of theWntgene family. We also isolated WNT sequences from human mammary cDNA and present evidence that WNT13 is expressed in human breast tissue, in addition to those previously described. WNT14 and WNT15 appear to have originated from an ancestral branch of theWntgene family that also includes theWnt9sequences found in jawless and cartilaginous fishes. AWnt14cDNA was also isolated from chicken and a partialWnt15sequence from mouse. We show that human WNT14 maps to chromosome 1 and that WNT15 maps distal to BRCA1 on chromosome 17q21, where it lies within 125 kb of another WNT family member, WNT3.  相似文献   

Jittery (ji) is a recessive mouse mutation on Chromosome 10 characterized by progressive ataxic gait, dystonic movements, spontaneus seizures, and death by dehydration/starvation before fertility. Recently, a viable neurological recessive mutation, hesitant, was discovered. It is characterized by hesitant, uncoordinated movements, exaggerated stepping of the hind limbs, and reduced fertility in males. In a complementation test and by genetic mapping we have shown here that hesitant and jittery are allelic. Using several large intersubspecific backcrosses and intercrosses we have genetically mappedjinear the markerAmhand microsatellite markersD10Mit7, D10Mit21,andD10Mit23.The linked region of mouse Chromosome 10 is homologous to human 19p13.3, to which several human ataxia loci have recently been mapped. By excluding genes that map to human 21q22.3 (Pfkl) and 12q23 (Nfyb), we conclude that jittery is not likely to be a genetic mouse model for human Unverricht–Lundborg progressive myoclonus epilepsy (EPM1) on 21q22.3 nor for spinocerebellar ataxia II (SCA2) on 12q22–q24. The closely linked markers presented here will facilitate positional cloning of thejigene.  相似文献   

Pi-z is a disease resistance gene that has been effectively used to combat a broad-spectrum of races of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Although DNA markers have been reported for selection of the Pi2(t) and Pi-z resistance genes at the Pi-z locus, markers that are more tightly linked to the Pi-z locus would benefit rapid and effective cultivar development. Analysis of the publicly available genome sequence of Nipponbare near the Pi-z locus revealed numerous SSRs that could be converted into markers. Three SSRs on rice PAC AP005659 were found to be very tightly linked to the Pi-z locus, with one marker, AP5659-3, co-segregating with the Pi-z resistance reaction. The Pi-z factor conferring resistance to two races of blast was mapped to a 57 kb region on the physical map of Nipponbare in a location where the Pi2(t) gene was physically mapped. Two SSR marker haplotypes were unique for cultivars carrying the Pi-z gene, which indicates these markers are useful for selection of resistance genes at the Pi-z locus in rice germplasm.  相似文献   

Reduced FCGR3B copy number is associated with increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The five FCGR2/FCGR3 genes are arranged across two highly paralogous genomic segments on chromosome 1q23. Previous studies have suggested mechanisms for structural rearrangements at the FCGR2/FCGR3 locus and have proposed mechanisms whereby altered FCGR3B copy number predisposes to autoimmunity, but the high degree of sequence similarity between paralogous segments has prevented precise definition of the molecular events and their functional consequences. To pursue the genomic pathology associated with FCGR3B copy-number variation, we integrated sequencing data from fosmid and bacterial artificial chromosome clones and sequence-captured DNA from FCGR3B-deleted genomes to establish a detailed map of allelic and paralogous sequence variation across the FCGR2/FCGR3 locus. This analysis identified two highly paralogous 24.5 kb blocks within the FCGR2C/FCGR3B/FCGR2B locus that are devoid of nonpolymorphic paralogous sequence variations and that define the limits of the genomic regions in which nonallelic homologous recombination leads to FCGR2C/FCGR3B copy-number variation. Further, the data showed evidence of swapping of haplotype blocks between these highly paralogous blocks that most likely arose from sequential ancestral recombination events across the region. Functionally, we found by flow cytometry, immunoblotting and cDNA sequencing that individuals with FCGR3B-deleted alleles show ectopic presence of FcγRIIb on natural killer (NK) cells. We conclude that FCGR3B deletion juxtaposes the 5′-regulatory sequences of FCGR2C with the coding sequence of FCGR2B, creating a chimeric gene that results in an ectopic accumulation of FcγRIIb on NK cells and provides an explanation for SLE risk associated with reduced FCGR3B gene copy number.  相似文献   

The Group IIA phospholipase gene (PLA2G2A) protein coding regions exhibit significant homology with recently described Group IIC (PLA2G2C) and Group V (PLA2GV) genes. All three genes are present in many mammalian species and are expressed in a tissue-specific pattern. Here, we demonstrate in human that they are tightly linked and map to chromosome 1p34–p36.1. We also show that the homologous mouse loci are tightly linked (no observed recombination) on the distal part of chromosome 4, a region exhibiting synteny with human 1p34–p36. Unlike its rodent counterpart, humanPLA2G2Cappears to be a nonfunctional pseudogene.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of two recombinant clones containing DNA derived from the Y chromosome of the C57BL/10 inbred mouse strain. Both clones were isolated from a lambda phage library derived from a partial EcoRI digest of C57BL/10 male DNA using the murine retrovirus M720. Characterization of these clones showed they were derived from a repeated segment present on the C57BL/10J Y chromosome that contains sequences found elsewhere in the genome. In addition, one clone contained a sequence, designated YB10, that is unique to the Y chromosome and present in approximately 500 copies on the C57BL/10J Y chromosome. Analysis of Southern blots containing DNAs prepared from females and males of representative species from four subgenera of Mus probed with pYB10 and the 3'LTR from one of the Y-associated retroviruses (MuRVY) revealed that, with the exception of a single fragment observed in both female and male DNA of Mus saxicola, hybridization to pYB10 was observed only to male DNA of the species Mus spretus, Mus hortulanus, Mus musculus, Mus domesticus and Mus abbotti. In addition, the pattern and intensity of hybridization to YB10 and the MuRVY-LTR indicated that sequence of divergence was followed by amplification of Y chromosome sequences containing YB10 and MuRVY. The divergence and amplification occurred separately in each of the ancestral lineages leading to M. spretus, M. hortulanus, M. abbotti, M. musculus and M. domesticus. We suggest that acquisition and amplification of DNA sequences by the mammalian Y chromosome has contributed to its evolution and may imply that the mammalian Y chromosome is evolving at a faster rate than the rest of the genome.  相似文献   

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