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Estrogen metabolism was evaluated in freshly isolated kidney and liver microsomes and in primary kidney cell cultures from Syrian hamsters, a potential experimental model for examining the possible role(s) of estrogens in tumor initiation and development. Initial velocity studies of the conversion of estradiol to 2-hydroxyestradiol, as determined by the 3H2O release assay with the substrate [2-3H]estradiol, resulted in similar apparent Kms of estrogen 2-hydroxylase of 2.85 and 6.25 microM for liver and renal microsomes, respectively. The apparent Vmax for freshly prepared liver microsomes was 0.13 nmol.mg-1.min-1, while that for renal microsomes was 0.040 nmol.mg-1.min-1. Evaluation of estrogen metabolism was also performed in primary cell cultures of hamster kidney cells, consisting of 75% epithelial cells. [6,7-3H]Estradiol (10 microM) was incubated for 0, 24 and 48 h in primary kidney cell cultures, and the organic soluble metabolites analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC. The cultures from untreated, castrated hamsters metabolize [3H]estradiol to yield small quantities of estrone and significant amounts of polar metabolites, while no catechol estrogens were isolated. Estrogen metabolism by diethylstilbestrol-treated (DES-treated) hamster kidney cell cultures also provided small quantities of estrone and no evidence of catechol estrogens. Additionally, larger amounts of additional polar metabolites were isolated in the cultures from DES-treated hamsters. Finally, levels of estrogen 2-hydroxylase were detected in these cultures using the 3H2O release assay. Thus, the short-term primary kidney cell cultures from the Syrian hamster are capable of metabolizing estrogens. Furthermore, the enzymatic processes appear to be available for the conversion of any catechol estrogens formed into more polar metabolites. These investigations in intact cells, capable of performing all biochemical processes, complement both in vivo and subcellular biochemical studies and may aid in elucidating the roles of estrogens and estrogen metabolism in the initiation and development of estrogen-induced, estrogen-dependent kidney tumors in the Syrian hamster.  相似文献   

Caloric deprivation inhibits reproduction, including copulatory behaviors, in female mammals. Decreases in metabolic fuel availability are detected in the hindbrain, and this information is relayed to the forebrain circuits controlling estrous behavior by neuropeptide Y (NPY) projections. In the forebrain, the nutritional inhibition of estrous behavior appears to be mediated by corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) or urocortin-signaling systems. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of the CRF antagonist, astressin, prevents the suppression of lordosis by food deprivation and by NPY treatment in Syrian hamsters. These experiments sought to determine which CRF receptor type(s) is involved. ICV infusion of the CRF receptor subtype CRFR2-selective agonists urocortin 2 and 3 (UCN2, UCN3) inhibited sexual receptivity in hormone-primed, ovariectomized hamsters. Furthermore, the CRFR2-selective antagonist, astressin 2B, prevented the inhibition of estrous behavior by UCN2 and by NPY, consistent with a role for CRFR2. On the other hand, astressin 2B did not prevent the inhibition of behavior induced by 48-h food deprivation or ICV administration of CRF, a mixed CRFR1 and CRFR2 agonist, suggesting that activation of CRFR1 signaling is sufficient to inhibit sexual receptivity in hamsters. Although administration of CRFR1-selective antagonists (NBI-27914 and CP-154,526) failed to reverse the inhibition of receptivity by CRF treatment, we could not confirm their biological effectiveness in hamsters. The most parsimonious interpretation of these findings is that, although NPY inhibits estrous behavior via downstream CRFR2 signaling, food deprivation may exert its inhibition via both CRFR1 and CRFR2 and that redundant neuropeptide systems may be involved.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani produces progressive wasting and ultimately fatal visceral leishmaniasis in Syrian hamsters and provides an excellent model of progressive disease in humans. Experimentally infected hamsters were used to investigate the development of nonspecific immune suppression during visceral leishmaniasis and its association with humoral factors and wasting. At 2 wk all infected hamsters had developed antibody against a 59-kDa parasite antigen not recognized by sera of control hamsters. By 4 wk, strong antibody responses were noted against antigens of 26, 35, 46, 69, 107, and 120 kDa. No additional antigen was recognized at 6 or 8 wk or in hamsters treated with high doses of a pentavalent antimonial (stibogluconate sodium, 100 mg/kg/day for 5 days). Weight loss was first noted in infected hamsters at 8 wk. No difference in splenic lymphocyte proliferation in response to concanavalin A (Con A) was noted at 2 wk, but by 6 wk infected animals had only 20% of the Con A response of controls, and by 8 wk only 13%. Furthermore, incubation of splenic lymphocytes from uninfected control animals with 5% fetal calf serum and 5% serum from infected hamsters obtained at 4, 6, or 8 wk suppressed Con A responses by 50%, 99%, and 100%, respectively. Spleen cells from drug-treated animals exhibited no suppression of Con A responses when incubated with 5% autologous serum, but there was profound suppression when they were incubated with 5% autologous serum obtained during the acute phase of infection. Humoral factors, but not wasting, contributed to the suppression of lymphocyte responses.  相似文献   

Spontaneous cardiac and renal lesions in APA hamsters were examined histopathologically. Myocardial degeneration, valvular thickening, coronary arterial degeneration and increase in heart weight were common in old hamsters. These changes, which suggest cardiac failure, seem to be related to cardiac thrombosis which predominantly affected the left atrium and was found in over 40% of each sex over 16 months of age. Neither glomerular amyloidosis nor arteriolar nephrosclerosis was detected. In general the histopathology of renal lesions in APA hamsters resembled that of the condition known as glomerulonephrosis in rats. Renal lesions occurred more frequently and more severely and developed more rapidly in females than in males. There was no apparent correlation between cardiac thrombosis and renal disease.  相似文献   

The effects of mating time and of LD cycles on the timing of birth and length of gestation were examined in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Hamsters maintained on 14L:10D cycles were mated for 2 h either in the evening or in the morning, and groups of hamsters mated in the morning were subjected to either a 6-h advance shift or a 6-h delay shift of the LD cycle on Days 5-14 of gestation. For the last 2 days of gestation the hamsters were kept in constant dim light and observed every hour to determine the time of birth. Hamsters mated in the evening gave birth an average of 4.8 h before those mated in the morning, and the hamsters subjected to an advance shift gave birth an average of 8.1 h before those subjected to delay shift. The results show that 80-100% of births occur during the subjective day on Day 16 of gestation and that the minimum duration of gestation is 15 days and 2 h. The regulation of birth appears to involve two processes, an interval timer related to the time of conception and a circadian rhythm that is governed by the LD cycle.  相似文献   

An acutely lethal LCMV disease model has been established in the Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in which lethality and disease are dependent upon both the inbred hamster strain and the LCMV strain. Young adult inbred, male and female, hamsters were tested for lethal-disease susceptibility by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) strains, WE or Armstrong (ARM). With WE inocula, PD4 and MHA inbred hamsters were highly susceptible to a wasting disease. LVG and LHC inbred hamsters were intermediate in susceptibility; some of these animals died of wasting illness, and others exhibited minimal disease and survived. CB and LSH hamsters were highly resistant to any disease by WE. Mean survival times of susceptible hamsters given lethal WE inocula approximated 2.5 weeks and were not dependent on virus dose. By 1.5 weeks after WE inoculation wasting disease signs were notable and consisted of lethargy, progressive body weight loss, and diarrhea. The LCMV strain, ARM, was avirulent for all hamster strains, causing neither death nor disease. Hamsters surviving WE or ARM inoculation appeared healthy, produced LCMV antibody, and acquired resistance to further lethal WE challenge. Despite hamster-lethality differences. WE and ARM appeared comparably immunogenic for all hamster strains, based on host antibody titers. A number of other differences between the LCMV strains were, however, noted which could be relevant to virus virulence and lethality for hamster hosts. These included guinea pig lethality, temperature sensitivity, and plaque morphology.  相似文献   

Carcinogenicity of catechol estrogens in Syrian hamsters   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Estradiol and other estrogens induce renal carcinoma in male Syrian hamsters. The mechanism of carcinogenesis still remains unclear. Activation of estrogens to catechol metabolites has in the past been postulated to play a role in estrogen-induced carcinogenesis. Therefore, the carcinogenic activity of catechol estrogens was investigated. After 175 days of treatment, 4-hydroxyestradiol was found to be as carcinogenic as estradiol in male Syrian hamsters (4/5 and 4/5 animals with kidney tumors, respectively). Animals treated with 2-hydroxyestradiol (0/5) or 2-methoxyestradiol (0/6) did not develop renal carcinoma. The catechol estrogens failed to be mutagenic in the Ames test (reversions of his- S. typhimurium to histidine prototrophy in the TA 100 strain). The lack of carcinogenic activity of 2-hydroxyestradiol was not due to a failure to stimulate estrogen-dependent tumor growth. Growth of H-301 cells, an estrogen-dependent hamster kidney tumor cell line, was supported in vivo by estrogens in the following order: estradiol greater than 4-hydroxyestradiol greater than 2-hydroxyestradiol. Stimulation of tumor growth by 2-methoxyestradiol was not detected. It was concluded that the carcinogenic activity of 4-hydroxyestradiol was consistent with a role of catechol metabolites in estrogen-induced carcinogenesis. However, the intrinsic carcinogenic or hormonal activity of 2-hydroxyestradiol probably can not be assessed accurately in vivo because of its rapid methylation and metabolic clearance.  相似文献   

The effects of fumonisin on development of Syrian hamster fetuses were studied using fumonisin B1 and B2 extracted fromFusarium moniliforme corn-culture and purified fumonisin B1. A significant increase in litters with fetal deaths occurred with the high doses of purified (18 mg FB1/kg) and culture-extracted (18 mg FB1 plus 4.5 mg FB2) fumonisin. It is concluded that prenatal exposure to fumonisin on days 8 and 9 of gestation is detrimental to fetal hamster survivability but does not induce clinical maternal intoxication at these doses. Equivalent doses of fumonisin B1, whether from culture-extract or pure solution produced similar results.  相似文献   

Summary Typical vagal paraganglia of Syrian hamsters are encapsulated in connective tissue and consist of groups of epithelial cells. Ganglion cells, a few fenestrated capillaries, and bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers are intermingled among the parenchymal cells. The parenchymal cells are of two types: chief or paraganglion and sustentacular or supporting cells. The processes of the supporting cells partly or completely surround the paraganglion cells. In addition to the nucleus, Golgi complex, mitochondria, parallel-arrayed granular endoplasmic reticulum, and lipofuscin pigment, the chief cells are characterized by the presence of numerous membrane-bound, electron opaque granules. After an injection of 3H-dopa, labelings were concentrated over the chief cells and were associated predominantly with the granules. Following glutaraldehyde-dichromate treatment the granules gave a positive reaction for unsubstituted amines. These results suggest that the chief cells contain catecholamines in the electron opaque granules.Research supported by USPHS Grants NS 05665, 00690 and HE 12751. A preliminary report of this research was presented before the American Society for Cell Biology, 1969.Sponsored by National Council on Science Development, Republic of China.Recipient of Career Research Development Award 1 K3 GM 28064.  相似文献   

Ventilatory responses of 10 control and 10 dystrophic male hamsters to air, hypercapnia, and hypoxia were evaluated at four ages (40, 70, 100, and 140 days). Tidal volume (VT), frequency (f), minute ventilation (VE) as well as inspiratory and expiratory time of awake animals were measured with a plethysmograph. There was a small increase of VT in both groups with age. Although there was no change of f in the control group with age, there was a progressive decrease in f (means +/- SE: 92 +/- 8, 97 +/- 9, 74.5 +/- 10, and 68 +/- 8 breaths/min) in the dystrophic group. Consequently VE on air decreased in the dystrophic group. Both groups showed similar responses to hypoxia (13 and 10% O2) and hypercapnia (3, 5, and 8% CO2) at 40 days. By 70 days the hypercapnic, but not hypoxic, response of the dystrophic animals was significantly decreased compared with that of the control group (at 8% CO2, VE = 47.4 +/- 4.1 vs. 75.7 +/- 7.6 ml/min, P less than 0.01). At both 100 and 140 days the response of the dystrophic group to CO2 was flat; i.e., the slope VE vs. fractional concentration of inspired CO2 was close to zero, and the hypoxic responses were greatly diminished. Because hamsters increase VE in response to CO2 primarily by increasing VT, the data suggest that dystrophic hamsters are unable to increase VT at a very early age, presumably due to muscle weakness. The normal response of hamsters to hypoxia, which is primarily to increase f, appears to be maintained for a longer time.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of reproductive activity in the Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, is the result of interaction between seasonal changes in daylength (photoperiodism) and seasonal changes in responsiveness to daylength (seasonality). The present experiment was designed to investigate the role of the pineal gland and its hormone, melatonin, in the alternation of seasonality (scotosensitivity and scotorefractoriness). Male hamsters were maintained on short daylengths (10L:14D) to establish scotorefractoriness, and then they were transferred to long daylengths (14L:10D) for conversion to scotosensitivity (sensitive to short daylengths). Before transfer to long daylengths, some of the hamsters were pinealectomized and others were sham-operated or unoperated. Some of the pinealectomized hamsters received single daily melatonin or saline injections while on long daylengths. After 14 wk on long daylengths, the hamsters were transferred to short daylengths for 10 wk to test for conversion to scotosensitivity. Pinealectomized hamsters were given three daily melatonin injections while on short daylengths. Such treatment is known to promote gonadal regression in scotosensitive but not in scotorefractory hamsters. Examination of testes after the short daylength interval revealed that exposure of nonpinealectomized hamsters to long daylengths had reestablished scotosensitivity (regressed testes). Pinealectomized hamsters that received no melatonin replacement while on long daylengths remained scotorefractory (enlarged testes), whereas those that received single daily injections of melatonin during long daylengths were found to be scotosensitive. These results indicate that a daily pulse of melatonin during expsoure to long daylengths has an important role in reestablishing responsiveness (scotosensitivity) to short daylengths.  相似文献   

The availability of safe parenteral anesthetics for use in Syrian hamsters is limited. We evaluated the effects of Telazol-xylazine (TZX) combinations with respect to anesthetic efficacy and potential for tissue damage. Two dose levels of the combination were administered by both the intraperitoneal (IP) and intramuscular (IM) routes. TZX by the IM route failed to consistently produce anesthesia and caused gross and histopathologic muscle lesions. IP administration of 20 mg/kg Telazol combined with 10 mg/kg xylazine was adequate for restraint purposes. IP administration of 30 mg/kg Telazol combined with 10 mg/kg xylazine produced a safe, reliable level of surgical anesthesia without evidence of gross or histopathologic lesions. There was no nephrotoxicity at either concentration of the anesthetic. A dose level of TZX that provides safe parenteral anesthesia in Syrian hamsters was determined.  相似文献   

An evaluation of ventilation in dystrophic Syrian hamsters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The natural history of the disease of the dilated strain Bio TO-2 of cardiomyopathic hamsters (CMH) is not totally characterized. We investigated its hemodynamic and histomorphometric characteristics at 140, 180, 220, 260, and 300 days of age. Forty CMH and 40 controls were investigated (8 at each stage). Mean arterial pressure (MAP, carotid artery catheter) and cardiac output and femoral blood flow (CO, FBF, transit time method) were measured in anesthetized animals. Systemic (SVR) and femoral (FVR) vascular resistances were calculated. Atria, left and right ventricles (LV, RV), lungs, and liver were weighed. LV cavity area, LV and RV wall thicknesses and collagen densities were determined (computer-assisted image analyzer). Pulmonary and hepatic congestion were assessed (arbitrary scales). Compared with controls, MAP, CO and FBF were significantly lower in CMH throughout the study (on average: -22%, -34%, -33%, respectively), FVR was significantly increased (+15%), but SVR was not significantly modified. Concerning histomorphometric characteristics, differences between groups significantly increased with age for most variables: at 300 days, atria (+292%), RV (+13%), lungs (+44%), and liver (+23%) weights, LV cavity area (+130%), LV (+364%) and RV (+181%) collagen densities were significantly increased in CMH vs controls, whereas LV (-40%) and RV (-23%) wall thicknesses were significantly decreased. At 260 and 300 days, CMH showed significant pulmonary congestion without hepatic alteration. Bio TO-2 CMH progressively develop an alteration of cardiac function leading to decreased MAP and musculo-cutaneous blood flow associated with cardiac remodeling including atria hypertrophy and LV dilation, wall thinning and a rise in collagen density.  相似文献   

Sulphur mustard (SM) (5 × 10−8 M) given to primary Syrian hamster fibroblasts growing short-term in vitro products a very sharp peak of chromatid aberrations 12–16 h after treatment.

The composition of this peak has been investigated in relation to the cell cycle using the facility to divide S-phase into 5 cytologically defined sub-phases on the basis of replication band patterns following bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. It is shown that: (1) Considerable delay and perturbation of the cycle is present. (2) A major contribution to the aberration peak comes from pre-S cells, and the highest aberration frequencies are observed in such cells. (3) The bulk of contribution from S-cells comes from the last subphase, SkV. (4) The majority of early S cells (sub-phases SkI–IV) fail to reach division within 36 h. Of the total S-cells scored, 54% are non-SkV controls but only 14% after SM. (5) Aberrations are localized to late-replicating regions in SkV but are random in pre-S. (6) No measurable perturbation of replication programme was found in chromosome arms synthesizing in late SkV after SM. (7) The rapid fall in aberration frequency at later sampling times is consistent with a quick and efficient repair of DNA lesions which is known to occur after SM alkylation.

The preferential loss of early S cells seems most likely to result from selective lethality, though differential delay and perturbation may make a contribution. It is interesting to note that the subphases missing are just those where the euchromatin replicates (early replicating R and G bands). The late-replicating chromatin, some of which is known to be dispensable in Syrian hamster, is confined to SkV, the sub-phase which appears to survive this dose of SM.  相似文献   

The effect of fermented skim milk (FSM) by Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota on plasma lipids in hamsters was examined. Hamsters fed on cholesterol-free and -enriched diets containing 30% FSM had lower levels of plasma triglyceride than those fed on the control diet. In the experiment with the cholesterol-enriched diet-fed hamsters, the plasma triglyceride level was suppressed by FSM at concentrations of 10% to 30%. Unfermented milk tended to lower the level of triglyceride, but not significantly. The plasma cholesterol concentration was not affected by an FSM and unfermented skim milk supplement to the diet. L. casei strain Shirota grew well in the presence of mixed lipid micelles containing bile acid, but did not have the ability to remove cholesterol from the culture broth. These results indicate that FSM lowered the plasma triglyceride level in hamsters.  相似文献   

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