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ABCA1 mediates the transport of cellular cholesterol and phospholipids to HDL apolipoproteins. Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) interactions with ABCA1-expressing cells elicit several responses, including removing cellular lipids, stabilizing ABCA1 protein, and activating Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). Here, we used synthetic apolipoprotein-mimetic peptides to characterize the relationship between these responses. Peptides containing one amphipathic helix of L- or D-amino acids (2F, D-2F, or 4F) and a peptide containing two helices (37pA) all promoted ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux, competed for apoA-I binding to ABCA1-expressing cells, blocked covalent cross-linking of apoA-I to ABCA1, and inhibited ABCA1 degradation. 37pA was cross-linked to ABCA1, confirming the direct binding of amphipathic helices to ABCA1. 2F, 4F, 37pA, and D-37pA all stimulated JAK2 autophosphorylation. Inhibition of JAK2 greatly reduced peptide-mediated cholesterol efflux, peptide binding to ABCA1-expressing cells, and peptide cross-linking to ABCA1, indicating that these processes require an active JAK2. In contrast, apoA-I and peptides stabilized ABCA1 protein even in the absence of an active JAK2, implying that this process is independent of JAK2 and lipid efflux-promoting binding of amphipathic helices to ABCA1. These findings show that amphipathic helices coordinate the activity of ABCA1 by several distinct mechanisms that are likely to involve different cell surface binding sites.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phospholipids are essential to the body, but an excess of cholesterol or lipids is toxic and a risk factor for arteriosclerosis. ABCG1, one of the half-type ABC proteins, is thought to be involved in cholesterol homeostasis. To explore the role of ABCG1 in cholesterol homeostasis, we examined its subcellular localization and function. ABCG1 and ABCG1-K120M, a WalkerA lysine mutant, were localized to the plasma membrane in HEK293 cells stably expressing ABCG1 and formed a homodimer. A stable transformant expressing ABCG1 exhibited efflux of cholesterol and choline phospholipids in the presence of BSA, and the cholesterol efflux was enhanced by the presence of HDL, whereas cells expressing ABCG1-K120M did not, suggesting that ATP binding and/or hydrolysis is required for the efflux. Mass and TLC analyses revealed that ABCG1 and ABCA1 secrete several species of sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), and SMs were preferentially secreted by ABCG1, whereas PCs were preferentially secreted by ABCA1. These results suggest that ABCA1 and ABCG1 mediate the lipid efflux in different mechanisms, in which different species of phospholipids are secreted, and function coordinately in the removal of cholesterol and phospholipids from peripheral cells.  相似文献   

Recent developments in lipid metabolism have shown the importance of ATP binding cassette transporters (ABCs) in controlling cellular and total body lipid homeostasis. ABCA1 mediates the transport of cholesterol and phospholipids from cells to lipid-poor apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), whereas ABCG1 and ABCG4 mediate the transport of cholesterol from cells to lipidated lipoproteins. ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCG4 are all expressed in cholesterol-loaded macrophages, and macrophages from ABCA1 and ABCG1 knockout mice accumulate cholesteryl esters. Here, we show that the lipidated particles generated by incubating cells overexpressing ABCA1 with apoA-I are efficient acceptors for cholesterol released from cells overexpressing either ABCG1 or ABCG4. The cholesterol released to the particles was derived from a cholesterol oxidase-accessible plasma membrane pool in both ABCG1 and ABCG4 cells, which is the same pool of cholesterol shown previously to be removed by high density lipoproteins. ABCA1 cells incubated with apoA-I generated two major populations of cholesterol- and phospholipid-rich lipoprotein particles that were converted by ABCG1 or ABCG4 cells to one major particle population that was highly enriched in cholesterol. These results suggest that ABCG1 and ABCG4 act in concert with ABCA1 to maximize the removal of excess cholesterol from cells and to generate cholesterol-rich lipoprotein particles.  相似文献   

To study the mechanisms of hepatic HDL formation, we investigated the roles of ABCA1, ABCG1, and SR-BI in nascent HDL formation in primary hepatocytes isolated from mice deficient in ABCA1, ABCG1, or SR-BI and from wild-type (WT) mice. Under basal conditions, in WT hepatocytes, cholesterol efflux to exogenous apoA-I was accompanied by conversion of apoA-I to HDL-sized particles. LXR activation by T0901317 markedly enhanced the formation of larger HDL-sized particles as well as cellular cholesterol efflux to apoA-I. Glyburide treatment completely abolished the formation of 7.4 nm diameter and greater particles but led to the formation of novel 7.2 nm-sized particles. However, cells lacking ABCA1 failed to form such particles. ABCG1-deficient cells showed similar capacity to efflux cholesterol to apoA-I and to form nascent HDL particles compared with WT cells. Cholesterol efflux to apoA-I and nascent HDL formation were slightly but significantly enhanced in SR-BI-deficient cells compared with WT cells under basal but not LXR activated conditions. As in WT but not in ABCA1-deficient hepatocytes, 7.2 nm-sized particles generated by glyburide treatment were also detected in ABCG1-deficient and SR-BI-deficient hepatocytes. Our data indicate that hepatic nascent HDL formation is highly dependent on ABCA1 but not on ABCG1 or SR-BI.  相似文献   

HDL functions are impaired by myeloperoxidase (MPO), which selectively targets and oxidizes human apoA1. We previously found that the 4WF isoform of human apoA1, in which the four tryptophan residues are substituted with phenylalanine, is resistant to MPO-mediated loss of function. The purpose of this study was to generate 4WF apoA1 transgenic mice and compare functional properties of the 4WF and wild-type human apoA1 isoforms in vivo. Male mice had significantly higher plasma apoA1 levels than females for both isoforms of human apoA1, attributed to different production rates. With matched plasma apoA1 levels, 4WF transgenics had a trend for slightly less HDL-cholesterol versus human apoA1 transgenics. While 4WF transgenics had 31% less reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) to the plasma compartment, equivalent RCT to the liver and feces was observed. Plasma from both strains had similar ability to accept cholesterol and facilitate ex vivo cholesterol efflux from macrophages. Furthermore, we observed that 4WF transgenic HDL was partially (∼50%) protected from MPO-mediated loss of function while human apoA1 transgenic HDL lost all ABCA1-dependent cholesterol acceptor activity. In conclusion, the structure and function of HDL from 4WF transgenic mice was not different than HDL derived from human apoA1 transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The role of endothelial ABCA1 expression in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) was examined in transgenic mice, using the endothelial-specific Tie2 promoter. Human ABCA1 (hABCA1) was significantly expressed in endothelial cells (EC) of most tissues except the liver. Increased expression of ABCA1 was not observed in resident peritoneal macrophages. ApoA-I-mediated cholesterol efflux from aortic EC was 2.6-fold higher (P < 0.0001) for cells from transgenic versus control mice. On normal chow diet, Tie2 hABCA1 transgenic mice had a 25% (P < 0.0001) increase in HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and more than a 2-fold increase of eNOS mRNA in the aorta (P < 0.04). After 6 months on a high-fat, high-cholesterol (HFHC) diet, transgenic mice compared with controls had a 40% increase in plasma HDL-C (P < 0.003) and close to 40% decrease in aortic lesions (P < 0.02). Aortas from HFHC-fed transgenic mice also showed gene expression changes consistent with decreased inflammation and apoptosis. Beneficial effects of the ABCA1 transgene on HDL-C levels or on atherosclerosis were absent when the transgene was transferred onto ApoE or Abca1 knockout mice. In summary, expression of hABCA1 in EC appears to play a role in decreasing diet-induced atherosclerosis in mice and is associated with increased plasma HDL-C levels and beneficial gene expression changes in EC.  相似文献   

ABCG5 and ABCG8 require MDR2 for secretion of cholesterol into bile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major pathway for the removal of cholesterol from the body is via secretion into the bile. Three members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) family, ABCG5 (G5), ABCG8 (G8), and ABCB4 (MDR2), are required for the efficient biliary export of sterols. Here, we examined the interdependence of these three ABC transporters for biliary sterol secretion. Biliary lipid levels in mice expressing no MDR2 (Mdr2-/- mice) were compared with those of Mdr2-/- mice expressing 14 copies of a human G5 (hG5) and hG8 transgene (Mdr2-/-;hG5G8Tg mice). Mdr2-/- mice had only trace amounts of biliary cholesterol and phospholipids. The Mdr2-/-;hG5G8Tg mice had biliary cholesterol levels as low as those of Mdr2-/- mice. Thus, MDR2 expression is required for G5G8-mediated biliary sterol secretion. To determine whether the reduction in fractional absorption of dietary sterols associated with G5G8 overexpression is secondary to the associated increase in biliary cholesterol, we compared the fractional absorption of sterols in Mdr2-/-;hG5G8Tg and hG5G8Tg animals. Inactivation of MDR2 markedly attenuated the reduction in fractional sterol absorption associated with G5G8 overexpression. These results are consistent with the notion that increased biliary cholesterol secretion contributes to the reduction in fractional sterol absorption associated with G5G8 overexpression.  相似文献   

Lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the postprandial phase is associated with both quantitative and qualitative remodeling of HDL particle subspecies that may influence their anti-atherogenic functions in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We evaluated the capacity of whole plasma or isolated HDL particles to mediate cellular free cholesterol (FC) efflux, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated cholesteryl ester (CE) transfer, and selective hepatic CE uptake during the postprandial phase in subjects displaying type IIB hyperlipidemia (n = 16). Postprandial, large HDL2 displayed an enhanced capacity to mediate FC efflux via both scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-dependent (+12%; P < 0.02) and ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1)-dependent (+31%; P < 0.008) pathways in in vitro cell systems. In addition, the capacity of whole postprandial plasma (4 h and 8 h postprandially) to mediate cellular FC efflux via the ABCA1-dependent pathway was significantly increased (+19%; P < 0.0003). Concomitantly, postprandial lipemia was associated with elevated endogenous CE transfer rates from HDL2 to apoB lipoproteins and with attenuated capacity (−17%; P < 0.02) of total HDL to deliver CE to hepatic cells. Postprandial lipemia enhanced SR-BI and ABCG1-dependent efflux to large HDL2 particles. However, postprandial lipemia is equally associated with deleterious features by enhancing formation of CE-enriched, triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles through the action of CETP and by reducing the direct return of HDL-CE to the liver.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette protein A1 (ABCA1) plays a major role in cholesterol homeostasis and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism. Although it is predicted that apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) directly binds to ABCA1, the physiological importance of this interaction is still controversial and the conformation required for apoA-I binding is unclear. In this study, the role of the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) of ABCA1 in apoA-I binding was determined by inserting a TEV protease recognition sequence in the linker region of ABCA1. Analyses of ATP binding and occlusion to wild-type ABCA1 and various NBD mutants revealed that ATP binds equally to both NBDs and is hydrolyzed at both NBDs. The interaction with apoA-I and the apoA-I-dependent cholesterol efflux required not only ATP binding but also hydrolysis in both NBDs. NBD mutations and cellular ATP depletion decreased the accessibility of antibodies to a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope that was inserted at position 443 in the extracellular domain (ECD), suggesting that the conformation of ECDs is altered by ATP hydrolysis at both NBDs. These results suggest that ATP hydrolysis at both NBDs induces conformational changes in the ECDs, which are associated with apoA-I binding and cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

The human ABCG2 multidrug transporter provides protection against numerous toxic compounds and causes multidrug resistance in cancer. Here we examined the effects of changes in membrane cholesterol on the function of this protein. Human ABCG2 was expressed in mammalian and in Sf9 insect cells, and membrane cholesterol depletion or enrichment was achieved by preincubation with beta cyclodextrin or its cholesterol-loaded form. We found that mild cholesterol depletion of intact mammalian cells inhibited ABCG2-dependent dye and drug extrusion in a reversible fashion, while the membrane localization of the transporter protein was unchanged. Cholesterol enrichment of cholesterol-poor Sf9 cell membrane vesicles greatly increased ABCG2-driven substrate uptake, substrate-stimulated ATPase activity, as well as the formation of a catalytic cycle intermediate (nucleotide trapping). Interestingly, modulation of membrane cholesterol did not significantly affect the function of the R482G or R482T substrate mutant ABCG2 variants, or that of the MDR1 transporter. The selective, major effect of membrane cholesterol on the wild-type ABCG2 suggests a regulation of the activity of this multidrug transporter during processing or in membrane micro-domain interactions. The experimental recognition of physiological and pharmacological substrates of ABCG2, as well as the fight against cancer multidrug resistance may be facilitated by demonstrating the key role of membrane cholesterol in this transport activity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that ABCA1 interacts preferentially with lipid-poor apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). Here, we show that treatment of plasma with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) multilamellar vesicles generates prebeta(1)-apoA-I-containing lipoproteins (LpA-I)-like particles similar to those of native plasma. Isolated prebeta(1)-LpA-I-like particles inhibited the binding of (125)I-apoA-I to ABCA1 more efficiently than HDL(3) (IC(50) = 2.20 +/- 0.35 vs. 37.60 +/- 4.78 microg/ml). We next investigated the ability of DMPC-treated plasma to promote phospholipid and unesterified (free) cholesterol efflux from J774 macrophages stimulated or not with cAMP. At 2 mg DMPC/ml plasma, both phospholipid and free cholesterol efflux were increased ( approximately 50% and 40%, respectively) in cAMP-stimulated cells compared with unstimulated cells. Similarly, both phospholipid and free cholesterol efflux to either isolated native prebeta(1)-LpA-I and prebeta(1)-LpA-I-like particles were increased significantly in stimulated cells. Furthermore, glyburide significantly inhibited phospholipid and free cholesterol efflux to DMPC-treated plasma. Removal of apoA-I-containing lipoproteins from normolipidemic plasma drastically reduced free cholesterol efflux mediated by DMPC-treated plasma. Finally, treatment of Tangier disease plasma with DMPC affected the amount of neither prebeta(1)-LpA-I nor free cholesterol efflux. These results indicate that DMPC enrichment of normal plasma resulted in the redistribution of apoA-I from alpha-HDL to prebeta-HDL, allowing for more efficient ABCA1-mediated cellular lipid release. Increasing the plasma prebeta(1)-LpA-I level by either pharmacological agents or direct infusions might prevent foam cell formation and reduce atherosclerotic vascular disease.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) was recently recognized as the mutant molecule responsible for Tangier disease with low HDL levels, accumulation of cholesteryl esters in tissues, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Extensive studies for the past 2 years have recognized the critical role of ABCA1 in cholesterol and phospholipid trafficking. Since the removal of cholesterol from tissues is a key step in the prevention of atherosclerosis, significant attention has been focused on this molecule. Natural ABCA1 mutations in Tangier disease (TD) patients and WHAM chickens together with induced mutation in ABCA1 knock-out mice unequivocally established the important role of ABCA1 in maintaining circulating HDL levels and promoting cholesterol efflux from the arterial wall. Mice lacking ABCA1 showed similar phenotypes observed in Tangier disease patients with low levels of HDL. Further understanding of the roles of ABCA1 in lipid transport and atherosclerosis became clear from studies with ABCA1 transgenic mice. These mice showed enhanced cholesterol efflux from macrophages and reduced atherosclerotic lesion formation. The promoter of the ABCA1 gene has been mapped to a large extent, with the exception of cAMP response element. The present review summarizes recent developments on the role of ABCA1 in cholesterol efflux and prevention of atherosclerosis. Given the antiatherogenic properties of ABCA1, this molecule can serve as an appropriate target for developing drugs to treat individuals with low levels of HDL.  相似文献   

Among the known mechanisms of reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1)-mediated free cholesterol (FC) transport is the most recent and least studied. Here, we have characterized the efficiencies of different acceptors using baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells transfected with human ABCG1 cDNA, which is inducible upon treatment with mifepristone. When normalized on particle number and particle surface area, the acceptor efficiency for FC efflux was as follows: small unilamellar vesicles (SUV)>LDL>reconstituted HDL>HDL(2) = HDL(3). Based on phospholipid content, the order was reversed. ABCG1 also mediated phospholipid efflux to human serum and HDL(3). ABCG1-mediated FC efflux correlated significantly with a number of HDL subfractions and components in serum collected from 25 normolipidemic individuals: apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II) (r(2) = 0.7), apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) (r(2) = 0.5), HDL-C (r(2) = 0.4), HDL-PL (r(2) = 0.4), alpha-2 HDL (r(2) = 0.4), and prebeta HDL (r(2) = 0.2). ABCG1 did not enhance influx of FC or cholesteryl oleyl ether (COE) when cells were incubated with radiolabeled HDL(3). ABCG1 expression did not increase the association of HDL(3) with cells. Compared with control cells, ABCG1 expression significantly increased the FC pool available for efflux and the rate constant for efflux. In conclusion, composition and particle size determine the acceptor efficiency for ABCG1-mediated efflux. ABCG1 increases cell membrane FC pools and changes its rate of desorption into the aqueous phase without enhancing the association with the acceptor.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the signal transduction initiated by apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) activates key proteins involved in cholesterol efflux. ABCA1 serves as a binding partner for apoA-I, but its participation in apoA-I-induced signaling remains uncertain. We show that the exposure of human fibroblasts to ABCA1 ligands (apolipoproteins and amphipathic helical peptides) results in the generation of intracellular signals, including activation of the small G-protein Cdc42, protein kinases (PAK-1 and p54JNK), and actin polymerization. ApoA-I-induced signaling was abrogated by glyburide, an inhibitor of the ABC transporter family, and in fibroblasts from patients with Tangier disease, which do not express ABCA1. Conversely, induction of ABCA1 expression with the liver X receptor agonist, T0901317, and the retinoid X receptor agonist, R0264456, potentiated apoA-I-induced signaling. Similar effects were observed in HEK293 cells overexpressing ABCA1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein, but not ABCA1-GFP (K939M), which fails to hydrolyze ATP, or a nonfunctional ABCA1-GFP with a truncated C terminus. We further found that Cdc42 coimmunoprecipitates with ABCA1 in ABCA1-GFP-expressing HEK293 cells exposed to apoA-I but not in cells expressing ABCA1 mutants. We conclude that ABCA1 transduces signals from apoA-I by complexing and activating Cdc42 and downstream kinases and, therefore, acts as a full apoA-I receptor.  相似文献   

ABCG1, one of the half-type ATP binding cassette (ABC) proteins, mediates the efflux of cholesterol to HDL and functions in the reverse cholesterol transport from peripheral cells to the liver. We have shown that ABCG1 mediates the efflux of not only cholesterol but also sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine. Because SM preferentially associates with cholesterol, we examined whether it plays an important role in the ABCG1-mediated efflux of cholesterol. The efflux of cholesterol and SM mediated by ABCG1 was reduced in a mutant CHO-K1 cell line, LY-A, in which the cellular SM level is reduced because of a mutation of the ceramide transfer protein CERT. In contrast, CHO-K1 cells overexpressing CERT showed an increased efflux of cholesterol and SM mediated by ABCG1. The sensitivity of cells to methyl-beta-cyclodextrin suggested that cholesterol in nonraft domains was increased due to the disruption of raft domains in LY-A cells. These results suggest that the ABCG1-mediated efflux of cholesterol and SM is dependent on the cellular SM level and distribution of cholesterol in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare lung disease characterized by accumulation of surfactant. Surfactant synthesis and secretion are restricted to epithelial type 2 (T2) pneumocytes (also called T2 cells). Clearance of surfactant is dependent upon T2 cells and macrophages. ABCG1 is highly expressed in both T2 cells and macrophages. ABCG1-deficient mice accumulate surfactant, lamellar body-loaded T2 cells, lipid-loaded macrophages, B-1 lymphocytes, and immunoglobulins, clearly demonstrating that ABCG1 has a critical role in pulmonary homeostasis. We identify a variant in the ABCG1 promoter in patients with PAP that results in impaired activation of ABCG1 by the liver X receptor α, suggesting that ABCG1 basal expression and/or induction in response to sterol/lipid loading is essential for normal lung function. We generated mice lacking ABCG1 specifically in either T2 cells or macrophages to determine the relative contribution of these cell types on surfactant lipid homeostasis. These results establish a critical role for T2 cell ABCG1 in controlling surfactant and overall lipid homeostasis in the lung and in the pathogenesis of human lung disease.  相似文献   

以THP 1巨噬细胞源性泡沫细胞为研究对象 ,观察油酸对THP 1巨噬细胞源性泡沫细胞胆固醇流出和三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运体A1(ABCA1)表达的影响 ,以探讨油酸对动脉粥样硬化发生发展的影响。用液体闪烁计数器检测细胞内胆固醇流出 ,高效液相色谱分析细胞内总胆固醇、游离胆固醇和胆固醇酯含量 ,运用逆转录多聚酶链反应和Western印迹分别检测ABCA1mRNA与ABCA1蛋白的表达 ,采用流式细胞术检测细胞平均ABCA1荧光强度。实验显示油酸引起THP 1巨噬细胞源性泡沫细胞总胆固醇、游离胆固醇与胆固醇酯呈时间依赖性增加 ,而ABCA1蛋白水平、细胞平均ABCA1荧光强度以及apoA I介导的胆固醇流出呈时间依赖性减少 ,细胞内胆固醇增多 ,但ABCA1mRNA没有明显变化。结果表明 ,油酸减少THP 1巨噬细胞源性泡沫细胞ABCA1蛋白水平 ,降低细胞内胆固醇流出 ,增加细胞内胆固醇聚积。  相似文献   

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