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A chlorophyll a/b protein complex has been isolated from a resolved native photosystem I complex by mildly dissociating sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The chlorophyll a/b protein contains a single polypeptide of molecular weight 20 kilodaltons, and has a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 3.5 to 4.0. The visible absorbance spectrum of the chlorophyll a/b protein complex showed a maximum at 667 nanometers in the red region and a 77 K fluorescence emission maximum at 681 nanometers. Alternatively, by treatment of the native photosystem I complex with lithium dodecyl sulfate and Triton, the chlorophyll a/b protein complex could be isolated by chromatography on Sephadex G-75. Immunological assays using antibodies to the P700-chlorophyll a-protein and the photosystem II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein show no cross-reaction between the photosystem I chlorophyll a/b protein and the other two chlorophyll-containing protein complexes.  相似文献   

Apoproteins of spinach and pea light-harvesting chlorophylla/b complexes associated with photosystem I (LHCI) were identifiedby their chlorophyll fluorescence spectra and protein sequences.Spinach LHCI holocomplex consisted of four apoproteins of 25kDa, 23 kDa, 21 kDa and 20.5 kDa. LHCI subcomplex isolated bysucrose density gradient centrifugation fluoresced at 680 nmwith a shoulder around 700–710 nm at 77 K. It containedthe 23 kDa protein of which the N-terminal sequence correspondedto Type II gene of LHCI. Another LHCI subcomplex isolated bygel electrophoresis emitted at 679 nm and contained the 25 kDaprotein, of which the N-terminus was blocked. Its internal sequenceswere determined after protease treatment and found to be homologousto Type III gene of LHCI. An oligomeric subcomplex of LHCI isolatedby gel electrophoresis emitted at 726 nm and consisted of the21 kDa and 20.5 kDa apoproteins. N-terminal sequence of the20.5 kDa component corresponded to the Type I gene of LHCI.The 21 kDa component did not have any clear homologue, but itsN-terminal sequence was weakly but significantly homologousto all LHC components particularly to Type I LHCI among others.It was, thus, concluded that the 21 kDa protein is the fourthtype of LHCI apoprotein. Similar sequence homology was foundfor pea LHCI apoproteins. (Received September 10, 1990; Accepted November 22, 1990)  相似文献   

We demonstrate that photosynthetic adjustment at the level of the light-harvesting complex associated with photosystem II (LCHII) in Dunaliella salina is a response to changes in the redox state of intersystem electron transport as estimated by photosystem II (PSII) excitation pressure. To elucidate the molecular basis of this phenomenon, LHCII apoprotein accumulation and cab mRNA abundance were examined. Growth regimes that induced low, but equivalent, excitation pressures (either 13[deg]C/20 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 or 30[deg]C/150 ([mu]mol m-2 s-1) resulted in increased LHCII apoprotein and cab mRNA accumulation relative to algal cultures grown under high excitation pressures (either 13[deg]C/150 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 or 30[deg]C/2500 [mu]mol m-2 s-1). Thermodynamic relaxation of high excitation pressures, accomplished by shifting cultures from a 13 to a 30[deg]C growth regime at constant irradiance for 12 h, resulted in a 6- and 8-fold increase in LHCII apoprotein and cab mRNA abundance, respectively. Similarly, photodynamic relaxation of high excitation pressure, accomplished by a shift from a light to a dark growth regime at constant temperature, resulted in a 2.4- to 4-fold increase in LHCII apoprotein and cab mRNA levels, respectively. We conclude that photosynthetic adjustment to temperature mimics adjustment to high irradiance through a common redox sensing/signaling mechanism. Both temperature and light modulate the redox state of the first, stable quinone electron acceptor of PSII, which reflects the redox poise of intersystem electron transport. Changes in redox poise signal the nucleus to regulate cab mRNA abundance, which, in turn, determines the accumulation of light-harvesting apoprotein. This redox mechanism may represent a general acclimation mechanism for photosynthetic adjustment to environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

In the oxygen-evolving photosystem-II (PSII) of higher plantchioroplasts and green algae, most of the light-harvesting functionis performed by the chlorophyll (Chl) a-b-protein complex (LHC-II).On the average, the LHC-II contains about 210 Chl (a+b) moleculesper PSII reaction center. The polypeptide composition, copynumber and organization of assembly in the LHC-II complex arenot fully understood at present. This work utilized the chlorinaf2 mutant of barley (lacking Chl b and having a LHC-II antennaof only 13 Chl a molecules) to determine the organization andstability of assembly of proteins in the LHC-II. High-resolutionSDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis showed the presence of fourmain constitutive polypeptides in the wild-type LHC-II (termedhere subunits a, b, c and d) with molecular masses in the range30–25 kDa. Of those, only subunit d (a 25 kDa polypeptide)was found to occur at an equal copy number per PSII reactioncenter in both wild-type and in the Chl b-less chlorina f2 mutant.All other subunits were either absent or existed in much loweramounts in the mutant. Subunit d is a polypeptide constituentof the major Chl-protein subcomplex (CPII) of the LHC-II. Itis stably incorporated in the thylakoid membrane in the absenceof Chl b and probably binds the 13 Chl a molecules in the residualLHC-II antenna of the chlorina f2 mutant. We propose that, ofall LHC-II polypeptides, subunit d is most proximal to the PSIIcore and may serve as a linker in the process of excitationenergy transfer from the bulk LHC-II to the PSII reaction centerin chloroplasts. (Received February 25, 1992; Accepted May 12, 1992)  相似文献   

During a transition from high growth irradiance (700 micromoles quanta per square meter per second) to low growth irradiance (70 micromoles quanta per square meter per second), the unicellular marine chlorophyte Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher increases the cellular pool size of the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC II). We showed that the increase in LHC II apoproteins and in chlorophyll content per cell is preceded by an approximately fourfold increase in cab mRNA. The increase in cab mRNA is detectable within 1.5 hours following a shift from high to low light intensity. An increase in the relative abundance of cab mRNA was also found following a shift from high light to darkness and from high light to low light in the presence of gabaculine, a chlorophyll synthesis inhibitor. However, the LHC II apoproteins did not accumulate in the latter experiments, suggesting that LHC II apoprotein synthesis is coupled to chlorophyll synthesis at or beyond translation. We propose that changes in energy balance brought about by a change in light intensity may control a regulatory factor acting to repress cab mRNA expression in high light.  相似文献   

Isolation of LHCII, the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II, based on the procedure described by Krupaet al.(1987,Plant Physiol.84, 19–24), was optimized for obtaining purified lamellar aggregates with long-range chiral order and structural flexibility (the capability of undergoing light-induced reversible structural changes). By varying the concentration of the detergent Triton X-100 for the solubilization of thylakoid membranes, we obtained four types of LHCII aggregates: (i) With low detergent concentration, ≤0.6% (v/v), the aggregates contained lipids in high amount. These preparations with Chl a/b ratios of about 1.4 contained minor antenna complexes with a fingerprint of an additional CD band at (+) 505 nm; they formed disordered lamellae and exhibited no or weak psi-type CD bands (psi, polymerization- or salt-induced), which did not possess the ability to undergo light-induced changes (ΔCD). (ii) At the optimal concentration, around 0.7 ± 0.1% (v/v), the detergent removed some lipids and most of the minor complexes, and the Chl a/b ratio dropped to 1.0–1.1. LHCII formed loosely stacked two-dimensional lamellae which exhibited psi-type CD bands and large light-induced reversible structural changes (ΔCD). (iii) At detergent concentration above the optimum, around 0.8–1% (v/v), the lipid content of LHCII decreased and minor complexes could not be detected. LHCII formed disordered aggregates and showed neither psi-type CD nor ΔCD. (iv) High concentrations (≥1.1% (v/v)) Triton X-100 led to very pure but largely delipidated samples assembled into tightly stacked three-dimensional lamellar structures with intense psi-type CD but no ΔCD.  相似文献   

The green alga Chlamydobotrys stellata contains in addition to the normal light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex LHCPb a special LHCPa which is free of chlorophyll b and connected only to photosystem I (Brandt, Zufall, Wiessner 1983 Plant Physiol 71: 128-131). The kinetics of these two LHCP forms were analyzed during the transition in nutrition of the alga from autotrophy to photoheterotrophy, e.g. the replacement of CO2 by acetate as carbon source. As shown by incorporation experiments with [14C]acetate, this change in nutrition leads to an increased synthesis of LHCPa, whereas the synthesis of the photosystem II-related LHCPb decreases. The increase of the LHCPa synthesis starts immediately after the onset of photoheterotrophic nutrition together with the synthesis of the chlorophyll protein complex CPI. There is no interchange of complex components between LHCPa and LHCPb during the depletion of the latter. The formation of LHCPa is discussed with respect to the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

In Euglena gracillis var bacillaris, light exposure increases the level of mRNA encoding the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II (LHCPII) approximately twofold. LHCPII mRNA levels increased in the dark upon either malate or ethanol addition. LHCPII mRNA is present but LHCPII is not synthesized in the bleached mutants W3BUL and W10BSmL, which lack protochlorophyll(ide) and most if not all of the chloroplast genome. Light exposure increased LHCPII mRNA levels in W3BUL but not in W10BSmL. Carbon availability and light acting through a nonchloroplast photoreceptor appear to regulate LHCPII mRNA levels. A chloroplast photoreceptor and/or a product produced by the chloroplast appear to regulate LHCPII mRNA translation.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll (Chl) a-b light harvesting complex II (LHC II)contains more than 80% of the light-harvesting pigments of photosystemII (PS II) in chloroplasts. The supramolecular assembly andfunction of this auxiliary antenna system was investigated inChi b-deficient and Chi b-less mutant chloroplasts from soybeanand barley plants, and in their wild-type counterparts. Fourdistinct LHC II polypeptides were resolved by SDS-PAGE (subunitsa, b, c and d), having apparent molecular masses of 29, 28,27.2 and 26.8 kDa, respectively. The analysis of LHC II subunitcomposition in different developmental stages of the PS II unitin soybean (3>Chla/Chlbb>6), indicated the associationof specific subunits with the LHC H-inner and LHC II-peripheralin the chloroplast. The amount of subunit a in PS II was constantover a broad range of Chl a/Chl b ratios, suggesting that thissubunit is closely associated with the PS II-core complex. Subunitd also appeared to be constant over a wide range of Chl a/Chlb ratios, suggesting close association with the LHC II-inner.The PS II content in subunits b and c increased with the PSII antenna development in soybean but the ratio of b/c remainedconstant in all developmental stages and equal to 2 :1. Subunita was present in the Chl b-less chlorina f2 mutant of barleygrown under continuous illumination but was absent under intermittentillumination. The results suggest that each subunit binds 13-15Chl molecules. A working hypothesis is presented on the PS IIantenna development and LHC II subunit composition in soybeanchloroplasts. (Received October 11, 1988; Accepted January 19, 1989)  相似文献   

The effects were examined of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) onthe accumulation of Chl and apoproteins of light-harvestingChl a/b-protein complex of photosystem II (LHCII) in cucumbercotyledons under intermittent light. A supply of ALA preferentiallyincreased the accumulation of Chl a during intermittent illumination.However, when cotyledons were pretreated with a brief exposureto light or benzyladenine (BA), the stimulatory effect of ALAon the increase in the level of Chl b was greater than thatin the level of Chl a, resulting in decreased ratios of Chla/b. Time-course experiments with preilluminated cotyledonsrevealed that LHCII apoproteins accumulated rapidly within thefirst 30 min of intermittent illumination with a decline duringsubsequent incubation in darkness. A supply of ALA did not affectthe accumulation of LHCII apoproteins during the intermittentlight period, but it efficiently inhibited the decline in theirlevels during the subsequent darkness. After exposure to a singlepulse of light of BA-treated cotyledons, the prompt increasein levels of LHCII apoproteins was not accompanied by the formationof Ch b, which began to accumulate later. The pattern of changesin levels of LHCII apoproteins was quite similar to that inlevels of Chl a. These results suggest that LHCII apoproteinsare first stabilized by binding with Chl a and that an increasedsupply of Chl a and the accumulation of LHCII apoproteins areprerequisites for the formation of Chl b. 1Present address: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Scienceand Technology, Meijo University, Aichi, 468 Japan.  相似文献   

The main trimeric light-harvesting complex of higher plants (LHCII) consists of three different Lhcb proteins (Lhcb1-3). We show that Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA knockout plants lacking Lhcb3 (koLhcb3) compensate for the lack of Lhcb3 by producing increased amounts of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2. As in wild-type plants, LHCII-photosystem II (PSII) supercomplexes were present in Lhcb3 knockout plants (koLhcb3), and preservation of the LHCII trimers (M trimers) indicates that the Lhcb3 in M trimers has been replaced by Lhcb1 and/or Lhcb2. However, the rotational position of the M LHCII trimer was altered, suggesting that the Lhcb3 subunit affects the macrostructural arrangement of the LHCII antenna. The absence of Lhcb3 did not result in any significant alteration in PSII efficiency or qE type of nonphotochemical quenching, but the rate of transition from State 1 to State 2 was increased in koLhcb3, although the final extent of state transition was unchanged. The level of phosphorylation of LHCII was increased in the koLhcb3 plants compared with wild-type plants in both State 1 and State 2. The relative increase in phosphorylation upon transition from State 1 to State 2 was also significantly higher in koLhcb3. It is suggested that the main function of Lhcb3 is to modulate the rate of state transitions.  相似文献   

State transitions are an important photosynthetic short-term response that allows energy distribution balancing between photosystems I (PSI) and II (PSII). In plants when PSII is preferentially excited compared with PSI (State II), part of the major light-harvesting complex LHCII migrates to PSI to form a PSI-LHCII supercomplex. So far, little is known about this complex, mainly due to purification problems. Here, a stable PSI-LHCII supercomplex is purified from Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays) plants. It is demonstrated that LHCIIs loosely bound to PSII in State I are the trimers mainly involved in state transitions and become strongly bound to PSI in State II. Specific Lhcb1-3 isoforms are differently represented in the mobile LHCII compared with S and M trimers. Fluorescence analyses indicate that excitation energy migration from mobile LHCII to PSI is rapid and efficient, and the quantum yield of photochemical conversion of PSI-LHCII is substantially unaffected with respect to PSI, despite a sizable increase of the antenna size. An updated PSI-LHCII structural model suggests that the low-energy chlorophylls 611 and 612 in LHCII interact with the chlorophyll 11145 at the interface of PSI. In contrast with the common opinion, we suggest that the mobile pool of LHCII may be considered an intimate part of the PSI antenna system that is displaced to PSII in State I.  相似文献   

Maxwell DP  Falk S  Huner N 《Plant physiology》1995,107(3):687-694
The basis of the increased resistance to photoinhibition upon growth at low temperature was investigated. Photosystem II (PSII) excitation pressure was estimated in vivo as 1 - qp (photochemical quenching). We established that Chlorella vulgaris exposed to either 5[deg]C/150 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 or 27[deg]C/2200 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 experienced a high PSII excitation pressure of 0.70 to 0.75. In contrast, Chlorella exposed to either 27[deg]C/150 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 or 5[deg]C/20 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 experienced a low PSII excitation pressure of 0.10 to 0.20. Chlorella grown under either regime at high PSII excitation pressure exhibited: (a) 3-fold higher light-saturated rates of O2 evolution; (b) the complete conversion of PSII[alpha] centers to PSII[beta] centers; (c) a 3-fold lower epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle intermediates; (d) a 2.4-fold higher ratio of chlorophyll a/b; and (e) a lower abundance of light-harvesting polypeptides than Chlorella grown at either regime at low PSII excitation pressure. In addition, cells grown at 5[deg]C/150 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 exhibited resistance to photoinhibition comparable to that of cells grown at 27[deg]C/2200 [mu]mol m-2 s-1 and were 3- to 4-fold more resistant to photoinhibition than cells grown at either regime at low excitation pressure. We conclude that increased resistance to photoinhibition upon growth at low temperature reflects photosynthetic adjustment to high excitation pressure, which results in an increased capacity for nonradiative dissipation of excess light through zeaxanthin coupled with a lower probability of light absorption due to reduced chlorophyll per cell and decreased abundance of light-harvesting polypeptides.  相似文献   

Havaux M  Tardy F 《Plant physiology》1997,113(3):913-923
The chlorophyll-b-less chlorina-f2 barley mutant is deficient in the major as well as some minor light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complexes of photosystem II (LHCII). Although the LHCII deficiency had relatively minor repercussions on the leaf photosynthetic performances, the responses of photosystem II (PSII) to elevated temperatures and to bright light were markedly modified. The chlorina-f2 mutation noticeably reduced the thermostability of PSII, with thermal denaturation of PSII starting at about 35[deg]C and 38.5[deg]C in chlorina-f2 and in the wild type, respectively. The increased susceptibility of PSII to heat stress in chlorina-f2 leaves was due to the weakness of its electron donor side, with moderate heat stress causing detachment of the 33-kD extrinsic PSII protein from the oxygen-evolving complex. Prolonged dark adaptation of chlorina-f2 leaves was also observed to inhibit the PSII donor side. However, weak illumination slowly reversed the dark-induced inhibition of PSII in chlorina-f2 and cancelled the difference in PSII thermostability observed between chlorina-f2 and wild-type leaves. The mutant was more sensitive to photoinhibition than the wild type, with strong light stress impairing the PSII donor side in chlorina-f2 but not in the wild type. This difference was not observed in anaerobiosis or in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)- 1,1-dimethylurea, diuron. The acceptor side of PSII was only slightly affected by the mutation and/or the aforementioned stress conditions. Taken together, our results indicate that LHCII stabilize the PSII complexes and maintain the water-oxidizing system in a functional state under varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Efficient assembly and repair of the oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complex is vital for maintaining photosynthetic activity in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. How chlorophyll is delivered to PSII during assembly and how vulnerable assembly complexes are protected from photodamage are unknown. Here, we identify a chlorophyll and β-carotene binding protein complex in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 important for formation of the D1/D2 reaction center assembly complex. It is composed of putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase Ycf39, encoded by the slr0399 gene, and two members of the high-light-inducible protein (Hlip) family, HliC and HliD, which are small membrane proteins related to the light-harvesting chlorophyll binding complexes found in plants. Perturbed chlorophyll recycling in a Ycf39-null mutant and copurification of chlorophyll synthase and unassembled D1 with the Ycf39-Hlip complex indicate a role in the delivery of chlorophyll to newly synthesized D1. Sequence similarities suggest the presence of a related complex in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

A light-dependent reversible grana stacking-unstacking process, paralleled by a reorganization of thylakoid components, has been noticed in greening etiolated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, var. red kidney) leaves upon transfer to darkness. The reorganization, based on biochemical and biophysical criteria, involves mainly the photosystem II (PSII) unit components: upon transfer to darkness, the light-harvesting chlorophyll protein (LHCP), its 25 kilodalton polypeptide and chlorophyll b are decreased, while the CPa and its 42 kilodalton polypeptide are increased and new PSII units of smaller size are formed. This reorganization of components occurs only in thylakoids still in the process of development and not in those present in steady state conditions.

It is proposed that this process does not reflect the turnover of the LHCP component per se, but a regulatory process operating during development, by which the ratio of light-harvesting to PSII reaction center components, determined by the environmental conditions, controls the photosynthetic rate.


The development of thylakoid stacking, accumulation of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex (LHCP), and the changes of circular dichroism (CD) which reflect the organization of chlorophyll molecules in greening thylakoids of bean Phaseolus vulgaris cv Red Kidney leaves were investigated.

Chloroplasts formed under intermittent light contained large double sheets of membrane with extensive appression in addition to separate lamellae. Thylakoids of such chloroplasts were devoid of LHCP and exhibited a relatively small CD in the chlorophyll absorption region. Upon continuous illumination, the rearrangement of membranes to characteristic grana and the accumulation of the LHCP was accompanied by the gradual appearance of the very intense CD signal with peaks at 682 to 684 (+) and 665 to 672 nanometers (−). The magnitude of differential absorption was approximately 100 times larger than that of the chlorophyll a in solution. This suggests a superhelical liquid crystal-like organization for LHCP, a texture which can be altered by changes of the electric field in the photosynthetic membranes.


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