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Two phagotrophic euglenid strains (Strains Pac and Tam) were isolated from coastal locations in Taiwan. Ultrastructural characteristics of the strains included five pellicle strips joined at the posterior end. The strips were formed by major grooves with bifurcated edges. At the cell anterior, the feeding structure formed a lip. Underneath the lip was a comb composed of layers of microtubules. Farther back, two supporting rods tapered toward the posterior end, and a number of vanes with attached microtubules were present between the rods. The morphological characteristics agree with Ploeotia costata Strain CCAP 1265/1. However, the 18S rDNA sequences of Strains Pac/Tam lacked a group I intron and possessed three extra insertions of 116, 67, and 53 bp. Phylogenetic analysis indicated low sequence similarity between Strains Pac/Tam and CCAP 1265/1 (92%). The morphospecies P. costata apparently includes a substantial level of DNA sequence divergence, and likely represents multiple molecular species units.  相似文献   

Entosiphon sulcatum is a phagotrophic euglenoid. The tubular ingestion apparatus, called a siphon, is composed of three microtubular rods extending the length of the cell. Within the tube are four large striated vanes arranged much like the blades in a pinwheel. The vanes arise from the microtubular rods and curve towards the center of the feeding apparatus. Sheets of endoplasmic reticulum are positioned adjacent to each of the vanes and surround the perimeter of the apparatus. A cap, supported by a scaffold and anchored into the cytoplasm, covers the opening of the siphon. An elongate invagination of the plasma membrane is positioned adjacent to the edge of the cap and extends downward into the siphon forming the opening. The vanes converge at the anterior end of the siphon and surround the invagination. During feeding, the siphon protrudes from the cell. As the apparatus protrudes the cap is withdrawn to the side, opening the siphon. The vanes spread apart expanding the invagination of the plasma membrane into a large cavity into which ingested food particles are taken.  相似文献   

Phacus pleuronectes (O. F. Müller) Dujardin is a phototrophic euglenoid with small discoid chloroplasts, a flat rigid body, and longitudinally arranged pellicular strips. The flagellar apparatus consisted of two basal bodies and three flagellar roots typical of many phototrophic euglenoids but also had a large striated fiber that connected the two basal bodies and associated with the ventral root. The three roots, in combination with the dorsal microtubular band, extended anteriorly and formed the major cytoskeletal elements supporting the reservoir membrane and ultimately the pellicle. A cytoplasmic pocket arose in the reservoir/canal transition region. It was supported by the ventral root and a C-shaped band of electron-opaque material that lined the cytoplasmic side of the pocket. A large striated fiber extended from this C-shaped band toward the reservoir membrane. The striated fibers in the basal apparatus and associated with the microtubule-reinforced pocket in P. pleuronecte s appear to be similar to those of the phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of Ploeotia costata Farmer and Triemer was reconstructed using serial sectioning and TEM. The flagellar apparatus is similar to other euglenoids having two flagella arising from basal bodies connected by a striated fiber, and three asymmetrically arranged roots. The flagella emerge subapically from between the two ventral pellicle strips. The dorsal flagellum is 1/2 the body length and actively pulls the cell, while the ventral flagellum is twice the body length and drags along the substrate surface. The ventral and dorsal roots are on the opposite sides of their respective basal bodies, while the intermediate root is associated with the ventral flagellum on the side closest to the dorsal basal body. The dorsal root lines the dorsal side of the reservoir and after giving rise to the dorsal band lines the right side of the reservoir/canal. The ventral and intermediate roots join at the reservoir forming the intermediate-ventral root, which lines the left and ventral sides of the reservoir/canal. There was no evidence of a microtubule-reinforced pocket in P. costata. Comparisons with Ploeotia vilrea, Lentomonas applanatum, and related flagellar apparatuses led to the conclusion that the basic euglenoid flagellar structure is symplesiomorphic but with enough variation to be taxonomically diagnostic.  相似文献   

Stomatogenesis was studied in the heterotrich ciliate Blepharisma japonicum stained with protargol. During binary fission not only is a new oral apparatus made for the posterior daughter, but the already existing oral apparatus of the parent cell is reorganized, i.e., partially disassembled and then subsequently reassembled to provide a functional feeding apparatus for the anterior daughter cell. These morphogenetic events, requiring 2 1/2 to 3 hr, are complete by the time the anterior and posterior daughters separate. In preparation for division, an oral anlage is formed by the rapid proliferation of kinetosomes along 4-5 stomatogenic kinetics directly subtending the cytostome. This field of randomly oriented kinetosomes ultimately gives rise to the feeding apparatus of the posterior daughter cell. Early in division, the oral anlage separates into 2 longitudinal fields of kinetosomes: one is destined to give rise to the undulating membrane and the other forms the adoral zone of membranelles. Shorly after the anlage is established posterior to the cytostome, reorganization of the existing functional mouth is initiated. The morphologic changes associated with this dedifferentiation-redifferentiation sequence lead to the formation of an oral apparatus for the anterior daughter and cannot be distinguished from those characteristically seen during physiologic reorganization.  相似文献   

Feeding in Peranema trichophorum (Ehrenberg 1838) Stein 1878 was first observed over a century ago, yet there is still contention over how the feeding apparatus is used in feeding. Using video microscopy and scanning microscopy, this study documents two types of feeding. Peranema may engulf prey cells whole. Immotile cells are preferred, but moving cells occasionally are engulfed. Details of the early stages of engulfment are presented using scanning electron microscopy. A second method of feeding begins with the attachment of Peranema to a prey cell. The rods of the feeding apparatus then are repeatedly scraped over the surface of the prey until a tear occurs in the cell. The feeding apparatus is inserted into the opening and the internal cell contents are sucked out. The anterior flagellum is inserted into the prey to help remove the cell's contents.  相似文献   

A new cryptobiid flagellates, Cryptobia udonellae sp. n., is described from the excretory channels of Udonella murmanica. The body of flagellates is spindle-shaped. The flagellar pocket is subapical. Two flagella emerge from the pocket. One flagellum turns anterior and is forward-directed; the other flagellum is directed posterior and close to the ventral cell surface. The ventral groove is well developed. The cytostome opens just anterior to the flagellar pocket. The cytostome leads to the short cytopharynx. In the excretory channel of worms the flagellates C. udonellae sp. n. are attached to microvilli of epithelium or lay free in the lumen. Both flagellates have been studied with TEM. The unusual parasite system which involves organisms of four different phylums of animals has been described for the first time.  相似文献   

Fine structure of 2 species of Enteromonas, one from the intestine of the salamander, Triturus vulgairs, and another from the feces of domestic rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculi, is described. The pyriform cell has an anteriorly located nucleus. The 4 flagella originate from an area near the anterior end of the nucleus. The recurrent flagellum (R) is lodged in a ventral depression or cytostome. The kinetosomes, arranged into 2 pairs, anterior (no. 1, no. 2) and posterior ("3, R), are interconnected by microfibrils. One microtubular fiber, connected to kinetosome "1, is situated near the anterior surface of the nucleus. Another, subnuclear, microtubular fiber is homologous to the "crossed" fiber found in Diplozoa. The cytostome is bordered by 2 lips: the preeminent left lip is equipped with several rows of microtubules, while the right lip contains only a thin microtubular fiber associated with microfibrils. The cytostome occupies 2/3 of the ventral surface. The recurrent flagellum passos over the anterior surface of the cell and then comes to lie in the cytostome. The bacteria are phagocytosed in the bottom part of the cytostome between the 2 distended lips. They are digested in numerous vacuoles. The undigested residual bodies are evacuated by a rupture of the cell membrane. The ergastoplasm is concentrated near the cell periphery. Mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus are absent. In the cyst stage, the multinucleate cell is enclosed in a microfibrillar membrane; the axonemes lie free in the cytoplasm. Diplomonad forms of Enteromonas resembling Hexamita are numerous, except that the cytostome is different in these 2 genera. In such forms, the arrangement of the 2 individuals often has binary axial symmetry, but on occasion they are associated in a more anarchic fashion. The mastigont of Enteromonas is organized like that of a single zooid of a diplozoon. It is possible that the genus Enteromonas is ancestral to Diplomonadida and that the diplomonad state, transitory in Enteromonas, became permanently established in Diplomonadida. Enteromonas appears to be more primitive than the other genera of Diplomonadida. Thus we propose 2 suborders: Enteromonadina, subord. nov. with the genus Enteromonas, and Diplomonadina Wenyon, emend., with the genera Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Octomitus, Giardia. The arrangement of the kinetosomes and the existence of a cytostome are the principal characters common to Enteromonas and Retortamonadida, while their "accessory" fibers are not homologous. A more complete study of division of the 2 zooflagellate orders is necessary for the presentation of a more detailed evolutionary scheme of these groups.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Stomatogenesis was studied in the heterotrich ciliate Blepharisma japonicum stained with protargol. During binary fission not only is a new oral apparatus made for the posterior daughter, but the already existing oral apparatus of the parent cell is reorganized, i.e. partially disassembled and then subsequently reassembled to provide a functional feeding apparatus for the anterior daughter cell. These morphogenetic events, requiring 21/2 to 3 hr, are complete by the time the anterior and posterior daughters separate. In preparation for division, an oral anlage is formed by the rapid proliferation of kinetosomes along 4–5 stomatogenic kinetics directly subtending the cytostome. This field of randomly oriented kinetosomes ultimately gives rise to the feeding apparatus of the posterior daughter cell. Early in division, the oral anlage separates into 2 longitudinal fields of kinetosomes: one is destined to give rise to the undulating membrane and the other forms the adoral zone of membranelles. Shortly after the anlage is established posterior to the cytostome, reorganization of the existing functional mouth is initiated. The morphologic changes associated with this dedifferentiation-redifferentiation sequence lead to the formation of an oral apparatus for the anterior daughter and cannot be distinguished from those characteristically seen during physiologic reorganization.  相似文献   

A model of the feeding apparatus of Peranema trichophorum Ehrenberg has been constructed from electronmicrographs. A common opening leads via a short anterior canal to the reservoir and cytostome. The cytostome lies close to the internal opening of the canal, and can be moved forward during feeding, closing the passage to the reservoir, and displacing the flagella. The cytostome is supported by the rodorgan in its floor and a double serrated marginal lamella arching over its upper rim from dense bodies lying lateral to the cytostome. A working hypothesis for the movement of the feeding apparatus is proposed. The elaborate system of articulating lamellae operates through these dense bodies which may act as “hinge joints.” The rodorgan is pulled forward by contraction of longitudinal lamellae attached near the bases of the rods. Cytoplasmic pressure may also be involved. It is suggested that the pull is transmitted through the dense bodies and 2 anchoring lamellae to crescentic canal thickenings on either side of the canal opening. The cytostome, rodorgan and double serrated marginal lamella move forward to fill the external opening of the canal, now enlarged by sideways pull from the anchoring lamellae. Withdrawal of these structures sucks food into the cytostomal sac to be packed down by contraction of the double serrated lamella. It is postulated that the rodorgan operates through adhesion and cytolysis and is not adapted for piercing. A conspicuous striated fibril and associated groups of microtubules in the left wall of the reservoir are cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   

Electron microscope studies of the erythrocytic forms, including gametocytes and asexual schizonts, of the protozoa Plasmodium fallax, P. lophurae, and P. cathemerium, have revealed a "cytostome," a specialized organelle of the pellicular membrane which is active in the ingestion of host cell cytoplasm. In material fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in OsO4, the cytostome appears in face view as a pore limited by two dense circular membranes and having an inside diameter of approximately 190 mµ. In cross-section, the cytostome is a cavity bounded on each side by two dense segments corresponding to the two dense circles observed in face view; its base consists of a single unit membrane. In the process of feeding, the cytostome cavity enlarges by expansion of its membrane, permitting a large quantity of red cell cytoplasm to come into contact with the cytostome wall. Subsequent digestion of erythrocyte cytoplasm occurs exclusively in food vacuoles which emanate from the cytostome invagination. As digestion progresses, the food vacuoles initially stain more densely and there is a marked build-up of hemozoin granules. In the final stage of digestion, a single membrane surrounds a cluster of residual pigment particles and very little of the original host cell cytoplasm remains. The cytostome in exoerythrocytic stages of P. fallax has been observed only in merozoites and does not seem to play the same role in the feeding mechanism.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus and presumptive vestigial feeding apparatuses of a cold-water, photosynthetic, quadriflagellate euglenoid is described. The organism possesses two similar sets of flagella each consisting of one short and one long flagellum. Each pair of flagella is associated with three microtubular roots for a total of six roots in the basal apparatus. At the level of the ventral basal bodies, each intermediate root is nine-membered, while the ventral roots are composed of eight to nine microtubules. Only one of the ventral roots lines the single microtubule reinforced pocket. A four-membered dorsal root attaches to each dorsal basal body, and at the level of the reservoir each gives rise to a dorsal band. An additional bundle of microtubules, not arising from the microtubular roots of the basal apparatus, begins posterior to the basal apparatus as a small group of a few microtubules and extends anteriorly on the right ventral side of the reservoir ending at the canal. At the level of the stigma, the microtubules are organized into a multi-layered bundle that continues to increase in size and eventually splits to form two bundles at the level of the canal. We postulate that these bundles may represent the remnants of a rod-and-vane-type feeding apparatus like that found in many phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

M A Farmer  R E Triemer 《Bio Systems》1988,21(3-4):283-291
The flagellar apparatus of euglenoids consists of two functional basal bodies, three unequal microtubular roots subtending the reservoir, and a fourth band of microtubules nucleated from one of the flagellar roots and subtending the reservoir membrane. The flagellar apparatus of some euglenoids may contain additional basal bodies, striated roots ("rhizoplasts"), fibrous roots, striated connecting fibers between basal bodies, layered structures, or various electron-dense connective substances. With the possible exception of Petalomonas cantuscygni, nearly all euglenoids are biflagellate although the length of one flagellum may be highly reduced. The flagellar transition zone and number of basal bodies are highly variable among species. In recent years a cytoplasmic pocket that branches off from the reservoir has been discovered. The microtubules of the ventral flagellar root are continuous with the microtubules which line this pocket. Based on positional and structural similarities, this structure is believed to be homologous with the MTR/cytostome of bodonids. Coupled with other ultrastructural and biochemical data, the fine structure of the flagellar apparatus supports the belief that the euglenoid flagellates are descendant from bodonid ancestors.  相似文献   

Summary A short cylindrical pocket arises as an infolding from the ventral surface of the reservoir near the canal in several species ofEuglena (E. mutabilis, E. gracilis strain T,E. spec.). The structure is linked to a band of microtubules which is shown to be identical to the ventral flagellar root of the euglenoid flagellar root system. An absolute configuration analysis of the flagellar root system inE. mutabilis and a comparison with the flagellar apparatus of colourlessEuglenophyceae and the bodonids (Kinetoplastida) reveals structural and positional homology between the reservoir pocket ofEuglena and the cytostome of these organisms and strongly supports the phylogenetic derivation of theEuglenophyceae from theKinetoplastida and the evolution of greenEuglenophyceae from phagotrophic colourless taxa. The functional significance of the cryptic cytostome ofEuglena is discussed in relation to the occurrence of intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

The functional mouth of exuviotrophic apostome ciltates appears only after an elaborate metamorphosis that begins at the onset of the molting of their crustacean hosts. In the tomite. a non-feeding migratory stage, a mid-ventrai depression at the origin of kineties x, y and z has been misidentified as the cytostome. Studies of fine structure and morphogenesis identify the true but nonfunctional cytostome—the subapiral lateral canal —and the falciform and ogival fields as the adoral ciliature. The anterior row of barren kinetosomes that parallels on the right the anterior third of the lateral canal is actually the infraciliature of a paroral. 2 rows of barren staggered kinetosomes. The canal itself is a narrow tube, its walls partially lined with microtubules. It begins 2–3 μm from the apex of the body and passes between falciform field 9 and the ogival field to end near the end of the ogival field. The fine structure of the infraciliature of the falciform and ogival fields differs markedly from that of the somatic kineties. In the host's early pre-molt stages, the paroral migrates across the ventral surface of the encysted phoront and is accompanied by the microtubules of the lateral canal. The anterior end of falciform field 9 disorganizes into scattered kinetosomes, the trophont's anterior field of kinetosomes, but the posterior end migrates in an arc across the anterior ventral surface and remains as kinety a located near the angle where kinety 1 sharply par ra continues posteriad ind dorsad to the posterior limit of the extended cytostome. At the end of metamorphosis it sinks into The cytoplasm and disappears. The completion of the extended cytostome, the functional mouth, marks the termination of the microstome-macrostome transformation. The fine structure of the infraciliature and microtubular elements making up the macrostome and the evocation of the microstome-macrostome transformation in the presence of specific foods suggest that apostome ciliates any more properly be a suborder of Hymenostomatida rather than a subclass of Oligohymenophorea.  相似文献   

Cell structure, cell adhesion, and stalk formation have been examined by electron microscopy in the colonial flagellate, Cephalothamnium cyclopum. Each cell is obconical or spindle-shaped, pointed posteriorly and truncated anteriorly. The cell membrane is underlain by epiplasm 0.1 μm thick in the posterior region, but bands of microtubules support the anterior region which is differentiated into a flagellar pocket, oral apparatus and contractile vacuole. Each of 2 flagella, joined a short way above their bases by an interflagellar connective, has a paraxial rod and mastigonemes. One flagellum is free and is important in food gathering while the other is recurrent and lies in a shallow groove on the ventral cell surface but projects posteriorly into the stalk. The basal bodies of these flagella are bipartite structures connected by a pair of striated rootlets with accessory microtubular fibers. The oral apparatus consists of a funnel-shaped buccal cavity and cytostome. It is supported by helical and longitudinal microtubules and also has nearby striated and microtubular fibers. Possible roles of associated oral vesicles in relation to ingestion are discussed. A reticulate mitochondrion houses a massive kinetoplast which has a fibrillar substructure resembling that of dinoflagellate chromosomes. Adjacent flagellates adhere by laminate extensions of their posterior regions and attach by their recurrent flagella to a communally secreted stalk composed of finely fibrillar material. This study indicates that Cephalothamnium belongs in the order Kinetoplastida, and has many features in common with members of the family Bodonidae.  相似文献   

The living morphology, infraciliature and morphogenesis of a new marine cyrtophorid ciliate, Hartmannula sinica nov. spec., collected from Qingdao, north China, have been investigated. The new species is characterized by: size in vivo 90–130×40–50 μm, body long elliptical in outline, cilium-free field covered with a conspicuous alveolar layer; 24–31 ventral kineties, the rightmost 6–9 of which extend apically; 20–24 nematodesmal rods; about 15 sparsely distributed contractile vacuoles; a yellowish pigment spot is always present near the anterior tip of the cell. Morphogenetic events exhibit a pattern, which is homologous with that of related cyrtophorids. The main features are as follows: (1) preoral and circumoral kineties of opisthe develop from the oral primordium that forms in mid-body from sections of 3 postoral kineties, while parental preoral and circumoral kineties are retained; (2) parental cytostome and nematodesmal rods are resorbed in middle divisional stages and then replaced by newly formed structures; (3) the heteromerous macronucleus unifies in the late divisional stage.  相似文献   

Mesodinium rubrum Lohmann is a photosynthetic marine ciliate that has functional chloroplasts of cryptophyte origin. Little is known about the oral ultrastructure of M. rubrum compared with several reports on the sequestration of nuclei and plastids from prey organisms, such as Geminigera cryophila and Teleaulax species. Here, we describe the fine structure of the oral apparatus of a M. rubrum strain from Gomso Bay, Korea. The cytopharynx was cone‐shaped and supported by 20–22 ribbons of triplet microtubules. At the anterior end of the cytopharynx, an annulus anchored small cylinders composed of 11 microtubules. The small cylinders were spaced at regular intervals, each reinforced by one set of the triplet microtubules. At the opening of the cytostome, larger 14‐membered microtubular cylinders were set adjacent to the small, 11‐membered microtubular cylinders, each pair surrounded by separate membranes, however, only the large cylinders extended into the oral tentacles. There were 20–22 oral tentacles each having one to five extrusomes at its tip. At the anterior end of the oral apparatus, microtubular bands supporting the cytostome curved posteriad, extending beneath the cell cortex to the kinetosomes of the somatic cirri. The microtubular bands were connected by striated fibers and originated from kinetosomes anchored by fibers. Each cirrus consisted of eight cilia associated with 16 kinetosomes. The ultrastructure of M. rubrum from Korea provides information useful for taxonomic characterization of the genus Mesodinium and relevant to developing a better understanding of the acquisition of foreign organelles through phagocytosis by M. rubrum.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of a marine, free-living heterotrophic kinetoplastid Cruzella marina was investigated with special attention being paid to the mitochondrion and flagellar organization. The flagellates have a polykinetoplastidal mitochondrion. Two flagella emerge from the pocket; one of these turns anteriorly being forward-directed, while the other is posteriorly directed to be adjacent to the ventral cell surface. The transition zone of both the flagella includes central filaments. The cytostome opens on the tip of the rostrum. The cytostome leads to the channel of cytopharynx, which penetrates the rostrum and proceeds into the flagellate body cytoplasm. The comparison of the relevant morphological and molecular data suggest that C. marina may arise early in the Kinetoplastidea lineage, before divergence of the majority taxa of the kinetoplastid flagellates.  相似文献   

A new pleurostomatid genus Apoamphileptus is described, which is diagnosed as: Belonging to the Amphileptidae with spica on right side; on each side of the cell, a single perioral kinety, which encircles the cytostome and does not extend to the posterior end of the cell; somatic kineties of both sides near ventral margin shortened and forming a postoral suture; two to several extra fragments with densely arranged dikinetids located in anterior portion of left side. As the type species, the morphology and infraciliature of Apoamphileptus robertsi nov. spec., isolated from a shrimp-farming pond near Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, have been investigated using living observations and the protargol silver impregnation method. The diagnosis for this new species is: Apoamphileptus 90-180 x 30-60 microm in vivo, body elongate pyriform-shaped and slightly flattened; with one cross-striated band along the cytostome; 2-6 (generally 4) large macronuclear nodules, one micronucleus; 33-43 right somatic kineties; left side 6-8 kineties; two extra anterior fragments on left side; about 13 contractile vacuoles dispersed throughout whole body; extrusomes absent or not recognizable; marine habitat. Some morphologically related morphotypes are discussed and tabulated. Regarding the pattern of infraciliature and other morphological features, the well-described fresh-water species, Amphileptus claparedii Stein, 1867 is believed to be a member of this new genus, hence a new combination is suggested: Apoamphileptus claparedii (Stein, 1867) nov. comb.  相似文献   

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