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ABSTRACT Four new species of Symphypleona, Ptenothrix plumiseta, Deuterosminthurus serratus, Sminthurus annulatus, Smithurinus distinctus , are described from Korea. Especially two genera, Deuterosminthurus and Sminthurinus are new record to Korea. Korean Collembola Symphypleona add up to 18 species, 11 genera in 6 family.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Four new species of the collembolan genus Xenylla, X. convexopyga, X. longistriata, X. dotata and X. marina from Korea are described. X. convexopyga is characterized by an absence of the dorsal seta m3 on Th. II-III. While the other three new species share similarities in dorsal chaetotaxic characters. However, they are dissimilar in the following respects: ventral chaetotaxy, body colour, presence or absence of inner teeth on unguis, the length proportion of abdominal segments and thoracic segments, arrangement of anal papillae and the general shape of apical bulb of fourth antennal segment. As a result of this study, a total of 25 species in 6 genera of Hypogastruridae have been recorded from the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

A new species, Homidia pseudoformosana from Korea is described in the present paper. The new species is characterized by labral papillae, ciliated labial seta L1 and dorsal chaetotaxy of abdominal segment IV. The detailed differences between similar Homidia species are provided.  相似文献   

岳巧云  傅荣恕 《昆虫学报》2000,43(4):394-402
自Uchida(1948)从山西东冶县发现中国第1种水生Podura aquatica Linnaeus, 1785以来,中国弹尾目水生种类再未见报道。该文记述了采自上海植物园水塘静水表面的弹尾目5新种,水生原Podura aquatica, 尹氏球角Hypogastrura yinae sp. Nov., 沼生陷等Isotomurus palustris, 水生握角圆Sminthurides aquaticus 及刺拟勃氏圆Pseudobourletiella spinata。 其中水生握角圆和刺拟勃氏圆为中国新记录种,尹氏球角为新种。新种的模式标本及观察的其它种的标本存放在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

A new species, Desoria mulyeongariensis, shares some characters with D. choi (Lee), such as the number of setae on retinaculum and apical setae on manubrium. However, it could be easily distinguished from D. choi by the number of ommatidia. This species is also well characterized by having long and thickened smooth macrosetae on the body, and 6 basomedian setae on labium.  相似文献   

From epiphytic mosses and ferns of remnants of mountain forest in the páramo region of Colombia, Sturmius epiphytus n. gen. n. spec, a taxon that resembles the Katianniformia, is described, the appendices anales of which are, however, directed towards the posterior. Analysis of characters allows a statement of the systematic position: in phylogenetic systematics, Sturmius epiphytus and the Katianniformia form a monophylum Anteriora as the sister group of the Sminthuriformia; in Linnean categories, for Sturmius n. gen., a new family Sturmiidae must be established with a new superfamily Sturmioidea as the sister group of a new superfamily Katiannoidea.  相似文献   

本文记述了采自长白山的圆科齿棘贺圆属一新种。此物种与八棘齿棘圆Arrhopalitesocta-CanthusYosii1970相近,但前者通过不同的头顶强棘数弹器基背面刚毛数,不同的齿节刚毛类型及上爪被膜缺如等特征与后者分开。新种最显著的特征是第Ⅵ腹节具有特殊的C系列刚毛。  相似文献   

Abstract A new species, Avhopalites nanjingensis sp. nov., is described from Nanjing, China. It shares some features with A. octacathus , but is characterised by its special subanal appendages and cir-cumanal seta C1.  相似文献   

记述广东弹尾纲 1 新种广东丽虫兆Callyntrura (Javaphysa) guangdon gensis sp. nov.,该新种与C. (J.) javana Yosii,1992 在上唇和下唇上比较相似,但是它们在体色、齿节刚毛、头部 V0 大毛、胸部第2节毛序有较大的区别。  相似文献   

对颚毛虫兆属Crossodonthina Yosii, 1954做了简要介绍,提供了该属的鉴别特征,记述了采自中国湖南省东安县舜皇山的颚毛虫兆属1新种——周氏颚毛疣虫兆Crossodonthina choui,这是该属在华中地区(湖南)的新记录。新种的正模标本(♂)和2个副模标本(2♂)保存在中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述了中国圆科齿棘圆属一新种,南京齿棘圆Arrhopalitesnanjingensissp.nov.。该圆的许多形态特征与A.octacathus相近,但可根据围肛附器等结构的不同将二者区分。  相似文献   

Two new species, Heteraphorura koreana sp. nov. and Psyllaphorura jirisana sp. nov., of the tribe Hymenaphorurini are described and illustrated based on materials from South Korea. Heteraphorura koreana sp. nov. belongs to the oriental species-group of the genus Heteraphorura, because of compound vesicles in the postantennal organ. This new species shares the same number of PAO with Heteraphorura pseudoseolagensis (Martynova, 1981) from Russia, but differs in pso dorsal formula and lateral teeth of claw. Psyllaphorura jirisana sp. nov. is similar to Psyllaphorura sensillifera.(Martynova, 1981) from the Russian Far East, but can be distinguished by shape of vesicles in PAO, dorsal s-chaetae on head and ratio AS/unguis. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F854CBFD-06D0-4396-B8D9-62468B427111.  相似文献   

Abstract A new species, Arrhopalites chungbaishanensis is described from Mt. Changbai, northeast China. The present species shares some characters with A. octacanthus, but it differs from the latter by the number of vertical thick spines and manubrial dorsal setae, types of dental setae and the absence of tunica on unguis. In comparison with the other congeneric species, the mast striking character of the present species is its special shapes of the C-series setae besetting on sixth abdominal segment.  相似文献   

Three species of interstitial Collembola in Entomobryidae were identified from South Korean coast. One of them, Sinella (Coecobrya) maritima, is new to science. So far 21 halophilous species in 10 families of Collembola, including the new species in this paper, were reported from the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

Australian species of Sinella (Sinella) Brook (Collembola: Entomobryidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  The Australian subgenus Sinella ( Sinella ) Brook is revised. Two species are recognised. A new species from New South Wales and South Australia, Sinella ( Sinella ) samueli , is described and the widely distributed species Sinella ( Sinella ) termitum Schött is redescribed based on examination of a specimen from the type series and fresh collections from a wide range of localities in south-eastern Australia. New patterns of chaetotaxy for the genus are described from these species.  相似文献   

记述浙江省大雷山刺齿虫兆属 1 新种,张氏刺齿虫兆Homidia zhangi sp. nov., 该种鉴别特征有体色,光滑下唇毛 L1,腹部第 4 节后侧中间 3+3 根大刚毛及长度相近的特化毛,腹部第 1 节和第 5 节特化毛的相对位置以及腹管侧瓣和弹器端区的大量纤毛状刚毛。模式标本保存于南京大学生命科学学院和台州学院生命科学学院。  相似文献   

A new species of Clytus Laicharting (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is described from Korea. Illustrations of diagnostic characteristics of the new species including male genitalia are provided with a key to Korean Clytus species.  相似文献   

本文讨论了华球角[虫兆]属并描述江苏1新种:五齿华球角[虫兆]Chinogastrura quinidentis,sp.nov.。该种与分布在中国和日本的Ch.duplwispinosa(Yosii),1954最为接近,如具4个臀刺、相似的角后器和弹器的端节等,但在握弹器、弹器基和齿节以及触角上的毛序等方面有别于后者。 正模:♂,江苏南京南京大学校园,1990-Ⅱ-26,采集号8118,KennethA.Christiansen采;副模:2多♂♂和2♀♀,同正模。模式标本保存在南京大学生物科学与技术系。  相似文献   

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