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Recent sediment stratigraphy in two lakes with extensive artificial drainage of surrounding peatbogs was studied by 210Pb and 137Cs dating and chemical and diatom analyses. In contrast to many other lakes with similar ditching history, the visual appearance of the recent sediments in both of these lakes is homogeneous. In the larger lake, Kyyvesi, the sediment accumulation rate seems to have increased, but no major changes in the chemical properties or diatom stratigraphy are to be seen. In the organic dy sediment of Suuri-Rostuvi the ignition residue increases and there is a mass occurrence of Asterionella ralfsii, an acidophilic plankton diatom, clearly due to ditching and fertilization of the catchment bogs in 1970. Mercury content is increased in both lakes in the sediment layer corresponding to the ditchings — more abruptly in Suuri-Rostuvi, up to 2.4 µg g–1 DW. In Kyyvesi a first Hg maximum was dated to the 1930's — possibly related to agricultural use of Hg as fungicide (seed dressing) in the large partly cultivated drainage area.The limnologic effects and stratigraphic manifestation of extensive peatbog ditching in geomorphically, geologically and hydrologically different drainage basins are discussed.  相似文献   

Examination of two 90 cm sediment cores from Front Lake, a shallow (1 m) eutrophic habitat, revealed a chironomid community consisting of at least 24 species prior to the destruction of the fauna by an intrusion of salt water resulting from the high tides associated with the Saxby Gale of 1869. With the withdrawal of the salt water and a return to freshwater conditions, 23 species recolonized the lake. Of these, 22 were also found in the preintrusion community. The three species not common to both freshwater periods constituted only 2.3% of the head capsules recovered. Consequently, the chironomid community established in Front Lake both before and after the salt water intrusion had essentially identical species compositions, relative abundances of each species, and species diversity indices.  相似文献   

Conservation of salt lakes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
W. D. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1993,267(1-3):291-306
Salt lakes have a variety of important uses and values, including especially both economic and scientific ones. These uses and values have been and are increasingly subject to degradation from a variety of impacts: diversion of inflows, pollution, agricultural practices, and introduction of exotic species are among the more important. Recognition of these impacts upon salt lakes has led to some international and national measures for their conservation, but considerably more effort in this direction is needed. Against this background, Mono Lake, California, USA, and the Aral Sea, central Asia, are discussed as two localities which bring into sharp focus the various matters discussed in the paper. Finally, attention is drawn to the need to conserve the Akrotiri Salt Lake, Cyprus.  相似文献   

Subterranean or groundwater estuaries occur in porous and cavernous substrates where groundwater abuts the ocean. Like surface estuaries, they are strongly stratified, temporally and hydrochemically heterogeneous environments that support complex hydrogeochemical and biological processes and ecological communities. Here, we contend that groundwater estuaries also occur where groundwater flow approaches salt lakes and provide evidence in the context of groundwater (valley or phreatic) calcretes in palaeovalleys of the arid western plateau of Australia. The calcrete groundwater estuaries display marked and complex physico-chemical gradients along, across and through the groundwater flow path. From the first principles and the density differences between water bodies, we may expect the form and dynamics of the saltwater front to mimic that of marine estuaries but with the dynamic and temporal response to changing hydrology heavily dampened, and driven by the episodic groundwater recharge and lake filling typical of arid regions. The calcrete aquifers support diverse biological communities of obligate groundwater animals, largely endemic to a given calcrete body. These communities comprise both macro and microinvertebrates, predominantly a suite of crustacean higher taxa, and a great diversity of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) isolated in the calcrete aquifers between ca. 5 and 8 million years ago. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Reavie  Euan D.  Smol  John P.  Dillon  Peter J. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,481(1-3):61-74
Lake eutrophication continues to be a major concern in many lake regions, but long-term monitoring data are often lacking. Therefore, indirect proxy methods must be used to infer these missing data sets. Two methods were applied to infer pre-industrial and present-day lakewater total phosphorus concentrations (TP) in a suite of 50 hardwater lakes in southern Ontario (Canada). One method inferred TP from the diatom species composition in the tops (present-day inferences) and bottoms (pre-1850 inferences) of sediment cores. The other method applied the Lakeshore Capacity Model (LCM), which is a mass-balance model based on phosphorus export coefficients that relate lakes and their watershed characteristics to epilimnetic nutrient concentrations. Diatom-based estimates of preindustrial to present-day change show that 78% of the lakes increased in TP (29% significantly) and 8% decreased. According to model error, 63% of the lakes have not significantly changed. LCM estimates show that 56% of the lakes have increased in TP, and the remainder (44%) have not changed. The average inferred increase in TP was similar for both models, but a lake-by-lake comparison indicated marked differences in model output. In particular, a paired comparison of diatom-based and LCM-based inferences of preindustrial TP shows no correlation. It is suggested that lake managers be thorough when collecting data for either model, and model selection should be carefully considered. The LCM and diatom-based models perform better in regions that are geologically similar to where the respective models were calibrated. Advantages and disadvantages of each model are further discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at reviewing general knowledge of large European perialpine lakes as provided by sediment studies, and at outlining the contribution, from several lines of evidence, of modern paleolimnology in both interpreting past lake ecological evolution and forecasting lake responses to future human impacts. A literature survey mainly based on papers published in international journals indexed on ISI-Wos and Scopus from 1975 to April 2017 has been conducted on the 20 perialpine lakes with zmax?≥?100 m and lake area?≥?10 km2, and on 4 shallower perialpine lakes representing hotspots of extensive neo- and paleo-limnological research. By pinpointing temporal and spatial differences in paleolimnological studies conducted in the Alpine countries, the review identifies knowledge gaps in the perialpine area, and shows how sediment-based reconstructions represent a powerful tool, in mutual support with limnological surveys, to help predicting future scenarios through the “past-forward” principle, which consists in reconstructing past lake responses to conditions comparable to those to come. The most recent methodological developments of sediment studies show the potential to cope with the increasing ecosystem variability induced by climate change, and to produce innovative and crucial information for tuning future management and sustainable use of Alpine waters.  相似文献   

In much of the northern Great Plains, saline and hypersaline lacustrine brines are the only surface waters present. As a group, the lakes of this region are unique: there is no other area in the world that can match the concentration and diversity of saline lake environments exhibited in the prairie region of Canada and northern United States. The immense number of individual salt lakes and saline wetlands in this region of North America is staggering. Estimates vary from about one million to greater than 10 million, with densities in some areas being as high as 120 lakes/km2. Despite over a century of scientific investigation of these salt lakes, we have only in the last twenty years advanced far enough to appreciate the wide spectrum of lake types, water chemistries, and limnological processes that are operating in the modern settings. Hydrochemical data are available for about 800 of the lake brines in the region. Composition, textural, and geochemical information on the modern bottom sediments has been collected for just over 150 of these lakes. Characterization of the biological and ecological features of these lakes is based on even fewer investigations, and the stratigraphic records of only twenty basins have been examined. The lake waters show a considerable range in ionic composition and concentration. Early investigators, concentrating on the most saline brines, emphasized a strong predominance of Na+ and SO4 -2 in the lakes. It is now realized, however, that not only is there a complete spectrum of salinities from less than 1 ppt TDS to nearly 400 ppt, but also virtually every water chemistry type is represented in lakes of the region. With such a vast array of compositions, it is difficult to generalize. Nonetheless, the paucity of Cl-rich lakes makes the northern Great Plains basins somewhat unusual compared with salt lakes in many other areas of the world (e.g., Australia, western United States). Compilations of the lake water chemistries show distinct spatial trends and regional variations controlled by groundwater input, climate, and geomorphology. Short-term temporal variations in the brine composition, which can have significant effects on the composition of the modern sediments, have also been well documented in several individual basins. From a sedimentological and mineralogical perspective, the wide range of water chemistries exhibited by the lakes leads to an unusually large diversity of modern sediment composition. Over 40 species of endogenic precipitates and authigenic minerals have been identified in the lacustrine sediments. The most common non-detrital components of the modern sediments include: calcium and calcium-magnesium carbonates (magnesian calcite, aragonite, dolomite), and sodium, magnesium, and sodium-magnesium sulfates (mirabilite, thenardite, bloedite, epsomite). Many of the basins whose brines have very high Mg/Ca ratios also have hydromagnesite, magnesite, and nesquehonite. Unlike salt lakes in many other areas of the world, halite, gypsum, and calcite are relatively rare endogenic precipitates in the Great Plains lakes. The detrital fraction of the lacustrine sediments is normally dominated by clay minerals, carbonate minerals, quartz, and feldspars. Sediment accumulation in these salt lakes is controlled and modified by a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Although the details of these modern sedimentary processes can be exceedingly complex and difficult to discuss in isolation, in broad terms, the processes operating in the salt lakes of the Great Plains are ultimately controlled by three basic factors or conditions of the basin: (a) basin morphology; (b) basin hydrology; and (c) water salinity and composition. Combinations of these parameters interact to control nearly all aspects of modern sedimentation in these salt lakes and give rise to four 'end member' types of modern saline lacustrine settings in the Great Plains: (a) clastics-dominated playas; (b) salt-dominated playas; (c) deep water, non-stratified lakes; and (d) deep water, "permanently" stratified lakes.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify reference conditions (nutrient status and diatom assemblages) as required by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for stratified, carbonate-rich lowland lakes with a large watershed area (watershed area to lake volume ratio (WV) > 1.5 km2 10−6 m−3) and a retention time (RT) from 0.1 to 10 years (Central Baltic Lake-Type 1, German Lake-Type 10) in European ecoregion 14. Diatoms, pollen and geochemistry were analysed from sediment cores of six lakes from northern Germany representing different subtypes of Lake-Type 10 (varying WV and RT) and covering the past 290–1,750 years. Historic total phosphorus levels were inferred using diatom-based transfer functions selected from a merged European data set and from optimised data sets identified with the moving-window approach. Pollen and geochemical proxies were used to identify occurrence and intensity of anthropogenic catchment usage. Lake trophic state reference conditions and associated diatom assemblages were identified for three of the six study lakes. In contrast, according to fossil pollen assemblages, two lakes were already strongly impacted by intensive catchment usage when the oldest investigated sediments were laid down. Thus, reference conditions of these already eutrophic lakes could not be identified. Similarly, the lowermost samples of a core from the sixth lake showed signs of impact, and it remains unclear whether the identified dystrophic conditions occurred naturally or if they were due to the drainage of wetlands in Medieval times. Lakes with a relatively small WV (1.5–5.0 km2 10−6 m−3) and RT > 1 year were naturally oligotrophic to low mesotrophic and a typical, representative diatom assemblage was identified. In contrast, typical reference conditions or diatom assemblages for lakes with higher WV (5–18.6 km2 10−6 m−3) and RT < 1 year could not be identified as chemical precipitation and upstream lakes (nutrient sinks or sources) additionally influenced natural nutrient levels. Therefore, the reference situation of both trophic state and diatom assemblages in a lake may be strongly influenced by other modifying, limnological processes in addition to WV and RT. Overall, this study helps to implement the WFD by identifying reference conditions and by discussing the level of differentiation of lake types required to set reference conditions. Guest editors: K. Buczkó, J. Korponai, J. Padisák & S. W. Starratt Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water  相似文献   

F. A. Comin  M. Alonso 《Hydrobiologia》1988,158(1):237-245
A large number of small saline lakes are distributed throughout Spain. Four main lake districts occur from sea level to 1000 m.a.s.l. Most lakes are temporary because of the arid conditions in the Spanish endorheic areas. Many lakes are situated in Tertiary depressions in NE. and S. Spain. Lake basins were formed in karstic areas by hydrologic and aeolian erosion. Saline lakes in NE. Spain occupy areas isolated between river basins. The major ions encountered in these lakes are usually sodium-chloride and magnesium-sulphate; sodium carbonate or sodium-sulphate rich waters also occur.The biota of Spanish salt lakes is related to that of a larger biogeographical region which includes the Mediterranean countries. The main types of salt lakes in Spain include: (1) temporarily mineralized but not highly saline lakes, salinity is less than 7 g l-1. Chara canescens, C. aspera, Zanichellia palustris, Daphnia atkinsoni, Mixodiaptomus incrassatus and Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii are the most characteristic organisms. (2) Temporary salt lakes, salinity fluctuates between 7 and 300 g l-1. Chara galioides, Lamprothamnion papulosum, Daphnia mediterranea, Arctodiaptomus salinus and Cletocamptus retrogressus are the most common species. (3) Permanent salt lakes, Ruppia maritima, Najas marina and Artemia salina are the characteristic organisms.  相似文献   

Chinese and Mongolian saline lakes: a limnological overview   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
W. D. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1991,210(1-2):39-66
More than half of China's lakes are saline (viz. have salinities > 3 g L−1). Most salt lakes are in northwestern China (Tibet, Qinghai, Sinkiang, Inner Mongolia). Most Mongolian salt lakes are in the west of that country. Tectonic movements have been of the greatest importance in lake origins, but aeolian activity and deflation have also played a role. Many salt lakes in Qinghai-Tibet lie at altitudes > 4 000 m.a.s.l.; Aiding Hu (Sinkiang) lies at −154 m.a.s.l. Again, many lakes are large in area and deep. Small, shallow lakes are also common. Dimictic thermal patterns prevail in deep lakes, polymictic patterns in shallow ones. The highest salinity recorded is 555 g L−1. The salinity of Qinghai Lake, the largest Chinese salt lake, is 14 g L−1, but mean lake salinity on the northern Tibetan plateau is about an order of magnitude greater. Lop Nor has a salinity of ∼ 5 g L−1. Dominant ions are Na and Cl; Mg, Ca, SO4 and HCO3 + CO3 are important in certain lakes. Most major ions originate by weathering and leaching from rocks. pH values are generally high (often > 9.0). There are no bird or fish species confined to salt lakes, though many are associated with lakes of low or moderate salinity. Artemia occurs widely inland and in coastal salt pans, but is the only major macroinvertebrate of highly saline lakes. In lakes of only low to moderate salinity, invertebrate communities comprise widespread halotolerant freshwater forms and halophiles, some regionally endemic. Submerged and emergent macrophytes occur in lakes of low salinity, but phytoplankton species are more halotolerant. Ctenocladus circinatus, a green alga, is known from a Tibetan salt lake with a salinity of 200 g L−1. There is a dearth of basic limnological information on Chinese and Mongolian salt lakes. More work in particular is needed on a variety of geographically widespread lakes to (a) document seasonal physico-chemical events, and (b) compile comprehensive biological inventories of taxa present. Chinese salt lakes are significant sites for palaeoclimatic research, for conservation purposes, and for the resolution of several important biological questions (especially of an ecological and biogeographical sort). They also have important economic values. Unfortunately, the natural existence of many appears to be threatened by decreased inflows, largely the result of human impact on catchments.  相似文献   

Limnology - An effective way to access processes of ecological communities and ecosystems is the use of functional traits; therefore, the use of the functional characteristics of diatoms in...  相似文献   

An 18-month-study of 40 saline wetlands, ranging from 6 to 336 g l−1, on the west and southern coasts of Eyre Peninsula yielded 88 species of invertebrates, some aquatic plants and a fish. The invertebrates are taxonomically diverse and include 38 crustaceans, 28 insects, 12 molluscs and significantly an aquatic spider, a nemertean, two polychaetes, two sea anemones, a sponge and a bryzoan. Most were tolerant of wide fluctuations in salinity, there being 51 halobionts, 21 halophils and only 16 salt-tolerant freshwater species. Many invertebrates are restricted to the thalassic springs where marine molluscs dominated. Athalassic wetlands were dominated by crustaceans and were of two basic types—coastal and continental. There is evidence of the former evolving biologically into the later, and for some lakes to be still in transition. There is also evidence of increasing salinity in recent decades and already two lakes exhibit severe secondary salinity. Like other salt lakes in Australia the fauna is regionally distinctive. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

John P. Smol 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(3):199-208
Stratigraphic analyses of the postglacial sediments of Little Round Lake and the recent sediments of two additional southern Ontario lakes were used to compare the relative abundance of fossil diatom frustules to chrysophycean statospores. Relatively few statospores were recorded during eutrophic phases in the lakes' histories such as during periods of anthropogenic activity in the lakes' catch me nt, when diatom frustules were abundant. The increased relative abundance of statospores during the early postglacial in Little Round Lake was attributed to both oligotrophy and a short growing season, conditions that currently exist in many high arctic lakes. From these data it is seen that the ratio of fossil diatom frustules to chrysophycean statospores may provide a useful paleolimnological index of trophic status in temperate lakes. The advantages of this index include its simplicity, the fact that frustules and statospores can be enumerated from the same microscope slides, and that the ratio is independent of sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Daphniopsis found in Australian salt lakes is described and illustrated. A differential diagnosis and short taxonomic remarks are presented.  相似文献   

John M. Melack 《Hydrobiologia》1983,105(1):223-230
Among athalassic salt lakes of the world large, deep lakes are rare. A comparative analysis of Mono(USA), Walker (USA), Qinghai Hu (China), Shala (Ethiopia), Van (Turkey), Panggong Tso (Indian Tibet) and Karakul (USSR) (with emphasis on the two italicized lakes) reveals a number of ecological similarities. The criteria for selection were a mean depth greater than 15 m, an area greater than 100 km2 and a salinity greater than 10 g l?1 and less than 100 g l?1. The Aral and Caspian Seas were excluded because of the relict marine affinities of their biota. Large, deep salt lakes are located at moderate to high altitude in mountainous terrain: They stratify and mix at least once per year, and dissolved oxygen is depleted in the hypolimnia of most. The lakes contain alkaline, sodium rich waters with considerable chloride, sulfate and carbonate plus bicarbonate. Phosphate concentrations are usually high while inorganic nitrogen varies widely. Secchi disk transparency ranged from < 1 m to ca. 20 m. Supersaturation of dissolved oxygen, abundant animals and seasonally high algal populations indicate that some of the lakes are productive. All except Mono contain fish.  相似文献   

Lake Eyre South, a large and normally dry playa in central Australia, filled with water in January 1984. Water persisted until January 1985. Salinity rose between these dates from 25 to > 270. Monthly observations on the fauna were made to determine if it consisted of widely dispersed species, and thus to test the assumption that episodically filled salt lakes are unimportant as evolutionary loci for the fauna of salt lakes. It was concluded that most species in the lake were indeed widely dispersed. Particularly common components of the fauna were: Craterocephalus eyresii (Steindachner) (fish), an undescribed species of Diacypris (ostracod), Moina baylyi Forró (cladoceran), Tanytarsus barbitarsis Freeman (chironomid), Parartemia minuta Geddes (anostracan), and Microcyclops platypus (Kiefer) (copepod).  相似文献   

Comments on the so-called salt lakes of Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W. D. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1991,210(1-2):67-74
Most athalassic standing waters in Greenland have conductivities < 1 000 μmhos. Those with higher conductivities have salinities mostly < 3 g L−1; they are generally referred to as ‘saline’ within Greenland. Only a single water-body is known with a conductivity of > 10 000 μmhos. Saline waters have Na or Mg as dominant cations, and low concentrations of SO4. Their biota is very depauperate and apparently comprises a few salinity-tolerant elements of the local freshwater biota. There is no regional assemblage of halophilic species.  相似文献   

Collections of algae, mainly planktonic, were made from 41 saline lakes in southern Saskatchewan ranging in salinity from 3.2 to 428 g l-1. Algae in 7 phyla, 8 classes, 42 families, 91 genera and 212 species and varieties were identified. Fourteen species were restricted to hypersaline (50 g l-1) waters and eleven of these were diatoms. In general, species diversity was inversely related to lake salinity. Algae that were important community constituents over a broad spectrum of salinities were the green algae Ctenocladus circinnatus, Dunaliella salina and Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum, the blue-green Lyngbya Birgei, Microcystis aeruginosa, Oscillatoria tenuis, O. Utermoehli and Nodularia spumigena and the diatoms Melosira granulata, Stephanodiscus niagarae and Chaetoceros Elmorei. In general green algae were dominant when lake salinity exceeded 100 g l-1 although diatoms played important roles in most of these highly saline lakes except for Patience Lake.  相似文献   

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