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染色质可及性(chromatin accessibility)作为一种衡量染色质结合因子与染色质DNA结合能力高低的染色质属性,是评价染色质结构稳态的重要指标之一,在多种细胞核进程中扮演重要角色,包括基因转录调控以及DNA损伤修复等。该属性的异常调控与多种疾病的发生发展密切相关,包括肿瘤以及神经退行性疾病等。对于该属性探究已经成为生命科学与疾病领域的热点。伴随越来越多的新技术应运而生,例如染色质构象捕获技术、高通量测序技术以及两种技术的结合等。随着技术的进步,多种参与调控染色质可及性的因素被发现和总结,包括核小体占位、组蛋白修饰以及非编码RNA等。多项大规模的染色质组学数据绘制了多种疾病的染色质可及性图谱,为揭示疾病的发生发展与染色质可及性之间的关系提供了数据支持。同时,随着单细胞染色质可及性测序技术的发展,实现了对细胞类型染色质层面的划分,弥补了单纯依赖基因表达划分细胞类型的不足。本文将从染色质的组成与可及性、影响染色质可及性的因素、染色质可及性的检测方法,以及染色质可及性与癌症的关系等方面简要阐述染色质可及性的研究进展。  相似文献   

真核生物的DNA以染色质形式通过逐级折叠压缩形成高级结构存在于细胞核中。染色质高级结构直接参与了真核基因的转录调控和其它与DNA相关的生物学事件,因此研究染色质高级结构对了解表观遗传学分子机制有着至关重要的作用。近些年,研究者们针对30 nm染色质高级结构提出了两个模型:螺线管模型和Zig-Zag模型。2014年,我们利用体外染色质组装体系重建了30 nm染色质纤维,运用高精度冷冻电镜技术得到了分辨率为11?的30 nm染色质纤维的精细结构,提出了30 nm染色质高级结构的左手双螺旋Zig-Zag模型。本文综述了30 nm染色质纤维结构研究方面的相关进展,并对30 nm染色质高级结构的表观遗传调控机理以及单分子成像和操纵技术在研究30 nm染色质高级结构中潜在的应用作出讨论和展望。  相似文献   

转录活性常染色质与受阻遏异染色质的染色质传统分类曾是一个有用的模型,但它应该进行升级,以适应人们日益增加的有关染色质功能域的知识。一项在果蝇中对与蛋白质有关的53种染色质进行的大规模综合性全基因组分析表明,染色质有5种主要类型;这些可以构成描述表观基因组的新框架。  相似文献   

 本文从染色质及转录活性染色质的模板效率探讨辐射对核转录活性影响的机制。实验结果表明:(1)肝脾染色质模板功能的变化分别平行与肝脾细胞核转录活性的变化提示,辐射至少部份是通过改变染色质的模板功能而影响细胞核的转录活性;(2)体外照射下,活性染色质模板活性较非活性染色质改变明显,提示射线可能主要是通过影响活性染色质区域的模板功能而改变核合成RNA的能力。  相似文献   

在真核生物中,基因组DNA是被高度包装成染色质的形式而存在的,这就对基因在复制、转录、修复、重组时的功能分子有效地接近DNA形成了天然屏障,执行上述生化反应需要松散染色质的结构,染色质松散是染色质动态变化即染色质重塑(chromatin remodeling)的一种形式.越来越多的证据表明,染色质重塑在DNA损伤反应中起着非常重要的作用,染色质重塑过程可以把损伤应答和修复蛋白募集到损伤位点,从而完成修复.为了进一步探讨染色质重塑和DNA损伤修复的偶联机制,采用了基于Lac抑制子和Lac操纵子的大规模染色质重塑报告系统,并借助GFP分子荧光显示方法,建立了可以直观地观察染色质松散的技术.在利用该技术证实了DNA损伤应答蛋白TIP60能够强烈诱导染色质松散的基础上,发现P53诱导基因3蛋白(PIG3)在细胞辐射DNA损伤反应中也能够一定程度地诱导染色质松弛.这些结果证明此技术是可靠的,也为阐述DNA损伤修复与染色质重塑关联机制提供了新的信息.  相似文献   

芽殖酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)是用来研究异染色质形成、细胞周期、DNA复制等重要细胞功能的理想单细胞真核生物.本文主要介绍这2种酵母中异染色质形成的机制.异染色质是一种抑制基因转录和DNA重组的特殊染色质结构.尽管在芽殖酵母和裂殖酵母中异染色质形成都需要组蛋白修饰,但异染色质建立的机制不同.在芽殖酵母中参与异染色质形成的主要蛋白是Sir1-4蛋白(其中Sir2为组蛋白H3去乙酰化酶),而组蛋白H3赖氨酸9甲基化酶Clr4和异染色质蛋白Swi6在裂殖酵母异染色质形成中起关键的作用.在这两个酵母中,参与异染色质形成的组蛋白修饰蛋白由DNA结合蛋白招募到异染色质.此外,裂殖酵母也利用RNA干扰系统招募组蛋白修饰蛋白.  相似文献   

染色质重塑是真核生物表观遗传调控的重要方式.通过对染色质物理结构的调节,染色质重塑在高等动植物干细胞的自我更新及分化、器官和个体发育以及肿瘤发生等多种生物学过程中发挥重要作用.近年来,高等动植物染色质重塑方面的研究已经成为表观遗传学研究领域的热点.本综述总结近年来有关高等动植物染色质重塑的重要研究报道,介绍了染色质重塑的结构机制、分析比较了高等动植物染色质重塑复合体的组成及其生物学功能的多样性,并着重综述了高等植物SWI/SNF染色质重塑复合体各组分在调控植物发育与逆境生长等方面的功能,以期为今后植物中染色质重塑的研究提供启示.  相似文献   

 本实验对不同鼠龄(4—,16—17—,33—34—和99—103周)大鼠老化动物模型进行脑细胞核、染色质体外转录研究,结果表明:(1)大脑皮层细胞核、染色质转录活性在老化过程中呈下降趋势,其中RNA聚合酶Ⅰ、Ⅱ活性与染色质模板效率变化一致,说明染色质模板活性降低是导致细胞核转录功能减退的原因之一。(2)幼年鼠染色质RNA和NHCP含量高于老年鼠,提示染色质结合蛋白及RNA可能参与不同生理时期脑神经元染色质结构和功能的调节。(3)老年鼠脑染色质DNA抗DN-aseⅠ酶解能力增强,提示衰老导致转录活性染色质区域减少。  相似文献   

刘峰涛 《生命的化学》2004,24(2):108-109
真核细胞的染色体分为异染色质和常染色质。异染色质的形成和传播是通过对组蛋白的甲基化、乙酰化的修饰,提供HP1的识别位点实现的。过去认为与异染色质结合的蛋白质是固定的,现有研究表明与异染色质结合的蛋白质是流动的,因此转录激活因子与异染色质蛋白的竞争,可能决定了异染色质的开放,并为基因的转录提供了前提。  相似文献   

真核生物的基因组在细胞核中以染色质的形式存在,染色质的功能与它的三维结构紧密相关,例如,基因组的复制、转录、调控、DNA突变、长链非编码RNA的传播和胚胎发育等生物功能都是在细胞核的三维空间中完成的.随着染色体构象捕获及其衍生技术与高通量测序技术的结合,产生了大量的染色质交互作用数据.根据这些染色质交互作用数据,研究人员已经提出很多种方法来重建染色质的三维结构.这些方法有助于在不同分辨率下系统地研究染色质的三维结构,为更好地了解染色质的调控功能提供了结构依据.本文总结了近期染色质三维结构建模方法的进展,并探讨了其在研究染色质生物学功能方面的应用.  相似文献   

We have used light microscopy and serial thin-section electron microscopy to visualize intermediates of chromosome decondensation during G1 progression in synchronized CHO cells. In early G1, tightly coiled 100-130-nm "chromonema" fibers are visualized within partially decondensed chromatin masses. Progression from early to middle G1 is accompanied by a progressive uncoiling and straightening of these chromonema fibers. Further decondensation in later G1 and early S phase results in predominantly 60-80-nm chromonema fibers that can be traced up to 2-3 microns in length as discrete fibers. Abrupt transitions in diameter from 100-130 to 60-80 nm along individual fibers are suggestive of coiling of the 60-80-nm chromonema fibers to form the thicker 100-130-nm chromonema fiber. Local unfolding of these chromonema fibers, corresponding to DNA regions tens to hundreds of kilobases in length, reveal more loosely folded and extended 30-nm chromatin fibers. Kinks and supercoils appear as prominent features at all observed levels of folding. These results are inconsistent with prevailing models of chromosome structure and, instead, suggest a folded chromonema model of chromosome structure.  相似文献   

果蝇多线染色体β异染色质区的螺旋结构(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using conventional electron microscopy, beta heterochromatin of polytene chromosome of Drosophila virilis was composed of 80-100nm chromonemas. Helical structures consisting of the 30nm chromatin fibres were identified in the chromonema. Based on these observations, the radial loop model and the multiple coiling model were discussed.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in chromatin structure are nowadays the object of intensive research due to its importance for proper regulation of intranuclear processes. The fine structure of chromatin within the DNA replication sites was studied in in situ fixed cells and cells permebilized by low ionic strength solutions in the presence of divalent cations. The latter method provides visualization of higher level chromatin structures such as globular chromomeres and chromonema fibres. Nascent DNA was detected immunochemically using anti-BrdU antibodies on the surface of ultrathin sections prepared from Epon-embedded material. It was shown that newly replicated DNA preferentially localized within the zones filled with globular and fibrillar elements with characteristic diameter of 30 nm, and not in chromonema fibres, while after replication had been completed DNA became embedded into as thick as 60-80 nm chromonema elements. The results obtained are discussed in the context of conception of hierarchical folding of chromatin fibers.  相似文献   

Conformational changes of in chromatin structure play a key role in the regulation of intranuclear processes and, therefore, are under advanced study. In the paper presented, the fine structure of chromatin in DNA replication sites was examined in cells fixed in situ and in cells permeabilized in low ionic strength solutions in the presence of divalent cations. The method provides the visualization of higher-level chromatin structures, globular chromomeres, and chromonema fibres. Nascent DNA was detected on the surface of ultrathin sections immunochemically using anti-BrdU antibodies. It was shown that newly replicated DNA preferentially localizes within the zones filled with globular and fibrillar elements 30 nm in diameter. DNA-completed replication became embedded in 60–100-nm-thick chromonema elements. The results are discussed in the context of the hierarchical folding of chromatin fibers.  相似文献   

用低渗处理和苯酚品红染色,在经过卡诺液(甲醇3∶冰醋酸1)固定和未经固定的红翅皱膝蝗减数分裂染色体上都看到了螺旋结构。观察和测量结果表明,每条染色单体都是由430nm左右的染色线螺旋形成的。由染色线到染色体的压缩率为4∶1。低渗处理后固定的材料经过银染,则显示了染色体轴结构。同样,未经低渗处理直接固定的材料银染时也出现了轴结构。银染的轴结构位于每个染色单体的中央,并贯穿整个染色单体。在光镜下,这个轴并不是直径均一的棒状结构,而似乎是由许多大小相近的颗粒相连而成。本文对染色体结构的有关模型、骨架和轴结构的真实性以及轴和螺旋的关系等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Using methods of in vivo observation and ultrathin sectioning, it is shown that chromosomes of metaphase PE cells, previously treated with diluted Henk's solutions (70, 30 and 15%), undergo some structural transitions resulting in the formation of micronuclei. At the early stages of hypotonic treatment chromosomes are seen considerably swollen and losing the higher levels of organization, including the chromonema and chromomeres. The chromosomal bodies are formed by DNP fibers 10-25 nm in diameter making loops radiating from the central part of the chromatids. Chromosomes are capable of recondensing from this state by consecutive reconstitution of G-bands, chromomeres and the chromonema. The subsequent secondary decondensation of chromosomes is analogous to telophase decondensation at the normal mitosis, but it results in the formation of a great number of small nuclei (micronuclei). The chromatin structure in micronuclei as well as their ability to synthesize RNA and to replicate DNA show these effects to be reversible. It has been suggested that the loop organization of DNP may be essential for sustaining the structural integrity of the mitotic chromosome.  相似文献   

Burakov VV  Chentsov IuS 《Tsitologiia》2002,44(10):988-995
This paper deals with the ultrastructure and behavior of interphase chromatin and metaphase chromosomes of L-197 culture cells under experimental conditions, which help to reveal the chromonemal level of chromosomal structure after the treatment of living cells with 0.1% Triton X-100 and 3 mM CaCl2. In these conditions, the chromonemata can be seen as dense chromatin fibers with thickness about 100 nm. Such chromosomes, whose chromonemal substructure after the treatment with hypotonic solution (10 mM Tris-HCl), look like loose chromosomal bodies composed of elementary 30 nm DNP fibrils. On the other hand, if chromosomes, in which chromonemal levels were revealed by 3 mM CaCl2, were treated with etidium bromide and then illuminated by light with length wave about 460 nm, no chromosomal decondensation in hypotonic conditions is observed. Chromonemata in chromosomes stabilized by light retain their density and dimensions. It is very important that chromonemata in stabilizated chromatin of metaphase chromosome keep specific connections between themselves and also general trend in their composition inside the chromosome. Thus, we have found conditions for observation of chromonemal elements in metaphase chromosome, providing the possibility for future three-dimensional investigation of chromonema packing in mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

YR—黏和染色体模型初探(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
季静  王罡 《遗传》2001,23(4):359-361
我们刨建了一个新的染色体模型LYR-黏和染色体模型,30nm螺线管通过JW-梯(或YU-梯)、染色线经螺旋化形成染色体。通过包装比、长度的推算、染色体结构的推算、以及碱基对的推算都与实验观测值吻合,确认了YR-黏和模型的可信度。YR-染色体模型能自然、合理地解释所有遗传现象,如交换、着丝粒、全身着丝粒或弥散型着丝粒染色体、同源染色体联会及联会复合体的中央区、多线染色体与膨突、灯刷染色体、染色体分带、姊妹染色体由前期到中期不分开、花粉管会导入外源遗传物质、高等生命是怎样从原始生物进化而来的等等。  相似文献   

Selected purified tRNA and DNA samples were digested by standard enzymatic methods, and the nucleosides were separated by high-pressure liquid chromatography on reversedphase columns. Nanomole sensitivity was obtained by use of an integrator. The nucleosides were detected at wavelengths near their uv-absorption maxima, including 220 nm for dihydrouridine, and 330 nm for 4-thiouridine. Recovery values for the individual nucleosides were in the range of 94–100%. The nucleoside composition of the DNA and tRNA digests were in accurate and precise agreement with published values.  相似文献   

A study of ultrathin sections of normal Chinese hamster cells and cells treated with decreasing concentrations of bivalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) in situ revealed several discrete levels of compaction of DNA-nucleoprotein (DNP) fibrils in mitotic chromosomes and the chromatin of interphase nuclei. At concentrations ranging from 3 mM CaCl2 and 1 mM MgCl2 to ten times less, the chromosomes are found to contain fibrous elements (chromonemata) about 100 nm in diameter. As Ca2+ concentration is gradually decreased to 0.2–0.1 mM, the chromosomes decondense into a number of discrete chromatin structures, the chromomeres. As decondensation proceeds, these chromomeres acquire a rosettelike structure with DNP fibrils radiating from an electron-dense core. Upon complete decondensation of chromosomes, individual chromomeres persist only in the centromeric regions. The following levels of DNP compaction in mitotic chromosomes are suggested: a 10-nm nucleosomal fibril, a 25-nm nucleomeric fibril, and the chromonema, a fibrous structure, about 100 nm in diameter, composed of chromomeres. Interphase nuclei also contain structures which are morphologically similar to the chromomeres of mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

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