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The polarization bremsstrahlung from thermal electrons scattered by the Debye sphere of an ion in a plasma is studied in the quasiclassical approximation. The model of the local plasma frequency is used to check the validity of the asymptotic expression for the polarizability of the electron cloud of an ion in the high-frequency range. This asymptotic expression is then used to derive a formula for the intensity of the total effective polarization bremsstrahlung. The R factor (the ratio of the contribution from the polarization bremsstrahlung to the contribution from conventional static bremsstrahlung) is obtained as a function of the plasma coupling parameter and electron density in order to analyze the role of the polarization bremsstrahlung in the total bremsstrahlung of the thermal plasma electrons. The spectral intensity of the effective polarization bremsstrahlung is calculated in the rotational approximation, which was previously employed in the theory of conventional static bremsstrahlung. It is shown that the spectral intensity of the polarization bremsstrahlung from thermal electrons scattered by the Debye sphere around an ion, as compared with the polarization bremsstrahlung by fast superthermal electrons, decreases more gradually with increasing frequency.  相似文献   

Nonlinear inverse bremsstrahlung absorption is investigated for a plasma photoionized in the Bethe regime of suppression of the ionization barrier, in which case the electron velocity distribution coincides with the distribution of atomic electrons. A comparison is made between the characteristic features of absorption in the cases where atomic electrons before ionization are in the ns and np states. It is established that, in the case of np states, the effective high-frequency conductivity is always nonlinear; in particular, for weak pump fields, it is proportional to the square of the pump field strength. The maximum plasma conductivity associated with p electrons is one order of magnitude lower than the maximum effective conductivity associated with s electrons, which creates conditions for less efficient plasma heating through inverse bremsstrahlung absorption.  相似文献   

The polarization properties of X-ray emission from micropinch discharge plasma in the spectral range corresponding to the K-lines of iron were studied experimentally. It is shown that emissions of different nature differ in the preferred orientation of polarization. The mechanisms responsible for the emission polarization are discussed.  相似文献   

Applicability of negative ion fast atom bombardment (FAB)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was examined in trace mixture analyses and structural assignments of some isoprenoid diphosphates. Negative ion FAB-MS spectra using a glycerol matrix of these isoprenoid diphosphates showed predominantly molecular ions (M-H)- together with fragment ions at m/z 177 (H3P2O7)-, 176 (H2P2O7)-, 159 (HP2O6)-, and 79 (PO3)- which were characteristic of the diphosphate ester moiety. The molecular ions did not overlap with peaks arising from any impurities even when crude sample such as butanol extracts from enzymatic reaction mixtures were directly analyzed without any purification. Moreover, collisionally activated dissociation spectra of the molecular ion showed many structurally significant fragment ions which enabled us to elucidate the structures of such irregular alkyl chain moieties as those having a homoisoprenoid skeleton or substituted structures. These studies indicate that negative ion FAB-MS/MS is a simple and useful technique for trace mixture analysis and structure elucidation of isoprenoid diphosphates.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of fast Z-pinches produced in plasmas of high-Z elements. An analysis of a plasma structure emitting X radiation and time-resolved measurements of the electron emission showed that a self-consistent regime of electron and ion motion is established in the plasma channel of the discharge. It was found that, in this regime, the electron component makes a negative contribution to the net current and an electrically neutral supersonic plasma flow propagates along the discharge axis in the direction of the net current.  相似文献   

The dipole moment is calculated for an electric-field-induced polarization of a Debye-Hückel ion atmosphere surrounding a charged rod. If L is the length of a thin rod. Q is its linear charge density, Z is charge of the salt ion in solution, and k is the Debye-Hückel shielding parameter, then for KL less, similar 10, the calculated polarizability is proportional to Z(2)Q(2)L(1.8)/K(1.2). Comparison with experimental data for DNA shows that the ion atmosphere dipole is of the correct magnitude and is consistent with observed variations with Z, Q, L and k.  相似文献   

Camacho CJ 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3342
Ion channels play a central role in setting gradients of ion concentration and electrostatic potentials, which in turn regulate sensory systems and other functions. Based on the structure of the open configuration of the Kv1.2 channel and the suggestion that the two ends of the N-terminal inactivating peptide form a bivalent complex that simultaneously blocks the channel pore and binds to the cytoplasmic T1 domain, we propose a six state kinetic model that for the first time reproduces the kinetics of recovery of the Drosophila Shaker over the full range of time scales and hyperpolarization potentials, including tail currents. The model is motivated by a normal mode analysis of the inactivated channel that suggests that a displacement consistent with models of the closed state propagates to the T1 domain via the S1-T1 linker. This motion stretches the bound (inactivating) peptide, hastening the unblocking of the pore. This pulling force is incorporated into the rates of the open to blocked states, capturing the fast recovery phase of the current for repolarization events shorter than 1 ms. If the membrane potential is hyperpolarized, essential dynamics further suggests that the T1 domain returns to a configuration where the peptide is un-stretched and the S1-T1 linker is extended. Coupling this novel hyperpolarized substate to the closed, open and blocked pore states is enough to quantitatively estimate the number of open channels as a function of time and membrane potential. A straightforward prediction of the model is that a slow ramping of the potential leads to very small currents.  相似文献   

YAKUSA is a program designed for rapid scanning of a structural database with a query protein structure. It searches for the longest common substructures called SHSPs (structural high-scoring pairs) existing between a query structure and every structure in the structural database. It makes use of protein backbone internal coordinates (alpha angles) in order to describe protein structures as sequences of symbols. The structural similarities are established in 5 steps, the first 3 being analogous to those used in BLAST: (1) building up a deterministic finite automaton describing all patterns identical or similar to those in the query structure; (2) searching for all these patterns in every structure in the database; (3) extending the patterns to longer matching substructures (i.e., SHSPs); (4) selecting compatible SHSPs for each query-database structure pair; and (5) ranking the query-database structure pairs using 3 scores based on SHSP similarity, on SHSP probabilities, and on spatial compatibility of SHSPs. Structural fragment probabilities are estimated according to a mixture transition distribution model, which is an approximation of a high-order Markov chain model. With regard to sensitivity and selectivity of the structural matches, YAKUSA compares well to the best related programs, although it is by far faster: A typical database scan takes about 40 s CPU time on a desktop personal computer. It has also been implemented on a Web server for real-time searches.  相似文献   

A gas-dynamic model is used to study the conditions for the existence of large-amplitude ion acoustic solitons in a plasma with negative ions. It is shown that the limiting Mach number—the upper boundary of the region of existence of compression solitons—depends nonmonotonically on the temperature of the positive ions. The result is that, for certain fixed densities of the negative ions, there are one or two temperature boundaries between the regions where solitons can and cannot exist. It is found that, for rarefaction solitons, it is fundamentally important to take into account electron inertia and that the Mach number of such solitary waves is restricted not by the complete decompression of electrons within the wave (as thought previously), but by the fact that the electrons at the center of the wave reach the acoustic speed, above which the thermal-pressure-induced action cannot be transferred back to the electron flow and smooth continuous solutions are impossible.  相似文献   

Results are presented from time-resolved measurements of the soft X-ray emission in the 10-to 40-eV spectral range from the plasma of a pulsed capillary discharge in argon at current pulse amplitudes of up to 26 kA and a current rise time of ~1012 A/s. The experiments were carried out with 0.3-cm-diameter 15.7-cm-long ceramic capillaries filled with argon at a pressure of 0.25–0.5 Torr in the SIGNAL electrophysical facility. The experimental data are interpreted via computer simulations of the magnetohydrodynamics and level-by-level ion kinetics of an argon plasma. The results obtained indicate that soft X-ray laser pulses with a photon energy of 26.4 eV and duration of 1–2 ns are generated ≈33 ns after the beginning of the discharge current pulse.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is an important post-translational modification. Analysis of glycopeptides is difficult using collision-induced dissociation, as it typically yields only information about the glycan structure, without any peptide sequence information. We demonstrate here how a 3D-quadrupole ion trap, using the complementary techniques of collision induced dissociation (CID) and electron-transfer dissociation (ETD), can be used to elucidate the glycan structure and peptide sequence of the N-glycosylated peptide from a fractionated tryptic digest of the lectin from the coral tree, Erythina cristagalli. CID experiments on the multiply protonated glycopeptide ions yield, almost exclusively, cleavage at glycosidic bonds, with little peptide backbone fragmentation. ETD reactions of the triply charged glycopeptide cations with either sulfur dioxide or nitrobenzene anions yield cleavage of the peptide backbone with no loss of the glycan structure. These results show that a 3D-quadrupole ion trap can be used to provide glycopeptide amino acid sequence information as well as information about the glycan structure.  相似文献   

The physics of the heating of an inertial fusion target by a high-energy ion beam under the conditions of fast ignition of fusion reactions is studied theoretically. The characteristic features of the formation of the spatial distribution of the energy transferred to the plasma from a beam of ions with different initial energies, masses, and charges under fast ignition conditions are determined. The notion of the Bragg peak is extended with respect to the spatial distribution of the temperature of the ion-beam-heated medium. The parameters of the ion beams are determined with which to initiate different regimes of fast ignition of a thermonuclear fuel precompressed to a density of 300–500 g/cm3—the edge regime, in which the ignition region is formed at the outer boundary of the target, and the internal regime, in which the ignition region is formed within the target and, in particular, in its central parts.  相似文献   

The problem of self-consistent motion of charged particles in a high-current plasma channel is solved using the kinetic model of a plasma with electron and ion beams whose motion is governed by the resulting electromagnetic field. It is shown that, in a high-density plasma, the ion motion makes the contribution of electrons to the current in the channel negative, in which case the ion current is higher than the net current and the plasma moves at a high speed as an electrically neutral axial stream whose direction coincides with the direction of the current in the channel.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental investigations of mechanisms for the dissipation of the energy of light ions in metal plasmas by using the method of secondary electron emission. It is shown that the coefficient of anisotropy of energy transfer from fast light ions is about 1.7. It is also shown that plasma oscillations excited by an ion significantly influence the production and emission of low-energy electrons, especially in the case of projectile molecular ions.  相似文献   

Two methods for simultaneously heating ions with different masses and, accordingly, with different gyrofrequencies are considered. The first is heating in a steady uniform magnetic field by a nonmonochromatic RF field, and the second is heating in a nonuniform magnetic field by a monochromatic RF field. In the first method, the cyclotron resonance condition is ensured by the finite width of the RF field spectrum, while in the second one, by a drop in the magnetic field along the system. The study is based on the previously developed analytic model of the excitation of RF fields by current-carrying antennas. Nonlinear effects caused by variations in the longitudinal ion velocities during the ICR interaction are taken into account. It is found that ions with atomic masses in the range 85 < A < 150 (fragments of a spent nuclear fuel) can be efficiently heated in systems with moderate parameters.  相似文献   

In measuring the charge and energy spectra of the ions of a single-element laser plasma, in addition to thermal ions, fast multicharged ions are recorded that are accelerated by the electric field of laser radiation in the region of the critical plasma density. The charge and energy spectra of Co ions with the charge numbers z=1–3 are measured at laser intensities of q=5×1011–1012 W/cm2. The energy spectra of these ions are broad and are located on the high-energy side (z max=3, E>5.0 keV) with respect to the thermal ions (z max=9, E<4.0 keV). The increase in q to 1014 W/cm2 results in an increase in the charge number of both thermal and fast ions.  相似文献   

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