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The current (I(p)) generated by the wild-type or the glutamate (E) 779 alanine (A) mutant of the rat Na(+)/K(+) pump alpha1-subunit expressed in HEK 293 cells was studied at 35 degrees C by means of whole-cell recording in Na(+)-free and Na(+)-containing solution. Glutamate 779 is located in the fifth transmembrane domain of the alpha-subunit of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Compared with the wild-type, the E779A mutant exhibited an apparent K(+)(o)-affinity decreased by a factor of 3-4 both in Na(+)-free and in Na(+)-containing media. The competition of Na(+)(o) and K(+)(o) for cation binding sites of the pump remained unchanged. Similarly, in Na(+)-free solution the shape of the I(p)-V curves for various external K(+)-concentrations ([K(+)](o)) was essentially the same. However, in Na(+)-containing solutions the shape of I(p)-V curves from cells expressing the mutant of the rat alpha1-subunit clearly differed from the shape observed in cells expressing the wild-type, but voltage dependence of the pump current persisted. A prominent Na(+)(o)-activated, electrogenic Na(+)-transport mediated by the pump, displaying little voltage dependence in the potential range tested (-80 to +60 mV), was present in the cells expressing the E779A mutant pump. The data suggest that exchanging E779 for A in the rat Na(+)/K(+) pump alpha1-subunit causes a modest decrease in the apparent K(+)(o) affinity and a profound, Na(+)(o)-dependent alteration in the electrogenicity of the mutant pump expressed in HEK 293 cells.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated cardiac Na(+) channels are composed of alpha- and beta(1)-subunits. In this study beta(1)-subunit was cotransfected with the alpha-subunit of the human cardiac Na(+) channel (hH1(alpha)) in human embryonic kidney (HEK293t) cells. The effects of this coexpression on the kinetics and fatty acid-induced suppression of Na(+) currents were assessed. Current density was significantly greater in HEK293t cells coexpressing alpha- and beta(1)-subunits (I(Na,alpha beta)) than in HEK293t cells expressing alpha-subunit alone (I(Na,alpha)). Compared with I(Na,alpha), the voltage-dependent inactivation and activation of I(Na,alpha beta) were significantly shifted in the depolarizing direction. In addition, coexpression with beta(1)-subunit prolonged the duration of recovery from inactivation. Eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA, C20:5(n-3)] significantly reduced I(Na,alpha beta) in a concentration-dependent manner and at 5 microM shifted the midpoint voltage of the steady-state inactivation by -22 +/- 1 mV. EPA also significantly accelerated channel transition from the resting state to the inactivated state and prolonged the recovery time from inactivation. Docosahexaenoic acid [C22:6(n-3)], alpha-linolenic acid [C18:3(n-3)], and conjugated linoleic acid [C18:2(n-6)] at 5 microM significantly inhibited both I(Na,alpha beta) and I(Na,alpha.) In contrast, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids had no effects on I(Na,alpha beta). This finding differs from the results for I(Na,alpha), which was significantly inhibited by both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Our data demonstrate that functional association of beta(1)-subunit with hH1(alpha) modifies the kinetics and fatty acid block of the Na(+) channel.  相似文献   

Cell biological approaches were usedto examine the location and function of the brush border (BB)Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 in the opossum kidney(OK) polarized renal proximal tubule cell line. NHE3 epitope taggedwith the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein epitope(NHE3V) was stably expressed and called OK-E3V cells. On thebasis of cell surface biotinylation studies, these cells had10-15% of total NHE3 on the BB. Intracellular NHE3V largelycolocalized with Rab11 and to a lesser extent with EEA1. The BBlocation of NHE3V was examined by confocal microscopy relative to thelectins wheat germ aggluttinin (WGA) and phytohemagluttin E (PHA-E), aswell as the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTB). The cells were pyramidal,and NHE3 was located in microvilli in the center of the apical surface.In contrast, PHA-E, WGA, and CTB were diffusely distributed on the BB.Detergent extraction showed that total NHE3V was largely soluble inTriton X-100, whereas virtually all surface NHE3V was insoluble.Sucrose density gradient centrifugation demonstrated that total NHE3Vmigrated at the same size as ~400- and ~900-kDa standards, whereassurface NHE3V was enriched in the ~900-kDa form. Under basalconditions, NHE3 cycled between the cell surface and the recyclingpathway through a phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase-dependentmechanism. Measurements of surface and intracellular pH were obtainedby using FITC-WGA. Internalization of FITC-WGA occurred largely intothe juxtanuclear compartment that contained Rab11 and NHE3V. pH valueson the apical surface and in endosomes in the presence of the NHE3blocker, S3226, were elevated, showing that NHE3 functioned to acidifyboth compartments. In conclusion, NHE3V in OK cells exists in distinctdomains both in the center of the apical surface and in a juxtanuclearcompartment. In the BB fraction, NHE3 is largely in thedetergent-insoluble fraction in lipid rafts and/or in largeheterogenous complexes ranging from ~400 to ~900 kDa.


We have studied the regulation of the Na(+)-dependent and Na(+)-independent polyamine transport pathways in the renal LLC-PK1 cell line. Most of the experiments were performed in the presence of 5 mM DL-2-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) in order to inhibit the cellular synthesis of polyamines. The activity of both transporters as measured by putrescine uptake was increased by growth-promoting stimuli and decreased by exogenous polyamines. The time course of the increase in uptake activity induced by fetal calf serum could be fitted by a single exponential, and the process was three times faster for the Na(+)-dependent than for the Na(+)-independent transporter. Maximum activity was reached after more than 24 h. This increase could be inhibited by actinomycin D and by cycloheximide. Other growth-promoting stimuli, such as subconfluent cell density, as well as growth factors also induced an increase in the transport activity. Particularly, there was a marked stimulation of the Na(+)-dependent pathway by epidermal growth factor in combination with insulin. On the other hand, the transport activity decayed very rapidly upon addition of exogenous polyamines (t1/2 less than 60 min). The diamine putrescine was much less effective in this respect than the polyamines spermidine and spermine. The non-metabolizable substrate methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) did not induce a decay of the transport activity, but it protected the Na(+)-dependent pathway against the polyamine-induced decay. Inhibition of the protein synthesis by cycloheximide did not induce a rapid decrease of the transport activity; neither did it affect the polyamine-induced decay. These observations suggest that this polyamine-induced decay is not owing to an inhibitory effect on the rate of synthesis of the transporters, but rather to a degradation or an inactivation of the transporters. The polyamine-induced decay slowed down at lower cell density. This effect was particularly pronounced for the Na(+)-dependent transporter. Since the uptake of polyamines was increased at low cell density, the decreased rate of decay in this condition pleads against a simple mechanism of transinhibition by the substrate. In conclusion, both transport pathways were similarly affected by the regulatory parameters, but the Na(+)-dependent transporter was more rapidly and more effectively regulated. The numerous interacting regulatory steps furthermore suggest a physiological role for these transporters, such as an involvement in urinary polyamine disposal.  相似文献   

The epithelial isoform of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, NHE3, associates with at least two related regulatory factors called NHERF1/EBP50 and NHERF2/TKA-1/E3KARP. These factors in addition interact with the cytoskeletal protein ezrin, which in turn binds to actin. The possible linkage of NHE3 with the cytoskeleton prompted us to test the effect of actin-modifying agents on NHE3 activity. Cytochalasins B and D and latrunculin B, which interfere with actin polymerization, induced a profound inhibition of NHE3 activity. The effect was isoform-specific inasmuch as the "housekeeping" exchanger NHE1 was virtually unaffected. Cytoskeletal disorganization was associated with a subcellular redistribution of NHE3, which accumulated at sites where actin aggregated, suggesting a physical interaction of exchangers with the cytoskeleton. An interaction was further suggested by the co-sedimentation of a detergent-insoluble fraction of NHE3 with the actin cytoskeleton. Inhibition of transport was not due to diminution in the number of transporters at the plasmalemma. Functional analyses of NHE1/NHE3 chimeras revealed that the cytoplasmic domain of NHE3 conferred sensitivity to cytochalasin B. Progressive carboxyl-terminal and internal deletions of the cytoplasmic region of NHE3 indicated that the region between residues 650 and 684 is critical for this response. This region overlaps with the domain reported to interact with NHERF and also contains a putative ezrin-binding site; hence, it likely plays a role in interactions with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify proteins that assemble with the apical membrane Na(+)-H(+) exchanger isoform NHE3, we generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against affinity-purified NHE3 protein complexes isolated from solubilized renal microvillus membrane vesicles. Hybridomas were selected based on their ability to immunoprecipitate NHE3. We have characterized in detail one of the mAbs (1D11) that specifically co-precipitated NHE3 but not villin or NaPi-2. Western blot analyses of microvillus membranes and immunoelectron microscopy of kidney sections showed that mAb 1D11 recognizes a 110-kDa protein highly expressed on the apical membrane of proximal tubule cells. Immunoaffinity chromatography was used to isolate the antigen against which mAb 1D11 is directed. N-terminal sequencing of the purified protein identified it as dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) (EC ), which was confirmed by assays of DPPIV enzyme activity. We also evaluated the distribution of the NHE3-DPPIV complex in microdomains of rabbit renal brush border. In contrast to the previously described NHE3-megalin complex, which principally resides in a dense membrane population (coated pits) in which NHE3 is inactive, the NHE3-DPPIV complex was predominantly in the microvillar fraction in which NHE3 is active. Serial precipitation experiments confirmed that anti-megalin and anti-DPPIV antibodies co-precipitate different pools of NHE3. Taken together, these studies revealed an unexpected association of the brush border Na(+)-H(+) exchanger NHE3 with dipeptidyl peptidase IV in the proximal tubule. These findings raise the possibility that association with DPPIV may affect NHE3 surface expression and/or activity.  相似文献   

HumanNa+-K+-ATPase11,21, and 31heterodimers were expressed individually in yeast, and ouabainbinding and ATP hydrolysis were measured in membrane fractions. Theouabain equilibrium dissociation constant was 13-17 nM for11 and 31at 37°C and 32 nM for 21, indicatingthat the human -subunit isoforms have a similar high affinity forcardiac glycosides. K0.5 values for antagonism of ouabain binding by K+ were ranked in order as follows:2 (6.3 ± 2.4 mM) > 3(1.6 ± 0.5 mM)  1 (0.9 ± 0.6 mM),and K0.5 values for Na+ antagonismof ouabain binding to all heterodimers were 9.5-13.8 mM. Themolecular turnover for ATP hydrolysis by11 (6,652 min1) was abouttwice as high as that by 31 (3,145 min1). These properties of the human heterodimersexpressed in yeast are in good agreement with properties of the humanNa+-K+-ATPase expressed in Xenopusoocytes (G Crambert, U Hasler, AT Beggah, C Yu, NN Modyanov, J-DHorisberger, L Lelievie, and K Geering. J Biol Chem275: 1976-1986, 2000). In contrast to Na+ pumpsexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, the21 complex in yeast membranes wassignificantly less stable than 11 or31, resulting in a lower functionalexpression level. The 21 complex was also more easily denatured by SDS than was the11 or the31 complex.


This study uses genetically altered mice to examine the contribution of the Na+-K+-ATPase 2 catalytic subunit to resting potential, excitability, and contractility of the perinatal diaphragm. The 2 protein is reduced by 38% in 2-heterozygous and absent in 2-knockout mice, and 1-isoform is upregulated 1.9-fold in 2-knockout. Resting potentials are depolarized by 0.8–4.0 mV in heterozygous and knockout mice. Action potential threshold, overshoot, and duration are normal. Spontaneous firing, a developmental function, is impaired in knockout diaphragm, but this does not compromise its ability to fire evoked action potential trains, the dominant mode of activation near birth. Maximum tetanic force, rate of activation, force-frequency and force-voltage relationships, and onset and magnitude of fatigue are not changed. The major phenotypic consequence of reduced 2 content is that relaxation from contraction is 1.7-fold faster. This finding reveals a distinct cellular role of the 2-isoform at a step after membrane excitation, which cannot be restored simply by increasing 1 content. Na+/Ca2+ exchanger expression decreases in parallel with 2-isoform, suggesting that Ca2+ extrusion is affected by the altered 2 genotype. There are no major compensatory changes in expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, phospholamban, or plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase. These results demonstrate that the Na+-K+-ATPase 1-isoform alone is able to maintain equilibrium K+ and Na+ gradients and to substitute for 2-isoform in most cellular functions related to excitability and force. They further indicate that the 2-isoform contributes significantly less at rest than expected from its proportional content but can modulate contractility during muscle contraction. Na+-K+-ATPase 2 catalytic subunit; heterozygous mice; knockout mice; resting potential  相似文献   

The change of blood pressure and the induction of Na, K-ATPase alpha 1-subunit mRNA have been investigated in the renal cortex of aldosterone-treated hypertensive rat. The increase of blood pressure by aldosterone-treatment for 25 days was decreased by the treatment of amiloride or spironolactone. The level of Na, K-ATPase alpha 1-subunit mRNA of the renal cortex in aldosterone-treated rat was increased than that in the control, and its increase was repressed by treatment of spironolactone, but not altered by the treatment of amiloride. This result suggests that the increase of Na, K-ATPase alpha 1-subunit mRNA in the renal cortex of aldosterone-treated hypertensive rat may be related with the direct induction of Na, K-ATPase mRNA without the increase of Na-traffic through Na-channel.  相似文献   

The present study examined muscle adaptations and alterations in work capacity in endurance-trained runners after a change from endurance to sprint training. Fifteen runners were assigned to either a sprint training (ST, n = 8) or a control (CON, n = 7) group. ST replaced their normal training by 30-s sprint runs three to four times a week, whereas CON continued the endurance training (approximately 45 km/wk). After the 4-wk sprint period, the expression of the muscle Na+-K+ pump alpha1-subunit and Na+/H+-exchanger isoform 1 was 29 and 30% higher (P < 0.05), respectively. Furthermore, plasma K+ concentration was reduced (P < 0.05) during repeated intense running. In ST, performance in a 30-s sprint test, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test, and two supramaximal exhaustive runs was improved (P < 0.05) by 7, 19, 27, and 19%, respectively, after the sprint training period, whereas pulmonary maximum oxygen uptake and 10-k time were unchanged. No changes in CON were observed. The present data suggest a role of the Na+-K+ pump in the control of K+ homeostasis and in the development of fatigue during repeated high-intensity exercise. Furthermore, performance during intense exercise can be improved and endurance performance maintained even with a reduction in training volume if the intensity of training is very high.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at evaluating the role of D(1)- and D(2)-like receptors and investigating whether inhibition of Na(+) transepithelial flux by dopamine is primarily dependent on inhibition of the apical Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, inhibition of the basolateral Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, or both. The data presented here show that opossum kidney cells are endowed with D(1)- and D(2)-like receptors, the activation of the former, but not the latter, accompanied by stimulation of adenylyl cyclase (EC(50) = 220 +/- 2 nM), marked intracellular acidification (IC(50) = 58 +/- 2 nM), and attenuation of amphotericin B-induced decreases in short-circuit current (28.6 +/- 4.5% reduction) without affecting intracellular pH recovery after CO(2) removal. These results agree with the view that dopamine, through the activation of D(1)- but not D(2)-like receptors, inhibits both the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (0.001933 +/- 0.000121 vs. 0.000887 +/- 0.000073 pH unit/s) and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase without interfering with the Na(+)-independent HCO transporter. It is concluded that dopamine, through the action of D(1)-like receptors, inhibits both the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, but its marked acidifying effects result from inhibition of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger only, without interfering with the Na(+)-independent HCO transporter and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates K+ uptake andNa+ efflux via the Na+-K+ pump inkidney, skeletal muscle, and brain. The mechanism of insulin action inthese tissues differs, in part, because of differences in the isoformcomplement of the catalytic -subunit of theNa+-K+ pump. To analyze specifically the effectof insulin on the 1-isoform of the pump, we have studiedhuman embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells stably transfected with the ratNa+-K+ pump 1-isoform tagged onits first exofacial loop with a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope. The plasmamembrane content of 1-subunits was quantitated bybinding a specific HA antibody to intact cells. Insulin rapidly increased the number of 1-subunits at the cell surface.This gain was sensitive to the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinaseinhibitor wortmannin and to the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitorbisindolylmaleimide. Furthermore, the insulin-stimulated gain insurface -subunits correlated with an increase in the binding of anantibody that recognizes only the nonphosphorylated form of1 (at serine-18). These results suggest that insulinregulates the Na+-K+ pump in HEK-293 cells, atleast in part, by decreasing serine phosphorylation and increasingplasma membrane content of 1-subunits via a signalingpathway involving PI 3-kinase and PKC.


The Na+-K+-ATPase and its regulation is important for maintaining membrane potential and transmembrane Na(+) gradient in all skeletal muscle cells and thus is essential for cell survival and function. In our previous study, cyclic stretch activated the Na pump in cultured skeletal muscle cells. Presently, we investigated whether this stimulation was the result of translocation of Na+-K+-ATPase from endosomes to the plasma membrane, and also evaluated the role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), the activation of which initiated vesicular trafficking and targeting of proteins to specific cell compartments. Skeletal muscle cells were stretched at 25% elongation continuous for 24h using the Flexercell Strain Unit. The plasma membrane and endosome fractions were isolated and Western blotted to localize the Na+-K+-ATPase alpha1- and alpha2-subunit protein. The results showed stretch increased Na+-K+-ATPase alpha1- and alpha2-subunit protein expression in plasma membrane fractions and decreased it in endosomes. The alpha2-subunit had a more dynamic response to mechanical stretch. PI 3-kinase inhibitors (LY294002) blocked the stretch-induced translocation of the Na+-K+-ATPase alpha2-subunit, while LY294002 had no effect on the transfer of alpha1-subunit. We concluded that cyclic stretch mainly stimulated the translocation of the alpha2-subunit of Na+-K+-ATPase from endosomes to the plasma membrane via a PI 3-kinase-dependent mechanism in cultured skeletal muscle cells in vitro, which in turn increased the activity of the Na pump.  相似文献   

A combined allosteric and competitive model describes the interaction between extracellular Na(+) and Rb(+) during ion transport mediated by the Na, K-ATPase. The model was developed from experiments based on (86)Rb uptake by whole cells transfected with rat isoforms of the enzyme. In the absence of Na(+), only a single transport site for extracellular Rb(+) exists. After the occupation of the Na(+)-specific allosteric site, the Rb(+) transport pocket opens to allow occupation by an additional Rb(+) and the subsequent transport of the two Rb(+) ions into the cells. Na(+) can also directly compete with Rb(+) for binding to at least one of the transport sites. While the model derived here applies to each of the three rat isoforms of the Na, K-ATPase expressed in HeLa cells, subtle differences exist among the isoforms. The alpha(3)* isoform has an increased intrinsic affinity for Rb(+) and a lower affinity for the allosteric Na(+) site than alpha(1) or alpha(2)*. The stimulation of uptake observed according to the best-fit model is due to the displacement by Rb(+) of inhibitory Na(+) bound to the transport site.  相似文献   

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