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Cigarette smoke toxicants are well known for their debilitating effects on lungs. Cigarette smoke toxicities cause various respiratory disorders including pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis and cancer. Farnesol, an isoprenoid, is known to possess anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive properties. In this study we report the protective efficacy of farnesol against massive lung inflammation, oxidative stress and consequent injuries caused by cigarette smoke toxicants. Farnesol was administered by gavage (50 and 100 mg/kg b.wt. in corn oil) one time daily for 7 days. On day 7 lung injuries were induced by intratracheal instillation of aqueous cigarette smoke extract (CSE). LDH, total cell count, total protein, phospholipid content and MDA formation were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). In lung tissue H2O2 content, reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase activities were evaluated. Prophylactic treatment with farnesol significantly shows lung protection by lowering the levels of LDH, total cell count, total protein and MDA in BALF. Farnesol maintained the phospholipid content of BALF in a positive manner. In lung tissue it positively modulated the CSE altered activities of GR, GPx and catalase. There was a marked increase in GSH content and decrease in H2O2 content of lung tissue by farnesol administration. Histopathological findings correlate with cellular and biochemical parameters of the lungs and potentiate the protective role of farnesol against CSE induced lung inflammation and injuries. These results suggest a potent role of farnesol in protection of lung against cigarette smoke toxicants induced lung injuries.  相似文献   

Asbestos bodies in rat lung have rarely been reported, and just one previous record of their formation from chrysotile fibres in the rat is known. This paper illustrates the production of numerous true asbestos bodies in the lungs of Lister hooded rats after a single small intratracheal dose of lightly milled chrysotile. The demonstration of these bodies is particularly useful because uncoated chrysotile fibres in lung tissue cannot normally be visualized by light microscopy; the detection of asbestos bodies, and therefore of asbestos fibres, provides a means of directly relating asbestos exposure to observed tissue lesions. The asbestos bodies detected in the present study were nearly always associated with small pulmonary fibrotic lesions. The bodies ranged in length from 5 to 80 micron and were up to 5 micron in diameter. Small spheres, rods and bodies the shape of a comma were common; larger beaded structures were somewhat rarer. The bodies were visible in tissue sections stained routinely with modified Azan stain and with haematoxylin and eosin, but their detection and localization was enhanced by the use of Perls' Prussian blue stain in association with a pale eosin counterstain.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of the seasonal variability of environmental air pollutants on oxidative stress and cytogenetic biomarkers in a group of 59 city policemen working in Prague, Czech Republic. The studied group was monitored in February and May 2007. The exposure to environmental pollutants (carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, c-PAHs, including benzo[a]pyrene, B[a]P, and particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter<2.5μm, PM2.5) was measured by personal and/or stationary monitors. Levels of c-PAHs were significantly higher in winter than spring, while exposure to PM2.5 was higher in May than in February 2007. We did not observe any significant difference between the two seasons for any biomarker of oxidative stress (8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine, 8-oxodG, 15-F(2t)-isoprostane, 15-F(2t)-IsoP, protein carbonyl levels) or any cytogenetic parameter, including the genomic frequency of translocations (F(G)/100), the percentage of aberrant cells (%AB.C.) or the number of acentric fragments (ace). Analyses of associations between oxidative stress biomarkers and cytogenetic parameters showed a negative relationship between protein oxidation and F(G)/100, as well as protein oxidation and ace. We further analyzed the effect of air pollution on all subjects regardless of the season. Data from stationary monitors showed that 8-oxodG levels were significantly increased by exposure to PM2.5 over a 2-day period before sampling and by exposure to B[a]P over a 28-day period, days 57-84 before sampling. 15-F(2t)-IsoP levels were increased after exposure to B[a]P over both 2-day and 3-day periods preceding sample collection and after exposure to c-PAHs over a 2-day period before sampling. %AB.C. was significantly affected by exposure to B[a]P over a 14-day period, days 57-70 before sampling. In summary, our results indicate that the exposure to environmental pollutants affects urinary excretion of 8-oxodG, lipid peroxidation and the frequency of chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

目的建立一种滴注剂量精确的大鼠无创气管滴注方法。方法选用一次性使用静脉输液针的胶管制作套管,透射光插管法行大鼠气管插管,微量进样器平头针经由套管插入气管进行滴注。滴注液体为生理盐水,滴注剂量5~200μL,精确度为1μL。结果在体重200—350g的10只大鼠上共完成50次气管滴注操作,实验过程中和实验之后大鼠均无异常表现。结论套管微量进样器法具有无创、精确、安全的特点,可广泛应用于大鼠经气管给药或染毒的各类研究。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between apoptotic and necrotic cell death and their role in pulmonary inflammatory response to endotoxin. Pulmonary administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) caused a rapid increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha and inflammatory cell influx in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids. Control mice showed only resident alveolar macrophages with no apoptosis, whereas LPS-treated mice showed clear apoptosis of BAL cells. Microscopic studies confirmed the presence of apoptotic neutrophils and macrophages ingesting apoptotic bodies. The number of apoptotic neutrophils increased concomitantly with the increase in neutrophil influx which peaked 1 day after the treatment. However, necrosis was not detected at this early time, but increased subsequently and peaked at day 3. The levels of necrosis and apoptosis were both elevated and prolonged at high LPS doses. Treatment of mice with phosphatidylserine (PS)-containing liposome, known to inhibit macrophage phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, increased the level of apoptosis and necrosis caused by LPS, whereas control non-PS liposome or saline treatment had no effects. We conclude that necrosis occurs secondary to apoptosis in LPS-treated lung model and that this development is not the result of direct insult by LPS. Instead, our results and previous studies suggest that inefficient clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages contributes, at least in part, to the levels of apoptosis and necrosis induced by LPS. Because necrosis is associated with cell damage and release of histotoxic contents, this development is likely to play a role in determining the severity and duration of lung toxicity induced by endotoxin.  相似文献   

Preservation or restoration of normal alveolar epithelial barrier function is crucial for pulmonary oedema resolution. Keratinocyte growth factor‐2 (KGF‐2), a potent epithelial cell mitogen, may have a role in preventing ventilator‐induced lung injury (VILI), which occurs frequently in mechanically ventilated patients. The aim of the study was to test the role of KGF‐2 in VILI in rats. Forty healthy adult male Sprague‐Dawley rats were randomly allocated into four groups, where rats in Groups HVZP (high‐volume zero positive end‐expiratory pressure) and HVZP+KGF‐2 were given intratracheally equal PBS and 5 mg/kg KGF‐2 72 hrs before 4 hrs HVZP ventilation (20 ml/kg), respectively, while PBS and KGF‐2 were administered in the same manner in Groups Control and KGF‐2, which underwent tracheotomy only with spontaneous breathing. Inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis factor‐α, macrophage inflammatory protein 2), neutrophil and total protein levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and surfactant protein mRNA expression in lung tissue were detected; the number of alveolar type II cells, lung water content and lung morphology were also evaluated. The results indicate that pre‐treatment with KGF‐2 showed dramatic improvement in lung oedema and inflammation compared with HVZP alone, together with increased surfactant protein mRNA and alveolar type II cells. Our results suggest that KGF‐2 might be considered a promising prevention for human VILI or other acute lung injury diseases.  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis has been associated with a variety of exposures which result in inflammatory and fibrotic lung disorders. Macrophages are key regulatory cells in the lung; however, the role of apoptotic macrophages in those pulmonary disorders is not well characterized. In the present investigation, apoptotic macrophages were instilled into the lungs of rats to study directly the pulmonary responses to apoptotic cells. The effects of apoptotic macrophages on lung inflammation and fibrosis, as well as associated protein expression of TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) were examined. Induction of macrophage apoptosis was carried out in vitro using a variety of known apoptosis inducers. Intratracheal administration of apoptotic macrophages (5 x 10(6) cells/rat) into the lung of rats caused an increase in pulmonary infiltration of macrophages and lung cell apoptosis 4 weeks after the treatment as indicated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay. In contrast, pulmonary instillation of saline or normal control macrophages had no effect. Histological analysis of lung sections showed collagen deposition and fibrotic lesions after apoptotic cell treatment but not in control groups. Immunohistochemical studies revealed increased expression of TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, MMP2, and MMP9 in the treatment group 4 weeks after the treatment. These results suggest a role for macrophage apoptosis in the initiation of these lung disorders. This study provides direct evidence that apoptotic macrophages can induce lung inflammation and fibrosis and that this induction may be associated with increased expression of TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, MMP2, and MMP9. Published 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We measured pulmonary epithelial permeability by quantifying the disappearance of two water-soluble compounds, [14C]mannitol and [3H]inulin, after their instillation, with and without phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), into gas-filled perfused (50 ml/min) rabbit lungs in situ. Both tracers disappeared in a monoexponential fashion over 30 min with calculated first-order rate constants (control; n = 11) of 0.0008 +/- 0.0002 and 0.0027 +/- 0.0008 min-1 for inulin and mannitol, respectively. The ratio of the rate constants (3.1 +/- 0.5) was not significantly different from the ratio of diffusivities of mannitol:inulin (3.7). Addition of PMA (250 micrograms) significantly (n = 9, P less than 0.05) increased the rate constants for both inulin and mannitol to 0.0024 +/- 0.0007 and 0.0087 +/- 0.0025 min-1, respectively, while not affecting their ratio (4.3 +/- 0.5). Addition of human leukocytes (4-8 X 10(8)/l) to the perfusate did not exacerbate the effect of 250 micrograms PMA (n = 3). The addition of catalase (n = 7) completely inhibited the effect of 250 micrograms PMA. PMA (250 micrograms) did not significantly affect perfusion pressure but increased wet-to-dry weight ratios. Light microscopic histology showed damage to epithelial and endothelial cells after 250 micrograms PMA which was not seen after coinstillation of catalase. Catalase sensitivity of functional and structural effects of PMA suggests that the effect was secondary to production of hydrogen peroxide. Since this effect was noted in lungs not perfused with neutrophils and addition of leukocytes did not exacerbate the increase in permeability, we hypothesize that an undetermined pulmonary cell type was the source of hydrogen peroxide. Finally, we found no evidence for restrictive pores with radii of 0.4-1.4 nm.  相似文献   

Bleomycin, an antineoplastic drug, is known to produce interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). As a result, it is commonly employed in various species to produce animal models of fibrosis. We have examined the uptake of [14C]acetate by lung slices and its incorporation into lipids in the slices at various times following intratracheal administration of a fibrogenic dose (10 units/kg) of bleomycin in hamsters. As compared to saline controls, bleomycin had no effect on [14C]acetate uptake at 4 and 7 days but it increased the uptake at 2 and 14 days after treatment. The incorporation of [14C]acetate into total lipid was significantly reduced to 44, 62, 62, and 75% of the control at 2, 4, 7, and 14 days after bleomycin treatment, respectively. The incorporation into lipid as a percentage of the uptake was 12.2 in control animals whereas in bleomycin-treated animals, it was 4.7, 8.0, 7.3, and 6.9 at the corresponding times. Separation of lipids into various fractions revealed that bleomycin treatment specifically inhibited the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine and neutral lipid at all times of the study. The synthesis of all other phospholipids except phosphatidylethanolamine was depressed at 2 days. The latter was, however, depressed at 7 and 14 days after bleomycin treatment. It was concluded from the present study that bleomycin treatment inhibits the synthesis of phospholipid and neutral lipid and this may eventually lead to decreased surfactant production.  相似文献   

As reported in the literature, oral endotracheal intubation of rats is considered to be very difficult. Specialised equipment and complicated techniques have been described to perform this procedure. In our experiment we adopted a simple method, which allowed-without any complicated equipment-the insertion of a relatively wide tube into the trachea of rats, allowing drug administration.  相似文献   



Heparin has been shown to modify fundamental biologic processes ranging from blood coagulation and cell proliferation to fibrogenesis and asthma. The goal of this study was to identify specific or broad biologic responses of the rat lung to intratracheal instillation of heparin by targeted proteomic analysis.


Rats were given either aerosolized 500 μg heparin in 250 μl saline or saline alone. Lungs were harvested at 0, 24, or 96 hours post-treatment and isolated proteins analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Proteins which increased and decreased significantly in treated groups above controls were then selected for identification by mass spectrometry.


Although heparin treatments resulted in a general reduction in cytosolic protein expression, there were significant increases within members of discrete groups of proteins. At 24 hours, proteins which function in cytoskeletal organization and in calcium signaling were up-regulated between 2- and 27-fold above baseline and untreated controls. Increased proteins include annexins V and VI, septin 2, capping G protein, actin-related protein 3, moesin, RhoGDP dissociation inhibitor, and calcyclin. A group of proteins relating to immune response and tumor suppressor function were either up-regulated (tumor suppressor p30/hyaluronic acid binding protein-1, Parkinson disease protein 7, proteosome 28 subunit/interferon-γ inducible protein, and proteosome subunit macropain α-1) or strongly down-regulated (transgelin). At 96 hours, most proteins that had increased at 24 hours remained elevated but to a much lesser degree.


These cumulative observations demonstrate that whole lung heparin treatment results in significant up-regulation of selected groups of proteins, primarily those related to cytoskeletal reorganization and immune function, which may prove to be relevant biomarkers useful in analysis of lung exposures/treatments as well as in system biology studies.  相似文献   

The induction of phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis via the CDPcholine pathway in lung and liver of rats has been shown following the intratracheal administration of 1,1,1-trichloro-2m2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) (5 mg/100 g body weight) and endosulfan (1 mg/100 g body weight) for 3 days. Controls received only the vehicle solution (groundnut oil, 0.1 m1/100 g body weight). The treatment of DDT and endosulfan significantly increased the PC contents and the incorporation of radioactive [methyl-3H]choline into PC of lung and liver microsomes. The incorporation of radioactive [methyl-14C]methionine into microsomal PC of lung and liver was not affected significantly by treatment with either of the insecticides. 1,4,5,6,7-hexachloro-5-norbornene-2,3-dimethano cyclic sulfite (endosulfan) administration significantly increased the activity of choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (both cytosolic and microsomal) of lung, whereas DDT increased the activity of only latter. In liver, both DDT and endosulfan administration significantly increased the activity of choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (both cytosolic and microsomal). However, the activity of phosphocholinetransferase was not affected in both lung and liver microsomes of rats treated with these insecticides. The PC precursor pool sizes, choline and phosphorylcholine, of lung and liver tissues were not altered by DDT and endosulfan treatments. The present results suggest that the increased level of PC and incorporation of radioactive [methyl-3H]choline into microsomal PC could be the result of increased activity of choline kinase and phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase of lung and liver of rats following intratracheal administration of DDT and endosulfan.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), the most promising material with unique characteristics, find its application in different fields ranging from composite materials to medicine and from electronics to energy storage. However, little is known about the mechanism behind the interaction of these particles with cells and their toxicity. So, here we investigated the adverse effects of multiwalled CNTs (MWCNTs) in rat lung epithelial (LE) cells. The results showed that the incubation of LE cells with 0.5–10 μg/mL of MWCNTs caused a dose‐ and time‐dependent increase in the formation of free radicals, the accumulation of peroxidative products, the loss of cell viability, and antioxidant depletion. The significant amount of incorporation of dUTPs in the nucleus after 24 h confirms the induction of apoptosis. It was also observed that there is an increase in the activity of both caspases‐3 and caspase‐8 in cells, with increases in time and the concentration of MWCNTs. No significant incorporation of dUTPs was observed in cells, incubated with z‐VAD‐fmk , which confirmed the role of caspases in DNA fragmentation. The present study reveals that MWCNTs induced oxidative stress and stimulated apoptosis signaling pathway through caspase activation in rat LE cell lines. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:333–344, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20296  相似文献   

The effect of ATP on intracellular Ca2+ levels and elastase secretion in isolated normal human peripheral blood neutrophils was investigated as was its in vivo effect on lung resistance and mucous secretion. ATP (10(-5) M) increased [Ca2+]i from 61 +/- 3 to 165 +/- 15 nM in nonactivated neutrophils; elastase secretion was increased by 40% from nonactivated neutrophils but was unaffected in fMLP (10(-5) M) activated cells. Instillation of ATP (10(-5) and 10(-3) M) into the airways of brown Norway rats increased both lung resistance and secretion. These findings suggest that aerosolization of ATP into the cystic fibrosis-affected bronchial tree might be hazardous in terms of enhancement of parenchymal damage, which would result from neutrophil elastase release, and in terms of impaired respiratory lung function.  相似文献   



In a cross-sectional analysis of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with mild lung disease, reduced surfactant activity was correlated to increased neutrophilic airway inflammation, but not to lung function. So far, longitudinal measurements of surfactant function in CF patients are lacking and it remains unclear how these alterations relate to the progression of airway inflammation as well as decline in pulmonary function over time.


As part of the BEAT trial, a longitudinal study to assess the course of airway inflammation in CF, we studied lung function, surfactant function and endobronchial inflammation using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from 20 CF patients with normal pulmonary function (median FEV1 94% of predicted) at three times over a three year period.


There was a progressive loss of surfactant function, assessed as minimal surface tension. The decline in surfactant function was negatively correlated to an increase in neutrophilic inflammation and a decrease in lung function, assessed by FEV1, MEF75/25%VC, and MEF25%VC. The concentrations of the surfactant specific proteins A, C and D did not change, whereas SP-B increased during this time period.


Our findings suggest a link between loss of surfactant function driven by progressive airway inflammation and loss of small airway function in CF patients with limited lung disease.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and the resolution of inflammation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Clearance of apoptotic cells by phagocytic cells plays a significant role in the resolution of inflammation, protecting tissue from harmful exposure to the inflammatory and immunogenic contents of dying cells. Apoptosis induces cell surface changes that are important for recognition and engulfment of cells by phagocytes. These changes include alterations in surface sugars, externalization of phosphatidylserine and qualitative changes in the adhesion molecule ICAM-3. Several studies have contributed to clarify the role of the receptors on the surface of phagocytes that are involved in apoptotic cell clearance. The phagocytic removal of apoptotic cells does not elicit pro-inflammatory responses; in contrast, apoptotic cell engulfment appears to activate signals that suppress release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, clearance of apoptotic leucocytes is implicated in the resolution of inflammation and mounting evidence suggests that defective clearance of apoptotic cells contributes to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Defining the ligands on apoptotic cells and the corresponding receptors on phagocytes with which they engage, is likely to lead to the development of novel anti-inflammatory pro-resolution drugs. In this article, we will review the recognition and signaling mechanisms involved in the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells as well as the role of endogenous compounds that play a relevant role in the modulation of inflammation. We will also discuss what is currently known about diseases that may reflect impaired phagocytosis and the consequences on inflammation and immune responses.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease characterized by severe neutrophil-dominated airway inflammation. An important cause of inflammation in CF is Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. We have evaluated the importance of a number of P. aeruginosa components, namely lipopeptides, LPS, and unmethylated CpG DNA, as proinflammatory stimuli in CF by characterizing the expression and functional activity of their cognate receptors, TLR2/6 or TLR2/1, TLR4, and TLR9, respectively, in a human tracheal epithelial line, CFTE29o(-), which is homozygous for the DeltaF508 CF transmembrane conductance regulator mutation. We also characterized TLR expression and function in a non-CF airway epithelial cell line 16HBE14o(-). Using RT-PCR, we demonstrated TLR mRNA expression. TLR cell surface expression was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Lipopeptides, LPS, and unmethylated CpG DNA induced IL-8 and IL-6 protein production in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The CF and non-CF cell lines were largely similar in their TLR expression and relative TLR responses. ICAM-1 expression was also up-regulated in CFTE29o(-) cells following stimulation with each agonist. CF bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, which contains LPS, bacterial DNA, and neutrophil elastase (a neutrophil-derived protease that can activate TLR4), up-regulated an NF-kappaB-linked reporter gene and increased IL-8 protein production in CFTE29o(-) cells. This effect was abrogated by expression of dominant-negative versions of MyD88 or Mal, key signal transducers for TLRs, thereby implicating them as potential anti-inflammatory agents for CF.  相似文献   

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