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Mass losses of oak leaves were studied in microcosms, where numbers of aquatic hyphomycete species (1–5) and nutrient concentrations (2 levels each of N, P, and Ca) were varied. Species numbers, species identities, N, P and N×P interactions all had significant effects on leaf mass loss, but the magnitude of the effect was greater for N and P than for species numbers. Mass loss in multicultures was greater than predicted from average contributions of the component species in single cultures. This may have been due to sampling effects or niche complementarity.  相似文献   

Microbial activity during leaf decomposition in an Alaskan subarctic stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fungal biomass and growth and microbial respiration were studied for two field seasons in a second-order subarctic stream where water temperature is 0°C for approximately 6 months. Leaf packs (5-g) of alder Alnus tenuifolia , birch Betula papyrifera and willows Salix alaxensis and Salix arbusculoides immersed in autumn of 1979 and 1980 were sampled until June 1980 and January 1981, respectively. Fungal growth and microbial respiration occurred in submerged detritus at 0°C. Total and FDA-active hyphal lengths were measured, the active proportion averaging 25% of the total (all leaf species, both years). Generally, microbial respiration peaked in all leaf species after two weeks in the stream. As water approached 0°C, respiration declined by 20–50% depending on leaf species, but often increased later in decomposition (at 0°C). Seasonal trends in microbial respiration and FDA-active hyphal lengths were not similar although maximal respiration usually occurred as FDA-active hyphae were growing most rapidly. The calculated leaf weight loss due to microbial respiration was small (7–10%) in all leaf species, compared with total weight loss over 98 d. Scanning electron microscopy provided a visual record of leaf surface microorganisms and apparent leaf cuticle dissolution by fungi and bacteria.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Despite the widely accepted importance of bacteria and fungi in degrading detritus in aquatic ecosystems there is still very little quantitative information on the abundance and dynamics of these microorganisms. Using epifluorescent microscopy, we measured the biomass of bacteria and fungi during decomposition of three types of leaf detritus. Bacterial production was determined from the rate of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA.
2. The transformation of leaf carbon into dissolved organic carbon and fine particulate organic carbon was followed in order to compare the amounts of leaf material that were converted into these 'end-products' of decomposition versus the amount converted into microbial biomass.
3. The amount of microbial carbon in the leaf-detritus complex never exceeded 5.2% of the total carbon, and fungal biomass was always much greater than bacterial biomass. Despite the greater standing stock of fungi, the rapid turnover of bacteria (doubling about once per day) implies that their role in degrading leaf litter or as a food source for detritivores might be as great as for fungi.
4. Removal of microbial biomass from leaf litter may occur as release of fungal spores and consumption or shedding of bacterial biomass. Fungal spores can be a significant part of the fine particulate organic carbon released from leaf detritus and potentially represent an important food resource for filter-feeding organisms.  相似文献   

1. We characterised the fungal communities of eight streams in Portugal, four bordered by native deciduous forest and four bordered by pure stands of Eucalyptus globulus .
2. Aquatic hyphomycete species richness and evenness, but not numbers of water-borne conidia, of aquatic hyphomycetes were significantly lower in eucalypt bordered streams.
3. Multivariate analyses subdivided the fungal communities into two distinct groups corresponding to riparian vegetation.
4. Despite these differences in the dominant decomposer community, decay rates of eucalypt leaves (accounting for ≥98% of naturally occurring leaves in eucalypt bordered streams, absent in native forest) and chestnut leaves (occurring naturally in native forests) did not differ between the two groups of streams.  相似文献   

This study assessed the intraspecific variability of senescent leaves of alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.) and the effects of this variability on leaf decomposition in streams. Leaves were collected at five geographically distant locations in Europe. We analyzed 10 batches of leaf samples for seven quantitative leaf traits as well as leaf decomposition rate in coarse and fine mesh bags exposed in a single stream. The geographic origin of leaf samples largely explained the observed variation in litter quality and decomposition rate. Phosphorus (0.034–0.187%) and lignin (3.9–18.7%) concentrations in leaves varied widely. Together, these two traits accurately predicted leaf decomposition rate (r2=84.1%). Intraspecific variation in leaf decomposition rate was within a range similar to that reported for interspecific variation among co-occurring riparian plant species in Europe. Our study demonstrates extensive intraspecific variability in leaf traits on a continental scale, which can have enormous effects on major ecosystem processes such as leaf decomposition.  相似文献   

Riparian forest plantings are a well‐established restoration technique commonly used to stabilize banks and intercept nutrient flow from adjacent agricultural fields. Tree species planted for these efforts may not reflect mature forest communities within the same region. Given contemporary research on links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, we conducted a leaf‐litter decomposition study to investigate how mixing of detrital resources that reflect forest community composition would regulate in‐stream leaf litter. Leaf litter bags containing material from a mature forest (Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer rubrum, Quercus rubra, full factorial treatments = 7) and a restored riparian forest (Cornus sericea, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Platanus occidentalis, full factorial treatments = 7) were deployed in a stream reach that experienced riparian reforestation in 2004. Litter from the restored riparian community had less mass remaining (45.28 ± 2.27%) than that from the mature riparian community (54.95 ± 2.19%) after 5 weeks. In addition, mixed litter treatments in the restored riparian community had less mass remaining (40.54 ± 2.37%) than single‐species treatments (51.80 ± 4.05%), a pattern not observed in the mature forest community. Results highlight the importance of planting mixed‐species assemblages as this structure may regulate processes such as decomposition and food‐web structure, processes often not targeted in the restoration plans.  相似文献   

To construct a budget of carbon transformations occurring during leaf decomposition, alder leaves were placed in a woodland stream, later retrieved at weekly intervals, and rates of fungal and bacterial production, microbial respiration, and release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were determined during short laboratory incubations. Carbon dioxide was the major decomposition product, explaining 17% of the microbially mediated leaf mass loss. DOM and FPOM were also important products (5 and 3% of total mass loss, respectively), whereas carbon flow to microbial biomass was low (2%). Fungal biomass in leaves always exceeded bacterial biomass (95–99% of total microbial biomass), but production of bacteria and fungi was similar, indicating that both types of microorganisms need to be considered when examining leaf decomposition in streams. Comparison of leaf mass loss in coarse and fine mesh bags revealed, in addition, that the shredder, Gammarus pulex, had a major impact on leaf decomposition in this study.  相似文献   

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAnPs) were previously proposed to account for up to 11% of marine bacterioplankton and to potentially have great ecological importance in the world's oceans. Our data show that previously used primers based on the M subunit of anoxygenic photosynthetic reaction center genes (pufM) do not comprehensively identify the diversity of AAnPs in the ocean. We have designed and tested a new set of pufM-specific primers and revealed several new AAnP variants in environmental DNA samples and genomic libraries.  相似文献   

1. Relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function are of increasing interest, particularly in freshwater ecosystems where species losses are occurring at unprecedented rates. Amphibian declines have been associated with a loss of ecosystem function in neotropical streams, but little is known of the potential roles of stream‐dwelling tadpoles in leaf decomposition. Leaf litter is an important energy source to streams, and the breakdown of this material to fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) is a key ecosystem function. 2. We used mesocosms in a natural stream setting to quantify the effects of grazing tadpoles, shredding macroinvertebrates and a combination of the two on leaf decomposition and associated microbial activity. We measured respiration rates of decomposing leaves, particulate organic matter (POM) and leaf biofilm biomass and C : N : P ratios, and leaf area loss in 4 treatments: Control, tadpole only (TP), tadpole and shredding macroinvertebrates (TP + INV) and shredding macroinvertebrates only (INV). We hypothesised that tadpoles would enhance leaf decomposition by changing nutrient availability and stimulating microbial activity. 3. Respiration rates ranged from 3.1 to 6.0 mg O2 dry mass?1 h?1 and were significantly higher in the TP and TP + INV treatments than in the control. The TP + INV treatment had significantly higher POM in chambers than the control and INV treatments. The TP treatment had significantly lower leaf biofilm biomass than the control and INV treatments. 4. Tadpoles influenced the elemental balance of C and N in POM and leaf biofilm. In contrast to our prediction, molar C : N ratios were higher in the TP + INV treatment than in the control. Mean molar N : P ratios in POM were higher in the TP + INV treatment than in any other treatment. Leaf biofilm followed a similar pattern, but both TP and TP + INV had significantly higher N : P ratios than the control and INV treatments. Leaf area loss was greatest when tadpoles and invertebrates were together (TP + INV = 0.6% leaf area loss per mg organism) than separate (TP = 0.1%, INV = 3%), indicating facilitation. 5. Tadpoles indirectly affected leaf decomposition by influencing microbial communities and macroinvertebrate feeding. As such, ongoing amphibian declines may adversely affect a critical ecosystem function in freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

Parasites commonly manipulate host behaviour, and among the most dramatic examples are diverse fungi that cause insects to die attached to leaves. This death-grip behaviour functions to place insects in an ideal location for spore dispersal from a dead body following host death. Fossil leaves record many aspects of insect behaviour (feeding, galls, leaf mining) but to date there are no known examples of behavioural manipulation. Here, we document, to our knowledge, the first example of the stereotypical death grip from 48 Ma leaves of Messel, Germany, indicating the antiquity of this behaviour. As well as probably being the first example of behavioural manipulation in the fossil record, these data support a biogeographical parallelism between mid Eocene northern Europe and recent southeast Asia.  相似文献   

1. Leaf litter decomposition is one of the most important ecosystem processes in streams. Recent studies suggest that facilitation, in which litter is processed by a succession of species with differing abilities and requirements, may be important in making the nutrients bound in litter available to the stream assemblage.
2. We predicted that stream invertebrates that feed on terrestrial leaf litter (shredders) and tadpoles would facilitate leaf litter decomposition by changing the quality of leaf material directly via physical contact or indirectly via nutrient release. We experimentally examined the ability of shredders and tadpoles to break down leaves, independently and together, in artificial streams beside a natural forest stream.
3. The decomposition rate was greater when shredders and tadpoles were together than was expected from rates in single-species treatments, indicating that facilitation occurred. This facilitation operated in one direction only: the rate of leaf breakdown by tadpoles was higher when leaves had been partly processed by shredders, but there was no similar effect when leaves previously occupied by tadpoles were processed by shredders. We did not detect facilitation caused by indirect nutrient release.
4. Shredders may have benefited tadpoles by roughening leaf surfaces, making them easier for the tadpoles to consume and enhancing leaf breakdown in the presence of both taxa. This indicates that the loss of a single species can have impacts on ecosystem functioning that go beyond the loss of its direct contribution.  相似文献   

A. J. Boulton 《Hydrobiologia》1991,211(2):123-136
Eucalypt leaf packs were placed at two sites in an intermittent stream during summer to examine the hypothesis that terrestrially-exposed leaf litter accumulates a richer microbial flora than submerged leaves — a phenomenon observed in Canadian temporary vernal pools. This did not occur; during the experiment, microbial biomass (as ATP) rose steadily on submerged leaves but remained low on terrestrially-exposed leaves. Densities of most functional feeding groups on the submerged leaves increased with time. Scrapers appeared to be more important than shredders in eucalypt leaf breakdown at both sites.  相似文献   

Leaf litter samples of 12 dicotyledonous tree species (belonging to eight families) growing in a dry tropical forest and in early stages of decomposition were studied for the presence of litter fungi. Equal-sized segments of the leaves incubated in moist chambers were observed every day for 30 d for the presence of fungi. Invariably, the fungal assemblage on the litter of each tree species was dominated by a given fungal species. The diversity of fungi present in the litter varied with the tree species although many species of fungi occurred in the litter of all 12 species. A Pestalotiopsis species dominated the litter fungal assemblage of five trees and was common in the litter of all tree species. The present study and earlier studies from our lab indicate that fungi have evolved traits such as thermotolerant spores, ability to utilize toxic furaldehydes, ability to produce cell wall destructuring enzymes and an endophyte-litter fungus life style to survive and establish themselves in fire-prone forests such as the one studied here. This study shows that in the dry tropical forest, the leaf litter fungal assemblage is governed more by the environment than by the plant species.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2022,126(10):631-639
The fungi associated with leaf litter play a key role in decomposition and can be affected both by the warming water and the invasion of non-native species in riparian vegetation. Warming water and invasion of non-native riparian species on stream fungal communities have been studied mainly in temperate ecosystems. We tested the effects of warming water and non-native plant Psidium guajava on leaf litter decomposition, conidia density, species richness and beta diversity of tropical stream fungi. Thus, we carried out an experiment using the current mean temperature of streams from northwestern Paraná in South Brazil (22 °C) and two temperatures above the current mean temperature (26 °C and 29 °C). We also used the leaves of a non-native plant (P. guajava), and two native plants (one of similar nutritional quality, and the other of higher nutritional quality than the non-native species) occurring in Neotropical streams riparian vegetation. Warming water accelerated leaf litter decomposition and reduced conidia density and fungal richness in native and non-native plants. However, species composition and beta diversity were not affected by water temperature. Our study showed that warming affects the fungi of streams, the main microorganisms responsible for decomposition and that the nutritional quality of the leaves may be more important than the origin of riparian plant species. Despite this, further investigations should be conducted on the interaction of P. guajava with the flow of nutrients in these environments and how it can affect other ecosystem processes and the food chain. Efforts to study the effects of water warming and biological invasion on the attributes and distribution of fungi in streams are vital, making them a tool for the conservation of riparian ecosystems.  相似文献   

  • 1 Leaf decomposition was compared in two streams at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina. U.S.A. One stream drains an undisturbed hardwood watershed, while the other drains a successional watershed subject to an insect outbreak. The successional watershed has elevated nitrate concentrations in the streamwater.
  • 2 Both black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) and sweet birch (Betula lenta) leaf litter decomposed 2.8 times more rapidly in the stream with high nitrate concentrations.
  • 3 The more rapid decay rates appeared to be partly due to accelerated microbial processing in response to nitrate enrichment, because microbial biomass (as ATP) was higher in the nitrate-enriched stream.
  • 4 At each point in time, nitrogen and phosphorus content of the litter was lower in the high nitrate stream; however, there was no significant difference in nitrogen or phosphorus content at the same state of leaf decay in the two streams.

1. Macroinvertebrate colonization of artificial leaf packs of differing palatability to detritivores was measured in a low-order stream. 2. The most palatable leaf types—alder and young beech—were colonized mainly by detritivores and consumed rapidly, so that species diversity on the substrate remained low. In the case of the less palatable old beech and paper ‘leaves’, however, colonization was slower but species diversity approached that of the surrounding benthos. 3. After 1 week, species diversity in paper ‘leaf packs was equivalent to that of the benthos, but species composition was dissimilar. 4. I argue that species diversity of a patch of stream bed may be inversely related to the abundance or palatability of a given food resource, and that this relationship is maintained by the instability of the stream bed habitat, precluding a long-term community response to increased food availability. It may be, however, that the dispersal abilities of many aquatic insects allow a rapid response to the creation of novel habitats.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition, a fundamental process of nutrient cycling and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems, is driven by a diverse array of decomposers. As an important component of the heterotrophic food web, meiofauna can provide a trophic link between leaf‐associated microbes (i.e., bacteria and fungi)/plant detritus and macroinvertebrates, though their contribution to litter decomposition is not well understood. To investigate the role of different decomposer communities in litter decomposition, especially meiofauna, we compared the litter decomposition of three leaf species with different lignin to nitrogen ratios in litter bags with different mesh sizes (0.05, 0.25, and 2 mm) in a forested stream, in China for 78 days. The meiofauna significantly enhanced the decomposition of leaves of high‐and medium‐ quality, while decreasing (negative effect) or increasing (positive effect) the fungal biomass and diversity. Macrofauna and meiofauna together contributed to the decomposition of low‐quality leaf species. The presence of meiofauna and macrofauna triggered different aspects of the microbial community, with their effects on litter decomposition varying as a function of leaf quality. This study reveals that the meiofauna increased the trophic complexity and modulated their interactions with microbes, highlighting the important yet underestimated role of meiofauna in detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   

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