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Summary The hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system of lizards was studied with the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) technique at the light microscopic level. It was shown that vasotocin and mesotocin are synthesized in separate neurons. The vasotocinergic as well as the mesotocinergic perikarya are of different sizes. Both cell types occur in close juxtaposition, but without a distinct pattern of distribution. The external zone of the lacertilian median eminence contains numerous immunoreactive vasotocinergic fibers and only few immunoreactive mesotocinergic fibers. The general organization of the hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system of lizards, as revealed by immunocytochemistry, is essentially similar to that revealed with unspecific staining methods.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Fluorescence histochemistry discloses that the carotid rete mirabile in the giraffe has a poor sympathetic innervation. In contrast, the efferent artery of the rete (internal carotid artery) and the cerebral arteries show moderate sympathetic innervation. A certain degree of regional variability was noted in which the rostral arteries (anterior and middle cerebral) receive more sympathetic nerves than the caudal (posterior communicating and basilar) arteries. The sympathetic nerves on the giraffe cerebral vessels may constitute part of a host of mechanisms by which regional blood flow to the brain is regulated. Conversely, the paucity of sympathetic innervation of the carotid rete mirabile may indicate that this structure does not play an active role in vasoconstrictor responses during postural changes of the head.  相似文献   

The trigeminal jaw adductor musculature of anilioid snakes is analysed. The group is characterised by primitive characters, viz. the presence of an extensive bodenaponeurosis and of a quadrate aponeurosis. A temporal tendon gives rise to superficial (lb) fibres which are not observed in other snakes: this may be a primitive or a derived feature.
Jaw adductor muscles in snakes are usually subdivided following their relative position in an antero–posterior direction. Lacertilian jaw adductors are subdivided in a transverse plane. A detailed comparison of the anilioid and primitive lacertilian jaw adductors establishes correspondences (homologies) of parts in the transverse plane in both groups. These homologies are corroborated by innervational patterns.
Platynotan lizards are widely accepted as potential snake ancestors. A comparison of homologue jaw adductors shows different evolutionary trends to characterise platynotan lizards and snakes. Theoretically, these findings do not rule out primitive platynotan lizards as snake ancestors. On the basis of the structure of jaw adductors, snakes are to be derived from a primitive lacertilian pattern, be it platynotan or not.  相似文献   

Since the rabbit's eye more nearly resembles the human eye than any other mammal used in experimental investigations, a detailed study of its ciliary arteries has been made. A closely timed series of embryos injected through the living umbilical vein and rendered transparent show, in thick sections, silhouetted vessels in perspective. Heretofore the ciliary arteries have been studied from their first identification until they have reached the primitive choriocapillaris, but no farther. This study shows their complete history including their relation to the circulus arteriosus iridis major and to the pupillary membrane. Our special concern has been ferreting out the mode of migration of the components of the definitive arteries. New findings include: (1) an arteriovenous plexus which mediates the transference from vessels anastomotic with it to other such vessels; (2) functionally different segments of the primitive ciliary arteries; (3) different arterial and venous plexuses which play roles in embryonic development; (4) discovery of the realignment of the choriocapillaris into vertical vessel meshes with transverse anastomoses between them, each of which have different fates; (5) the mode of development of the circulus arteriosus iridis major; (6) a crown of venous vessels looping around the iris margin; and (7) a special arterial supply for the ciliary processes.  相似文献   

"Spemann's" lecture treats experiments on the separation ofthe first two cells of a frog, or sea urchin, or salamanderembryo; the induction of a lens in a frog embryo by an opticvesicle (primordium of the eye); and the primary organizer thatis a dynamic center, establishing the basic organization ofthe embryo and inducing the nervous system and sense organs."Spemann" goes beyond science in speaking poetically of thebeauty and order in the universe, and to illustrate how a goodscholar should work he uses a lovely metaphor of piecing togetherthe fragments of a broken vase. "Spemann" concludes with a stirringplea for academic freedom.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the knee and mesotarsal (ankle) joints in lizards with normally developed limbs is described. It is shown that the knee joint is strictly of the hinge type, but is asymmetrical, resulting in a mesial inflexion of the long axis of the crus relative to that of the femur. The mesotarsal joint is a complex screw joint which permits conjunct rotatory movements of the crus on the pes, as well as flexion-extension. These movements are mediated by interlocking control surfaces on either side of the joint, and are an external expression of the geometry of these surfaces. The morphology of these joints, and the movements they permit are evaluated with reference to the movements of the limb segments during retraction.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2008,18(8):R313-R314

Embryonic lymphangiogenesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

鸡胚胎生殖细胞在鼠胚成纤维细胞饲养层上的生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨以鼠胚成纤维细胞为饲养层分离、培养鸡胚胎生殖细胞的方法和条件。方法:分离、培养12.5~13.5d鼠胚成纤维细胞。分离孵化5.5d鸡胚原始生殖细胞,原代培养时不使用饲养层,与性腺基质细胞共培养;继代培养时将其置于鼠胚成纤维细胞饲养层上,在含生长因子、分化抑制因子的培养体系中培养胚胎生殖细胞。结果:鼠胚成纤维细胞可连续传代18代以上(4个月),3~15代细胞可以用作饲养层细胞。分离的鸡胚胎生殖细胞在饲养层上可增殖形成典型胚胎生殖细胞集落,并能连续在体外培养超过9代。集落未分化标志高碘酸希夫反应(PAS)呈强阳性,体外分化实验表明胚胎生殖细胞具有多能性。结论:用鼠胚成纤维细胞作为饲养层能获得可连续增殖的胚胎生殖细胞。  相似文献   

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