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The Hedgehog protein family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The search for an unusual cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase in nematodes represented an attempt to gain some insight into the proposed homology of the cAMP and cGMP-dependent protein kinases. Two species of protein kinase were found in high speed supernatants of the mycophagous nematode Aphelenchusavenae. One of the two, bound to DEAE cellulose and was eluted from it in a manner characteristic of the type I cAMP kinase. The enzyme had high affinity for cAMP and dissociated upon binding to the cyclic nucleotide, as judged by the fact that catalytic activity did not bind to a cAMP affinity column. The second enzyme did not bind to DEAE. Unexpectedly, it too had high affinity for cAMP and much lower affinity for cGMP (unlike the cAMPcGMP kinase from insects). The holoenzyme bound tightly to the cAMP affinity column and required a high concentration of the cyclic nucleotide for elution. This latter enzyme is the only example of a cAMP-dependent protein kinase that does not dissociate upon activation.  相似文献   

Animal-specific gene families involved in cell-cell communication and developmental control comprise many subfamilies with distinct domain structures and functions. They diverged by subfamily-generating duplications and domain shufflings before the parazoan-eumetazoan split. Here, we have cloned 40 PTK cDNAs from choanoflagellates, Monosiga ovata, Stephanoeca diplocostata and Codosiga gracilis, the closest relatives to animals. A phylogeny-based analysis of PTKs revealed that 40 out of 47 subfamilies analyzed have unique domain structures and are possibly generated independently in animal and choanoflagellate lineages by domain shufflings. Seven cytoplasmic subfamilies showed divergence before the animal-choanoflagellate split originated by both duplications and shufflings.  相似文献   

Generation of the amyloid peptide through proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein by beta- and gamma-secretases is central to the etiology of Alzheimer's disease. The highly elusive beta-secretase was recently identified as a transmembrane aspartic proteinase, Asp2 (BACE). The Asp2 homolog Asp1 (BACE2/DRAP) has also been reported to exhibit beta-secretase cleavage of amyloid precursor protein. Most aspartic proteinases are generated as inactive proenzymes, requiring removal of the prodomain to generate active proteinase. Here we show that prodomain processing of Asp1 occurs between Leu(62) and Ala(63) and is autocatalytic. Asp1 cleaved a maltose-binding protein-Asp1 prodomain fusion protein and a synthetic peptide at this site. Mutation of one of the conserved catalytic aspartic acid residues in the active site of Asp1 to asparagine (D110N) abolished this cleavage. Mutation of P(1)' and P(2)' residues in the substrate to phenylalanine reduced cleavage at this site. Asp1 expressed in cells was the mature form, and prodomain processing occurred intramolecularly within the endoplasmic reticulum/early Golgi. Interestingly, a proportion of mature Asp1 was expressed on the cell surface. When full-length Asp1(D110N) was expressed in COS-7 cells, it was not processed, suggesting that no other proteinase can activate Asp1 in these cells.  相似文献   

The sigmoidal response observed in kinetic studies of germinating bacterial spores, using nephelometric techniques and phase contrast microscope photometry, is analysed by postulating an autocatalytic process. A scheme A to B to C, where B catalyses the degradation of A, is applied to describe the response accurately by three rate constants. The autocatalytic model is compared with previous proposals for quantifying germination studies and for interpreting the effect of different experimental conditions on initiation of germination. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by quantifying published results for a germinating single spore determined by phase contrast microscopy, and nephelometric results for spore suspensions, including the effect of temperature on the rate of initiation of germination. Although developed for quantitative analysis of spore germination, the model is applicable to other autocatalytic phenomena. To assist the experimentalist, a simple accurate method for deriving the three constants specifying the sigmoidal characteristic is described.  相似文献   

Hedgehog signaling is critical for metazoan development and requires cilia for pathway activity. The gene iguana was discovered in zebrafish as required for Hedgehog signaling, and encodes a novel Zn finger protein. Planarians are flatworms with robust regenerative capacities and utilize epidermal cilia for locomotion. RNA interference of Smed-iguana in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea caused cilia loss and failure to regenerate new cilia, but did not cause defects similar to those observed in hedgehog(RNAi) animals. Smed-iguana gene expression was also similar in pattern to the expression of multiple other ciliogenesis genes, but was not required for expression of these ciliogenesis genes. iguana-defective zebrafish had too few motile cilia in pronephric ducts and in Kupffer's vesicle. Kupffer's vesicle promotes left-right asymmetry and iguana mutant embryos had left-right asymmetry defects. Finally, human Iguana proteins (dZIP1 and dZIP1L) localize to the basal bodies of primary cilia and, together, are required for primary cilia formation. Our results indicate that a critical and broadly conserved function for Iguana is in ciliogenesis and that this function has come to be required for Hedgehog signaling in vertebrates.  相似文献   

A conditional-lethal mutation (rpoB364) mapping to the gene that encodes the β-subunit of RNA polymerase was obtained inEscherichia coli. This mutation caused cell filamentation at the restrictive growth temperature and partial derepression of the osmotically regulatedproU operon at the permissive growth temperature. Even under the latter condition, transformants of therpoB364 mutant strain carrying the plasmid vector pACYC184, but not those carrying otherpolA-dependent multicopy plasmids such as pACYC177 or pBR322, were killed in early stationary phase; one class of suppressor mutants isolated as survivors within these transformant colonies were further derepressed forproU-lac expression, and the mutation in each of several independent clones of this class was mapped tohns, the gene that encodes the protein H-NS of theE. coli nucleoid. Thehns mutations did not suppress the conditional-lethal growth phenotype of therpoB364 mutant itself. On the other hand, intracellular overproduction of guanosine 3’, 5’-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp) in therpoB364 strain alleviated both the growth inhibition at the restrictive temperature and the pACYC184-mediated stationary-phase lethality. Upon subcloning into pUC19 or into pACYC177, a 105-bpXbal-HindIII fragment from pACYC184 was shown to be sufficient to confer therpoB364 hns +-dependent lethal phenotype. We suggest that the level in stationary-phase cultures of a gene product(s) that interacts with the pACYC184 DNA fragment is altered in therpoB364 hns+derivative (compared to that inrpoB+ orrpoB364 hns strains) and that this results in cell suicide.  相似文献   

Protamines are small, highly basic DNA-binding proteins found in the sperm of animals. Interestingly, the proportion of arginine residues in one type of protamine, protamine P1, is about 50% in mammals. Upon closer examination, it was found that both the total number of amino acids and the positions of arginine residues have changed considerably during the course of mammalian evolution. This evolutionary pattern suggests that protamine P1 is under an unusual form of purifying selection, in which the high proportion of arginine residues is maintained but the positions may vary. In this case, we would expect that the rate of nonsynonymous substitution is not particularly low compared with that of synonymous substitution, despite purifying selection. We would also expect that the selection for a high arginine content results in a high frequency of the nucleotide G in the coding region of this gene, because all six arginine codons contain at least one G. These expectations were confirmed in our study of mammalian protamine genes. Analysis of nonmammalian vertebrate genes also showed essentially the same patterns of evolutionary changes, suggesting that this unusual form of purifying selection has been active since the origin of bony vertebrates. The protamine gene of an insect species shows similar patterns, although its purifying selection is less intense. These observations suggest that arginine-rich selection is a general feature of protamine evolution. The driving force for arginine-rich selection appears to be the DNA-binding function of protamine P1 and an interaction with a protein kinase in the fertilized egg.  相似文献   

Oxidation of oxyhemoglobin by nitrite is characterized by the presence of a lag phase followed by the autocatalysis. Just before the autocatalysis begins, an asymmetric ESR signal is detected which is similar to that of the methemoglobin radical generated from methemoglobin and H2O2 in shape, g value (2.005), peak-to-peak width (18 G) and other properties, except the difference in the dependence on temperature. Generation of H2O2 is indicated by the prolongation of the lag phase by the addition of catalase. On the other hand, the oxidation is modified by neither superoxide dismutase nor Nitroblue tetrazolium. The oxidation is prolonged in the presence of KCN. The present results indicate a free-radical mechanism for the oxidation in which the asymmetric radical catalyzes the formation of NO2 from NO2- by a peroxidase action and NO2 oxidizes oxyhemoglobin in the autocatalytic phase.  相似文献   

Macrophages, lymphocytes, and HeLa cells when incubated in vitro at 37° in Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer release a dialyzable, heat-stable, ninhydrin-reacting factor which inhibits protein synthesis by intact cells and isolated ribosomes. Release of the inhibitor appears to be dependent on metabolism. Partial purification of the inhibitor by Sephadex G-10 chromatography suggests it has a molecular weight of 400–600.  相似文献   

Oncogene-induced DNA replication stress activates the DNA damage response (DDR), a crucial anticancer barrier. DDR inactivation in these conditions promotes genome instability and tumor progression, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are elusive. We found that overexpression of both Cyclin E and Cdc25A rapidly slowed down replication forks and induced fork reversal, suggestive of increased topological stress. Surprisingly, these phenotypes, per se, are neither associated with chromosomal breakage nor with significant DDR activation. Oncogene-induced DNA breakage and DDR activation instead occurred upon persistent G2/M arrest or, in a checkpoint-defective context, upon premature CDK1 activation. Depletion of MUS81, a cell cycle–regulated nuclease, markedly limited chromosomal breakage and led to further accumulation of reversed forks. We propose that nucleolytic processing of unusual replication intermediates mediates oncogene-induced genotoxicity and that limiting such processing to mitosis is a central anti-tumorigenic function of the DNA damage checkpoints.  相似文献   

A protease-activated antimicrobial peptide (PAMP) and its inactive precursor were purified from the culture supernatant of Propionibacterium jensenii LMG 3032 and characterized at the molecular level. PAMP is a 64-amino-acid cationic peptide of 6,383 Da with physicochemical features similar to those of bacteriocins from gram-positive bacteria. This peptide displayed bactericidal activity against several propionibacteria and lactobacilli. DNA sequencing indicated that the PAMP-encoding gene (pamA) is translated as a proprotein of 198 amino acids with an N-terminal signal peptide of 27 amino acids and that PAMP constitutes the C-terminal part of this precursor. The amino acid sequence of pro-PAMP showed no similarity to those of other known proteins. By using activity tests and mass spectrometry, we showed that PAMP was formed upon protease treatment of the precursor protein. The propionibacteria produced the PAMP precursor constitutively during growth up to a level of approximately 4 mg/liter, but the producing bacteria were unable to activate the precursor. The requirement for an external protease represents a novel strategy for generating antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Hedgehog (Hh) signalling plays a central role in many developmental processes in both vertebrates and invertebrates [1]. The multipass membrane-spanning proteins Patched (Ptc) [2-4] and Smoothened (Smo) [5-7] have been proposed to act as subunits of a putative Hh receptor complex. According to this view, Smo functions as the transducing subunit, the activity of which is blocked by a direct interaction with the ligand-binding subunit, Ptc [8]. Activation of the intracellular signalling pathway occurs when Hh binds to Ptc [8-11], an event assumed to release Smo from Ptc-mediated inhibition. Evidence for a physical interaction between Smo and Ptc is so far limited to studies of the vertebrate versions of these proteins when overexpressed in tissue culture systems [8,12]. To test this model, we have overexpressed the Drosophila Smo protein in vivo and found that increasing the levels of Smo protein per se was not sufficient for activation of the pathway. Immunohistochemical staining of wild-type and transgenic embryos revealed distinct patterns of Smo distribution, depending on which region of the protein was detected by the antibody. Our findings suggest that Smo is modified to yield a non-functional form and this modification is promoted by Ptc in a non-stoichiometric manner.  相似文献   

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