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A recent phylogenetic analysis of the Myxinidae based on the 16S rRNA gene resulted in synonymization of Paramyxine with Eptatretus. This created homonymy of Paramyxine fernholmi with Eptatretus fernholmi and Paramyxine wisneri with Eptatretus wisneri. In order to resolve this nomenclatural dilemma, we made a more extensive phylogenetic assessment of the Myxinidae and examined the nomenclature of the family. We used 75 sequences (37 of which new for this study) of a 561 bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene, representing 33 species, and 72 sequences (37 of which new for this study) of a 687 bp fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, representing 23 species, to reconstruct the phylogeny of Myxinidae. The monophyly of the subfamily Myxininae, traditionally characterized by having a single pair of external gill openings, was rejected (0.50 Bayesian posterior probability) by the 16S analysis, but supported by the COI and combined COI+16S analyses (0.99 and 0.81 Bpp, respectively). The monophyly of the subfamily Eptatretinae, characterized by having several pairs of external gill openings, was not supported by the 16S analysis and rejected by the COI and combined COI+16S analysis due to the placement of Eptatretus lopheliae as the earliest branch of Myxinidae (0.71 and 0.57 Bpp, respectively). Eptatretus lopheliae and Eptatretus rubicundus formed a monophyletic group and were allocated to a new genus, Rubicundus, characterized by the presence of an elongated tubular nostril and reddish coloration. A new monotypic subfamily, Rubicundinae, was proposed for Rubicundus. The synonymy of the genera Paramyxine and Quadratus with Eptatretus was confirmed. E. fernholmi is renamed Eptatretus luzonicus. Eptatretus wisneri was renamed Eptatretus bobwisneri. Petromyzon cirrhatus Forster, 1801, Homea banksii Fleming, 1822, and Bdellostoma forsteri Müller, 1836 are synonyms, but no type specimens are known to exist. Petromyzon cirrhatus was designated as type species of Eptatretus, conserving present usage. Gastrobranchus dombeyi Shaw, 1804 has priority over other names for Chilean myxinids. Bdellostoma stoutii was designated as type species of Polistotrema Gill. The validity of the Western Atlantic Myxine limosa as distinct from the Eastern Atlantic Myxine glutinosa was confirmed.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Rivellia Robineau‐Desvoidy was inferred from mitochondrial 16S ribosomal (r)DNA gene sequences of 13 Korean Rivellia species and six species representing other platystomatid genera and the family Tephritidae. We compared the inferred molecular phylogeny with the previously published morphological cladogram. As a result, the following phylogenetic relationships were recognized: (i) monophyly of the genus Rivellia; (ii) monophyly of the R. syngenesiae species group; (iii) R. depicta and R. apicalis (which were not previously placed in any species group) were recognized as a sister group of the R. syngenesiae species group; and (iv) monophyly of the R. basilaris species group was recognized to a limited extent. These results, even though geographically limited, provide a new insight into the phylogeny of the genus Rivellia. They clearly show the utility of 16S rDNA for phylogenetic analysis of the genus Rivellia. Additional study involving samples from different geographical areas will be needed to gain a better understanding of the adaptive radiation of this species‐rich genus.  相似文献   

Heterodrilus is a group of marine Naididae, common worldwide in subtropical and tropical areas, and unique among the oligochaetes by their tridentate chaetae. The phylogenetic relationships within the group are assessed from the nuclear 18S rDNA gene, and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rDNA genes. Sequence data were obtained from 16 Heterodrilus species and 13 out‐group taxa; 48 sequences are new for this study. The data were analysed by Bayesian inference. Monophyly of the genus is corroborated by the resulting tree, with Heterodrilus ersei (a taxon representing a small group of species with aberrant male genitalia) proposed to be outside all other sampled species. Although earlier regarded as a member of the subfamily Rhyacodrilinae, both molecular and morphological data seem to support that Heterodrilus is closely related to Phallodrilinae. However, the results are not conclusive as to whether the genus is the sister group of, or a group nested inside, or separate from this latter subfamily. The studied sample of species suggests at least two major clades in Heterodrilus with different geographical distributions, in one of the clades, most species are from the Indo‐West Pacific Ocean, while in the other, the majority are from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Morphological characters traditionally used in Heterodrilus taxonomy are optimized on the phylogenetic tree, revealing a high degree of homoplasy.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the family Tephritidae (Diptera: Tephritidae) was reconstructed from mitochondrial 12S, 16S, and COII gene fragments using 87 species, including 79 tephritid and 8 outgroup species. Minimum evolution and Bayesian trees suggested the following phylogenetic relationships: (1) A sister group relationship between Ortalotrypeta and Tachinisca, and their basal phylogenetic position within Tephritidae; (2) a sister group relationship between the tribe Acanthonevrini and Phytalmiini; (3) monophyly of Plioreocepta, Taomyia and an undescribed new genus, and their sister group relationship with the subfamily Tephritinae; (4) a possible sister group relationship of Cephalophysa and Adramini; and (5) reconfirmation of monophyly for Trypetini, Carpomyini, Tephritinae, and Dacinae. The combination of 12S, 16S, and COII data enabled resolution of phylogenetic relationships among the higher taxa of Tephritidae.  相似文献   

Relationships within Chilopoda (centipedes) are assessed based on 222 morphological characters, complete 18S rRNA sequences for 70 chilopod terminals, the D3 region of 28S rRNA for 65 terminals, 16S rRNA sequences for 54 terminals and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences for 45 terminals. Morphological and molecular data for seven orders of Diplopoda are used to root cladograms for Chilopoda. Analyses use direct character optimization for 15 gap and substitution models. The Pleurostigmophora and Epimorpha s.l. hypotheses are largely stable to parameter variation for the combined data; the latter clade is formalized as the new taxon Phylactometria. The combined data include parameter sets that support either the monophyly of Epimorpha s.str. (=Scolopendromorpha + Geophilomorpha) or Craterostigmus + Geophilomorpha; the former derives its support from morphology and the nuclear ribosomal genes. Monophyly of Lithobiomorpha and the sister group relationship between Lithobiidae and Henicopidae are stable for morphological and combined data, and are also resolved for the molecular data for 14 of 15 parameter sets. The fundamental split in Scolopendromorpha is between Cryptopidae and Scolopendridae sensu Attems. Blind scolopendromorphs unite as a clade in most molecular and combined analyses, including those that minimize incongruence between data partitions. Geophilomorpha divides into Placodesmata and Adesmata under nine of 15 explored parameter sets.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among genera of the subfamily Ariantinae (Pulmonata, Helicidae), especially the sister‐group relationship of Cylindrus obtusus, were investigated with three mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) and two nuclear marker genes (Histone H4 and H3). Within Ariantinae, C. obtusus stands out because of its aberrant cylindrical shell shape. Here, we present phylogenetic trees based on these five marker sequences and discuss the position of C. obtusus and phylogeographical scenarios in comparison with previously published results. Our results provide strong support for the sister‐group relationship between Cylindrus and Arianta confirming previous studies and imply that the split between the two genera is quite old. The tree reveals a phylogeographical pattern of Ariantinae with a well‐supported clade comprising the Balkan taxa which is the sister group to a clade with individuals from Alpine localities. Additional lineages representing samples from southern Alpine localities as well as from Slovakia split from more basal nodes, but their relationships are not clearly resolved. To achieve more definitive conclusions concerning the geographical origin of Ariantinae, still more sequence data are needed to obtain a tree with better resolution of basal nodes. The genetic data also provided new insights concerning the genus Cepaea, which was used as one of the outgroup taxa. Cepaea vindobonensis is only distantly related to Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea hortensis, the latter two being more closely related to Eobania vermiculata. Thus, in our tree, the genus Cepaea is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The tapeworm species Spirometra erinaceieuropaei was documented mainly in Asia and Europe. In recent years, plerocercoid larvae (spargana) of this parasite have been found in different hosts in north‐eastern Poland. The evolutionary history and way of S. erinaceieuropaei spreading across Eurasia have been not described yet. However, this phenomenon could be closely related to the evolutionary history and migration routes of studied tapeworm host species. We investigated the genetic variability and divergence pattern among S. erinaceieuropaei populations in intermediate and paratenic hosts from north‐eastern Poland based on complete mitochondrial sequences of cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) genes. Analysis of 319 consolidated sequences of these two genes showed no genetic structure across study area. Comparison of sequences from Poland and China showed distinct separation of S. erinaceieuropaei populations from these two regions. They split from their common ancestor approximately 28.6 million years ago. Demographic expansion of Polish population of S. erinaceieuropaei started from glacial refugia approximately 12.5 thousand years ago, and recent population expansion has been observed in the tapeworm population from north‐eastern Poland.  相似文献   

The genus Mus encompasses at least 38 species divided into four subgenera: Mus , Pyromys , Nannomys and Coelomys . The subgenus Mus , which comprises the house mouse and related species, is by far the most extensively studied, although the subgenus Nannomys is the most speciose. Although the relationships within the subgenus Mus are rather well characterized, those between subgenera are still unclear. In the present study, phylogenetic analyses of the whole genus were performed using a larger species sample of Nannomys than in previous studies, and a nuclear gene (IRBP) in addition to mitochondrial data (cytochrome b and 12S rRNA). Members of the Acomyinae and Murinae were used as outgroups. Separate and combined analyses were performed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, and divergence times were estimated. The results showed that the monophyly of the genus Mus and of each subgenus was strongly supported by the three genes and the combined analysis. The phylogenies derived from the three genes were on the whole congruent; however, several conflicting topologies were observed such as the relationships between the three Asian species of the subgenus Mus ( caroli , cervicolor and cookii ). Increasing the taxonomic sampling of Nannomys did not satisfactorily improve the resolution of relationships between the four subgenera. In addition, molecular calibrations indicate that the Mus and Nannomys radiation coincided with major environmental changes.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 417–427.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bivalve classification has suffered in the past from the crossed-purpose discussions among paleontologists and neontologists, and many have based their proposals on single character systems. More recently, molecular biologists have investigated bivalve relationships by using only gene sequence data, ignoring paleontological and neontological data. In the present study we have compiled morphological and anatomical data with mostly new molecular evidence to provide a more stable and robust phylogenetic estimate for bivalve molluscs. The data here compiled consist of a morphological data set of 183 characters, and a molecular data set from 3 loci: 2 nuclear ribosomal genes (18S rRNA and 28S rRNA), and 1 mitochondrial coding gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I), totaling ∼3 Kb of sequence data for 76 molluscs (62 bivalves and 14 outgroup taxa). The data have been analyzed separately and in combination by using the direct optimization method of Wheeler (1996), and they have been evaluated under 12 analytical schemes. The combined analysis supports the monophyly of bivalves, paraphyly of protobranchiate bivalves, and monophyly of Autolamellibranchiata, Pteriomorphia, Heteroconchia, Palaeoheterodonta, and Heterodonta s.l., which includes the monophyletic taxon Anomalodesmata. These analyses strongly support the conclusion that Anomalodesmata should not receive a class status, and that the heterodont orders Myoida and Veneroida are not monophyletic. Among the most stable results of the analysis are the monophyly of Palaeoheterodonta, grouping the extant trigoniids with the freshwater unionids, and the sister-group relationship of the heterodont families Astartidae and Carditidae, which together constitute the sister taxon to the remaining heterodont bivalves. Internal relationships of the main bivalve groups are discussed on the basis of node support and clade stability.  相似文献   

The phylogenic relationships existing among 14 parasitic Platyhelminthes in the Republic of Korea were investigated via the use of the partial 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) D1 region and the partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (mCOI) DNA sequences. The nucleotide sequences were analyzed by length, G + C %, nucleotide differences and gaps in order to determine the analyzed phylogenic relationships. The phylogenic patterns of the 28S rDNA D1 and mCOI regions were closely related within the same class and order as analyzed by the PAUP 4.0 program, with the exception of a few species. These findings indicate that the 28S rDNA gene sequence is more highly conserved than are the mCOI gene sequences. The 28S rDNA gene may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structures of parasitic Platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the superfamily Tephritoidea (Diptera: Muscomorpha) was reconstructed from three mitochondrial gene fragments (12S, 16S, and COII) using 49 species representing 19 tephritoid and related families. Phylogenetic signal present in different gene fragments as well as combinations of gene fragments was examined using the interior branch and bootstrap test values from minimum evolution method. The minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony trees based on a combined dataset of all three gene fragments provided insight concerning the following phylogenetic relationships: (1) two monophyletic groups (Group-1 and -2) within the superfamily Tephritoidea were clearly recognized; they are compatible with Willi Hennig's Pallopteroidea and Otitoidea that are not used in the contemporary higher classification; (2) the non-monophyletic nature of the family Platystomatidae; and (3) a sister group relationship of Conopidae to Tephritoidea was not supported; instead, our result suggested that Conopidae and Diopsidae might be the basal most groups among the schizophoran families included in this study. The combined data of 12S, 16S, and COII genes was found, therefore, to be a viable genetic marker to resolve divergences among families of the Tephritoidea and other related superfamilies.  相似文献   

Oysters (family Ostreidae), with high levels of phenotypic plasticity and wide geographic distribution, are a challenging group for taxonomists and phylogenetics. As a useful tool for molecular species identification, DNA barcoding might offer significant potential for oyster identification and taxonomy. This study used two mitochondrial fragments, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and the large ribosomal subunit (16S rDNA), to assess whether oyster species could be identified by phylogeny and distance-based DNA barcoding techniques. Relationships among species were estimated by the phylogenetic analyses of both genes, and then pairwise inter- and intraspecific genetic divergences were assessed. Species forming well-differentiated clades in the molecular phylogenies were identical for both genes even when the closely related species were included. Intraspecific variability of 16S rDNA overlapped with interspecific divergence. However, average intra- and interspecific genetic divergences for COI were 0-1.4% (maximum 2.2%) and 2.6-32.2% (minimum 2.2%), respectively, indicating the existence of a barcoding gap. These results confirm the efficacy of species identification in oysters via DNA barcodes and phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

We performed a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ground beetles Apatrobus (Carabidae), endemic to Japan, using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S rRNA (28S) genes. We focused on the species divergence in Kyushu, Shikoku and western Honshu and used 15 of 19 species and three populations with undetermined species in the DNA analysis. The gene trees showed that, of the Apatrobus species studied, A. hayachinensis Nakane from northern Honshu was not included in the monophyletic group of the other Apatrobus species and likely to be of a different genus. Divergence time estimation suggested that Apatrobus species excluding A. hayachinensis diverged 5.2 million years ago and the subsequent divergence of species occurred during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. In each of the main islands, Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu, two or more distinct lineages occurred and all species had restricted distribution areas, suggesting that ancient dispersal and vicariance among the three main islands resulted in the nested biogeographical pattern of species distribution.  相似文献   

The taxonomic history of the diatom genus Amphora is one of a broad early morphological concept resulting in the inclusion of a diversity of taxa, followed by an extended period of revision and refinement. The introduction of molecular systematics has increased the pace of revision and has largely resolved the relationships between the major lineages, indicating homoplasy in the evolution of amphoroid symmetry. Within the two largest monophyletic lineages, the genus Halamphora and the now taxonomically refined genus Amphora, the intrageneric morphological and ecological relationships have yet to be explored within a phylogenetic framework. Critical among this is whether the range of morphological features exhibited within these diverse genera are reflective of evolutionary groupings or, as with many previously studied amphoroid features, are nonhomologous when examined phylogenetically. Presented here is a four‐marker molecular phylogeny that includes 31 taxa from the genus Amphora and 77 taxa from the genus Halamphora collected from fresh, brackish, and salt waters from coastal and inland habitats of the United States and Japan. These phylogenies illustrate complex patterns in the evolution of frustule morphology and ecology within the genera and the implications of this on the taxonomy, classification, and organization of the genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among extant families in the suborder Trogiomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera') were inferred from partial sequences of the nuclear 18S rDNA and Histone 3 and mitochondrial 16S rDNA genes. Analyses of these data produced trees that largely supported the traditional classification; however, monophyly of the infraorder Psocathropetae (= Psyllipsocidae + Prionoglarididae) was not recovered. Instead, the family Psyllipsocidae was recovered as the sister taxon to the infraorder Atropetae (= Lepidopsocidae + Trogiidae + Psoquillidae), and the Prionoglarididae was recovered as sister to all other families in the suborder. Character states previously used to diagnose Psocathropetae are shown to be plesiomorphic. The sister group relationship between Psyllipsocidae and Atropetae was supported by two morphological apomorphies: the presence of a paraproctal anal spine and an anteriorly opened phallosome. Based on these sequence data and morphological observations, we propose a new classification scheme for the Trogiomorpha as follows: infraorder Prionoglaridetae (Prionoglarididae), infraorder Psyllipsocetae (Psyllipsocidae), infraorder Atropetae (Lepidopsocidae, Trogiidae, Psoquillidae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 287–299.  相似文献   

The worldwide distributed genus Monochamus Megerle, 1821 (Coleoptera Cerambicydae) comprises beetles that may become pests of economic importance in conifer stands in the Nearctic and Palearctic Regions. Besides direct damage due to the larval tunnelling habits, they have also been recognized as main vectors of the phytoparasitic nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934) (Nematoda Aphelenchoididae). We analysed the complete mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene and a fragment of the small subunit RNA gene sequences (1536 base pairs) in the five European species. These are: Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier, 1795), morphologically distinguished in two subspecies M. galloprovincialis galloprovincialis (Olivier, 1795) and M. galloprovincialis pistor (Germar, 1818); Monochamus sutor (Linneus 1758); Monochamus saltuarius (Gebler 1830); Monochamus sartor (Fabricius, 1787) and Monochamus urussovi (Fischer, 1806). For appropriate comparisons, also the Asiatic Monochamus alternatus Hope, 1842 and a Japanese M. saltuarius sample have been analysed. Both genes show an absolute identity between the two subspecies of M. galloprovincialis and a strong affinity between M. sartor and M. urussovi: the morphological subdivisions of the former taxon in two subspecies and of the latter in two entities of specific level are therefore not supported genetically. On the other hand, the Italian and the Japanese samples of M. saltuarius always cluster together in all trees, and for the remaining taxa, no doubt about their rank of specific differentiation emerges from present analyses. From a phyletic point of view, tree topology indicates the Japanese M. alternatus as the most differentiated taxon and the Euroasiatic M. saltuarius as basal to all other strictly European entities. Chromosome analyses show that the diploid autosomal complement ranges from 18 in M. saltuarius to 20 in M. galloprovincialis, and 22 in M. sartor, but a XX–Xyp sex determining system is shared by all analysed taxa. The M. saltuarius karyotype appears as the most primitive from which the others may be derived through Robertsonian fissions. Karyological data therefore agree with molecular analyses in indicating a basal position of Euroasiatic M. saltuarius with respect to the group of European Monochamus taxa; among these, M. galloprovincialis and M. sartor represent two clearly diverging evolutionary units. Furthermore, karyotype analyses substantiate molecular conclusions about the identity between M. galloprovincialis galloprovincialis and M. galloprovincialis pistor.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny of the gobioid fishes, comprising 33 genera and 43 valid species, was examined by use of complete mitochondrial 12S rRNA and tRNA(VAL)genes. Both parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses revealed comparable results and are generally congruent with those of morphological studies. The Odontobutis, which was always placed at the base of the phylogenetic trees, can be treated as a sister group of all other nonrhyacichthyid gobioids. Within eleotrid fishes, the monophyly of the Eleotrinae is strongly supported by molecular data. The Butinae is closer to fishes with five branchiostegal rays and should be treated as a sister group of the latter. The group with five branchiostegal rays, except for sicydiines, can be divided into two groups according to their epural counts. Fish with one epural, the Gobiinae of Pezold plus Microdesmidae, form a monophyletic group which is sister to those with two epurals, the Oxudercinae and Gobionellinae of Pezold. However, Sicydiinae, which have one epural, are closer to the Oxudercinae and Gobionellinae rather than to the Gobiinae. Since progressive reduction in epural number has been observed along this lineage, the sicydiines should be treated as a derived group within the groups with two epurals.  相似文献   

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