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本文通过介绍药品微生物检测实验室的质量控制方法,从而进行系统的分析并提出了一些见解,希望能给类似的工程或同行带来一些参考或借鉴。  相似文献   

随着食品安全领域的不断发展,对食品检验要求也不断提高。在食品微生物检验工作不断进步的过程中,对食品微生物检验过程中的质量控制,确保提高食品及微生物检验结果的准确程度,以进一步保障食品的安全卫生。本文从微生物检验过程的特殊性和食品微生物检测质量控制两方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

全面分析微生物检测用培养基、试剂质量控制方法,从培养基的购置、验收、储存、使用等方面进行分类研究,明确培养基的质量控制方法途径,对微生物实验室培养基质量控制工作提供系统指导,提高微生物检测结果的准确性.  相似文献   

吴宾 《工业微生物》2023,(2):123-125
洁净室在微生物检测过程中发挥着重要作用,会极大地影响微生物检测结果的准确性。洁净室的洁净度是影响洁净室发挥作用的关键因素,因此应该加强微生物洁净室管理,同时构建更加完善的检测质量控制规程,切实保障微生物洁净室的管理效果,提升洁净室的洁净度。基于此,文章从微生物检测入手分析了微生物洁净室管理方法,并对微生物检测质量控制规程进行了探究。  相似文献   

从检验人员、仪器设备、培养基与试剂、采样、样品接收与预处理、检验质量控制、参考菌株及保存、检验报告与结果质量等方面,对水产品微生物学检验质量控制进行了探讨,以期更好地开展水产品微生物检验,提高水产品卫生质量,保障消费者饮食安全。  相似文献   

探讨影响水质微生物检验质量的因素,做好检验前、中、后的质量控制,特别是操作过程的质量控制,确保检验的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

实验动物质量直接影响科研数据的准确性,通过定期微生物检测,可对实验动物质量进行控制,因此对检测结果进行质量控制是对检测工作进行日常管理和监督的有效和必要的手段。实验室通过总结近年检测工作经验,对微生物检测质量控制工作进行探讨,为实验动物质量检测提供相关资料。  相似文献   

微生物培养基质量控制技术和标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物培养基的酸碱度、凝胶强度和选择性等直接影响到培养基的质量,在理化试验方法中采用连接可渗透陶器型液体接头的电极和平头电极或者连接微型探头的电极可分别测定液体和固体培养基的pH值,而采用Gelometer和the LFRA Texture Analyser可测定固体培养基的凝胶强度。在微生物学方法中固体培养基采用倾注平板法、涂布法、划线法(半定量法)、改良的Miles-Misra法等测定生长情况,液体培养基采用稀释法测定生长率,用目标菌和杂菌的混合菌株评价选择性增菌培养基的选择性,利用OD值评价液体培养基生长率等。ICFMH(国际食品微生物学和卫生学委员会培养基工作组)、ISO、FDA以及我国卫生部等相继制定了培养基质量控制的标准,但目前还没有一个系统的适合我国国情的培养基质量控制国家标准,以致各相关单位采用的标准不一致,所以制定培养基质量控制国家标准非常关键。  相似文献   

目的建立隔离器饲育SPF鸡生产管理方式,探讨并建立其微生物质量控制方法。方法对引进的SPF鸡种蛋进行孵化后,将种鸡置于隔离器中进行饲养,在种鸡10、20、40周龄时采取鸡血清进行微生物质量监测,检验当前SPF鸡生产管理和微生物质量控制方法的有效性。结果隔离器饲育SPF鸡初期由于对孵化环节控制不严出现了微生物污染现象。在对孵化环节操作管理改进后,隔离器饲育SPF鸡的微生物状况得到控制。结论通过加强各个环节消毒,隔离器饲育环境能够保证SPF鸡的微生物质量。适当控制隔离器内SPF鸡的密度不仅有利于SPF鸡的繁育和种蛋回收,而且有利于环境微生物的控制。  相似文献   

食品生产中微生物危害的分析与控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食源性疾病的发生和食品产品微生物指标不合格已成为食品生产的重要问题。本文介绍了食品生产过程中微生物的来源、分析及微生物危害的预防和控制方法,以期对保证食品的微生物质量起到促进作用。  相似文献   

生命科学发展迅速,实验动物级别逐渐提高,在保证生物制品实验结果可靠性前提下,完善动物由低级别向高级别过渡显得十分必要,最终目的达到实验动物标准化和动物实验规范化。对实验动物质量控制中的遗传标记和免疫学方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

Yan Jiang 《中国病毒学》2007,22(6):434-442
This paper describes the development and challenge of HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network and quality assurance system in China. At present, the HIV/AIDS testing laboratories includes three classes, the National AIDS Reference Laboratory, HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories and HIV/AIDS screening laboratories. All of them are accredited by the health authorities, and each class of laboratories take charge of their function strictly according to the “National Management of HIV/AIDS Detection (2006)”. A complete quality assurance and quality control system for HIV/AIDS testing has been developed, which includes technical training, strict laboratory monitoring and approval, examination or proficiency testing on HIV/AIDS detection, and quality evaluation and supervision of HIV/AIDS diagnostic kits. Besides conduct the routine anti-HIV antibody test, more and more laboratories began to conduct other tests, such as CD4+T lymphocyte cell counting, HIV viral load, HIV DNA PCR, genotyping, drug resistance, and HIV-1 recent infection test. The primary challenges faced by the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network are in the areas of laboratory management and quality control. For example, the provincial PT program is inefficient, the internal quality control is conducted perfunctorily, personnel training can not met the needs of the workplace, which need to be improved. Foundation item: MOH Program on Applied Research in the Prevention and Treatment of AIDS (WA 2003-17)  相似文献   

目的 建立09CS作为质控血清用于13价肺炎球菌多糖蛋白结合疫苗(13PCV)临床血清样本检测中的检测值范围。方法 用WHO推荐的检测人血清中抗肺炎球菌荚膜多糖抗体IgG的定量ELISA,以国际人肺炎球菌标准血清007sp为标准,将09CS作为待测血清,检测其在13个血清型(1、3、4、5、6A、6B、7F、9V、14、18C、19A、19F、23F型)中抗荚膜多糖抗体IgG含量的值。连续检测09CS血清100余次,计算99%置信区间的各血清型几何平均抗体浓度、标准偏差(SD)和变异系数(CV)。结果 检测得到09C中13个血清型抗荚膜多糖IgG抗体含量以及在99%置信区间(CI)下±2.58倍SD的检测值范围;13个血清型检测结果的CV分别为10.86%、12.52%、13.96%、14.98%、28.77%、11.16%、14.96%、9.31%、10.43%、7.28%、10.86%、12.52%、13.96%,除6A型外,各型CV均低于15%,表明试验间精密度良好;检测次数异常率低于10%。结论 09CS可作为质控血清,用于13价肺炎球菌结合疫苗临床血清中抗荚膜多糖抗体IgG含量的ELISA检测。  相似文献   

目的 研究《中华人民共和国药典》(简称《中国药典》)纳入的标准菌种质控新方法,并评价不同批号标准菌种的质量稳定性。方法 对脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)技术进行比较研究,同时整合16SrRNA基因序列分析、多位点序列分型和基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱等质控新方法,进行标准菌种质控新方法的建立,并对标准菌种的质量进行评价。结果 形成了适用于《中国药典》中标准菌种的方法,并通过整合的质控新方法对不同批号的标准菌种进行评价,结果显示,菌种质量稳定,遗传信息无改变。同时,建立了标准菌种16SrRNA基因标准序列、PFGE标准指纹图谱和标准基因型。结论 标准菌种质控新方法的研究,为更加全面、深入地评价标准菌种的质量提供了依据;建立的标准菌种质量控制体系及标准菌种质控鉴定信息,为标准菌种持续的质量控制奠定了重要的参比信息基础。  相似文献   

Proteomics is a rapidly expanding field encompassing a multitude of complex techniques and data types. To date much effort has been devoted to achieving the highest possible coverage of proteomes with the aim to inform future developments in basic biology as well as in clinical settings. As a result, growing amounts of data have been deposited in publicly available proteomics databases. These data are in turn increasingly reused for orthogonal downstream purposes such as data mining and machine learning. These downstream uses however, need ways to a posteriori validate whether a particular data set is suitable for the envisioned purpose. Furthermore, the (semi-)automatic curation of repository data is dependent on analyses that can highlight misannotation and edge conditions for data sets. Such curation is an important prerequisite for efficient proteomics data reuse in the life sciences in general. We therefore present here a selection of quality control metrics and approaches for the a posteriori detection of potential issues encountered in typical proteomics data sets. We illustrate our metrics by relying on publicly available data from the Proteomics Identifications Database (PRIDE), and simultaneously show the usefulness of the large body of PRIDE data as a means to derive empirical background distributions for relevant metrics.  相似文献   

对中国医科大学附属盛京医院2004~2008年5a间非发酵菌的分离情况及其耐药性进行比较和分析,旨在为临床制定合理有效的抗感染治疗方案提供依据。采用琼脂扩散法药敏试验,测定5a间临床常见非发酵菌菌株的药敏,数据统计分析用WHONET5.4软件进行。5a间分离的非发酵菌在革兰阴性杆菌中的比率呈上升趋势,到2008年占革兰阴性杆菌的46.49%。非发酵菌的耐药率逐年升高,其中耐药最严重的是鲍曼不动杆菌。非发酵菌为医院感染的主要致病菌,且对抗菌药物呈多重耐药,临床医生应注重本地区、本治疗区的细菌耐药监测情况,合理选择抗生素,减少耐药菌出现的机会,采取有效措施减少医院内感染的发生和耐药菌在医院内的传播。  相似文献   

Aims: As a biosafety laboratory, we survey the handling of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) and HIV1‐derived lentivirus in contained‐use facilities in Switzerland to identify insufficiencies of the safety precautions taken by the laboratories. Methods and Results: In the past 9 years, we took 430 swab samples from various types of surfaces in research laboratories. Samples were examined for Ad5 contaminations by real‐time PCR and infectivity assay or for the presence of lentivirus (HIV1) nucleic acids by real‐time (RT) PCR. Samples collected from centrifuges did not only contain Ad5 DNA more frequently but also exhibited higher numbers of Ad5 and lentiviral (HIV1) DNA copies than swabs from any other area of sampling. Five of ten samples containing infectious Ad5 particles or lentivirus (HIV1) RNA were found in samples taken from centrifuges. Ad5 contamination rates were higher in the tube holder and lower on the inner wall of the rotor chamber in centrifuges that were fitted with aerosol tight covers compared to centrifuges without covers. Conclusions: Our results allowed the comparison of hygiene standards of different laboratories and lead to the identification of centrifuges as hotspots for contaminations. Significance and Impact of the Study: Based on our results, we propose to use the collected data as a tool for rating future swab results. Furthermore, the amount of Ad5 and HIV1‐derived lentivirus DNA could serve as an indicator of the level of good laboratory practice in contained‐use laboratories handling these viral vectors.  相似文献   


In Taiwan, the agricultural policy, ‘Reduce the consumption of pesticide to half in the next 10 years’, was launched in 2017. Pesticide application, which results in contamination of food by chemical residues, pest resistance, and other adverse ecological effects, is a growing public and environmental concern. Pest control by natural predators is, thus, the best alternative. Biological control methods implemented based on insights obtained from studies on pest behaviour, rearing, and various crop management modes, increase the possibility of controlling pests in modern organic agricultural systems. More than a decade has passed since the first introduction of a predatory insect in Taiwan for pest control (in the 1990s). Predatory and parasitic natural enemies, including lacewing, predatory stink bugs, Orius, and parasitic wasps, were initially used for controlling thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and lepidopteran pests. At present, there exists a wide range of integrated pest management (IPM) methods incorporating other non-chemical, biological, and agricultural methods. However, recently, there has been an increase in research and development on the utilisation of natural enemies of insects and the associated food safety issues. Mass production and release, storage, and handling techniques of insect predators and parasitoids have been successful in recent years. The final goal of present day research is to develop natural enemy products and provide an IPM-based model to farmers for using natural enemies in agricultural production systems, thereby reducing pesticide application and ensuring food security.  相似文献   

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