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树突状细胞与肠道免疫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道黏膜免疫系统是肠道防御细菌和病毒感染的第一道防线,在维持肠道黏膜自稳方面发挥着重要的作用。肠道黏膜免疫系统持续不断的与来自外界的食物抗原和病原微生物及自身长期共存的肠道菌群相互作用,刺激机体对有害抗原产生免疫应答反应,诱导机体对无害抗原产生免疫耐受。树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DCs)是目前已知的最强有力的一种专职抗原递呈细胞(Professional antigen presenting cells,APC),  相似文献   

黏膜免疫系统(mucosal immune system,MIS)亦称黏膜相关淋巴组织(mucosal—associated lymphoid tissue,MALT),包括肠相关淋巴组织、鼻相关淋巴组织和支气管相关淋巴组织等,是人体重要的防御屏障,机体50%以上的淋巴组织和80%以上的免疫细胞集中于此,是执行局部特异性免疫功能的主要场所。  相似文献   

树突状细胞是最强的抗原提呈细胞,在免疫系统中发挥着着重要作用。Toll样受体是表达在树突状细胞上的一种PRRs,主要功能是通过识别病原体微生物所携带的病原相关分子模式激活DC,使其分泌各种免疫调节细胞因子,从而启动免疫应答。在肠道免疫中TLR信号的激活为肠道提供保护作用。本文简述了树突状细胞的生物特性、不同亚型。重点阐述了Toll样受体在肠道免疫中的作用及益生菌对肠道Toll样受体表达的影响。  相似文献   

提高免疫系统对肿瘤的杀伤能力是肿瘤免疫学上目的,随着对免疫肿瘤抗原的了解以及对T细胞免疫反应和肿瘤逃逸机制的进一步认识。方面军一目的已取得了进展,体内含量稀少的抗原递呈细胞-树突状细胞(DC8)是这些机制的关键。体外从外周血祖细胞诱导扩增这些细胞为肿瘤治疗开辟了新纪元。DC8作为肿瘤疫苗,在B细胞淋巴瘤、黑色素瘤、前列腺癌等病人身上已有了一定的疗效。  相似文献   

树突状细胞(dendriticcells,Dcs)是目前已知的功能最强的抗原提呈细胞,具有调节免疫应答与诱导免疫耐受的能力。而树突状细胞所发挥的功能与其是否成熟有很大的关系,未成熟状态的树突状细胞具备致耐受性,而成熟状态的树突状细胞则对肿瘤免疫起着重要作用。该文将对DC的免疫学特性及Dc与肿瘤的关系予以综述。  相似文献   

树突状细胞(dendritic cells, DCs)是功能最强的专职抗原呈递细胞。DCs能够摄取和呈递抗原表达共刺激分子,并迁移到淋巴器官激活T细胞,进而启动免疫反应。在肿瘤发展过程中,DCs不仅能诱导抗肿瘤免疫反应,还可以诱导免疫耐受。现对树突状细胞的生物学特性、树突状细胞与肿瘤免疫系统的相互作用等方面的最新研究进展进行综述,并介绍免疫治疗中基于树突状细胞疫苗的多种治疗方法。相关研究对于更好地理解肿瘤微环境中树突状细胞在肿瘤演化中的作用、寻找新的治疗策略以及改进治疗方法至关重要。  相似文献   

维生素A缺乏影响肠道屏障功能的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维生素A(vitamin A,VA)在维持肠道黏膜上皮屏障功能的完整性、调节黏膜免疫反应以及抗感染中起到重要的作用。肠道相关树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DCs)可表达合成视黄酸(retinoic acid,RA)所必需的酶(retinal dehydrogenase,RALDH),合成RA。RA通过诱导T、B细胞产生整合素α4β7、CCR9,使其归巢到肠道,并提高肠道黏膜sIgA的水平。RA可增强天然CD4+T细胞分化为Foxp3+Treg细胞,抑制Th17细胞的生成。当机体VA缺乏时可降低肠道屏障功能,下调肠道黏膜免疫反应,增加肠道感染性疾病的易感性,容易导致腹泻。针对维生素A在肠道屏障功能的调节作用作一简要概述。  相似文献   

肠道黏膜屏障具有防止致病性抗原侵入、维护肠道健康的功能。而肠道菌群是肠道黏膜屏障的重要构成部分,肠道菌群失调会导致肠道黏膜屏障的损伤,引起炎性肠病、肠易激综合征及肝、肾等多种疾病的发生发展。因此,本文从肠道黏膜的结构与功能及肠道菌群对其的影响等方面归纳总结肠道菌群对屏障系统的调控作用,从调节肠道微生态平衡、促进黏液分泌、影响紧密连接和肠道上皮通透性、激发肠黏膜免疫、调控肠上皮凋亡、影响肠上皮DNA稳定性及产生特殊代谢产物等方面阐述其作用机制,为临床胃肠道疾病及其并发症的治疗提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

目的研究双歧杆菌对小鼠肠道树突状细胞(dendritic ce ll,DC)数量的影响。方法分别采用活双歧杆菌菌液(1×109CFU/m l)、灭活双歧杆菌菌液(1×109CFU/m l)、双歧杆菌耗尽培养上清(Spen t cu lturesupernatan t,SCS)、无菌生理盐水给BALB/c小鼠灌胃,均为0.5 m l/(只.d),连续7 d,取小肠空、回肠段,SP免疫组织化学法分析检测肠道DC数量。结果DC分布于整个空、回肠的黏膜固有层。细胞大小不一,外形不规则,胞核外形亦不规则,多数呈偏心位,且DC有不规则突起,与周围细胞有紧密的接触。计数发现,双歧杆菌灌胃后小鼠小肠黏膜固有层DC数量增加(P<0.05),以活菌作用最明显,死菌次之,培养上清作用最弱,经统计学处理差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论外源性双歧杆菌能增加小鼠小肠黏膜固有层中DC的数量,活菌作用最明显。提示双歧杆菌通过胃肠道途径可能影响DC的分化、发育;对DC的作用可能就是双歧杆菌影响机体免疫功能的重要环节;且保持活菌状态对机体免疫有重要作用。  相似文献   

树突状细胞(DCs)是重要的抗原递呈细胞,其参与免疫应答的机制十分复杂,首先要形成“三分子复合体”,加上DCs表达的其他刺激因子和粘附分子等信号的传递才能完成。DCs尚有一些其他功能,如表达IgE受体或作为感觉受体等,其与其他非职业性APC有明显不同。  相似文献   

M细胞是肠道一种免疫细胞,同时,也是一种特殊的抗原运转细胞。M细胞具有特殊的形态结构特点,与肠黏膜免疫功能密切相关。目前认为,位于肠淋巴滤泡上皮中特化的M细胞是大多数黏膜病原体侵入机体的靶细胞,它能特异性的结合肠道大分子物质及微生物,并将其摄取、转运至位于其下的APC进行识别、处理,并激活T、B淋巴细胞,继而激发肠道黏膜免疫应答作用。本研究就目前国内外学者所做M细胞在肠黏膜免疫中作用的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

To elicit a therapeutic antitumor immune response, dendritic cells (DCs) have been employed as a cellular adjuvant. Among various DC-based approaches, fusion of DCs and tumor cells potentially confers not only DC functionality, but also a continuous source of unaltered tumor antigens. We have recently demonstrated successful generation of fusion hybrids by a large-scale electrofusion technique. The immunogenicity and therapeutic potential of fusion hybrids were further analyzed in a model system of a murine melanoma cell line expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) as a surrogate tumor antigen. A single vaccination with fusion hybrids plus IL-12 induced a therapeutic immune response against 3-day established pulmonary metastases. This immunotherapy was beta-gal specific and involved both CD4 and CD8 T cells. In vitro, fusion hybrids stimulated specific IFN-gamma secretion from both CD4 and CD8 immune T cells. They also nonspecifically induced IL-10 secretion from CD4 but not CD8 T cells. Compared to other DC loadings, our results demonstrate the superior immunogenicity of fusion. The current technique of electrofusion is adequately developed for clinical use in cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

树突状细胞受曲霉菌抗原冲击后的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨树突状细胞(DCs)在曲霉菌免疫中的作用以及曲霉菌抗原冲击对DCs功能的影响。方法小鼠骨髓制备DCs,于小鼠尾静脉接种,以3H-TdR掺入法检测DCs刺激小鼠脾脏T细胞分化能力,ELISA方法检测IFN-γ和IL-12的浓度,电镜观察DCs的形态,同时进行DCs的表型测定。结果电镜下可见DCs细胞形态不规则,表面伸展出大量树突,与曲霉菌共同培养后胞内含有大量的烟曲霉孢子,部分孢子的膜被破坏;与烟曲霉孢子共培养24h后,DCs细胞表形CD40、CD80、CD86的表达明显增高,产生IL-12p70约(700.40±93.75)pg/ml,明显高于对照组(141.96±52.06)pg/ml;烟曲霉抗原冲击DCs回输小鼠的脾脏T细胞增殖能力明显增强,体外接受烟曲霉抗原24h产生IFN-γ(1084.33±238.04)pg/ml,明显高于单纯DCs接种小鼠的脾脏T细胞(345.98±32.75)pg/ml(p<0.01)。结论DCs能吞噬并破坏加热灭活的烟曲霉孢子,并趋于成熟,抗原呈递能力增加。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transplantable B16 melanoma is widely used as a tumor model to investigate tumor immunity. We wished to characterize the leukocyte populations infiltrating B16 melanoma tumors, and the functional properties of tumor-infiltrating dendritic cells (TIDC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used the B16 melanoma cell line expressing ovalbumin protein (OVA) to investigate the phenotype and T cell stimulatory capacity of TIDC. RESULTS: The majority of leukocytes in B16 melanoma were macrophages, which colocalized with TIDCs, B and T cells to the peripheral area of the tumor. Both myeloid and plasmacytoid DC populations were present within tumors. Most of these DCs appeared immature, but about a third expressed a mature phenotype. TIDCs did not present tumor-derived antigen, as they were unable to induce the proliferation of tumor-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vitro unless in the presence of specific peptides. Some presentation of tumor-derived antigen could be demonstrated in the tumor-draining lymph node using in vivo proliferation assays. However, while proliferation of CD8+ T cells was reproducibly demonstrated, no proliferation of CD4+ T cells was observed. CONCLUSION: In summary, our data suggest that DCs in tumors have limited antigen-presenting function. Inefficient antigen presentation extends to the tumor-draining lymph node, and may affect the generation of antitumor immune responses.  相似文献   

肠道菌群与肠黏膜免疫之间存在密切的关系,二者相互促进、相互影响,共同维持肠道微生态的平衡,二者失衡可造成肠道器质性及功能性的病变。对肠道菌群、肠黏膜免疫及相关肠道疾病的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Thrombin is the key enzyme in the coagulation cascade and activates endothelial cells, neutrophils and monocytes via protease-activated receptors (PARs). At the inflammatory site, immune cells have an opportunity to encounter thrombin. However little is known about the effect of thrombin for dendritic cells (DC), which are efficient antigen-presenting cells and play important roles in initiating and regulating immune responses. The present study revealed that thrombin has the ability to stimulate blood DC. Plasmacytoid DC (PDC) and myeloid DC (MDC) isolated from PBMC expressed PAR-1 and released MCP-1, IL-10, and IL-12 after thrombin stimulation. Unlike blood DC, monocyte-derived DC (MoDC), differentiated in vitro did not express PAR-1 and were unresponsive to thrombin. Effects of thrombin on blood DC were significantly diminished by the addition of anti-PAR-1 Ab or hirudin, serine protease inhibitor. Moreover, thrombin induced HLA-DR and CD86 expression on DC and the thrombin-treated DC induced allogenic T cell proliferation. These findings indicate that thrombin plays a role in the regulation of blood DC functions.  相似文献   

Szatmari I  Nagy L 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(18):2353-2362
Dendritic cells (DCs) are sentinels of the immune system and represent a heterogeneous cell population. The existence of distinct DC subsets is due to their inherent plasticity and to the changing microenvironment modulating their immunological properties. Numerous signalling pathways have impacts on DCs. It appears that besides cytokines/chemokines, lipid mediators also have profound effects on the immunogenicity of DCs. Some of these lipid mediators exert an effect through nuclear hormone receptors. Interestingly, more recent findings suggest that DCs are able to convert precursors to active hormones, ligands for nuclear receptors. Some of these DC-derived lipids, in particular retinoic acid (RA), have a central function in shaping T-cell development and effector functions. In this review, we summarize and highlight the function of a set of nuclear receptors (PPARgamma, RA receptor, vitamin D receptor and glucocorticoid receptor) in DC biology. Defining the contribution of nuclear hormone receptor signalling in DCs can help one to understand the regulatory logic of lipid signalling and allow the exploitation of their potential for therapeutic intervention in various immunological diseases.  相似文献   

Based on several previous studies indicating that transfection of genomic DNA can stably alter the character of the cells that take up the exogenous DNA, we investigated antitumor immunity conferred by fusions of syngeneic dendritic cells (DCs) and allogeneic fibroblasts (NIH3T3) transfected with genomic DNA from B16 tumor cells. Fusion cells (FCs) composed of dendritic and genetically engineered NIH3T3 cells were prepared with polyethylene glycol, and fusion efficiency was 30.3%. Prior immunization with FCs prevented tumor formation upon challenge with B16 tumor cells. Efficacy was reduced when studies were performed in mice depleted of NK cells. Vaccination with FCs containing DCs and fibroblasts transfected with denatured DNA did not inhibit tumor growth. Cytotoxic T cell (CTL) activity of spleen cells from immunized mice against both Yac-1 and tumor cells was also stimulated by administration of FCs compared with the activity observed for cells obtained from naïve mice. These data demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of fusion cell–based vaccine therapy using syngeneic DCs and allogeneic fibroblasts transfected with tumor-derived genomic DNA.  相似文献   

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