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Prior to designation as distinct species, an appellation presently in question, the tobacco aphid, Myzus nicotianae Blackman (Homoptera: Aphididae), was classified as a tobacco-feeding form of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer). In this study, RAPD polymorphisms distinguished members of the Myzus persicae complex (M. persicae and M. nicotianae) from three outgroup Myzus species (M. cerasi (F.), M. hemerocallis Takahashi, and M. varians Davidson). Polymorphisms within the complex did not separate populations on the basis of host association (tobacco versus other host plants) or geographic origin (collections from the United States, Europe, and Japan). Similarly, while GC-MS analysis of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles revealed both developmental and inter-populational differences within the M. persicae complex, it did not separate populations of tobacco feeding aphids from those collected off non-tobacco hosts. Finally, with the exception of their responses to a choice between lettuce and collards, the host preference behavior of a green peach aphid population, a red tobacco aphid population, and a green tobacco aphid population was indistinguishable in host preference experiments. These results add to a growing body of evidence suggesting M. nicotianae and M. persicae are conspecific.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was applied on 96 clones of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) representing seven populations collected from different host-plants and regions of Greece. Ten decamer random primers were used to evaluate genetic variation among the examined samples. Despite the variability found between clones, no specific RAPD marker was detected to discriminate the different populations. A significant finding was that aphids from peach and pepper, which were collected far away from tobacco-growing regions, especially those from peach, showed genetic divergence from the tobacco-feeding clones. Moreover, data analysis revealed a significant genetic divergence between holocyclic and anholocyclic populations from tobacco. Lastly, holocyclic clones showed higher level of estimated heterozygosity than the nonholocyclic (anholocyclic, androcyclic and intermediate) ones.  相似文献   

Green peach aphids Myzus persicae from the Beijing region, maintained on greenhouse tobacco plants, were reared on modified artificial diet; sinigrin, tomatine, nicotine, gossypol, phlorizin, inulin and malic acid were added separately in concentrations of 0.1% or 0.2%. In preference tests none of the diets enriched by secondary substances was more acceptable than the basal diet. Diet uptake during larval development was determined quantitatively by using C14 glycine in the diets. For the basal diet the total uptake during larval development was about 1.16 l/aphid. The addition of secondary plant substances to the diet caused reductions of uptake to different degrees in the order: nicotine>phlorizin>gossypol>tomatine>malic acid>inulin>sinigrin. The larvae feeding on diets containing sinigrin or tomatine from the second day after birth seemed to have a much higher tolerance for sinigrin than tomatine, with a mortality of 9.6% within 7 days of rearing for the former and 89.4% for the latter. Hence this aphid differs from that occurring in the Netherlands in that the latter has a higher tolerance towards tomatine. The addition of inulin, malic acid or sinigrin did not cause a significant difference in the rate of larval development or in adult longevity. Diets containing these substances could support the aphid's development and reproduction for at least three generations.
Résumé Des Myzus persicae de la région de Beijing, conservés sur tabac en serre, ont été élevés sur un régime artificiel voisin de celui de Dadd & Mittler (1966); sinigrine, tomatine, nicotine, gossypol, phlorizine, inuline et acide malique ont été ajoutés séparément aux concentrations de 0,1 et 0,2%. En comparant les préférences, aucun des régimes enrichis en substances secondaires n'était supérieur au régime de base. La prise alimentaire pendant le développement larvaire a été quantifiée en utilisant de la glycine C14 dans le régime. Les èlevages étaient conduits à 25±1 °C et H. R. 85% et une photopériode J/N: 16/8. Le prélèvement total de régime de base pendant le développement larvaire était environ 1,16 l/puceron. L'addition de substances secondaires végétales au régime induit de façon inégale le prélèvement, dans l'ordre suivant: nicotine>phlorizine>gossypol>tomatine>acide malique>inuline>sinigrine. Les larves consommant sur des régimes contenant de la sinigrine ou de la tomatine à partir du second jour après la naissance semblent prèsenter une plus grande tolèrance pour la sinigrine que la tomatine, avec une mortalité de 9,6% en 7 jours d'élevage pour la première et 89,4% pour la seconde. Ainsi ces pucerons diffèrent de ceux de Hollande, puisque ces derniers tolèrent plus la tomatine (Schoonhoven & Derksen-Koppers, 1976). L'addition d'inuline, d'acide malique ou de sinigrine ne provoque pas de différence significative dans le taux de développement larvaire ou la longévité des adultes. Des régimes contenant ces substances pourraient permettre le développement et la reproduction de pucerons pendant au moins 3 générations.

Adults of the lady beetle Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville requiring aphids for egg production, were fed suboptimal amounts of apteriform virginoparous larvae or alatiform gynoparous larvae of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), and artificial diet ad lib. The beetles initiated oviposition sooner and deposited significantly more eggs when supplied with the same weight of apterous virginoparous morph. The possible nutritional, hormonal, and ecological implications of the findings are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Eiproduktion des Marienkäfers Hippodamia convergens, welcher hierzu Blattläuse als Nahrung benötigt, wurde bei Fütterung mit zwei verschiedenen Morphen der Blattlaus Myzus persicae untersucht. Der Verzehr derselben Menge flügelloser Virginoparen führte im Vergleich zu geflügelten Gynoparen zu früherer und signifikant erhöhter Eiabgabe. Der hormonale und ernährungsphysiologische Hintergrund und die ökologische Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.

beta-glucuronidase (GUS) is a reporter protein commonly expressed in transgenic plants allowing the visualization of the transformed individuals. In our recent work, we showed that consumption of transformed potato plants expressing this GUS enzyme improves performance of the phloem feeding aphid Myzus persicae. Those results led us to the conclusion that the expression of GUS in potato plants might be responsible for the probiotic effect measured in feeding aphids. In the present paper, artificial diets were used to provide active GUS (10 and 500 microg ml(-1)), inactivated heated GUS (500 microg ml(-1)), glucuronic acid (10, 100 and 500 microg ml(-1)), and bovine serum albumin (500 microg ml(-1)) to M. persicae. Our results reveal that these chemicals provided as food intake might influence the biological parameters of this aphid. Experiments showed a probiotic effect of 500 microg ml(-1) GUS diet, resulting in reduced larval mortality, and increased adult reproduction period and fecundity, which led to an increased population growth potential (r(m)=0.17+/-0.01 versus r(m)=0.12+/-0.03 for aphids fed on control diet). A lower amount of added GUS led to fewer variations, biological parameters being only slightly altered (r(m)=0.14+/-0.03). Statistically similar alterations of the biological parameters were obtained when comparing aphids fed on the diet added with inactivated GUS or the non-structural bovine serum albumin protein (r(m)=0.15+/-0.02 and 0.14+/-0.03, respectively). Feeding assays conducted with glucuronic acid supplemented diets enhanced longevity and nymph production of the adult aphids and reduced larval mortality, resulting in r(m)=0.15+/-0.02 for the highest dose (500 microg ml(-1)). Although 100 microg ml(-1) glucuronate diet did not induce any effect on M. persicae (r(m)=0.12+/-0.03), aphids fed on 10 microg ml(-1) glucuronate diet exhibited unexpected reduced demographic parameters (r(m)=0.10+/-0.03). Immuno-histological analysis showed GUS labeling along the whole digestive epithelium of adults and in various tissues including embryos and bacteriocytes. These results suggest that GUS crosses through the digestive tract. Western blots performed with protein extracts of transformed potato plants expressing the gus gene showed a unique band of molecular weight 76 kDa. On the contrary, in extracts from aphids fed on transgenic potato plants or bred on GUS 500 microg ml(-1) artificial diet, several proteins of lower molecular weight were hybridized, revealing proteolysis of ingested GUS. It is concluded that GUS protein, and more precisely GUS activity, is responsible for the probiotic effects on aphid feeding. The possible pathways of induction of such physiological alterations by GUS are discussed.  相似文献   

Aphidius colemani Viereck(Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) showed a developmenttime extended by 16% when reared on Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae) ofdifferent instars on artificial diet or onaphids on Brussels sprout plants. There wasalso a small but statistically significant 2%reduction in size (in hind tibia length) ofadult females. Rearing on diet had nosignificant effect on the number of eggsfemales contained at emergence. In a secondexperiment, aphids from Brussels sprouts ininstars 2–5 were compared with aphids from diettwo days older to give comparably sized aphidsfrom both substrates. Parasitisation by A.colemani gave the same direction of results,but showed that the effects in the firstexperiment were greater than predicted from thereduction in host size alone. However, in bothexperiments effects on parasitoids ofdiet-rearing the host were small, and culturingA. colemani on diet-reared aphids wassuccessful.  相似文献   

The orientation response of adult apterous Myzus persicae (Sulz.) to targets approximately 1 m distant in an arena was investigated. The targets were combinations of turnip leaves of different known ages and/or paper leaves of the same shape and size, but of different known reflectances. In white arenas, the apterae consistently approached the target which had the greatest percentage reflectance in the range 520–580 nm over targets of lesser reflectance. There was no evidence of olfaction. Compact shapes were approached more frequently than narrow rectangles of the same surface area. Turnip leaves against a black background were approached less frequently than those against a white background. Small black targets against a white background elicited a response, although most apterae became disorientated before reaching them. With increasing target size, this disorientation occurred at increasing distances. These responses to colour and shape are similar to those described by other authors for flight exhausted alatae.
Effets de la couleur et de la forme des hôtes cibles sur l'orientation au laboratoire d'adultes aptères Myzus persicae en train d'émigrer
Résumé L'étude a porté sur la ré-orientation de l'adulte aptère Myzus persicae en réaction à des cibles situées approximativement à 1 m de distance dans une arène blanche. Les cibles étaient composées de feuilles de navet de différents âges connus et/ou de feuilles de papier de la même taille et même forme, mais de réflectance différente mais connue. Dans des arènes blanches, les adultes aptères ont atteint d'une façon nette les cibles, qui avaient la plus grande réflectance dans la gamme de 520–580 nm. Il n'y avait pas d'indices d'olfaction. Les formes compactes ont été atteintes plus fréquemment que les rectangles étroits de même superficie. Les feuilles de navet sur fond noir étaient atteintes moins fréquemment que celles qui étaient sur un fond blanc. De petites cibles noires sur fond blanc ont provoqué une certaine réaction, bienque la plupart des adultes aptères semblaient devenir désorientées avant de les atteindre. En augmentant la taille de la cible, cette désorientation est apparue à des distances croissantes. Ces réactions à la couleur et à la forme correspondent à celles décrites par d'autres auteurs chez des adultes ailés épuisés par leur vol.

Adult apterousMyzus persicae, which had fed for 26 h on diet containing azadirachtin at concentrations of 25–100 ppm, produced nymphs at less than half the rate of aphids on control diets. After 50 h on azadirachtin-treated diets nymph production had virtually ceased. After this period, any nymphs produced by adults that had fed on azadirachtin-treated diets were born dead with undeveloped appendages. Honeydew production on azadirachtin-treated diets was unaffected during the first 26 h period but was approximately three times less than on control diets during the subsequent 24 h period.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of genetic variability in host plant exploitation of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) were studied in several agro-ecosystems, differing in crop plant heterogeneity. An analysis of aphid populations sampled from sugar beet, potatoes, and lettuce revealed changes in the frequency distribution of aphid clones according to their respective host plant adaptations. The spatial unit of differentiation was below an average field size of 3–5 hectares and a differentiation could be found in the centre of potato and sugar beet fields but not at the edge of the fields. On a temporal scale, the differentiation of populations is transitory even on a large-scale basis of highly specialized cropping areas. The ecological parameters of differentiation are discussed with special reference to agro-ecosystems and integrated pest management. Increasing the genetic heterogeneity of crop fields may help to reduce population outbreaks.
Zusammenfassung Die ökologischen Konsequenzen genetischer Variabilität in der Wirtspflanzennutzung von Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) wurden in mehreren Agro-Ökosystemen untersucht, die sich in der Kulturpflanzenheterogenität unterscheiden. Eine Analyse von auf Rüben, Kartoffeln und Salat siedelnden Populationen zeigte eine genetische Differenzierung in Wirtspflanzen-angepaßte Feld-populationen. Die räumliche Einheit solcher Differenzierungen liegt unterhalb einer Feldgröße von 3–5 ha. Eine Differenzierung konnte hier in der Mitte der Felder aber nicht am Rand festgestellt werden. Aus zeitlicher Sicht ist die Differenzierung selbst in großräumigen, spezialisierten Anbaugebieten nur vorübergehend feststellbar. Die ökologischen Parameter der Differenzierung werden besonders in Hinsicht auf die integrierte Schädlingsbekämpfung in Agro-ökosystemen diskutiert. Eine Erhöhung der genetischen Heterogenität von Kulturpflanzenbeständen kann möglicherweise zu einer Verringerung von Blattlaus-Massenvermehrungen beitragen.

何恒果  李正跃 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):101-104
对6日龄桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)用106孢子/mL球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana(Balsamo)Vuillemin悬浮液接种后,饲养于4组温度(18,21,25和28℃)下,相对湿度(RH)为85%的条件下,观察其生殖力及生命表参数的变化。结果显示,与对照相比,在观察时限的10d内接种蚜日均产仔数分别减少43%,31%,53%和61%,接种蚜的净生殖力R0下降57%,73%,74%,60%,内禀增长力rm下降30%,41%,36%,22%。这表明,球孢白僵菌对桃蚜种群增长具有一定的抑制作用,其作用在21、25℃下更为明显。  相似文献   

The effects of different levels of fertilization with nitrogen and potassium (NK), height within the canopy and plant age of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum (PI 134417) C. H. Mull and L. esculentum on the density of foliar cristalliferous idioblasts and trichomes, and on the levels of 2- tridecanone (2-TD) and 2-undecanone (2-UD) and their influence on the resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were investigated. NK levels were inversely related to densities of trichomes and cristalliferous idioblasts in L. esculentum, but only to densities of cristalliferous idioblasts in L. hirsutum. Trichome density increased with increasing height within the canopy and with plant age in L. esculentum and L. hirsutum. Density of cristalliferous idioblasts in L. hirsutum increased with canopy height reaching a maximum at mid-height within the canopy in opposition to L. esculentum in which a small decrease in density with height within the canopy was found. There was also a small decrease of idioblast density with increasing plant age for L. esculentum, while a greater and opposite variation took place in L. hirsutum. L. esculentum has mainly non- glandular leaf trichomes (90%), while L. hirsutum has mainly glandular trichomes (97%). The main glandular trichomes of L. hirsutum are producers of 2-TD and 2-UD, whose leaf content increases with increase of trichome density. A negative effect of 2-TD concentration and cristalliferous idioblast density on the survival and longevity of M. persicae was observed. Since L. hirsutum presented much higher levels of 2-TD and cristalliferous idioblast density than L. esculentum, L. hirsutum seems a promising source of resistance to M. persicae for tomato breeding programs.  相似文献   

Forty‐four parthenogenetic lineages of Myzus persicae s.l. (Sulzer) from tobacco crops and peach orchards located in various regions of Greece were examined to determine their response to the insecticide pymetrozine using leaf‐dip bio‐assays. The results show that the aphid has not developed resistance, as all lineages exhibited resistance factors bellow 6.0. In transmission experiments of potato virus Y (PVY) using a lineage of the tobacco‐adapted subspecies M. persicae nicotianae Blackman on tobacco plants, one foliar application with pymetrozine provided adequate protection for 7 days. Pymetrozine significantly reduced both virus acquisition and inoculation compared with the untreated control and the reduction was comparable to a mineral oil application. These results are discussed in terms of the advantage of incorporating pymetrozine as a compound of pest management strategies against M. persicae s.l. and for control of non‐persistent viruses, especially in crops such as tobacco because of the high selection pressure from neonicotinoids resulting in potential of resistance developing in aphid populations.  相似文献   

When a host is stung by a parasitoid female in the aphid-aphidiid association Myzus persiae Sulzer-Aphidius colemani Viereck, four host responses have been observed: 1) a host develops into a mummy, 2) it dies very soon after it was stung, 3) it develops a cellular immune response, 4) it shows no apparent perturbation subsequent to the sting. The ratios of the responses are clearly determined by the type, the number and the rank of the sting and also by the experience of the female. Some assumptions concerning the cause of the host response are discussed.
Résumé Le devenir d'un puceron piqué par une femelle parasitoïde dans l'association Myzus persicae Sulzer-Aphidius colemani Viereck est clairement conditionné par différents facteurs associés à la séquence de piqûre. Quatre devenirs ont été régulièrement observés parmi tous les lots d'hôtes piqués; il s'agit d'une mommification classique aboutissant à l'émergence d'un parasitoïde adulte, d'une mort précoce, de l'apparition de profondes modifications anatomiques et physiologiques ou enfin, d'un développement apparemment sain du puceron. Les proportions de ces devenirs varient avec la nature, le nombre, le rang de la piqûre, ainsi qu'avec le passé de la femelle avant l'expérience. Par comparaison avec une piqûre classique, une piqûre peu profonde réduit le nombre de momies formées, mais surtout élimine toute mortalité avancée et favorise le devenir sain. Lorsqu'on augmente de un à trois le nombre de piqûres reçues par l'hôte, la probabilité d'échapper en apparence à un effet quelconque de la piqûre diminue, alors qu'en parallèle, c'est surtout celle de la mommification qui croît. Il existe de plus pour certaines femelles, une relation entre le rang de la piqûre et le devenir de l'hôte. Enfin, si une femelle a dans un premier temps piqué un puceron altéré, près de 90% des pucerons normaux qui sont ensuite piqués évoluent en momies. A partir de ces résultats, certaines hypothèses concernant la cause des différents devenirs sont avancées.

对7日龄桃蚜 Myzus persicae用高剂量飞虱虫疠霉Pandora delphacis接种后,饲养于不同温(10~30℃)、湿(74%~100%RH)度组合条件下观察其生殖力及内禀增长力(rm) 的变化。结果表明,被接种个体生殖力比对照显著降低,且下降幅度受温度、湿度及温湿互作的影响。在各处理组合中,尤其以20~30℃和95%~100%RH的条件下下降更为明显。各处理rm在不同温度间差异显著,均随温度呈抛物线形变化,25℃下达最高,但不同湿度间差异不显著。与对照相比,被接种蚜的rm>除10℃与各湿度组合间无显著差异外,其余温湿组合下均显著低于对照。上述分析表明,飞虱虫疠霉的侵染能显著影响桃蚜生殖力及rm,尤其是在桃蚜繁殖的最适温度范围内效果最为明显。  相似文献   

Multiparasitism of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) by the solitary aphidiid parasitoids Aphidius matricariae Haliday and Ephedrus cerasicola Starý was studied in the laboratory at 22°C. Single aphids first stung by an A. matricariae female were then offered to a female of E. cerasicola 1, 2 or 3 days later. E. cerasicola oviposited without restraint in such aphids. The multiparasitized aphids were dissected 3 or 4 days after the Ephedrus parasitization or allowed to mummify.Only a single parasitoid, either egg or larva, was found in a dissected host. The relative frequency of the two species was roughly the same in dissection series as in corresponding mummification series. When E. cerasicola oviposited 1 or 2 days after A. matricariae, E. cerasicola was the intrinsically superior species. Dissection showed that the competition occurred at least one day before the Ephedrus egg hatched, and that very few eggs of A. matricariae hatched in such aphids. Apparently, the Aphidius eggs must have been killed by substances injected by the ovipositing Ephedrus female or by substances or structures connected with the Ephedrus egg itself. When E. cerasicola oviposited 3 days after A. matricariae, A. matricariae survived. Probably its 4th instar larvae devoured the eggs of E. cerasicola together with the other host contents.Interspecific competition without larvae involved has not previously been demonstrated in Aphidiidae.
Résumé L'étude du multiparasitisme de Myzus persicae (Sulzer) par les parasitoïdes Aphidiidae solitaires, Aphidius matricariae Haliday et Ephedrus cerasicola Stary a été réalisée à 22°C. Des pucerons isolés, piqués par une femelle de A. matricariae avaient été proposés ensuite à une femelle de E. cerasicola, 1, 2 ou 3 jours plus tard. E. cerasicola a pondu sans restriction dans de tels pucerons.Des témoins constitués de pucerons piqués par A. matricariae ont permis de déterminer le pourcentage des pucerons piqués, réellement parasités par A. matricariae. Les pucerons parasités une ou plusieurs fois ont pu se mommifier ou ont été disséqués 3 ou 4 jours après avoir été parasités par Ephedrus.Les fréquences relatives de développement des deux espèces, obtenues par dissection ou par étude des mommies, ont été rigoureusement les mêmes. Quand A. matricariae avait pondu 1 ou 2 jours avant E. cerasicola, A. matricariae s'est développé dans au moins 15% des pucerons apparemment multiparasités, contre 60 à 70% dans les témoins. Chez ces pucerons multiparasités, E. cerasicola était un compétiteur intrinsèquement supérieur. Quand A. matricariae avait pondu 3 jours avant E. cerasicola, A. matricariae survivait et se développait dans environ 70% des pucerons multiparasités. Chez ces pucerons, les oeufs d'E. cerasicola avaient probablement été dévorés avec le contenu de l'hôte par les larves âgées d'A. matricariae.Les oeufs des parasitoïdes sont difficiles à observer dans l'hôte les premiers jours après la ponte. Un seul parasitoïde, oeuf ou larve, était découvert lors de la dissection du puceron. La conclusion en a été que la compétition en faveur de E. cerasicola s'est produite quand les deux espèces étaient sous forme d'oeuf et au moins un jour avant l'éclosion d'Ephedrus. On peut en déduire que les oeufs d'A. matricariae sont tués par des substances injectées par la femelle de E. cerasicola lors de la ponte.Une compétition interspécifique n'impliquant pas les larves n'avait jamais été démontrée chez les Aphidiidae.

The effects of the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium longisporum (Zimmerman) Zare & Gams on three parameters of behaviour (feeding, reproduction and movement) of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) were investigated in the laboratory. Visual analysis of video tapes established that honeydew excretion events of mycosed aphids gradually declined from 2 d post inoculation and reproduction rate was significantly reduced 2 d prior to death (which occurred on day 6); both parameters were stable in controls over the same period. A detailed comparison was made between mobility of aphids during infection with two isolates of L. longisporum, using image analysis of video recordings. Both isolates caused an increase in activity at the beginning of mycosis (during fungal germination and cuticle invasion) though the intensity and the duration of this behaviour varied with the isolate. The possibility that increased movement in early mycosis helps disseminate disease is discussed in the light of the observation that saprophytic surface growth occurs on living M. persicae as it does in at least some other Lecanicillium spp-insect interactions.  相似文献   

Effects of a juvenile hormone analog, pyriproxyfen, on various developmental stadia of the apterous form of the turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), were bioassayed at three concentrations (50, 100, and 150 mg [AI]/l) in the laboratory. Supernumerary-molted nymphs with 1-3 extra molts were found when the first three nymphal instars were treated, and all these nymphs died prematurely. In contrast, all treated fourth instar nymphs molted normally to adults. The longevity of all pyriproxyfen-treated L. erysimi nymphs and adults and the fecundity of treated adults were reduced by 50%. Higher concentrations of pyriproxyfen (100 and 150 mg [AI]/l) caused sterility in adults from treated fourth instars; whereas the lowest concentration (50 mg [AI]/l) did not cause any adult sterility. A majority of adults from treated fourth instars and treated adults produced normal nymphs, and some adults produced dead nymphs with normal appendages or dead and deformed nymphs without any appendages. Normal nymphs produced by the adults from treated adults or treated at fourth instars developed more slowly from first instar to adult than the water-treated nymphs, and all adults in the new generation apparently reproduced normally. The potential role of pyriproxyfen in a vegetable aphid IPM program was discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of electrically recorded feeding behaviour of aphids was combined with colony‐development tests to search for sources of resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in tuber‐bearing Solanum species (Solanaceae), aiming at a reduction of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) transmission. Twenty genotypes, originating from 14 gene bank accessions, representing 13 wild tuber‐bearing Solanum spp., three Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) cultivars, and one S. tuberosum breeding line, were selected. Colony‐development tests were carried out in no‐choice experiments by placing adult aphids on plants of each genotype and counting numbers of nymphs and adults on young plants after 8 and 15 days, and on flowering plants after 14 and 30 days. Large differences were observed among genotypes: some developed small colonies and others developed large ones. Also, in a few genotypes, resistance in mature plants was different for leaves of different ages; young leaves were resistant to aphids whereas old senescent leaves were susceptible. The electrical penetration graph (DC‐EPG system) technique was used to study aphid feeding behaviour on each Solanum genotype for 6 h. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) results also showed large differences among the genotypes, indicating resistance at the leaf surface and at three different levels of plant tissue (epidermis, mesophyll, and phloem). Therefore, it was concluded that different mechanisms of resistance to M. persicae exist among the genotypes analysed. EPGs recorded from aphids on Solanum berthaultii Hawkes and Solanum tarijense Hawkes with and without glandular trichomes showed that strong surface resistance can bias EPG parameters associated with resistance located in deeper tissues. Experimental evidence is presented that the resistance to aphids in the genotypes with glandular trichomes strongly depends on these morphological structures.  相似文献   

The effects of sub-lethal imidacloprid concentrations on acquisition and inoculation of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) by Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were investigated. In experiments using two aphid clones to acquire PLRV from infected potatoes, virus transmission declined significantly with increasing concentrations of imidacloprid. The same was true in experiments using imidacloprid-treated Physalis floridana Rydb. as acquisition sources. When viruliferous M. persicae were placed on uninfected, imidacloprid-treated P. floridana, there were significant declines in PLRV transmission. Sub-lethal concentrations of imidacloprid clearly inhibited both acquisition and inoculation of PLRV by M. persicae, either through poisoning, temporary intoxication, and/or antifeedant effects.  相似文献   

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