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Explanations of the pattern of species have traditionally relied on small-scale, local processes occurring in ecological time. Differences in species richness have associated with different mechanisms avoiding competition, such as spatiotemporal heterogeneity (weaker competitors may find a more favourable place or time) or environmental stress (competition is assumed to be less intensive under difficult conditions). More recently, large-scale process have been taken into account, raising such questions as: which plant species may potentially grow in a certain community? Are evolutionary processes and species dispersal responsible for the differences between communities? The species-pool theory attempts to answer these general questions, and information about species pools is needed for the design of experiments where the number of species in a community is manipulated.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting biological invasions can focus either on traits that favour species invasiveness or on features of the receiving communities, habitats or landscapes that promote their invasibility. Here, we address invasibility at the regional scale, testing whether some habitats and landscapes are more invasible than others by fitting models that relate alien plant species richness to various environmental predictors. We use a multi‐model information‐theoretic approach to assess invasibility by modelling spatial and ecological patterns of alien invasion in landscape mosaics, and by testing competing hypotheses of environmental factors that may control invasibility. Because invasibility may be mediated by particular characteristics of invasiveness, we classified alien species according to their C‐S‐R plant strategies. We illustrate this approach with a set of 86 alien species in northern Portugal. We first focus on predictors influencing species richness and expressing invasibility, and then evaluate whether distinct plant strategies respond to the same or different groups of environmental predictors. We confirmed climate as a primary determinant of alien invasions, and as a primary environmental gradient determining landscape invasibility. The effects of secondary gradients were detected only when the area was sub‐sampled according to predictions based on the primary gradient. Then, multiple predictor types influenced patterns of alien species richness, with some types (landscape composition, topography and fire regime) prevailing over others. Alien species richness responded most strongly to extreme land management regimes, suggesting that intermediate disturbance induces biotic resistance by favouring native species richness. Land‐use intensification facilitated alien invasion, whereas conservation areas hosted few invaders, highlighting the importance of ecosystem stability in preventing invasions. Plants with different strategies exhibited different responses to environmental gradients, particularly when the variations of the primary gradient were narrowed by sub‐sampling. Such differential responses of plant strategies suggest using distinct control and eradication approaches for different areas and alien plant groups.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of non‐volant small mammals along an extensive subtropical elevational gradient was studied for the first time on Gongga Mountain, the highest mountain in Hengduan Mountain ranges in China, located in one of the 25 global biodiversity hotspots. Non‐volant small mammals were replicate sampled in two seasons at eight sampling sites between 1000 and 4200 m elevation on the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain. In all, 726 individual small mammals representing 25 species were documented in 28 800 trap nights. The species richness pattern for non‐volant small mammals along the elevational gradients was hump‐shaped with highest richness at mid‐elevations. However, different richness patterns emerged between endemic and non‐endemic species, between larger‐ranged and smaller‐ranged species and between rodents and insectivores. Temperature, precipitation, plant species richness and geometric constraints (mid‐ domain effect) were most significant in explaining species richness patterns. Based on the analysis of simple ordinary least squares (OLS) and stepwise multiple regressions, the overall richness pattern, as well as the pattern of insectivores, endemic species and larger‐ranged species showed strong correlation with geometric constraint predictions. However, non‐endemic species richness was more strongly correlated with temperature, while rodent richness was correlated with plant species richness. Our study shows that no single key factor can explain all richness patterns of non‐volant small mammals. We need to be cautious in summarizing a general richness pattern of large species groups (e.g. small mammals or mammals) from species in smaller groups having different ecological distributions and life histories. Elevational richness patterns and their driving factors for small mammals are more likely dependent on what kind of species we study.  相似文献   

Bias? What bias? The evolution of downstream larval‐feeding in animals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The homology of larval-feeding modes has been a major element in recent discussions about animal phylogeny. 'Downstream-feeding' is one of the two main larval-feeding modes, and is usually equated to an opposed-band system involving ciliary bands called the prototroch and metatroch. Larval-feeding in Spiralia is reviewed here and the homology hypothesis of downstream larval-feeding is expanded, encompassing any feeding involving the prototroch. It is often argued that the presence of planktotrophic larvae using downstream-feeding is plesiomorphic among spiralian animals, and that there is a bias in transformations, such that feeding larvae tend to be lost rather than gained. These hypotheses are assessed in relation to the Spiralia, Trochozoa and particularly polychaete annelids. Cladistic parsimony analyses are performed based on datasets of Rouse & Fauchald (1997) and Rouse (1999) , with an additional character based on downstream larval-feeding. Methods adopted to assess the possibility of a bias in transformations towards loss of downstream larval-feeding include: expanded primary homology arguments, character transformations favouring reversals and polymorphic terminals coded as having downstream larval-feeding. These measures all tend to favour the possibility that downstream larval-feeding will be plesiomorphic, and tends to be lost rather than gained. Nevertheless, all analyses show that downstream larval-feeding is not plesiomorphic, and appears to have evolved multiple times. The results support a conclusion that the prototroch has become associated with feeding a number of times. Hypotheses of metazoan phylogeny that are predicated on the assumption that downstream-feeding larvae are plesiomorphic (e.g. Peterson et al . 1997 ) should be re-assessed.  相似文献   

There is variability in the period that serotinous species retain seeds in protective closed cones and in the sizes of the cones. Seed predation and inter‐fire recruitment have been suggested to be reasons for this variability. I argue against these two reasons. Variation in annual rates of increase in fecundity and in numbers of flowering episodes before fire should be correlated with the degree of serotiny. These two attributes are a consequence of cone size, plant architecture and degree of serotiny.  相似文献   

Although a small set of external factors account for much of the spatial variation in plant and animal diversity, the search continues for general drivers of variation in parasite species richness among host species. Qualitative reviews of existing evidence suggest idiosyncrasies and inconsistent predictive power for all proposed determinants of parasite richness. Here, we provide the first quantitative synthesis of the evidence using a meta‐analysis of 62 original studies testing the relationship between parasite richness across animal, plant and fungal hosts, and each of its four most widely used presumed predictors: host body size, host geographical range size, host population density, and latitude. We uncover three universal predictors of parasite richness across host species, namely host body size, geographical range size and population density, applicable regardless of the taxa considered and independently of most aspects of study design. A proper match in the primary studies between the focal predictor and both the spatial scale of study and the level at which parasite species richness was quantified (i.e. within host populations or tallied across a host species' entire range) also affected the magnitude of effect sizes. By contrast, except for a couple of indicative trends in subsets of the full dataset, there was no strong evidence for an effect of latitude on parasite species richness; where found, this effect ran counter to the general latitude gradient in diversity, with parasite species richness tending to be higher further from the equator. Finally, the meta‐analysis also revealed a negative relationship between the magnitude of effect sizes and the year of publication of original studies (i.e. a time‐lag bias). This temporal bias may be due to the increasing use of phylogenetic correction in comparative analyses of parasite richness over time, as this correction yields more conservative effect sizes. Overall, these findings point to common underlying processes of parasite diversification fundamentally different from those controlling the diversity of free‐living organisms.  相似文献   

Concerns about the impact of species diversity loss has heightened the importance of determining what limits local diversity and the relative roles of the available species pool and local interactions. Recent theory suggests that local diversity may exhibit linear or asymptotic responses to regional variation in species pools depending resource supply rates. We tested this idea by augmenting species pools in three sites along a natural productivity gradient (a surrogate for resource supply) in a mid-successional old-field. Augmentation of the species pool, enhanced local diversity more at medium than low productivity sites in this field and seed addition had no effect at high productivity, suggesting that diversity was saturated in high resource areas of this field. These results suggest that resource supply rates may mediate species pool-richness relationships. Species additions into cleared plots demonstrated that the observed differences in species recruitment along this gradient were largely driven by abiotic filtering at low and competitive filtering at high productivity. Furthermore, we observed that augmentation of the species pool shifted the productivity–diversity relationship from a negative linear to unimodal suggesting that species pools may influence reported productivity–diversity patterns.  相似文献   

A major goal in macroecology is to determine how body size varies geographically, and explain why such patterns exist. Recently, a grid‐cell assemblage analysis found significant body size trends with latitude and temperature in Plethodon salamanders, and support for the heat‐balance hypothesis as a possible explanation for these trends. Here we demonstrate that the heat‐balance hypothesis is unlikely to have generated this pattern, and that there is no overall body size trend with temperature in Plethodon. Using data from 3155 local Plethodon assemblages, we find no support for body size clines with latitude, and no relationship between body size and temperature. We also found that body size did not covary with elevation, in contrast to what was predicted by heat‐balance. We then examined the various scenarios under which body size clines across grid‐cell assemblages could evolve via heat‐balance, and found that none were tenable in light of the existing data. Instead, a single, widely distributed species was responsible for the pattern across grid‐cell assemblages. Finally, we examined why phylogenetic eigenvector regression does not account for phylogenetic non‐independence among taxa, and should not be used to account for shared evolutionary history in assembly‐level analyses. Assemblage‐level patterns are a useful means of assessing biogeographic trends, and are an important complement to within‐species and cross‐species patterns. However, while the use of grid‐cell assemblage approaches from digital databases is expedient, their results must be examined critically, and whenever possible, compared with data obtained from local species assemblages (particularly for ecological mechanisms that operate at the level of individuals). Finally, our results emphasize the importance of using corroborative data to evaluate alternative hypotheses, so that potential mechanisms that explain bioegeographic patterns are properly assigned.  相似文献   

A complex of white‐eared opossums (Didelphis spp.) is distributed across three distinct areas of South America, but recent taxonomic treatments have disagreed regarding species limits in the group. We used ecological niche modelling to test whether ecological niches have been conserved or have diverged among the three forms in this group. Differences in combinations of niche and range were clear; however, when hypotheses of accessible areas for each species were considered, coarse‐grained niche dimensions (i.e. climatic dimensions) were seen not to differ across the complex. We discuss implications of these results for taxonomic recognition of species based on geographic and ecological characteristics and the implications of using ENM approaches to setting species limits. We suggest that ENM should be used to explore speciation mechanisms, rather than being applied to questions of setting species limits.  相似文献   

Using long‐term diet reconstructions spanning the past one million years, we contrast hypotheses that biotic interactions versus physical environmental changes are primary drivers of evolutionary turnover in mammals. We use stable carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope ratios in tooth enamel carbonate to trace herbivore niche shifts through the Late Quaternary Land Mammal Ages (LMAs) of grassland savannas in the South African interior (Cornelian‐1.0 to 0.6 Ma; Florisian‐500 to 10 ka; and Holocene/modern). Data reveal niche separation amongst closely related coeval taxa, and dispersals through time into empty niche spaces following extinctions. This suggests a primary role of competitive exclusion and niche displacement for speciation and extinctions in these early grassland environments. However, niche changes through time show a similar trend in many taxa, entailing increased δ13C (elevated C4 grass consumption) from the Cornelian to the Florisian, and from the Florisian to the Holocene/modern, and elevated δ18O in Holocene/modern taxa that reflect global aridification around the terminal Pleistocene. Commonality in isotopic trends implies universal environmental forcing of ecological, and ultimately macroevolutionary, turnover. Yet some taxa shift from a mixed C3/C4 diet in the Florisian to a near‐pure C3 diet today. Indeed, we find that while δ13C data are normally distributed for Cornelian fossils, non‐normal distributions characterize more recent time intervals. Such distributions are in line with the bimodal distribution of δ13C and diet in contemporary African ungulates. Thus, while environmental forcing did not, by necessity, lead to increases in C4 intake, the results show changes from mixed to more specialized diets. We propose that this niche specialization was a function of long‐term exposure to C4 grasslands, consistent with predictions that relatively high metabolic demands of C4 grazing in subtropical environments forced the differentiation of herbivores into one of two highly specialized feeding niches, i.e. C3 browsing or C4 grazing.  相似文献   

If species' ranges are randomly shuffled within a bounded geographical domain free of environmental gradients, ranges overlap increasingly toward the center of the domain, creating a "mid-domain" peak of species richness. This "mid-domain effect" (MDE) has been controversial both in concept and in application. Empirical studies assess the degree to which the evolutionary, ecological, and historical processes that undeniably act on individual species and clades produce geographical patterns that resemble those produced by MDE models. MDE models that resample empirical range size frequency distributions (RSFDs) balance the risk of underestimating and overestimating the role of MDE, whereas theoretical RSFDs are generally biased toward underestimating MDE. We discuss the inclusion of nonendemic species in MDE models, rationales for setting domain limits, and the validity of one- and two-dimensional MDE models. MDE models, though null models, are not null hypotheses to be simplistically rejected or accepted. They are a means of estimating the expected effect of geometric constraints within the context of multiple causality. We call for assessment of MDE on an equal statistical footing with other candidate explanations for richness gradients. Although some critics have categorically dismissed MDE, an overview of the 21 MDE studies published to date reveals a substantial signature of MDE in natural patterns and justifies continued work.  相似文献   

Large areas of tropical forest now exist as remnants scattered across agricultural landscapes, and so understanding the impacts of forest fragmentation is important for biodiversity conservation. We examined species richness and nestedness among tropical forest remnants in birds (meta-analysis of published studies) and insects (field data for fruit-feeding Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and ants). Species-area relationships were evident in all four taxa, and avian and insect assemblages in remnants typically were nested subsets of those in larger areas. Avian carnivores and nectarivores and predatory ants were more nested than other guilds, implying that the sequential loss of species was more predictable in these groups, and that fragmentation alters the trophic organization of communities. For butterflies, the ordering of fragments to achieve maximum nestedness was by fragment area, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven mainly by extinction. In contrast for moths, maximum nestedness was achieved by ordering species by wing length; species with longer wings (implying better dispersal) were more likely to occur at all sites, including low diversity sites, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven more strongly by colonization. Although all four taxa exhibited high levels of nestedness, patterns of species turnover were also idiosyncratic, and thus even species-poor sites contributed to landscape-scale biodiversity, particularly for insects.  相似文献   

Aim At macroecological scales, exotic species richness is frequently positively correlated with human population density. Such patterns are typically thought to arise because high human densities are associated with increased introduction effort and/or habitat modification and disturbance. Exotic and native species richness are also frequently positively correlated, although the causal mechanisms remain unclear. Energy availability frequently explains much of the variation in species richness and we test whether such species–energy relationships may influence the relationships of exotic species richness with human population density and native species richness. Location Great Britain. Methods We first investigate how spatial variation in the distributions of the 10 exotic bird species is related to energy availability. We then model exotic species richness using native avian species richness, human population density and energy availability as predictors. Species richness is modelled using two sets of models: one assumes independent errors and the other takes spatial correlation into account. Results The probability of each exotic species occurring, in a 10‐km quadrat, increases with energy availability. Exotic species richness is positively correlated with energy availability, human population density and native species richness in univariate tests. When taking energy availability into account, exotic species richness is negligibly influenced by human population density, but remains positively associated with native species richness. Main conclusions We provide one of the few demonstrations that energy availability exerts a strong positive influence on exotic species richness. Within our data, the positive relationship between exotic species richness and human population density probably arises because both variables increase with energy availability, and may be independent of the influence of human density on the probability of establishment. Positive correlations between exotic and native species richness remain when controlling for the influence of energy on species richness. The relevance of such a finding to the debate on the relationship between diversity and invasibility is discussed.  相似文献   

In ecosystems subject to regular canopy fires, woody species have evolved two general strategies of post‐fire regeneration. Seeder species are killed by fire and populations regenerate solely by post‐fire recruitment from a seed bank. Resprouter species survive fire and regenerate by vegetative regrowth from protected organs. Interestingly, the abundance of these strategies varies along environmental gradients and across regions. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain this spatial variation: the gap dependence and the environmental‐variability hypotheses. The gap‐dependence model predicts that seeders are favoured in sparse vegetation (vegetation gaps allowing effective post‐fire recruitment of seedlings), while resprouters are favoured in densely vegetated sites (seedlings being outcompeted by the rapid crown regrowth of resprouters). The environmental‐variability model predicts that seeders would prevail in reliable rainfall areas, whereas resprouters would be favoured in areas under highly variable rainfall that are prone to severe dry events (leading to high post‐fire seedling mortality). We tested these two models using distribution data, captured at the scale of quarter‐degree cells, for seeder and resprouter species of two speciose shrub genera (Aspalathus and Erica) common in fire‐prone fynbos ecosystems of the mediterranean‐climate part of the Cape Floristic Region. Contrary to the predictions of the gap‐dependence model, species number of both resprouters and seeders increased with values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (a widely used surrogate for vegetation density), with a more marked increase for seeders. The predictions of the environmental‐variability hypothesis, by contrast, were not refuted by this study. Seeder and resprouter species of both genera showed highest richness in environments with high rainfall reliability. However, with decreasing reliability, seeder numbers dropped more quickly than those of resprouters. We conclude that the environmental‐variability model is better able to explain the abundance of woody seeder and resprouter species in Southern Hemisphere fire‐prone shrublands (fynbos and kwongan) than the gap‐dependence model.  相似文献   

Aim To study the effects of the degree of fragmentation of heathland patches on their species richness and species composition, and to infer the ecological mechanisms behind the observed patterns. Location The heathland patches of the north‐western part of Flanders, Belgium. During the last 200 years, the heathland area in this study area has been reduced from c. 10,000 to c. 40 ha, yielding c. 150 small and highly isolated relic fragments. Methods Different isolation measures were calculated for each of the 153 inventoried heathland patches. The influence of isolation, area and habitat diversity on species richness was investigated using correlation techniques. Community composition of the patches was tested for nestedness, and the mechanisms potentially underlying this pattern were determined. Results and main conclusions Both the analyses at the species richness and community composition level yielded evidence for a positive species–area relation. This relation was not caused by higher habitat heterogeneity in larger patches. Patch isolation, measured in different ways, however seemed much more important in explaining species richness and community composition than fragment area. Our results indicate that area effects are overcompensated by the rescue‐effect: if a patch is close to other patches, species can disperse between them and prevent the species from going extinct. Species having a short living seed bank were also more sensitive to isolation than species with a long living seed bank, indicating that the latter most probably depend on the seed bank to survive periods when environmental conditions are harsh. Analogously to the spatial rescue‐effect, the existence of a persistent seed bank may lead to a sort of temporal rescue‐effect, where the extinction of a plant species is prevented through survival in the seed bank of a patch.  相似文献   

Vandvik  V.  Birks  H.J.B. 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(2):203-222
This paper discusses vegetation types and diversity patterns in relation to environment and land-use at summer farms, a characteristic cultural landscape in the Norwegian mountains. Floristic data (189 taxa) were collected in 130 4-m2 sample plots within 12 summer farms in Røldal, western Norway. The study was designed to sample as fully as possible the range of floristic, environmental, and land-use conditions. Vegetation types delimited by two-way indicator species analysis were consistent with results from earlier phytosociological studies. Detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis show that rather than being distinct vegetation types, the major floristic variation is structured along a spatial gradient from summer farm to the surrounding heathland vegetation. Species richness (alpha diversity) was modelled against environmental variables by generalized linear modelling and compositional turnover (beta diversity) by canonical correspondence analysis. Most environmental factors made significant contributions, but the spatial distance-to-farm gradient was the best predictor of both species richness and turnover. While summer farms reduce mean species richness at the plot scale, the compositional heterogeneity of the upland landscapes is increased, thereby creating ‘ecological room’ for additional vegetation types and species. Within an overall similarity across scales, soil variables (pH, base saturation, LOI, phosphate and nitrogen) differed considerably in their explanatory power for richness and turnover. A difference between ‘productivity limiting’ factors and ‘environmental sieves’ is proposed as an explanation. Species turnover with altitude is relatively low in grasslands as compared to heaths.  相似文献   

Regularities in species richness are widely observed but controversy continues over its mechanistic explanation. Because richness patterns are usually a compound measure derived from taxonomically diverse species with different ecological requirements, these analyses may confound diverse causes of species numbers. Here we investigate species richness in the aquatic beetle fauna of Europe, separating major taxonomic groups and two major ecological types, species occurring in standing and running water bodies. We collated species distributions for 800+ species of water beetles in 15 regions across western Europe. Species number in any of these regions was related to three variables: total area size, geographic connectedness of the area, and latitude. Pooled species numbers were accurately predicted, but correlations were different for species associated with either running or standing water. The former were mostly correlated with latitude, while the latter were only correlated with the measure of connectedness or with area size. These differences were generally also observed in each of the four phylogenetically independent lineages of aquatic Coleoptera when analysed separately. We propose that effects of habitat, in this case possibly mediated by different long term persistence of running and standing water bodies, impose constraints at the population or local level which, if effective over larger temporal and spatial scales, determine global patterns of species richness.  相似文献   

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