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Matrotrophy, the provisioning of embryos between fertilization and birth, creates the potential for conflict between mothers and embryos over the level of maternal investment. This conflict is predicted to drive the evolution of reproductive isolation between populations with different mating systems. In this study, we examine whether density‐driven mating system differences explain the patterns of asymmetric reproductive isolation observed in previous studies involving four populations of the matrotrophic least killifish, Heterandria formosa. Minimum sire number reconstructions suggested that two populations characterized by low densities had lower levels of concurrent multiple paternity than two populations characterized by high densities. However, low levels of genetic variation in the low‐density populations greatly reduced our probability of detecting multiple mating in them. Once we took the lower level of genetic variation into account in our estimations, high levels of multiple paternity appeared the rule in all four populations. In the population where we had the greatest power of detecting multiple mating, we found that multiple paternity in H. formosa typically involves multiple sires contributing to offspring within the same brood instead of different fathers contributing to distinct, simultaneously provisioned broods. Paternity was often skewed towards one sire. Our results suggest that differences between H. formosa populations in the levels of multiple paternity are not sufficient to explain the reproductive isolation seen in previous studies. We suggest that other influences on maternal–foetal conflict may contribute to the pattern of reproductive isolation observed previously. Alternatively, the asymmetric reproductive isolation seen in previous studies might reflect the disruption of maternal–foetal coadaptation.  相似文献   

In recent years, species richness and diversity in aquatic ecosystems has declined as environments are increasingly impacted by anthropic actions. Freshwater prawns are well adapted to survive in a disturbed and heterogeneous environment. For instance, Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) populations vary in migratory behavior between rivers and estuaries, depending on factors such as dams. However, there is limited information on the influence of environmental conditions on life‐history traits of this species, which we investigate here using two distinct and unconnected aquatic systems, a dammed river and an estuary, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. The biological characteristics of M. amazonicum populations in the two environments were compared and related to environmental parameters, which differed significant differences between the two environments and between seasons. Dissolved oxygen, precipitation, and temperature varied most significantly with the seasons in both the estuary and river. M. amazonicum prawns in the estuary were larger and heavier than those in the river during rainy periods. The mass–length ratios and condition factor varied significantly between the M. amazonicum populations in the estuary and river, with negative allometric growth (grows faster in length than in weight) predominating in both populations, and condition factor was better in the estuary for males and in the river for females. The relative frequencies of occurrence of the different female maturation stages and the male morphotypes were related to precipitation and turbidity in both environments and also to salinity in the estuary. In these two distinct aquatic systems, the abiotic parameters determined by the seasonal precipitation cycle profoundly influenced the development of this crustacean, despite its ecological plasticity. Overall, the study showed that river damming triggered environmental changes in the freshwater river ecosystem and played a key role in determining the life‐history characteristics of M. amazonicum in these contrasting aquatic systems.  相似文献   

What selection pressures drive the evolution of offspring size? Answering this fundamental question for any species requires an understanding of the relationship between offspring size and offspring fitness. A major goal of evolutionary ecologists has been to estimate this critical relationship, but for organisms with complex lifecycles, logistical constraints restrict most studies to early life‐history stages only. Here, we examine the relationship between offspring size and offspring performance in the field across multiple life‐history stages and across generations in a marine invertebrate .We then use these data to parameterise a simple optimality model to generate predictions of optimal offspring size and determined whether these predictions depended on which estimate of offspring performance was used. We found that offspring size had consistently positive effects on performance (estimated as post‐metamorphic growth, fecundity and reproductive output). We also found that manipulating the experience of offspring during the larval phase changed the way in which offspring size affects performance: offspring size affected post‐metamorphic growth when larvae were allowed to settle immediately but offspring size affected survival when larvae were forced to swim prior to settlement. Despite finding consistently positive effects of offspring size, early measures of the effect of offspring size resulted in the systematic underestimation of optimal offspring size. Surprisingly, the amount of variation in offspring performance that offspring size explained decreased with increasing time in the field but the steepness of the relationship between offspring size and performance actually increased. Our results suggest caution should be exercised when empirically examining offspring size effects – it may not be appropriate to assume that early measures are a good reflection of the actual relationship between offspring size and fitness.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, which generally affects the fitness of small populations, may be diminished by purging recessive deleterious alleles when inbreeding persists over several generations. Evidence of purging remains rare, especially because of the difficulties of separating the effects of various factors affecting fitness in small populations. We compared the expression of life-history traits in inbred populations of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) with contemporary control populations over 10 generations in captivity. We estimated inbreeding depression as the difference between the two types of populations at each generation. After 10 generations, the inbreeding coefficient reached a maximum value of 0.56 and 0.16 in the inbred and control populations, respectively. Analysing changes in the life-history traits across generations showed that inbreeding depression in clutch size and offspring survival increased during the first four to six generations in the populations from the inbred treatment and subsequently decreased as expected if purging occurred. Inbreeding depression in two other traits was weaker but showed similar changes across generations. The loss of six populations in the inbred treatment indicates that removal of deleterious alleles also occurred by extinction of populations that presumably harboured high genetic load.  相似文献   

SUMMARY During development and evolution individuals generally face a trade-off between the development of weapons and gonads. In termites, characterized by reproductive division of labor, a caste evolved—the soldiers—which is completely sterile and which might be released from developmental trade-offs between weapons and testes. These soldiers are exclusively dedicated to defense. First, we investigated whether defensive traits are under selection in sterile termite soldiers using allometric analyses. In soldiers of the genus Cryptotermes phragmotic traits such as a sculptured and foreshortened head evolve rapidly but were also lost twice. Second, we compared the scaling relationships of these weapons with those in solitary insects facing a trade-off between weapons and gonads. Defensive traits consistently had lower slopes than nondefensive traits which supports the existence of stabilizing selection on soldier phragmotic traits in order to plug galleries. Moreover, soldier head widths were colony specific and correlated with the minimum gallery diameter of a colony. This can proximately be explained by soldiers developing from different instars. The scaling relationships of these termite soldiers contrast strikingly with those of weapons of solitary insects, which are generally exaggerated (i.e., overscaling) male traits. These differences may provide important insights into trait evolution. Trade-offs constraining the development of individuals may have been uncoupled in termites by evolving different castes, each specialized for one function. When individuals in social insect are "released" from developmental constraints through the evolution of castes, this certainly contributed to the ecological and evolutionary success of social insects.  相似文献   

1. The ecological and economic costs of introduced species can be high. Ecologists try to predict the probability of success and potential risk of the establishment of recently introduced species, given their biological characteristics.
2. In 1990 gudgeon, Gobio gobio , were released in a drainage canal of the Rhône delta of southern France. The Asian topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva, was found for the first time in the same canal in 1993. Those introductions offered a unique opportunity to compare in situ the fate of two closely related fish in the same habitat.
3. Our major aims were to assess whether G. gobio was able to establish in what seemed an unlikely environment, to compare populations trends and life-history traits of both species and to assess whether we could explain or could have predicted our results, by considering their life-history strategies.
4. Data show that both species have established in the canal and have spread. Catches of P. parva have increased strongly and are now higher than those of G. gobio .
5. The two cyprinids have the same breeding season and comparable traits (such as short generation time, small body, high reproductive effort), so both could be classified as opportunists. The observed difference in their success (in terms of population growth and colonization rate) could be explained by the wider ecological and physiological tolerance of P. parva .
6. In conclusion, our field study seems to suggest that invasive vigour also results from the ability to tolerate environmental changes through phenotypic plasticity, rather than from particular life-history features pre-adapted to invasion. It thus remains difficult to define a good invader simply on the basis of its life-history features.  相似文献   

For conspecific parasites sharing the same host, kin recognition can be advantageous when the fitness of one individual depends on what another does; yet, evidence of kin recognition among parasites remains limited. Some trematodes, like Coitocaecum parvum, have plastic life cycles including two alternative life‐history strategies. The parasite can wait for its intermediate host to be eaten by a fish definitive host, thus completing the classical three‐host life cycle, or mature precociously and produce eggs while still inside its intermediate host as a facultative shortcut. Two different amphipod species are used as intermediate hosts by C. parvum, one small and highly mobile and the other larger, sedentary, and burrow dwelling. Amphipods often harbour two or more C. parvum individuals, all capable of using one or the other developmental strategy, thus creating potential conflicts or cooperation opportunities over transmission routes. This model was used to test the kin recognition hypothesis according to which cooperation between two conspecific individuals relies on the individuals' ability to evaluate their degree of genetic similarity. First, data showed that levels of intrahost genetic similarity between co‐infecting C. parvum individuals differed between host species. Second, genetic similarity between parasites sharing the same host was strongly linked to their likelihood of adopting identical developmental strategies. Two nonexclusive hypotheses that could explain this pattern are discussed: kin recognition and cooperation between genetically similar parasites and/or matching genotypes involving parasite genotype–host compatibility filters.  相似文献   

Adaptation of morphological, physiological, or life‐history traits of a plant species to heterogeneous habitats through the process of natural selection is a paramount process in evolutionary biology. We have used a population genomic approach to disentangle selection‐based and demography‐based variation in morphological and life‐history traits in the crucifer Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. (Brassicaceae) encountered in populations along aridity gradients in S Tunisia. We have genotyped 182 individuals from 12 populations of the species ranging from coastal to semidesert habitats using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and assessed a range of morphological and life‐history traits from their progeny cultivated under common‐garden conditions. Application of three different statistical approaches for searching AFLP loci under selection allowed us to characterize candidate loci, for which their association with the traits assessed was tested for statistical significance and correlation with climate data. As a key result of this study, we find that only the shape of cauline leaves seems to be under differential selection along the aridity gradient in S Tunisian populations of Diplotaxis harra, while for all other traits studied neutral biogeographical and/or random factors could not be excluded as explanation for the variation observed. The counter‐intuitive finding that plants from populations with more arid habitats produce broader leaves under optimal conditions of cultivation than those from more mesic habitats is interpreted as being ascribable to selection for a higher plasticity in this trait under more unpredictable semidesert conditions compared to the more predictable ones in coastal habitats.  相似文献   



Phylogenies reconstructed with only one or a few independently inherited loci may be unresolved or incongruent due to taxon and gene sampling, horizontal gene transfer, or differential selection and lineage sorting at individual loci. In an effort to remedy this situation, we examined the utility of conserved orthologous set (COSII) nuclear loci to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among 29 diploid Solanum species in the sister clades that include tomato and potato, and in Datura inoxia as a far outgroup. We screened 40 COSII markers with intron content over 60% that are mapped in different chromosomes; selected a subset of 19 by the presence of single band amplification of size mostly between 600 and 1200 bp; sequenced these 19 COSII markers, and performed phylogenetic analyses with individual and concatenated datasets. The present study attempts to provide a fully resolved phylogeny among the main clades in potato and tomato that can help to identify the appropriate markers for future studies using additional species.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies suggest that the timing of entering hibernation by arthropods has large effects on long-term fitness, incurring strong selection pressure on diapause attributes every year. On the other hand, diapause attributes are often genetically correlated with other important life-history traits such as fecundity or development time. To understand the evolutionary process of life cycle formation, there is a need to investigate not only diapause attributes themselves but also their genetic association with other life-history traits. The Kanzawa spider mite, Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida (Acari: Tetranychidae), is a small herbivore that lives on the undersurface of host plant leaves. This mite has been investigated for the mode of inheritance of diapause attributes, but scarcely for genetic correlations with other life-history traits. Here, I investigated whether diapause proneness, measured as the proportion of diapausing females under short-day conditions, is genetically correlated with fecundity or development time under long-day conditions using artificial selection experiments. Diapause incidence responded to the selection for both increasing and decreasing directions, suggesting that high genetic variance in diapause proneness is maintained in the study population. However, the change in proportion of diapausing females during the selection period was not associated with responses in fecundity or development time. These results suggest that diapause proneness and other life-history traits have different genetic backgrounds, and thus diapause proneness may freely evolve without being constrained by changes in other life-history traits.  相似文献   

Species which have settled in urban environments are exposed to different conditions from their wild conspecifics. A previous comparative study of an urban and a forest-living European blackbird population had revealed a three weeks earlier onset of gonadal growth in urban individuals. These physiological adjustments are either the result of genetic differences that have evolved during the urbanization process, or of phenotypic flexibility resulting from the bird's exposure to the different environmental conditions of town or forest. To identify which of these two mechanisms causes the differences in reproductive timing, hand-reared birds originating from the urban and the forest populations were kept in identical conditions. The substantial differences in the timing of reproduction between urban and forest birds known from the field did not persist under laboratory conditions, indicating that temporal differences in reproductive timing between these two populations are mainly a result of phenotypic flexibility. Nevertheless, urban males initiated plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion and testicular development earlier than forest males in their first reproductive season. Moreover, plasma LH concentration and follicle size declined earlier in urban females than in forest females, suggesting that genetic differences are also involved and might contribute to the variations in the timing of reproduction in the wild.  相似文献   

1. We collated information from the literature on life history traits of the roach (a generalist freshwater fish), and analysed variation in absolute fecundity, von Bertalanffy parameters, and reproductive lifespan in relation to latitude, using both linear and non-linear regression models. We hypothesized that because most life history traits are dependent on growth rate, and growth rate is non-linearly related with temperature, it was likely that when analysed over the whole distribution range of roach, variation in key life history traits would show non-linear patterns with latitude.
2. As fecundity depends strongly on length, and the length structure of females varied among populations, latitudinal patterns in fecundity were examined based on residuals from the length–fecundity relationship. The reproductive lifespan of roach was estimated as the difference between age at maturity and maximum age of females in each population.
3. The three life history traits of roach analysed all varied among populations and were non-linearly related to latitude. Only the relationship between reproductive lifespan and latitude was a better fit to a linear that to a quadratic model, although Loess smoothing curves revealed that this relationship was actually closer to biphasic than linear in form. A latitude of 50°N formed a break point in all three life history traits.
4. The negative relationships we have described between (i) fecundity and reproductive lifespan and (ii) fecundity and egg mass suggest that lower fecundity is compensated for by longer lifespan, while lower fecundity is compensated for by an increased egg mass, when analysed independently of location.  相似文献   

During jumping or falling in humans and various other mammals, limb muscles are activated before landing, and the intensity and timing of this pre-landing activity are scaled to the expected impact. In this study, we test whether similarly tuned anticipatory muscle activity is present in hopping cane toads. Toads use their forelimbs for landing, and we analysed pre-landing electromyographic (EMG) timing and intensity in relation to hop distance for the m. coracoradialis and m. anconeus, which act antagonistically at the elbow, and are presumably important in stabilizing the forelimb during landing. In most cases, a significant, positive relationship between hop distance and pre-landing EMG intensity was found. Moreover, pre-landing activation timing of m. anconeus was tightly linked to when the forelimbs touched down at landing. Thus, like mammals, toads appear to gauge the timing and magnitude of their impending impact and activate elbow muscles accordingly. To our knowledge these data represent the first demonstration of tuned pre-landing muscle recruitment in anurans and raise questions about how important the visual, vestibular and/or proprioceptive systems are in mediating this response.  相似文献   

Recent developments in sequencing technologies have facilitated genomewide mapping of phenotypic variation in natural populations. Such mapping efforts face a number of challenges potentially leading to low reproducibility. However, reproducible research forms the basis of scientific progress. We here discuss the options for replication and the reasons for potential nonreproducibility. We then review the evidence for reproducible quantitative trait loci (QTL) with a focus on natural animal populations. Existing case studies of replication fall into three categories: (i) traits that have been mapped to major effect loci (including chromosomal inversion and supergenes) by independent research teams; (ii) QTL fine‐mapped in discovery populations; and (iii) attempts to replicate QTL across multiple populations. Major effect loci, in particular those associated with inversions, have been successfully replicated in several cases within and across populations. Beyond such major effect variants, replication has been more successful within than across populations, suggesting that QTL discovered in natural populations may often be population‐specific. This suggests that biological causes (differences in linkage patterns, allele frequencies or context‐dependencies of QTL) contribute to nonreproducibility. Evidence from other fields, notably animal breeding and QTL mapping in humans, suggests that a significant fraction of QTL is indeed reproducible in direction and magnitude at least within populations. However, there is also a large number of QTL that cannot be easily reproduced. We put forward that more studies should explicitly address the causes and context‐dependencies of QTL signals, in particular to disentangle linkage differences, allele frequency differences and gene‐by‐environment interactions as biological causes of nonreproducibility of QTL, especially between populations.  相似文献   

Earth's rapidly changing climate creates a growing need to understand how demographic processes in natural populations are affected by climate variability, particularly among organisms threatened by extinction. Long‐term, large‐scale, and cross‐taxon studies of vital rate variation in relation to climate variability can be particularly valuable because they can reveal environmental drivers that affect multiple species over extensive regions. Few such data exist for animals with slow life histories, particularly in the tropics, where climate variation over large‐scale space is asynchronous. As our closest relatives, nonhuman primates are especially valuable as a resource to understand the roles of climate variability and climate change in human evolutionary history. Here, we provide the first comprehensive investigation of vital rate variation in relation to climate variability among wild primates. We ask whether primates are sensitive to global changes that are universal (e.g., higher temperature, large‐scale climate oscillations) or whether they are more sensitive to global change effects that are local (e.g., more rain in some places), which would complicate predictions of how primates in general will respond to climate change. To address these questions, we use a database of long‐term life‐history data for natural populations of seven primate species that have been studied for 29–52 years to investigate associations between vital rate variation, local climate variability, and global climate oscillations. Associations between vital rates and climate variability varied among species and depended on the time windows considered, highlighting the importance of temporal scale in detection of such effects. We found strong climate signals in the fertility rates of three species. However, survival, which has a greater impact on population growth, was little affected by climate variability. Thus, we found evidence for demographic buffering of life histories, but also evidence of mechanisms by which climate change could affect the fates of wild primates.  相似文献   

Urbanization, one of the most extreme land‐use alterations, is currently spreading, and the number of species confronting these changes is increasing. However, contradictory results of previous studies impede a clear interpretation of which selective pressure (nest predation or food limitation) is more important in urban habitats compared with natural situations, and whether birds can confront them by adjusting their life‐history strategies. We investigated life‐history syndromes of three common blackbird (Turdus merula) populations differing in their human influence (urban, rural, and woodland). We analysed daily nest predation and nestling starvation rates to assess the relative importance of these selection pressures in each habitat. Simultaneously, several life‐history traits were investigated to determine if T. merula seem adapted to their main source of selection. Food limitation was more important in the city, whereas nest predation was the most important selective force in the forest. The rural habitat was characterized by an intermediate influence of these two factors. Life‐history syndromes, as the covariation of a suite of traits, confirmed these results because T. merula seem well adapted to the main cause of selection in each habitat. Our results are consistent with urbanization imposing new challenges on birds, and that they adaptively respond to them. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 759–766.  相似文献   

Plants are expected to emit floral scent when their pollinators are most active. In the case of long‐tubed flowers specialised for pollination by crepuscular or nocturnal moths, scent emissions would be expected to peak during dawn. Although this classic idea has existed for decades, it has rarely been tested quantitatively. We investigated the timing of flower visitation, pollination and floral scent emissions in six long‐spurred Satyrium species (Orchidaceae). We observed multiple evening visits by pollinaria‐bearing moths on flowers of all study species, but rarely any diurnal visits. The assemblages of moth pollinators differed among Satyrium species, even those that co‐flowered, and the lengths of moth tongues and floral nectar spurs were strongly correlated, suggesting that the available moth pollinator fauna is partitioned by floral traits. Pollinarium removal occurred more frequently during the night than during the day in four of the six species. Scent emission, however, was only significantly higher at dusk than midday in two species. Analysis of floral volatiles using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry yielded 168 scent compounds, of which 112 were species‐specific. The scent blends emitted by each species occupy discrete clusters in two‐dimensional phenotype space, based on multivariate analysis. We conclude that these long‐spurred Satyrium species are ecologically specialised for moth pollination, yet the timing of their scent emission is not closely correlated with moth pollination activity. Scent composition was also more variable than expected from a group of closely related plants sharing the same pollinator functional group. These findings reveal a need for greater understanding of mechanisms of scent production and their constraints, as well as the underlying reasons for divergent scent chemistry among closely related plants.  相似文献   

Across a range of taxa, individuals within a species differ in suites of correlated traits. These trait complexes, known as syndromes, can have dramatic evolutionary consequences as they do not evolve independently but rather as a unit. Current research focuses primarily on syndromes relating to aspects of behavior and life history. What is less clear is whether physiological traits also form a syndrome. We measured 10 thermal traits in the delicate skink, Lampropholis delicata, to test this idea. Repeatability was calculated and their across‐context correlations evaluated. Our results were in alignment with our predictions in that individual thermal traits varied consistently and were structured into a physiological syndrome, which we are referring to as the thermal behavior syndrome (TBS). Within this syndrome, lizards exhibited a “thermal type” with each being ranked along a cold–hot continuum. Hot types had faster sprint speeds and higher preferred body temperatures, whereas the opposite was true for cold types. We conclude that physiological traits may evolve as a single unit driven by the need to maintain optimal temperatures that enable fitness‐related behaviors to be maximized.  相似文献   

Mediterranean‐type ecosystems (MTEs) are remarkable in their species richness and endemism, but the processes that have led to this diversity remain enigmatic. Here, we hypothesize that continent‐dependent speciation and extinction rates have led to disparity in diversity between the five MTEs of the world: the Cape, California, Mediterranean Basin, Chile, and Western Australia. To test this hypothesis, we built a phylogenetic tree for 280 Rhamnaceae species, estimated divergence times using eight fossil calibrations, and used Bayesian methods and simulations to test for differences in diversification rates. Rhamnaceae lineages in MTEs generally show higher diversification rates than elsewhere, but speciation and extinction dynamics show a pattern of continent‐dependence. We detected high speciation and extinction rates in California and significantly lower extinction rates in the Cape and Western Australia. The independent colonization of four of five MTEs may have occurred conterminously in the Oligocene/Early Miocene, but colonization of the Mediterranean Basin happened later, in the Late Miocene. This suggests that the in situ radiations of these clades were initiated before the onset of winter rainfall in these regions. These results indicate independent evolutionary histories of Rhamnaceae in MTEs, possibly related to the intensity of climate oscillations and the geological history of the regions.  相似文献   

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