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The importance of genotype-specific selection between host and symbiont, founder effect, and clonal reproduction in Rhizobia leguminosarum biovar trifolii populations is relatively unknown. A field experiment was conducted to sample 1268 isolates of R. l. bv. trifolii from four genotypically distinct Trifolium pratense plants for allozyme variation at nine loci. Genetic and genotypic variation, population genetic substructure, and linkage disequilibrium were estimated. Of the 1268 isolates 188 genotypically distinct strains (electrophoretic types or ETs) were identified with an average of 11.04 different ETs per plant. Total genetic diversity in the plot was 0.346 and most of the variation was found within plants (= 80%). Our data suggests that genotype-specific selection between the rhizobia and the four host-plant genotypes tested does not influence local population structure, but evidence of founder effect was present. Significant linkage disequilibrium was observed and is most likely due to the clonal reproduction of R. l. bv. trifolii.  相似文献   

Young species complexes that are widespread across ecologically disparate regions offer important insights into the process of speciation because of their relevance to how local adaptation and gene flow influence diversification. We used mitochondrial DNA and up to 28 152 genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms from polytypic barking frogs (Craugastor augusti complex) to infer phylogenetic relationships and test for the signature of introgressive hybridization among diverging lineages. Our phylogenetic reconstructions suggest (i) a rapid Pliocene–Pleistocene radiation that produced at least nine distinct lineages and (ii) that geographic features of the arid Central Mexican Plateau contributed to two independent northward expansions. Despite clear lineage differentiation (many private alleles and high between‐lineage FST scores), D‐statistic tests, which differentiate introgression from ancestral polymorphism, allowed us to identify two putative instances of reticulate gene flow. Partitioned D‐statistics provided evidence that these events occurred in the same direction between clades but at different points in time. After correcting for geographic distance, we found that lineages involved in hybrid gene flow interactions had higher levels of genetic variation than independently evolving lineages. These findings suggest that the nature of hybrid compatibility can be conserved overlong periods of evolutionary time and that hybridization between diverging lineages may contribute to standing levels of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Patterns of local adaptation at fine spatial scales are central to understanding how evolution proceeds, and are essential to the effective management of economically and ecologically important forest tree species. Here, we employ single and multilocus analyses of genetic data (= 116 231 SNPs) to describe signatures of fine‐scale adaptation within eight whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) populations across the local extent of the environmentally heterogeneous Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. We show that despite highly shared genetic variation (FST = 0.0069), there is strong evidence for adaptation to the rain shadow experienced across the eastern Sierra Nevada. Specifically, we build upon evidence from a common garden study and find that allele frequencies of loci associated with four phenotypes (mean = 236 SNPs), 18 environmental variables (mean = 99 SNPs), and those detected through genetic differentiation (n = 110 SNPs) exhibit significantly higher signals of selection (covariance of allele frequencies) than could be expected to arise, given the data. We also provide evidence that this covariance tracks environmental measures related to soil water availability through subtle allele frequency shifts across populations. Our results replicate empirical support for theoretical expectations of local adaptation for populations exhibiting strong gene flow and high selective pressures and suggest that ongoing adaptation of many P. albicaulis populations within the Lake Tahoe Basin will not be constrained by the lack of genetic variation. Even so, some populations exhibit low levels of heritability for the traits presumed to be related to fitness. These instances could be used to prioritize management to maintain adaptive potential. Overall, we suggest that established practices regarding whitebark pine conservation be maintained, with the additional context of fine‐scale adaptation.  相似文献   

J. L. Li 《Animal genetics》2013,44(6):693-702
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD3) is a major antioxidant enzyme that protects organs from damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, the SOD3 gene was identified and characterized from the freshwater mussel Hyriopsis cumingii (Hc‐SOD3). The cDNA sequence consists of 763 bp, encoding a protein of 208 amino acids. The amino acid sequence possesses two CuZnSOD signature sequences, and amino acids required for binding of Cu (His‐93, ‐95, ‐110 and ‐169) and Zn (His‐110, ‐118, ‐129 and Asp‐132) were conserved in Hc‐SOD3. The Hc‐SOD3 genomic sequence was 9165 bp in length, containing four exons and three introns. Eighteen single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected in the Hc‐SOD3 gene from resistant stock (RS) and susceptible stock (SS) of H. cumingii to Aeromonas hydrophila. The genotype and allele distribution were examined in resistant and susceptible stocks. Among them, a C/G substitution at the g.7994C>G locus and G/C substitution at the g.8087G>C locus were significantly associated with resistance/susceptibility of H. cumingii to A. hydrophila, both in genotype (= 0.017, = 0.004 respectively) and allele frequency (= 0.021, = 0.006 respectively). Linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed that g.7994C>G, g.8001A>G, g.8035G>A, g.8087G>C and g.8191T>A were in linkage disequilibrium. The results suggest that the two polymorphic loci, g.7994C>G and g.8087G>C, could be potential genetic markers for future molecular selection of strains that are resistant to diseases.  相似文献   

Genomewide markers enable us to study genetic differentiation within a species and the factors underlying it at a much higher resolution than before, which advances our understanding of adaptation in organisms. We investigated genomic divergence in Metrosideros polymorpha, a woody species that occupies a wide range of ecological habitats across the Hawaiian Islands and shows remarkable phenotypic variation. Using 1659 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers annotated with the genome assembly, we examined the population genetic structure and demographic history of nine populations across five elevations and two ages of substrates on Mauna Loa, the island of Hawaii. The nine populations were differentiated into two genetic clusters distributed on the lower and higher elevations and were largely admixed on the middle elevation. Demographic modelling revealed that the two genetic clusters have been maintained in the face of gene flow, and the effective population size of the high‐altitude cluster was much smaller. A FST‐based outlier search among the 1659 SNPs revealed that 34 SNPs (2.05%) were likely to be under divergent selection and the allele frequencies of 21 of them were associated with environmental changes along elevations, such as temperature and precipitation. This study shows a genomic mosaic of M. polymorpha, in which contrasting divergence patterns were found. While most genomic polymorphisms were shared among populations, a small fraction of the genome was significantly differentiated between populations in diverse environments and could be responsible for the dramatic adaptation to a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

Many species are locally adapted to decreased habitat quality at their range margins, and therefore show genetic differences throughout their ranges. Under contemporary climate change, range shifts may affect evolutionary processes at the expanding range margin due to founder events. In addition, populations that are affected by such founder events will, in the course of time, become located in the range centre. Recent studies investigated evolutionary changes at the expanding range margin, but have not assessed eventual effects across the species' range. We explored the possible influence of range shift on the level of adaptation throughout the species' total range. For this we used a spatially explicit, individual‐based simulation model of a woodland bird, parameterized after the middle spotted woodpecker ( Dendrocopos medius) in fragmented habitat. We simulated its range under climate change, and incorporated genetic differences at a single locus that determined the individual's degree of adaptation to optimal temperature conditions. Generalist individuals had a large thermal tolerance, but relatively low overall fitness, whereas climate specialists had high fitness combined with a small thermal tolerance. In equilibrium, the populations in the range centre were comprised of the specialists, whereas the generalists dominated the margins. In contrast, under temperature increase, the generalist numbers increased at the expanding margin and eventually also occupied the centre of the shifting range, whereas the specialists were located in the retracting margins. This was caused by founder events and led to overall maladaptation of the species, which resulted in a reduced metapopulation size and thus impeded the species' persistence. We therefore found no evidence for a complementary effect of local adaptation and range shifts on species' survival. Instead, we showed that founder events can cause local maladaptation which can amplify throughout the species' range, and, as such, hamper the species' persistence under climate change.  相似文献   

Little is known about how quickly natural populations adapt to changes in their environment and how temporal and spatial variation in selection pressures interact to shape patterns of genetic diversity. We here address these issues with a series of genome scans in four overfished populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) studied over an 80‐year period. Screening of >1000 gene‐associated single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified 77 loci that showed highly elevated levels of differentiation, likely as an effect of directional selection, in either time, space or both. Exploratory analysis suggested that temporal allele frequency shifts at certain loci may correlate with local temperature variation and with life history changes suggested to be fisheries induced. Interestingly, however, largely nonoverlapping sets of loci were temporal outliers in the different populations and outliers from the 1928 to 1960 period showed almost complete stability during later decades. The contrasting microevolutionary trajectories among populations resulted in sequential shifts in spatial outliers, with no locus maintaining elevated spatial differentiation throughout the study period. Simulations of migration coupled with observations of temporally stable spatial structure at neutral loci suggest that population replacement or gene flow alone could not explain all the observed allele frequency variation. Thus, the genetic changes are likely to at least partly be driven by highly dynamic temporally and spatially varying selection. These findings have important implications for our understanding of local adaptation and evolutionary potential in high gene flow organisms and underscore the need to carefully consider all dimensions of biocomplexity for evolutionarily sustainable management.  相似文献   

The stepwise colonization of islands within an archipelago is typically punctuated by successive founder effects, with each newly founded population being a subsample of the gene pool of the source island. Thus, the genetic signature of successive bottlenecks should be detected when analysing the genetic structure between islands of an archipelago. To test this prediction, we investigated introduced ship rat populations, Rattus rattus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Guadeloupe Archipelago. Three different methods, commonly named the heterozygosity excess, the mode-shift indicator and the M ratio method, were used to detect bottlenecks from genetic data obtained with eight microsatellite markers on Guadeloupe and two neighbouring islands, Petite-Terre and Fajou. Moreover, a recent eradication failure on Fajou allowed us to test the accuracy of the methods in an 'experimental-like' situation. The results indicate that rats were introduced on Guadeloupe first, which then became the source population for independent secondary colonization of Fajou and Petite-Terre. Moreover, the heterozygosity excess and the mode-shift indicator only detected bottlenecks for the recent colonization of Petite-Terre and the eradication failure on Fajou. However, bottlenecks were detected for all the populations using the M ratio method. This could be interpreted as the remaining signature of the early introduction of the ship rat in the archipelago.  相似文献   

Extant variation in temperate and boreal plant species has been influenced by both demographic histories associated with Pleistocene glacial cycles and adaptation to local climate. We used sequence capture to investigate the role of these neutral and adaptive processes in shaping diversity in black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa). Nucleotide diversity and Tajima's D were lowest at replacement sites and highest at intergenic sites, while LD showed the opposite pattern. With samples grouped into three populations arrayed latitudinally, effective population size was highest in the north, followed by south and centre, and LD was highest in the south followed by the north and centre, suggesting a possible northern glacial refuge. FST outlier analysis revealed that promoter, 5′‐UTR and intronic sites were enriched for outliers compared with coding regions, while no outliers were found among intergenic sites. Codon usage bias was evident, and genes with synonymous outliers had 30% higher average expression compared with genes containing replacement outliers. These results suggest divergent selection related to regulation of gene expression is important to local adaptation in P. trichocarpa. Finally, within‐population selective sweeps were much more pronounced in the central population than in putative northern and southern refugia, which may reflect the different demographic histories of the populations and concomitant effects on signatures of genetic hitchhiking from standing variation.  相似文献   

Edaphic specialization is one of the main drivers of plant diversification and has multifaceted effects on population dynamics. Carex angustisquama is a sedge plant growing only on heavily acidified soil in solfatara fields, where only extremophytes can survive. Because of the lack of closely related species in similar habitats and its disjunct distribution, the species offers ideal settings to investigate the effects of adaptation to solfatara fields and of historical biogeography on the genetic consequences of plant edaphic specialization to solfatara fields. Here, genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms were used to reveal the phylogenetic origin of C. angustisquama, and 16 expressed sequence tag–simple sequence repeat markers were employed to infer population demography of C angustisquama. Molecular phylogenetic analysis strongly indicated that C. angustisquama formed a monophyletic clade with Carex doenitzii, a species growing on nonacidified soil in the sympatric subalpine zone. The result of population genetic analysis showed that C. angustisquama has much lower genetic diversity than the sister species, and notably, all 16 loci were completely homozygous in most individuals of C. angustisquama. Approximate Bayesian computation analysis supported the model that assumed hierarchical declines of population size through its evolutionary sequence. We propose that the edaphic specialist in solfatara fields has newly attained the adaptation to solfatara fields in the process of speciation. Furthermore, we found evidence of a drastic reduction in genetic diversity in C. angustisquama, suggesting that the repeated founder effects associated with edaphic specialization and subsequent population demography lead to the loss of genetic diversity of this extremophyte in solfatara fields.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The long-lived and mainly outcrossing species Sarracenia purpurea has been introduced into Switzerland and become invasive. This creates the opportunity to study reactions to founder effect and how a species can circumvent deleterious effects of bottlenecks such as reduced genetic diversity, inbreeding and extinction through mutational meltdown, to emerge as a highly invasive plant. METHODS: A population genetic survey by random amplified polymorphism DNA markers (RAPD) together with historical insights and a field pollination experiment were carried out. KEY RESULTS: At the regional scale, S. purpurea shows low structure (thetast=0.072) due to a recent founder event and important subsequent growth. Nevertheless, multivariate statistical analyses reveal that, because of a bottleneck that shifted allele frequencies, most of the variability is independent among populations. In one population (Tenasses) the species has become invasive and genetic analysis reveals restricted gene flow and family structure (thetast=0.287). Although inbreeding appears to be high (Fis >0.410 from a Bayesian estimation), a field pollination experiment failed to detect significant inbreeding depression upon F1 seed number and seed weight fitness-traits. Furthermore, crosses between unrelated individuals produced F1 seeds with significantly reduced fitness, thus showing local outbreeding depression. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that, under restricted gene flow among families, the species may not only have rapidly purged deleterious alleles, but also have undergone some form of selection for inbreeding due to co-adaptation between loci.  相似文献   

For almost a decade the combination of whole genome sequencing with experimental evolution (Evolve and Resequence, E&R; Turner, Stewart, Fields, Rice, & Tarone, 2011) has been used to study adaptation in outcrossing organisms. However, complications caused by inversions and hitchhiking variants have prevented this powerful approach from living up to its potential. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Michalak, Kang, Schou, Garner, and Loeschke (2018), provide an important step ahead by using a population of Drosophila melanogaster devoid of segregating inversions to identify the genetic basis of resistance to five environmental stressors. They further address the challenge of hitchhiking variants by reconstructing selected haplotype blocks. While it is apparent that the haplotype block reconstruction needs further refinements, their work underpins the potential of E&R studies in Drosophila to address fundamental questions in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Comparisons of a species' genetic diversity and divergence patterns across large connected populations vs. isolated relict areas provide important data for understanding potential response to global warming, habitat alterations and other perturbations. Aquatic taxa offer ideal case studies for interpreting these patterns, because their dispersal and gene flow often are constrained through narrow connectivity channels that have changed over geological time and/or from contemporary anthropogenic perturbations. Our research objective is to better understand the interplay between historic influences and modern‐day factors (fishery exploitation, stocking supplementation and habitat loss) in shaping population genetic patterns of the yellow perch Perca flavescens (Percidae: Teleostei) across its native North American range. We employ a modified landscape genetics approach, analysing sequences from the entire mitochondrial DNA control region and 15 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci of 664 spawning adults from 24 populations. Results support that perch from primary glacial refugium areas (Missourian, Mississippian and Atlantic) founded contemporary northern populations. Genetic diversity today is highest in southern (never glaciated) populations and also is appreciable in northern areas that were founded from multiple refugia. Divergence is greater among isolated populations, both north and south; the southern Gulf Coast relict populations are the most divergent, reflecting their long history of isolation. Understanding the influence of past and current waterway connections on the genetic structure of yellow perch populations may help us to assess the roles of ongoing climate change and habitat disruptions towards conserving aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Inferring past demography is a central question in evolutionary and conservation biology. It is, however, sometimes challenging to infer the processes that shaped the current patterns of genetic variation in endangered species. Population substructuring can occur as a result of survival in several isolated refugia and subsequent recolonization processes or via genetic drift following a population decline. The kea (Nestor notabilis) is an endemic parrot widely distributed in the mountains of the South Island of New Zealand that has gone through a major human‐induced population decline during the 1860s–1970s. The aims of this study were to understand the glacial and postglacial history of kea and to determine whether the recent population decline played a role in the shaping of the current genetic variation. We examined the distribution of genetic variation, differentiation and admixture in kea using 17 microsatellites and the mitochondrial control region. Mitochondrial data showed a shallow phylogeny and a genetic distinction between the North and South of the range consistent with the three genetic clusters identified with microsatellite data. Both marker types indicated an increase in genetic isolation by geographic distance. Approximate Bayesian Computation supported a scenario of postglacial divergence from a single ancestral glacial refugium, suggesting that the contemporary genetic structure has resulted from recolonization processes rather than from a recent population decline. The recent evolutionary origin of this genetic structure suggests that each genetic cluster does not need to be considered as independent conservation units.  相似文献   

The nature and timing of evolution of niche differentiation among closely related species remains an important question in ecology and evolution. The American live oak clade, Virentes, which spans the unglaciated temperate and tropical regions of North America and Mesoamerica, provides an instructive system in which to examine speciation and niche evolution. We generated a fossil‐calibrated phylogeny of Virentes using RADseq data to estimate divergence times and used nuclear microsatellites, chloroplast sequences and an intron region of nitrate reductase (NIA‐i3) to examine genetic diversity within species, rates of gene flow among species and ancestral population size of disjunct sister species. Transitions in functional and morphological traits associated with ecological and climatic niche axes were examined across the phylogeny. We found the Virentes to be monophyletic with three subclades, including a southwest clade, a southeastern US clade and a Central American/Cuban clade. Despite high leaf morphological variation within species and transpecific chloroplast haplotypes, RADseq and nuclear SSR data showed genetic coherence of species. We estimated a crown date for Virentes of 11 Ma and implicated the formation of the Sea of Cortés in a speciation event ~5 Ma. Tree height at maturity, associated with fire tolerance, differs among the sympatric species, while freezing tolerance appears to have diverged repeatedly across the tropical–temperate divide. Sympatric species thus show evidence of ecological niche differentiation but share climatic niches, while allopatric and parapatric species conserve ecological niches, but diverge in climatic niches. The mode of speciation and/or degree of co‐occurrence may thus influence which niche axis plants diverge along.  相似文献   

Rubidge EM  Taylor EB 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(12):3735-3749
Introgressive hybridization is a common feature of many zones of contact between divergent lineages of fishes. This is particularly common when taxa that are normally allopatric come into artificial (human-induced) secondary contact. We examined 18 native populations of westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, WCT) to determine the extent of introgressive hybridization with introduced rainbow trout (O. mykiss, RBT) and the genetic structure of hybridizing populations in the upper Kootenay River, southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Using four diagnostic nuclear loci we calculated a hybrid index, inbreeding coefficient, FIS, and the linkage disquilibrium correlation coefficient, Rij, for each locality to determine the distribution of genotypes in each population. We also categorized the 142 hybrid individuals found across localities into four hybrid classes based on their genotypes. The majority of localities (11/18) showed a unimodal distribution of genotypes skewed towards genotypes of WCT. Two localities, however (lower Gold Creek and Lodgepole Creek) showed a flat to bimodal distribution and one site (lower Bull River) showed a unimodal distribution skewed towards RBT genotypes. The majority of hybrid individuals were classified genotypically as WCT backcrosses (59%) and post-F1 individuals (24%). We found a skewed ratio of pure WCT to pure RBT (17:1) and only four F1 hybrids (3%), suggesting that the spread of RBT alleles may be facilitated by hybrids straying to neighbouring populations. We also tested for the action of selection in one population using cohort analyses, but found little evidence of differential selection between pure WCT and hybrid individuals. Pooled across age classes there were significant differences in genotypic frequencies among loci suggesting differential introgression. There was no asymmetry to the hybridization between rainbow trout and westslope cutthroat trout because both species' mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were observed at similar frequencies in the hybrids. Our analyses suggest that hybrid swarms are likely to form in the upper Kootenay River drainage and that certain native WCT populations in British Columbia are at risk of local genomic extinction.  相似文献   

Information about demographic history is essential for the understanding of the processes of divergence and speciation. Patterns of genetic variation within and between closely related species provide insights into the history of their interactions. Here, we investigated historical demography and genetic exchange between the Carpathian (Lissotriton montandoni, Lm) and smooth (L. vulgaris, Lv) newts. We combine an extensive geographical sampling and multilocus nuclear sequence data with the approximate Bayesian computation framework to test alternative scenarios of divergence and reconstruct the temporal and spatial pattern of gene flow between species. A model of recent (last glacial period) interspecific gene flow was favoured over alternative models. Thus, despite the relatively old divergence (4–6 mya) and presumably long periods of isolation, the species have retained the ability to exchange genes. Nevertheless, the low migration rates (ca. 10?6 per gene copy per generation) are consistent with strong reproductive isolation between the species. Models allowing demographic changes were favoured, suggesting that the effective population sizes of both species at least doubled as divergence reaching the current ca. 0.2 million in Lm and 1 million in Lv. We found asymmetry in rates of interspecific gene flow between Lm and one evolutionary lineage of Lv. We suggest that intraspecific polymorphism for hybrid incompatibilities segregating within Lv could explain this pattern and propose further tests to distinguish between alternative explanations. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating intraspecific genetic structure into the models investigating the history of divergence.  相似文献   

Maintaining effective immune response is an essential factor in the survival of small populations. One of the most important immune gene regions is the highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We investigated how a population bottleneck and recovery have influenced the diversity and selection in three MHC class II loci, DLA‐DRB1, DLA‐DQA1 and DLA‐DQB1, in the Finnish wolf population. We studied the larger Russian Karelian wolf population for comparison and used 17 microsatellite markers as reference loci. The Finnish and Karelian wolf populations did not differ substantially in their MHC diversities ( = 0.047, P = 0.377), but differed in neutral microsatellite diversities ( = 0.148, P = 0.008). MHC allele frequency distributions in the Finnish population were more even than expected under neutrality, implying balancing selection. In addition, an excess of nonsynonymous compared to synonymous polymorphisms indicated historical balancing selection. We also studied association between helminth (Trichinella spp. and Echinococcus canadensis) prevalence and MHC diversity at allele and SNP level. MHC‐heterozygous wolves were less often infected by Trichinella spp. and carriers of specific MHC alleles, SNP haplotypes and SNP alleles had less helminth infections. The associated SNP haplotypes and alleles were shared by different MHC alleles, which emphasizes the necessity of single‐nucleotide‐level association studies also in MHC. Here, we show that strong balancing selection has had similar effect on MHC diversities in the Finnish and Russian Karelian wolf populations despite significant genetic differentiation at neutral markers and small population size in the Finnish population.  相似文献   

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