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Hybrid zones provide a rare opportunity to explore the processes involved in reproductive isolation and speciation. The southern hybrid zone between the southeastern Australian tree frogs Litoria ewingii and L. paraewingi has been comprehensively studied over the last 40 years, primarily using reproductive compatibility experiments and male advertisement calls. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and eight nuclear microsatellite markers to characterize this hybrid zone along a historically studied transect and to test various dispersal‐dependent and dispersal‐independent hybrid zone models. The species are genetically distinct and the level of hybridization within the contact zone is low, with the majority of admixed individuals representing later‐generation hybrids. Based on previous experimental genetic compatibility studies, we predicted that hybrids with L. paraewingi mtDNA would be more frequent than hybrids with L. ewingii mtDNA. Surprisingly, a greater proportion of the identified hybrids had L. ewingii mtDNA. Geographical cline analyses showed a sharp transition in allele frequencies across the transect, and both the mtDNA and microsatellite data showed concordant cline centres, but were best supported by a model that allowed width to vary. Overall, the L. ewingiiL. paraewingi hybrid zone is best characterized as a tension zone, due to the narrow cline width, concordant genetic clines and low levels of hybridization.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones have long been of interest to biologists as natural laboratories where we can gain insight into the processes of adaptation and speciation. Repeated sampling of individual hybrid zones has been particularly useful in elucidating the dynamic balance between selection and dispersal that maintains most hybrid zones. Here, we revisit a hybrid zone between Heliconius erato butterflies in Panamá for a third time over more than 30 years. We combine a novel Bayesian extension of stepped‐cline hybrid zone models with environmental data to understand the genetic and environmental causes of cline dynamics in this species. The cline has continued to move west, likely due to dominance drive, but has slowed and broadened. Environmental analyses suggest that widespread deforestation in Panamá could be leading to decreased avian predation and relaxed selection, causing the observed changes in cline dynamics.  相似文献   

Studies of hybridization have increased our understanding of the nature of species boundaries, the process of speciation, and the effects of hybridization on the evolution of populations and species. In the present study we use genetic and morphological data to determine the outcome and consequences of secondary contact and hybridization between the butterfly species Lycaeides idas and L. melissa in the Rocky Mountains. Admixture proportions estimated from structure and geographical cline analysis indicate L. idas and L. melissa have hybridized extensively in the Rocky Mountains and that reproductive isolation was insufficient to prevent introgression for much of the genome. Geographical patterns of admixture suggest that hybridization between L. idas and L. melissa has led to the formation of a hybrid zone. The hybrid zone is relatively wide, given estimates of dispersal for Lycaeides butterflies, and does not show strong evidence of cline concordance among characters. We believe the structure of the Lycaeides hybrid zone might be best explained by the patchy distribution of Lycaeides, local extinction and colonization of habitat patches, environmental variation and weak overall selection against hybrids. We found no evidence that hybridization in the Rocky Mountains has resulted in the formation of independent hybrid species, in contrast to the outcome of hybridization between L. idas and L. melissa in the Sierra Nevada. Finally, our results suggest that differences in male morphology between L. idas and L. melissa might contribute to isolation, or perhaps even that selection has favoured the spread of L. melissa male genitalia alleles.  相似文献   

Moving hybrid zones provide compelling examples of evolution in action, yet long‐term studies that test the assumptions of hybrid zone stability are rare. Using replicated transect samples collected over a 10‐year interval from 2002 to 2012, we find evidence for concerted movement of genetic clines in a plateau fence lizard hybrid zone (Sceloporus tristichus) in Arizona. Cline‐fitting analyses of SNP and mtDNA data both provide evidence that the hybrid zone shifted northward by approximately 2 km during the 10‐year interval. For each sampling period, the mtDNA cline centre is displaced from the SNP cline centre and maintaining an introgression distance of approximately 3 km. The northward expansion of juniper trees into the Little Colorado River Basin in the early 1900s provides a plausible mechanism for hybrid zone formation and movement, and a broadscale quantification of recent land cover change provides support for increased woody species encroachment at the southern end of the hybrid zone. However, population processes can also contribute to hybrid zone movement, and the current stability of the ecotone habitats in the centre of the hybrid zone suggests that movement could decelerate in the future.  相似文献   

The study of natural hybrid zones can illuminate aspects of lineage divergence and speciation in morphologically cryptic taxa. We studied a hybrid zone between two highly divergent but morphologically similar lineages (south‐western and south‐eastern) of the Iberian endemic Bosca's newt (Lissotriton boscai) in SW Iberia with a multilocus dataset (microsatellites, nuclear and mitochondrial genes). STRUCTURE and NEWHYBRIDS analyses retrieved few admixed individuals, which classified as backcrosses involving parental individuals of the south‐western lineage. Our results show asymmetric introgression of mtDNA beyond the contact from this lineage into the south‐eastern lineage. Analysis of nongeographic introgression patterns revealed asymmetries in the direction of introgression, but except for mtDNA, we did not find evidence for nonconcordant introgression patterns across nuclear loci. Analysis of a 150‐km transect across the hybrid zone showed broadly coincident cline widths (ca. 3.2–27.9 km), and concordant cline centres across all markers, except for mtDNA that is displaced ca. 60 km northward. Results from ecological niche modelling show that the hybrid zone is in a climatically homogenous area with suitable habitat for the species, suggesting that contact between the two lineages is unlikely to occur further south as their distributions are currently separated by an extensive area of unfavourable habitat. Taken together, our findings suggest the genetic structure of this hybrid zone results from the interplay of historical (biogeographic) and population‐level processes. The narrowness and coincidence of genetic clines can be explained by weak selection against hybrids and reflect a degree of reproductive isolation that is consistent with cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are particularly valuable for understanding the evolution of partial reproductive isolation between differentiated populations. An increasing number of hybrid zones have been inferred to move over time, but in most such cases zone movement has not been tested with long‐term genomic data. The hybrid zone between Townsend's Warblers (Setophaga townsendi) and Hermit Warblers (S. occidentalis) in the Washington Cascades was previously inferred to be moving from northern S. townsendi southwards towards S. occidentalis, based on plumage and behavioural patterns as well as a 2000‐km genetic wake of hermit mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in coastal Townsend's Warblers. We directly tested whether hybrid zone position has changed over 2–3 decades by tracking plumage, mtDNA and nuclear genomic variation across the hybrid zone over two sampling periods (1987–94 and 2015–16). Surprisingly, there was no significant movement in genomic or plumage cline centres between the two time periods. Plumage cline widths were narrower than expected by neutral diffusion, consistent with a ‘tension zone’ model, in which selection against hybrids is balanced by movement of parental forms into the zone. Our results indicate that this hybrid zone is either stable in its location or moving at a rate that is not detectable over 2–3 decades. Despite considerable gene flow, the stable clines in multiple phenotypic and genotypic characters over decades suggest evolutionary stability of this young pair of sister species, allowing divergence to continue. We propose a novel biogeographic scenario to explain these patterns: rather than the hybrid zone having moved thousands of kilometres to its current position, inland Townsend's met coastal Hermit Warbler populations along a broad front of the British Columbia and Alaska coast and hybridization led to replacement of the Hermit Warbler plumage with Townsend's Warbler plumage patterns along this coastline. Hence, hybrid zones along British Columbia and Alaska moved only a short distance from the inland to the coast, whereas the Hermit Warbler phenotype appears stable in Washington and further south. This case provides an example of the complex biogeographic processes that have led to the distribution of current phenotypes within and among closely related species.  相似文献   

We present a new software package (hzar ) that provides functions for fitting molecular genetic and morphological data from hybrid zones to classic equilibrium cline models using the Metropolis–Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. The software applies likelihood functions appropriate for different types of data, including diploid and haploid genetic markers and quantitative morphological traits. The modular design allows flexibility in fitting cline models of varying complexity. To facilitate hypothesis testing, an autofit function is included that allows automated model selection from a set of nested cline models. Cline parameter values, such as cline centre and cline width, are estimated and may be compared statistically across clines. The package is written in the R language and is available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN; http://cran.r-project.org/ ). Here, we describe hzar and demonstrate its use with a sample data set from a well‐studied hybrid zone in western Panama between white‐collared (Manacus candei) and golden‐collared manakins (M. vitellinus). Comparisons of our results with previously published results for this hybrid zone validate the hzar software. We extend analysis of this hybrid zone by fitting additional models to molecular data where appropriate.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mito‐genome) introgression among metazoans is commonplace, and several biological processes may promote such introgression. We examined two proposed processes for the mito‐genome introgression between Rana chensinensis and R. kukunoris: natural hybridization and sex‐biased dispersal. We sampled 477 individuals from 28 sites in the potential hybrid zone in the western Tsinling Mountains. Mitochondrial gene (cytb) trees were used to examine the introgression events. Microsatellite DNA loci, cytb and morphological data were used to identify hybrids and to examine the extent of natural hybridization. We detected rampant bidirectional introgressions, both ancient and recent, between the two species. Furthermore, we found a wide hybrid zone, and frequent and asymmetric hybridization. The hybrid zone cline analysis revealed a clear mitochondrial–nuclear discordance; while most nuclear markers displayed similar and steep clines, cytb had a displaced cline centre and a more gradual and wider cline. We also detected strong and asymmetric historical maternal gene flow across the hybrid zone. This widespread hybridization and detected low mito‐nuclear conflicts may, at least partially, explain the high frequency of introgression. Lastly, microsatellite data and population genetic methods were used to assess sex‐biased dispersal. A weak pattern of female‐biased dispersal was detected in both species, suggesting it may not play an important role in the observed introgression. Our data are consistent with the hybridization hypothesis, but support for the sex‐biased dispersal hypothesis is weak. We further suggest that selective advantages of the R. kukunoris‐type mito‐genome in thermal adaptation may also contribute to the introgression between the two species.  相似文献   

Hybrid zone movement may result in substantial unidirectional introgression of selectively neutral material from the local to the advancing species, leaving a genetic footprint. This genetic footprint is represented by a trail of asymmetric tails and displaced cline centres in the wake of the moving hybrid zone. A peak of admixture linkage disequilibrium is predicted to exist ahead of the centre of the moving hybrid zone. We test these predictions of the movement hypothesis in a hybrid zone between common (Bufo bufo) and spined toads (B. spinosus), using 31 nuclear and one mtDNA SNPs along a transect in the northwest of France. Average effective selection in Bufo hybrids is low and clines vary in shape and centre. A weak pattern of asymmetric introgression is inferred from cline discordance of seven nuclear markers. The dominant direction of gene flow is from B. spinosus to B. bufo and is in support of southward movement of the hybrid zone. Conversely, a peak of admixture linkage disequilibrium north of the hybrid zone suggests northward movement. These contrasting results can be explained by reproductive isolation of the B. spinosus and B. bufo gene pools at the southern (B. spinosus) side of the hybrid zone. The joint occurrence of asymmetric introgression and admixture linkage disequilibrium can also be explained by the combination of low dispersal and random genetic drift due to low effective population sizes.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and dynamics of hybrid zones provide crucial information for understanding the processes and mechanisms of evolutionary divergence and speciation. In general, higher levels of evolutionary divergence between taxa are more likely to be associated with reproductive isolation and may result in suppressed or strongly restricted hybridization. In this study, we examined two secondary contact zones between three deep evolutionary lineages in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Differences in divergence times between the lineages can shed light on different stages of reproductive isolation and thus provide information on the ongoing speciation process in M. arvalis. We examined more than 800 individuals for mitochondrial (mtDNA), Y‐chromosome and autosomal markers and used assignment and cline analysis methods to characterize the extent and direction of gene flow in the contact zones. Introgression of both autosomal and mtDNA markers in a relatively broad area of admixture indicates selectively neutral hybridization between the least‐divergent lineages (Central and Eastern) without evidence for partial reproductive isolation. In contrast, a very narrow area of hybridization, shifts in marker clines and the quasi‐absence of Y‐chromosome introgression support a moving hybrid zone and unidirectional selection against male hybrids between the lineages with older divergence (Central and Western). Data from a replicate transect further support non‐neutral processes in this hybrid zone and also suggest a role for landscape history in the movement and shaping of geneflow profiles.  相似文献   

Hybridization has presented a challenge for taxonomists and conservation biologists, since hybridizing forms could be stable evolutionary entities or ephemeral forms that are blending together. However, hybrid zones also provide a unique opportunity for evolutionary biologists who study the interaction between gene flow and reproductive isolation in speciation. Three forms of woodpeckers (sapsuckers; genus Sphyrapicus) in North America that are mostly geographically separated but hybridize with each other where they come into contact present a remarkable system for the study of hybridization. We provide the first comprehensive analysis of phenotypic and genetic variation across a hybrid zone between two of these forms, the red‐breasted Sphyrapicus ruber and yellow‐bellied S. varius sapsuckers. The objective was to infer whether selection maintains the differences between forms. Our analysis of eight morphometric and 20 plumage traits, and two molecular markers showed clear differences between the forms and roughly concordant clinal variation across a narrow hybrid zone. Thirty percent of sampled birds in the hybrid zone had mixed west/east genotypes at the genetic markers examined. The center of the genetic cline was located 20 km west of the crest of the Rocky Mountains. The width of the zone was 122 km, narrower than would be expected under neutral blending given reasonable estimates of the age of the zone and individual dispersal distances. Heterozygote deficit and cytonuclear disequilibrium at the centre of the hybrid zone suggested nonrandom mating or limited hybridization. Given these patterns and lack of evidence for habitat segregation we conclude that this hybrid zone is maintained by selection, most likely in the form of hybrid inferiority. This study provides an illustrative example of extensive hybridization between stable entities, providing additional evidence against the historical practice of treating hybridizing forms as members of the same species.  相似文献   

Speciation is the result of an accumulation of reproductive barriers between populations, but pinpointing the factors involved is often difficult. However, hybrid zones can form when these barriers are not complete, especially when lineages come into contact in intermediate or modified habitats. We examine a hybrid zone between two closely related riverine turtle species, Sternotherus depressus and S. peltifer, and use dual‐digest RAD sequencing to understand how this hybrid zone formed and elucidate genomic patterns of reproductive isolation. First, the geographical extent and timing of formation of the hybrid zone is established to provide context for understanding the role of extrinsic and intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms in this system. The strength of selection on taxon‐specific contributions to maintenance of the hybrid zone is then inferred using a Bayesian genomic cline model. These analyses identify a role for selection inhibiting introgression in some genomic regions at one end of the hybrid zone and promoting introgression in many loci at the other. When selective pressures necessary to generate outliers to the genomic cline are considered with the geographical and temporal context of this hybrid zone, we conclude that habitat‐specific selection probably limits introgression from S. depressus to S. peltifer in the direction of river flow. However, selection is mediating rapid, unidirectional introgression from S. peltifer to S. depressus, which is probably facilitated by anthropogenic habitat alteration. These findings indicate a potentially imminent threat of population‐level genomic extinction for an already imperiled species due to ongoing human‐caused habitat alteration.  相似文献   

Analyzing the structure of hybrid zones is important for inferring their origin, dynamics and evolutionary significance. We examined the geographic structure of phenotypic and genetic variation in the contact zone between two Mexican red oaks, Quercus affinis and Q. laurina. A total of 105 individuals from seven populations were sampled along a 600‐km latitudinal gradient representing the distribution area of the two species and their contact zone. Individuals were genotyped for nine nuclear and four chloroplast DNA microsatellite loci (ncSSR and cpSSR, respectively), and characterized for several leaf and acorn traits. The cpSSR data revealed extensive haplotype sharing among populations of the two species, while a Bayesian assignment analysis based on ncSSRs identified two main genetic groups, each corresponding to one of the species, and two populations in the contact zone showing evidence of admixture. The proportion of genetic ancestry in the populations was strongly associated with latitude and showed a pattern of variation with the shape of a narrow sigmoidal cline. The variation in three of the seven phenotypic traits was partially congruent with molecular variation, while the other traits did not conform to a geographic cline but instead were correlated with environmental variables. In conclusion, the hybrid zone between the two oak species has some of the characteristics of a tension zone, but heterogeneous variation across traits suggests differential introgression and the action of extrinsic selection.  相似文献   

Abstract Tension zones are maintained by the interaction between selection against hybrids and dispersal of individuals. Investigating multiple hybrid zones within a single species provides the opportunity to examine differences in zone structure on a background of differences in extrinsic factors (e.g., age of the zone, ecology) or intrinsic factors (e.g., chromosomes). The New Zealand tree weta Hemideina thoracica comprises at least eight distinct chromosomal races with diploid numbers ranging from 2n = 11 (XO) to 2n = 23 (XO). Five independent hybrid zones were located that involve races differing from one another by a variety of chromosomal rearrangements. The predicted negative correlation between extent of karyotypic differentiation (measured in terms of both percent of genome and number of rearrangements) and zone width was not found. Conversely, the widest zones were those characterized by two chromosome rearrangements involving up to 35% of the genome. The narrowest zone occurred where the two races differ by a single chromosome rearrangement involving approximately 2% of the genome. The five estimates of chromosomal cline width ranged from 0.5 km to 47 km. A comparative investigation of cline width for both chromosomal and mitochondrial markers revealed a complex pattern of zone characteristics. Three of the five zones in this study showed cline concordance for the nuclear and cytoplasmic markers, and at two of the zones the clines were also coincident. Zones with the widest chromosomal clines had the widest mitochondrial DNA clines. It appears that, even within a single species, the extent of karyotypic differentiation between pairs of races is not a good predictor of the level of disadvantage suffered by hybrids.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones between species provide natural systems for the study of processes involved in divergence, reproductive isolation and speciation. Townsend's Dendroica townsendi and black‐throated green D. virens warblers are phenotypically and genetically divergent groups that occur in western and eastern North America respectively, with potential for range contact in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, where other west–east avian pairs come into contact. Although one potential hybrid (a phenotypic Townsend's warbler with the black‐throated green mitochondrial DNA) has been previously reported, there have been no studies of interactions between the taxa in potential areas of sympatry. To determine whether interbreeding between these species is a regular occurrence we examined variation in individuals across the area of putative range overlap. Analysis of plumage, morphology, and mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear molecular markers (CHD1Z and numt‐Dco1) shows surprisingly extensive hybridization between these species, with at least 38% of individuals in the hybrid zone being either hybrids or backcrosses. Each of the traits displays a sigmoidal cline centred along the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains (molecular cline centres averaging 50 km east of the crest of the Rockies, ranging from 41 to 56 km). The clines are narrow (average molecular cline width is 60 km, ranging from 40 to 87 km) relative to the dispersal distance of related warbler species, suggesting that selection is maintaining the hybrid zone; we discuss possible sources of selection. Given the narrowness of the zone we recommend the two forms should continue to be treated as separate taxonomic species. Townsend's warblers also form an extensively studied hybrid zone with their more closely related southern relative, the hermit warbler D. occidentalis. The combined system of three discrete forms separated by narrow hybrid zones provides an excellent system for the study of hybridization, reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

Geographically structured genetic variation, as represented by clines and hybrid zones, offers unique opportunities to study adaptation and speciation in natural populations. A hybrid zone has been reported between Drosophila americana americana and Drosophila americana texana, two taxa that are distinguished solely by the arrangement of their X and 4th chromosomes. In this study, samples of D. americana were collected along a latitudinal transect across the inferred hybrid zone, and the frequency of the alternative chromosomal arrangements is reported. These data illustrate that the alternative chromosomal arrangements are distributed along a shallow cline over a broad geographic region, and that the frequency of the arrangements is tightly correlated with latitude. Allelic variants at 13 RFLP loci in three genes on chromosome 4 exhibit no evidence of association with the cline. Presence of a cline for the chromosomal arrangements, as well as a general absence of geographic structure for variation at these genes, is interpreted as evidence that natural selection is responsible for the maintenance of this chromosomal cline. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that taxonomic subdivision of D. americana is unwarranted, because it exists as a cohesive species that is segregating a chromosomal fusion.  相似文献   

In hybrid zones in which two divergent taxa come into secondary contact and interbreed, selection can maintain phenotypic diversity despite widespread genetic introgression. Red‐breasted (Sphyrapicus ruber) and red‐naped (S. nuchalis) sapsuckers meet and hybridize along a narrow contact zone that stretches from northern California to southern British Columbia. We found strong evidence for changes in the structure of this hybrid zone across time, with significant temporal shifts in allele frequencies and in the proportions of parental phenotypes across the landscape. In addition to these shifts, we found that differences in plumage predict genetic differences (R2 = 0.80), suggesting that plumage is a useful proxy for assessing ancestry. We also found a significant bimodal distribution of hybrids across the contact zone, suggesting that premating barriers may be driving reproductive isolation, perhaps as a result of assortative mating based on plumage differences. However, despite evidence of selection and strong patterns of population structure between parental samples, we found only weak patterns of genetic divergence. Using museum specimens and genomic data, this study of sapsuckers provides insight into the ways in which phenotypic and genetic structure have changed over a 40‐year period, as well as insight into the mechanisms that may contribute to the maintenance of the hybrid zone over time.  相似文献   

This study characterizes a hybrid zone that spans a migratory divide between subspecies of the Swainson's thrush (Catharus ustulatus), a long distance migratory songbird, in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. To assess the potential for a barrier to gene flow between the subspecies, I: (1) analyzed the shape and width of genetic and morphological clines relative to estimates of dispersal distance, (2) assessed the ratio of parental to hybrid genotypes across the hybrid zone, (3) estimated population density across the hybrid zone, and (4) compared the spatial relationship between the hybrid zone and an existing environmental gradient. The results indicate that the hybrid zone is characterized by mostly concordant character clines that are narrow relative to dispersal, the absence of a hybrid swarm, and low population density at the center of the zone. This hybrid zone and additional regions of contact between these subspecies are found on the border between coastal and interior climatic regions throughout the Pacific Northwest. An identified shift in the location, but not the width, of the mtDNA cline relative to the nuclear clines is consistent with asymmetrical hybridization. Neutral diffusion of populations following secondary contact and hybrid superiority within an ecotone are insufficient explanations for the observed patterns. The hypothesis that best fits the data is that the Swainson's thrush hybrid zone is a tension zone maintained by dispersal and ecologically mediated barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

Across hybrid zones, the sex chromosomes are often more strongly differentiated than the autosomes. This is regularly attributed to the greater frequency of reproductive incompatibilities accumulating on sex chromosomes and their exposure in the heterogametic sex. Working within an avian hybrid zone, we explore the possibility that chromosome inversions differentially accumulate on the Z chromosome compared to the autosomes and thereby contribute to Z chromosome differentiation. We analyse the northern Australian hybrid zone between two subspecies of the long‐tailed finch (Poephila acuticauda), first described based on differences in bill colour, using reduced‐representation genomic sequencing for 293 individuals over a 1,530‐km transect. Autosomal differentiation between subspecies is minimal. In contrast, 75% of the Z chromosome is highly differentiated and shows a steep genomic cline, which is displaced 350 km to the west of the cline in bill colour. Differentiation is associated with two or more putative chromosomal inversions, each predominating in one subspecies. If inversions reduce recombination between hybrid incompatibilities, they are selectively favoured and should therefore accumulate in hybrid zones. We argue that this predisposes inversions to differentially accumulate on the Z chromosome. One genomic region affecting bill colour is on the Z, but the main candidates are on chromosome 8. This and the displacement of the bill colour and Z chromosome cline centres suggest that bill colour has not strongly contributed to inversion accumulation. Based on cline width, however, the Z chromosome and bill colour both contribute to reproductive isolation established between this pair of subspecies.  相似文献   

The study of zones of secondary contact provides insight into the maintenance of reproductive isolation. Tension zone theory supplies powerful tools for assessing how dispersal and selection shape hybrid zones. We present a multimodal analysis of phenotypic clines in conjunction with clines at molecular markers in a hybrid zone between Larus glaucescens and Larus occidentalis. We developed a new method to analyze simultaneously clines of quantitative traits and molecular data. Low linkage disequilibrium and the lack of coincidence between clines at six microsatellites, a mitochondrial DNA region, and two phenotypic traits indicated introgression. However, the hypothesis of neutral diffusion was rejected based on evidence that all of the clines were concordant and narrower than expected for neutral clines, indicating some indirect selection. The analysis of phenotypic variance gave evidence of restricted phenotypic introgression and together with the bimodal distribution of phenotypes suggested that disruptive selection is acting across the hybrid zone, especially on the coloration of bare parts. Multimodal analysis of phenotypic clines also highlighted a shift between the peak of intermediates and the cline center, left behind by hybrid zone motion. High-resolution analysis of phenotypes distribution thus proved useful for detecting hybrid zone movement even without temporal data.  相似文献   

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