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Action of cholera toxin on dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas cholera toxin bound reversibly to specific membrane binding sites to increase cellular cyclic AMP and amylase secretion. Cholera toxin did not alter outflux of 45Ca or cellular cyclic AMP. Binding of 125I-labeled cholera toxin could be detected within 5 min; however, cholera toxin did not increase cyclic AMP or amylase release until after 40 min of incubation. There was a close correlation between the dose vs. response curve for inhibition of bindind of 125I-labeled cholera toxin by native toxin and the action of native toxin on cellular cyclic AMP. With different concentrations of cholera toxin, maximal stimulation of amylase release occurred when the increase in cellular cyclic AMP was approximately 35% of maximal. Cholera toxin did not alter the increase in 45Ca outflux or cellular cyclic GMP caused by cholecystokinin or carbachol but significantly augmented the increase in cellular cyclic AMP caused by secretion or vasoactive intestinal peptide. The increase in amylase secretion caused by cholera toxin plus secretin or vasoactive intestinal peptide was the same as that with cholera toxin alone. On the other hand, the increase in amylase secretion caused by cholera toxin plus cholecystokinin or carbachol was significantly greater than the sum of the increases caused by each agent alone.  相似文献   

In dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas cholera toxin bound reversibly to specific membrane binding sites to increase cellular cyclic AMP and amylase secretion. Cholera toxin did not alter outflux of 45Ca or cellular cyclic AMP. Binding of 125I-labeled cholera toxin could be detected within 5 min; however, cholera toxin did not increase cyclic AMP or amylase release until after 40 min of incubation. There was a close correlation between the dose vs. response curve for inhibition of binding of 125I-labeled cholera toxin by native toxin and the action of native toxin on cellular cyclic AMP. With different concentrations of cholera toxin, maximal stimulation of amylase release occurred when the increase in cellular cyclic AMP was approximately 35% of maximal. Cholera toxin did not alter the increase in 45Ca outflux or cellular cyclic GMP caused by cholecystokinin or carbachol but significantly augmented the increase in cellular cyclic AMP caused by secretin or vasoactive intestinal peptide. The increase in amylase secretion caused by cholera toxin plus secretin or vasoactive intestinal peptide was the same as that with cholera toxin alone. On the other hand, the increase in amylase secretion caused by cholera toxin plus cholecystokinin or carbachol was significantly greater than the sum of the increases caused by each agent alone.  相似文献   

Mammalian VIP is identical in pig, cow, human, rat, dog and goat but differs in the guinea pig (GP) in positions 5, 9, 19, and 26. We now demonstrate that GP, goat, rat and synthetic mammalian VIP are indistinguishable in their inhibition of binding of 125I-labelled synthetic VIP to dispersed acini from GP pancreas and that GP, pig, dog, goat and synthetic VIP are also similar in their efficacy and potency in stimulating amylase release from these acini. Thus in spite of the differences in amino acid sequence, GP VIP appears to have full biologic potency in its action on dispersed acini from GP pancreas.  相似文献   

To determine the role of free cytosolic calcium ([Ca+2]i) in stimulated enzyme secretion from exocrine pancreas, we determined the effects of various pancreatic secretagogues on [Ca+2]i and amylase release in dispersed acini from the guinea pig pancreas. Cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP), carbachol, and bombesin, but not vasoactive intestinal peptide, stimulated rapid increases in [Ca+2]i from 100 to 600-800 nM that were independent of extracellular calcium. The increases in [Ca+2]i were transient (lasting less than 5 min) and correlated with an initial rapid phase of amylase release. After 5 min, secretagogue-stimulated amylase release occurred at basal [Ca+2]i. Carbachol pretreatment of the acini abolished the effects of CCK-OP and bombesin on [Ca+2]i and the initial rapid phase of amylase release. 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) had no effect on [Ca+2]i but stimulated an increase in amylase release. The addition of CCK-OP or A23187 to PMA-stimulated acini caused an increase in [Ca+2]i and PMA-stimulated amylase release only during the first 5 min after addition of these agents. These results indicate that CCK-OP, carbachol, and bombesin release calcium from an intracellular pool, resulting in a transient increase in [Ca+2]i and that this increase in [Ca+2]i mediates enzyme secretion during the first few minutes of incubation. The results with PMA suggest that secretagogue-stimulated secretion not mediated by increased [Ca+2]i (sustained secretion) is mediated by 1,2-diacylglycerol.  相似文献   

Dispersed acini from rat pancreas were used to examine the effects of various pancreatic secretagogues on the fine structure of the acinar cell plasma membrane. With the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin, the C-terminal tetrapeptide of cholecystokinin, carbamylcholine, bombesin, A23187, vasoactive intestinal peptide or 8-bromo cyclic adenosine monophosphate, concentrations of the secretagogues that caused maximal stimulation of enzyme secretion did not produce alterations of the acinar cell plasma membrane. Supramaximal concentrations of the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin, the C-terminal tetrapeptide of cholecystokinin or carbamylcholine induced the formation of cytoplasmic protrusions at the basolateral plasma membrane of the pancreatic acinar cell, whereas supramaximal concentration of bombesin, A23187, vasoactive intestinal peptide or 8-bromo cyclic AMP did not alter the morphology of the acinar cell. Effects of the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin could be detected as early as after two minutes of incubation and these effects progressed for up to 30 minutes of incubation.  相似文献   

M Ikeda  S Suzuki  H Oka  H Niwa  M Fujino 《Life sciences》1983,32(18):2107-2114
Dispersed acini from rat pancreas, incubated in the presence of KH2(32)PO4 to steady state 32P incorporation into cellular proteins, were exposed to secretin. 32P incorporated into selected proteins, separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, reached a plateau by 150 min. Effect of secretin on amylase release, cellular cyclic AMP levels and protein phosphorylation was then examined. Stimulation of amylase release was apparent with 10(-10)M and was maximal with 10(-7)M by 10 min incubation. Almost maximal increase in cellular cyclic AMP levels and 32P incorporation into selected proteins was also observed with 10(-7)M secretin by 10 min in the presence of 10 mM theophyllin. Both secretin (10(-8)M) and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (10(-3)M) induced the phosphorylation of similar proteins analyzed by counting 32P content in each peptide band after SDS gel electrophoresis. Addition of cyclic AMP (10(-6)M) to homogenates of acini also augmented 32P incorporation from [gamma-32P]ATP into similar proteins. These results indicate that secretin enhances protein phosphorylation in pancreatic acinar cells and cyclic AMP may mediate the action of secretin on protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

To find mammalian analogues of exendin-4, a peptide from Helodermatidae venoms that interacts with newly discovered exendin receptors on dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas, we examined the actions of recent additions to the vasoactive intestinal peptide/secretin/glucagon family of regulatory peptides. In every respect tested, the truncated form of glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1(7-36)NH2, mimicked the actions of exendin-4. Like exendin-4, GLP-1(7-36)NH2 caused an increase in acinar cAMP without stimulating amylase release. GLP-1(7-36)NH2-induced increases in cAMP were inhibited progressively by increasing concentrations of the specific exendin-receptor antagonist, exendin(9-39)NH2. In dispersed acini from guinea pig and rat pancreas, concentrations of GLP-1(7-36)NH2 that stimulated increases in cAMP caused potentiation of cholecystokinin-induced amylase release. Binding of 125I-[Y39]exendin-4 or 125I-GLP-1(7-36)NH2 to dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas was inhibited by adding increasing concentrations of unlabeled exendin-4 or GLP-1(7-36)NH2. We conclude that the mammalian peptide GLP-1(7-36)NH2 interacts with exendin receptors on dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas. Exendin(9-39)NH2, a competitive antagonist of the actions of GLP-1(7-36)NH2 in pancreatic acini, may be a useful tool for examining the physiological actions of this peptide.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest that prostaglandins, rather than cAMP, play a major role in mediating cholera toxin-induced water and electrolyte secretion from rabbit intestinal loops. We examined the role of prostaglandins in mediating toxin-induced pancreatic and gastric exocrine secretion. In these tissues, indomethacin, a potent inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, did not alter the stimulatory effects of cholera toxin on increases in cellular cAMP or enzyme secretion. Moreover, the addition of cholera toxin did not alter prostaglandin E2 release from either tissue. In contrast to their effects in rabbit intestinal loops, prostaglandins do not regulate cholera toxin-induced enzyme secretion from the guinea pig pancreas or stomach.  相似文献   

The recent identification in Heloderma horridum venom of exendin-3, a new member of the glucagon superfamily that acts as a pancreatic secretagogue, prompted a search for a similar peptide in Heloderma suspectum venom. An amino acid sequencing assay for peptides containing an amino-terminal histidine residue (His1) was used to isolate a 39-amino acid peptide, exendin-4, from H. suspectum venom. Exendin-4 differs from exendin-3 by two amino acid substitutions, Gly2-Glu3 in place of Ser2-Asp3, but is otherwise identical. The structural differences make exendin-4 distinct from exendin-3 in its bioactivity. In dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas, natural and synthetic exendin-4 stimulate a monophasic increase in cAMP beginning at 100 pM that plateaus at 10 nM. The exendin-4-induced increase in cAMP is inhibited progressively by increasing concentrations of the exendin receptor antagonist, exendin-(9-39) amide. Unlike exendin-3, exendin-4 does not stimulate a second rise in acinar cAMP at concentrations greater than 100 nM, does not stimulate amylase release, and does not inhibit the binding of radiolabeled vasoactive intestinal peptide to acini. This indicates that in dispersed pancreatic acini, exendin-4 interacts only with the recently described exendin receptor.  相似文献   

Although much is known about the actions of cholera toxin on intestinal and extra-gastrointestinal tissues, almost nothing is known about the interaction of this toxin with cells in the stomach. In the present study, we prepared 125I-labeled cholera toxin (1900 Ci/mmol) and examined the binding of this radioligand to dispersed Chief cells from guinea pig stomach. Moreover, we examined the actions of cholera toxin on cellular cAMP and pepsinogen secretion from Chief cells. Binding of 125I-labeled cholera toxin could be detected within 5 min, was maximal by 60 min, and was increased by increasing the radioligand or cell concentrations. Inhibition of binding by unlabeled toxin indicated a dissociation constant of 3 nM and 8.7 X 10(5) cholera toxin receptors per Chief cell. In contrast to the rapidity of binding, a cholera toxin-induced increase in cAMP and pepsinogen secretion was not detected until 30-45 min of incubation. A 3 to 6-fold increase in cAMP and pepsinogen secretion was observed with maximal concentrations of cholera toxin. Binding of 125I-labeled cholera toxin and the toxin's actions on cAMP and pepsinogen secretion were inhibited by the B subunit of the toxin. Binding was not altered by other agents that have been shown to stimulate pepsinogen secretion (carbachol, CCK-8, secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, prostaglandin E1, or forskolin). These data indicate that Chief cells from guinea pig stomach possess a specific class of cholera toxin receptors. Binding of cholera toxin to these receptors causes an increase in cellular cAMP that stimulates pepsinogen secretion.  相似文献   

Dispersed mucosal cells (approx. 70% parietal cells) prepared from guinea pig stomach maintained their cellular concentration of potassium (65--80 nmol potassium/10(6) cells) for at least 5 h in vitro. Uptake of 42K by dispersed gastric mucosal cells depended on temperature, H+ concentration and oxidative metabolism. Carbachol and, in some instances, gastrin caused a 40--50% increase in cellular uptake of 42K as a consequence of the ability of these agents to increase 42K influx. Ouabain reduced uptake of 42K by 70% but did not alter the effect of carbachol. Cellular uptake of 42K was not altered by histamine, prostaglandin, E1, glucagon, secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide or C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin. Uptake of 42K was also increased by dibutyryl cyclic AMP or dibutyryl cyclic GMP but not by cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP or their 8-bromo derivatives. Theophylline caused a small (10--15%) increase in 42K uptake and potentiated the increase caused by submaximal concentrations of carbachol. The increase in 42K uptake caused by either dibutyryl cyclic nucleotide and carbachol was additive.  相似文献   

In dispersed acini from rat pancreas, cholera toxin caused a significant increase in cellular cyclic AMP but little or no change in amylase secretion. The presence of a secretagogue that causes mobilization of cellular calcium (e.g., cholecystokinin, carbamylcholine, bombesin or ionophore A23187) caused a substantial increase in the effect of cholera toxin on enzyme secretion. Cholera toxin did not alter calcium transport or the changes in calcium transport caused by other secretagogues, and secretagogues that mobilize cellular calcium did not alter cellular cyclic AMP or the increase in cyclic AMP caused by cholera toxin. These results indicate that in dispersed acini from rat pancreas there is post-receptor modulation of the action of cholera toxin by secretagogues that mobilize cellular calcium and that this modulation is a major determinant of the effect of the toxin on enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

In dispersed acini from rat pancreas, cholera toxin caused a significant increase in cellular cyclic AMP but little or no change in amylase secretion. The presence of a secretagogue that causes mobilization of cellular calcium (e.g., cholecystokinin, carbamylcholine, bombesin or ionophore A23187) caused a substantial increase in the effect of cholera toxin on enzyme secretion. Cholera toxin did not alter calcium transport or the changes in calcium transport caused by other secretagogues, and secretagogues that mobilize cellular calcium did not alter cellular cyclic AMP or the increase in cyclic AMP caused by cholera toxin. These results indicate that in dispersed acini from rat pancreas there is post-receptor modulation of the action of cholera toxin by secretagogues that mobilize cellular calcium and that this modulation is a major determinant of the effect of the toxin on enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

We investigated the abilities of VIP and secretin to occupy receptors and to increase cellular cyclic AMP using dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas. The dose-inhibition curve for inhibition of binding of 125I-VIP by VIP was broad with detectable inhibition at 0.1 nM VIP, half-maximal inhibition at 2 nM VIP and complete inhibition at 10 microM VIP. Secretin also inhibited binding of 125I-VIP was compatible with two VIP-preferring receptors with one class having a high affinity for VIP (Kd 1.1 nM) and a low affinity for secretin (Kd 5 microM) and the other class having an intermediate affinity for VIP (Kd 470 nM). The dose inhibition curve for inhibition of binding of 125I-secretin by secretin was not broad. Half-maximal inhibition occurred with 7 nM secretin or with 10 microM VIP. Computer analysis was compatible with a single secretin-preferring receptor with a high affinity for secretin (Kd 7 nM) and a low affinity for VIP (Kd 5.9 microM). Comparison of the ability of VIP to increase cyclic AMP with or without the secretin-receptor antagonist, secretin-5-27, demonstrated only occupation of the high affinity VIP-preferring or high affinity secretin-preferring receptors increase cyclic AMP. Our results demonstrate that, in contrast to previous reports, guinea pig pancreatic acini possess 3 classes of receptors that interact with VIP and secretin. The low affinity receptor seen with 125I-VIP is not the same as the secretin-preferring receptor and does not increase cellular cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

In dispersed mucosal cells from guinea pig stomach cyclic AMP was increased 4-fold by theophylline, 5-fold by prostaglandin E2, and 10- to 15-fold by histamine. Theophylline augmented the increase in cellular cyclic AMP caused by histamine or prostaglandin E1 and the actions of histamine and prostaglandin E1 were additive. Cellular cyclic AMP was not altered by carbachol, gastrin, secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, glucagon, insulin or the octapeptide of cholecystokinin. Metiamide or diphenhydramine but not atropine inhibited the increase in cellular cyclic AMP caused by histamine, but did not alter the concentration of cyclic AMP in control cells or in cells incubated with theophylline or prostaglandin E1.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A 1 activity of guinea pig pancreas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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