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Since its introduction, the genus Philine has epitomized numerous mollusc snails with strong morphological convergence. Recently, a molecular analysis including a wide taxon sampling split this group into four non-sister families. Although they are especially diverse in cold and deep waters, no comprehensive studies are available for the Antarctic counterparts. Here, our morpho-anatomical and molecular data suggest major changes in the systematics of the group. From the eight known species, two are synonymized, Antarctophiline amoena with A. alata, and A. gouldi with A. gibba, and two are transferred to the genus Antarctophiline, namely A. apertissima comb.n. and A. falklandica comb.n. Two new species are described, A. easmithi sp.n. and A. amundseni sp.n. from different depths in the eastern Weddell Sea. The elusive P. antarctica from the Ross Sea was found in the Weddell Sea and Waegelea gen.n. is erected to place this species. Both phylogenetic and morphological data support the erection of Antarctophilinidae fam.n. to embrace most of the Philinoidea species described in the Southern Ocean. Only two species of Philinidae are found in Antarctic waters, Spiraphiline bathyalis gen. et sp.n. from bathyal depths in the Weddell Sea and S. kerguelensis comb.n. from the Kerguelen Islands. In light of the new data provided for all described species and the phylogenetic framework proposed herein, we briefly discuss the diversification and biogeographical patterns of Antarctic philinoid snails. Overall, antarctophilinid species seem to have restricted and grossly nonoverlapping distributions suggesting allopatric speciation connected possibly to geographical or bathymetric isolation.  相似文献   


The Antarctic Conoidean fauna is critically reviewed based on published data and specimens in the collections of the USNM, IORAS and MNHN. Forty-two species and subspecies of the superfamily Conoidea are recorded as occurring within the Antarctic Convergence (excluding the fauna of the Kerguelen Islands) and are attributed to 14 genera and seven families. These include the new taxa: Antarctospira n. gen. (type species—Leucosyrinx badenpowelli Dell, 1990); Drilliola antarctica n. sp.; Pleurotomella (Pleutoromella) tippetti n. sp.; Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) petiti n. sp.; Xanthodaphne pastorinoi n. sp. Aforia watsoni is introduced as a new name for Pleurotoma (Surcula) lepta Watson, 1881, non Pleurotoma lepta Edwards, 1861. A lectotype is designated for Conorbella antarctica (Strebel, 1908). New combinations are also proposed. Antarctospira badenpowelli (Dell, 1990), n. comb. (previously assigned to Leucosyrinx); Antarctospira principalis (Thiele, 1912), n. comb. (previously assigned to Typhlomangelia); Antarctospira mawsoni (Powell, 1958), n. comb. (previously assigned to Leucosyrinx); Typhlodaphne paratenoceras (Powell, 1951), n. comb. (previously assigned to Leucosyrinx); Belalora weirichi (Engl, 2008), n. comb. (previously assigned to Oenopota); Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) innocentia (Dell, 1990), n. comb. (previously assigned to Typhlodaphne); Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) nipri (Numanami, 1996), n. comb. (previously assigned to Typhlodaphne); Xanthodaphne raineri (Engl, 2008), n. comb. (previously assigned to Pleurotomella); Aforia hedleyi (Dell, 1990), n. comb. (previously assigned to Pontiothauma). The majority of Antarctic conoidean taxa have hypodermic marginal teeth. Although there is a similar relative abundance of conoideans in Antarctic waters to that seen in other well-studied faunas, the low number of conoideans is indicative of the general impoverishment of the gastropod fauna in the region. Fourteen percent (2 of 14) of conoidean genera that occur within the Antarctic Convergence are endemic to Antarctic waters, as are 82% (34 of 42) of the species. Most taxa have very broad bathymetric ranges, some extending from bathyal to hadal depths. The greatest species diversity was at bathyal depths.  相似文献   

A new deep-sea species of chaetognaths, Eukrohnia geptneri, from the Northwestern Pacific is described; the young were registered in the epipelagic zone, while the adult specimens were found in deep depths of the Japanese Depression. Morphologically, this species is close to E. bathyantarctic; however, it differs from the latter in a series of characteristics. The diagnosis of the new species, drawings, and identification keys for the world fauna of the genus Eukrohniaare presented. A hypothesis is proposed on the origin of bathypelagic species inhabiting Antarctic waters, the chaetognath Eukrohnia bathyantarcticaDavid, 1958, from the species E. geptnerisp. nov.  相似文献   

The diet of Harpagifer antarcticus was studied at two localities of the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The analysis of the stomach contents of specimens collected in tide pools at Potter Cove, King George Island, indicated that gammarid amphipods (mainly Gondogeneia sp.) were the main prey of this fish, followed by polychaetes, gastropods and isopods. By contrast, the specimens from Harmony Point, Nelson Island, which were recovered from stomach contents of Antarctic shags Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis feeding at depths of 46–110 m, preyed almost exclusively on the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. These results are discussed and compared with previous studies. Received: 27 August 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   

  Misophrioid copepods are reported for the first time from Antarctic waters. A species of each of the genera Misophriopsis and Misophriella is described from hyperbenthic layers of the continental shelf of the eastern Weddell Sea. The genus Misophria is also reported from these waters. Misophriopsis australis sp. nov. is the fifth representative of this widely distributed genus, previously reported from the North Atlantic, the China Sea, and both NW and NE quadrants of the Pacific Ocean. Misophriella schminkei sp. nov. is the second representative of the genus, known to date only from a single female caught in North Atlantic bathyal depths. Traces of subdivisions on antennary exopodal segments of the latter species suggest that the first segment may be a triple segment, while the second and terminal segments may be double segments. In addition, the mandibular exopod of this taxon indicates that a six-segmented ramus with setal formula 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 may represent the ground pattern in Copepoda. The presence of parts of a cyclopinid copepod in the gut of M. schminkei sp. nov. indicates that this species may be carnivorous. Received: 12 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

A total of 36 species of benthic hydroids, belonging to nine families and 16 genera, were found in the hydroid collection gathered during the Brazilian Antarctic expeditions PROANTAR III and IV. Seven of the species were identified only to generic level. There is a clear dominance of the subclass Leptothecatae with 33 species. By far the most diversified family was the Sertulariidae, with 16 species (44%). Symplectoscyphus with eight species, including Symplectoscyphus magnificus sp. nov., is the most diversified genus. Almost 70% of the species diversity is restricted to just six genera (38%). Sixty-eight percent of the species is Antarctic endemics and 86% is restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters. Eudendrium antarcticum and Amphisbetia operculata are recorded for the first time from Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

Mysella narchii sp. nov. is described from the material collected in shallow-waters of Admiralty Bay at King George Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica. The species is characterized by shell features, biology and functional anatomy. The main shell features distinguishing M. narchii sp. nov. from all other Antarctic, Subantarctic and Magellanic Mysella spp. are provided, as are anatomical characteristics that separate this new species from M. charcoti (Lamy, 1906), its most similar congener and the first Antarctic species studied in its morpho-functional aspects. M. narchii sp. nov. is an infaunal, free-living, predominantly deposit-feeding bivalve; its creeping sole and the secretion of byssal threads allow it to crawl vertically and live sporadically on firm substrata.  相似文献   

The newly described speciesLeucon intermedius n. sp. differs from other knownLeucon species by an inconspicuous antennal notch and the presence of only a few teeth at the dorsomedian crest. The species most similar toLeucon intermedius areL. septemdentatus andL. inexcavatus from the Antarctic/Subantarctic Ocean. A Table is given to allow direct comparison of the characteristics of allLeucon species known from the Antarctic/Subantarctic, Ocean. Forty-one specimens ofLeucon intermedius n. sp. were collected at depths ranging from 109 to 791 m in the vicinity of the Amery Depression (Indian Sector) and near King George Island (South Shetland Islands). Problems in distinguishing the Antarctic/Subantarctic species of the genusEudorella are discussed. The shape of the antennal notch is suggested as a better characteristic to distinguish theEudorella species than the proportions of the articles of extremities. On the basis of this criterion, samples at the Zoological Museum, Hamburg are made up of two species ofEudorella: gracilior and cf.fallax.  相似文献   

The Bellingshausen Sea constitutes the third largest sea in the Southern Ocean, though it is widely recognized as one of the less-studied Antarctic areas. To reduce this lack of knowledge, a survey to study the biodiversity of its marine benthic communities was carried out during the Bentart 2003 and Bentart 2006 Spanish Antarctic expeditions. The study of the hydroid collection has provided 27 species, belonging to ten families and 15 genera. Twenty-one out of the 27 species constitute new records for the Bellingshausen Sea, raising the total number of known species to 37, as also do nine out of the 15 genera. Candelabrum penola, Lafoea annulata, and Staurotheca juncea are recorded for the second time. Most species belong to Leptothecata. Sertulariidae with 13 species (48%) is by far the most speciose family, and Symplectoscyphus with seven species (26%), including S. bellingshauseni sp. nov. and S. hesperides sp. nov., the most diverse genus. Considering the whole benthic hydroid fauna of the Bellingshausen Sea, 18 species (69%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, either with a circum-Antarctic (12 species, 46%) or West Antarctic (6 species, 23%) distribution, 23 (88%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters, and only three species have a wider distribution. Bellingshausen Sea hydroid fauna is composed of a relatively high diversity of typical representatives of the Antarctic benthic hydroid fauna, though with a surprisingly low representation of some of the most diverse and widespread Antarctic genera (Oswaldella and Schizotricha), what could be related to the fact that its shelf-inhabiting hydroid fauna remains practically unknown.  相似文献   

Four new species of the ostracod genus Gomphocythere are described from Lake Tanganyika (East Africa): Gomphocythere downingi n. sp. G. coheni n. sp., G. wilsoni n. sp., and G. woutersi n. sp. All species are endemic to the lake and are found within a variety of substrates and depths. The addition of these four new species brings the total number of endemic Gomphocythere species in Lake Tanganyika to nine. Other Gomphocythere species are known from water bodies throughout East and South Africa and in the Levant. Brooding is an important, but not a unique, preadaptation for the persistence and taxic prolific speciation of this lineage in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Sipunculans collected during the EPOS (European Polarstern Study) leg 3 cruise (13.1.89–10.3.89) to the Weddell Sea shelf area from depths ranging from 186 to 2037 m are recorded. Seven species in three genera are recognized; Nephasoma capilleforme and Phascolion convestitum have not been recorded hitherto in Antarctica. Significant morphological characters as shown by light (LM) and electron (SEM) photographs are described and illustrated. Antarctic distribution maps of the species collected and a checklist of the sipunculan species south of the Antarctic Convergence with depths and bibliographic references are included.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of benthic hydroids, belonging to eight families and 13 genera, were found in a hydroid collection from Peter I Island, collected during both the Bentart 2003 and Bentart 2006 Spanish expeditions with BIO Hespérides in 2003 and 2006. Fourteen out of the 23 species constitute new records for Peter I Island, raising the total number of known species in the area to 30, as also do seven out of the 13 genera. The majority of the species are members of the subclass Leptothecata; the subclass Anthoathecata being scarcely represented. Sertulariidae is the family with the greatest number of species in the collection, with eight species (35%), followed by Lafoeidae with five (22%). Symplectoscyphus with four species (17%) and both Antarctoscyphus and Halecium with three (13%), including H. frigidum sp. nov., were the most diverse genera. Twenty species (ca. 77%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, either with a circum-Antarctic (11 species, ca. 42%) or West Antarctic (9 species, ca. 35%) distribution. Twenty-four (ca. 92%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters; only two species have a wider distribution. Peter I Island hydroid fauna is composed of typical representatives of the Antarctic benthic hydroid fauna, though it is characterized by the low representation of some of the most diverse and widespread Antarctic genera (Schizotricha and Staurotheca).  相似文献   

Two species of the genus Oswaldella Stechow, 1919 new to science (Oswaldella crassa sp. nov. and O.␣curiosa sp. nov.) were studied. Both species are described and figured; their systematic position amongst the remaining species of the genus is discussed. The material originates from the Bransfield Strait area (Antarctica) and was collected during the United States Antarctic Research Program with R.V. Eltanin. A comparative table listing the main features of the known species of Oswaldella is presented. Finally, a general survey of geographical and bathymetrical distribution of the known species of Oswaldella is given. Received: 8 October 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

Eudorylaimus shirasei sp. nov. is described as the seventh member of the genus in the Antarctic region. The specimens were found among green algae collected near the Molodezhnaya Station of Russia, and in moss from Cape Ryugu on the Prince Olav Coast, East Antarctica. This species resembles E. similis (de Man, 1876), E. coniceps Loof, 1975 and E. imitatoris Gagarin, 1982, but differs from them in the shape of the tail and some other characteristics on the lip region, odontostyle, spicules and precloacal supplements. It is also similar to three species known from females, E. eremitus (Thorne, 1939), E. jurassicus (Altherr, 1953) and E. altherri Tjepkema et al., 1971, but differs in the features of the body length, lip region, amphids, odontostyle and vulva. The present species has multinucleate intestinal cells, which have not been so far reported in Eudorylaimus. It is possible that the multinucleation of intestinal cells has been overlooked in the previously known species of the genus. Received: 11 April 1995/Accepted: 19 June 1995  相似文献   

A new species Pogonophryne minor sp. n. based on materials of Antarctic expeditions on research vessels Chatyr-Dag and Ob’ to the East Antarctica is described. The type specimens of the new species were caught in the Mawson and Davis seas at depths 420–540 m. The comparison of the new species with two other species of the “marmorata” group of the genus Pogonophryne: P. platypogon Eakin, 1988 and the most closely related P. marmorata Norman, 1938 is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of marine tardigrade is described coming from the muddy sediment of the Antarctic deep sea. Angursa antarctica sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of balloon-shaped primary clavae, long lateral cirri, long cephalic cirri, spines on legs I, hemispherical capsule-shaped papillae on legs IV, and short external peduncles. Geographical distribution of the genus Angursa extends to Antarctic waters, suggesting a cosmopolitan distribution for this bathyal and abyssal genus. A table comparing the main differentiating characteristics of the species of Angursa is presented. Received: 25 July 1997 / Accepted: 9 November 1997  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. 14-3, a strain that accumulates large quantities of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) when grown on octanoate, was isolated from Antarctic environments. This isolate was characterized on the basis of phenotypic features and partial sequencing of its 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Pseudomonas sp. 14-3 showed increased tolerance to both thermal and oxidative stress compared with three other Pseudomonas species. Stress tolerance of Pseudomonas sp. 14-3 was analyzed in polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulating and non-accumulating conditions, and increased levels of stress resistance were observed when PHB was produced. Pseudomonas sp. 14-3 was isolated from Antarctic regions, a habitat normally exposed to extreme conditions. An association between high PHB accumulation and high stress resistance in bacteria adapted to extreme environments is suggested.  相似文献   

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