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Hemolytic disease of the newborn is a clinical condition in which maternal and paternal Rh blood group antigens are incompatible and the mother is negative for the antigen whereas the father is positive. Analysis of fetal cells recovered from maternal plasma can provide a highly sensitive prenatal diagnosis. The fetal RHD gene in plasma DNA is detected by real-time PCR amplification of two different segments of the RHD gene (exons 7 and 10). Each amplicon is revealed with specific probes. We examined 40 female blood samples to verify the specificity of RHD exons (7 and 10) amplified by real-time PCR. Thirty fetuses were predicted to be RHD-positive based on analysis of plasma DNA. Seven fetuses were predicted to be RHD-negative. One fetus was negative for RHD on exon 10, and positive for RHD on exon 7 (early gestation age); two fetuses were RHD-negative on exon 7, and RHD-positive on exon 10 (RHD-CE-D(s) or RHDΨ), indicative of a maternal RHD allele. We conclude that it is necessary to analyze at least two exon regions in the RHD gene.  相似文献   

In fish of the Squalius alburnoides complex, hybridisation and polyploidy have affected sex ratios, resulting in strong correlations between sex and genotype. The preponderance of females among triploids and the occurrence of an all male lineage among diploids seem to imply that sex ratio deviations should have a strong genetic basis. Until now, no information has been gathered regarding the molecular basis of sex determination in this intricate hybrid system. Thus, putative regulatory elements of the cascade that potentially are involved in sex determination in S. alburnoides have to be investigated. Being reported to have an important role in teleost sex determination, and more particularly in male gonad development, the anti-Müllerian hormone, amh was a good initial candidate. Here we report the isolation, cloning and characterization of the amh ortholog in S. alburnoides and the ancestral species S. pyrenaicus. In adult S. alburnoides and S. pyrenaicus of both sexes, amh shows a gonad specific expression pattern, restricted to the Sertoli cell lineage in testis and to granulosa cells in ovaries. During development, it plays an early role in male gonad differentiation in S. alburnoides. Overall the observed patterns are similar to what has been reported in other teleost species. This suggests a conserved role of amh and implies that its expression dynamics cannot be directly responsible for the sex ratio deviations reported in S. alburnoides. It is possible that a conjunction of other factors could be contributing for sex ratio imbalance. The present results constitute the starting point in the characterization of the S. alburnoides sex determination cascade, a process that we expect to shed some light on the molecular basis of sex distribution, within the context of hybrid system evolution.  相似文献   

A panel of 78 backcross progeny, BALB/cJ x (BALB/cJ x CAST/Ei)F1, was used to map the gene encoding anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh), also called Müllerian inhibiting substance, to mouse Chromosome 10 (MMU10). This analysis identified a new region of linkage homology between human Chromosome 19p (HSA 19p) and MMU10 and localized an apparent recombinational hot spot in (C57BL/6J x Mus spretus)F1 females [compared with (BALB/cJ x CAST/Ei)F1 males] to the interval between phenylalanine hydroxylase (Pah) and mast cell growth factor (Mgf). In addition, eight unlinked polymorphic sequences, provisionally designated Amh-related sequences (Amh-rs1 through Amh-rs8), were identified by Southern blot analysis using Amh probes. Amh-rs1, -rs2, -rs4, and -rs7 were mapped to MMU1, 13, 12, and 15, respectively, by recombinant inbred (RI) strain and intraspecific backcross analyses. The NXSM RI strain distribution patterns for the four unmapped loci are also presented.  相似文献   

Transgenic technologies provide a promising means by which desirable traits can be introduced into cultured fish species within a single generation thus accelerating the production of genetically superior broodstock for aquaculture. However, before such fish are allowed to be marketed as food they must receive government regulatory approval. Two pivotal regulatory requirements are: (1) complete characterization of the genomically integrated transgene and, (2) demonstration that the transgene remains stable over multiple generations. We have generated a stable line of growth hormone (GH) transgenic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using an “all fish” gene construct (opAFP-GHc2) containing a growth hormone cDNA from chinook salmon whose expression is regulated by the 5′ promoter and 3′ termination regions derived from an ocean pout antifreeze protein (AFP) gene. In this study we show that a reorganized form of the opAFP-GHc2 construct (termed EO-1α) integrated as a single functional copy into a 35 bp repeat region of the genomic DNA. PCR based mapping revealed that the linear sequence of the EO-1α integrant was organized as follows: base pairs 1580–2193 of the ocean pout promoter region followed by the intact chinook salmon GH cDNA, the complete ocean pout antifreeze 3′ region, and the first 1678 bp of the ocean pout antifreeze 5′ region. Sequence analysis of the EO-1α integrant and genomic flanking regions in F2 and F4 generation salmon revealed that they were identical. In addition, apart from the disruption at the integration sites, the consensus sequences of the integrant in these two generations of salmon were identical to the sequence of the opAFP-GHc2 construct. These results indicate that the EO-1α transgene codes for the chinook salmon GH, and that the transgene and the integration site have remained stable over multiple generations.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance targeted mutation (mdr1a (-/-) ) mice spontaneously develop intestinal inflammation. The aim of this study was to further characterize the intestinal inflammation in mdr1a (-/-) mice. Intestinal samples were collected to measure inflammation and gene expression changes over time. The first signs of inflammation occurred around 16 weeks of age and most mdr1a (-/-) mice developed inflammation between 16 and 27 weeks of age. The total histological injury score was the highest in the colon. The inflammatory lesions were transmural and discontinuous, revealing similarities to human inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Genes involved in inflammatory response pathways were up-regulated whereas genes involved in biotransformation and transport were down-regulated in colonic epithelial cell scrapings of inflamed mdra1 (-/-) mice at 25 weeks of age compared to non-inflamed FVB mice. These results show overlap to human IBD and strengthen the use of this in vivo model to study human IBD. The anti-inflammatory regenerating islet-derived genes were expressed at a lower level during inflammation initiation in non-inflamed colonic epithelial cell scrapings of mdr1a (-/-) mice at 12 weeks of age. This result suggests that an insufficiently suppressed immune response could be crucial to the initiation and development of intestinal inflammation in mdr1a (-/-) mice.  相似文献   



Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) represent the two most frequently utilized laboratory tests in determining ovarian reserve (OR). This study determined the clinical significance of their concordance and discordance in female infertility patients.


We investigated 366 consecutive infertility patients (350 reached IVF), excluding women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). They were considered to have normal FSH and AMH if values fell within age-specific (as-) 95% confidence intervals (CI), and to suffer from diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) if FSH exceeded and/or AMH fell below those. The two hormones, thus, could be concordant (Group I), both normal (IA) or abnormal (IB), show normal AMH/abnormal FSH (Group II) or normal FSH/abnormal AMH (Group III). Oocyte yields, stratified for age categories, were then studied in each group as reflection of OR.


Oocyte yields significantly decreased from groups IA to II to III and IB. Predictive values of as-FSH/AMH patterns changed, however, at different ages. Except at very young and very old ages, normal as-AMH better predicted higher oocytes yields than normal as-FSH, though above age 42 years normal as-FSH predicts good oocyte yields even with abnormally low AMH. Under age 42 discrepancies between as- FSH and as-AMH remain similarly predictive of oocyte yields at all ages.


Concordances and discordances between as-FSH and as-AMH improve OR assessments and predictability of oocyte yields in IVF.

Mycobacterium was verified in animals from a Brazilian dairy herd, a total of 42 samples from 30 cows were submitted to culture and the isolated strains were analyzed by two polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the first specific for species belonging to the Mycobacterium complex (MTBC) and the other for differentiating M. tuberculosis from M. bovis. Twenty seven samples (64.3%) from 18 animals (60%) were positive for mycobacteria by culture, including samples from 15 retrofaryngeal lymphnodes (55.5%), 9 prescapular lymphnodes (33.3%), 2 lungs (7.4%), and 1 liver (3.7%). All isolated colonies were confirmed by PCR to contain MTBC organisms, and were identified as M. bovis by the same methodology.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone II (GnRH II), which plays a crucial role in the regulation of reproduction in vertebrates, markedly reduces food intake in goldfish. However, the neurochemical pathways involved in the anorexigenic action of GnRH II and its interaction with other neuropeptides have not yet been identified. Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and CRH-related peptides play a major role in feeding control as potent anorexigenic neuropeptides in goldfish. However, our previous study has indicated that the GnRH II-induced anorexigenic action is not blocked by treatment with melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) and CRH receptor antagonists. Therefore, in the present study, we further examined whether the anorexigenic effects of α-MSH and CRH in goldfish could be mediated through the GnRH receptor neuronal pathway. ICV injection of the MC4R agonist, melanotan II (80 pmol/g body weight; BW), significantly reduced food intake, and its anorexigenic effect was suppressed by ICV pre-administration of the GnRH type I receptor antagonist, antide (100 pmol/g BW). The CRH-induced (50 pmol/g BW) anorexigenic action was also blocked by treatment with antide. ICV injection of CRH (50 pmol/g BW) induced a significant increase of the GnRH II mRNA level in the hypothalamus, while ICV injection of melanotan II (80 pmol/g BW) had no effect on the level of GnRH II mRNA. These results indicate that, in goldfish, the anorexigenic actions of α-MSH and CRH are mediated through the GnRH type I receptor-signaling pathway, and that the GnRH II system regulates feeding behavior.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis occurs during ovarian follicle development and luteinization. Pituitary secreted FSH was reported to stimulate the expression of endothelial mitogen VEGF in granulosa cells. And, intraovarian cytokine transforming growth factor (TGF)β1 is known to facilitate FSH‐induced differentiation of ovarian granulosa cells. This intrigues us to investigate the potential role of FSH and TGFβ1 regulation of granulosa cell function in relation to ovarian angiogenesis. Granulosa cells were isolated from gonadotropin‐primed immature rats and treated once with FSH and/or TGFβ1 for 48 h, and the angiogenic potential of conditioned media (granulosa cell culture conditioned media; GCCM) was determined using an in vitro assay with aortic ring embedded in collagen gel and immunoblotting. FSH and TGFβ1 increased the secreted angiogenic activity in granulosa cells (FSH + TGFβ1 > FSH ≈ TGFβ1 > control) that was partly attributed to the increased secretion of pro‐angiogenic factors VEGF and PDGF‐B. This is further supported by the evidence that pre‐treatment with inhibitor of VEGF receptor‐2 (Ki8751) or PDGF receptor (AG1296) throughout or only during the first 2‐day aortic ring culture period suppressed microvessel growth in GCCM‐treated groups, and also inhibited the FSH + TGFβ1‐GCCM‐stimulated release of matrix remodeling‐associated gelatinase activities. Interestingly, pre‐treatment of AG1296 at late stage suppressed GCCM‐induced microvessel growth and stability with demise of endothelial and mural cells. Together, we provide original findings that both FSH and TGFβ1 increased the secretion of VEGF and PDGF‐B, and that in turn up‐regulated the angiogenic activity in rat ovarian granulosa cells. This implicates that FSH and TGFβ1 play important roles in regulation of ovarian angiogenesis during follicle development. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 1608–1619, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of Hilyses®, fermented Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), on growth, body composition and skin mucus immune components in rainbow trout were quantified. Ninety rainbow trout (105 ± 5 g) were randomly assigned to 2 groups in triplicates and fed dietary Hilyses® (5 g kg?1) or control diet without Hilyses® for 50 days. Results of this study demonstrated that growth performance increased significantly by the dietary yeast supplement; however body composition was not affected in treatment group. At the 45th and 50th day of feeding trial, results of mucus samples demonstrated that yeast supplementation in treatment group significantly promoted enzyme activities, namely lysozyme, protease, alkaline phosphatase and esterase compared to control group. Significant increases were also observed in hemagglutination and antibacterial activity against Yersinia ruckeri in fish fed treatment diet. The present study suggests that fermented S. cerevisiae may effectively promote the growth performance and skin non-specific immune parameters in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Enhanced electrochemical resolution of anodic processes is possible in the presence of [N(nBu)4][B(C6F5)4], 1, as supporting electrolyte over that obtained in the presence of [N(nBu)4][PF6]. By changing the anion of the supporting electrolyte to a salt having [B(C6F5)4], anions, electrochemical processes of especially cationic analytes can benefit. Thus, the redox chemistry of 0.5 mmol dm−3 solutions of [Ru2(μ-FcCOO)4·(CH3CH2OH)2][PF6], 2, Fc = ferrocenyl, in CH2Cl2/[N(nBu)4][B(C6F5)4] were found to involve four well-resolved ferrocenyl-based electrochemical reversible redox processes as well as reduction of RuIII-RuII. At 1.0 mmol dm−3 concentrations of 2, or in the presence of [N(nBu)4][PF6], the four ferrocenyl processes coalesced into only two waves as a result of (Fc+)?() ion paring. Seventeen of the possible 18 one-electron transfer processes of the biscadmium trisphthalocyaninato complex [Cd2{Pc(C6H13)8}3], 3, could be observed in THF/[N(nBu)4][B(C6F5)4], but the electrochemical window of CH2Cl2/[N(nBu)4][B(C6F5)4] only allowed detection of 15 of these processes. Although reduction processes were unaffected, THF solvation leading to species such as (3n+)(THF)x with 1 ? n ? 4 and x ? 1 as well as ion pair formation of the type (3n+)?() prevented good resolution of oxidation processes. The CH2Cl2/[N(nBu)4][B(C6F5)4] system also allowed detection of reversible one-electron transfer ferrocenyl (Fc/Fc+) and ruthenocenyl-based (Rc/Rc+) processes for both enol and keto isomers of the β-diketone FcCOCH2CORc, 4, Rc = ruthenocenyl. In CH3CN/[N(nBu)4][PF6], the ruthenocenyl moiety was oxidised to a RuIV species.  相似文献   

FGF21 stimulates FGFR1c activity in cells that co-express Klothoβ (KLB); however, relatively little is known about the interaction of these receptors at the plasma membrane. We measured the dynamics and distribution of fluorescent protein-tagged KLB and FGFR1c in living cells using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and number and brightness analysis. We confirmed that fluorescent protein-tagged KLB translocates to the plasma membrane and is active when co-expressed with FGFR1c. FGF21-induced signaling was enhanced in cells treated with lactose, a competitive inhibitor of the galectin lattice, suggesting that lattice-binding modulates KLB and/or FGFR1c activity. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis consistently revealed that lactose treatment increased KLB mobility at the plasma membrane, but did not affect the mobility of FGFR1c. The association of endogenous KLB with the galectin lattice was also confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation with galectin-3. KLB mobility increased when co-expressed with FGFR1c, suggesting that the two receptors form a heterocomplex independent of the galectin lattice. Number and brightness analysis revealed that KLB and FGFR1c behave as monomers and dimers at the plasma membrane, respectively. Co-expression resulted in monomeric expression of KLB and FGFR1c consistent with formation of a 1:1 heterocomplex. Subsequent addition of FGF21 induced FGFR1 dimerization without changing KLB aggregate size, suggesting formation of a 1:2 KLB-FGFR1c signaling complex. Overall, these data suggest that KLB and FGFR1 form a 1:1 heterocomplex independent of the galectin lattice that transitions to a 1:2 complex upon the addition of FGF21.  相似文献   


The present study deals with the location of the vitellogenesis inhibiting hormone (VIH)-producing cells in the eyestalk of the lobster Homarus americanus. In the present study, the neurosecretory pathways of VIH in Homarus, have been described immunocytochemically by use of a mouse serum against Homarus VIH. The location of the VIH cells was compared with the location of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) cells visualized by a rabbit serum raised against CHH of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Immunocytochemical detection procedures, both at the light and electron microscopic level, revealed frequent but not complete co-localization of VIH and CHH in a variable number of the same group of perikarya. In the sinus gland, both neuropeptides were mostly demonstrated in distinct axonal endings characterized by different granule types. Postulations on the biosynthesis of these factors and suggestions concerning the processing of both neurohormones have been made.  相似文献   

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