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The T-arm of tRNA is a substrate for tRNA (m5U54)-methyltransferase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
X R Gu  D V Santi 《Biochemistry》1991,30(12):2999-3002
Fragments of Escherichia coli FUra-tRNA(1Val) as small as 15 nucleotides form covalent complexes with tRNA (m5U54)-methyltransferase (RUMT). The sequence essential for binding includes position 52 of the T-stem and the T-loop and extends toward the 3' acceptor end of FUra-tRNA. The in vitro synthesized 17mer T-arm of E. coli tRNA(1Val), composed of the seven-base T-loop and 5-base-pair stem, is a good substrate for RUMT. The Km is decreased 5-fold and kcat is decreased 2-fold compared to the entire tRNA. The T-arm structure could be further reduced to an 11mer containing the loop and two base pairs and still retain activity; the Km was similar to that of the 17mer T-arm, whereas kcat was decreased an additional 20-fold. The data indicate that the primary specificity determinants for the RUMT-tRNA interaction are contained within the primary and secondary structure of the T-arm of tRNA.  相似文献   

J T Kealey  D V Santi 《Biochemistry》1991,30(40):9724-9728
A covalent complex between tRNA (m5U54)methyltransferase, 5-fluorouridine tRNA(Phe), and S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-3H]methionine was formed in vitro and purified. Previously, it was shown that in this complex the 6-position of fluorouridine-54 is covalently linked to a catalytic nucleophile and the 5-position is bound to the transferred methyl group of AdoMet [Santi, D. V., & Hardy, L. W. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8599-8606]. Proteolysis of the complex generated a [3H]methyl-FUtRNA-bound peptide, which was purified by 7 M urea-15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The peptide component of the complex was sequenced by gas-phase Edman degradation and found to contain two cysteines. The tritium was shown to be associated with Cys 324 of the methyltransferase, which unequivocally identifies this residue as the catalytic nucleophile.  相似文献   

X Gu  D V Santi 《Biochemistry》1992,31(42):10295-10302
The interaction of tRNA (m5U54)-methyltransferase (RUMT) with in vitro synthesized unmodified tRNA and a 17-base oligoribonucleotide analog of the T-arm of tRNA in the absence of AdoMet has been investigated. Binary complexes are formed which are isolable on nitrocellulose filters and are composed of noncovalent and covalent complexes in nearly equal amounts. The covalent RUMT-RNA complexes are stable to SDS-PAGE and migrate slower than free enzyme or RNA. Kinetic and thermodynamic constants involved in formation and disruption of noncovalent and covalent binary complexes have been determined and interpreted in the context of steady-state kinetic parameters of the enzyme-catalyzed methylation and 5-H exchange of substrate. The results show that the isolable covalent complex is kinetically incompetent as an intermediate for methylation. Isotope trapping experiments show that when AdoMet is added to preformed binary complex, all bound tRNA is converted to methylated product; thus, the covalent complexes are chemically competent to form products. We have concluded that, after a reversible binary complex is formed, the catalytic thiol adds to the 6-carbon of the U54 of tRNA. The initial adduct leaves the reaction pathway to protonation at carbon 5; the latter can deprotonate and re-enter the pathway to form methylated product. It is speculated that covalent binary RUMT-RNA adducts may serve as depots of enzyme-tRNA complexes primed for methylation, or in unknown roles with RNAs other than tRNA.  相似文献   

The presence of 5-methyluridine (m5U) at position 54 is a ubiquitous feature of most bacterial and eukaryotic elongator tRNAs. In this study, we have identified and characterized the TRM2 gene that encodes the tRNA(m5U54)methyltransferase, responsible for the formation of this modified nucleoside in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Transfer RNA isolated from TRM2-disrupted yeast strains does not contain the m5U54 nucleoside. Moreover, a glutathione S-transferase (GST) tagged recombinant, Trm2p, expressed in Escherichia coli displayed tRNA(m5U54)methyltransferase activity using as substrate tRNA isolated from a trm2 mutant strain, but not tRNA isolated from a TRM2 wild-type strain. In contrast to what is found for the tRNA(m5U54)methyltransferase encoding gene trmA+ in E. coli, the TRM2 gene is not essential for cell viability and a deletion strain shows no obvious phenotype. Surprisingly, we found that the TRM2 gene was previously identified as the RNC1/NUD1 gene, believed to encode the yNucR endo-exonuclease. The expression and activity of the yNucR endo-exonuclease is dependent on the RAD52 gene, and does not respond to increased gene dosage of the RNC1/NUD1 gene. In contrast, we find that the expression of a trm2-LacZ fusion and the activity of the tRNA(m5U54)methyltransferase is not regulated by the RAD52 gene and does respond on increased gene dosage of the TRM2 (RNC1/NUD1) gene. Furthermore, there was no nuclease activity associated with a GST-Trm2 recombinant protein. The purified yNucR endo-exonuclease has been reported to have an NH2-D-E-K-N-L motif, which is not found in the Trm2p. Therefore, we suggest that the yNucR endo-exonuclease is encoded by a gene other than TRM2.  相似文献   

Methyltransferase enzymes that use S-adenosylmethionine as a cofactor to catalyze 5-methyl uridine (m(5)U) formation in tRNAs and rRNAs are widespread in Bacteria and Eukaryota, but are restricted to the Thermococcales and Nanoarchaeota groups amongst the Archaea. The RNA m(5)U methyltransferases appear to have arisen in Bacteria and were then dispersed by horizontal transfer of an rlmD-type gene to the Archaea and Eukaryota. The bacterium Escherichia coli has three gene paralogs and these encode the methyltransferases TrmA that targets m(5)U54 in tRNAs, RlmC (formerly RumB) that modifies m(5)U747 in 23S rRNA, and RlmD (formerly RumA) the archetypical enzyme that is specific for m(5)U1939 in 23S rRNA. The thermococcale archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi possesses two m(5)U methyltransferase paralogs, PAB0719 and PAB0760, with sequences most closely related to the bacterial RlmD. Surprisingly, however, neither of the two P. abyssi enzymes displays RlmD-like activity in vitro. PAB0719 acts in a TrmA-like manner to catalyze m(5)U54 methylation in P. abyssi tRNAs, and here we show that PAB0760 possesses RlmC-like activity and specifically methylates the nucleotide equivalent to U747 in P. abyssi 23S rRNA. The findings indicate that PAB0719 and PAB0760 originated as RlmD-type m(5)U methyltransferases and underwent changes in target specificity after their acquisition by a Thermococcales ancestor from a bacterial source.  相似文献   

Three types of methyltransferases (MTases) generate 5-methylpyrimidine in nucleic acids, forming m5U in RNA, m5C in RNA and m5C in DNA. The DNA:m5C MTases have been extensively studied by crystallographic, biophysical, biochemical and computational methods. On the other hand, the sequence-structure-function relationships of RNA:m5C MTases remain obscure, as do the potential evolutionary relationships between the three types of 5-methylpyrimidine-generating enzymes. Sequence analyses and homology modeling of the yeast tRNA:m5C MTase Trm4p (also called Ncl1p) provided a structural and evolutionary platform for identification of catalytic residues and modeling of the architecture of the RNA:m5C MTase active site. The analysis led to the identification of two invariant residues that are important for Trm4p activity in addition to the conserved Cys residues in motif IV and motif VI that were previously found to be critical. The newly identified residues include a Lys residue in motif I and an Asp in motif IV. A conserved Gln found in motif X was found to be dispensable for MTase activity. Locations of essential residues in the model of Trm4p are in very good agreement with the X-ray structure of an RNA:m5C MTase homolog PH1374. Theoretical and experimental analyses revealed that RNA:m5C MTases share a number of features with either RNA:m5U MTases or DNA:m5C MTases, which suggested a tentative phylogenetic model of relationships between these three classes of 5-methylpyrimidine MTases. We infer that RNA:m5C MTases evolved from RNA:m5U MTases by acquiring an additional Cys residue in motif IV, which was adapted to function as the nucleophilic catalyst only later in DNA:m5C MTases, accompanied by loss of the original Cys from motif VI, transfer of a conserved carboxylate from motif IV to motif VI and sequence permutation.  相似文献   



tRNA m1A58 methyltransferases (TrmI) catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine to nitrogen 1 of adenine 58 in the T-loop of tRNAs from all three domains of life. The m1A58 modification has been shown to be essential for cell growth in yeast and for adaptation to high temperatures in thermophilic organisms. These enzymes were shown to be active as tetramers. The crystal structures of five TrmIs from hyperthermophilic archaea and thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria have previously been determined, the optimal growth temperature of these organisms ranging from 37°C to 100°C. All TrmIs are assembled as tetramers formed by dimers of tightly assembled dimers.


In this study, we present a comparative structural analysis of these TrmIs, which highlights factors that allow them to function over a large range of temperature. The monomers of the five enzymes are structurally highly similar, but the inter-monomer contacts differ strongly. Our analysis shows that bacterial enzymes from thermophilic organisms display additional intermolecular ionic interactions across the dimer interfaces, whereas hyperthermophilic enzymes present additional hydrophobic contacts. Moreover, as an alternative to two bidentate ionic interactions that stabilize the tetrameric interface in all other TrmI proteins, the tetramer of the archaeal P. abyssi enzyme is strengthened by four intersubunit disulfide bridges.


The availability of crystal structures of TrmIs from mesophilic, thermophilic or hyperthermophilic organisms allows a detailed analysis of the architecture of this protein family. Our structural comparisons provide insight into the different molecular strategies used to achieve the tetrameric organization in order to maintain the enzyme activity under extreme conditions.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli trmA gene encodes the tRNA(m5U54)methyltransferase, which catalyses the formation of m5U54 in tRNA. During the synthesis of m5U54, a covalent 62-kDa TrmA-tRNA intermediate is formed between the amino acid C324 of the enzyme and the 6-carbon of uracil. We have analysed the formation of this TrmA-tRNA intermediate and m5U54 in vivo, using mutants with altered TrmA. We show that the amino acids F188, Q190, G220, D299, R302, C324 and E358, conserved in the C-terminal catalytic domain of several RNA(m5U)methyltransferases of the COG2265 family, are important for the formation of the TrmA-tRNA intermediate and/or the enzymatic activity. These amino acids seem to have the same function as the ones present in the catalytic domain of RumA, whose structure is known, and which catalyses the formation of m5U in position 1939 of E. coli 23S rRNA. We propose that the unusually high in vivo level of the TrmA-tRNA intermediate in wild-type cells may be due to a suboptimal cellular concentration of SAM, which is required to resolve this intermediate. Our results are consistent with the modular evolution of RNA(m5U)methyltransferases, in which the specificity of the enzymatic reaction is achieved by combining the conserved catalytic domain with different RNA-binding domains.  相似文献   

tRNA (m5U54)-methyltransferase (RUMT) catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to the 5-carbon of uridine 54 of tRNA. We have determined the steric course of methyl transfer, using (methyl-R)- and (methyl-S)-[methyl-2H1,3H]-AdoMet as the chiral methyl donors, and tRNA lacking the 5-methyl group at position 54 as the acceptor. Following methyl transfer, ribothymidine was isolated and degraded to chiral acetic acid for configurational analysis. Transfer of the chiral methyl group to U54 proceeded with inversion of configuration of the chiral methyl group, suggesting that RUMT catalyzed methyl transfer occurs by a single SN2 displacement mechanism.  相似文献   

In Salmonella typhimurium, the tRNA(m1G37)methyltransferase (the product of the trmD gene) catalyzes the formation of m1G37, which is present adjacent and 3' of the anticodon (position 37) in seven tRNA species, two of which are tRNA(Pro)CGG and tRN(Pro)GGG. These two tRNA species also exist as +1 frameshift suppressor sufA6 and sufB2, respectively, both having an extra G in the anticodon loop next to and 3' of m1G37. The wild-type form of the tRNA(m1G37)methyltransferase efficiently methylates these mutant tRNAs. We have characterized one class of mutant forms of the tRNA(m1G37)methyltransferase that does not methylate the sufA6 tRNA and thereby induce extensive frameshifting resulting in a nonviable cell. Accordingly, pseudorevertants of strains containing such a mutated trmD allele in conjunction with the sufA6 allele had reduced frameshifting activity caused by either a 9-nt duplication in the sufA6tRNA or a deletion of its structural gene, or by an increased level of m1G37 in the sufA6tRNA. However, the sufB2 tRNA as well as the wild-type counterparts of these two tRNAs are efficiently methylated by this class of structural altered tRNA(m1G37)methyltransferase. Two other mutations (trmD3, trmD10) were found to reduce the methylation of all potential tRNA substrates and therefore primarily affect the catalytic activity of the enzyme. We conclude that all mutations except two (trmD3 and trmD10) do not primarily affect the catalytic activity, but rather the substrate specificity of the tRNA, because, unlike the wild-type form of the enzyme, they recognize and methylate the wild-type but not an altered form of a tRNA. Moreover, we show that the TrmD peptide is present in catalytic excess in the cell.  相似文献   

tRNA-agarose was prepared by condensing periodate-oxidized tRNA to an agarose matrix containing hydrazide functional groups. The tRNA-agarose was used to take partially purified tRNA (m5U54)-methyltransferase to homogeneity. The method is simple and reproducible and gives high yields.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a two-subunit methyltransferase (Mtase) encoded by the essential genes TRM6 and TRM61 is responsible for the formation of 1-methyladenosine, a modified nucleoside found at position 58 in tRNA that is critical for the stability of tRNA(Met)i The crystal structure of the homotetrameric m1A58 tRNA Mtase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TrmI, has been solved and was used as a template to build a model of the yeast m1A58 tRNA Mtase heterotetramer. We altered amino acids in TRM6 and TRM61 that were predicted to be important for the stability of the heteroligomer based on this model. Yeast strains expressing trm6 and trm61 mutants exhibited growth phenotypes indicative of reduced m1A formation. In addition, recombinant mutant enzymes had reduced in vitro Mtase activity. We demonstrate that the mutations introduced do not prevent heteroligomer formation and do not disrupt binding of the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Instead, amino acid substitutions in either Trm6p or Trm61p destroy the ability of the yeast m1A58 tRNA Mtase to bind tRNA(Met)i, indicating that each subunit contributes to tRNA binding and suggesting a structural alteration of the substrate-binding pocket occurs when these mutations are present.  相似文献   

Methyltransferases from the m1A58 tRNA methyltransferase (TrmI) family catalyze the S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent N1-methylation of tRNA adenosine 58. The crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus TrmI, in complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, was determined at 1.7 Å resolution. This structure is closely related to that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TrmI, and their comparison enabled us to enlighten two grooves in the TrmI structure that are large enough and electrostatically compatible to accommodate one tRNA per face of TrmI tetramer. We have then conducted a biophysical study based on electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, site-directed mutagenesis, and molecular docking. First, we confirmed the tetrameric oligomerization state of TrmI, and we showed that this protein remains tetrameric upon tRNA binding, with formation of complexes involving one to two molecules of tRNA per TrmI tetramer. Second, three key residues for the methylation reaction were identified: the universally conserved D170 and two conserved aromatic residues Y78 and Y194. We then used molecular docking to position a N9-methyladenine in the active site of TrmI. The N9-methyladenine snugly fits into the catalytic cleft, where the side chain of D170 acts as a bidentate ligand binding the amino moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine and the exocyclic amino group of the adenosine. Y194 interacts with the N9-methyladenine ring, whereas Y78 can stabilize the sugar ring. From our results, we propose that the conserved residues that form the catalytic cavity (D170, Y78, and Y194) are essential for fashioning an optimized shape of the catalytic pocket.  相似文献   

Goto-Ito S  Ito T  Ishii R  Muto Y  Bessho Y  Yokoyama S 《Proteins》2008,72(4):1274-1289
Methylation of the N1 atom of guanosine at position 37 in tRNA, the position 3'-adjacent to the anticodon, generates the modified nucleoside m(1)G37. In archaea and eukaryotes, m(1)G37 synthesis is catalyzed by tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase (archaeal or eukaryotic Trm5, a/eTrm5). Here we report the crystal structure of archaeal Trm5 (aTrm5) from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (formerly known as Methanococcus jannaschii) in complex with the methyl donor analogue at 2.2 A resolution. The crystal structure revealed that the entire protein is composed of three structural domains, D1, D2, and D3. In the a/eTrm5 primary structures, D2 and D3 are highly conserved, while D1 is not conserved. The D3 structure is the Rossmann fold, which is the hallmark of the canonical class-I methyltransferases. The a/eTrm5-defining domain, D2, exhibits structural similarity to some class-I methyltransferases. In contrast, a DALI search with the D1 structure yielded no structural homologues. In the crystal structure, D3 contacts both D1 and D2. The residues involved in the D1:D3 interactions are not conserved, while those participating in the D2:D3 interactions are well conserved. D1 and D2 do not contact each other, and the linker between them is disordered. aTrm5 fragments corresponding to the D1 and D2-D3 regions were prepared in a soluble form. The NMR analysis of the D1 fragment revealed that D1 is well folded by itself, and it did not interact with either the D2-D3 fragment or the tRNA. The NMR analysis of the D2-D3 fragment revealed that it is well folded, independently of D1, and that it interacts with tRNA. Furthermore, the D2-D3 fragment was as active as the full-length enzyme for tRNA methylation. The positive charges on the surface of D2-D3 may be involved in tRNA binding. Therefore, these findings suggest that the interaction between D1 and D3 is not persistent, and that the D2-D3 region plays the major role in tRNA methylation.  相似文献   

Trl1 is an essential 827 amino acid enzyme that executes the end-healing and end-sealing steps of tRNA splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trl1 consists of two domains—an N-terminal ligase component and a C-terminal 5′-kinase/2′,3′-cyclic phosphodiesterase (CPD) component—that can function in tRNA splicing in vivo when expressed as separate polypeptides. To understand the structural requirements for the kinase-CPD domain, we performed an alanine scan of 30 amino acids that are conserved in Trl1 homologs from other fungi. We thereby identified four residues (Arg463, His515, Thr675 and Glu741) as essential for activity in vivo. Structure–function relationships at these positions, and at four essential or conditionally essential residues defined previously (Asp425, Arg511, His673 and His777), were clarified by introducing conservative substitutions. Biochemical analysis showed that lethal mutations of Asp425, Arg463, Arg511 and His515 in the kinase module abolished polynucleotide kinase activity in vitro. We report that a recently cloned 1104 amino acid Arabidopsis RNA ligase functions in lieu of yeast Trl1 in vivo and identify essential side chains in the ligase, kinase and CPD modules of the plant enzyme. The plant ligase, like yeast Trl1 but unlike T4 RNA ligase 1, requires a 2′-PO4 end for tRNA splicing in vivo.  相似文献   

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