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Phage-host systems from extreme cold environments have rarely been surveyed. This study is concerned with the isolation and characterization of three different phage-host systems from Arctic sea ice and melt pond samples collected north-west of Svalbard (Arctic). On the basis of 16S rDNA sequences, the three bacterial phage hosts exhibited the greatest similarity to the species Shewanella frigidimarina (96.0%), Flavobacterium hibernum (94.0%), and Colwellia psychrerythraea (98.4%), respectively. The host bacteria are psychrophilic with good growth at 0°C, resulting in a rapid formation of visible colonies at this temperature. The phages showed an even more pronounced adaptation to cold temperatures than the bacteria, with growth maxima below 14°C and good plaque formation at 0°C. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examinations revealed that the bacteriophages belonged to the tailed, double-stranded DNA phage families Siphoviridae and Myoviridae. All three phages were host-specific.Communicated by K. Horikoshi  相似文献   

Alkaliphilic sulphur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from samples from alkaline environments including soda soil and soda lakes. Two isolates, currently known as strains AL 2 and AL 3, were characterized. They grew over a pH range 8.0–10.4 with an optimum at 9.5–9.8. Both strains could oxidize thiosulphate, sulphide, polysulphide, elemental sulphur and tetrathionate. Strain AL 3 more actively oxidized thiosulphate and sulphide, while isolate AL 2 had higher activity with elemental sulphur and tetrathionate. Isolate AL 2 was also able to oxidize trithionate. The pH optimum for thiosulphate and sulphide oxidation was between 9–10. Some activity remained at pH 11, but was negligible at pH 7. Metabolism of tetrathionate by isolate AL 2 involved initial anaerobic hydrolysis to form sulphur, thiosulphate and sulphate in a sequence similar to that in other colourless sulphur-oxidizing bacteria. Sulphate was produced by both strains. During batch growth on thiosulphate, elemental sulphur and sulphite transiently accumulated in cultures of isolates AL 2 and AL 3, respectively. At lower pH values, both strains accumulated sulphur during sulphide and thiosulphate oxidation. Both strains contained ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. Thiosulphate oxidation in isolate AL 3 appeared to be sodium ion-dependent. Isolate AL 2 differed from AL 3 by its high GC mol % value (65.5 and 49.5, respectively), sulphur deposition in its periplasm, the absence of carboxysomes, lower sulphur-oxidizing capacity, growth kinetics (lower growth rate and higher growth yield) and cytochrome composition.  相似文献   

【背景】深海海域具有高压、低温、无光等环境条件,蕴含着丰富而独特的微生物资源。【目的】从深海沉积物中定向分离、筛选脱氮效率高的好氧脱氮菌株资源,并揭示其脱氮特性,为开发水体脱氮微生物技术提供物质基础。【方法】以东太平洋、南大西洋、西南印度洋共10个站位的深海沉积物为研究材料,在28°C下使用无机氮源连续进行两轮富集培养,然后定性筛选可以脱除氨氮、亚硝态氮和硝态氮的菌株,并通过形态学和16S rRNA基因序列分析进行初步分类鉴定;对优选得到的功能菌株,分别采用以氨氮、亚硝态氮、硝态氮为唯一氮源的培养基定量研究其生长和脱氮性能。【结果】从10份大洋深海沉积物样品中共分离得到49株好氧反硝化菌,其中3株在有氧条件下反硝化效率较高,分别命名为Pseudomonassp.G111、Pseudomonassp.G112和Dietziamaris W023a,其中菌株G111和G112与模式菌株博岑假单胞菌Pseudomonas bauzanensis BZ93T的16S rRNA基因序列相似度为99.2%,菌株W023a与模式菌株海洋迪茨氏菌DietziamarisATCC35013T的16SrRNA基因序列相似度为99.9%。菌株G111、G112和W023a培养48h后,对氨氮的脱除率分别为98.0%、85.2%和97.6%;对亚硝态氮的脱除率分别为71.9%、67.5%和34.7%;对硝态氮的脱除率分别为66.0%、52.6%和56.3%。菌株G111、G112和W023a均为异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌,可通过好氧反硝化作用将亚硝态氮和硝态氮还原为含氮气体,也可通过异养硝化-好氧反硝化作用将氨氮转化为含氮气体。【结论】从深海沉积物中分离筛选得到3株高效好氧反硝化菌,所获得的菌株在水体净化、污水处理、生态系统修复等领域具有应用潜力。  相似文献   

A novel phosphonoglycosphingolipid named SGL-I' containing 1 mol of 2-aminoethylphosphonate residue was isolated from the skin of Aplysia kurodai using two silicic acid chromatography systems. Data obtained on methanolysis, permethylation, mild acid hydrolysis, and hydrogen fluoride treatment combined with thin-layer chromatography, gas liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and proton magnetic resonance spectrometry showed that this glycolipid was 3-O-MeGal beta 1----3GalNAc alpha 1----3[6'-O-(2-aminoethylphosphonyl)Gal alpha 1----2]Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1Ceramide. Palmitic acid, octadeca-4-sphingenine and anteiso-nonadeca-4-sphingenine are its major aliphatic components. The new glycolipid has essentially the same structure as another major phosphonoglycosphingolipid in the skin of Aplysia, SGL-II, that contains 2 mol of 2-aminoethylphosphonate residue, suggesting a metabolic relationship between the two.  相似文献   

We successfully isolated a novel aerobic chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium, designated strain SO07, from wastewater biofilms growing under microaerophilic conditions. For isolation, the use of elemental sulfur (S(0)), which is the most abundant sulfur pool in the wastewater biofilms, as the electron donor was an effective measure to establish an enrichment culture of strain SO07 and further isolation. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that newly isolated strain SO07 was affiliated with members of the genus Halothiobacillus, but it was only distantly related to previously isolated species (89% identity). Strain SO07 oxidized elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, and sulfide to sulfate under oxic conditions. Strain SO07 could not grow on nitrate. Organic carbons, including acetate, propionate, and formate, could not serve as carbon and energy sources. Unlike other aerobic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, this bacterium was sensitive to NaCl; growth in medium containing more than 150 mM was negligible. In situ hybridization combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that a number of rod-shaped cells hybridized with a probe specific for strain SO07 were mainly present in the oxic biofilm strata (ca. 0 to 100 micro m) and that they often coexisted with sulfate-reducing bacteria in this zone. These results demonstrated that strain SO07 was one of the important sulfur-oxidizing populations involved in the sulfur cycle occurring in the wastewater biofilm and was primarily responsible for the oxidation of H(2)S and S(0) to SO(4)(2-) under oxic conditions.  相似文献   

A novel bacterium, strain BMP-1(T), was isolated from a continuous wastewater treatment culture system operating with a bacterial consortium. Cells of the isolate were Gram-variable, aerobic, moderately halotolerant, motile and endospore-forming rods. Strain BMP-1(T) grew chemolithoautotrophically by oxidation of thiosulfate to sulfate with a growth yield of 1.07 g protein mol(-1) of thiosulfate consumed. DNA G+C content was 43.8 mol%. Its cell wall had peptidoglycan based on m-diaminopimelic acid, and the major component of fatty acid was C(15 : 0). The 16S rRNA gene analysis showed that strain belongs to the genus Bacillus, sharing a 99.5% of sequence similarity with Bacillus jeotgali CCM 7133(T). DNA-DNA hybridization between the isolate of this study and this strain was 44%. Thus, the inclusion of strain BMP-1(T) in the genus Bacillus is suggested as a novel species and the name Bacillus thioparus sp. nov. (Type strain BMP-1(T)=BM-B-436(T)=CECT 7196(T)) is proposed. The sequence of the 16S rRNA gene has been deposited in GenBank with accession number DQ371431.  相似文献   

The Eastern Mediterranean deep sea is one of the most oligotrophic regions in the world’s ocean. With the aim to classify bacteria from this special environment we isolated 107 strains affiliating to the Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes from sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. As determined by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, in particular members of the genus Bacillus, were dominant and represented a remarkable diversity with 27 out of a total of 33 operational taxonomic units obtained from the untreated sediment. The considerable percentage of operational taxonomic units (42%) which may be considered to be new species underlines the uniqueness of the studied environment. In order to selectively enrich bacteria which are adapted to the deep-sea conditions and tolerate broad pressure ranges, enrichments were set up with a sediment sample under in situ pressure and temperature (28 MPa, 13.5°C) using N-acetyl-d-glucosamine as substrate. Interestingly Gammaproteobacteria were significantly enriched and dominant among the strains isolated after pressure pre-incubation. Obviously, Gammaproteobacteria have a selective advantage under the enrichment conditions applied mimicking nutrient supply under pressure conditions and cope well with sudden changes of hydrostatic pressure. However, under the continued low nutrient situation in the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea sediments apparently Firmicutes and Actinobacteria have a clear adaptative advantage.  相似文献   

AIMS: The present study was conducted to screen for psychrophilic yeasts that are able to degrade pectin compounds at low temperature, and to examine the cold-active pectinolytic enzymes produced by the isolated psychrophilic yeasts. METHODS AND RESULTS: Psychrophilic yeasts, which grow on pectin as a sole carbon source, pectinolytic-psychrophilic yeast (PPY) strains PPY-3, 4, 5 and 6, were isolated from soil from Abashiri (Hokkaido, Japan). The sequences of 28S rDNA D1/D2 of strains PPY-3 and 4 indicated a taxonomic affiliation to Cryptococcus cylindricus and Mrakia frigida, respectively, strains PPY-5 and 6 belonged to Cystofilobasidium capitatum. The isolated strains were able to grow on pectin at below 5 degrees C, and showed the activities of several cold-active pectinolytic enzymes. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study indicate the possibility that the isolated strains produce novel pectinolytic enzymes that are able to degrade pectin compounds at low temperature. Significance and Impact of the Study: It is possible that the cold-active pectinolytic enzymes from the isolated strains can be applied to the food industry, e.g. the clarification of fruit juice below 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha-1-PI) was isolated from goat plasma by salt fractionation, and chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column. The inhibitor was found to be homogeneous by gel chromatography, SDS-PAGE and PAGE.Mr values by gel filtration (57 kDa), and by SDS-PAGE (52 kDa), under reducing conditions were nearly the same suggesting that the inhibitor consists of a single polypeptide chain. It contained 13.8% neutral hexose but no sialic acid residue. The values of isoionic pH, and extinction coefficient at 278 nm were 4.84, and 4.6, respectively. Fluorescence spectral properties showed tryptophan residues in the inhibitor. Solvent perturbation difference spectra suggested 74% exposure of the tryptophan residues in the native molecule. Gel filtration behaviour of the inhibitor was consistent with a Stokes radius of 3.16 nm, diffusion coefficient of 7.02 X 10(-7) cm2-sec-1 and a frictional ratio of 1.24 suggesting asymmetry and/or excessive hydration of the inhibitor molecule. Goat alpha-1-PI, unlike human alpha-1-PI was found to be potent inhibitor of bovine trypsin but a poor inhibitor of porcine pancreatic elastase. It was virtually devoid of antichymotryptic activity.  相似文献   

A simple, relatively gentle, procedure for isolation of rhesus-monkey alpha-1-antitrypsis from serum is described. The method consists of chromatographic separation of the fraction precipitated by 50-75%-satd. (NH4)2SO4 from pooled monkey serum on DEAE-cellulose followed by affinity chromatography on Sepharose-bound concanavalin A. Approx. 30% of the trypsin-inhibitory activity present in the original serum was recovered when alpha-1-antitrypsin was reconstituted with physiological saline (0.85% NaCl). Pure alpha-1-antitrypsin exhibitied a single band on sodium docecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, with an estimated mol.wt. of 60000 and four bands in acid/starch-gel electrophoresis. The acid/starch-gel-electrophoretic pattern and mobility of isolated material were identical with those of the alpha-1-antitrypsin bands in the original serum sample. The most rapdily migrating bands resembled the pattern and mobility for the normal human phenotype PiM in 28 monkeys. A starch strip from the acid/starch-gel-electrophoresis as the origin for antigen-antibody electrophoresis was used to examine alpha-1-antitrypsin for microheterogeneity; no evidence for microheterogeneity was observed in samples from 18 monkeys. In addition, isolated alpha-1-antitrypsin exhibited a single arc when subjected to immunoelectrophoresis. Amino acid and carbohydrate compositions of isolated monkey alpha-1-antitrypsin were similar to those of human alpha-1-antitrypsin.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 12 microsatellite loci from the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). The loci exhibited a variable number of alleles that ranged from three to 14 with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.70 (SD 0.18) across 40 hawksbill turtles from the Caribbean. The polymorphism exhibited individually and in combination makes them suitable for fine-scale genetic studies. In particular, the low probability of identity and high paternity exclusion of these markers makes them highly useful for parentage and relatedness studies. These new markers greatly increase the power of genetic studies directed towards the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding two different Atlantic cod elastases have been isolated and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequences revealed two preproelastases, consisting of a signal peptide, an activation peptide and a mature enzyme of 242 and 239 amino acids. Amino acid sequence identity between the two cod elastases was 60.1% and identity with mammalian elastases ranged from 50–64%. The two cod elastases contain all the major structural features common to serine proteases, such as the catalytic triad His57, Asp102 and Ser195. Both cod elastases have a high content of methionine, consistent with previous findings in psychrophilic fish enzymes.  相似文献   

We developed 13 microsatellite loci for the olive sea snake, Aipysurus laevis, using both enriched and unenriched genomic DNA libraries. Eleven codominant loci, that reliably amplified, were used to screen 32 individuals across the geographic range of A. laevis. Four loci had four or more alleles (maximum 12), whereas the other seven had either two or three. All but one locus was in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These loci will provide useful markers to investigate population genetic structure for the olive sea snake.  相似文献   

Two glycoproteins having trypsin-protein esterase activity were purified to apparent homogeneity from murine plasma. One was alpha-macroglobulin, a homologue of human alpha-2-macroglobulin, while the other, tentatively named murinoglobulin, did not correspond to any of the known plasma protease inhibitors that have been well characterized in men or other mammals. Murinoglobulin contained about 7.6% carbohydrate and was composed of a single-polypeptide chain of Mr = 180,000 as judged by the equilibrium sedimentation analysis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. Murinoglobulin did not cross-react immunologically with mouse alpha-macroglobulin nor with human alpha-2-macroglobulin. Protease-inhibiting properties of murinoglobulin were compared with those of mouse alpha-macroglobulin and human alpha-2-macroglobulin. All the three proteins inhibited trypsin, papain, and thermolysin, although they differed considerably in both the degree of inhibition and the binding stoichiometry of protease-inhibitor complexes. The two macroglobulins inhibited pepsin at pH 5.5, whereas murinoglobulin was inactivated at this pH. Murinoglobulin was more sensitive to methylamine than the two macroglobulins. No protein corresponding to murinoglobulin was detected in human plasma.  相似文献   

Three cathodically migrating protein protease isoinhibitors were isolated from the granule-rich fraction of equine neutrophilic granulocytes by means of FPLC chromatography, in addition to two previously described anodically migrating inhibitors. The three isoinhibitors had an identical enzyme specificity which was equal to the two previously described isoinhibitors; they inhibited exclusively proteinase K and subtilisin. The inhibitors retained their activity between pH 1 and 12. They also were heat stable at 100 degrees C for 20 min. Neither the biological function of isoinhibitors nor the fundamental role of granular protease inhibitors of such narrow and peculiar enzyme specificity are known.  相似文献   


Dienelactone hydrolase, an α/β hydrolase enzyme, catalyzes the hydrolysis of dienelactone to maleylacetate, an intermediate for the Krebs cycle. Genome sequencing of the psychrophilic yeast, Glaciozyma antarctica predicted a putative open reading frame (ORF) for dienelactone hydrolase (GaDlh) with 52% sequence similarity to that from Coniophora puteana. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that GaDlh is closely related to other reported dienelactone hydrolases, and distantly related to other α/β hydrolases. Structural prediction using MODELLER 9.14 showed that GaDlh has the same α/β hydrolase fold as other dienelactone hydrolases and esterase/lipase enzymes, with a catalytic triad consisting of Cys–His–Asp and a G–x–C–x–G–G motif. Based on the predicted structure, GaDlh exhibits several characteristics of cold-adapted proteins such as glycine clustering in the binding pocket, reduced protein core hydrophobicity, and the absence of proline residues in loops. The putative ORF was amplified, cloned, and overexpressed in an Escherichia coli expression system. The recombinant protein was overexpressed as soluble proteins and was purified via Ni–NTA affinity chromatography. Biochemical characterization of GaDlh revealed that it has an optimal temperature at 10 °C and that it retained almost 90% of its residual activity when incubated for 90 min at 10 °C. The optimal pH was at pH 8.0 and it was stable between pH 5–9 when incubated for 60 min (more than 50% residual activity). Its Km value was 256 μM and its catalytic efficiency was 81.7 s−1. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing a novel cold-active dienelactone hydrolase-like protein.


Seminal plasma of teleost fish contains serine proteinase inhibitors related to those present in blood. These inhibitors can be bound to Q-Sepharose and sequentially eluted with a NaCl gradient. In the present study, using a two-step procedure, we purified (73-fold to homogeneity) and characterized the inhibitor eluted as the second fraction of antitrypsin activity (inhibitor II) from Q-Sepharose. The molecular weight of this inhibitor was estimated to be 56 kDa with an isoelectric point of 5.4. It effectively inhibited trypsin and chymotrypsin but was less effective against elastase. It formed SDS-stable complexes with cod and bovine trypsin. Inhibitor II appeared to be a glycoprotein. Carbohydrate content was determined to be 16%. N-terminal Edman sequencing allowed identification of the first 30 N-terminal amino acids HDGDHAGHTEDHHHHLHHIAGEAHPQHSHG and 25 amino acids within the reactive loop IMPMSLPDTIMLNRPFLLFILEDST. The N-terminal sequence did not match any known sequence, however, the sequence within the reactive loop was significantly similar to carp and mammalian alpha1-antiproteinases. Both sequences were used to construct primers and obtain a cDNA sequence from liver. The mRNA coding the protein is 1675 nt in length including a single open reading frame of 1281 nt that encodes 426 amino acid residues. Analysis of this sequence indicated the presence of putative conserved serpin domains and confirmed the similarity to carp alpha1-antiproteinase and mammalian alpha1-antiproteinase. Our results indicate that inhibitor II belongs to the serpin superfamily and is similar to alpha1-antiproteinase.  相似文献   

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