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J F Lemontt 《Mutation research》1978,50(1):57-66
The fate of presumed premutational DNA lesions induced by hydrazine was studied under a variety of post-treatment conditions in wild-type and in excision repair-defective (rad2-1) strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In all strains the full extent of hydrazine-induced, forward mutability from CAN1 to can1 (canavanine resistance) was dependent upon post-treatment cell division in mutagen-free synthetic or complex growth medium before plating on canavanine-containing selective agar and could be blocked by inhibitors of DNA synthesis (hydroxyurea) or protein synthesis (cycloheximide) contained in the growth medium. Following the growth-inhibitory period, cells were permitted to grow in fresh medium lacking inhibitors to determine the level of induced mutation remaining. Nearly all induced mutability was lost after a one-day growth inhibition, compared with mutagen-treated control samples subsequently grown twice in medium lacking inhibitor. In the wild type, half the induced mutability was lost after 3 h. The data suggest that premutational DNA lesions induced by hydrazine were removed, or possibly rendered non-mutagenic, by some error-free repair process that acted before mutation fixation by base mispairing during DNA replication. Since rad2-1 and RAD strains both exhibited loss of mutability, this process is not dependent upon the activity of an intact pyrimidine dimer excision-repair system. 相似文献
J F Lemontt 《Mutation research》1977,43(2):179-204
Non-allelic mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with reduced capacity for ultraviolet light (UV)-induced forward mutation from CAN1 to can1 were assigned to seven distinct genetic loci, each with allele designations umr1-1, umr2-1, …, umr7-1 to indicate UV mutation resistance. Each allele complemented rev1-1, rev2-1, and rev3-1. None conferred a great deal of UV sensitivity. When assayed on yeast extract-peptone-dextrose complex growth agar, umr1, umr3, and umr7 (a mating type) were the most UV-sensitive, with a dose-reduction factor of approximately 1.2 at 10% survival. When assayed on synthetic agar lacking arginine, however, umr3 was the most UV-sensitive (dose-reduction factor of 1.5 at 10% survival). UV revertability of his5-2, lys1-1, and ura4-1 was normal in strains carrying the single genes umr4, umr5, umr6 and umr7; umr1 reduced revertibility of his5-2 and ura4-1 but not lys1-1; umr2 reduced only ura4-1 revertibility; umr3 reduced UV reversion of all three test alleles. Five a/α homozygous umr diploids (except umr1 and umr4) failed to sporulate. One of these, umr7, blocked normal secretion of alpha hormone in α segregants and could not conjugate with a strains. The phenotypes of umr mutants are consistent with the existence of branched UV mutation pathways of different specificity, some of which may function in the single RAD6-dependent error-prone pathway for repair of UV damage. Other possible pathways of action are discussed. It is also suggested that regulatory functions interacting with the mating-type locus or its gene products may play some role in UV mutagenesis or error-prone repair. 相似文献
An agar post-treatment method was used to monitor levels of ultraviolte light-and hydrazine-induced mutagenesis at CAN1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a function of post-treatment cell division prior to selection for canavanine-resistant mutants with a top-agar overlay containing canavanine. The advantage of this method is that its permits reliable measurements of mutation induction during the early period before, during, and after the first round of post-treatment DNA replication. In strains that are wild-type for DNA repair, ultraviolet light mutagenesis appears to be a pre-replicative phenomenon, while mutation by hydrazine involves a replicative or post-replicative mechanism. Most chemical mutagenesis in yeast requires a functional RAD6 gene. Hydrazine mutability is also reduced by rad6-1, suggesting a possible misrepair mechanism. 相似文献
J F Lemontt 《Mutation research》1977,43(3):339-355
Seven umr mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which had reduced capacity for ultraviolet light (UV)-induced forward mutation from CAN1 to can1 were tested for sensitivity to L-canavanine relative to one wild-type UMR strain and one slightly UV-sensitive but phenotypically umr+ strain (mutant 306). Relative UV mutation resistance was estimated by dividing the UV fluence needed to yeild a particular induced mutation frequency by that needed to reach the same frequency in the genotypic wild-type strain. The umr5 and umr6 strains were especially sensitive to canavanine growth inhibition, while umr1 was no more sensitive than either wild type; umr2, umr3, umr4, a umr7, and α umr7 were equally sensitive to an intermediate degree. Incubation at 30°C of wildtype cells plated on canavanine-selective agar for increasingly longer times before UV irradiation resulted in decreasing UV mutation frequencies (reduced to 50% in 1.6 h). All umr strains tested in this way lost UV mutability faster than wild type, including mutant 306, umr1 (not sensitive to growth inhibition), and umr6 (very sensitive to growth inhibition). Cells were grown to stationary phase in YEDP growth medium and assayed for arginine and tryptophan transport into the cell. The umr6 strain, which had weak UV mutation resistance but high sensitivity to canavanine growth inhibition, transported arginine and tryptophan at essentially wild-type levels. The umr1 strain, however, which had moderate UV mutation resistance and normal canavanine toxicity, transported both amino acids at rates tenfold higher than wild type. The data suggest that increased canavanine toxicity does not necessarily lead to defective mutability at CAN1, and that mutational deficiency cannot result solely from increased canavanine toxicity. Although exposure to canavanine was shown to block mutation fixation and/or expression, it is suggested that the degree of growth inhibition is not strictly correlated with the degree of mutation resistance. 相似文献
N-Nitrosopiperidine (NP) and a number of methylated derivatives were examined for mutagenicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. NP, 2-methyl-NP, 3-methyl-NP, 4-methyl-NP and 3,5-dimethyl-NP were mutagens when metabolic activation (rat-liver microsomes) was provided. 2,6-Dimethyl-NP was not a mutagen. The NPs giving a positive response stimulated forward mutation to canavanine resistance (CAN1 leads to can1) and reversion of the his1-7 missense marker. Neither locus revertants nor suppressors of the lys1-1 ochre marker were induced, nor were revertants of the putative frameshift hom3-10. 相似文献
J F Lemontt 《Mutation research》1977,43(2):165-177
Hydrazine was found to be mutagenic for yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at exposures (concentration × time) ranging over nearly three orders of magnitude. Little or no forward mutation from CAN1 to can1 was detectable upon immediate plating following treatment in neutral buffer suspension. Post-treatment cell division in yeast extract peptone dextrose complex growth medium was required for expression of induced mutation to canavanine resistance. Frequencies of induced mutation rose to levels approximately 10-fold higher than spontaneous levels for exposures between 0.1 and 12.0 min mol/l. Survival remained at 100%. For exposures greater than 80 min mol/l viability and mutation frequency began to decrease sharply. By contrast, single treatments of ethyl methanesulfonate, methyl methanesulfonate, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitro-soguanidine, nitrous acid, hydroxylamine, and ultraviolet light were able to increase mutation frequency with this system upon immediate assay. Further growth-dependent increases in mutation frequency were not observed with HA and UV.Expression of HZ-induced mutation was detectable after treated cells had undergone less than one population doubling in YEPD. Such mutation expression could be blocked by the inhibitors cycloheximide and hydroxyurea, which block protein synthesis and DNA synthesis respectively. Results were similar to those obtained previously with Haemophilus influenzae and similarly suggest that, in this eukaryote, HZ-induced lesions lead to mutation by causing base mispairing at DNA replication rather than by means of an error-prone repair mechanism. 相似文献