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Using the G-banding technique, we examined lymphocytes from 90 individuals (43 males and 47 females, median age 31 years) living in buildings constructed with radioactively contaminated rebars. Forty-five nonexposed control subjects (22 males and 23 females, median age 30 years), matched to the radiation-exposed individuals by sex and age, were selected for comparison. At least 500 metaphases were checked for each individual. All recognizable structural aberrations of chromosomes or chromatids were recorded. After adjusting for age and smoking status, both the percentage of cells with aberrant chromosomes (PCAC) and the number of aberrant chromosomes per 100 cells (NAC) were found to be significantly higher in the radiation-exposed females than in the control females (p < 0.05 for PCAC and NAC). This difference, however, was not observed in the comparison of radiation-exposed and control males. This suggests a possible interaction between sex and radiation exposure in their effects on chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

We made a cytophysiological analys of testis in Clethrionomus rutilus and Apodemus sylvaticus inhabiting a contaminated area of the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT). The study showed that in the norm these species differed in the total number of cells of spermatogenous epithelium, due to interspecific difference. In the sampling plot a concentration of 90Sr in Clethrionomus rutilus was 2 times higher than that in Apodemus sylvaticus. Maximum destructive changes in endocrine and exocrine (seminiferous tubules) section of testis and increased proliferation activity of spermatogenous epithelium were observed in Clethrionomus rutilus.Increased proliferation activity was found as a compensatory-protective reaction which promote the maintenance of the germ cell number. Such changes were not observed in Apodemus sylvaticus.  相似文献   

Massive releases of fission products from the plutonium facility Mayak (Southern Urals, Russia) resulted in the contamination of the Techa river and its floodlands (1949–1956). The results of long-term studies of exposure populations have been used for different purposes of retrospective dosimetry. The riverside residents were exposed via various pathways and their progeny were exposed in utero both to external radiation and to internal radiation from radionuclides ingested by the mothers prior to conception and during pregnancy. Fetal doses due to 90Sr from the maternal skeleton were estimated and compared with doses from other pathways. Individual red bone marrow (RBM) doses to the late fetuses were calculated on the basis of 90Sr contents measured in the maternal skeleton and the 90Sr transfer coefficients (TC) to the fetal skeleton were determined on the basis of the Techa river data. Two values of TC were assumed depending on the mothers’ maturation status in the period of maximum releases: TC=0.2 for group 1 (adulthood of mothers in 1950) and TC=0.02 for group 2 (mothers not yet in menarche age in 1950). Fetal doses in both groups that resulted from the different TC values varied by a factor of about 5–8. Furthermore, the fetal RBM doses due to 90Sr from the maternal skeleton were found to depend on the distances from the site of release and the time after major 90Sr intake. The average fetal RBM doses in the population of the upper, middle and lower Techa riverside regions were close to the ratio 3:2:1 and 20 years after the onset of contamination, the fetal doses have decreased by a factor of about 3–5. The distance from the site of release determined the relative contribution of different pathways to the fetal dose. For the settlements that are located closest to the site of release, the external exposure was of major concern up to the date of evacuation. For the non-evacuated settlements, the contribution of internal doses was higher and after 1956, external exposure is assumed to be negligible. From 1956 on, 90Sr that has been transferred from the maternal skeleton was practically the single source of in utero exposure. Received: 8 December 2000 / Accepted: 1 July 2001  相似文献   

Beginning in 1950, people living on the banks of the Techa River received chronic low-dose-rate internal and external radiation exposures as a result of releases from the Mayak nuclear weapons plutonium production facility in the Southern Urals region of the Russian Federation. The Techa River cohort includes about 30,000 people who resided in riverside villages sometime between 1950 and 1960. Cumulative red bone marrow doses range up to 2 Gy with a mean of 0.3 Gy and a median of 0.2 Gy. Between 1953 and 2005, 93 first primary cases of leukemia, including 23 cases of chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL), were ascertained among the cohort members. A significant linear dose–response relationship was seen for leukemias other than CLL (P < 0.001), but not for CLL. The estimated excess relative risk per Gy is 4.9 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.6; 14.3) for leukemias other than CLL and less than 0 (95% upper bound 1.4) for CLL.  相似文献   

Research on populations from radioactively contaminated areas around Chornobyl has produced ambiguous results for the presence of radiation effects. More studies are needed to provide information on whether radiation exposure at Chornobyl significantly affected genetic diversity in natural populations of various taxa. Eleven and nine variable microsatellite loci were used to test for differences in genetic diversity between reference and Chornobyl populations of two cattail species (Typha angustifolia and Typha latifolia, respectively) from Ukraine. Our purpose was to determine whether radiation had a significant impact on genetic diversities of the Chornobyl Typha populations, or if their genetic composition might be better explained by species demography and/or changes in population dynamics, mainly in sexual and asexual reproduction. Populations closest to the reactor had increased genetic diversities and high number of genets, which likely were due to factors other than radiation including increased gene flow among Chornobyl populations, enhanced sexual reproduction within populations, and/or origin of the genets from seed bank. Both Typha species also demonstrated small but significant effects associated with latitude, geographical regions, and watersheds. Typha's demography in Ukraine possibly varies with these three factors, and the small difference between Chornobyl and reference populations of T. latifolia detected after partitioning the total genetic variance between them is probably due primarily to these factors. However, the positive correlations of several genetic characteristics with radionuclide concentrations suggest that radiation may have also affected genetics of Chornobyl Typha populations but much less than was expected considering massive contamination of the Chornobyl area.  相似文献   

A decrease in genome size was found in the hemiclonal hybridogenetic frog Rana esculenta (R. ridibunda x R. lessonae) from areas of radioactive contamination that resulted from the Chernobyl fallout. This genome reduction was of up to 4% and correlated with the background level of gamma-radiation (linear regression corresponded on average to -0.4% per doubling of radiation level). No change in genome size was observed in the coexisting parental species R. lessonae. There was no correlation between genome size and body mass in R. esculenta froglets, which have metamorphosed in the year of the study. The hemiclonal forms may become a suitable object for study on biological significance of individual DNA sequences (and of genome size as a whole) because mutant animals with deletions in a specified genome can arise after a low radiation dose. The proneness to genetic damage makes such forms also a prospective bioindicator of radioactive (and possibly other mutagenic) pollution with the effects of genetic damage conveniently and rapidly monitored by DNA flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Germline mutation at eight minisatellite loci has been studied among the irradiated families from the Techa River population and non-exposed families from the rural area of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan Oblasts. The groups were matched by ethnicity, parental age, occupation and smoking habit. A statistically significant 1.7-fold increase in mutation rate was found in the germline of irradiated fathers, whereas maternal germline mutation rate in the exposed families was not elevated. Most of the minisatellite loci showed an elevated paternal mutation rate in the exposed group, indicating a generalised increase in minisatellite germline mutation rate in the Techa River population. These data suggest that the elevated minisatellite mutation rate can be attributed to radioactive exposure. The spectra of paternal mutation seen in the unexposed and exposed families were indistinguishable.  相似文献   

The negative ecological effects of radioactive contamination around Chernobyl have recently been suggested to be moderate and declining because of an increasing number of anecdotal observations of several species of rare animals including predators. However, these claims were not based on empirical evidence. Radionuclides show bio-accumulation with trophic level, and the abundance of birds is depressed in radioactively contaminated areas around Chernobyl. Therefore, we predicted that birds of prey should be less abundant with increasing levels of radiation. Here, we use our long-term field data from 1991 to 2007 in three different analyses based on observations of raptors using standardized point counts, censuses during capture of barn swallows Hirundo rustica that habitually give alarm calls when a raptor is present, and line transects while driving on roads. Analyses suggest that the abundance of birds of prey is reduced in contaminated areas, and that there is evidence of a recent increase in abundance of raptors in less contaminated areas, but not in the most contaminated ones. Our findings suggest that birds of prey that are top level consumers in ecosystems suffer from reduced abundance in radioactively contaminated areas.  相似文献   

The Mayak Production Association released large amounts of 90Sr into the Techa River with peak amounts in 1950-1951. Residents near the Techa River ingested an average of approximately 3,000 kBq of 90Sr. The affected people have been followed by scientists at the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine. The whole-body content of 90Sr of approximately 15,000 individuals has been measured over a period of 24 years (1974-1997) using a special whole-body counter. This report evaluates the gender and age dependences of individual rates of strontium elimination. Data on persons who had been measured 12 or more times were selected for study. There were 108 men and 81 women older than 30 years who met this criterion. Individual measurement results were fitted to an exponential function and grouped mean averages of the rate of strontium elimination as a function of age for each sex were derived. For men, a significant increase (from 2.8% year(-1) to 3.2% year(-1)) in the rate of strontium elimination after age 55 years is seen. For women, the increase in the rate of elimination was significant at age 45 and reached 5.8% year(-1) after the age of 60. The results may be used to develop a gender- and age-dependent model of strontium metabolism.  相似文献   

The unique contamination of the Techa River (Southern Urals, Russia) in the 1950s by long-lived 90Sr allows investigation of the accumulation of bone-seeking elements in humans. This study is based on information compiled at the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine (Chelyabinsk, Russia) over a long period of time. It includes the results of in vivo measurements of 90Sr-body burden with a whole body counter (WBC), data on personal medical examinations and residence and family histories. Data on 185 women from two Techa riverside villages Muslyumovo and Brodokalmak were selected. The settlements differ in terms of 90Sr diet intake (higher in Muslyumovo than in Brodokalmak) and ethnicity (residents were mainly Slavs in Brodokalmak and Turkic in Muslyumovo). Results of a total of 555 WBC measurements performed in 1974–1997 were available for the women studied; maximum measured values reached 40 kBq/body. The women from each settlement were subdivided into three groups according to their childbearing history: pregnancy and lactation occurred (1) during the period of maximal 90Sr intake (1950–1951); (2) after the period of maximal intake and (3) before this period or women who were childless. An increase was found in accumulation of 90Sr in maternal skeleton during pregnancy and lactation (group 1) by a factor of 1.5–2 in comparison with non-pregnant, non-lactating women. This result was found in both Muslyumovo and Brodokalmak samples. An increase in accumulation of toxic elements in pregnant/lactating women is associated with increased radiation/toxic doses and risk for the women’s health.  相似文献   

Geras’kin  S. A.  Vanina  J. C.  Dikarev  V. G.  Novikova  T. A.  Oudalova  A. A.  Spiridonov  S. I. 《Biophysics》2010,55(2):324-331
The method of isozyme analysis of megagametophytes is used to estimate the genetic variability in Scotch pine populations (Pinus sylvestris L.) of the Bryansk Region sites with contrasting levels of radioactive contamination (soil 137Cs, 60 to 17 800 Bq/kg) resulting from the Chernobyl accident. All indices of genetic variability (heterozygosity, frequency of polymorphic loci, Zhivotovskii index) and frequencies of loss-of-function enzyme mutations increase with the dose absorbed by plant generative organs. The data show that high mutability is intrinsic for seeds of these pine trees, and genetic diversity in the populations is essentially conditioned by radiation exposure.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyze the mortality from circulatory diseases for about 30,000 members of the Techa River cohort over the period 1950–2003, and to investigate how these rates depend on radiation doses. This population received both external and internal exposures from 90Sr, 89Sr, 137Cs, and other uranium fission products as a result of waterborne releases from the Mayak nuclear facility in the Southern Urals region of the Russian Federation. The analysis included individualized estimates of the total (external plus internal) absorbed dose in muscle calculated based on the Techa River Dosimetry System 2009. The cohort-average dose to muscle tissue was 35 mGy, and the maximum dose was 510 mGy. Between 1950 and 2003, 7,595 deaths from circulatory diseases were registered among cohort members with 901,563 person years at risk. Mortality rates in the cohort were analyzed using a simple parametric excess relative risk (ERR) model. For all circulatory diseases, the estimated excess relative risk per 100 mGy with a 15-year lag period was 3.6 % with a 95 % confidence interval of 0.2–7.5 %, and for ischemic heart disease it was 5.6 % with a 95 % confidence interval of 0.1–11.9 %. A linear ERR model provided the best fit. Analyses with a lag period shorter than 15 years from the beginning of exposure did not reveal any significant risk of mortality from either all circulatory diseases or ischemic heart disease. There was no evidence of an increased mortality risk from cerebrovascular disease (p > 0.5). These results should be regarded as preliminary, since they will be updated after adjustment for smoking and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

In the 1950s many thousands of people living in rural villages on the Techa River received protracted internal and external exposures to ionizing radiation from the release of radioactive material from the Mayak plutonium production complex. The Extended Techa River Cohort includes 29,873 people born before 1950 who lived near the river sometime between 1950 and 1960. Vital status and cause of death are known for most cohort members. Individualized dose estimates have been computed using the Techa River Dosimetry System 2000. The analyses provide strong evidence of long-term carcinogenic effects of protracted low-dose-rate exposures; however, the risk estimates must be interpreted with caution because of uncertainties in the dose estimates. We provide preliminary radiation risk estimates for cancer mortality based on 1,842 solid cancer deaths (excluding bone cancer) and 61 deaths from leukemia. The excess relative risk per gray for solid cancer is 0.92 (95% CI 0.2; 1.7), while those for leukemia, including and excluding chronic lymphocytic leukemia, are 4.2 (CI 95% 1.2; 13) and 6.5 (CI 95% 1.8; 24), respectively. It is estimated that about 2.5% of the solid cancer deaths and 63% of the leukemia deaths are associated with the radiation exposure.  相似文献   

The ecotoxicological properties of sediments from reservoir R-11 of the Techa River cascade are studied in comparison to the Shershni reservoir. Radiochemical analysis of sediment and water samples from R-11 show that the radioactivity of the sediments ranges from 240 to 360 kBq/dm3 dry weight for 90Sr and from 10 to 161 kBq/dm3 dry weight for 137Cs. The absorbed doses for Oligochaeta from R-11 are calculated on the basis of radiochemical data. The hydrobiological studies include (1) study of the population density and diversity of Oligochaeta species in the reservoirs and (2) laboratory bioassay of sediments with Tubifex tubifex as a biomonitor species. The results indicate that the Oligochaeta population density in R-11 is less than in the Shershni reservoir. No significant effects of the absorbed dose rate on population density, survival rate, or fertility are found in a laboratory Tubificidae bioassay of R-11 sediments. However, a decrease in fertility is noted in experiments at a higher absorbed dose.  相似文献   

Eldon B  Wakeley J 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1517-1532
Correlations in coalescence times between two loci are derived under selectively neutral population models in which the offspring of an individual can number on the order of the population size. The correlations depend on the rates of recombination and random drift and are shown to be functions of the parameters controlling the size and frequency of these large reproduction events. Since a prediction of linkage disequilibrium can be written in terms of correlations in coalescence times, it follows that the prediction of linkage disequilibrium is a function not only of the rate of recombination but also of the reproduction parameters. Low linkage disequilibrium is predicted if the offspring of a single individual frequently replace almost the entire population. However, high linkage disequilibrium can be predicted if the offspring of a single individual replace an intermediate fraction of the population. In some cases the model reproduces the standard Wright-Fisher predictions. Contrary to common intuition, high linkage disequilibrium can be predicted despite frequent recombination, and low linkage disequilibrium under infrequent recombination. Simulations support the analytical results but show that the variance of linkage disequilibrium is very large.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a feasibility cytogenetic study using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) translocation assay for residents of villages located on the Techa River (Southern Urals, Russia) contaminated with liquid radioactive wastes from the Mayak plutonium facility in 1949-1956. The study was conducted with two groups of donors that differed in their main pathways of exposure. The first group comprised 18 residents of the middle Techa region who were exposed predominantly from ingestion of radionuclides (mostly (89,90)Sr) via the river water and local foodstuffs. The second group included 20 residents of Metlino, the closest village to the site of releases, who were exposed to external γ radiation from the contaminated river bank and exposed internally from dietary intake of radionuclides. A significant linear dependence between the radiation-induced translocation frequency and individual red bone marrow dose from incorporated (89,90)Sr, calculated with the Techa River Dosimetry System (TRDS), was found in the first group of donors. This allowed us to take the contribution of (89,90)Sr to the total radiation-induced translocation frequency into account for the second group of donors and to analyze translocations resulting from external γ-ray exposure. Individual doses from external exposure derived from the corrected translocation frequency for the second group of donors (Metlino residents), using a linear dose-response coefficient of 0.015 translocation/cell/Gy recommended by Edwards et al. in 2005, were shown to vary up to 2.1 Gy, with an average value of 0.48 Gy, which was in agreement with TRDS-based external dose estimates for Metlino residents.  相似文献   

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